Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the H, the H's crazy family, and the friends to more build up.
The Not-So-Good: The h pushing away and m4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the H, the H's crazy family, and the friends to more build up.
The Not-So-Good: The h pushing away and miscommunication throughout became a little frustrating as well.
The Bad: The ending, between the conflict resolution (which felt rushed) and the epilogue.
Overall: This was a good book after many flops lately. I'm really digging Ms. Jimenez and her voice and I will definitely continue to read her works. To explain why 4 instead of 5 stars it is mainly because of the ending. I wanted much more. I also was frustrated with the h pushing away at a time (view spoiler)[at ~90%! (hide spoiler)] I didn't think was nearly enough to work out on page. The miscommunication/non-communication was super annoying when they both were just assuming things -- which, granted, I think is pretty common in the fake-to-real trope. Otherwise, I adored the H, liked the h, and enjoyed their connection.
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Brianna and Jacob's story. Jacob is a new doctor that comes to Brianna's hospital at the worst time in her life. Her divorce is almost finalized and her younger brother is going through kidney failure without a donor in sight. When Brianna misjudges Jacob and she's having a really bad day, they get off to a bad start. Jacob suffers from sever social anxiety, so he writes Brianna a letter to apologize for his part. They start corresponding and then they become the best part of each other's day. When some secrets get revealed, a fake dating arrangement gets made. There are feelings developed, some other secrets and trauma revealed, and some funny scenes...and they get a HEA ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Brianna and Jacob's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good until the very end (see closure section below). I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well otherwise.
Instalove: No, but instant connection and attraction
H (Hero) rating: 4.5 stars. Jacob. He was pretty amazing and boy could I relate to some of his social anxiety!
h (heroine) rating: 3.5 stars. Brianna. I liked her but she frustrated me towards the end when she pushes away.
Sadness level: Low/moderate. I shed some tears but never needed any tissues.
Push/Pull: Yes (view spoiler)[the h pushes away and I'd say the H is the main pursuer of the relationship (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Mild. They have some slight tension, chemistry, and one descriptive scene -- this is a good example of a book that doesn't have steam, but I still felt the connection. This was definitely slow burn because the one intimate scene wasn't until 81% in my kindle app.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[the H has some unresolved issues with his ex and there is an OM that causes some jealousy (hide spoiler)]
Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: Not between mcs (view spoiler)[the h was cheated on by her ex and the H's ex got h with his brother only 3 months after their breakup (hide spoiler)]
Separation: Yes (view spoiler)[They are separated very shortly (days), but there was no mention or suggestion of other partners during this time. (hide spoiler)]
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[The h's husband was cheating on her with her close friend for ~2 years before she caught them and filed for divorce (off page), the H's ex is with his younger brother (on page), the H has severe social anxiety (on page), kidney failure of loved one from immune disorder (on page), miscarriage in past (off page), and unexpected pregnancy (on page) (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends with what I would call a HEA (view spoiler)[they're getting married and have a child (hide spoiler)] but I wanted more time between the conflict resolution and the epilogue! I wanted to experience them working through it all and being happy together! This greedy reader was too greedy I guess ...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The banter, the premise, and the buildup to more.
The Not-So-Good: The explanation of the H and what he did could've4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The banter, the premise, and the buildup to more.
The Not-So-Good: The explanation of the H and what he did could've absolutely been better.
The Bad: The ending.
Overall: I really enjoyed this one! Up until the end, that is. Why leave me hanging so much?! I even went to see if the next book was about them, which I was sad to see it wasn't. I get setting up the next in the series, kind of, but you gotta give us some closure about them!! At least a jump ahead epilogue for their future together. I can go on and on, but I think you get the gist...
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Sloan and Declan's story. Sloan finds herself kidnapped in relation to her ex boyfriend and her best friend's new man. Declan's order to kidnap her change drastically when the he finds himself the new head of the Irish mafia. As they argue and spend more time together, the more they're drawn to one another and can't deny the fact that they're made for each other. There is some mafia violence, some big secrets revealed, and some hot sexy times...and they get a HFN ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Sloan and Declan's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and thought it flowed well (until the abrupt ending)
Instalove: No, more like hate-to-love.
H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Declan. I liked him. He was protective and caring for the h even when he didn't want to be. Tough outer shell while being soft on the inside just for her.
h (heroine) rating: 4.5 stars. Sloan. I really liked her. She was pretty badass. I liked her wits, her loyalty, and her self confidence/perseverance.
Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story. BDSM elements:(view spoiler)[bondage, spanking (hand, belt, and flogger), and D/s dynamics (hide spoiler)]
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[ the h's ex tries to save her and causes some mild drama (hide spoiler)]Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: No
Separation: Yes, but only physically (view spoiler)[They are separated shortly, but there was no mention or suggestion of other partners during this time. (hide spoiler)]
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[Kidnapping/violence/murder/assault/drugging (on page), the h was raped when she was young and miscarried (h explains her past to H - off page), the h was emotionally abused and sent to fat camp as a child where she ended up cutting (h explains her past to H - off page), loss of family (off page), and the H is ~14 years older than the h (42/28) (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends with an epilogue to set up the next book. To say I was disappointed with the ending is an understatement. I wanted so much more! I had so many unanswered questions. I would call this a HFN ending (view spoiler)[they've shared "ILYs" and the H told the h they're getting married (hide spoiler)]
Safety: This one should be either Safe or Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have both the h and H pushing away - Does have a (physical) separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse by mcs - Does Not have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the banter, the connection (both my own and theirs to each other).
The Not-So-Good: The angst. I unders4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the banter, the connection (both my own and theirs to each other).
The Not-So-Good: The angst. I understood that he was traumatized, especially from his grandmother, but I didn't quite understand his drastic view on life.
The Bad: The ending. This greedy reader always wants more with her books!
Overall: This did what Ms. Jewel always does for me - she sucks me in, gets me invested enough to feel for her characters, gets me emotionally connected, and then leaves me in a little bit of disappointment in the ending. She'll still remain one of my go-to authors though. The first 3 out 4 typical reactions I get from her books are well worth the last one! I loved their banter, liked their unlikely friendship, and while I had predicted a good bit of the angst and struggled with the ending, I liked this read overall. Not enough to go on my favorites shelf (like one of her books, Look the Part, is on), but good enough to get a higher rating than the 3 star slump I've been in ...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The banter, progression of deeper feelings, and how they made each other feel seen.
The Not-So-Good: The lack of angs4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The banter, progression of deeper feelings, and how they made each other feel seen.
The Not-So-Good: The lack of angst in proportion to what I was expecting -- which could just be my expectations tbh. I did want the H's POV too!
The Bad: If I had to say something, it would be that the h kind of sucked at communicating at times ~ definitely more than I would've liked.
Overall: I like the progression to deeper feelings. I liked the banter and connection. I did feel like it got a little too fluffy for me towards the end, but I did actually like the epilogue and felt like it provided enough closure for once. I would've liked to have Bo's POV throughout because I do think that would've contributed so much! I also would've liked better communication about the h's baggage because I felt like it was just the H sharing all the time. I was honestly expecting more angst from the few reviews I read before. Overall, this was a good read!
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Win and Bo's story. They meet, connect instantly, and have a one night stand at a friend's Halloween party. Only the "one night" gets extended when Win finds herself pregnant a few months later. They decide to become friends and roommates so they can be the best parents possible for their baby, but that line in the sand between friend and more is hard not to cross. Thee are some funny scenes, some big reveals, some self growth, and some sexy times...and they get a HEA ending.
Point Of View (POV): This was told in Win's POV (bonus chapter in Bo's POV).
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I felt it slowed down a good bit after they shared their "ILYs" but I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well otherwise.
Instalove: No, but instant banter and connection.
H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Bo. He was so sweet! He was a good combo of a cute, dorky, caring character!
h (heroine) rating: 3.5 stars. Win. I liked her, but I really wanted her to communicate better at times.
Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed surprisingly. I know others said they did get emotional, so it could be a me thing.
