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Cut & Run #4

Divide & Conquer

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Baltimore, Maryland, is a city in alarming distress. Rising violence is fanning the flames of public outrage, and all law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are catching blame. Thus the FBI’s latest ideas to improve public relations: a municipal softball league and workshops for community leaders. But the new commitments just mean more time Special Agents Ty Grady and Zane Garrett have to spend apart when they’re happily exploring how to be more than by-the-book partners.

Then the latest spate of crime explodes in their faces—literally—throwing the city, the Bureau, and Ty and Zane’s volatile partnership both in and out of the office into chaos. They’re hip-deep in trouble, trying to track down bombers and bank robbers in the dark with very few clues, and the only way to reach the light at the end of the tunnel together requires Ty and Zane to close their eyes and trust each other to the fiery end.

320 pages, ebook

First published October 13, 2011

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About the author

Abigail Roux

42 books4,906 followers
Abigail Roux was born and raised in North Carolina. A past volleyball star who specializes in sarcasm and painful historical accuracy, she currently spends her time coaching high school volleyball and investigating the mysteries of single motherhood. Any spare time is spent living and dying with every Atlanta Braves and Carolina Panthers game of the year. Abigail has a daughter, Little Roux, who is the light of her life, a boxer, four rescued cats who play an ongoing live-action variation of 'Call of Duty' throughout the house, a certifiable extended family down the road, and a cast of thousands in her head.

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88 reviews1,116 followers
September 6, 2016

Warning-Contains minor spoilers!!

"Promise you'll scream for me tonight..."


This book starts a few weeks after Fish and Chips ends...

Ty and Zane are still learning to cope with their past.Ty is waiting for Zane to come to his senses,stop analyzing and realize that he loves Ty.

"Ty knew his partner had to take the issue from every angle,analyze it to death,resurrect it,and then study its dead,rotting body to see the results.Yeah,it might take Zane four months to decide if he loved someone,and then more to decide if that was a good idea."

Okay,can anyone die laughing??

Ty has already declared his love for Zane(never mind it was in a life threatening situation)!!And all around them the city's going CRAZZZYY!!Bomb attacks,bank robberies,public protests,....you just name it!!

"What's proper workplace etiquette for picking up computer and tossing out of window?Open window first or break glass?" -sms to Zane

Yes that's Ty,teasing Zane at work,trying to make him laugh...

And Zane-- "Zane pushed his phone away,determined to do his level best(not to laugh).Simply because the struggle would amuse Ty,if he were being honest with himself.And keeping Ty amused was good for the rest of humanity."

(Damn,I love both of them!!)

Seeing the public unrest,their boss orders them to communicate more with public representing FBI,to improve their relations!!

Why??Because they are both personable and competent and...PRETTY!!

"When the hell did we become fashion plates?"


(Of course he is...you don't call alpha males pretty!!)

But all hell breaks loose when after a false bomb threat Ty publically challenges the terrorists (with Zane beside him)--

"Baltimore law inforcement is going to kick this threat in the ass." "We're coming for you."

Thus,overnight they become public darlings and... TARGETS!!

The first time,Ty somehow gets to know about the bomb and manages to get everyone to safety.

But..he loses his oldest best friend...the only thing he had loved longer than Zane...

His beloved car,BRONCO!!
(It blew up in the explosion!!)

"He knew it was silly to be sitting in the dark mourning a vehicle,but he didn't care.That Bronco had been a part of him...Why the bomb had gone off when it did was anyone's guess,but Ty firmly believed the Bronco had done it-no matter how silly that sounded.She had been a loyal companion,and now she had taken the hit for him...

He knew he had tears streaming down his face,but he didn't care..."

Aww.....Ty!!(I don't know whether to laugh or cry)

And when he tells Zane--

"You're not dessert,Zane.You're the main course,and you have about five seconds to take your pick of flat surface before I do it for you."

Oh my..can anything be more--

And then calamity strikes...

"I don't know what to do.I'm not sure...how I'll manage."--Zane after losing his eyesight!!

"You have me."--Ty

And here I was,thinking it was not possible for me to love them more...

And when Ty's friend Nick comes in between them(he secretly loves Ty)--I COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!!


And then when Ty leaves- "You know what Zane?I'm done."

Noooooooooooooo.......My heart just breaks!!!

But...they can't live without each other.....

And when they finally get together again....SPARKS FLY!!

And when Zane at last says.."I LOVE YOU"(again in a life threatening situation)...

(Hmmm..my heart soared!!)

I was so,so happy at last.....But,but...in the end...

"Zane hummed and rolled to his back,reaching out for Ty only to feel cool sheets.Frowning,Zane sat up,and as the sheet pooled across his lap,he heard a soft crinkle.He picked up the sheet of paper and unfolded it to read two short lines written in Ty's messy scrawl that brought Zane's happy morning crashing down around him.

What had Ty written? Read the book to find it out.


So readers...this is the series......CUT & RUN---

Once you start--You won't be able to cut and run from it!!

Well,what are you still waiting for???Go and grab this series if you haven't already!!!

I'm off to Armed and Dangerous....Wish me LUCK!!!

Profile Image for Meags.
2,376 reviews634 followers
July 16, 2024
5 Stars

That freakin’ ending!? God dammit, are you shitting me!?!

(This is a good time to note that I'm patting myself on the back something fierce, for my wise decision to wait to start this series until the entire thing was complete - how people were reading these one at a time, for years, is beyond my comprehension. I would have DIED!).

I have only one thing to say...

This series is f*cking fantastic!


Re-read (#2): November, 2017
Re-read (#3): April, 2024

I just want to bounce up and down squealing, because how often do you re-read something and end up loving it just as much – or in my case even more – than you did the first time around?! It’s not as common as people may assume, at least in my experience.

I feel like this fourth Ty and Zane book has a much better pace than the first three stories. Divide & Conquer dives into the fun and escapades straight away; what with all those horribly hilarious puns that result in the infamous cock-blocked by the boss, could have been epic, would-be sex scene, which is immediately followed by all the action and danger surrounding the string first-responder targeted bombings. Yes, this story was choc-a-block full of fun and laughs, thrills and chills, and so much damn love and romance that my heart is currently overflowing with happy.

I love the on-page introduction to Ty’s Sidewinder team, too. They’re a fun and eclectic group of badass men and I loved their short but impressionable first appearance here.

