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535 pages, Kindle Edition
First published January 1, 2012
↠ This book gets me e v e r y t i m e.
↠ The Goddess of Audiobook should give the narrator a gold medal for her performance because it is ✧ outstanding ✧. I think her voice and the way she narrates the story FITS the heroine character PERFECTLY.
↠ She also assigns different voices for the characters so you can tell who’s speaking what. There are two children in this book, and she doesn’t sound like an adult who’s mimicking baby or children voices. It’s that convincing.
↠ I recommend the audiobook for anyone who wants to read this book!
↠ With Mara I realized, I need to be in the mood to deal with her stick-up-her-ass-ness. Otherwise, there’s no stopping me from wanting to smack her upside the head 59.99% of the time. Detective Mitch Lawson, Billy, and Billie, each owns a piece of my heart.
↠ Don’t think I’ve ever read the same book this many times in the span of five months or a year for that matter. It’s only three times, but still it’s a new record for me. That’s how much I adore the Lawson family.
↠ This book is my s u n s h i n e.
Mara is shy and in love with her 10.5 neighbor. For some f*cked up reason, she got it branded in her brain that she’s a 2.5; and thus, WAY out of his league. Unbeknownst to her, detective Mitch has been harboring a crush of his own. So when a chance at encounter in the form of Mara’s leaky faucet greets him, he quickly jumps at the opportunity.
1. Hot, hot, hot
2. Belly whoosh, another belly whoosh
3. Nice, great, beautiful, gorgeous
4. Something about Mitch’s eyes.
5. Shoot, I should’ve made a list to give you more proof!
Ones to Threes gravitated to each other. If you were of my zone, only the foolish aimed higher than a Three. Higher than a Three equaled heartache.
I didn’t need it. Because I wasn’t a Two Point Five. I wasn’t an Eight. I wasn’t a Ten. Mitch was right. My classification system was bullshit. Bottom line, what I was is a decent person.
“I’ll go gentle, baby,” he whispered against my lips. “I promise. You’ll always be safe with me.”
The huddle included Slim, Tack, Delgado and a local private investigator, Hank Nightingale’s brother, Lee Nightingale and Lee’s second in command, Luke Stark.
“Let’s see if I can tear that cocoon wide open and let my Mara fly.”
“That’s me,” Tack answered. “Full of surprises. Now, you gonna give Lawson his assurances and make your call or are we gonna get out our knitting needles and chat while we make scarves.”
“No, I was made to protect you, and you were made in a way that it would always be worth the effort.”
“Best thing that ever happened to me, that shredded washer," he whispered.
"Too bad I didn't know what a washer was or I would have shredded it myself," I whispered back.”
“I'll go gentle, baby," he whispered against my lips. "I promise. You'll always be safe with me."
Oh. My.
"Mitch," I breathed.
His soulful eyes held mine captive as he repeated firmly, "Always.”
“Let's see if I can tear that cocoon wide open and let my Mara fly.”
Dear Ms. Ashley
You probably don't know who I am, but pretty soon you will. Why, you ask yourself. Because I am going to kidnap Mitch Lawson and make him a part of my harem, of course. Now, I know nowadays harems aren't trendy, but as I was reading this book I realized I had a problem. There are just too many men I had already pledged to (including your fabulous heroes Brock and Ty), so I needed to think outside of the box. I realize having all those alpha men at the ready will be very challenging and a lifetime obligation. That's all right, I'm ready to work very, very hard at it. The moment I decided this was the only option was this...
“The man who gets Mara gets you and Billie. I’m that man. What you gotta get is, while fallin’ in love with Mara, I fell in love with you and your sister. Straight up, Bud, no lie. The feelings I feel for Mara are hers, the feelings I feel for Billie are hers and the feelings I feel for you are yours. You all have my love, not collectively, individually. Do you understand me?”
"Mitch nodded. “Right. What I mean is, I didn’t fall in love with you all as a whole. I fell in love with each of you because of who you are. I don’t care about you because you come with Mara. I care about you because you’re a good kid. You’re smart. You’re loyal. And you love and look out for your sister and Mara. I know grown men who do not have a character as fine as yours. Those are the reasons I love you. There are different reasons I love Billie. And there are different reasons I love Mara. Today, what we had together was good. But the feelings I feel for you aren’t feelings I have to have in order to have Mara. They’re feelings you earned. Now, you with me?”
