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Always ready, always deadly. That's the motto of the Atrati - a mercenary organization of black operatives who specialize in doing what no one else can.

A former sergeant in the Marine special forces, Kaden Marks dreams of one day having a family. But he's haunted by the deeds of his past and won't let anyone get close. Then a new mission comes his way. A fellow operative has had her cover blown - and it's up to Kaden's team to bring her out safely. What he doesn't realize is that the beautiful but stubborn Rachel Gannon has no intention of letting herself be rescued.

Rachel will come out only when she can promise adequate protection for her unwitting informant. As a former DEA agent, Rachel still blames herself for her sister's death - and is unwilling to let someone else get hurt because of her. But she hadn't counted on falling for Kaden Marks, and falling hard. Now she must convince him to help her bring down the enemy's entire organization - without risking the life of the man she's come to love.

352 pages, Paperback

First published January 29, 2013

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About the author

Lucy Monroe

640 books1,517 followers
I write spicy romance books that end in an HEA. Contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance…I write it all. The two things my books all have in common is lots of emotion and spice. Last year, I fell in love with a new subgenre: mafia romance. Since I write what I love to read, I started a new standalone series, Syndicate Rules where you’ll meet over the top alpha heroes in the Italian and Greek mafias as well as the Irish mob. There are arranged marriages, forced marriages, enemies to lovers, stalkers, forced proximity and lots of mafia intrigue. Morally gray is my new favorite color.

Follow me on BookBub for alerts on my next release: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lucy-...

I’ve been published a while and most of my 90+ books have hit the Nielson Bookscan bestseller list, a few ended up on the USA Today bestseller list and some even hit national bestseller lists in the UK and Australia. My books have been translated into numerous languages and are for sale in dozens of countries around the world. I’ve won awards and been published with most of the big houses in New York, but my greatest achievement is touching readers’ hearts. When I hear from a reader who got caught up in one of my books, I know I’m doing what I’m meant to do.

I love writing emotionally deep stories with snappy dialogue and solid plots. I’m more grateful than I’ll ever be able to express that so many readers have taken my stories into their hearts and put my books on their reread and keeper shelves.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
1 review
January 27, 2013
Hot, hot hot! Exactly what I expect from a Lucy Monroe book! A strong alpha male character, Kaden, and in this case, an equally strong female character, Rachel. This book contains it all...intrigue, danger, love and complex personal relationships. The main characters are very fleshed out including a complex past history. Lucy fleshes out the supporting characters very well also. All of the elements come together nicely. The story line is complex, believable and fun to read....Lucy did her research! Lucy Monroe is one of my favorite authors and this book does NOT disappoint!
Profile Image for Jess.
1,056 reviews156 followers
January 14, 2013
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads
Blog rating: C+

Young and scared, Kaden broke Rachel’s heart when he broke up with her years earlier when they were both young and in love. Kaden had just started as a Marine sniper and hated what he was doing. He loved fighting for his country, but had a hard time dealing with his missions as a sniper. He didn’t want his job of killing people to impact Rachel in any way and as a scared twenty year old he broke up with her, convinced that she was better off without him in her life.

Rachel only ever wanted to marry Kaden, open up a nursery school and have a family of her own. When Kaden crushed her dreams of their future, she thought she wasn’t good enough and vowed to be a woman that could stand by his side. Gone was her hope of a family and instead she went to school, worked for the DEA and is currently with The Goddard Project, an agency focusing on technology use/misuse centered missions. She’s had to deal with a lot of pain in her life, her parents death, Kaden’s rejection and her only sibling committing suicide. Rachel is alone and has thrown herself into her job and her latest mission has gone horribly wrong, ending up with her capture and torture, which is how the story opens.

