Dr. Mason Rome does what every man has thought about. The worst thing you can do to someone, and he gets away with it. Every. Single. Time.
Society has accepted its perfect specimen, someone untouchable and unquestioned. He’s manipulative and conniving. An intelligent and sadistic antihero with whom you’ll become uncomfortably intimate. You’ll experience a first-person point-of-view of a real psychopath .
Dr. Rome has devised the perfect system that allows him to do the horrific things he does to women. He has the fool proof cover. For which reason, this book goes into painful detail about how he does what no one should ever do.
Genre: Erotic Horror Type: Standalone POV: First Person - Male Rating:
Dr. Mason Rome armed himself with knowledge and skills for a particular reason – to hurt women without getting caught. But what he didn’t see was how his path might not be as clear-cut as he thought.
I’ve heard many good things about this book and am aware of many dark readers loving it. Unfortunately for me, it was a torture to finish.
It wasn’t the dark content I had a problem with. I’ve read and loved much darker books. It was the dull tone, minimal plot, and repetitiveness that left me struggling. The erotic aspect wasn’t remotely titillating.
My biggest issue was Mason. He lacked the much-needed charisma for this type of story to work, making his actions unconvincing. I did enjoy learning about his past and how much he cared about his job-related matters.
Psychopath is a story of psychopathic exploits. It is a full-length erotic horror.
➕🎭 ➕. . . (F)BR with Twinsie CC . . .➕🎭 ➕
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“ My name is Mason Rome and I’m a real life psychopath.” “ I’ve come to terms with who I am ,for conservation sake.” Mason , Is a psychological Dr. Only he does not just wear the mask of a doctor. He wears the mask of many, one being a psychopath. I had really high hopes for this book. After seeing people say it was one of the most disturbing things they’ve ever read. Not to mention the foreword. I really hope nobody would use this as a killing manual and expect to get far. As they say …to each their own . As for me this was like reading Fifty Shades of Grey meets an American psycho. Less all the frills. I’m giving it 3 ⭐️ as parts of it kept me engaged enough to finish.
I grabbed this book as soon as I saw several people saying that it was the darkest book they've ever read. I didn't find this book dark, my dark scale must be way different. Don't get me wrong there is some brutal torture scenes within the book that would be horrific if it was real life, but it isn't and I've just read a lot worse.
It took me a long time to get into this book, it didn't seem to flow very well at first but it improved once the story seemed to get going. A lot of things didn't seem to make sense and I couldn't understand why he thought the victims wouldn't go to the police.
My favourite part of the book is the bit with the 5 men and the following conversation with the police, this showed how intelligent he is and I really enjoyed it, I wish more of the book would have been him walking all over the police with a smile on his face.
A lot of typos and random hyphens. Im not sure this is a book I would re read.
Well, after about six months, I have finally finished this book. I can’t even say that nothing bothers me anymore because this is the hardest book I’ve ever read. This man’s writing is so good that I had to take breaks from reading this story, it’s so descriptive that I felt like I was watching it instead of reading it. I hope he decides to write more because he is an incredibly intelligent man. 🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀
THE MOST INSANE BOOK EVER!! So intense, but so so good! What a mixture of emotions that elicit such a moral and psychological response! Ahhh, so crazy! Read this!!
I worry about my own mind as I read the reviews, read the summary and the foreword and still chose to read it. All I can say is I that this book is DARK and I might need therapy now.
Dr.F succeeded at making my skin crawl and down 4 glasses of whiskey while gobbling Psychopath up. This is dark, depraved and the total embodiment of psychological horror/thriller - me being the glutton of nightmares…I want more.
I thought Ryder (Fiend) was bad…well this talented author basically laughed in my face and told me to hold on one moment because Mason Rome is the truest of walking nightmares. Rising from the poor area he grew up in to proving his intelligence is just as scary as his cravings. Looking like a dream but always on the hunt for his next victim and blending in with society almost perfectly.
I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough in this heart pounding of a ride. It’s not for the weak of heart (or stomach) and made me get up to check my door locks more than once. The way this wolf broke his victims mentally was trip within itself and how the story unfolded will make any good horror/thriller lover glued to its pages. This author blew me away with how they brought to life the mind of a psychopath perfectly. This is a hidden and twisted gem of a thriller that I am kicking myself for not reading sooner.
I was excited for this I love Dark reads, etc. But this one was just descriptive of torture without any real storyline. I'm being nice giving it a three...
Was I the only one who didn't find the story adding up to what was written in Fiend? I just felt like the backstory didn't match this character's personality/ actions, and it threw me off.
It was still a good story, but Fiend had more of a storyline vs. this was more dragged out on his torturous rapes.
I may get some very questionable stares but I fucking enjoyed this book. I will gladly take another front row seat ticket in his head! This was a complete masterpiece!
Shows you that a normal “good looking” man can be a monster behind closed doors and a fucking boss when need to be! (We know from shows/ movies…. But this book???!) Mason is mentally fucked I mean…. FUCKED! But his smooth manipulation? Trickery? Amazing.