If this letter fell accidentally, in hands of someone who doesn't know who Billy, Billie and Mara are, let me explain.
Mara is the totally undeserving girlfriend of Mitch. I know, I know-I shouldn't say something like that, especially after the hard life she had, but as Mitch said...
"I was right. Your head is right up your ass."
That girl needs therapy. The point system idea is so whacked. Who lives their life by devising a point system where every person has a certain value, based on their looks, and upon further knowledge, attitude and is then judged by that? Don't understand, here's an example...
"His mother was probably a Ten Point Five too and Ten Point Fives didn’t help out Two Point Fives."
That's so wrong, it's not even funny. What, now an attractive person can't help out a person who isn't as attractive? Ms. Ashley, why on Earth did you write something like that? I know, later I was supposed to see how she got over that with the help of Mitch and the kids, but she never redeemed herself completely for me. That's why this Mitch-napping is also for his own good. He'll be happier this way.
While we're here exchanging words, I have a request to make. Would you please consider writing a kick-ass, strong, confident heroine for a change. Not a clumsy, self conscious, low self esteem one. Because, no matter how much I like Tack, I don't want to be forced to take him in for his own good, too. Plus, I'd like to see a woman like that with him. It would definitely take him down a peg or two. Maybe she could be a detective? Now that's a storyline that would totally rock.
Now, where was I....Oh, yeah. Billy and Billie. I'm still incredulous about those names. I think even you mixed them up from time to time. Billy's the boy and Billie's the girl which Mara and Mitch took in, after their father (you've guessed it) Bill (who is Mara's cousin, the scumbag) gets himself in jail. Billy and Billie are like the cutest kids ever. Don't worry about them. I'll totally adopt them when I get Mitch.
"I decided to shift the subject and asked gently, “You sleep okay, sweetie?”
“Miss my teddy,” Billie replied.
Personally, I thought Detective Mitch Lawson was far superior to a tiny pink teddy bear but I wasn’t six years old."
Far superior, but the kids are cute. That speech at the beginning, those are Mitch's words to Billy, explaining his love for them. Didn't I say he was perfect.
That was all I meant to say, but I thought it was fair to mention the good stuff about their relationship, as well. Even though it totally defies my purpose...
Her infatuation...
"I was in love with him and I didn’t know him and he definitely didn’t know me. This was not in a sick-stalker-type way because I was too shy to be a stalker and I liked him too much to put him through something like that. This was in an ohmigod he’s got the perfect body, perfect bone structure, perfect smile, most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen way. It was totally benign, admiring from afar except that we lived across and one down the breezeway from each other so it wasn’t that far."
Their arguments...
…my eyes slid to Mitch whereupon I engaged my retinal laser beam to target Mitch who was not supposed to be sprawled on my couch eating donuts with the kids before nine o’clock. In fact, he was not supposed to be in my house at all until eleven o’clock. Unfortunately, my retinal laser beam malfunctioned and Mitch wasn’t incinerated.
Him explaining she has to see the light...
“Mara,” his arms gave me a squeeze, “baby, you’ve got to live in the now. Not in your head. Not controlled by your fears. You can’t live for what might happen five months in the future. You got issues you gotta face today. You gotta deal with them now. You got two kids who count on you and their lives aren’t gonna go perfect every day because you weigh every decision you make and tread cautiously. Those options are no longer available to you. You’re gonna have to live day to day and make decisions on the fly. And I’m tellin’ you I’m here to help. You need it and they need it. Are you honestly gonna say no?”
And her FINALLY seeing it...
"I didn’t need it.
Because I wasn’t a Two Point Five. I wasn’t an Eight. I wasn’t a Ten.
Mitch was right. My classification system was bullshit.
Bottom line, what I was is a decent person."
I hate being fair. I totally feel like pouting right now...
All in all, I'm just telling you to be prepared for imminent events. If you want to bribe me to stop, write me in with Tack. WITH Tack, you know? *waggles eyebrows*
Love Mimi
P.S. If my plans are derailed, please do put Mara in therapy. At least for a while. Those kind of delusions don't just go away. Thanks!