Push/Pull: Yes (view spoiler)[the h pushes away a bit and friend zones the H and I'd say they both pursue the relationship at times (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: No (view spoiler)[closest is the h thinks the H is still in love with his ex (hide spoiler)]
Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: No
Separation: No
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[ The H had bone cancer and lost a leg (off page), the h has a small hand from birth, loss of a parent (view spoiler)[to suicide (hide spoiler)] (off page), and verbal/emotional abuse from ex (h off page) (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends with an adorable jump ahead epilogue that I would call a HEA (view spoiler)[they're married with children (hide spoiler)]
Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have the h (slightly) pushing the H away - Does Not have a separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse by mcs - Does have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Super Quick Opinion: This was a lovely surprise! I enjoyed it. I enjoyed how it was a slow burn in the best way where they were developing the 4 Stars
Super Quick Opinion: This was a lovely surprise! I enjoyed it. I enjoyed how it was a slow burn in the best way where they were developing the foundation of their relationship (on page!) and that made it so much sweeter when they finally gave into their feelings and were together. I enjoyed the characters, their banter, and the fact that they both were damaged in their own way but found support in each other enough to be vulnerable and work through their past traumas. I might go back and read others in this series since I did enjoy the author's voice.
Safety This is probably either Safe or Safe with exception for the the safety gang depending on personal preferences (view spoiler)[the H was rumored to have many mistresses after his wife and newborn died (off page and not after anything with the h), the h was tricked into being with OM that did not propose like he said and she had to give up her baby in secret to keep her reputation (off page), domestic violence (side character off page), and assault (on page) (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the side characters, the emotions, and the paper rings.
The Not-So-Good: The vague details of their dat4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the side characters, the emotions, and the paper rings.
The Not-So-Good: The vague details of their dating lives while separated and I wanted the H's POV.
The Bad: The length of their separation and horrible communication.
Overall: This was a fun surprise! I'll fully admit that I do judge a book by its cover! While this illustration is perfectly cute and nothing aesthetically wrong with it per se, I've come to be cautious with these types of covers. I've found that the cutesy illustrated covers are usually over hyped and often disappointing reads. Don't hate me ...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the humor, the characters, and the steamy scenes.
The Not-So-Good: The fact that in order to get the ex4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the humor, the characters, and the steamy scenes.
The Not-So-Good: The fact that in order to get the extended epilogue, I had to sign up for the author's newsletter-- pet peeve of mine for sure.
The Bad: If anything would be considered "bad" I'd say that it's the fact that we don't get the H's POV. I think this prevented me from fully connecting with him. I know we got other people's opinions on him to help shape our opinion, but I didn't feel like it was enough-- I wanted to know what he was thinking many times.
Overall: This was much better than expected! There were a few things that I think could've brought it to a higher rating for me (more closure in the end, the H's POV, and more connection with side characters). That being said, I liked it! Good surprise as it tapped into my emotions, had some hot steamy times, and left me with a smile.
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Jamie and Jackson's story. Jamie has been working for a matchmaking agency and on Jackson's case for over 8 months when she and her coworkers decide to send her on a date incognito to see what really was the problem. Only Jackson finds out who she really is and she finds out that her initial thoughts of him sabotaging the dates was true. Jackson's aunt is basically blackmailing him into using the service, and now she demands that he work with Jamie on what they call an immersion program that requires her to be his shadow, living with him and being his dating coach, for a month. There is some butting of heads, some secrets revealed, some funny moments, and some sexy times....and they get a HEA ending.
Point Of View (POV): This was told in Jamie's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove: No, more like a hate-to-friends-with-benefits-to-more
H (Hero) rating: 3.5 stars. Jackson. I liked him but I really wanted more into his psyche and I think having his POV could've really helped with that, because I don't feel like we got as deep into his character as I would've liked.
h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Jamie. I liked her. She was sassy and said it like it was but not in an annoyingly bitchy way.
Sadness level: Moderate. I shed some tears but never needed any tissues -- this was a surprise!
Push/Pull:Yes (view spoiler)[ They both push away and I'd say the H is the main pursuer of the relationship (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[there are a few OW that the H goes on dates with (per his requirement) that cause some jealousy, and one OW tries to kiss him but he doesn't allow it (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends in a cute place with what I would call a HEA ending (view spoiler)[they're married (hide spoiler)]
Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have both the h and H pushing away - Does Not have a separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse by mcs - Does have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the MCs, the side characters, and the setting
The Not-So-Good: The amount of closure for this greedy re4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the MCs, the side characters, and the setting
The Not-So-Good: The amount of closure for this greedy reader
The Bad: Not necessarily bad, but I would've liked more groveling by the sister
Overall: This was cute and better than expected! When I read the blurb, I automatically thought of the movies, Wedding Date and Anyone But You. While this definitely had those vibes, it was also unique in its own way. I would've liked to have the farther glimpse into their future without having to sign up to get an extended epilogue, but that's me being greedy. Overall, I liked it.
