Shay Sandoval has big dreams and works hard to achieve them. But her older sister likes that fast, easy money and finds herself in a hot mess of trouble when she helps her boyfriend scam Houston’s underworld. Terrified for her sister and herself, Shay turns to the only man powerful enough to save them—former prize fighter and Russian mob enforcer Alexei Sarnov.
Just as ruthless in business as he was on the streets, Alexei has built a new life as a respected, wealthy businessman. When he learns Shay’s troubled sister has invoked the wrath of Houston’s criminal elite, Alexei rushes to intercept Shay before the city’s worst men can get their hands on her.
But now that she’s under his protection—and under his hands—Alexei realizes that he wants and needs more than he’s ever dared to hope for in his harsh life. He wants Shay in his home and in his bed—but not as merely his mistress.
Earning Shay’s love and trust just might be the hardest deal he’s ever sealed…
When I’m not chasing after my wild preschooler, I like to write super sexy romances and scorching hot erotica. I live in Texas with a husband who could easily snag a job as an extra on History Channel’s new Viking series, a sweet but rowdy three-year-old with Tetralogy of Fallot, and Bosley, our Great Dane with major mommy issues.
I also have another dirty-book writing alter ego, Lolita Lopez, who writes deliciously steamy tales for Ellora’s Cave, Forever Yours/Grand Central, Mischief/Harper Collins UK, Siren Publishing and Cleis Press.
I am SO disappointed! We have waited years for a new book in this series (which I love). Before I discuss the story, a note of frustration. When a book has been finished forever - have someone read it and edit it before publishing it! I cannot believe there were obvious issues (missing or incorrect words).
I, like other fans of the series, read the quick story of Alexei and Shay meeting. I stupidly thought it would be the start of something. I was disappointed to see that is not the case. This story takes place almost a year later and nothing had happened before she needed his help in this story.
Most of the things that bugged me in this book are spoilers so they will be noted below.
In general, I did not like how Alexei thought about and treated Shay. I felt she had no choice and he took advantage of that. No matter what was said. But you have to hand it to the man. He really came through for her. In one week, she cost him mega bucks, damaged his reputation, made him call in favors and give them out in droves, and got shot. I mean her golden pussy must have been awesome!!! Hell maybe her pussy is platinum!
Shay was not a bad heroine, but makes some really bad decisions that effect a lot of people. She was just so immature I could not relate to her and really started to dislike her over the course of the book. She may be hard working, but she was a child and acted like one. I have ZERO interest in reading all about her snap hating with her stupid BFF and sending raunchy pictures to Alexei. Her sister (who she cannot choose) is a terrible person. Her best friend (who she can choose) was an annoying, clueless, bitch. So I do hold Shay responsible for putting up with Shannon and being friends with Kaylee and not getting a clue and growing the fuck up! But then again, who has to when they have a platinum pussy?
Also, the bodyguard was a dick. He annoyed the shit out of me!
A lot happens over the course of this book, which is only about a week. So their relationship actually progressed really far based on the actual time period. But within the book, I was so annoyed by thoughts and behavior, I did not care that they were early into the relationship.
That is about all I can say that is spoiler free so continue at your own peril.
3.25 RATING-Editing issues that started in the first chapter and were carried throughout and a heroine I didn't love made this story not worth the wait for me. How can you have editing issues in the first chapter on a book that was delayed FOREVER and supposedly had been finished for several months. Glad to finally read the book but overall kind of disappointed. Maybe the whole experience with this author has colored my opinion too. It just seems to me if you delay and delay and delay, then your stuff should be straight when you finally release and this read more like an unfinished draft.
Update 9.22.15: I'm getting off this crazy train and am giving up on waiting for Ms Rivera to release anything. This is way past an author behaving badly. This is an author acting insane. I hope she's taking better care of her health than she is her career. Best of luck to her.
Update 1.15.15: And the release is now cancelled. Indefintely. As sad as that makes me, it just makes the most sense. Hopefully this author will take a much needed breather and take care of what she needs to take care of before coming back to writing...
Update 1.09.15: If you chose option "E" in the below multiple choice quiz- YOU FAIL!!! Alexei is not releasing today. Sigh. We are now on "book watch" for sometime next week per the authors new post. Sigh again.
Update 1.07.15: So obviously, the book did not release on 1.06.15. Who would have guessed it? I am now trying to calculate the odds that the book releases on 1.09.15 as the author stated it would in her latest post. Options are
A. Slim to none B. No chance in hell C. It would take a miracle D. When cows fly E. Holy Shit! It actually released
I actually have the smallest glimmer of hope that it actually will be released this time because just like a cat has nine many times can an author give a relese date and then go back on it? Maybe I am just wishful thinking. Again. It's almost become more interesting to talk about the antics related to this author's (non) releases than to imagine reading the actual book. Guess we'll see on Friday.