Kaden, now working as an Atrati, a private black ops company, heard of Rachel’s capture and is leading his team in to get her. This leads to Kaden and his men staying to work on Rachel’s current case tracking corrupt Egyptian businessmen, but the most important aspect for Rachel is to save a young woman Jamila, who’s caught in a dangerous situation. The suspense plot was a bit confusing. I had a hard figuring out exactly what Rachel was investigating other than corruption and the kidnapping of an autistic savant who was going to be used to create a type of shock wave that could potentially level cities. I found the whole thing to be hard to follow and I was so much more invested in Kaden and Rachel’s personal story, as well as that of two of Kaden’s team members, Wyatt and Neil, two gay men who have a painful past themselves after breaking up for a year. Wyatt is now trying to prove his love to Neil, but it’ll take a lot for Neil to trust him again. Their supporting story really could have (and maybe should have) been turned into their own book. I’d have liked to have gotten more from them, and greater detail about their relationship.

Rachel and Kaden’s romance and reconnecting dominated the story and I enjoyed how their journey played out. They’re two very different people now and while the sparks and love from their past is still there, they really have to get to know each other again. I liked the emotional moments between them, Rachel telling Kaden about her capture and their talks about their past and how they each felt. They certainly have some sexy times, but the emotion between them stood out more to me. I do wonder a bit about Rachel pursuing the career she now has as a way to prove she’s strong enough to be by Kaden’s side. She’s a good agent, but I kept thinking about her reasons for being an agent, which stood out and not in a good way.

There were a few moments that had me frustrated. The biggest coming close to the end, as the final portion to the suspense storyline was gearing up and Jamila needed to be rescued. I wasn’t sure if I was more frustrated with Kaden and his team ignoring Rachel’s gut feeling that something was horribly wrong, especially after Kaden mentioned that her gut feelings had rarely been wrong in the past, or if I was more frustrated that Rachel went off on her own to get Jamila.

That aside, I did enjoy the relationships in this first book of the Atrati series. The suspense didn’t do it for me, but I liked seeing Rachel and Kaden’s journey to find love again together and I’ll come back for more with the second book.
Profile Image for Wolf (Alpha).
916 reviews12 followers
January 28, 2020
I loved this book. I love Rachel and how brave she is. I love how she didn't give in even after they tortured her every day. I love how Kaden comes in and rescues her and gets her out of there. I love how determined Rachel is to get one of the girls out of there and to make sure she is safe. I absolutely loved Spazz and Cowboy and I loved how their relationship got fixed and how they were able to love each other again. I love how Rachel and Kaden work through their issues and form a relationship. Overall this was a great book. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,875 reviews725 followers
February 7, 2013
Sixth and last in the Goddard Project; second in the Atrati. Both are romantic suspense. The primary couple focus is on Rachel Gannon and Kadin Marks. A secondary focus is on Spazz and Cowboy.

My Take
Don't bother picking this one up. I really expected more of Monroe, and she has NOT delivered. This story is so surface with a lot of whiny Sturm und Drang. Even the lame bits are simply dull. I found myself skimming a lot of it just to get it over with.

Full of cutesy clichés with flimsy excuses masquerading as drama to give the story its major plotline. Yawn. Oops, sorry. yawwwwwn. Oops, I just keep doing that. Oh, well, at least it's consistent with Monroe's storyline...yawn.

Jamila's attitude is confusing. When her father's actions are displayed, she acts as though she hasn't a clue and then she turns around and appears to know what's going on. Make up your mind, Monroe.t

I enjoy a good action suspense---with romance thrown in, of course---but I expect there to be at least a modicum of tension and/or drama. Too bad Heatseeker hasn't got it. Oh, sure, there's action in terms of Spazz using his fun toys and the stealth rescue along with the yammering in the safe house. But the whole story is more of an excuse to explore both couples' need to settle past baggage. And only Spazz and Cowboy have any genuine baggage.

The best parts are that Kadin accepts Rachel for who she is now, and he's always accepted who Cowboy and Spazz are.