I think my favourite aspect of this story is the hurt-comfort themes surrounding Zane and his injuries/ailments. The vulnerability it allows his character and the ways in which his situation ultimately brings Ty and Zane closer together, just hits the spot for me. This also leads to the most wonderful developments in their romantic relationship, and one can’t help feeling a major tide has been turned by the end of this instalment.

Divide & Conquer definitely rates highly among my favourites within the series and it certainly made for one happy re-read.

Cut & Run Series

Book 1 - Cut & Run (4 Stars)
Book 2 - Sticks & Stones (4.5 Stars)
Book 3 - Fish & Chips (5 Stars)
Book 4 - Divide & Conquer (5 Stars)
Book 5 - Armed & Dangerous (5 Stars)
Book 6 - Stars & Stripes (5 Stars)
Book 7 - Touch & Geaux (4.5 Stars)
Book 8 - Ball & Chain (4.5 Stars)
Book 9 - Crash & Burn (5 Stars)
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
490 reviews6,530 followers
November 6, 2016
If there was a device that could measure the *squeee* and *swoon* factor of books, it would definitely break while measuring this one, because it was OFF THE FREAKING SCALES! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

This was amazing! I still don't know what my review will look like because my brain has turned into mush, and my heart melted a loooong time ago with these two guys Photobucket

In this book, Ty and Zane are more comfortabe with each other :) Zane knows that Ty loves him, even though he still hasn't figured out his feelings, but things are definitely better :) They are slowly building their relationship, going into routine, staying at one or the other's apartment, seeing each other whenever they had spare time Photobucket It's just lovely to see their slow progress, how they adapt to one another and develop strong feelings as well :) In the previous books Ty realized he's in love with Zane, and in this book Zane finally accepts the truth, he's been in love with Ty for a while now, only affraid to admit it to himself Photobucket
and that scene was just so lovely Photobucket

BUT, real life comes in, and this is the story outside their relationship...
There are robberies and bombings all over town and people are angry at the police force. It gets worse when the loco dude that's responsible for that sets Ty as a target and tries to kill him. Repeatedly. With bombs Photobucket That actually leads to Zane getting hurt Photobucket and going temporarily blind Photobucket and THAT leads to Ty taking care of a sick and vulnerable Zane Photobucket

By that point my mind was already mushy, I feel like I've spent 2/3 of the book squealing all over them <3 Anything else I say will probably be a big spoiler, but I just have to say that this book had me emotional all the time. At the end I was in tears, they were both happy and sad and frustrating and I don't know what other kind of tears there may be but I had them!! They were just beautiful together Photobucket

My favorite scenes:

- Ty and Zane doing it in the kitchen Photobucket
- doing it against the door Photobucket Photobucket That scene was so amazingly hot it isn't describable!
- sms-ing jokes in the office, omg they are priceless, baboom Photobucket
- the race to the scene of the crime, Ty on foot any Zane on his bike, that scene was Photobucket they were both so cool, gosh I'd like to see that in video hahahahahah
- Zane taking care of Ty when he was run over on the field (sports)
- The Ty wink Photobucket and Zane finally getting it Photobucket Photobucket
- Ty after the thing with his car. I cried when that happened. Poor Ty Photobucket
- Ty finding Zane after the explosion :O My heart stopped for a bit there Photobucket
- every freaking scene in the hospital and while Ty was taking care of him, and just everything!!!!
- the dance, oh the dance was just beautiful, the most melting, swoony, lovely scene EVER! Photobucket
- after the fight, when Zane finds Ty Photobucket hot hot hot Photobucket
- in the mausoleum - now THAT really got me teary-eyed Photobucket but it was still such an emotional scene, simply beautiful and special <3

It's stupid, but for every new book I read I say it's the best yet, but this one really is :) it's my new fav, even though #3 is a close runner :)
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,515 reviews529 followers
October 30, 2024
5 Stars!! - Reread 4/25/2024

The angst
The vulnerability
The fear

And don’t forget the love that is constrained by one man thinking he might never be enough and the other man’s fear of failing and losing that happiness again.

Intermix that with these original yahoo’s who brought the S to shenanigans, and I didn’t think it was possible to love them more!


5 Stars!

*Update - Reread 2/8/15*

Ty and Zane are definitely an established couple now, and it is fun, funny, and HOT to watch them interact. Despite their unspoken commitment to each other, there's nothing like a health crisis to bring out the best and the worst. This was also an acutely emotional read where the fear of losing the other paralyzes instead of propels.

What I love about this series are the small snippets of intimate, private moments that peek through. When Ty and Zane let their guard down, what they say and don't say are both equally heart wrenching and swoon worthy! There is just one thing standing in the way of complete happiness, and it makes you want to stomp your feet and scream. After Touch & Geaux, this is next in line for the angstiest entry of the series, and it pulls no punches when it comes to the tough trials these two go through.

Keep going though! It's so worth it, I promise!

Cut & Run Series
1. Cut & Run - 5 Stars
2. Sticks & Stones - 5 Stars
3. Fish & Chips - 5 Stars
4. Divide & Conquer - 5 Stars
Warrior’s Cross - 4.5 Stars
5. Armed & Dangerous - 5 Stars
6. Stars & Stripes 5 Stars
7. Touch & Geaux - 5 Stars
Shock & Awe (Sidewinder #1) - 5 Stars
8. Ball & Chain - 5 Stars
Cross & Crown (Sidewinder #2) - 4.5 Stars
9. Crash & Burn - 5 Stars
Part & Parcel (Sidewinder #3) - 5 Stars
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,977 followers
April 17, 2013
Re-read & buddy read with Kelly April 2013

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You realize I have free texting plan right?

Pop quiz partner. How many letters in the government alphabet?
Answer: 19. ET went home on a UFO and the FBI went after him.

What do you call a monkey in a mine field? A baboom.

Energizer bunny arrested. Charged with battery.
Ty’s lips twitched as he tapped out a quick response.
Is he being held in a duracell?

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“With your track record, you’ll come in playing strippergram and I’ll be in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner or something,” Ty grumbled.

“A whole series?” Ty broke in, his voice going higher in distress. “Do you remember how many times you’ve said I’m bad for PR?”
McCoy sighed in disgust.
“Thirty-seven times, Mac.”
“You’ve counted?” McCoy asked without sounding surprised.
“Latent OCD,” Ty answered, unashamed. Zane pressed his mouth to the back of Ty’s shoulder to stifle the laugh that threatened.

