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From Melbourne's gleaming skyscrapers to its edgy nightclubs, Riley Jenson's world is raging with danger and desire. A drop-dead-gorgeous werewolf - with a touch of vampire coursing through her veins - Riley works for an organization created to police the supernatural races. But when she wakes up naked and bruised in a deserted alley, she knows only that she must run for her life.

Within moments Riley collides with steely, seductive, Kade, who is fighting a life-and-death battle of his own. With old lovers and enemies gathering around her, Riley knows she is being pursued by a new kind of criminal. Because in Riley's blood is a secret that could create the ultimate warrior- if only she can survive her own dangerous desires . . .

393 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 30, 2007

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About the author

Keri Arthur

100 books5,951 followers
Keri Arthur, author of the New York Times bestselling Riley Jenson, Guardian series, has now written more than 25 books. She's received several nominations in the Best Contemporary Paranormal category of the Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Awards, and recently won RT's Career Achievement Award for urban fantasy. She lives in Melbourne with her daughter and two crazy dogs

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 602 reviews
Profile Image for Maria.
125 reviews17 followers
July 9, 2008
"Whatcha reading?"
"A trashy mystery-romance about a vampire-werewolf."
"How trashy?"
"Well, I'm on page 50, and she's already had sex with a horse. Twice."
Profile Image for Choko.
1,394 reviews2,669 followers
July 11, 2020
*** 3.25 ***

This series is the definition of "popcorn trashy" reading 😃. Don't get me wrong, I love these types of books when I want to be mindlessly entertained and this does the job perfectly. There is action, some romantic angst, but most of all, a lot of talk about wanting to have sex. For all the talking and innuendo, the sexy times themselves feel a tad rushed and sketchy, but as a package the whole thing works. The three stars is for the missed possibilities in the plot actually, but as I said, it is a pleasant way to spend couple of hours in escapism 😃.
Author 2 books63 followers
February 21, 2012
Kissing Sin is a story about a sexually confident and provacative woman who is half werewolf half vampire. Filled with some serious love and sexual triangles, Kissing Sin is the second book in the Riley Jenson Guardian series by Keri Arthur.

A fairly comparable series to Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake; Vampire Hunter... Arthur has left me smiling and never wanting or unsatisfied.

Anita Blake is a .. well we won't go *there* ... Basically she struggles with a paranormal curse that forces her to screw and eat the orgasms and passion from others in her life. She constantly struggles with her ever so adorable whoreness and forever aching ... pussy. (I almost don't want to use that word in a review haha .. but it's fitting.)

Instead of the constant struggle that Anita faces when it comes to her sexual needs, RILEY JENSON ... Is a werewolf who needs "the dance" of the moon and sex is as vital as air to humans or blood to vampires. Basically, we get a lot of fkn loving, endless orgasms and interesting love triangles without all the boo fkn hoo regret that we have to suffer in the Blake series.

Instead of having the second novel in this series consist of a completely different story, or allowing it to jump ahead too far on a timeline, it smoothly picks up and continues where Full Moon Rising left off. Instead of a brutal cliffhanger that makes you want to rip the author's head off, Full Moon Rising offers a climactic ending with a large amount of mystery to look forward to.

Finding herself abused, raped and violated and without memory ... a gory body ripped to shreds beside her .. covered in blood .. Riley has no idea where she is or how she got there. All she knows is that some funky looking creatures are hunting her and they're faster than anything else she has ever encountered. Isn't that always the case?

In her attempts to evade and hide from said monsters, she finds herself in a horse barn with a bunch of studly horse shifters. A Horse shifter .. studly .. get it? How funny .. Her interactions with Kade .. the handsome horseshifter, is intriguing and I want more!

Do I get more? Hell yes I do :) What happens then? Well ... Quinn gets PISSED!

Working with her team of guardians, they continue to search for the labs that are kidnapping, breeding and "milking" its occupants, she is led into the realization that she can no longer trust her mates, and those who she has feelings for .. can "go to hell" ...

I'll leave it at that...NO SPOILERS for YOU!

This is a MUST READ .. BUT .. In order not to find yourself sitting there with that .. 'wtf? huh?' look on your face .. And to have a better appreciate for the characters and relationships in this series, I HIGHLY ADVISE you read this series sequentially!

