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After a brush with death as a juvenile delinquent, Vivian swore she'd never stray across that line again—but there's just one problem with her plan to stay on the right side of the law. She's completely, irrevocably and unabashedly in love with Nikolai, the Russian mob boss who saved her life.

From the moment Vivian appeared in his life on that tragic April night, Nikolai felt himself inextricably bonded to her. She's the bright light in his dark world and the only thing that keeps him from sliding deeper into a life of crime and violence—a mobbed-up life he can't escape no matter how hard he tries.

After Vivian is ripped from his arms in a brazen blitz attack, Nikolai will stop at nothing to get her back—but rescuing her and keeping her safe in his arms isn't enough. Suddenly, Nikolai's only chance to keep her safe is to do the one thing he vowed never to do—he'll drag her deeper into his shadowy world and bind her to him forever.

Because their tangled pasts are about to collide and the shockwave threatens to bring Houston's criminal underbelly to its knees…

260 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 23, 2013

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About the author

Roxie Rivera

69 books2,810 followers
When I’m not chasing after my wild preschooler, I like to write super sexy romances and scorching hot erotica. I live in Texas with a husband who could easily snag a job as an extra on History Channel’s new Viking series, a sweet but rowdy three-year-old with Tetralogy of Fallot, and Bosley, our Great Dane with major mommy issues.

I also have another dirty-book writing alter ego, Lolita Lopez, who writes deliciously steamy tales for Ellora’s Cave, Forever Yours/Grand Central, Mischief/Harper Collins UK, Siren Publishing and Cleis Press.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 395 reviews
Profile Image for McGee Magoo.
338 reviews57 followers
October 8, 2017
I've been gorging myself on Roxie Rivera these past few days. I read In Kelly's Corner, Dimitri, Yuri, Nikolai and now I'm about to start Sergei. I've also been lazy and not reviewing them. Part of it is that I'm not going to say anything that hasn't already been said before and the other part is that I'm not even taking a breath between books. When I say I'm gorging, I mean I'm damn near obsessed with these books. I can't take them in fast enough. But I'm going to pause here for a second and admit something about myself that I've just realized and am not proud of. Who would have thought that reading the guilty pleasure that is this series would cause me to do some introspection? Huh.

Anyway, the build-up to this book was crazy. Vivian and Nikolai were set up to be epic. Tortured hero: CHECK(in bold and caps!) Innocent and traumatized heroine with daddy issues: check. A nice tabooish relationship (older mob boss with dark secrets pining after his young ward): Check. Bring it!

All of the build-up made for the possibility of a let-down. And I sort of was let-down. I felt like key moments between Nikolai and Vivian happened during a section of the book that made it anti-climactic. Also that the suspense and intrigue of it all overshadowed the romance of it just a little bit. And Vivian. My attitude about Vivian is something I'm not proud of. I didn't like her all that much and it all stems from one thing: Her religion. (Wince!) Don't hate me, I'm just being honest.

A virgin heroine is one thing. Lots of romance heroines are pure. If Vivian was inexperienced because Nikolai was the one for her and she never wanted anyone else, I would have bought it. If she was a virgin because she was afraid men, I would have bought it. If she was a virgin because she was young and didn't have a lot of opportunities because Nikolai's goons were always shadowing her and cock-blocking, I would have bought it. But being devout in her religion and staying pure until marriage... well that caused some eye-rolling. Not only did this facet of the plot make my eyes roll, it also really scaled down the sexiness of this book. This series is HOT. Smokin' hot. Nikolai and Vivian, with all their pent-up passion for one and other should have been an explosion of nuclear proportions. It so wasn't. The sex had to wait until like 75% into the book. I can live with that except they hardly kissed or touched or had sexy conversations to build up.



It wasn't quite that extreme, but you get my drift.

So I'm a bit ashamed to say that the lack of hardcore sexy times affected my enjoyment. Apparently I'm just a dirty old lady. And I also seem to have some sort of prejudice against heroine's staying pure because of God. This book is more like a 3.5 star read for me. Not because it wasn't good but because it really didn't meet the potential I thought it had.
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,836 reviews2,833 followers
March 10, 2016
Talk about SLOOOOOW burn. This was basically me whilst reading this thing...