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Paisley and Klein's story. Paisley has to be maid of honor to her younger sister who is marrying her ex at a weeklong island wedding. She bumps into Klein, who unknowingly kinda broke her heart in college, and they realize that they can help each other out. Klein agrees to be her fake date and she agrees to use her marketing firm's resources to help him find a publisher for his book. They realize that the instant connection they felt one drunken night in college wasn't a fluke and those feelings start coming back. There is family drama, some funny moments, some sexy times...and they get a HEA ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Paisley and Klein's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove: No, they knew each other in college.
H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Klein. I liked him. I thought he might've been a little too perfect, but that might have also been because he seemed to fall first (and that's not my favorite)
h (heroine) rating: 3.5 stars. Paisley. I liked her. I appreciated her loyalty and her personal growth in the story.
Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed
Push/Pull: Yes, but mild (view spoiler)[the h pushes away a little but not too much and I'd say the H is the main pursuer of the relationship (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[ the h's ex is marrying her younger sister and he causes some drama by being jealous and not over her (hide spoiler)]
Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: No
Separation: No
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[ the h's sister is marrying her ex (on page), cheating (side character off page), and the H has dyslexia (off page) (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends with a cute epilogue and what I would call a HEA ending (view spoiler)[they get married (hide spoiler)], but he author offers an extended epilogue if you sign up (I'm not going to)
Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have the h pushing the H away - Does Not have a separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse - Does have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, side characters, and sarcasm/banter.
The Not-So-Good: The tension/steam (it was pretty mild) and I woul4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, side characters, and sarcasm/banter.
The Not-So-Good: The tension/steam (it was pretty mild) and I would've liked to have the H's POV
The Bad: The ending.
Overall: This was actually better than I expected! This author has been a hit or miss for me, so I've been hesitant to read anything else from her -- but I'm glad I did! I liked the premise. I liked that they became best friends first and then more. It made it so much more than a revenge/rebound type relationship for me. I hate how meh the ending was though! I can see so many different ways that the author could've taken us to get more closure, which is what I was missing, but no. It was a lackluster chapter that left me wanting. Overall, I liked it.
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Daphne and Miles' story. Daphne's fiancé breaks up with her after his bachelorette party and she finds herself living with a practical stranger that was with the woman her fiancé left her for. They become friends that bond over their hurt that accidentally becomes a fake relationship that turns into more. There is a good bit of past baggage they both work through, some cute and funny moments with side characters, and some sexy times...and they get a HFN ending.
Point Of View (POV): This was told in the h's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I wanted more in the end but I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove:No, more like friends to more.
H (Hero) rating: 3.5 stars. Miles. I liked him but I really would've liked to get his POV.
h (heroine) rating: 3.5 stars. Daphne. I liked her. I appreciated how she continued to hope and trust others even when she didn't necessarily want to.
Sadness level: Low/moderate. I shed some tears but never needed any tissues.
Heat level: Alright. They have some tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[the h's fiancé leaves her for his childhood best friend, which is the H's long term girlfriend and they get engaged (hide spoiler)]
Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: Not between mcs (view spoiler)[they both are left by exes that get together and claim to have loved each other (hide spoiler)]
Separation: Yes (view spoiler)[They are separated shortly (couple weeks?), but there was no mention or suggestion of other partners during this time. (hide spoiler)]
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[Both mcs have parental issues (abandonment and invalidated feelings) (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends in a good place but not nearly enough closure for me. I would call it a HFN ending (view spoiler)[they're living together again (hide spoiler)]
Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have both the h and H pushing away - Does have a short separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse - Does Not have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The banter/dialogue and premise.
The Not-So-Good: I liked the H so much that I wanted the h to consider him a little 4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The banter/dialogue and premise.
The Not-So-Good: I liked the H so much that I wanted the h to consider him a little more at times.
The Bad: The closure, or lack there of.
Overall: This was better than expected! Sadly, it still didn't quite hit the mark for me though. I liked it and I was feeling this it had the potential for being on my favorites shelf about halfway through, but sadly it didn't end that way for me. I needed way more closure than what we got. I wanted scenes of them making their permanent lives together! I wanted scenes where they worked through the h's trauma! I felt like the ending was way too abrupt and left me with way too many questions. I loved the instant banter and dialogue between the mcs and the premise was super cute. I also wasn't mad about the idea of mental illness and making them more human with their struggles. I just needed some...more in the end. Still a win with 4 stars from me though!