I recommend this book to mature adults only...Totally rockin awesome strong sexual content .. AWESOME violence dripping from oozing brains and spider eaten penis? WHOA! Fantastic book and I enjoyed ever word of it!

~happy reading you silly monkies! <3
Profile Image for Charlie.
853 reviews151 followers
July 30, 2020
I haven't read this series in years but this book was just as great as I remember. 12 years later and it's really held it's own against some of the newer urban fantasy series out there. Riley and co are a delight to read and I can't wait to follow their adventures. At the moment I'm rooting for both Quinn and Kellen, go team!
Profile Image for Chiara Cilli.
Author 56 books626 followers
March 18, 2018

Di chi si può fidare realmente Riley Jenson?

Do you hear me screaming?! Questo secondo volume della serie è ancora più bello del primo, perché il rapporto tra Riley e Quinn diventa sempre più turbolento. E lei, da brava lupacchiotta, non fa che assumere atteggiamenti provocatori che ogni volta fanno uscire di senno l'antico vampirone :3

 «Sei mia, Riley», disse dolcemente, mentre allargava ancora di più le mie gambe con un ginocchio. «E ho intenzione di amarti completamente, in ogni modo possibile, tanto che non desidererai nessun altro».
 «Questo non succederà mai».

Vai così, mia bella lupa rossa!
Se nel primo volume, dopo tutti questi anni, avevo trovato irritante Quinn e il suo modo di pensare all'antica, qui proprio non l'ho sopportato – esattamente come Riley. In questo libro, infatti, il disprezzo dell'uomo per la razza di Riley è ancora più evidente.

 «Quindi, se ti voglio», disse con voce secca, «devo accettare il fatto che sei una puttana come penso che siano tutte quelle della tua razza?».
 Sentii montare la rabbia dentro di me e serrai i pugni, cercando di trattenere l'impulso di colpirlo. «Vuoi sapere perché ora preferirei scopare con uno sconosciuto come Kade piuttosto che con te? Perché accetta chi sono e cosa sono. Tu, invece, vuoi cambiare una parte fondamentale di me».

È questo ciò che Quinn non riesce a comprendere – quello che tutti i lettori che attribuiscono a questa donna l'appellativo di "puttata" non riescono a capire. E, allora, lasciamo che sia proprio la nostra bella e intrepida protagonista a spiegarci meglio la sua natura...

 «Il sesso è vitale per i lupi come il sangue per i vampiri».
 «Un vampiro può morire senza sangue. Dubito che un licantropo muoia senza sesso».
 «Forse no». Incrociai le braccia e continuai a guardarlo fisso negli occhi. «Ma possiamo sicuramente morire se non incontriamo la nostra anima gemella».
 Sbuffò. «Dubito che...».
 «Non dubitare, ascolta e basta. I licantropi credono che l'amore vero non capiti per caso, ma che sia determinato dal destino. Pensiamo che l'amore sia immortale come l'anima, e che siamo destinati a incontrare la nostra anima gemella nel corso di tutte le vite. Per noi lupi c'è solo una persona su questa terra destinata ad essere la nostra metà, del cuore e dell'anima. E se non troviamo quella persona, il nostro cuore e la nostra anima soffrono. Molti deperiscono, e molti muoiono».

Awww, che specie meravigliosa ♥ #TeamLupi always and forevehhh!
In questo secondo romanzo conosciamo nuovi personaggi che saranno fondamentali nella vita di Riley: lo stallone baio Kade e il lupo alfa Kellen (di sfuggita, ma di importanza vitale nei libri che seguiranno!). E poi c'è lui, l'ex compagno di Riley, il mio Misha. Ho sempre avuto un debole per lui, e ora posso affermare che mi piace veramente tanto ♥ Batti le mani, schiocca le dita, #TeamMisha tutta la vita xD
La relazione che c'è tra lui e Riley in questo volume mi è piaciuta troppo: niente più maschere, solo verità tra una danza e l'altra. E nel finale... cuore mio, chetati! Non lo rammentavo nei minimi particolari, perciò è stato un duro colpo.

In conclusione, Keri Arthur fa di nuovo centro con la sua sensuale eroina e la sua scrittura semplice, incisiva e adrenalinica!