The dying

“I’m afraid,” he whispered. “I’m afraid it’ll change things.” --Zane

Deuce hummed again. “Maybe you should use some of your free time thinking about that. ‘Cause if I know my brother, he’ll stick with you through just about anything, including But I don’t know how long he’ll stick around if he’s the only one thinking he’s in love.”

“Don’t push me, he growled.

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His lips came to rest against Zane’s for a moment before moving. “I’m going to fuXX you until you can’t remember your name,” he promised in an oddly intimate voice. He pulled Zane’s lower lip between his and dragged his teeth along it.

“I’d really like you to hold me for a while,” he whispered. It felt odd to say it like that, something so innocuous yet meaningful. –Zane

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This book is still fabulous the second time around. Loved it! I just realized how good the sex was. Jealous sex against the door? Hot damn!!

Thank you, Kels, for doing the buddy read with me. I'm standing at the sideline to cheer you on! Go, go, gooooo! *mwah* :))

Author 18 books133 followers
May 19, 2012
Update 5/20: Abigail Roux has since reached out to me privately and explained her position. As such, portions of this review have been reworded to avoid unnecessary snark ^_^ None of the opinions have been changed, but I admit there were comments that could easily be misinterpreted and I'm not above admitting my own sloppiness in this regard.

Update 5/18: DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. It seems a girl can't have an opinion anymore. I almost had it in my mind to change this review to one star because authors who think it's okay to bully reviewers are not cool. But that's stupid and childish, so instead I'll just direct everyone to this comment, which explains it all.

Oh this series .... THIS SERIES -_-

I am breaking up with Ty and Zane.

About a third of the way through this book I found myself thinking "Why do people like this series so much? Why do *I* like this series so much???" That's right, I was standing right along side you in the fangirling. I liked this series too. Loved this series, in fact. But about a hundred pages further into Divide & Conquer I realized I had to break it off. I had to end it.

To begin with ... Ty Grady is the biggest fucking Mary Sue in the universe. When I first read Cut & Run I thought to myself "Man these characters have a lot of backstory ... why not save these details for later books?" But now I realize that what I thought was botched character development was actually luring me into falling in love with the most unbelievable character in the world. Every installment just adds MORE ridiculous achievements to Ty Grady's never ending resume. He's a decorated Marine, a sharp shooter, completely fluent in Farsi, sings like an angel, fights mountain lions with his bare hands, dances a mean tango, can sniff out bombs better than the dogs, can spot a sniper from a casual glance out the window... I mean come on. If Armed & Dangerous reveals that Ty has a PhD in zoology and once repelled down the Eiffel Tower I will not even bat an eye.

The writer in me reads this series and feels like this:

And normally this is cancelled out by the reader in me being all like:

Because Ty and Zane were always such FUN! You know Zane is just as bad ... he's the subspecies of Mary Sue: the tragic victim whose struggles inevitably take over the entire story. He's an alcoholic, he's endlessly mourning his dead wife, he's a drug addict, forever seriously injured or in danger (without emasculating him, which is impressive), he can't admit his feelings, he isn't on speaking terms with his family, he's full of angst ... come on girls when do we find out he's been suffering from a terminal illness all this time? You know you've got it planned.

And so this series has always been interesting in the sense that Ty and Zane neutralized each other's tropes rather well and there was always just enough in the way of character flaws (or in Zane's case, character assets) to keep them from feeling truly one dimensional.

No more. Frankly I find myself bored with Ty and Zane in this book. I had virtually no interest in the 250 pages Zane thought about telling Ty he loved him, nor the angst, the misunderstandings, the apologies, the makeup sex. UGH. I skimmed the sex scenes. :(


The entire reason to read the books in the first place and they couldn't possibly be less interesting to me. Maybe it's because I have never actually liked Ty/Zane ... preferring Zane/Ty because I have a weakness for bitchy, aggressive bottoms. I don't know. But if the sex isn't hot in this series you are left with .... the plot.

Oh boy.... Now I realize that this series is extremely popular and that many of you are already like this:

But it has to be said: The plot of the first book was silly, unrealistic and transparent but had some decent twists. The plot of the third book was silly, unrealistic and completely uninteresting but managed to work up some minor suspense as you tried to piece together who was on what side. The plot of this book made no sense. No fucking sense at all. And was so uninteresting you get the feeling that even Urban and Roux didn't want to go through it

I could go on at length ... but I won't. You get the point.

So... why three stars instead of something lower?

Well to begin with ... I still like Ty and Zane. There's something sentimental in me that can't bear to give this book less than a three. The guys I love are still there! But as amusing as they still are, there's not enough in their relationship to stretch out over one three hundred page book, let alone an entire series. They need to be saved from this endless cycle of 'will they, won't they?'. Shift the emphasis away from that bullshit and put it on developing a better overall story. Let Ty and Zane banter and fight crime, stop exploring the soap opera melodramatic depths of their OMG TRU LOVE~~ -_- I don't fucking care. I really don't fucking care anymore.

There... I've said my piece, now all you bitches can back up because I know kung fu:

Profile Image for S.
191 reviews
October 14, 2011
Wow. It’s been a tough couple days since I finished Divide and Conquer. I, like many other people who love these books, was floored by the tender beginning, the explosive (pun intended) middle and the frustrating end. This book is a perfect example of the dangerous mid-point in a series where everything starts to fall apart and you wonder if anyone will be able to survive, physically and emotionally, what is coming next. Ugh, I hate this point.

Now to the spoilery part of the review:

End of spoilery review.

F&C was Zane’s book to flounder, this one was Ty’s and hopefully A&D can find them starting to build each other and their relationship back up again. Ever heard that joke - nothing ruins a relationship faster than having two people in it – yeah, so true here.

I’ve read that there are going to be 9 books, and for all the “Team Ty and Zane Forever” members out there I would like to officially beg Urban and Roux to not bring the element of cheating into this (too heartbreaking), and not to make them struggle for too long. I would love to see them come together as a strong couple in the next book and then deal with the other problems many gay couples have to deal with anyway, on a daily basis, still today – coming out, family, marriage, work, friends, legal status, and dare I say kids - problems that are problems regardless of your sexuality, but are compounded greatly in a gay relationship. There’s a lot of topics to tackle that have nothing to do with yanking these two continually apart. My two cents.