1.04.15 Well. Less than 48 hours until Alexei should be released according to the pre-order info and author. Anyone who follows Roxie Rivera releases knows this would be a miracle of epic proportions if the book does in fact go live on 1.06.15. I've got my fingers crossed but am not holding my breath...any predictions?
I read and then re-read this series years ago when it first came out (2013). I’ve just caught up on the little free reads plus A Very Russian Christmas. Which has made me want to not only do another re-read but also catch-up on the newer books like this one.
I’d come across this book before but some of the reviews put me off so I decided not to bother. But after reading their snippet in Christmas I decided to just dive in.
I had very mixed feelings on this book. While I liked Alexei for the most part I did feel that for a grown man who’s lived a colourful life he would know better than to discuss an ex while he’s actually inside Shay! I loved that he protected Shay so much often at great cost to himself. I did feel he railroaded her a bit but then at times she seemed like a child so I’ll forgive him for that. Shay had promise. At times I liked her but she had far too many TSTL moments to win me over. And ultimately this spoilt the book for me.
I was intrigued by Spider does he have his own book?
Based on Alexei and Shay's Christmas short story and the sneak peeks to this book that Roxie Rivera had given us, I knew a few things going in. I knew that Alexei was a smart, sexy and dangerous man. I also knew that Shay was going to be some Cinderella type, except the evil sister she had to deal with was one she happened to love. I was really ready for this story.
"Ptichka." Little bird. "Yes?" Interlacing their fingers, he lifted her hand and placed a tender kiss on her soft, warm skin. "Do you trust me?" "Yes." One word. No hesitation. No question. It was all the permission he needed to keep her."
Roxie Rivera can write heroes like no other. These men are so smokin' hot. Protective, possessive, cunning and brutal when the need suits. Alexei definitely fits the bill. As a former enforcer for Nikolai, he's still connected even though he's gone legit. When the woman he's been pining for (these Russians are so good at pining over the ladies) finds herself neck-deep in trouble with the Hermanos gang and the new skinhead crew in town, Alexei pulls in every connection and favor he has in the Houston underworld to keep her safe.
The greatest thing about this book (with the exception of Alexei and his sexy ass) is the fact that we get to see more of the power struggle between the crime lords. Nikolai, An Trinh, Besian, Mueller, Salas...they are all here and all making plays right and left. Nikolai, the great puppet-master, reminds us with his brains and skill why he rules the city.
There's a few things happening, but the Cartel Coup story arc from the last several novels is pretty much over. Salas is now in control of the Cartel and Houston is adjusting. But unlike In Finn's Heart and Nikolai Volume 2, it's not a major piece of the story here. This really is Alexei and Shay's story.
In true Roxie-form we have secondary sexy characters we want more of, and a perfect hero who is way too good for the heroine. Shay's defects aren't horrible but I am a heroine-hater. I find fault with a lot of the behavior these women have for the sake of drama. Shay's devotion to her sister could have been seen as something admirable, but once that first betrayal was evident after the arena, I thought Shay should have shown some actual disgust for her sister. I was actively hoping Shannon would die in a ditch.
My withholding half a star is completely due to heroine-defect (almost par for the course with me) I might have docked a full-star if it weren't for the fact that I loved being back in the Houston underworld and seeing Alexei wield his baseball bat so damn much (not a euphemism, but we can go there too, because he was hot!). The action, intrigue and sexiness always seem to keep me happy no matter how insipid or annoying the women are. So, I'm a happy camper.
**A few little notes here: Roxie has given us the story a while ago so many of us probably thought Alexei would take place after Nikolai and Vee had their son, but this is actually taking place directly after the Coup stuff and Vivian is pregnant still. Kostya (book 7) will hopefully be published and we will have to go back in time for that one a bit as well because it is happening during the Coup. In Jack's Arms, Sergei 2, In Finn's Heart, Nikolai Volume 2 and Kostya are all interconnected and happening right on top of each other.
**There's also nothing that could be spoilers for book 7. Nikolai makes a comment about the Russian men who have fallen in love and counts Kostya in that. Kostya is absent from this book, but we're not told anything. So don't be afraid to read this before Kostya--nothing will spoil it.
9/22/15 Well, it didn't come out today as was posted last month on Facebook...
1/15/15: We'll get it when we get it. Oddly enough, I totally agree and approve of this move. No more stringing us crazy ladies along.