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Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,750 reviews88 followers
January 5, 2022
Riley no puede creer que esto le siga pasando, de nuevo fue secuestrada y tuvo que huir de otro centro de investigacion genetica, aunque esta vez fue con un were-caballo que es super-atractivo. Asi que cuando logra encontrarse de nuevo con sus amigos, se da cuenta que el complot todavia esta en su activo y que las criaturas que estan creando son extremadamente peligrosas y dificiles de matar, asi que solo lograran descubrir quien esta detras de esto si ella intercambia sexo por informacion con Misha. Pero eso conlleva a otra cantidad de problemas por su lado, ya que Quinn quiere que vuelva con el exclusivamente, Kellen (un macho alfa que conocio en un club) tambien quiere estar con ella y Kade (el hombre-caballo) la atrae muchisimo. Asi que la vida de Riley se ha hecho, otra vez, mas complicada.

La trama es continuacion del libro anterior lo que lo hace muy interesante, ya que nos permite ver a los personajes desde donde quedaron y como se han ido desarrollando. Tambien comenzamos a desentrañar quien podria estar detras de todo el complot para crear soldados indestructibles y obedientes, y que ademas tengan un boton de auto-destruccion despues de la captura.
Sin lugar a dudas, el universo se perfila muy interesante, las personalidades de los personajes comienzan a definirse y en algunos casos a aclarase.
O sea, la serie me esta gustando bastante y era justo lo que queria leer en este momento, asi que voy a continuarla.
Profile Image for Seena Seena .
661 reviews211 followers
December 11, 2009
3.5 Out of 5

With the first book I felt the same when it came to Riley and her sexual needs. I couldn’t not get past the whole wolf and the moon and the mating. I agree with Quinn it is down right slutty, and I had issues with it and I still do.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a great book and a fantastic read and the author does a great job, but the need Riley gets. And her fucking (sorry bout the crude way I have put it but that’s how it is) every tom dick and Harry is just down right whoring.

Put aside my issue, I really did enjoy this book. The Characters are great. Once again Quinn is there ***sigh*** and it frustrates me that Riley wants to be with him but cant not agree with him not to sleep with anyone else (can anyone say slut?)

You meet 2 more new characters. Kade who you love, but love him in a one-night-stand-which-turns-to-a-great-friendship kind of way. Then there is Kellen, who I didn’t like from get go and still don’t like I don’t seem to trust him.

Hopefully Quinn is back in the 3rd book and I do hope she comes to her senses.

Off now to start book 3……………
Profile Image for Shera (Book Whispers).
611 reviews295 followers
October 13, 2012
It's back baby, and better then ever! Riley wakes up naked in a strange city. She's unaware how she got there, but soon finds out she's been missing for a while and is in a hidden laboratory/experimental facility. What's nice about this second installment is that the full moon has already passed and Arthur shows off her skills, blowing readers away with this crazy plot. The gene/cloning experiments are down right chilling in many parts of the book. Makes me want to start protesting gene experimentation.

Despite the plot not revolving around the Moon Heat, it's still sexy! Sick of the sex hang-ups in other UF/PNR titles, let's have a woman own her sexuality! Of course Riley delivers. That hot mystery werewolf from the first book gets to step in and it's so great to have a love interest that I want Riley to get with. He might not get some front stage time yet, but I'm there! Yeah, I'm anti-Quinn. So far he's been a fun tumble in the hay for Riley, but I don't feel the emotions. In fact, everything he does makes me want Riley to dump him. Arthur keeps throwing in stuff like "we had a connection that just can't be explained" and junk like that. Please let your reader feel it because the only thing I'm feeling is Quinn's distaste for what, and who, Riley is. Except when he's getting some sex time.

It's also fun watching Riley claim she doesn't want to be a guardian as fate pulls her into the role, and her complaints really aren't that convincing. She's going to be one no matter what. This is Riley's book of revenge from Talon and the bad guys need to get brought down a peg or two, yet the hero's don’t really win. It's a battle and no one is quite winning the war yet. Also, I can't emphasis enough how much I love that Riley has to work and solve the mystery! It's great to read a smart book and a smart lead.

This is a heart attack of a book. My ereader could not keep up and I felt deprived I had to wait a second longer than necessary for the pages to turn. A fantastic follow up to a great new series and I'm hungering for more. The big master mind behind everything is looming on the horizon and I'm gnashing my teeth with a need to know! Strange enough—for me—I want to know what's going to happen next in Riley's love/sex life. In the end a sexy thrill ride with explosives (in and out of the bedroom) and a plot arc that I take my hat off to.

