6764872 Ellie's Friend Comments

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Stark Raven Book Recs & Reads Thanks for accepting my friend request, greetings from Nova Scotia Canada :)

message 4: by Ellie

Ellie Hunter Donna wrote: "Ellie wrote: "Donna wrote: "Hi Ellie, just giving you a heads up. I have been waiting for book 2 in the Lost Souls series and saw on GR that it was out 1/6/14. I went on Amazon.co.uk and typed Bike..."

Hey, I'm so happy you liked Biker Faith!! You'll be happy to know that Book 3 ~ Biker Bound ~ will be Slade's story :)

message 3: by Donna

Donna Sweeney Ellie wrote: "Donna wrote: "Hi Ellie, just giving you a heads up. I have been waiting for book 2 in the Lost Souls series and saw on GR that it was out 1/6/14. I went on Amazon.co.uk and typed Biker Bait in, the..."

Hi Ellie, finished it yesterday.....damn girl these MC's are hunks of heartbreak !!. Sparky was just swoonworthy !!. Wish he would have resisted Jilly's sluttness when he was pining for Bonnie.
Glad him and Bon got their HEA though ;0). She bloody deserved it.
I really hope you will write more in the series, I would love to read about Slade and Pope......Green eye'd, brown hair chicks work if you need any ideas on a heroine for either of those dream guys !!!
Later Donna xx
5 Stars from me !!

message 2: by Ellie

Ellie Hunter Donna wrote: "Hi Ellie, just giving you a heads up. I have been waiting for book 2 in the Lost Souls series and saw on GR that it was out 1/6/14. I went on Amazon.co.uk and typed Biker Bait in, then used your na..."

Hi Donna, thank you for the heads up. I am now looking into it :) Hope you're enjoying Biker Faith xx

message 1: by Donna

Donna Sweeney Hi Ellie, just giving you a heads up. I have been waiting for book 2 in the Lost Souls series and saw on GR that it was out 1/6/14. I went on Amazon.co.uk and typed Biker Bait in, then used your name to search for more of your books. Hope you are getting me so far. Well only 2 books came up for you - Biker Bait and Incurable Hearts.
I am just letting you know that your fans can buy book 2 using the link to Amazon.co.uk from GR, but if you search seperatly nothing ?!!!
I dont know who your agent is but they might need to have a word with Amazon, as you are potentially missing out on sales. Its only because I am devoute ;0) that I would not let it beat me....I NEEDED book 2 !!!.
Take it easy, I'm off to read now :0) LOL Donna x

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