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“What becomes of someone who thinks he has all the power... and what becomes of someone who believes he has none?”
― Palestine
― Palestine
“I chiefly concern myself with those who seldom get a hearing, & I don't feel it is incumbent on me to balance their voices with the well-crafted apologetics of the powerful. The powerful are generally excellently served by the mainstream media or propaganda organs. The powerful should be quoted, yes, but to measure their pronouncements against the truth, not to obscure it.”
― Journalism
― Journalism
“Make no mistake, everywhere you go, not just in Marvel Comics,
there's parallel universes...Here? On the surface streets: traffic, couples in love,
falafel-to-go, tourists in jogging suits licking stamps for postcards... And over the
wall behind closed doors: other things-people strapped to chairs, sleep deprivation,
the smell of piss...other things happening for "reasons of national
― Palestine
there's parallel universes...Here? On the surface streets: traffic, couples in love,
falafel-to-go, tourists in jogging suits licking stamps for postcards... And over the
wall behind closed doors: other things-people strapped to chairs, sleep deprivation,
the smell of piss...other things happening for "reasons of national
― Palestine
“První humanitární konvoj dorazil v srpnu `92 se 46 tunami jídla. (Podle odhadů OSN potřeboval Goražde 35 tun denně.)”
― Safe Area Goražde: The War in Eastern Bosnia, 1992-1995
― Safe Area Goražde: The War in Eastern Bosnia, 1992-1995
“The journalist must strive to find out what is going on and tell it, not neuter the truth in the name of equal time.”
― Journalism
― Journalism
“A journalist who says, 'Well, I pissed off both sides--I must be doing something right,' is probably fooling himself and, worse, he may be fooling the reader. Balance should not be a smokescreen for laziness.”
― Journalism
― Journalism