Sexual Content: These books are hot! Riley does have casual sex, however this is not anywhere near erotica so ease your mind.

4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it.

Originally posted at Book Whispers.
Profile Image for Psychomacologist.
9 reviews2 followers
August 1, 2011
I wasn't keen on this book for a number of reasons, but primarily because of all the sex. I mean, there is a lot of sex. I get that Urban Fantasy typically features sex scenes and that's fine, but I felt Kissing Sin veered too often and too enthusiastically into outright erotica. If you don't mind a lot of sex (at inappropriate times, in inappropriate places, and with implausibly well-hung horses) then this book is probably more to your taste than mine.

I find Keri Arthur's world fascinating in parts - she has a good concept here and much of it was intriguing and interesting. I did at least finish the book (which is more than can be said for some UF I've picked up) becaues the plot was engaging and the intrigue was strong enough to keep me reading. But the constant breaks for mind-blowing sex became tedious, especially as the same words and phrases were used to describe it in each case.

I had a few other niggles with the heroine (Riley) which spoiled my enjoyment somewhat. First off, her combination of half-werewolf, half-vampire means she has a power for every occasion. This shopping list of supernatural abilities sapped a lot of the danger because every time she got in trouble I found myself thinking "She'll just whip out a superpower and get out of this." And lo and behold, she did.

There were also moments when I felt her motivation and reasoning were completely off.

For half the book, Riley is going on about how much she wants kids and how hard it is to be infertile. When her doctor discovers that she has become fertile for a limited time, I expected her to leap at the chance of having her dream - a biological child of her own. Instead, she dithers, makes excuses and decides she can't go ahead with trying to get pregnant. I felt this was more in service of the author's desire to keep her young, single, sexy protag having lots of sex with no responsibilities, than in service of the character. It felt like a character betrayal; her legitimate desires and wishes sacrificed to keep the story in line with the author's wishes. It felt forced and unbelievable.

This wasn't a bad book overall but I feel it wasn't for me. Aside from the constant erotica, there were some errors in the writing and plotting that jarred with me and spoiled my enjoyment of the book. I think UF fans would enjoy this more than I did.
Profile Image for Cupcakes & Machetes.
369 reviews61 followers
July 16, 2018

Riley Jenson is a vampire werewolf hybrid. Such is rare but possible. She wakes up in a research facility but doesn’t remember entering or much about her time there. She escapes with the help of some horse shapeshifters. Then, has sex with one of them. Of course, the cock is the same ratio no matter in horse or human form. I think this is supposed to be sexy but I personally find it creepy.

For much of the book, Riley is running for her life but either she’s thinking about sex while running or having sex each time she stops. Then the bad guys catch up and she has to battle her way free, but don’t worry because she’ll still be thinking about the sex. I very much get that in this world sex is an integral part of werewolf life but how the fuck does she even have time for anything else? And quite frankly, I’m no prude but I was tired of reading about the fucking every couple of chapters or less. None of the sex scenes were really all that sexy. Minimal foreplay and then right to the action, done in minutes. If I’m going to read some erotic scenes, please make it worth my time.

There wasn’t much to make me connect with the main character, Riley. I much preferred all the male characters to her. The world building was different even for an urban fantasy novel, lots of attempted cross-breeding and strange scientific creations. There could be a lot to this world but it’s unfortunately filled with lame sex. The last third of the book was definitely the best. Lots of action and no time for sex. If more of the book would have kept that premise, I might consider continuing the series (especially since I have picked up several used copies of the installments over the years), but as it stands, I don’t care enough about the main character to continue the crusade within this world. The next book promises lots of unwanted sex with dangerous men while she’s undercover and if the sex was lame with guys she liked, I can only imagine the snooze fest that would be awaiting me if I decided to torture myself and pick up the next volume.

Profile Image for Karyn.
509 reviews36 followers
March 5, 2009
2 new characters in this book. Kade, the horse shifter (who i really like by the way because he's simple no-nonsense and fun) and Kellen who i'm sure will play a bigger part in the books to come.
What i liked in this book was that Riley is growing into a stronger character. And there's isnt that much of the 'hormones jumping ahead of the brain' as there was in the first book.
Quinn is back, and most probably its going to be a while (meaning atleast antoher book or two) before they get sorted out.