The Story
Caught where she had no business, Rachel was unable to talk her way out of it and now she's been intimately acquainted with that damned car battery. It's okay. As long as she doesn't reveal her source, Rachel has her death all planned out. Her only regret is not being able to pass her information on.

The Characters
Rachel Gannon is a deep undercover spy with the Goddard Project. Too many disappointments and tragedies in her life have left her ambivalent about her own life, although she is intent on preserving American lives. Linny is the younger sister who committed suicide.

Kadin "Trigger" Marks is in charge of this Atrati mercenary unit that's been assigned to rescue a kidnapped operative. He's also Rachel's long-ago-left love. Neil Kennedy, a.k.a., Spazz, is his second-in-command and a genius with technology. Wyatt "Cowboy" has been in the closet and almost made the worse decision of his life. Doc, the team medic, is Eva, a feisty Latina each of the guys knows not to cross. Maluakeakua, a.k.a., Peace, 'cause he likes to enforce it, makes up the rest of the unit. Their former commander, Roman Chernichenko, has been promoted to a desk job.

Andrew Whitney is the head of the Goddard Project; Beth (she's four months pregnant, but daddy doesn't know) is his daughter married to Ethan Crane, another spy. Jayne is a rather terrifying Amazon sent to take over.

The Abduls take care of the safe house in Marrakech. Ralph Giroux is "one of the autistic savants participating in the Treffert think tank".

Abasi Chuma is an Egyptian financier and trader with a penchant for brutalizing women. Jamila Massri has been betrothed to Chuma by her father, Dr. Massri. Terne Lavigne is also involved, in more ways than one.

The Goddard Project (TGP) is a deep cover, "black ops agency technology watch dog"; very few know of its existence. The Atrati is a black ops, independent mercenary group working for the U.S. government and others when they need to keep the ops off the books or in need of denial.

The Cover
The cover is a refugee from another story as it certainly doesn't fit this one. A man in blue jeans and a white racerback wifebeater stands prepared for anything with his back to us, a gun in one hand, as he looks out over...roiling clouds? a tumultuous surf? Whichever, it still doesn't fit the story here.

The title at least bears a resemblance to a very small part of the story when our protagonist uses a Heatseeker to confirm her suspicions.
Profile Image for Alicia (AtlantiaReads).
285 reviews15 followers
December 31, 2012
This being my first Lucy Monroe book I went in open minded and prepared for a great novel. Not only was this a great book, some of its aspects blew me away. I loved that Rachel was out to prove that she was a strong and independent woman that could handle anything Kadin could handle. Which as a secret government agency agent she has to handle a lot. "Heatseeker" starts off with Rachel being held and tortured by the enemies in morocco, and Kadin coming to rescue a trapped agent. This is also where this story takes off, which was one of the things that really surprised me, within the first chapter there was action, romance, and a life and death situation. Not many authors can build a story from a conflict but Lucy Monroe pulled it off beautifully.

The only negative thing I have to say about "Heatseeker" is at times I found myself getting a little lost or confused with the military abbreviations and jargon, but that is just an understanding that comes with time. Though this isn't exactly negative I did find some of the main conflict to be a little lacking, just a few more descriptive details would have helped me fully understand what was happening with the autistic people being used as weapons.

Another part of this book that I fully enjoyed was the depth Ms. Monroe put into the side characters. Spazz and Cowboy, members of Kadin's team had me from their first encounter. I haven't read much M/M romance but this is exactly what I wish for every time I hear about male male romance. I also loved Jamila, the woman Rachel put her career on the line for. Even though she had been put through a hell of a lot more than most women could handle, she managed to come out of it all on top. Which, this coming from me is saying a lot. For an author's side characters to grab me as much if not more than the main characters, shows a true talent for creating a well rounded and thought out story.