Bottom line, this was a tough book to read, but definitely my favorite of the four so far. It elicited a whirlwind of emotions and made me love the two even more. I’m DESPERATE for an HEA for these guys. To Urban and Roux, your writing gets stronger as the series moves on and I look forward to reading more soon. Like tomorrow. Please?
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,068 followers
September 11, 2021
Second re-read: 11.09.2021
I love how closer Ty and Zane becomes in each book, but mostly, I love Ty. He's amazing. I'm so glad I haven't changed my mind about that. He's still everything. I want to slap some sense into Zane; he keeps hurting my baby, but other than that I like Zane just fine. He's a cool character but he holds too much back that I get annoyed. Overall, I still enjoyed this book and Ty is the best.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*TY IS HEAVEN*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 11.06.2017
God I love Ty. Ty is literally everything to me. I just want to grab him, squeeze him and never let him go. He's perfect. The story, though interesting, can be boring at times, but Ty, of course, makes up for it. Zane becoming blind and all, is an interesting twist, but I didn't like how unappreciated he was of Ty, who was amazing at taking care of him. Overall, I love Ty.

First read review:
Ah man, that was a cruel way to end a book. Cruel, I tell you. Ty Grady and Zane Garrett's back in a action filled, torturous and cute book. I really love Ty and I really feel for him. I just want to give him a big hug and tell him I'll always be there for him. I'm so damn protective over him! This book was alright, but it was a bit boring (though I wonder why? Because, I don't think it really was boring and that it was just me being tired as fuck) and Zane and his emotions were kinda getting on my nerves. If the couple would just talk to each other, so much heartache wouldn't be happening. On to the next one, I guess...
“You look like you're about to cut and run,”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M)
Series: - Series, Book Four
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Ty Grady.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - 2.5/3 stars.
Profile Image for Nancy.
556 reviews834 followers
November 16, 2017
Cross-posted at Shelf Inflicted and at Outlaw Reviews

I’m addicted to this series and officially a fan of Ty and Zane, even if they both need to get slapped upside the head.

The city of Baltimore is out of control. Riots, robberies and explosions are occurring with increasing regularity. Law enforcement is doing the best it can, but their credibility has taken a hit. It’s up to FBI agents Ty Grady and Zane Garrett to help gain the public’s trust again.

With their increasing workload, it’s hard for them to find quality time together. Though their sex is electrifying and their intimate moments tender, their communication skills leave a lot to be desired.

“You’re not dessert, Zane. You’re the main course, Ty informed him in a husky drawl. And you have about five seconds to take your pick of flat surface before I do it for you.” 

Though Ty has verbally expressed his love, Zane has difficulty saying those three little words.

“Suddenly there were all sorts of words crowding on Zane's tongue, and he couldn't get a single one out, much less three that would prove he knew the best thing to happen to him in his entire life lay right there in his arms.” 

I’m glad that more of the focus of this story is on Ty’s and Zane’s relationship, as the bad guys and their motivations didn’t ring true for me. Still, I’m craving a good mystery where the police are not portrayed as incompetent buffoons. Perhaps I should not expect that from this series.

There were lots of entertaining moments with their co-workers, including the funny and punny text messages. There were also tense, gripping moments as a serious injury renders Zane helpless and dependent on Ty.

I loved getting to know Ty’s Marine friends and hope they make another appearance.

The ending slayed me.

Thanks to Barbie from Bookie Nookie's Erotic Lending Group for lending this to me.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,719 followers
December 28, 2015
4.5 Stars!

The progression of Ty and Zane's relationship remains sloooooooooow!

I really wish they would just open up to each other, tell each other how they feel. It's frustrating at times.

But gah I love these two.

The plot on this one was a little ridiculous but still good.

And that ending.....freakin' Ty!

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,545 followers
August 4, 2020
This series is one of those that gets better as it goes. There is enough action, killing, and excitement to satisfy my bloodthirstyness, there is enough angsty feelings to make me love each character individually, and there is enough sexy stuff to keep my inner perv happy. The perfect blend!


In this book we have a group that is bombing public places in order to create a diversion while robbing banks. During one of these instances the media happens to catch Ty and Zane looking all badass as they respond and they become media-famous. Not exactly what you want when you do undercover work.

Good luck sneaking up on anything now, kitty.

One of them gets seriously injured. Again. Like I said a while back, I think these books either need to be changed into these guys being superheroes, or the author needs some basic anatomy and medical knowledge. It's like they are a couple of Wile E Coyotes or something - falling off cliffs and walking it off - getting blown up and getting back to work the next day. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if one of them comes back to life after dying. I bet that's coming up in a future book.

They'd sew it back on and get him back to work the next day. FBI is hard core.

During this time we also get a visit from Ty's old marine buddies. It was kind of weird and I think it was possibly a set-up for another book staring one of his friends. It just felt out of place - like all of those kind of things do.

Except for this one. Seamless.

There were also a lot of angsty feelings going on throughout the book. Ty expressed feelings in the last one that were not reciprocated by Zane. It's not exactly comfortable when that happens - for either side.

Thank god he got frozen in carbonite after that. Helped the awkwardness.

Off to read the next one.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,164 reviews3,285 followers
July 22, 2024
✅ Ty and Zane
✅ Smut
✅ Relationship development
✅ Angst and insecurities
✅ Twists and action
✅ 2 POVs
✅🆗 Plot
🆗 Villain (villain might not be the right word, but you know what I mean…)
❗️❗️Trigger warnings: explosions (bombs), acts of terrorism, death, blindness

working for the FBI consisted of 5 percent chasing and tracking, 90 percent paperwork, and 5 percent getting your ass handed to you by your superior, a reporter, a nurse who insisted you’d tear your stitches, or your mother.

And 100 percent getting targeted by a psycho bomber because you can’t keep your mouth shut.

In this fourth book, Ty and Zane are back in Baltimore after their not-so-relaxing cruise, and the city has been in uproar lately: riots and violence are more and more frequent, and the citizens are now mad at the police because they can’t keep the city safe. Our favorite duo finds itself in the middle of a PR plan to help the Bureau get back into the population’s good grace, but they also inadvertently become the new targets of the mysterious bomber terrorizing the city when Ty decides to threaten him while being on live TV (and becoming the new darling of the public because of it).