1/9 Update well, today's release didn't happen but she's expecting to release next week.
I am a huge fan of this series,in fact it actually started my love affair with the Russian mob heros in this series and a few other books.I had waited such a long time for this book and at times thought never to get this story that began with a teaser in the Christmas novellas about the various couples.I wanted Kostya's book desperately, but I will take Alexei.Yes,he had his moments,but he is what he is and when he decided that Shay was the woman for him,that was it for him.I love how these guys just totally love their heroines and making them front and center.Of course he had his dickhead moments at the beginning when he decided to make Shay his mistress and move her into his mistress pad,but he soon moved her out and into his home with a future that included her as his future wife.One more thing he had to learn the hard way was never ,ever tell your present lover about a past lover and any type of sex story,what's past is past,but there are times when a guy just has to just keep his mouth shut.As for Shay,Shay,I swear,I could have slapped you a few times to knock some sense into you girl,and let's not talk about your bff,Kaylee.I don't like her very much,but who knows,maybe she will get a story,is it with Besian ,maybe? To sum it up,yep,enjoyed this story,am a fan ,but please can we have Kostya next,plese,please!!! I knocked this down to 4 stars cause,though I am not a grammer nazi,it sorta irrated me just a tad.
According to Wikipedia a fan is "sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person who is enthusiastically devoted to something or somebody, such as a band, a sports team, a genre, a book, a movie or an entertainer." That said, then I am a loyal 'fan' of Roxie Rivera's, The Russian Protectors series.
This is Alexei Sarnov and Shay Sandoval's story. Alexei, former enforcer/prize fighter turned wealthy businessman was everything I thought he would be in this series: alpha male, a wealthy bad boy, protector, loyal; dominant, ruthless, possessive but very professional! Mind you it was always fair to say that Alexei was once 'a bad man' but Shay, student, independent and talent purse/leather designer and employed with CleanRite saw so much more in him. And within a year's time of her cleaning his office, Alexei and Shay form a stronger attraction and lasting friendship too. Yep, they both fantasized about one another--- often! WOOT!!!!!
Shay's sister and thorn in her side, Shannon also worked in CleanRite and was involved with a bad and very shady guy who work for a noted Mafia king. She was loyal to one person and it wasn't her sister, Shay. Trouble mounts and the one person who Shay promises she would call if she needed help (ALEXEI) well the poor bratty woman went ahhhh brain dead, Arghhhh!
As a fan, I liked the story and the characters both new and old (Nikolai, Besian, Ivan, Boychenko, Danny, Ilya, Ten, etc.,) but what I loved the most was the world building. I lived in Houston and the locations of the city was so on point! The separate communities: Pasadena, Bellaire, Sugar Land, Woodlands, etc. or as they drove to get Shay out of her many predicaments were too memorable and real for me.
Okay, now even as a fan, I had my down sides to the book, 'Alexei' as well:
1. grammatical errors; missing words and phrases 2. Shay's was too hard-headed and had too many bratty ways for me and her sidekick and loudmouth friend, Kylee was just too rude and ungrateful for me -- ugh duh, Besian was an Albanian loan shark/mob captain at best and at worse a KILLER in a designer suit !!!!!! He could douse her out with simply a look--- eek ....such a stupid woman!
Would I recommend it? Yes! Would I recommend you read it as a standalone? NO WAY! Was it good? Yes, but it could have been so much better excluding the grammatical errors!
The best thing about the book was: A L E X E I "Lyosha" Sarnov !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He made a few hiccups with Shay but the man was a strong and impressive alpha male who wasn't use to telling his women what he plan to do... he just did it; nuff said!
*** Another great story in the Roxie Rivera Russian Mafia series !! *** I love these men and women. The super alpha males that are bad, raw and powerful, the beautiful strong women, who've been through a lot, and a compelling story line that flows along, make this a great story. Alexei has gone legit until he's drawn back into a dynamic mess created by Shay's stupid sister and idiot boyfriend. Alexei saves Shay, keeps her protected, but she slips up when she thinks she can save her sister, then more messiness occurs. Alexei and Shay have avoided each other, but now, thrown together, their relationship and feelings are up front. They become lovers, Shay's first time, and now they are realizing the seriousness of their emotions. While everyone is doing their job cleaning up the messes, and searching for missing people, Alexei and Shay move forward. Ivan's MMA fighters are training, life is proceeding. I realize Shay is trying to hang onto her only family, her sister, but the sister is horrible. Shay and Alexei get their HEA, and we want more from some people in this cast of characters, so I look forward to more ! Highly recommend this entertaining story !! ENJOY !!! ========================================== ..these tales can stand alone, but I've read them all, and like seeing and understanding the previous people. ==========================================
You know what would've made this a 5 star book? The death of the female mc. That chick was TSTL and worthless; I hated her.