I enjoyed this one, but it took WAY to long for these two to get their shit together. I wanted more hot naked Nikolai sexy times...sigh.
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,328 reviews302 followers
April 5, 2021
Reread 4/5/2021

It's been many years since my last reread and I still love Nikolai and Vivian.

Original Review 12/3/2013

I just started this series recently and couldn't wait to get to Nikolai's book. He is the bad boy mob boss that I was totally smitten with since we first met him in earlier books. At first I was a little skeptical about Vivian and her innocence but I feel this story was perfect. Yes there wasn't as much heat as the first 3 books but it worked for me because I love how Vivian's faith made her want to wait for married to gift her husband her innocence. I thought that was such a wonderful concept in the world she lived in and the man she chose to love. I also loved how much of a story was in this book so much happened and the romance to me was just wonderful. Nikolai loved with all his heart and I loved every moment. Definitely a reread for me.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,278 reviews718 followers
July 12, 2019

4.75 "holy shit" stars

yes, you read it right!

I have been indulging myself with these series in sort of a secret LOL I wasn't actually planning on reading them but then I accidentaly slipped *shrugs*
and here I am, at book 4 which is, actually, the best so far!

it has absolutely everything that I asked for ia a guilty pleasure - mobsters (hot mob boss Nikolai), a worthy, determined heroine Vivian, their horrid past (that almost shakes up their friends to lovers relationship with an ugly twist) that comes to haunt them, the drama of their relationship stretched between action, murders, kidnapping, torture, psycho from the past, and the desire to leave the criminal mobstering ways...

and in the end it all comes down to Vivian as she's forced to make a choice to influence the outcome in a matters of life and death.
And it's her man's life at stake.
Now what does she do?
The only thing a woman in love can do.
Face the odds and accept them.
"You have to make a choice?"
A choice? What choice?"
"You decide, right now and right here. Do you want to be a mob wife or a mob widow?"
"Are you blackmailing me?"
"I prefer persuading."
"...I love him. I want him alive. Even if that means we're stuck in this life forever."

or in more simplier way...
Profile Image for Sandra.
634 reviews
December 30, 2014
While reading the previous three books I knew that this book about Nikolai and Vivian would be the best....and I was right!

I must write that the author Roxie Rivera did a wonderful job. While reading all four books, I got impression that the author was getting better and better with each following book in this Series. There were a lot of hot scenes and action but somehow all of that culminates in the fourth book.

I give 5 stars for the writing style (narration and description of the characters), than 5 stars for the action that stars from the begging of the book and captivates all your attention till the very end of it. 5 stars for the description of the hot scenes ( that are a bit different in each book, especially in the last one).... And ...well..that is enough from me.

Well done!

P.S. Definitely a MUST READ book/Series.
Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews909 followers
April 16, 2014
This is the book that I have been waiting for!

This couple has been set up through all the previous books.

Secrets mentioned, pasts hinted at!

Finally, it is the turn of the Russian Mob boss and his "ward"

By far the best of the series so far!


I loved Nikolai, I loved Viv, I loved their history and relationship and how they got to where they were!

And I love we get to catch up and see how the previous couples are getting on!
Profile Image for Caz Malpas.
668 reviews52 followers
October 28, 2014


You know how every series there is always the book you long for involving the mean, brooding, scariest yet some how vulnerable hot guy in it.
Well this is the one I've been waiting to get to, and it didn't disappoint, I loved it! All of it!

There's nothing quite like that feeling of total book fulfilment, when you finally get to the one in the series you've been waiting to read and satisfies you 100%!!!

Next please...........
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,199 reviews29 followers
February 11, 2014
I am falling in love with this series.I was eagerly waiting to read the story of Nikolai and Vivian from their first introduction in Ivan.This story delivered on all points and this was one satisfied reader.Loved how protective Nikolai was towards his "Vee".
Never in a million years thought that I would enjoy stories about the mob,and the Russian mob at that!But the author made it work,she did not sugar coat the hero and his mob associations and who he was and what he had done in his life with criminal acts.
This book was more story driven and the romance developed into a relationship between the two.When the two finally got to the action,it was WOW!!!.
Next up is Sergei's book with Bianca.I am most looking forward now to Kostya's and Alexei 's stories.I would rec to read these books in order as certain events happen.Overall ,great read for me.4.5***
Profile Image for BookHeroin .
289 reviews361 followers
May 7, 2015
Nikolai (Her Russian Protector, #4) by Roxie Rivera.