I loved most of this book, but the resolution of the plot felt weak. The Bureau got the culprits, but they just explained that the head of the gang, the one who was pushing for the bombing and the chaos was an anti-authoritarian kid, and they didn't know why he flipped and decided to start bombing the city. It feels unsatisfying just to say “I don’t know why he did it, but he’s out of the picture so let’s focus on something else”. I wanted to have at least a slight reason behind the bombings. I don’t care if it’s to get attention, for revenge, because he’s angry at cops, or pissed at the Bureau because he couldn’t get in, I need a reason other than that he seemed to dislike all authority and decided to go batshit crazy.

I also struggle to see how the perpetrator could commit all those crimes. We don’t know how he acquires the materials, builds the bombs, gets access to the buildings, or manages to rob banks with such a small crew.

Ty and Zane’s relationship gets more complicated as it gets deeper and stronger. It’s weird to say, I know, but as they are both more vulnerable with each other, they also keep some secrets, and they are afraid of being rejected. It created some delicious angst, as Ty was afraid to eventually lose Zane because even though he knew Zane loved him, Zane seemed unable to voice his feelings, while Zane was scared that he would never be good enough for Ty, and that it couldn’t end well. I mean, at least they can communicate now, but there is still work to do, and they need to sit down and stop with all the secrets and downplaying what they truly feel.

This book was a roller coaster of emotions.
While I love that Ty didn’t pressure Zane to say the words back at him, he also laughed it off when Zane finally told him that he loved him, only to them tell his marine friends that Zane never told him that he loved him, even though Ty admitted his feelings months ago. It felt unfair to Zane that Ty would say that when Zane did tell him he loved him, only Ty decided not to take it seriously… It might seem irrelevant, but that detail annoyed me, and I was angry on Zane’s behalf.

Like the previous books, this one is a good mix of action, investigation, funny and sassy banter between our two favorite agents, and some hot smut too.

Now, I only have to power read through Warrior’s Cross, as I know the characters from this book will be present in Zame and Ty’s next adventure, but with the cliffhanger at the end of this book, I wish I could just skip Warrior’s Cross and dive right into Armed & Dangerous.

1. Cut & Run ⭐⭐⭐.5
2. Sticks & Stones ⭐⭐⭐⭐
3. Fish & Chips ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

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Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,550 reviews147 followers
May 23, 2024
05/23/2024 reread

First reread. All I gotta say is feels, so many feels! Some of them hit as hard as if I read it for the first time. Freaking amazing! Can't get enough of Ty and Zane, their chemistry, their hilarious banter (just remember the baboom and you will know) and how much of themselves they give everyday to keep everyone safe. One of the best MM series ever! Couldn't highlight this time, and there were so many memorable moments there. No matter, I will enjoy them when I reread this series again next year!


I loved it! It was sooo good. This time the case keeps Ty and Zane on home turf in Baltimore and that gives them actual back up for a change. New agents come into play, Ty's Recon buddies show up and things literally explode in their faces and through it all my boys fall in love even more. Awwww!

Ty and Zane fall into a routine and have somewhat stable life after the cruise debacle. Both are a little uncertain and frightened about their feelings and keep them close to their chests. But it becomes so intense and intimate between them that they can no longer contain them no do they wish to. It was so beautiful! I loved reading this book. Ty and Zane are passionate men who love and care deeply, work hard and protect their city. There were so many moments that I kept rereading because they were lovely, romantic and oh so emotional. Even when they fell they still managed to get back up together.

The case was more of a thrill chase than a mystery. It's a known for the reader who and how but it's fascinating and even a little scary to read and know what is going to happen and just see how the guys are going to react. It was awesome and so edgy for me. There were many ups and downs, hurt and comfort, so much humor and camaraderie and many good times that made this book a must read. The ending made me want to slap Ty silly but oh well, even he is not perfect. I will probably start the next one tonight. The boys are just that irresistible.
Profile Image for Shurrn.
561 reviews897 followers
March 28, 2015
Bank-Robbers, Bombings, & Baseball, Oh My!
He wanted Ty with him, wanted him badly. Needed him as a partner, and not just at work. Craved him as a lover more than he’d ever jonesed over heroin. Connected with him in so many ways that Zane couldn’t see a way to untangle himself and didn’t even want to try.
There is very little I can say about this installment of the Cut & Run Series that is spoiler-free...

We stayed in Boston the whole time...
We got to meet Ty's Force Recon team, Sidewinder...
Ty & Zane become the unwilling pin up poster boys for the FBI...

And I loved it. So much happened in the pages of this book, and I won't spoil anything for you... Read it. You won't regret it!

Don't click the link if you haven't read this book!

I'd like to take a moment to thank for Goodreads friends and followers...

Thank you to Shelby P for telling me to read Warrior's Cross before the next book in the Cut & Run Series, Armed & Dangerous. I didn't even know that particular spin-off existed and I would have accidentally passed up a detailed account of Cameron Jacobs & Julian Cross if it weren't for you... Everyone should also thank Shelby P for posting her awesome Quizzes for this series. Have you taken them?

Furthermore, I want to thank Wendy, Cherry, & countless others for replying when I sent up the metaphorical Bat Signal and asked to borrow a copy of Warrior's Cross... My Goodreads friends are awesome, and all of you make this site the perfect place to take pride in my reading addiction.

Some of My Favorite Moments:

My Other Reviews in the Cut & Run Series:

Cut & Run - My Review
Sticks & Stones - My Review
Fish & Chips - My Review
Divide & Conquer - You're Reading it
Armed & Dangerous - My Review
Dine & Dash - My Review
Stars & Stripes - My Review
Touch & Geaux - My Review
Ball & Chain - My Review
Crash & Burn - My Review

My Reviews in the Cut & Run Universe:
I will update the list as more books are published.
Warrior's Cross - My Review
Shock & Awe - My Review
Cross & Crown - My Review

Cut & Run (Cut & Run, #1) by Abigail Roux Sticks & Stones (Cut & Run, #2) by Abigail Roux Fish & Chips (Cut & Run, #3) by Abigail Roux Divide & Conquer (Cut & Run, #4) by Abigail Roux Armed & Dangerous (Cut & Run, #5) by Abigail Roux Dine & Dash (Cut & Run, #5.5) by Abigail Roux Stars & Stripes (Cut & Run, #6) by Abigail Roux Touch & Geaux (Cut & Run, #7) by Abigail Roux Ball & Chain (Cut & Run, #8) by Abigail Roux Crash & Burn (Cut & Run, #9) by Abigail Roux Warrior's Cross by Madeleine Urban Shock & Awe (Sidewinder, #1) by Abigail Roux Cross & Crown (Sidewinder, #2) by Abigail Roux
Profile Image for LenaRibka.
1,462 reviews426 followers
October 28, 2013
4,7 stars!!!!