Though This isn't the first novel in this series I didn't have any problem following the story. There were very few mentions of the previous books characters. I'm normally not a fan of military romances because of their tendencies to be slow and a bit dry but in no way do these descriptions fit with Lucy Monroe's novel. "Heatseeker" was a thoroughly entertaining read, with deep characters, hot and sweet sex scenes, and the feeling of a completed romance.
Profile Image for LaFleurBleue.
842 reviews38 followers
December 18, 2013
2.5 rounded down to 2
This is another romantic suspense in which both lead characters (and many secondary as well) are special forces/spy. It takes an excellent writer to make the story, characters and conflict credible in this case, in my opinion, even more than if only one of the lead works in this field as the need for adjustment for both partners is more obvious.
Indeed in this book, both lead characters were stereotyped, made harsh from their difficult experience in life, and to my eyes never managed to become anything close to a real person with real feelings. Therefore I could not make myself care about them. I was also very irritated in the first half of the book when all tentative dialogue between H/h was stopped to afford time for the heroine's throat to heal. How convenient! If they had discussed before page 150, the story would have been very light. There needed to be a secondary story with two gay operatives, as the first one was not sufficient to sustain the book anyway. I rather liked it better than the main one.
Regarding the plot, there was a tentative of building something very mean, very unusual and very bright. But I did not buy it again. Remember the movie Rain Man; that was the basis for the plot. . The villains were mean guys inside and outside, obviously way less intelligent than the good ones. Their behavior did not make a lot of sense regularly.
I cannot recommend this book and was disappointed as it did not have anything of what I had really liked in the previous Goddard Project book I read, which was a deep anchor in normalcy.
348 reviews3 followers
May 28, 2015
read this last year -- actually, didn't finish because i didn't like the book. since LM sent out questions about sales of newest book, thought it would be helpful to review this one to give her some insight. 1) don't mind gay couple as secondary characters, but i don't want to read their dialog about their sex life/romance. 2) disagreed strongly with the idea of "rescuing" a muslim woman from an impending marriage with a "bad guy" because: a) that's interfereing with her religion and her culture, and b) she probably has a very realistic idea of what such a marriage will entail -- that's how she was raised; it's not "our" business to decide what is good or not good for her.
Profile Image for Michelle the Romance Witch.
2,470 reviews73 followers
June 11, 2013
this story was definitely worth the long wait. I enjoyed the blending of TGP and Atrati staff and learning more about both agencies. It was a great love story and a story of second chances made right in several ways. The main couple as well as the secondary romance in this story brought tears to my eyes several times and when it all worked out in the end i felt full of joy and hope in love.
Profile Image for Lady.
56 reviews
January 31, 2013
Hated it, after reading so many good books by lucy i hated this story, he leaves her behind ten years ago, she is soooooooo open to him it's sad, he didn't grovel at all, not one second, I dunno, it was just bad according to my tastes.
3,340 reviews24 followers
August 5, 2017
Kaden Marks and Rachel Gannon... high school sweethearts with their future plotted out... until he joined the Marines, and became a sharpshooter... he feels he cannot contaminate her purity with his dirt, so he breaks it off... She interprets it as non-interest on his part, so joins DEA, with the plan of becoming more interesting... and then her sister commits suicide because of a heartless fiancé, and she feels guilty as she did not see it coming... she goes on to join the Goddard Project as an agent - and she's darn good... except,

story begins with the end of a day of torture by electric shocks... she is protecting a young, innocent, Egyptian woman (who reminds her of her sister) and is rescued by Atrati's team led by Kaden (he insisted being sent in for extraction when he found out it was her)...

and he can't tell her no...

so they continue the investigation, and make plans to bring in the young woman (future agent : )
her father, in cahoots with her arranged fiancé, in cahoots with an Egyptian politician are selling arms and military intel... Rachel gets her out (just as father leaves her with fiancé who has begun to rape her)... and she helps them uncover all of her father's documentation (and dear old dad never figures out she did it as he assumes fiancé killed her)...

and Kaden and Rachel learn to trust and love again... ahh

oh yes... and then we have Neil (tech) and Wyatt (sharp shooter)... ex lovers, broke up when Wyatt (still in closet) gets engaged (he wanted the life his parents envisioned for him)... but he realized he couldn't, left her at the altar, and is back to reclaim Neil... ahhh
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
5 reviews
March 20, 2021
Excellent Read!!