I absolutely loved this book. From book number 1 i was very curious about Nikolai not because he was more mysterious than others but i felt that he was more gentle behind all that Mob Russian god everyone knows and fears.
The relationship between him and Vee is special and goes way back in the past. In this book MAJOR secrets are revealed. I felt like this book is more deep and written well than the other, the writer thought careful about everything, There was an actual deep plot. And there are several scenes and secrets that are not explained in the first three books. So this book kind of reveal the secrets and the situations that have gathered through out the series.
In this one the past and the future has collide together. I really really liked this one, the reason why it's not 5 stars because there was some facts (political)that i frankly find them false! so... yeah
other than that i liked everything else, these Russians gods are hot,sexy,caring i loved them all. It's not your typical HEA kind of books but they kind of worked what they had and made their own happiness.

My favorite couples-:-in this order
Nikolai and Vivian
Yuri and Lena
Dimitri and Benny
Ivan and Erin
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,532 reviews120 followers
May 22, 2020
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

Nikolai era il capo indiscusso della malavita di Houston. Un uomo potente e pericoloso, disposto a tutto pur di “proteggere” la donna che amava. E lo faceva nell’unico modo che conosceva, ossia tenendola a debita distanza.

Ma le cose si erano evolute, e nonostante Vivien apparisse come dolce, innocente e indifesa, era in realtà una donna caparbia e determinata.
E un uomo doveva saper rivalutare la sua strategia. Quella di Nikolai infatti era cambiata, in vista della nuova situazione che si era creata.

“Meno rischi, più soldi”, questo aveva deciso il capo russo pensando a Vivien e alla vita che voleva avere con lei, che non includeva certo un altro periodo in prigione o peggio.

La famiglia della ragazza l’ aveva cancellata dalla memoria sin da quando era bambina. Poi suo padre si era presentato per una visita fugace: «Ci vediamo presto, mi’ja.» E così come era apparso, altrettanto velocemente si era dileguato.

Ed erano iniziate le complicazioni.

C’era un fatto, grave e difficile, che Nikolai temeva, e per il quale aveva chiesto il silenzio.
Solo Kostya, Ivan, Dimitri e Yuri sapevano la verità, ma avevano giurato di mantenere il silenzio. Se Erin o Lena lo avessero saputo, lo avrebbero senz’altro detto a Vivien.

Nikolai stava giocando una partita risolutiva e altamente pericolosa, ma la stava deliberatamente tenendo all’oscuro.
«Tu ne vali la pena, solnyshko moyo.»

Nikolai era un uomo forte, difficile da scalfire. Aveva però dei punti deboli: l’incolumità dei suoi tre amici russi e Vivien, la sua unica fragilità. Ma la donna non aveva alcuna intenzione di cedere, desiderosa stare al suo fianco e affrontare insieme a lui tutti i pericoli che sarebbero arrivati.
«So in cosa mi sto cacciando, Kolya. Ho scelto te. Voglio te.»

Una trama con un mix di amore e passione, ma con meno azione di quanto mi sarei aspettata, avendo letto le storie degli altri personaggi. Scritta benissimo e tradotta in maniera impeccabile.
Profile Image for Elaine.
490 reviews72 followers
July 24, 2013
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Wow!!! Amazing 5 Stars for Nikolai and Vivians Story

I have been so looking forward to Nikolai story and yes they have saved the best till last.
This is slightly darker then the Ivan, Dimitri and Yuris story so maybe that's why I enjoyed it more.
Nikolai has been a type of guardian to Vivian since he saved her life when she was a child.
His involvement in the Mafia puts Vivian in danger but also gives him power and money.
He watches her from a far even though he loves her with all his heart. But Nikolai has a secret which hes keeping from Vivian and which may destroy what little they have with each other.
Vivian works for Nikolai and in her spare time she paints. She wants to surprise him with a painting but as certain parts of that night he saved her come back. Will it hold the answer to what Nikolai is keeping from her.
There is so much more to these stories but
I don't want giving anything away and spoil the story
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The Russian tattoos tell a separate story for our 4 Russian friends..

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If you love a story about 4 very sexy alpha Russian men then you will love these books...
I'm hoping that there will be more in this series and maybe updates from all 4 stories.