All my GR friends who tell me that the series is getting better from book to book are totally RIGHT!!! It was my favorite till now!!

I don't want to question a plot: 4 teenagers fooled the whole city together with FBI.

I have already said in my previous reviews of the series and I won't be tired to repeat again and again: the suspense part of the series is of no significance.
For me.













Profile Image for Lenore.
605 reviews370 followers
November 6, 2011
I was at a loss for words when I finished Divide & Conquer. I hadn’t had such a sucker punch of an ending in a book for a long time. I was so mad and frustrated and overwhelmed you could practically see fumes coming out of my ears. It took me a couple of days to gather my thoughts and process my emotions. And this review won’t be easy. Because this is the first installment in the Cut & Run series I’m not sure how to rate: it could very well be my favourite and my least favourite book so far.

Some reasons why Divide & Conquer could be my favourite book so far in the Cut & Run series:

• The text messaging parts in the beginning and Ty nicknaming Zane “Lone Star” on his phone contacts list.
-Fuck you, Zane. Fuck you. So much.
-Promise you’ll scream for me tonight.

• How the text messaging scene led to that countertop “almost” sex scene:
-I meant to at least get us up the stairs
-Fuck me here

• Jealous Ty going all alpha-male on blind Zane. It was a side of him I enjoyed and hated at the same time but hey, it led to the DOOR scene and I’m not complaining one little bit.
-I’m burning every little brown bag I find in your fridge from now on.
-Even the cheesecake?
-Don’t push me, Stevie Wonder
-You’re mine. Jersey Shore can get his own.

• Ty sitting on his back step with a cheap cigar and a couple of bottles of hard lemonade, after that night out with his buddies. Some of his thoughts I loved and some of them made me want to cry out in frustration.
Ty didn’t know if Zane wanted his loyalty, but he had it nonetheless. Semper Fi.

• That moment in that softball field when Zane finally realizes he has it in himself to love Ty.
He loved Ty Grady with all there was to give of his heart, and in the end, all it had taken was one wink for Zane to finally come to terms with it.

• How I got to understand Zane even better in this installment. The strength he showed during his temporary blindness. How he coped and how he fought his insecurities (that phone call Zane made to Deuce while Ty slept with his head in Zane’s lap was one of my favourite Zane scenes.) How he grew to love Ty even more, if that were possible. How he realized they could be together for long periods of time without killing each other.

• The slow dance scene. What can I say. Deep down I’m a hopeless romantic. This was another love/hate part of the book for me though.

And some of the reasons why Divide & Conquer could be my least favourite book so far in the Cut & Run series:

• How Ty behaved like a prick while Zane was in the hospital. Your partner was blown up and came out of it alive but, guess what, he’s BLIND. Said partner asks you to not leave him alone (because he’s scared out of his fucking mind) and you assure him you’re gonna be there for him. And then, a few hours later, you get all antsy and tired of the situation and ask him: “When do you get out of this place? I need to fucking sleep before you drive me crazy”. Are you at all serious? Major WTF moment, especially since Ty had been doing all he could to get to see Zane before that. From defying direct orders to asking orderlies to reassure his partner he’d be back asap.
Another major WTF moment was that doctor advising Zane to not run into things when Zane asked him if there was anything else he should be doing after he was discharged. Way to go, doctor! If that’s the best advice you can provide to a patient that lost his sight a few hours ago, then you are a disgrace to the medical profession.

• The whole “look, there are other people these two could hook up with” shebang. It didn’t spice things up for me (except for the door scene, of course, but I’ll get to that); it gave a kind of schizophrenic note to the characters (oh, who am I kidding, “to TY” is what I want to say) and made me wonder how thoroughly the authors thought of the whole thing before throwing it in there that way.

Ty getting distracted by some EMT with big tits or a low-cut shirt or whatever was just plain ridiculous (plus, come on, what kind of outfit was that particular EMT wearing? The EMTs I know wear really unremarkable uniforms with shirts buttoned up to the very top and properly tucked in. Add the cold February weather and she should be wearing a heavy reflective jacket on top of that. Unless that particular EMT was about to star in some porn film or something.)

Same goes for Ty’s ex, Shannon; the tall, athletic, attractive brunette, who still has the hots for him. What exactly did she contribute to the story? Ty apparently still cares about her and her daughter. And? Again, it seemed to me that she was thrown haphazardly into the mix in an attempt to establish Ty’s bisexuality (which we are very well aware of) and his ability to score some hot ass (which we have more than realized by now. He scored Zane, didn’t he?)

And don’t get me started with Nick. What an excuse of a character! He’s supposed to be Ty’s dearest and oldest friend. He is supposed to care. He is supposed to have Ty’s back. But when Ty comes out to his Recon buddies, and one of them all but spits in Ty’s face in disgust, calling him queer in the most belittling way, he keeps his own homosexuality to himself, preferring to make disparaging remarks and bash Zane instead. Man! Your buddy has just told you he’s in love with the guy and the best you can offer is how unworthy the guy is? And, to add insult to injury, you go on to kiss your buddy –twice!- and tell him how you’ve been in love with him forever and how he knows where to find you. Great support you’ve offered there, pal. Taking advantage of one of your friend’s most vulnerable moments, trying to manipulate his emotions and practically sabotage his current relationship. Kudos. Rah. Woo hoo.

Now Ryan? The Italian stud? The only reason I put up with his presence was that door scene and Ty’s “Don’t push me, Stevie Wonder” remark. Other than that, the poor guy could have stayed where he came from. Also, the way he was used to make us think he might have planted a bomb in Zane’s place was, well, clumsy. I felt sorry for him.

I also couldn’t help but notice how Ty was actively involved with all his potential love interests, either currently or in the past. He had history with them. Zane’s admirer, Ryan, is like one of those blow up dolls. Fake. He’s just an acquaintance and, either he likes it or not, Zane hasn’t even taken a second glance at him. So why the imbalance?