I had high hopes for this book after reading the Christmas story with these two characters, but nope, they sucked. It's really their fault, as I liked the secondary characters and the various mafia things. But Shay ruined it with her idiocy. She truly has a death wish as she repeatedly put herself in situations guaranteed to get her killed, 100% chance of a violent death. But did she get whacked? Nooo, someone always came to her rescue, usually Alexei. She never even thought the situation out before blindly jumping into these death traps. I can't deal with someone that fucking dumb....not unless they get dead. Then it's acceptable.
Alexei is like mafia lite, all the tattoos, none of the fun. He plays mafia twister with every mafioso in the city to save Shay's dumb ass, repeatedly. I'm sure he's near bankrupt by now after a few days with Shay, from paying bribes and buying protection. How can he be interested in this brain dead chick? Well, he's kind of dumb, too. He warbles between being a jackass only looking for a piece of ass to a squishy Twinkie of gushy romantic feelings. I do not approve of this. And he's really boring. I expected him to be a badass killing machine, but he's more of a Min Pin. All bark and no smashing people like the Hulk.
The other annoying thing is the complete lack of character development or relationship development. The mc's know the super basic facts about each other, yet it's insta-love. Gag. This book only takes place over a few days, yet they've moved their relationship along at light speed and they've barely had any conversations (at least that the book tells you about). So very boring and made me not care at all about the characters or anything in this book.
The marginally interesting bits were the gang turf wars/altercations, the backstabbing amongst the gangs, and the mafia power plays and strategies. I would've killed off more characters, like the sister. A greatly disappointing mafia book.
This book was supposed to be released over one and a half years ago. The emphasis is on supposed to. After such a long wait and Ms. Rivera promising that this is a top notch book it was kind of anti-climactic.
2.5 strong stars or 3 wobbly stars. Take your pick. I pick the wobbly stars. Now in the grand scheme of things my review will probably mean Jack shite cause there are loads of fans who will see it differently than I do. In my opinion it is a plot line that has been done numerous times.
For example we have the rich Hero who leads a lonely life with a business arrangement of having a mistress. The broody bastard falls for the virgin with the sunniest disposition and good heartedness after such a tragic and hard lifestyle. The overall plot involves a sister. I'm sure that plot line has been used by Ms. Rivera before. Or am I mistaken? Lack of ideas maybe? Who knows.
Don't get me wrong there are some good things about this book. I liked the MC of the book although, and here I have invented a new word, their twitness was painful with a capital P. I enjoyed seeing all the other characters of the book but I still felt as if there was something missing to make this book spectacular.
Shay, Shay, Shay sweetheart I expected more of you. You seemed bright you had your head screwed on but turns out you're not the sharpest knife in the draw.
Shay's bodyguard Stas, is well there are actually no words to describe him and his attitude. Dude you were not frigging helping so you should have just kept your trap shut.
Shay's sister Shannon was in it for the quick money. She jeopardised Shay's life nearly got her raped by the perv Lalo and screwed half of the underworld of Houston. The cow is TSTL and she should be grateful that Shay get on saving her fucking arse.
This is one of my favourite series and well I think I’ll just pick and choose the books I want to read now. I really want to read Kostya but I’m a bit unsure as my expectations just might be too high.
I've waited for the author's new work so long but this was an Ok read. Felt like the combination of Nikolai and Ivan.
And h annoyed me! It seemed that H was the one to give everything but h simply caused him more and more trouble. h's best friend annoyed me too esp their interactions were meaningless and immature. I had to skip that parts.
A decent story that I enjoyed but sometimes the characters were frustrating, especially the crazy TSTL moment that almost completely out me off the heroine. It got better after that though. I enjoyed seeing some of the other characters from the earlier books. There were more typos and misspelled words than normal.
The next long awaited instalment in the wickedly addictive Her Russian Protector series. Roxie Rivera has for some reason skipped book 7 (It's coming sometime later in 2016) and gone onto book 8 with the former enforcer Alexei whose gone legit finally getting together with the virtuous Shay Sandoval. But once a mobster always a mobster and when Shay's sister Shannon drags her into her shady world who you gonna're friendly ex-gangster with connections, that's who.
This is the ultimate guilty pleasure series, the guys do really, really bad things but love their women and have their own particular code of honour, I guess. Despite the few typos, repeated phrases (yeah, I get it they're "street soliders") and a few TSTL moments from our heroine still a great series to turn a blind eye to political correctness and just enjoy the ride.