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Emma and Justin's story. Emma reaches out to a Reddit post that Justin wrote about having a curse of the people he breaks up with go on to meet their soulmate next because she has the same curse. They start texting and Justin comes up with the idea that if they date each other they could break the curse, so they give it a try. Only life gets complicated with the appearance of Emma's abusively flighty mom and Justin now being in possession of his three younger siblings, making an already gun-shy Emma even more scared. There are some cute and funny moments, some past trauma they have to work through, and some sweet moments...and they get a HFN ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Emma and Justin's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well (up until the abrupt ending).
Instalove: No, but instant connection (they do claim to have loved each other from first site at the end)
H (Hero) rating: 4.5 stars. Justin. I liked him a lot. I think I just wanted him to be a little more alpha ...more
Overall Opinion: My youngest daughter is a big true crime fan and we needed something to listen to for a road-trip, so I borrowed thi4 Stars Audiobook
Overall Opinion: My youngest daughter is a big true crime fan and we needed something to listen to for a road-trip, so I borrowed this audiobook from my local library. I had just watched the Zach Efron movie about Ted Bundy on Netflix myself and I thought, why not? It was interesting to hear the timeline and this author definitely had a bias that had my daughter and I talking about a few times. We're convinced she was in love with Bundy herself, because she kept on saying how handsome he was and how she couldn't believe he was guilty despite all the evidence saying otherwise. I also thought it was interesting that she hardly talked about that woman that he married in court or any of her involvement (Carol, I think?)...
But! If you need something to listen to on a long road trip and you like true crime type of stories, this is probably a winner for you. We enjoyed it and it was interesting enough and fast paced enough to get us there and back!
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The characters, the premise, and the steam. I also liked the H's family and the side characters.
The Not-So-Good: Th4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The characters, the premise, and the steam. I also liked the H's family and the side characters.
The Not-So-Good: The lack of conflict. This was pretty smooth sailing for the two.
The Bad: The end. Too rushed at the end and not enough closure (see closure section below)! Why couldn't there be (view spoiler)[time with them as an actual outed couple navigating their new careers on page (hide spoiler)]?!
Overall: This was an awesome surprise! I liked it. I wasn't expecting to be wowed for some reason going in, but I like being surprised this way! I think my safety gals will really like this one. Good characters, good development, and steamy sexy times! If only that ending was better...
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Nora and Theo's story. When Nora thinks she's being called into her boss's office for the promotion she's been working for, she is shocked to meet the new guy and her competitor, Theo. Theo has a chip on his shoulder and he wants it when they are told they are both up for said promotion. Their bumping heads gets too much and they lose Nora's biggest client and their boss sends them to fix things in person. They see each other in a different light and being enemies no longer applies. There are some funny moments, some sexy times, and some sweet scenes...and they get a HFN ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Nora and Theo's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good until the very end. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove: No, more like hate-to-love.
H (Hero) rating: 4.5 stars. Theo. I really liked him! He was rough, judgmental, and growly at first, but turned into an awesome H!
h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Nora. I liked her. I appreciated her smarts, independence and self confidence.
Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed
Push/Pull: Yes, but mild (view spoiler)[ the h pushes away a little bit because of her past and I'd say the H is the main pursuer of the relationship (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Closure: This is my biggest frustration! Why do I need to sign up for some good closure?! I would call this book a HFN ending (view spoiler)[they've moved in together (hide spoiler)] but the author offers an extended epilogue that I didn't read.
Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have the h (mildly) pushing the H away - Does Not have a separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse - Does Not have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise. The characters. The small town feel. And the h's relationship with the dog!
The Not-So-Good: How all th4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise. The characters. The small town feel. And the h's relationship with the dog!
The Not-So-Good: How all the drama was so easily resolved. I think that it was a little too easy to the point that it didn't feel believable.
The Bad: The heat. I wouldn't necessarily say this was "bad," but it definitely was mega slow burn, which isn't my favorite.
Overall: This was better than I thought it'd be! In the past, this author has just been kind of meh for me but with all the good reviews from my GR friends, I wanted to give her another shot. I'm glad I did! This was reminiscent to one of my faves, Kiss an Angel, with the h being out of her element but strong enough to keep barreling along. I like strong heroines, so this was a great aspect to the story for me. Overall, I liked it!
