Deep Blue Trailer

Author: Jennifer Donnelly
Book: Deep Blue

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Trailer/author interview for Deep Blue, Book 1 of the Waterfire Series, published May 6, 2014 by Disney/Hyperion.

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11

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message 1: by Rhea

Rhea Good for a book trailer, but still really awkward-looking.

message 2: by Minh

Minh Ahhhaa, the first part seems good, but the CGI people made things less realistic.

Stevie Black The latest version of the video was released today on YouTube.

Miss Mila Odd Books I swear I kept waiting for Sebastian, the crab, to start singing... lol
Seriously now, can't wait to read this book, and the author looks adorable!! I'm hooked! :)

message 5: by Anna

Anna Sobczak Omg, Great Video, I love the mystery music! :D

Katherine Petzold This video is such a good introduction to Deepblue.

Alicia Marie I truly disliked the animation which brought it to an awkward stance as well as a cliche novel. I am just starting to read this book, so I hope the trailer does not fit in with the plot and word building, the School for Good and Evil's trailer was better than this, WAY BETTER. Also the music made me cringe when it showed the title of the first book, terrible. But I did enjoy the drawing from Disney, I love how they support their author's with marvelous drawings and details. Do they have control over their author's book setting and character analyzation?

message 8: by Emily

Emily Lawrence i love mermaids

message 9: by Emily

Emily Lawrence i am 13yrs old and i love J.B

message 10: by Kiri

Kiri Harress o my god!! i love it. when will the movie be released??

message 11: by Kiri

Kiri Harress Emily wrote: "i love mermaids"
#so do i!!!

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