My review for book 1 in the series
My review for book 2 in the series
My review for book 4 in the series
“What I mean is, I didn't fall in love with you all as a whole. I fell in love with each of you because of who you are. I don't care about you because you come with Mara. I care about you because you're a good kid. You're smart. You're loyal. And you love and look out for your sister and Mara. I know grown men who do not have a character as fine as yours. Those are the reasons I love you. There are different reasons I love Billie. And there are different reasons I love Mara. Today, what we had together was good. But the feelings I feel for you aren't feelings I have to have in order to have Mara. They're feelings you earned. Now, you with me?”Then he also says stuff like this... How can you not love this man???
“I'll go gentle, baby," he whispered against my lips. "I promise. You'll always be safe with me."Just a random- I listened to this audiobook and I’m just going to note that the Billy/Billie thing was really confusing for me. When you can’t see how it’s spelled and they are randomly saying Billy/Billie all the time it throws you off. I was never so happy then when Mitch started calling Billy, Bud!
Oh. My.
"Mitch," I breathed.
His soulful eyes held mine captive as he repeated firmly, "Always.”
“That's another thing that doesn't turn me off, sweetheart, knowin' that you come with those kids and you need to know that. You also need to know I want kids of my own, two of them. But I don't care, if this works out between me and you, that the kids we have will have an older brother and sister that don't have my blood, just my heart.”
“You're Mara, you're sweet, you're beautiful and I will not forget until the day I die how beautiful it felt to slide inside you with you wrapped around me, see your eyes get wet and know straight in my gut that you felt how beautiful it was too.”
“That's another thing that doesn't turn me off, sweetheart, knowin' that you come with those kids and you need to know that. You also need to know I want kids of my own, two of them. But I don't care, if this works out between me and you, that the kids we have will have an older brother and sister that don't have my blood, just my heart.”
And I did this mostly because if he told me to throw myself in front of a train, but did it adding the word "baby", I would have done it.
“I love you, Bud," he whispered to Billy and two more tears escaped.
"I love you too, Mitch," Billy whispered back, my breath hitched and both males' eyes came to me.
I waved my wineglass at them and murmured, "Don't mind me. Have your moment."
Mitch leaned back, letting Billy go and grinning at me. "Men don't have moments."
"You do," I returned. "I'm witnessing one."
"This isn't a moment, honey, it's a meeting of the minds," Mitch contradicted me.”
“What I mean is, I didn't fall in love with you all as a whole. I fell in love with each of you because of who you are. I don't care about you because you come with Mara. I care about you because you're a good kid. You're smart. You're loyal. And you love and look out for your sister and Mara. I know grown men who do not have a character as fine as yours. Those are the reasons I love you. There are different reasons I love Billie. And there are different reasons I love Mara. Today, what we had together was good. But the feelings I feel for you aren't feelings I have to have in order to have Mara. They're feelings you earned. Now, you with me?”
Roberta had been a Seven when I met her because she was pretty, petite, with thick brunette hair and a little extra weight that she held well. She was also happy with her family and her husband in their suburban house with two cars and vacations to Disney World. She'd slipped down to a Five Point Five when she got angry and moody and hated the world and mostly all the men in it after her husband left. Now she was back up and surpassed the Seven to be an Eight because she'd settled into her new life...
I didn't understand what she was saying, but explaining to her what the likes of me meant was was explaining to her my One to Ten Classification System. I didn't want to do that, especially explaining where I felt I came in on the scale.
I'd learned not to share this information, because friends who cared about you always tried to talk you into believing you were so far up that scale it was unreal. My oldest friend, Lynette, who still lived back in Iowa, was the only person I'd told about my system. She even tried to talk me into believing I topped the scale at Mitch's rank of Ten Point Five. She was convinced of it and tried to convince me. I knew she was wrong and I knew she was convinced I was a Ten Point Five because she liked me. I liked her too. She was a definite Eight Point Five. When she was in a good mood and her sunny disposition shone even more brightly, she soared up to a Nine Point Five, she had nothing to worry about.
"Mitch, the kids-" I breathed.Right. Take the kids back to a housebroken home after feeding them the same junk food they always eat at home (if they are lucky). G-d forbid the idea of a good decent restaurant should have ever entered your skull without macho Mitch around. And hey asshole: How is dumping the kids back home with their neglectful father fixing the issue you just said you needed to step in and fix? 🙈
"First, we're goin' to Lola's and giving them a good meal."
I blinked at him.