5 Stars for Ivan, Dimitri, Yuri and my favourite NIKOLAI..

Profile Image for ~`*Ella Lee*`~.
546 reviews47 followers
June 28, 2013
Ahhhhh....I loved this 4th book for Nikolai. The previous 3 were just as good. Do yourself a favor and read these. They are SOOO HOT and STEAMY. Great sex scenes, unbelievably alpha, Russian men and great, sweet heroines.
The story lines in all are great too.
In Nikolai, we catch up to Vivian and Nik, who are FINALLY getting together. They've loved each other for so long. Tons of questions get answered and we also get to catch up with Dmitri, Yuri, Ivan and their women. I love all these guys. The story is very well written, comes together seamlessly and gets us ramped up for the next book.
The thing I think that I love the most about Roxie's books is she doesn't make us wait 50 thousand years to get us another book. Sometimes the next books take so long to come out that I totally get off my high and don't even bother reading them because I'm too interested in other stuff. That's a mistake I think tons make. Wanna keep me wanting more...give me more bites here and there! Roxie definitely does and I have to say I'm a huge fan and will continue on with this series and am also looking forward to the Fighting Connellys series.
Great book, read it! Also, I don't recommend these books out of order. To really connect and grasp the story, you have to start with Ivan.
Profile Image for Karen111.
795 reviews56 followers
December 31, 2015
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

**4.5 stars**

This is the fourth book in the series, and by far the best, and my favourite of the lot! Loved it!

The author changed up her format for this book, which I felt she needed to do in order to tell Nikolai's story. Nikolai's a dark, raw and messed up character, and his story was all the more gritty as a result. Gone was the insane speed of the couple settling down, the constant sex, and the saccharine sweetness, which was more prevalent in the previous books.

What I didn't like was the instant forgiveness, which happened in all the other books too. Jeez, let a man sweat once in awhile!

The series was getting stagnant, and this book was the kick in the nads that it needed. I am starting Sergei's book next, and I'm hopeful that it will be as good as this was.
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,633 reviews526 followers
October 16, 2015
My second favorite in the series, after Dimitri (Her Russian Protector, #2) by Roxie Rivera . It wasn't as angsty as I was expecting, it had just the right amount of story, love and mob drama to keep this series so entertaining.

This is my first time listening to Pinky Powell narrate a series, and she is doing a great job. I just wish I knew if Sergei (Her Russian Protector, #5) by Roxie Rivera will be available in audio or if I should just go ahead and read it.

Profile Image for Deborah.
3,677 reviews481 followers
August 8, 2018

Re-read 6th - 7th August 2018.

Original review.

This has been a really great series so far and this for me was the best one, Nikolai is the most enigmatic and mysterious of the four and as well as him and Vivian this story is the strongest, all the threads weaved through the other books lead straight to this one and there's not a dull moment.
Fantastic book, really great series.
Profile Image for Katya.
825 reviews
June 29, 2013
4.85 Stars!!!

I can't believe that I am saying this, because I hate love stories in crime/mafia type situations...but I loved this romance. I think that you must read all the books prior to this to have a full appreciation of the series. Each book has gotten better and better in my estimation but I really enjoyed this one the best so far.

Listen and watch this YouTube video....this is Nikolai & Vivian's song. The words the pictures.... http://youtu.be/xlld-GhQZUo

This is a series about a bunch of men who came up in a very harsh environment in a Russian Orphanage. They have grown to adulthood, and moved to the United States...Houston to be exact. Some have gone into the Russian Army, some into the Russian Mob, been in prison but each has felt the seedier/hard side of life. They have each met and fell in love with women who have depth and dimension to them. These women have had difficult lives too, they have pasts and each turned toward these men because of who they are...to help them solve a problem in their life....to save their lives and ended up falling in love with them.

Of all the original group of four friends: Ivan, Dimitry, Yuri and Nikolai......Nikolai is the most dangerous, and the one most deeply connected to the Russian mob. He would like to move out of the mob into a more legitimate life, he recognizes the danger, the depravity and the 'wrong-ness' of his life style. He has seen his friends rise above their early years and find a good, normal life for themselves. He also knows that he can never offer himself to the woman he has fallen deeply in love with.

Vivian the heroine of this book has had a tough youth. Her Russian mother was killed and her Mexican father a member of a biker gang used young Vivian to help him in criminal schemes growing up. Not a very good Dad. But her Toxic father is in jail now but not before as an 11 year old she was shot and left for dead as he tried to escape a crime scene.

