2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,218,817
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Nila has read 704 of 700 books in 2020.
  • The Little Cottage in Lantern Square by Helen Rolfe
  • All Your Little Lies by Marianne Holmes
  • What My Sister Knew by Nina Laurin
  • She Lies Alone by Laura    Wolfe
  • Lemon Bars & Murder by Lori Woods
  • Life After You by Siân O'Gorman
  • Peanut Butter Fudge & Murder by Lori Woods
  • You and Me by Nicola Rayner
  • The Perfect Sister by Zoë   Miller
  • The Lake House by Christie Barlow
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck.

message 2: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Andrea wrote: "Good luck."
Thank you so much
Happy 2020

message 3: by Frankie (new)

Frankie Good luck, I know you will smash it!

message 4: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Frankie wrote: "Good luck, I know you will smash it!"
Thank you... I hope so..

message 5: by Rasika (new)

Rasika Mahabal 400!!! Wow!!!

message 6: by Nila (last edited Jan 01, 2020 02:25PM) (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Rasika wrote: "400!!! Wow!!!"

Thank you. Just completed 700 in 2019, so hoping to take it slow this year.
Happy New Year ❤️

message 7: by Sourojit (new)

Sourojit Das 400 is a truly gargantuan feat..though you did complete 700 last year..all the best..may your Herculean efforts inspire many more

message 8: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Sourojit wrote: "400 is a truly gargantuan feat..though you did complete 700 last year..all the best..may your Herculean efforts inspire many more"
Thank you so much. I hope so too
Happy New Year

message 9: by James (new)

James Happy New Year! I wish you tons of luck on the reading challenge. Cheers to excellent reads...

message 10: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) James wrote: "Happy New Year! I wish you tons of luck on the reading challenge. Cheers to excellent reads..."
Thank you 💞 why can't I see yours?

message 11: by Nursebookie (new)

Nursebookie Yay to 400!!! Are you planning to read more of a certain genre this year??

message 12: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Nursebookie wrote: "Yay to 400!!! Are you planning to read more of a certain genre this year??"
Basically any book I can get my hands on. But I would prefer psychological thrillers and murder mystery more.
What about you?

message 13: by James (new)

James Shalini wrote: "James wrote: "Happy New Year! I wish you tons of luck on the reading challenge. Cheers to excellent reads..."
Thank you 💞 why can't I see yours?"

You can now!

message 15: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) BAM wrote: "Good luck 🍀"
Thank you

message 16: by Parsa (new)

Parsa Wow that’s some super goal 😍

message 17: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Paras wrote: "Wow that’s some super goal 😍"

Thank you so much. The goal is 710. Keeping my fingers crossed.

message 18: by Stanley (new)

Stanley McShane good grief. very ambitious but i know you can do it!

message 19: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Stanley wrote: "good grief. very ambitious but i know you can do it!"

I hope so too. My reading has gone down. Fingers crossed

message 20: by Stanley (new)

Stanley McShane i hear yah. had to have help or end up with no more than maybe 2 posts a week. i'm just not a fast reader.

message 21: by Namrata (new)

Namrata Ganti Congratulations and great job!

message 22: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Namrata wrote: "Congratulations and great job!"

Thank you. It was race at the end. ❤️

message 23: by Ganesh (new)

Ganesh Dharmadhikaree Many many Congratulations - read-buddy.

message 24: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Ganesh wrote: "Many many Congratulations - read-buddy."

Thank you, thank you so much ❤️

message 25: by Ganesh (new)

Ganesh Dharmadhikaree @shalini You can add song of Ice and Fire in your list. I finished the first book Game of thrones.

message 26: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Ganesh wrote: "@shalini You can add song of Ice and Fire in your list. I finished the first book Game of thrones.


DONE. That goes in my wishlist

message 27: by Stanley (new)

Stanley McShane congratulations, Shalini! that's an amazing feat!

message 28: by Nila (new)

Nila (digitalcreativepages) Stanley wrote: "congratulations, Shalini! that's an amazing feat!"

Woohoo thank you so much.

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More like Nila (digitalcreativepages)'s 2020 books

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  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • Beyond Good & Evil (Victor Loshak #1)
  • Silent Night (Victor Loshak #3)
  • The Wife
  • A Summer House on Arran (Scottish Romances #3)
  • The Guest Bedroom (Standalone Psychological Thrillers)
  • A Christmas Wish on Arran (Scottish Romances #4)