I love Lucy Monroe's spy series. Rachel and Kaden are captivating, along with their colleagues. I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Jane Mercer.
263 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2013
Let me first say I like Lucy Monroe books I have a few of her historicals and have read a couple of her Children of the Moon books and have enjoyed them. So I was delighted to get a copy of Heatseeker as a goodreads giveaway.
This was disappointing the characters act emotionally like a bunch of teenagers.
Kadim and Rachel had been childhood sweethearts Kadim had abandoned her thinking he wasn't good enough for her being a hired killer for the government she was too pure too innocent(PLEASE!) so he dumps her and doesn't even contact her yep.
10 years later after working for ATF Rachel now works for TGP(I must have missed the explanation/description of what this acronym stood for and I had no joy googling it) working undercover she is captured by the bad guys and needs rescueing Kadim and his team working now for the Atrati a mercenary ops who take on jobs others won't.
He rescues her and then there's chapters of emotional drivel and not just from those two. There is a side romance between 2 of Kadim's squad members, Neil and Wyatt. (It's easy to see who's the woman of those two.)
They were an item but broke up two years earlier because Wyatt was in the closet so far he got engaged to please his parents. Now he wants to get back with Neil who such a whiny girl 'Wyatt had made his choices and they had pierced Neil's heart with the power of armour penetrating bullets' apart from the nice metaphor yuk.
I didn't get more than half way through it, apart from the initial rescue and that wasn't exactly thrilling nothing happens really talk talk talk emotional crap and more talk. Maybe there's more action later and less baggage but I gave it longer than I usually do (2 chapters to get my attention) before giving up because I do like Lucy Monroe
In an action romance or similar you know the outcome but you have to care about the characters and all I wanted to do was slap them silly and tell them to grow up.
I've Ready, Willing,and and Able in my to read pile and it's put me off starting them
Profile Image for The Smutty Kitty.
326 reviews44 followers
February 2, 2013
As posted on The Smutty Kitty

3 out of 5 Licks

I just realized this book is loosely connected to a series Lucy has that I have not read. I don't feel like that took away too much from this book. There were a few times when I was wondering if I was supposed to know more about some of these characters, but there was enough background info provided that it didn't really matter. I really liked the premise of the book and wanted to absolutely love it but sadly that just didn't happen. The previous relationship between Kaden and Rachel is sad and although she has clearly had a rough go the last several years she was borderline unlikable. She was whiny and she did have valid reasons for her feelings she went on and on about it and even though she said she was over it she clearly wasn't. Too much of the book was spent with her dwelling on and clinging to the past hurts. Because of that the ending felt a bit rushed to me. The sex was ok. It was described a bit clinically for me. I would have liked to see the author go for it, but it felt like she was trying to be careful not to get too dirty with the descriptions so it came across feeling a bit cold. There were a few political references that I don't feel added to the book. I felt more like the author was trying to share her political views rather than add to the story line. That is just my personal feeling. Politics makes me very uncomfortable and I tend to shy away from it.

There is a second minor story line between Neil and Wyatt. I also found that the switch between team nicknames and real names went back and forth a lot instead of being consistent. All that said I liked the book but it wasn't something that I just couldn't put down. The idea is interesting and the feeling is there but a bit hidden. I would be interested in reading the previous books and seeing if they help bring a better understanding to this one and round out the series.
Profile Image for A Voracious Reader (a.k.a. Carol).
2,098 reviews1 follower
December 21, 2013

*Book source ~ Many thanks to Kensington for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Rachel Gannon is a former DEA agent now working for the Goddard Project. While undercover in Egypt she is captured and tortured. Before she breaks though she is rescued by a team sent by Atrati, a covert ops group that is used by governments to do what can’t be done through standard channels. The leader of the group turns out to be Rachel’s first and only love, Kaden Marks. Now, Rachel not only has to deal with the aftermath of her torture, try to finish her mission and protect her unknowing informant, she has to deal with her past and the man who betrayed her.