Nikolai is the man who was at that crime scene too and stayed with Vivian pressing on her wounds until help arrived. He saved her life and since that day has watched over Vivian, paid her tuition to school, supported and protected her from afar as she grew up in her grandparents home. He put her through college, helped her find an apartment to rent, gave her space to paint, offered her a job in his restaurant The Samovar, gave her protection. And stayed a distant benefactor, a sponsor, a guardian and watched her blossom into a beautiful woman.

He was ruined for all other women....he watched her every move from the fringe but kept his distance both emotionally and physically...but everyone who knew them knew there was something there....There was no mistaking the way they looked at each other and why would a man practically raise a girl and support her every move in life if he did not have some connection to her. In reality they day dreamed about the other, stole looks and compared every date they had to the other. Each knew in their heart that they had fallen in love...and yet never shared a kiss or touch or word.

Ms Rivera writes an interesting story about underworld figures and how they attempt to co-exist in a heated world of danger and death. Russian Mob figures, biker gangs, Romanian & Mexican mobs, skin heads and other groups all fighting for supremacy. The back drop of this romance is among these groups. The day Vivian's father is released from prison, she knows he is coming after her and wanting to drag her back into his life. Nikolai is determined to not allow that. The whole story is wrapped up in how Nikolai can keep her safe and in the midst of this mess, they admit their feelings for one another. Secrets are revealed about that night of Vivian's shooting, inner emotions revealed and this results in one of the most emotional parts of this book. (It was AWESOME!)

One of the aspects that I enjoyed is reading about a virginal woman...who lived in a world where that should not have been possible. Of all the men in this series, Nikolai is the most jaded and dark...and yet he falls and wins the most pure and untouched woman. I also enjoyed how the author handled her want to be married before sleeping with Nikolai. I was impressed at how she handled the parts where Vivian and Nikolai finally do deal with the physical side of their relationship.

And There are some surprising aspects of the writing and some special attention to the detail that I am enjoying. I am familiar with the nicknames that many Slavic people use....for example, Nikolai becomes Kolya..that was a nice touch. I am an Orthodox Christian, and this author either shares my faith or is knowledgeable about the Orthodox Church because she writes about the wedding ceremony and other small touches regarding the church, the hierarchy in the church, the marriage ceremony and little things throughout the book that really impressed me. She did her homework. These special touches in the story were not necessary but really helped to make each of the women heroines in this series set apart and special.

Did Vivian get her HEA? Well, not really and yet yes. How refreshing to read a book that is more like real life is. I initially, had expected...reading a story with gangsters...oh we are reading a fairytale here...I suppose to a point it is a fairytale...gangsters are hardly if ever romantic and honorable. But I think Ms. Rivera came as close to that as possible while still making it believable.

I really think this is the best installment of the series. I hate the cover with the stock photo which is on a dozen other books, I am getting tired of that....alot of publishers do it in this case. But, hey, I CARE about my covers!!!! Anyway, I guess I can look past it....I guess. Back to the book: In this series we read about imperfect people who have made some poor choices in life, but guess what? They still deserved love and happiness and were written without the pity party - poor me storyline. The author is going to write more in this series based on some of the other characters in the books...I really look forward to it.

This is how I see Nikolai & Vivian:
[image error][image error]
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for IGirasoliGialli.
128 reviews10 followers
September 4, 2013
I binge read all four of the Russian Protecter books and as a whole I really liked them. BUT- this last one NIKOLAI- didn't do it for me. All three books lead to this one and I couldn't wait to get to it. Then, I read it and kept thinking- WTH? So many things annoyed me about this book! Here's a quick list:

1. The h is devout. I have nothing against religion. I like religion. But I don't want my heroine, in a romance novel that has established a pretty steamy history with three books, to be nun like. No thank you. I didn't believe it- why? That's number 2

2. They decide to get married to have sex. Oh, and so she can't testify against him in court. At least that's what I thought. Seriously?! Gag me with a spoon.

3. The heroine accepts everything too easily. Hey, your protector/fiancé/husband shot you when you were 11. I forgive you. Hey, it was a mistake. My bad!

But even with these things, I will still read the next book! The tidbits with Sergei and Bianca were more engaging to me than the H/h. I mean that. I'm a sucker for a big, muscular hero and a curvy heroine. Good news is that it comes out in November! Awesome! I'm hoping we get a full length novel that is more like the first book, IVAN, and less like NIKOLAI. Here's hoping!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kate.
2,218 reviews347 followers
December 22, 2014
I’ve liked Nikolai since the first time that I met him. He is dark and hard and I love him.

