Michael Donahoe

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Book cover for Wilderness Cry: A Scientific And Philosophical Approach To Understanding God And The Universe
The constant and unrelenting accumulation of wealth by the church under the guise of making God happy is shameful. The un-abashed hypocrisy of constantly pleading for God to do something for the poor, the homeless and the starving, all the ...more
“the function of the Spirit is to lead us into all truth. Now, truth is a Person and that Person is Jesus. Thus, at a deeper level, the Advocate works both in and for us, bringing us into recognition of our essential Christ-union.”
Paul Anderson-Walsh, Grace for Grown Ups: Until Christ is Formed book two

“I have even heard some evangelicals say that we are saved by grace, but that we need the law to keep us walking in obedience. There is so much confusion and mixture on this topic. Paul said it plainly. The old covenant, and everything about it, is annulled, abolished.”
Stephen Crosby, The New Testament Prophet: Understanding the Mind, Temperament, and Calling

Gregory A. Boyd
“Jesus never allowed himself to be defined by the political conflicts of his day, and neither should we.”
Gregory A. Boyd, The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church

“Our relationships with one another are the canvas upon which our relationship with God is put on display. We know we have passed from death to life because we love the brotherhood, [38] not because we are scrupulous about observing the Sabbath and keeping the feasts. Our love of the brotherhood is the proof of our love for God, not the lists of things that we so often accept as the standard for holiness.”
Stephen Crosby, The New Testament Prophet: Understanding the Mind, Temperament, and Calling

“when we trust in God’s gift of grace through Christ and believe in His forgiveness and justification, we are accounted righteous as though sin did not exist in us.”
Eddie Snipes, The Revelation of Grace: Founded Upon Grace Series: Book 1

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