Monjyoti Bhattacharyya

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Monjyoti Bhattacharyya

Goodreads Author

Member Since
July 2014

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A Relentless Pursuit of the...

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A Relentless Pursuit of the...

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Quotes by Monjyoti Bhattacharyya  (?)
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“It's a choice to occasionally let go of the urge to feel good in an instant in favor of the long-term goal of shaping our internal state and character which will eventually translate into a good quality of life.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“My own personality changed drastically in a span of 3-4 years just by changing the environment I was living in and by taking conscious daily actions.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“I should not let any form of inner limitation like self-doubt, fear of failure, worry, anxiety, financial issues, loss of cognitive capacity or loss of will come in the way. I should aggressively push through all of them because there was nothing to be afraid of. The worst thing that could happen was already happening. These things were not at stake; what was at stake was far more serious, complex and fundamental in nature.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“The idea of selfless, fearless and forceful consumption into something with every ounce of my energy, stamina, will and focus was somehow liberating to me.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“Spirituality was my safe haven, and the daily 20 minutes meditation was my private zone where I got lost somewhere deep within myself. But outside of this, I was intense and still battling with myself.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“By not doing what I needed to do over and over again for a long time, by playing small, giving in to momentary impulses, instant gratification, and procrastination and being overly comfortable, I was chipping away one tiny insignificant surrender at a time that eventually stacked up into a force that completely jeopardized my relationship with myself. I had no self-worth left”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“I should not let any form of inner limitation like self-doubt, fear of failure, worry, anxiety, financial issues, loss of cognitive capacity or loss of will come in the way. I should aggressively push through all of them because there was nothing to be afraid of. The worst thing that could happen was already happening. These things were not at stake; what was at stake was far more serious, complex and fundamental in nature.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

“I had to work extremely hard to maintain perspectives during my emotional lows, but in the process I was forced to cultivate grit, persistence, patience.”
Monjyoti Bhattacharyya, A Relentless Pursuit of the Truth - A philosophical guide to living a life of fulfillment and meaning

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