It was good BUT it was also very predictable and the only reason why it has high rating is because of the writing style of Ms. Rivera (even though I have to admit to noticing several slip up in grammar but I overlooked it)
Alexei and Shay...hmmm...there was something missing from the start...their friendship wasn't explained, it was just served on a plater and then he wants smth more from her BUT he doesn't know how to deal and Shay all of a sudden has insecurities that she did have the time to think about was all kinda "presented" and not "lead" I felt deprived. LOL
anyway, it was a good read, and Nikolai appears too, so that was definitely a plus!
Wow...10 stars!!!! OMG! I 've just finished reading, just wow..Roxie, you did it again!Bravo!!!! 10 stars! After Nikolai, Alexei is my favorite guy! The book has everything that I like to read: real action, drama, hot scenes, beautiful/young/innocent/strong/hard working heroine and hot/stubborn/dangerous/alpha hero. Thank you for making my day better! I wish you all the best and keep on doing like this girl...You rock! благодаря!!!!! :)
I was rather shocked to see this book published as its been so long since anything by this author has been released, plus this is book 8 in this series what happened to book 7 about Kostya? It's all a bit messy. Alexei doesn't do girlfriends he has mistresses whom he keeps in a penthouse flat, when he tires of one he moves her out and moves another in. Shay works for a cleaning company and she helps clean his auto dealership a few nights a week, Alexei wants Shay but knows she's too good for him. When Shay's sister Shannon gets herself into a mess it's Shay who's left in danger, and there's no way Alexei will leave her to fend for herself. This gives him the opportunity to insert himself into Shay's life.
I liked this book especially Alexei, I did like Shay except that she had rather too many TSTL moments which did become irritating, she was totally blinkered when it came to her loser of a sister Shannon. But the chemistry and relationship between Alexei and Shay was very well done. I look forward to more from this author let's hope it's not too long of a wait.
I cannot say enough how much I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED this book. This is one of my favorite series and it's hard to pick a favorite book from the series because they are all seriously that good. That being said...this may be my favorite.
Alexei and Shay were perfect together. Shay definitely reminded me of Vivian and I adored her instantly. Alexei was the perfect mix of sexy hotness and protective alpha. He was so sweet with Shay and I loved that he made mistakes but they were so unintentional. He was learning and growing in this new relationship with Shay. I know that Stas meant well but sometimes he created more problems than not. lol Such a great read and I loved seeing Nikolai and Ivan.
I cannot wait for more. I'm going to have to go back and reread the series from the beginning because I'm not quite ready to leave them behind just yet. ;)
I read this book basically to catch glimpses of Kostya. We are told he is out of town or on vacation. No Kostya the cleaner in this book.
I felt like the heroine was a moron. She never considered a text message from her sister's phone could be a trap. Even though she knows bad guys are trying to find her. I lost all respect for the heroine after that stupidity.
My favorite book in this series is Benny and Dmitri. I really don't feel like you'd miss anything by not reading this book.
OK! First off, I really, really wanted to love this book. And while reading it, I would have even settled for liking it. Instead, it felt like Erin and Ivan's story all over with different names. And I didn't care for Ivan to begin with.
Just like the rest of the series, this book had quite a cast; but the two main characters were Shay and Alexei. Shay and Alexei's story began in A Very Russian Christmas; surprisingly, I liked Shay in the prequel and am still trying to wrap my head around how her character could be so different. She was smart, likeable and most importantly - she had instinct and she followed it. It's like she lost of all of those traits in between the release of Alexei. From the very beginning Alexei knew that Shay was different, but he wanted to keep his distance, while still "keeping" her. He actually compared their relationship to that of Nikolai and Vee's.... I didn't like that! This book appeared to stand on the backs of the prior releases in this series in so many ways that it was hard to like anyone because they seemed so much like everyone else besides themselves.
My main gripe was with the stupidity of Shay. (I'm not victim shaming here.... but) This girl had so much stuff happen to her and she STILL continually did everything OPPOSITE of what Alexei asked of her.
Every time a safe space and plan was made for her, this chick took the death route. I almost thought she had some type of death wish, because she did not want to live with the mistakes she was making!
On the other hand, it was hard to like Alexei because he kept making excuses for Shay instead of laying the law down. I know he loved Shay, but she needed some tough love. Andddddd... he LET Stas (who worked for him) check him several times and live to talk to about it! As much as he pretended or thought, he is no Nikolai and he has a long way to go.
