Ask the Author: Embassie Susberry

“Ask me a question.” Embassie Susberry

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Embassie Susberry I write. I'll skip whatever is supposed to happen next in that chapter and move to the next one and hope I can tie the two in together.
Embassie Susberry Knowing someone was entertained and blessed.
Embassie Susberry I'm not so sure I consider myself a writer....yet. But for what it's worth, I will give you the usual two pence: read a lot and write. But don't read passively, study the craft. Why this scene? Why this person? How did they get me from that room to the next room?
Embassie Susberry Right now I have a novel called Unfailing Love with my editor. It's about the role of an undercover FBI agent in the south during the 1960s. The writing is fairly different than my previous novel, mostly because I've changed a bit as a writer since writing Eyes of the Heart almost seven years ago (hopefully it's good!).
But right now, I'm working on a currently untitled book about an investigative journalist in the year 1919 who was black but would pass for white to solve mysteries in the south.
Embassie Susberry We didn't have cable growing up, so I looked forward to my Saturday morning shows. One show I would watch in particular was Saved by the Bell. Every time the show ended I would start thinking of different ways things could have happened, and at night I would tell myself stories (in my head) of different scenarios until I fell asleep. Then I received the book Amelia's Notebook and I LOVED it. I read and reread it all the time until finally I decided I needed to have my own notebook. It was my first foray into writing. I can't say that it was any good, but after that I was always jotting down things. So, in conclusion, things (books, TV shows, movies, music) inspire me and I've learned to write it down.
Embassie Susberry Two reasons: When I was a kid, I read the children's book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, and just fell in love with the story. If you read that series, you will notice this small but important friendship between Cassie Logan and Jeremy. The two of them were connected on so many levels and after having read the series several times, I became convinced that if race hadn't been a factor, they would have married and lived happily ever after. So this is my tribute to that story.
The other reason was that I took a class in college where we watched the Eyes on the Prize videos, and all I could ask myself afterward was would I do it? Would I?
I combined these two sentiments and came up with The Eyes of the Heart.

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