• Ty blowing off Zane’s “I love you” the first time around. Such a big deal is made out of it but when Zane finally says it he’s just being seduced? Give. Me. A. Break. It made zero sense.

• The ending. Seriously? This is how Zane is rewarded after all the things he went through, both physically and emotionally? You have got to be kidding me.

I could go on and on about this and about how mad I was at Ty almost throughout the book but this review is getting too long. And it won’t make any difference. One thing is blatantly obvious though: the rant above exhibits the level of my emotional attachment to these characters. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters, right?

Dreamspinner Press kindly provided me with a copy of this e-book through NetGalley.com in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews1,009 followers
October 27, 2017
Still 5+++++++++ stars

These two will always be my favorite couple. The books getting better and better.
That was a fantastic 3rd read. This is the 4th book in the Cut & Run series, the character and relationship growth of Ty and Zane is amazing. The emotional connection and chemistry between these two oozes from page to page.

Zane.. Ohhh Swoon i love this man he is just amazing even though he takes long to utter the three little/big words, he shows with his action.

“First time I saw you, after I got over hating you, I knew,” he said, echoing Ty’s words, “I
knew I’d fall in love with you”

“He loved Ty Grady with all there was to give of his heart, and in the end, all it had taken
was one wink for Zane to finally come to terms with it.”

And the dance .. *Fans-Self* Ty is a hopeless romantic and i adore him, he loves Zane with everything he's got.

He’d thought about this, a slow dance with his lover, not a flashy tango or a writhing clash
under a disco ball. But he’d never dreamed he would get one. It was possibly one of the most
erotic, most loving things Ty had ever done for him.


The Sex was Hot as usual..


Nick...... well



just had to read it again. I Love Ty and Zane

“You’re not dessert, Zane. You’re the main course, Ty informed him in a husky drawl. And you have about five seconds to take your pick of flat surface before I do it for you.”
Profile Image for Heather C.
1,480 reviews219 followers
August 8, 2012
H#&? F$&@#^% S%#&!!!!

All you need to know is:
**May contain spoilers...so you've been warned**
♦ The mystery isn't really a mystery 
♦ There is hilarious texting
♦ There is "uncomfortable and precarious and unbelievably fucking hot" door sex
♦ There is romantic, slow dancing with a declaration of...something important 
♦ There is jealousy
♦ Somebody gets injured...again
♦ There is a lot of angst
♦ Somebody "comes out"
♦ They get blown up...a few more times
♦ There is an Oh.My.God ending
...so don't forget to thank the book gods that the next one is already released!!!
How do I feel?
I'm still really loving Ty and Zane, but both of them are really frustrating in this book. They have so many really sweet and sexy moments, and then the next page I'm wanting to smash their heads together and jump up and down and stomp on my Kindle and scream at the top of my lungs, "Why? Why? Why? Why can't you just admit you love each other and live happily ever after already? Man up and own it!" And then I would thoughtfully tilt my head to the side and say, "But then that wouldn't be the real Ty and Zane." Ugh! Men!!
Made it this far; there's no turning back now.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews146 followers
May 5, 2018
Another 5 stars!

I'm in love with these characters. I know many of my friends already read this series and mentioned Ty and Zane are one of the most lovable characters. I now know why.

This was different than the previous books. I am glad we get so many unexpected scenes here! Ty was so caring and sweet. Zane had to fight the darkness. Literally. It was a great change. We get another side of them. They are so complex and we discover many different edges of their personalities.

At last Zane opens up. It was SO needed!

Loved this one even if the ending made me want to scream. But I have high hopes Ty isn't leaving Zane behind. No matter how scared he might be. Their love story is painfully slow. But I love it!!!
Profile Image for Nikyta.
1,438 reviews264 followers
October 27, 2011
Honestly, I don't really know what to say. I've been thinking and thinking of my review since reading this and nothing comes to mind on how I should phrase this review.

Simply put, I loved this book. I've loved this whole series and in my eyes this book lived up to the last three. It's one of my favorite series and with each book they just seem to get better and better.

What I loved most about this one was how much Ty and Zane's relationship grew. With the trials they had to go through and each of them getting hurt, of course!, it was fascinating seeing them work together to maintain a relationship. They took care of the each other and they actually enjoyed doing it because they love each other. They are both still stubborn, snarky and hot. I couldn't get enough of them and while they are both funny by themselves, together they are extremely hysterical. All their one-liners and inside jokes had me laughing every few minutes.

I felt like this book had non-stop action. While the villains were somewhat simplistic and at times I couldn't understand why they were so psychotic, I still enjoyed the chaos they created. With each chapter, there was some type of action that left me on the edge of my seat. Even with so much suspense, there was definitely a lot more romance between Ty and Zane. It felt nice seeing them grow and actually getting to meet Ty's Recon buddies and how he interacts with them. I loved that Zane finally worked through his feelings with Ty and came to a conclusion. What I loved most? How Ty handled the deception of loving Zane with his Recon team. I will never forget what he does or how he handles it.

The ending almost killed me. I was so frustrated with how it ended! But the more I thought about it and the more I compared it with the excerpt for book 5, it made me think how it wasn't so bad. I loved these guys, I loved the heroes that they are and I love how they can kickass so easily while still showing their love for each other and how they can do it and still be so hot. They scorch off the pages.

All in all, did I love this book? Yes, absolutely. Will I be waiting impatiently for Armed and Dangerous to come out? You bet your ass, I will. Will I recommend this book? There is just no way I would not recommend this book. The series keeps getting better and better, IMO, and I'm so looking to the next one!
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
705 reviews1,505 followers
October 17, 2022
4 stars

“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked Zane, voice low and threadbare.
“You ever get gut feelings? Like you see something and you just know?” Ty asked, feeling stupid but not caring. He felt Zane squeeze his hand. “First time I saw you, after I got over hating you, I knew… I knew we’d die together. I could just feel it deep down. Never felt that before.”

Several heartbeats of quiet passed before Zane spoke. “First time I saw you, after I got over hating you, I knew,” he said echoing Ty’s words,
“I knew I’d fall in love with you.”