I must mention that I absolutely LOVED the supporting characters - specifically Stas. He was very protective of Shay and actually went above and beyond what was expected of him as her bodygaurd. Of course Boychenko, Besian and Danny all made an appearance and those boys did what they do best. Cleaned up the messes that others made!
Ultimately, I just think as readers, we've built up anticipation for this book and series and the author felt like she had to release something. But I personally would have waited longer for a more developed story!
In classic Rivera fashion, a hulking awesome hero assists a lovely independent woman in a suspenseful tale of the underworld.
I have been waiting for Alexei for ages. I'm so happy with this story. It was almost everything I could have wanted. So many of the characters from past stories show up! I'm so glad to finally have some HRP back on my kindle. I can't wait for the next story to show up! xo
Oh how I loved Alexei! He was great at times when he would say he didn't deserve her and he would talk about his ex whores I was like ahhhhh! but he was so sweet on her. I liked that they have been dancing around each other until she finally needs help so he is there for her. Shay was kinda dumb for leaving to get her sister but in the end it turned out okay because he realized she loved him for putting herself between Lalo and him. Can't wait for more
I loved the Russian Protectors and a few other books by Roxie Rivera when she was writing all the time (and she has some really hot books under her other name - Lolita Lopez - that I liked as well). She slowed down on her writing, and so did I on reading her books. But I'm going back to find series that I started and am trying to finish them, and there are a few Russian Protectors I need to read. I don't think this series will ever be completed (oh, Kostya, where you be?) but as it is, it feels like I can give it closure. (By the way, there's a point in the book where a "cleaner" is needed, and even though Kostya's name isn't mentioned, they have to use another cleaner because their regular one is "on sick leave". The author - and her child - have gone through some big medical crises, so even though she's not writing much now, I still look back at the beginning of this series with a smile.)
Alexei is from other Russian Protector books, and I know I also read a short story with Shay and him before. She needs help, and he's there to protect her. I liked the main characters and recognized a lot of people from other books and series by Rivera. I just hated when Shay (and a few other characters) were just TSTL - there's got to be a way to introduce jeopardy without the h always doing a stupid thing like leaving her protection OR her protection leaving her alone so he can go to get groceries. SMH.
This is a 3.5 for me, and I round up. I'm giving a little credit too for the good feels I got remembering the beginning of this series and the characters I really loved.
Shay Sandoval has big dreams and works hard to achieve them. But her older sister likes that fast, easy money and finds herself in a hot mess of trouble when she helps her boyfriend scam Houston’s underworld. Terrified for her sister and herself, Shay turns to the only man powerful enough to save them—former prize fighter and Russian mob enforcer Alexei Sarnov.
Just as ruthless in business as he was on the streets, Alexei has built a new life as a respected, wealthy businessman. When he learns Shay’s troubled sister has invoked the wrath of Houston’s criminal elite, Alexei rushes to intercept Shay before the city’s worst men can get their hands on her.
But now that she’s under his protection—and under his hands—Alexei realizes that he wants and needs more than he’s ever dared to hope for in his harsh life. He wants Shay in his home and in his bed—but not as merely his mistress.
Earning Shay’s love and trust just might be the hardest deal he’s ever sealed…
REVIEW: 3.5 stars---ALEXEI is the eighth full length installment in Roxie Rivera’s contemporary, adult HER RUSSIAN PROTECTOR romance series. This is former Russian enforcer/businessman Alexei Sarnov, and leather designer/cleaning lady Shay Sandoval’s storyline. ALEXEI falls somewhere in the timeline between Nikolai Vol 2 and the novella Lion’s First Roar, and has been released prior to book number 7-Kostya.
Told from first person point of view (Shay), and third person (Alexei) ALEXEI follows two paths: the building relationship between Alexei and Shay, and Shay’s sister Shannon’s spiral out of control dragging Alexei and Shay into a scam of deadly proportions.
Shay, along with her sister Shannon work for CleanRite cleaning company that contracts out to high end businesses and firms. A recent string of IT thefts and questionable business practices finds Shannon on the run, and Shay left behind trying to clean up a mess she knows nothing about. Enter Alexei Sarnov, a wealthy Russian businessman who has been attracted to Shay for a number of months, and the latest target of Shannon’s IT business scam. What ensues is Alexei’s awkward attempts towards Shay –that of an over protective male- and the investigation into the illegal wrongdoings of Shannon and her gang-banger thug.
Shay and Alexei’s relationship is one of friendship that leads to something more when Shay is targeted by several gang members, and the people hunting for her missing sister. Alexei is a man who believes he is unworthy of love and affection but he is drawn to Shay like a moth to a flame. Alexei’s attempts to romance and woo Shay leave our heroine perplexed at some of Alexei’s actions and comments.