I’ve enjoyed the Goddard Project books and this was no exception. Though it lags a bit in the middle it’s still a pretty decent spy story. Rachel is a tough one and I can see why she has lived her life the way she has. Kaden is an idiot though. I didn’t have much respect for him or how he treated Rachel. Granted they were young, but still…

Anyway, this type of storyline isn’t my favorite. I’m not a fan of the H/h who have had a prior relationship. And not only are Rachel and Kaden former loves, but a side story has two team members in a prior relationship. So I was double whammied in this book. Also, I’m not sure if it was because of this idiosyncrasy of mine or not, but I couldn’t really connect with the characters. The plot is decent, the dialogue is good and the characters are fine, so maybe it was just me. If you’ve read the other Goddard books and enjoyed them then you probably won’t have a problem with this one.
Profile Image for Jen.
Author 11 books436 followers
August 9, 2013
As I've been saying, I'm on a romance kick, and although the half-naked man on the front of a book is not what appeals to me in a cover (seriously!), I've learned that it does tend to -- annoyingly -- signify what I'm interested in reading at the moment, so I picked this one up. (It didn't hurt that military/special ops is also something that I'm interested in, as many who know me know well.) I have to be honest: it was not at all what I expected. In a good way.

I *loved* that the heroine was truly that -- a heroine. Her motivation and strength were among the best parts of the book. Other things I loved: the hero (and that he wasn't afraid to show his weakness), the team (the way they interacted, supported each other, worked together), and, in particular, the development of the relationship between the main romantic pair. What I didn't like quite as much: the secondary romantic pair (not the pair itself -- that was actually both surprising and refreshing -- but the interactions in the beginning; I just had a hard time buying it) and the ending. Well, not so much the ending, but the all-of-a-sudden-we're-done type wrap up.

However, as I go through this, I have to say that the positives were much more so than the negatives and I will definitely be looking for this author again. (Actually, in writing this review, I realize that I liked it enough that I'm upping it by half a star over what I originally rated it. 4 stars it is!)
Profile Image for My Book Addiction and More MBA.
1,958 reviews69 followers
October 7, 2013
HEATSEEKER by Lucy Monroe is an interesting Contemporary Romance. #6 in the "Goddard Project". This was my first in this series, and I did not find it hard to keep up with or follow. "Always ready,always deadly" is the Atrati motto. They are a mercenary Black Operatives group who specializes in doing things others can not...

"Heatseeker" is Rachel Gannon,a former DEA agent and Kadin Marks,a former Marine Sergeant's story. It is a rather fast paced story with plenty of action, suspense, and passion. Rachel blames herself for the death of her sister,and she does not want to be rescued,she wants to bring down an organization she also blames for her sister's death. But at what cost? Her cover has been blown. Kadin's mission is to get Rachel out alive,but what he doesn't know or was not informed is that Rachel doesn't want out..not yet.

Can love help to mend both Kadin and Rachel? Both have deep wounds and dark pasts. An interesting read! Received for an honest review from the publisher.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR, Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More

Profile Image for Patti P.
156 reviews15 followers
April 29, 2013
I received this book from GoodReads through one of the giveaways. I did enjoy it but it was not a book I was crazy about. I picked it up and put it down a few times before I finally made the commitment to finish it. I can't say if that is because I started in the middle of the series or not but I have read other books by Lucy Monroe that had me hooked from the beginning. This one took me a bit longer. I cared more about the secondary characters than the main characters. They seemed to be the ones growing and developing. By the middle of the book I started to get more interested but I never really felt sucked in. I will start the series from the beginning and maybe then it may change my perspective. Perhaps these characters appear earlier and that is where connections are made and I have missed that build up. If so I will definitely make changes to my review at that time.
Profile Image for Deanna.
2,680 reviews64 followers
June 24, 2013
This is not my favorite of the series. I felt the plot was missing some life. It kept switching goals. Rachel was tortured but seemed to suffer no ill effects. Kadin and Rachel just did not hit all the sparkplugs to bring their relationship to life. The ending just flew by seemingly as an afterthought. I love a good hot cover, but this cover did not seem to go with the story.

