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Book cover for Release (Release #1)
So yeah. I was pissed off at Ramsey Stewart with the fiery passion of a woman who had spent over a decade trapped in hell. But as he dropped his bag, turned on a toe, and tried to get back inside the gates, I finally got to say the words ...more
Kylie Scott
“What’s under here?” He toyed with the hem of my shirt.
“You’ve forgotten already?”
He dragged my T-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. “Oh, breasts. Best present ever. Thanks, pumpkin.”
Kylie Scott, Play

Kylie Scott
“David had apparently been busy writing more songs about the glory of doing his wife.
Ah, true love and stuff.”
Kylie Scott, Play

Kylie Scott
“Ah, man,” he sighed, shaking his head slowly, mournfully. “I’m not sure I can stick my dick in a woman who doesn’t even know who John Bonham is.”
“‘Stick your dick in’?” I asked, my brows probably touching. “Did you actually just say that?”
“Make love. I meant make love … of course. I would never just stick my dick in you. I would make mad, passionate love to this sweet, sweet body of yours for days, no, weeks. It would be beautiful, pumpkin. There’d be little angels, and birdies, and you know … all just hanging around, watching. Perverts.”
Kylie Scott, Play

Kylie Scott
“You have to understand, before now, I hadn’t been entirely certain Reece even realized I was female. Yet here he was, edging toward me as if I was territory to be protected. Something Mal didn’t intend to allow if his side-stepping maneuver meant anything. It was like some strange animalistic caveman dance, the two of them slowly hemming me in. Amusing in a way.
The first male to pee on me, however, would pay with his balls.”
Kylie Scott, Play

T.M. Frazier
“The connection between us is tangible. A magnet pulling two people together from opposite sides of town.
White trash Romeo and Juliet.”
T.M. Frazier, Perversion

104716 Perusing Princesses — 250 members — last activity Nov 14, 2016 08:09PM
We still love fairytales, they are just a bit dirtier now...
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