Wait just read what he said bro…..
“I go so deep that I’m irremovable with therapy and drugs. I want to be the thing they think about when they wake up. The thing that keeps them up at night. I want to be the flash that appears when they’re looking for inspiration before touching themselves. I need to be on their partners face when they attempt to make love. I want to reappear into their day at random intervals. I want to cause confusion between their mind and their body. Whenever a memory of me comes up, I want their bodies to be turned on but their minds to be distressed.”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Extremely dark, no HEA. This book was a very hard read. there is no romance to this it was straight rape and abuse. The perspective was interesting and not something I have read before, meaning from the perspective of a psychopath. The main character had major trama and that was hard to read as well.
This book is f*cked. What I enjoyed most was the cold, clinical descriptions of the life and heinous actions of Dr. Rome. Like driving past a car crash, I could not stop staring at what was happening. I loved, and was horrified by, every page. I want more...
As a psychiatrist and an attorney, Mason Rome appears to be an intelligent and composed individual yet his psychopathic tendencies are bubbling under the surface. Feeding his urges for pain and humiliation are his priority and Mason operates according to his brand of rules.
“I like hurting, but I like watching the reaction to the hurt I’ve caused way more.”
In starting Psychopath, I expected a dark and depraved read. Certainly, it delivered on those aspects, but for me this book was mostly about endless sexual torture without much else. At about halfway, it seemed as though the plot was going take an interesting turn but the narrative returned to the same pattern. The ending was abrupt and not as satisfying as I had hoped.
I 100% think that Fiend was a way better book than Psychopath. I do believe Fiend was written second, and I definitely think it shows. At least in Fiend, the storyline is very intriguing, and it hits a lot of dark themes, and the rape scenes seem to actually benefit in the story being told. In Psychopath I feel like we are just reading about Mason being the best at what he does. How he'll never be caught and we get more rape scenes. I rated Fiend 5 out of 5 stars, but this just wasn't the same. I also feel like there was a missed opportunity on the relationship between Mason and Capri. I would have loved to read about him battling 2 sides of himself. Finally feeling like he could love and be loved but still dealing with his demons. Just felt like there was so much more that could have happened with the plot.
I thought this captured a really good example of a psychopath. I read the prequel before this so to see what he became was a wonderful ride in character development. I know a lot of reviews hated the ending but I definitely have mixed feelings he got what he deserved! Was this torture porn? I didn’t get that sense. Some parts were really twisted but manageable for me I mean he’s insane what did people expect? 😭 I think the consensual sex was actually written really well too. A lot of “smut” I read makes me cringe with the language but I thought the writer did a fantastic job. Idc for romance parts but him and Capri I had feelings about. I mean I wish there was more. But overall this gets a 5 star from me!
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Holy Cow!!! If you want to fall into a world of dark and depraved...this one is it. A psychologist is a raving lunatic in all the dirtiest ways. He likes the sadistic and torturous. He likes when women cry and hurt. He likes them to break. He doesn't go too far...until he does. What goes around comes around. Check your triggers for sure.
I'd like to know who this author is...I mean, to have a mind that thinks up this stuff. Inquiring minds and all that. But I can see why he/she is left anonymous. There is brutality and masochism here so go into this with eyes wide open.
This book was very well written and the descriptions felt very accurate and plausible. This isn't the most disturbing book I've read but it's the most realistically disturbing. Dr. F does a terrifyingly good job of understanding how far you can bend and not break someone for the sake of traumatizing them. I was surprised at how well Rome slid into the doctor persona, at first I didn't think that would be very believable but it ended up feeling very organic.
This book wanted to be American Psycho SO so badly. At least Patrick Bateman was entertaining in his psychopathy. This dude was….horrific, but so ungodly boring. I will not remember this book, anyone can write torture porn. I don’t know, I’m bothered I hated this book so much bc I wanted to read a “crazy scary good book” 🙄 this ain’t it.
Full disclosure I only read the sample on Amazon. I decided to not pay the $10 based on the writing style. The sample I read reminded me of the kind of literotica story you find in the noncon section, except from an aspiring author - meaning the writing is amateur, but not horrible.
I was seeing people rave about this book in a fb reading group, and I'm honestly quite confused. If someone is new to dark romance, and has only been exposed to what has recently been published and marketed as dark romance on Amazon this might seem shocking? Most dark romances being published on Amazon now are more light gray compared to years ago. For anyone intrigued by this kind of book (dark erotic horror with an irredeemable/psychopathic MMC) I suggest reading:
Break Her or any book from my dark erotic horror shelf instead.
I was a huge fan of the tv show Hannibal; I like the premise of a psychopathic psychiatrist, but this book had too much telling. At least in the sample, the psychiatrist was describing the sex scenes in such a clinical way (granted this is probably authentic to character) I became bored. Based on the other reviews I doubt this gets better.
As a sidenote: I'm curious how far the author takes this book, but I'm not paying $10 to find out. It would be nice for someone to leave a detailed review with spoilers, I'm curious if there's any murder, necrophilia, or knife play.