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Meredith and Jack's story. Meredith gets away from her husband that has everyone fooled is the best guy ever and runs to Texas, where her estranged half-sister lives. Only her half-sister in in Paris while her home is under renovations. She ends up becoming a housekeeper for her half-sister's grumpy (but hot) boss, because all she had with her are the clothes on her back when she escaped. There are some funny moments, some big secrets revealed, and a few sexy times...and they get a HEA ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Meredith and Jack's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well. It did end at 93% in my kindle app with a sample of another book.
Instalove: No, more of a hate-to-friends-to-more dynamic.
H (Hero) rating: 3.5 stars. Jack. He was definitely a jerk at first but he comes around and is good for the h.
h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Meredith. I liked her sassy ways and I appreciated her strength in getting away from her ex.
Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed
Push/Pull: Yes (view spoiler)[ They both push away and I'd say they both pursue the relationship at times too (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Alright. They have some tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not very many and not so much it takes away from the story. Definitely a slow burn because (view spoiler)[they don't even kiss until 73% in my kindle app and don't have sex until 88% (hide spoiler)]
Cheating: Not IMO but... (view spoiler)[She is technically married to OM when feelings start to develop and they kiss and do other things (except sex) but they are separated (hide spoiler)]
Separation: No
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[The h is technically married to OM, h's ex was verbally abusive/gaslighter, and loss of parents (H-off page) (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends with a cute epilogue and what I would call a HEA ending (view spoiler)[they're married and she's pregnant (hide spoiler)]
Safety: This one should be either Safe with exception or Not Safe for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating IMO (see above) - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have both the h and H pushing away - Does Not have a separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse by mcs - Does have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise (even though it has definitely been done before), the feelings development, the H and h's relationship 4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise (even though it has definitely been done before), the feelings development, the H and h's relationships with the H's son, the side characters (to where I might read their books), and the steam!
The Not-So-Good: I had a few unanswered questions (view spoiler)[what happened with the ex after their meeting, did the h adopt the son, and what did the h end up doing career-wise? (hide spoiler)] that I was bugged were not addressed.
The Bad: I'd say the one thing I didn't like was the lack of concrete closure. Its no secret I am dang picky when it comes to my "HEA" label, but it really bummed me out that I didn't feel right unless I was consistent with my previous ratings and gave this a HFN.
Overall: This was actually a fun surprise and better than I expected! It was definitely hotter than I expected and I appreciated the connection I experienced developing. I did struggle with a few things, but overall I liked it!
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Willa and Cade's story. Cade is struggling to find a new nanny when his soon-to-be-sister-in-law suggests her best friend, Willa. Only Willa and Cade met before their introduction and had an interesting start. Cade is not trusting of females, and Willa doesn't hesitate to show him her true colors, but Cade has to hire her after witnessing her sweet interactions with his son. There is some tension, some fun banter, some hot sexy times, and some sweet moments...and they get a HFN ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Willa and Cade's POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove: No, they take a while to develop stronger feelings.
H (Hero) rating: 3.5 stars. Cade. I liked him, but he was a little too judgmental (especially at first) for my liking.
h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Willa. I liked her actually more than the H. While she had her insecurities, she was comfortable in her own skin and didn't hesitate to be loyal to those she cared about.
Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[ the H's ex wife comes around and causes some drama and there are a few OM that cause some jealousy for the H (but the h doesn't do anything) (hide spoiler)]
Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: No
Separation: Yes (view spoiler)[They are separated shortly (days/week?), but there was no mention or suggestion of other partners during this time. (hide spoiler)]
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[The H has a son with ex wife that she abandoned (mostly off page) and the H is ~13 years older than the h (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends in a good place but for consistency's sake, I would call it a HFN ending because it lacked a concrete commitment for the mcs. I'm sure other readers would be fine calling this a HEA because (view spoiler)[they have a baby (hide spoiler)], but I needed more.
Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have the h and H both pushing away - Does have a short separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse by mcs - Does Not have a HEA ending (see above) (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the characters, the h, and the connection.
The Not-So-Good: The H not realizing what he really wanted s4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The premise, the characters, the h, and the connection.
The Not-So-Good: The H not realizing what he really wanted sooner. I got a little frustrated tbh.