What i really liked was how the whole Misha thing played out. And romantic i am not, but i really liked this part of his letter :

Is love the desire—no, the need—to be with that person, whatever the cost? Does it cause the rue of rage when you see that person with another? Does it make you ache to hold her, to whisper things that sound foreign and strange to your tongue? Does it make you wish for things you know can never be?
I haven't the answers, Riley. In all that I've learned over the years, no one has ever mentioned a force such as this. Bui whatever it is, I feel it for you.

Profile Image for Carrie .
1,022 reviews589 followers
November 2, 2018
I liked the story and yet again Quinn is in it but what's with all the sex? I know it's part of the whole werewolf thing in this series but man sometimes it can get a little annoying. I'm looking forward to picking up the story again in book 3, that is something I do like about this series thus far, the continuing story arc.
Profile Image for Annie .
2,486 reviews944 followers
April 13, 2011
Riley has all the luck when it comes to men! She’s got a hot and hung horseshifter named Kade after her. Then there’s the uber sexy Alpha wolf named Kellan who knows how to serve her coffee well! That scene at the charity event was a sexy one! And then there’s her former vampire paramour, Quinn who loves to wear burgundy sweaters. Did anyone notice that at all? He’s always wearing that color!

Anyways, I really enjoyed this book! And despite the fact that Riley gets some-some (Actually, she gets A LOT), what I really loved is the relationship between Riley and her twin brother, Rhoan . They are like two peas in a pod, always in perfect unison even when they are arguing. It’s refreshing to read about a heroine who finds her best friend in her twin brother. I love their idle banter and their teasing. Rhoan simply kicks ass. I love him!

But perhaps the best thing about this book is the ongoing investigation about these genetic cloning companies. Arthur knows how to keep me entertained with all of Riley’s investigative work. I love that everyone is involved. For example, Rhoan’s lover Liander gets to play make-up and do up Riley good for all her undercover work. I just like to read about these things. It makes all the character seems like one big happy family.

I can’t wait to read Tempting Evil next!!
Profile Image for Amanda The Book Slayer.
474 reviews147 followers
August 16, 2010
Superb Sequel to Full Moon Rising.


*Quinn is back in trying to win Riley over. YEA!!!! Who doesn't love a sexy vamp.
*Throw in Kade a hott! horse shifter with ties to gov. and Riley goes crazy.
*End of the line for Misha but you come to love him for who he is.
*Relationships bloom, plenty of action with Riley taking the lead for most of it, and tying up some loose ends.


*I think it is sad that she chooses not to have kids, but I understand why.
*You will want to have Tempting Evil on hand but the action just keeps going!

Fav. Quote:

"Which meant I got left with Quinn yet again. Given the time he was taking to make his decision, I wasn't exactly happy about that. I mean, putting me with him was like flashing chocolate my way then telling me I couldn't have it. It was just plain mean."

Profile Image for Carolyn F..
3,491 reviews51 followers
May 8, 2012
Re-read by audiobook. I also have the paperback. Okay now I flip-flopped about Quinn. I don't know how he can take it. Riley doesn't just have sex willy-nilly, she's having sex with a guy Quinn thinks of as a rival before he and Riley even had sex. I don't know how he can take it. Riley keeps saying that she wants to find her soul mate, but if you have sex with him and he's not it, move along little doggy. Don't make Quinn suffer more. Anyway, that's my 3 cents.

Original review 01/27/10Love these books so far. Quinn drives me absolutely crazy. He wants her, he doesn't want her. He's picking petals from a daisy. As an aside, I have no idea how she stays tight with all the huge men she's with. Maybe it's a werewolf thing.
Profile Image for Anna 'Bookbuyer'.
664 reviews88 followers
July 25, 2019
I hate Riley is having to start doing the job of a guardian which she doesn't want to have to do.

Why is it that Riley can't seem to find a trustworthy mate? Both Misha and Talon?! 😡😡😡

I wonder why both Talon and Misha were so hell-bent on getting Riley pregnant? Like it's weird, right?

