Jeff Jellets

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Courtney M. Privett
“Misunderstood twins run away from weddings. Malevolent twins shoot the groom.”
Courtney M. Privett, Mayfly Requiem

Stephen Hunt
“You want to meet your gods, you filthy cockroaches? Tell the evil sods that Molly Templar says hello when you see them.”
Stephen Hunt, The Court of the Air

James Herbert
“To be haunted is to glimpse a truth that might best be hidden.”
James Herbert, Haunted

Henry Ward Beecher
“Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?”
Henry Ward Beecherr

Fritz Leiber
“Girls are for dessert.”
Fritz Leiber
tags: girls

4862 Books on the Nightstand — 6102 members — last activity Dec 04, 2024 05:18PM
A group to discuss books and topics mentioned on Books on the Nightstand, a blog and podcast about books and reading.
967 Apocalypse Whenever — 13527 members — last activity 10 hours, 57 min ago
The most active group for apocalyptic and dystopian stories! Join a monthly book discussion, get recommendations, or just tell us if you like canned p ...more
7521 Horror Leisure Book Club! — 443 members — last activity Apr 09, 2022 11:50PM
These are for all the readers who love reading leisure books published by Dorchester Publishing Company. Here's a list of some of the authors we discu ...more
1156233 Scott Kimak's Dungeons, Dragons, Spaceships, and Anything Inbetween — 517 members — last activity Nov 18, 2024 08:58AM
A friendly group that talks about anything dealing with Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror.
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