THESE TWO, I SWEAR. the fact that Zane had finally said i love you back to Ty in this book made my heart so happy. i’m honestly glad he didn’t say it in the previous book when Ty first told him bc this felt more natural and real, compared to having it feel forced just bc Ty told him, yk? so i appreciated that, and these two just keep getting better and better with each book. 🥺
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Steven.
1,177 reviews438 followers
December 6, 2018
Just as good on a reread! :P
That ending is going to make it hard to stick with my plan and read a few other books before Armed & Dangerous. Sigh.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,555 reviews85 followers
June 10, 2022
4,5 stars

Read for the third time, but never recorded properly or reviewed!

Woah! I had totally forgotten how much relationship development is going on in this book. And it’s stellar! For that this totally deserves 5 stars.

So much anguish, so many insecurities.
So much passion, so much scorching heat.
So many searching questions, so much depth.
But most importantly: the increasingly, 100% sigh-worthy tender moments. I swooned… again and again and highlighted the heck out of everything.

Ty declared his feelings in the last book, but something is holding Zane back to do the same, even if he knows, deep down, that he does feel the same. And while Ty understands, sees and feels the truth, he needs to hear those three little words more than he realizes.

And all the pressure these two are under with their case make personal issues even more difficult to resolve. And then there is blooming Nick, 😖 Not helping AT ALL.

What else I loved about this:

.) The humour is spot on and downright hilarious at times. (those puns!!!)
.) Ty is becoming more endearing with every book. Lovable smart ass, alpha rogue!
.) I love how Zane just melts into puddles of goo when it comes to Ty.
.) The emphasis on the guys rather than the plot.
.) That dancing scene will be ingrained on my brain forever! 😍
.) It was good to get to know Ty and Zane’s co-workers better.

Only thing that made me knock off a bit of all that glory:
The ‘detective’ plot is a bit on the weak side. For me it is highly questionable that the perpetrators, considering who they are, could pull off all those crimes.

I always thought that book three was my top favourite, but I loved this one as much this time round ... although I am not happy about that cliffhanger at the end, even on my third reread! 😅😂
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,707 reviews484 followers
April 23, 2018

Re-read 21st April - 23rd April 2018

I love this book.
Whenever I picture Ty and Zane it’s always the aquarium dash that first comes to mind. Ty running and Zane on his Valkyrie.

I loved it just as much this time around and while I can’t wait to start the excellent Armed and Dangerous I’m going to re-read Warrior’s Cross first. Catch-up with Julian and Cameron before they join Ty and Zane.

Original review.

Shame I can't give more than 5 stars this book is fantastic every time I read it I love it more and more. This is in my opinion by far the strongest book so far on many fronts I just felt like I was there with them watching them race towards the aquarium, watching Ty's latent OCD, waiting to see what T.shirt he'll be wearing next I can't say more without giving away the plot but it's fantastic.

Profile Image for Ingie.
1,436 reviews167 followers
November 19, 2014
Book #4 - and again;

5 Huge Stars for a romantic and steamy novel about the lovely Ty & Zane.

I'm still in a large read requests for M/M romances. Just a little more than a month ago I read my first romance book about "boys who love boys". Now I'm stuck in this genre and what isn't better than another book about two gorgeous boys, Ty and Zane, the forth one for me.
“You’re not dessert, Zane. You’re the main course, Ty informed him in a husky drawl. And you have about five seconds to take your pick of flat surface before I do it for you.”

As I said before are these "Cut & Run" novels perhaps the best form of an epic love story. So simple - the looks, the acts, the unspoken feelings and the words - make it to a slow build-up great love story. As a reader, I gasp and my heart knot of fear that this two boys, Ty and Zane, not will find the words and say what needs to be said. The words to get the loved one to understand, that what they have together, is love and not just sex and attraction. I got it again - it's wonderful to read.
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In this fourth book are this both FBI agents home in Baltimore. The city is right now hit by a number of bomb attacks. People protesting on the streets, water balloons thrown, the media and the crowds screaming that the police do not do anything. Of course, soon are our dear, always so brave, guys also involved and the adventure can begin. It slams, the shots are fired, they run, they drive the motorcycle and their (still pretty patient) boss barks as always. They are back!
“Promise you’ll scream for me tonight.”
~ ~ ~ ~
“Well, you know my type," Ty responded with a saccharine smile as he passed Zane's desk. "No self control and loads of mental issues.”

Like in book 1, 2 and 3 happens a number of nasty incidents around these two agents and I'm on the edge all the time. Whether some suspense, mysteries and FBI work, this is mainly about love. That first often so difficult time, when everything is not yet spoken. Both guys are still messing with old demons and that inner uncertainty over how love for another person should best be handled. In this fourth book Ty and Zane takes some considerable progress in their relationship. I look forward to immediately start reading the next installment in the series. I'm hungry to get more.

“Missed you," he got out. But then he tacked on, in a bare whisper, "Afraid of losing you"

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As always, it's a lot of good dialogue, it's funny statements, witty replys, loving words and I'm smiling a lot. It's always quick shifts between full adventure action, wonderful artful dialogue and tender hot love scenes. Meanwhile it's much, that is of importance for the continued love story, which are not said (written) explicit - the reader (me) can create their own image and conclusion - that is what MAKES this a great read for me - again!!

If you, who are reading this review, havn't already understand that I'm full of admiration and in deep love for Ty and Zane, the ”Cut & Run" series and this two talented authors, I say it out loud again: I love this!
 photo love-3_zpsb0077de1.jpg

I LIKE - it's addictive!


The three previous books in the series that I read: my review Cut & Run #1, my review Sticks & Stones #2 and my review Fish & Chips #3

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Profile Image for Rach.
198 reviews203 followers
May 10, 2013
This book is amazing :) I loved it :)

This series definitely gets better as you get further into them in my opinion

Ty and Zane are funny, loveable, sensual together

I would not change a thing about this book it was amazing :)

That cliff at the end although not huge was enough to make me want to read the next book in the series straight away
Armed & Dangerous

Some of my favorite Quotes-

* Zane shuddered as it occurred to him that it really didn't seem like just sex anymore. It was more, more passionate, more emotional, more energizing, more draining...at that moment he wasn't sure it had even been just sex between them

* "You're not dessert, Zane. You're the main course" Ty informed him "and you have about five seconds to take your pick of surface before I do it for you"

* Zane nodded "Looking sharp Marine" he complimented wih a small smile "Any rules about getting kissed in uniform?" "Not that I'm aware of" Ty answered smiling wider. Zane chuckled and leaned down to kiss Ty carefully.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,193 reviews

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