I think at least Misha might have really loved her in his own way at least. I'm really sad for Riley that she had to mercifully kill him. :(

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Chiara Ropolo.
1,371 reviews24 followers
July 2, 2018
Secondo libro delle imprese di Riley, la licantropa/vampira (damphiro) che non vuole diventare un guardiano ma che inesorabilmente tutto la spinge in quella direzione. Anche in questo libro c'è un mistero da risolvere e la storia contenitore viene portata avanti. La parte più gialla è come sempre ben sviluppata e tiene in sospeso con la giusta dose di colpi di scena e suspense. Inoltre continuano le vicissitudini amorose della protagonista, con un Quinn che finalmente si apre e ci permette di conoscerlo un po' meglio. Adoro questo personaggio, ma proprio tanto.
La parte che più ho apprezzato è proprio la caratterizzazione dei vari personaggi e le spiegazioni che l'autrice fornisce per i vari comportamenti. L'assenza di giudizio e di buonismo permette di apprezzarne di più la lettura.
In questo libro sul finale c'è pure una parte commovente. Insomma un libro completo, non resta che proseguire la (ri)lettura di questa magnifica serie
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,433 reviews1,053 followers
March 7, 2016
This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance My Review
Riley Jenson's world has twirled out of order, when she wakes up disoriented and with no memory of the past month. She finds herself assaulted sexually, and seeking escape from where she has been captured. Along the way she stumbles across another shifter....a horse shifter and the heat escalates between them. When Riley returns home, she finds herself drawn into a evil plot where the enemy keeps seeking her and attempting to kill her. But she joins forces with her brother, Misha and a man she never thought she would see again....the ever mysterious Quinn. Riley is in over her head, but the plows on knowing she has to get to the bottom of the plots but there will be some unforeseen consequences.
Plot and Story Line
In Kissing Sin we get a continuation of Riley Jenson, and seeing how the world is changing for her. Gone is the nice quiet life she once enjoyed. Now she is embroiled in evil plots and trying to discover who is behind the "curtain" as it were. This book was pretty hot, probably not as much as the first one...but dang some HOT and SPICY scenes if there ever were. We get some new characters and some old ones. We get some delicious moments with Misha...and even though I was unsure about his agenda....he really shocked me in the end. We are brought some surprises some good and some bad. This story really spent through some vivid emotions here, and I fell in love more with Riley.

Now we have some great interactions with Quinn...good ole sexy Quinn. Now we see how much has changed with Quinn. In the first books, he was resistant to pursuing anything serious with Riley because she was a wolf and he had recently been betrayed by one he had fallen in love with. And quite frankly he is old world and very traditional. Despite his reservations about Riley have sex with various men at different times very consistently...he is willing to go after her and try to have some sort of romantic relationship even though its killing him seeing her with other men. I understood both sides of it. I see why Riley is hesitant to be with just Quinn because they literally would hardly see each other much, and she has no idea if they really have anything with substance and she loves sex and isn't ashamed of it.
Which meant I got left with Quinn yet again. Given the time he was taking to make his decision, I wasn't exactly happy about that. I mean, putting me with him was like flashing chocolate my way then telling me I couldn't have it. It was just plain mean.

So this part of the story was really heart wrenching at times because boy these two...need to sit down seriously and talk openly and honestly.

And yay for more of Riley's brother and his partner...these two are so great and even though we don't get much of them in the story, they are always a delight to see. Rhoan is gay and I really liked seeing him back his sister up and his unique points of character that enhance the development of the story line. There is quite a few scenes of suspense and mystery that I found intriguing and the ending really has me sad and excited to see what is to come in the next book.
The Cover
I love the blue theme to this cover....with the sensuality and the supernatural elements displayed.
Overall View
Kissing Sin is a remarkable story that is heart wrenching and stimulating....it takes us on the road of thrilling adventure, intrigue and suspense. Keep your seat belts on...because this one was a wild ride!!

Series Order

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Profile Image for Laura..devouring books like crumpets.
1,776 reviews99 followers
June 2, 2019
I am really enjoying these books, the ending with the spiders was gory enough it will stick with me.....

Quinn Ventures back into Rileys life as she tackles back against her kidnappers and the bigger scheme of things, its clever how pieces are falling into place but still cant see what the end game is and who its players are.... Still an edge of your seat read.....
Profile Image for Lucy Scott.
164 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2022
Trashy vampire/werewolf books that actually has a good plot, mystery and suspense? I enjoy thank you
Profile Image for Serena.. Sery-ously?.
1,130 reviews225 followers
May 28, 2015
Non posso credere che ho tolto ore di sonno preziose per questo schifo ._.