Nikolai and Vee have history not of the good kind. One fateful night their paths crossed and it was never the same again. For nearly ten years they have been fighting their attraction. That is until Nikolai’s past catches up with them and Vee is kidnapped and Nikolai is nearly beat to a pulp.
“They took her. They took my Vivian.”

I’m too sure about how I felt about Vee. She was tough but at some times too naive. I loved that Nikolai went all alpha and that they realised it in time. I think that Vivian’s blind faith in regards to religion was hard to understand but that is my problem.
“There was nowhere else she belonged but right here with him. In his life, in his home, in his arms. She was his—and it was time to stake his claim.”
I enjoyed the banter and the type of relationship they have with one another.

“So we just…we take it slow." With a mischievous grin, she added, "And even if you totally screw it up, I won't know right? What else do I have to compare it to, Kolya?" He snorted with amusement. "You really know how to encourage a man.”
Profile Image for Veronica.
1,172 reviews145 followers
May 25, 2021
Nikolai è il capo della malavita a Houston. I numerosi tatuaggi che segnano il suo corpo, raccontano una vita vissuta oltre la legalità. Ma c’è sempre qualcuno che lo tiene ancorato a terra, che lo ha spinto a cercare una via d’uscita, per avere un futuro tranquillo. Vivian, la sua pupilla. O forse qualcosa di più?
Le loro vite sono intrecciate ormai da anni e ci sono segreti che Nikolai non vorrebbe mai rivelare a Vivian. Troppa è la paura di perderla. Ma quando gli eventi precipitano, Nikolai capisce che è arrivato il momento di essere sincero, di giocarsi il tutto per tutto per poter essere felice e coronare il sogno di una vita insieme a Vivian.
Aspettavo il libro di Nikolai fin dalla sua prima comparsa. Ero troppo curiosa di sapere quale fosse il problema con Vivian, perché doveva esserci qualcosa di veramente grave dietro. Nikolai vorrebbe davvero uscirne ma è troppo legato alla Famiglia. E anche Vivian non aiuta: suo padre è un super delinquente e la scena col machete è epica. Apprezzo molto che l’autrice continui a portare avanti anche le storie dei precedenti protagonisti, visto che ci sarà un secondo volume per ognuno.
March 15, 2015
So far I have really enjoyed this series but Nikolai had one massive problem. It was emotionless! In fact, I felt like I 'got' more about these to characters in the previous books and they weren't even the central characters.

I mean come on!

Honestly their interaction was blah so much so I am not entirely sure what the pages were full of. I wanted more for their 2. They seemed the most interesting of the bunch and I don't believe the author did them justice.
Profile Image for Jessica Frances.
Author 27 books402 followers
October 17, 2016
Nikolai is book four in the Her Russian Protector series and I have been looking forward to seeing Nikolai and Vivian find their way to each other. They had a very tragic past, one made worse by a secret Nikolai was keeping, and a future that doesn’t look all that bright. But together they manage to find a way back to each other. This was super difficult to read in some places. When Vivian is taken I had to force myself to read those scenes. While definitely not the worst in the world, I felt so awful for her. It was hard to know what she was going through and even reading the worry Nikolai suffered made my heart ache. But the two of them together was perfect. It was also nice to see the other couples and get an update. I look forward to reading more of this series and definitely recommend this to romance fans.
Profile Image for CC.
1,777 reviews233 followers
August 20, 2015
Just ok for me. I know the story was exciting, but I found Nikolai had to identify with (too closed off) and ViVi was too "innocent" for me. And way too forgiving, too quickly.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,522 reviews220 followers
May 18, 2020
Chris McGranitt - per RFS
È arrivata la resa dei conti, il proverbiale nodo al pettine verrà sciolto in questo fantastico volume dedicato a Nikolai e Vivian. La vicenda ha come protagonisti due titani.