Lola's was awesome and had absolutely fantastic food, but it was also not what the kids were used to. It wasn't fancy, but it wasn't Taco Bell, either, and it wasn't exactly inexpensive. I hadn't actually asked Mitch to accompany me, but since he did, I thought we'd pop to the nearest fast-food joint, go through a drive-thru and get the kids home. After, I would do whatever it was I was going to have to do at Bill's, then get home and away from Mitch.
"You stood me up."
"I didn't."
"Mara, you did and you did it, essentially, twice."
My head jerked to face him again and I snapped, "No, I didn't!"
He shook his head and muttered, "Jesus, you got your head so far up your ass it's a wonder you can breathe."
"Pardon?" I hissed.
"You heard me."
"Yes," I bit out, "I did, and what you said was not very nice."
"No, baby, it wasn't but it was the fuckin' truth."
Was I sitting in Detective Mitch Lawson's SUV fighting with him? Two Point Fives didn't fight with Ten Point Fives. It was against the laws of the universe. How did this happen?
"I don't have my head up my ass!" I snapped somewhat loudly.
"You live in a whole different world," he retorted.
"Do not!"
"He's still got that guy comin' over all the time, and I don't like him. He's a creep. And I don't like him around Billie. He's sugar sweet to her and it freaks me out. Gives her candy. Tells her she's pretty. It's weird."
Billy had been telling me about "that guy" for a while, and Billy had good instincts, so I figured whoever "that guy" was, he wasn't a good guy. And what he said about how "that guy" treated Billie made my stomach clench and my mouth taste sour.
He didn't hide his liquor from me or his kids, which was something I didn't like. I knew how weird and uncomfortable it was seeing a parent drink all the time, drink until they were fall-down, crazy, stupid and sometimes mean drunk. And I didn't want that for Billy and Billie. But it wasn't illegal, and to my knowledge it didn't happen often.
I moved, opened the door a bit and stood in it.
"Hey," I said, and the minute my eyes hit him, I again felt like crying.
They needed to separate the zones. Mandatory boundaries. Ones to Threes got Canada (because there were a lot of us and we needed the space). Fours to Sixes got the US. The fewer numbered Sevens to Tens got the sultry, tropical beauty of Mexico. If they separated us, things like this wouldn't happen and therefore hurt like this wouldn't be felt.
"You need to quit talking," I blurted and wished I could clap my hands over my mouth because I sounded like a fool.
I should have lied to him earlier. I should have kicked him in the shin and run away.
He dumped the scrambled eggs into the waiting melted butter in the skillet and looked at me. "Get the butter and jelly baby."
I moved to the fridge and I did this mostly because if he told me to throw myself in front of a train but did it adding the word "baby," I would have done it.
“If it was an everyday life thing that wasn’t a big deal, why won’t you tell me?”
“God! Will you just shut up and go?”
“Yeah, I will, after you fuckin’ talk to me.”
“Why are you pushing this?” I bit off.
“Why do you think?” he shot back.
“I’ve no idea.”
“Could it be, Mara, because I’m into you?”
“You jump outta my truck again before I’ve come to a complete halt, swear to God, baby, I’ll turn you over my knee. You with me?”
“Never believed in this shit but now, I’m thinkin’ I fell in love with the promise of you the first time I saw you.”
“Oatmeal activakes [sic] my brain?” she asked and Mitch’s grin turned to a smile.
“Yep, it goes into your belly and gives your whole body energy, wakes it up, even your brain, so you can be super smart,” Mitch answered.
Billie lifted a hand and placed it on his neck, her eyes had grown wondrous. “Oo, I wanna be super smart so I can grow up and be a hairdresser!” she declared. I smiled, Mitch chuckled and both his arms got tight, the one around Billie and the one around me.
“I love you, Bud,” he whispered to Billy and two more tears escaped.
“I love you too, Mitch,” Billy whispered back...
I waved my wineglass at them and murmured, “Don’t mind me. Have your moment.”
Mitch leaned back, letting Billy go and grinning at me. “Men don’t have moments.”
“You do,” I returned. “I’m witnessing one.”
“This isn’t a moment, honey, it’s a meeting of the minds…”
Being a Two, maybe a Three, so placing myself at a Two Point Five, there was no way in hell I’d ever be standing out in the breezeway pressed to Detective Mitch Lawson.