Non appena saremo in salvo, ho intenzione di scoparti fino a farti perdere i sensi. DUE righe campione per mostrare il degrado del libro e la volgarità dell'autrice (il concetto poteva essere espresso in altri duemila modi..).
Il libro è praticamente tutto così, inframezzato -ogni tanto- con un po' di azione e dialoghi idioti.
Eccoci dunque al secondo match che vede in campo la nostra licantropo-vampira.
La povera, dolce, amata, stupenda Riley è stata tradita da un amante, forse due(NB: tradita non con un altro licantropo, visto che tali esseri sono tutto tranne che monogami.. Tradita nel senso che il tipo ha fatto esperimenti genetici su di lei) e mollata da un altro (un sedicente vampiro, mica bruscolini! Il vampiro in questione ha dato una bella botta all'autostima di Riley, visto che tutti le cadono ai piedi.. I NO che aiutano a crescere, per capirci).
Uno penserebbe che impari dai suoi errori e chessò, si faccia suora, no?
Ovviamente no.
L'amante di turno (conosciuto a pagina 5, nell'introduzione praticamente ._.) è un uomo mutante che diventa cavallo (puro sangue, of course).
Si aprono le scommesse per decretare dopo quanto tempo i due fanno sesso..!
Venghino signori! 80 pagine? 60..? 53..?
Qualcuno rilancia? No? Bene, vince il banco. Iniziano a pagina 41. ._.
Ah, vorrei sottolineare che sono in un posto sconosciuto braccati da orsi mutanti.. Ordinaria amministrazione.
Detto ciò, anche questa volta Riley sarebbe da prendere e sbatterle la testa al muro con violenza, fino a che poi perde i sensi.
Dai coraggio Seri, ne hai ancora un altro e poi fingeremo che questa esperienza non sia mai esistita.
Profile Image for K~Terror.
535 reviews86 followers
January 30, 2015
Rating: ☆☆☆.5

While I mostly enjoyed this book, I have to say the series still hasn't totally grabbed me and sucked me in yet. Although I can't complain about the start of the book as it begins with Riley waking up naked in a strange place, needing to escape from her captures, and finds herself being contained along with other shifters, including a mighty fine new love interest, Kade. (Kade, the horse-shifter, who is apparently hung like one.) ;)

There's plenty of action and I found the plot interesting since it involves cross-species-breeding/gene mutations. This was a new topic from the first series, but did continue on with the same story as far as whether Riley wants to become a Guardian ('killer') like her brother or not. Riley, a highly sexual were-shifter, has many love interests and makes no apologies for being who she is ~ and I like that about her. One of them is Quinn, the vampire, who does take issue with Riley's promiscuity as he is very old and very old-fashion about these things. Because sex plays such an importance in the were-shifter world, Quinn is having a hard time accepting Riley's shifter side and her need to 'venture' out on her own at times.

OK, so the book has steamy sex, fast pace and interesting plot... so.... why hasn't it grabbed me? I think there just hasn't been enough character development yet and I haven't been able to really connect with any of the characters. For me, this is hugely important as it is what makes me really care about what's going to happen next. I'll continue on with the series though as I'm two books in and am hoping there will be more substance to the characters in the upcoming books.
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,947 reviews84 followers
October 14, 2013
I confess I was reluctant to start this read because I wasn't really a fan of the first installment. But I was challenged to read it and was glad I did. Although this entry also had quite a bit of sex that wasn't my real issue with book one. However, there was less sex and it didn't seemed to be used as page filler or scene transition. There was quite a lot for me this time out with action, romance, sex, mystery and drama in heaping shovelfuls. Or maybe it was extremely lower expectations. Either way I enjoyed this outing so much more.
Riley awakes to find she's been captured by the wicked geneticists and has to fight her way out. Along the way she meets horse-shifter Kade Williams who is oh so much more than he first appears. Quinn the vampire also has a featured role as does Alpha wolf Kellan. A cameo from Riley's past also appears to overfill her dance card as she works with a Directorate sub-team to try to get to the bottom of the geneticists desire for Riley's DNA.
(IMO) The writing style was improved as was the pacing and I found I'd read over half the book during a rainy evening sitting. Character development was improved with both the introduction of new characters and the fleshing of returning and secondary characters. I liked the storyline and the depth of the threads as they spun, twisted, twined and arced not only through this read but back to the last release and forward to garner excitement for the next.
January 25, 2019
I am completely in love with this series. Riley is a kickass heroine and the men in her life are just delicious. In this book we get introduced to Kade the horseshifter - totally yummy. Another new character, Kellen the alpha wolf......not sure if I'm totally on board with him yet but he does have potential. But, Quinn is still my man. The story-line continues to keep me captivated and I can't wait to continue the journey with these great characters!! First read 6/24-6/25/12