Shay’s continuous need to save her sister finds our heroine placing herself, and her Russian lover in a dangerous situation-one too many times-at times Shay was a little TSTL (too stupid to live) and her actions were dangerous and not very well thought out. The $ex scenes are intimate, romantic and seductive …but…saying that I did not feel the connection between our leading couple. Alexei had his hands full trying to clean up the messes that Shay created with her constant need to rescue her older sister; and Shay’s role in Alexei’s life felt more like a mistress than a promise for the future.
ALEXEI revisits some of the previous story line characters including Nikolai and Viv, Detective Eric Santos, Russian enforcer Boychenko, Albanian mobster Besian, and several others -byway of mention only. We are introduced to Russian newcomer and bodyguard Stas, and Shay’s BFF Kylee-whose past is mired in betrayal and loss. Many familiar names and characters are woven throughout the story.
ALEXEI is an entertaining story line with colorful characters but I felt less than invested in Shay’s happily ever after. Perhaps it was the heroine’s constant disregard for her own safety, and the safety of the man with whom she had fallen in love that left me questioning any hope for their future. I had so much hope for ALEXEI’s story but sadly this will not rank as one of my favorite Russian Protector story lines.
You have got to love author Roxie Rivera and her, "Russian Protector" series. Since the very first story that I read which was Ivan and Erin's story I have been hooked. These big scary men and the soft spot for their women and each other is truly a story that people should read. I also love the fact of the author is her ability to cross intersect between the timelines of her series, she shows how the stories are really happening at the same time which keeps everything fresh and relevant.
Alexei is a man that has been mentioned quite oftener in each of these stories, we got a chance to get a glimpse of him again in the "Russian Christmas" anthology which is an excellent read by the way and now here he is in his very own story. Alexei is part of the inner circle, although he is no longer on the streets and his businesses are legitimate, don't make the mistake that there is anything soft about him, when he needs to retreat to that dark place to crush people he will and can do it.
Shay, hardworking young woman trying to make ends meet, keep a roof over her and her older sister's head although the while saving for her own business and making her own line of leather bags. She cleans offices in the evening and one of the places she cleans is Alexei, she is very attracted to him but she believes she is not in his league at all and just being his friend is enough for her.
Shay finds herself in very dangerous situations caused by her sister, the man to rescue her is Alexei, the man that has secretly obsessed over Shay for almost a year, comes for her and those who dared to do her harm or touch her will know the full wrath of the Russian! These two coming together is like silk and wool, the blend together is not impossible to make but it will take some time for the materials to work effortlessly.
Alexei and Shay are perfect for each other, two wounded individuals whom have seen a lot and been through much but whereas Shay still believed in the good of people, Alexei did not and to be fair in his world you couldn't just trust anybody. But Shay was the healing balm that Alexei needed and Alexei was the healing balm that Shay needed. The both of them trying to navigate being in a relationship was a roller coaster ride but they endured. Shay proved not be a wilting flower, she was a tough cookie and when it came to Alexei, she more than proved that she would go to the very end to protect him. And Alexei was the same with Shay, he crossed lines and boundaries for her.
Their story was truly worth the wait, (as many of you maybe well aware of the author's health issues but I am happy to report that she is on the mend). Alexei and Shay had me rooting for them from reading about them from the Christmas story, they had such great chemistry with each other and I loved the fact that they made each other talk about what was on each other's minds because communication is key, especially since neither one of them have ever been in a relationship, so their talking things out was even more crucial. I think we may be hearing more from a few characters that were mentioned in this story (I sure hope so). Author Roxie Rivera has already released another book and it is called "Zel" which he was mentioned in Alexei's story and I can't wait to read it next.
After meeting these two characters in the Very Russian Christmas, I was really looking forward to reading their story, but it was such a disappointment. Shay was supposed to be the smart, strong sister but she was way too naive for someone that grew up the way she did. She let her sister take advantage of her over and over, and made stupid decisions that put herself and everyone around her in danger. Alexei was supposed to be this tough, sophisticated man of the world, but he kept thinking one thing and doing another. "Shay is too good to be a mistress, she deserves better...Shay, be my mistress, here are the rules...Oh, you broke the rules and put everyone in danger? I shouldn't have given you rules, here, move into my house...You aren't a mistress anymore, but let me treat you like one anyway, no working, and here's some money....You were getting thrown out of your place, so I made arrangements to have your things packed and moved, I forgot to tell you, but I'm sorry....Oh, I'm going to Vegas tomorrow, I forgot to tell you...Oh, I'm meeting my ex mistress, I forgot to tell you..." She's mad at him for doing nice things, he has to grovel, but he does something stupid and she's ready to forgive him at one "I'm sorry". They go from acquaintances to engaged in about three days time. Too much background drama, too little character development.