This book did have a hilarious author warning and the sample inspired me to check out Hannibal fics on A03, so I'm giving this an extra star.
Where do I even start? This has quickly become my favorite novel and I’m on my second re-read. It lives rent free in my head at all times.
The story has so much depth to it, you easily fall into this world the author has created. It’s not all about the degradation of women, but it is quite nuanced. Yes, this book has many triggers related to trauma but it also offers a more open and realistic insight into how trauma can reshape a mind.
There are perspectives this novel hits on that are missing in most dark reads, and yet it still has the smut you’d expect in some of the darker romance novels like The Life of Anna by Marissa Honeycutt, the Welcome to Whitlock series by AA Dark, or even Skeleton King by Charity B.
I like to think it’s smut for smart people, but that’s almost simplifying it too much. And I’m absolutely salivating for a chance to discuss the intricacies with a fellow reader, because it’s just one of those books you have to talk about.
I was searching for a book that had gore and some psych0-serial un-aliver themes. Then I saw this book. I thought it was going to be about unaliving...
Then I was told NOT to read this book because it is too dark.
And then I read the beginning where it basically says only men will enjoy reading this.
LMFAO... Um.... Excuse me while I do JUST that... As a woman. Not only did I read it. I got OBSESSED with it. The first 1/4 of the book was on point with everything I thought, everything I've read about Dangerous psych0paths (because lets be fair not everyone with this mental illness is dangerous).
I just kept underlining and saying UHUH. Then I understood why people warned me... And yes. I had to take breaks. But I learned sooooo much. I got so much inspiration (for my books) and for that I'm grateful. I don't want to give much away and that's how come this review is so all over the place.
When I tell you this book will bring every emotion out of you, I mean EVERY emotion. The MC Dr. Mason Rome has you hating, loving, despising and rooting for him.
Going into this book, I knew it carried dark themes and centralised around SA, but the storyline that went along with it was brilliantly executed.
I think it’s so interesting to have a psychopathic MC and to experience actually how sadistic and clever he is, it helped you to understand his God complex attitude.
The writing was brilliant and I couldn’t stop myself from reading, I didn’t sleep because I couldn’t put the book down! A traumatically beautiful story, 5/5 ⭐️
As dark as it was, it needs 4 stars from me personally. I really enjoyed it, as sick and twisted as it appears. The only reason it lost a star is the ending felt a little bit rushed, i wanted rome to have a little taste of his own medicine, and being a psychopath, seeing his wife dead might have been a shock, but he cant feel feelings, so it wouldnt cut deep. I wanted them to put him through what he had inflicted on them, but unfortunately it wasnt to be. Other than that, it was dark, twisted, had my sotmach clenching with fear and left my mind wondering on what if's. Please make it aware, this is NOT A DARK ROMANCE. Its not a romance at all, its a horror
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I think this is up there with the darkest books I've ever read. And barely anyone dies. It was the calculated way he planned on torturing his victims to inflict maximum emotional damage. Holy shit. Seriously disturbing. A book being written from mostly from someone's inner thoughts, like You, always get under my skin. It's too real and visceral. You can feel what the character feels. Rome hates people in general, but especially women. The Foreward said it best. This book deserves all the praise it gets for being pitch black. And the ending was pretty great. Didn't see that coming at all.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I wanna start by saying I'm a fan of dark books, anti heroes, and just bad, irredeemable main characters.
However, this book was lacking in plot and the ending was very abrupt. I felt the ending to be rushed, but I think if the rest of the book wasn't as slow, maybe the end would have fit better. The pacing of the book was also just not consistent.
I kind of enjoyed the book while I was reading it, but halfway through it felt like a chore to finish. I wouldnt recommend this to anyone now that I've finished.
Was this the mind altering, hardcore, make my mind feel fuzzy read that I wanted? Yes. Was it super hard to get through? Also yes. Not because of the torture and depraved way this man thinks but because there was so much of it. I love that there is a story line, a hard look into Romes past. It’s a good book and just what I was looking for. It felt like it dragged by though for a short book. Putting yourself into the mind of psychopath is always fun and not for the faint of heart.
Definitely need more Dr. F books. This was a traumaticaly~disturbingly~disgustingly~fascinating~good story. Loved both Fiend & Psychopath.
Same as with Fiend (Book 1) I felt empathy for Mason, his traumatized upbringing must have been a lot, especially the SA at such a young age. The story was detailed and it showed the psychopathic intelligence of Dr. Rome.
⚠️⚠️⚠️Again, this book is definitely not for the faint hearted, it's really heavy on r^pe. He's a serial r^pest with a really twisted mindset. ⚠️⚠️⚠️
I recently got into "dark" or "thriller" books BUT why do these always have to involve SA. The backstory about his need to feel like he has to abuse and humiliate women just screams giving excuses for men to do these things and that they are justified in it. It's just "cringe to read" I also hate how he feels doing this that none of the women will ever come forward. I did love how it ended though that was the best part the last couple of pages.