Ask the Author: Sophia Elaine Hanson

“Ask me a question.” Sophia Elaine Hanson

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Sophia Elaine Hanson Hi,

Definitely! The Vinyl Trilogy is a young adult urban fantasy/dystopian series. The main character is nineteen and I was nineteen when I published the first book (Vinyl).

As far as tips, I actually just wrote up a long blog post with some information on the advantages and disadvantages of indie publishing. Here's a link! https://mayyourbooksguideyouhome.word...

Sophia Elaine Hanson Sorry it took me a bit to reply! TVT actually originated as a short story. When I reached the end of it, I realized it felt incomplete, so I just kept going. The question I wanted to answer when I got the idea was "what if music was weaponized?" It unfolded from there.

Usually when I get a short burst of writer's block, I simply back away from the manuscript and take a break. Watch an episode of The Office, take a nap, exercise, read...whatever works. Usually by the time I'm done with that, I'm ready to dive back in to the story!
Sophia Elaine Hanson Probably the Wizarding World, honestly. Definitely not to my own world because it's bloody miserable.
Sophia Elaine Hanson United As One, The Heart of Betrayal, Empire of Storms, This Savage Song, Orphan Train, To Stay Alive...
Sophia Elaine Hanson Yes! Radio: Book Two of the Vinyl Trilogy, is scheduled for release in early 2016!
Sophia Elaine Hanson Yes haha! Sorry! I am always here to answer your questions so don't be shy! Let me know what you think of VINYL if you get around to reading it!
Sophia Elaine Hanson Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question! Will have way more...what? ^.^
Sophia Elaine Hanson Yay! Well I only have one book out right now (Vinyl) but it will be a trilogy. I am currently working on the second book. After that I have an idea for a dark fantasy series in mind, but that is still a few years out at least! I am also a full-time student so I have to balance my time a bit. ^___^
Sophia Elaine Hanson Oh yes! Book two of The Vinyl Trilogy is already in the works. I also have an idea for a fantasy series that is still in it's infancy, but I've gotta finish these guys first. ^___^
Sophia Elaine Hanson VINYL is my second complete novel! I have started and stopped several others.

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