What was great about this book was Spazz and Cowboy. They were hot. I read to get to their parts of the story. I wish their relationship problems and heat were an even bigger part of this book. They should have been primary with Kadin and Rachel the secondary story. They are why I gave three stars.
Profile Image for Klaudyna Z..
510 reviews10 followers
October 10, 2014
I was really looking forward to this book but it was a terrible disappointment. First of all, I didn't connect with a single character and that made it hard to focus and actually care about what happened to any of them. Second of all, the book was hard to keep focus on because of all the technical special agent jargon that I was not familiar with. Again, it was nothing that I could connect with so it just was of no interest to me. Finally, the ending just seemed to easy and I was hoping for some kind of exciting climax, which didn't come. This one just really didn't do it for me.
Profile Image for Cindy.
1,790 reviews14 followers
January 25, 2015
Contemporary action/romance with sex - no condom, but birth control is used. #6 in the Goddard Project series.

This is Kaden & Rachel's story. Of course they have a history. I'm not fond of the "separated for 10 years" trope. They have some issues to deal with before the HEA.
There's a side story with Neil (Spaz) & Wyatt (cowboy), who have also been separated by stupidity.
The case is better than "Deal With This" & the resolution has a bit more excitement.
A solid effort from LM.
Profile Image for Hope Frost.
811 reviews8 followers
April 30, 2013
I am kind of on the fence about this one. I liked the story line, but I do NOT think it was worth almost $10 even in the ebook. I thought the RS was ok, and the characters were ok but I wasn't wowed at all. Even the story line between Cowboy and Spazz was just kind of ok. Not sure another in this series is in my future, especially at that price.
Profile Image for Briana.
162 reviews
July 31, 2013
Probably closer to a 3.5 but I just couldn't give it the full 4. Loved Rachel's character. The complexity of who she was, her weakness and her strength was just awesome. Enjoyed Kadin too. This wasn't a story where the hero was left undeveloped. I could've done without the drama between Cowboy and Spazz though, just seemed a little unnecessary. Overall, good story.
109 reviews
February 2, 2013
I wanted this to be so much better than I thought it actually was. After waiting so long for its release, I guess I expected more. I didn't really think the suspense was quite there. Yes, there were some steamy scenes, but overall, I don't think it was her best work.
Profile Image for Tammie.
54 reviews
February 28, 2013
This is not one of my favorites from Lucy Monroe. It seemed rather thrown together. As far as all books it is good but it is not up to my Lucy Monroe standard. She has written books so much better than this.
Profile Image for Jill.
180 reviews
February 20, 2013
A female secret agent is rescued by her old boyfriend, reigniting their romance. The adventure part of the story was decent enough, but not well developed with preference given to sex scenes, including some between two men.

This book contains homosexuality, sexual descriptions, and swearing.
Profile Image for Evelyn Bryant.
189 reviews5 followers
March 18, 2013
Typical of the genre but some how lacking. Story somehow contrived. Kadin was interesting but Rachel was just tiresome. Lost interest in what was going to happen in the plot line several times. Not really worth the read. Cover is better than the book.
Profile Image for Read it first.
73 reviews1 follower
December 26, 2013
The characters had some chemistry but too much living in the past to make it interesting. Rachel shifts too fast from mooning over Kadin to being hostile. I enjoy Lucy Monroe books but couldn't finish this one..
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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