Nikolai, capo della malavita di Houston che conosce tutto e tutti, e Vivian, la dolce artista e sua protetta. La storia è narrata da entrambi i punti di vista, è sicuramente un tipo di narrazione che ci dà la possibilità di capire meglio i loro processi mentali, in particolare quello di lui. Fermarsi alla loro bellezza fisica è riduttivo: per quanto siano decisamente belli e affascinanti, hanno molto di più da far conoscere al lettore; nel libro, ogni muro eretto e ogni strato protettivo verranno abbattuti, costringendoli a mettersi a nudo. Ci saranno dialoghi onesti e molta azione alla Io vi troverò, nulla di splatter per fortuna ma tanto da tenerci sul filo del rasoio.

Nikolai è molto complesso e non ha lasciato trapelare molto di sé nei volumi precedenti. Quindi, quando alcuni pericolosi segreti del suo passato verranno a galla, tutto verrà ribaltato svelando molto su un personaggio che ho apprezzato moltissimo poiché completo dal punto di vista caratteriale.

Vivian è un’altra cosa, nel senso che molto di lei è già alla luce del sole: è schietta, non fa giochetti stupidi, è matura e sensibile, coraggiosa e quando ama lo fa mettendoci cuore e anima. A causa del suo passato e un padre criminale principale fonte di guai e di complessi, non va proprio a sbandierare ai quattro venti i suoi sentimenti per Nikolai, ma neppure li nasconde; è scaltra e secondo me ha fegato da vendere, motivi per cui l’ho apprezzata. Devo aggiungere che insieme sono perfetti e si completano a vicenda.

La storia è scritta bene ed è molto dinamica, le scene hot sono presenti ed esplicite senza però cadere nel volgare. Il romanzo non ha quindi deluso le mie aspettative, non avrei fatto scelte diverse, e costituisce una degna conclusione per questi personaggi che, diciamoci la verità, sin dal primo volume avremmo voluto vedere. Mi hanno colpita la forza, l’amore, il coraggio, il perdono e la redenzione, elementi che hanno reso questa storia stupenda. L’accettazione di ciò che siamo, anche attraverso i nostri errori, le nostre azioni e il nostro passato, è una lezione importante che dobbiamo imparare e la redenzione arriva sotto molte forme. Personalmente, mi piace pensare che possa manifestarsi sottoforma di amore vero, inguaribile romantica come sono…

In breve, vi consiglio questa lettura perché i personaggi non sono scontati e non è il sesso la ragione principale di questa storia, bensì la redenzione, quella che tutti in fondo vorremmo per sentirci liberi.
Profile Image for Jenny - Book Sojourner.
1,462 reviews171 followers
December 16, 2015
Overall: 4.5 Stars

After meeting Nikolai and Vivian in the previous books, and knowing they had an unconventional past (though the specifics were not revealed fully until this novel), I could not wait for their story. And their story did not disappoint. Like the previous books, we have some crazy life-threatening action happening, mysteries to be solved, etc. With Nikolai being a mob boss, this is no surprise. But the hows and whys and what's going to happen next kept me on my toes. I loved the suspense and action. I worried right along with this group of friends how it all would turn out.

Along with this action is a quite touching love story. Nikolai's past is quite awful, and Vivian's is no picnic. So learning how their lives intersected, and now seeing how their hearts have woven together gave me all the feels. There is a special love there that age and history cannot stop. And the way the author even handled certain aspects of their relationship was really creatively done, even frustratingly, but it worked really well. I genuinely liked Nikolai and Vivian and couldn't help but root for them.

Plus, we get to see the rest of the gang, and a few others I want to get to know, and I loved them all. This is a great series, and Nikolai and Vivian's story is a fantastic addition. I'm truly looking forward to catching up on the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Fiordiligii.
1,737 reviews26 followers
November 14, 2015
This instalment, so far, was the most disappointing in the My Russian Protector series. I didn't mind that Vivian was a virgin and wanted to wait until her wedding night for her first time, though I will never understand that notion. But please, we are not in the Middle Ages. At one point during the story Vivian and Nicolai sleep together in one bed, he on TOP of the blanket in order to avoid the temptation of ravishing her. WTF? This is 2013, not Victorian England and some cuddling together would have made this reader way more satisfied with this book. Also, they don't have sex until the last part of the book because of some stupid misunderstanding which read like stolen out of your average TSTL historical romance.
I so much enjoyed the other books so far that I am really reluctant to continue the series. Especially because there was a minor torture scene in the novel featuring Sergej and Kostya who will get their happy end probably in the next books to come. D, because I am so disappointed and because my enjoyment factor was practically non-existent.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 395 reviews

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