Second read 1/5-1/8/14

In this installment Riley is still not officially a Guardian but she is still knee deep involved in the investigation of the labs. The story starts out with Riley waking up naked next to a dead man in an alley with no memory of the last 8 days of her life. She had been taken and drugged and God only knows what the baddies were doing with her. In her escape attempt she stumbles upon Kade the horse-shifter and manages to help them both escape.

Misha is still heavily involved in whatever is going down so Riley must continue to sleep with him to get some answers for the Directorate. This does not make Quinn happy AT ALL!!!

Lots of good build up and the sex is phenomenal, no matter who she is doing it with. LOL.
Profile Image for KarenF.
956 reviews10 followers
July 25, 2011
The ending is what got this rounded up to 4 stars. Prior to the last 20 pages or so it was in the 3.5 rounded down range, instead of the rounded up range. But I'm a bit of a sucker for an emotional ending so 4 it is. Love/hate is too strong a word for how I feel about these books, it's closer to annoyed/like. I get annoyed by Riley and the wolf sex thing. Honestly, I have no issue with sex in life or in books whatever consenting adults want to get up to is cool with me. But really, if actual wolves boned this frequently or this stupidly they would have been extinct long ago without being shot from helicopters. Whenever the story veers away from Riley and her sex life I'm entranced and devour the pages. When it's Riley and Quinn arguing about Riley boning everyone or Riley boning everyone because "that's what wolves do" it just gets boring and repetitive. Without spoiling it I will say that the end of this one packed an emotional punch that I didn't see coming and that ended it on a high note for me so I'm more willing to overlook the annoying parts.
Profile Image for Abby .
239 reviews50 followers
April 15, 2012
I have to say I Really Love Riley. This book was awesome. I loved the introduction of Kade and thought he was sweetest guy EVER and a part of me was hoping that they would get together lol. I mean really, . Quinn is just really starting to piss me off to no end, but at the same time , him being a vampire I can KIND OF understand where he's coming from... but his whole line of "I don't share what I consider mine" was a bit much. Then we have Misha, who while still sort of an ass, you can't HELP but love. For me I was really He DID love her in his own way. And while he was also trying to impregnate her , his reasoning behind doing it you can kind of sympathize with and in a way understand. I'm not gonna lie, the letter made me tear up. I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait to read the next one...
Profile Image for Shannon .
1,219 reviews2,446 followers
February 16, 2008
Kissing Sin continues the story started in Full Moon Rising as Dhampire Riley gets closer to the true identity behind all the gene research, cloning and cross-breeding experiments. The price Misha asks for his information is high but Riley will do anything to stop them coming after her for her unique DNA.

I was worried at first that it was going to be one of those series where she has a different man each time, and Quinn wouldn't be making another appearance. But thankfully it's not like that at all. New characters, including some very hot men, enter the story, but Quinn is back and their relationship is getting more complicated. I like that nothing is so simple or straight-forward and merely requires the main characters to "face their destiny" or anything like that. Instead, it's more about prejudice and the nature of people, and accepting people for who they really are.
Profile Image for Pete.
447 reviews42 followers
May 13, 2013
After having read Full Moon Rising, the promiscuity known, Riley is a fun kick butt gal that goes where she wants, does who she wants, enjoys the lustier side of life and is learning more about her powers as a supernatural being. Her brother Rhoan is equally kool, and their bickering is quite amusing.

Since monogamous relationships don’t work with werewolves, the story often revolves around the arguments between Riley and some that are wanting sexual faithfulness when it wouldn’t even work for her. Like many other reviewers I’m not a Quinn fan. Riley has control (most of the time) of her sexuality. She’s not timid and is always solving mysteries and providing her strength of character to the activities she is caught up in.

I love this series, and this book was a real page turner was completed too quickly.

I would recommend this book to adults who like to laugh, love, and scream out loud!

I’m off to get Tempting Evil.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 602 reviews

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