The Bad: The ending left me wanting. I wanted to experience (view spoiler)[the H and h properly entering/being accepted by society together, maybe them maybe playing the hiding game like he remembered of his parents with their children, and some more closure with both of their family drama (hide spoiler)]
Overall: This was a fun surprise! I enjoyed this one. I liked their dialogue and the overall story. I think I need to look into more of this author's works...
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Catherine and Luke's story. Rumors say that Luke has killed a man, so when Catherine needs to have someone dealt with, that is who she turns to. Luke remembers Catherine because, while never properly introduced, she has never backed down from his bad reputation and that has made him drawn to her. When Luke realizes that Catherine can help polish his future betrothed to be in titled society, he strikes up an agreement with her. There is a friendship formed, some lines crossed, some suspenseful moments, and some secrets revealed...and they get a HEA ending.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between focusing on Catherine and Luke in 3rd person narrative.
Overall Pace of Story: Good, I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove: No, but they have an instant attraction and connection
H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Luke. I liked him. I did want to shake him at a few points, but I appreciated how he took care of people and was humble.
h (heroine) rating: 4.5 stars. Catherine. I really liked her. She was smart, independent, loyal, and sassy.
Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed
Push/Pull: Yes (view spoiler)[the H pushes away a good bit because he has planned on marrying and taking care of OW for a long time, but I'd also say he is the main pursuer of the relationship with the h too (hide spoiler)]
Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.
Descriptive sex: Yes
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes (view spoiler)[ the H plans on marrying OW and is upfront about it (hide spoiler)]
Sex scene with OW or OM: No
Cheating: It's complicated...(view spoiler)[the OW the H decides he wants to marry loves him only as a brother type figure and cannot find a way to tell him. So, while he gets with the h and falls in love with her, he's technically not cheating on that OW. However, the mcs don't know her feelings and he does propose to this OW -- so I guess you could take it either way (hide spoiler)]
Separation: No, I don't consider them to be "together" for them to be separated
Possible Triggers: Yes (view spoiler)[loss of parent/s (off and on page), the H claims to be in love with and want to marry OW (on page), domestic violence (side character off page but aftermath), mentions of rape and murder (off page), and the h is a virgin (hide spoiler)]
Closure: This ends a little abruptly with what I would call a HEA (view spoiler)[they're married and she's pregnant (hide spoiler)], though I would've really liked for a more detailed and farther glimpse into their future.
Safety: This one should be either Safe or Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences (view spoiler)[ - Does Not have cheating (I personally think, but look at spoiler tag above under cheating section for more details) - Does Not have a descriptive sex scene with OW/OM - Does have the H pushing the h away - Does Not have a separation between the h and H - Does Not have abuse by mc - Does have a HEA ending (hide spoiler)]...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The messiness and darkness. The true H. How the twists and turns resulted in the end. 4 Stars
Combined Duet Rating: 4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The messiness and darkness. The true H. How the twists and turns resulted in the end. The steamy scenes.
The Not-So-Good: The ending. I liked what happened in the ending! I just wanted much, much more! This was yet another one that gives us the epilogue right after the conflict resolution. I had some unanswered questions in the end and I really wanted to experience the HEA!
The Bad: The h. Still. I didn’t struggle with her as much as I did in the first book, but she still bugged me. See below h section.
Overall: This was an enjoyable duet. I appreciated the fact that it wasn’t stretched out too much as that seems to happen way too often these days so the authors can sell two books instead of one. Overall, I liked it and would recommend to anyone that likes the messy and dark romances!
Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is the conclusion of Eden, Cain, and Damien’s story. Again, it’s best if you go in blind. I will, however, still make note of the summary privately if anyone wants to pm me for the spoiler details.
Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Eden, Cain, and Damien’s POV.
Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.
Instalove: No
H1 and H2 ratings: Cain and Damien. I’m not gonna say. I think it should be experienced. I will say, though, that my original predictions about these two was pretty spot on ...more
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The intrigue. The Hs. How it kept me engaged and eager to finish.
The Not-So-Good: The deviousness of so many charac4 Stars
Opinion Breakdown The Good: The intrigue. The Hs. How it kept me engaged and eager to finish.
The Not-So-Good: The deviousness of so many characters. I get that politics is a nasty business but for everyone to be so evil was disheartening. I like to believe the best in people and look at my world with those rose colored glasses, I guess ...more