Nayeli - per RFS . hay è la ragazza illibata e angelica che fa le pulizie all’autoconcessionaria di Alexei, il ricco amico di Nikolai uscito dal giro mafioso per crearsi una carriera in modo lecito. Nonostante la provenienza da un contesto diverso, entrambi hanno vissuto storie familiari difficili simili e sono oggi estremamente leali alle uniche persone che possono chiamare famiglia. Se nel caso di Alexei questo significa rispettare l’amico capomafia e rendere conto delle azioni proprie nonché della donna che rivendica come sua, per Shay si tratta di sostenere e aiutare una sorella sconclusionata che continua a fare scelte sbagliate.
Per quanto il passato li abbia segnati, i protagonisti hanno affrontato la loro crescita emotiva in modo differente: uno chiudendosi ai sentimenti per proteggere il proprio cuore, e l’altra credendo ancora nei sogni romantici ma senza fidarsi fino in fondo delle persone, che è certa la abbandoneranno.
— Alexei? — Sì? — Il russo fece scorrere le dita fra le lunghe ciocche di Shay. — Che succederà adesso? Voleva scacciare la paura che aveva colto nella voce della ragazza, così decise che era giunto il momento di chiarire le proprie intenzioni. — Ciò che avrei dovuto fare mesi fa. — Cioè? Alexei le sfiorò una guancia e si deliziò alla vista di lei che sbatteva le ciglia. — Mi piaci, Shay. Sono attratto da te e ti voglio.
Tra i protagonisti c’è un interesse mai palesato che nel corso dei mesi si è sviluppato in amicizia. È proprio approfittando di questa che Shay trova il coraggio di chiedere aiuto in una situazione di difficoltà. Alexei risponde prontamente, offrendole un riparo sicuro e tutto il sostegno, anche finanziario, di cui ha bisogno.
Ma, nonostante l’attrazione silenziosa tra loro e l’improvviso trovarsi uno sulla strada dell’altra, l’uomo le propone un tipo di rapporto “contrattualizzato” , con qualche regola di base e nessun coinvolgimento emotivo. Ci vorrà tempo perché lui capisca di mentire a se stesso credendo di poter riuscire a non desiderare qualcosa di più.
Nel frattempo, lei vive in un limbo di incertezze: il fatto di essere vergine e inesperta la rende insicura sulla possibilità di rispettare ciò che le viene chiesto (e che si sente in dovere di concedere, stante i sempre maggiori guai in cui continua a invischiarlo), e la freddezza di lui, che vorrebbe essere un atteggiamento galante e protettivo, non riesce a farla sentire desiderata.
In nessun caso, comunque, vi è il dubbio che lei si possa sentire forzata al sesso, che rimane frutto di un’attrazione reciproca e di una consensualità di entrambi. La confusione e la difficoltà di Shay riguardano i suoi sogni di trovare il principe azzurro, il non trovarsi a suo agio in un ruolo da donna usa-e-getta, l’essere vista dalla gente (incluse le amiche), come una Sugar Baby (sì, tra i protagonisti c’è anche una discreta differenza d’età, oltre che di portafoglio).
Alexei, sono la tua amante adesso? ― Sì, ― mi osservò da sopra il bordo della tazza di caffè. ― A meno che la tua risposta non sia cambiata rispetto a ieri sera. — No. Posò la tazza e mi studiò. Un lampo di incertezza gli balenò sul viso. — Ma…? ― Ma non so cosa vuoi o cosa ti aspetti da me.
Oltre al risveglio sentimentale di Alexei e alla presa di coscienza dell’attaccamento verso Shay, dobbiamo anche fare i conti con una ricerca di equilibrio di tipo caratteriale tra i due. Alexei rispetta i suoi tempi e la tratta con devozione, il tutto senza slanci passionali, ma è proprio quel tipo di compostezza che non le permette di capire se il suo interesse è destinato a svanire nel giro di poco tempo. La scarsa abilità di lui nella gestione delle relazioni e nell’esprimersi emotivamente non colma i dubbi e lascia molte ambiguità.
Nonostante questo, vi è dialogo tra loro, e l’onestà nell’esprimere paure, dubbi, nel raccontarsi e rendersi vulnerabili riesce ogni volta a far progredire il loro legame.
Alexei è anche il tipo d’uomo che ha un estremo bisogno di proteggere la propria donna, che è abituato ad assumere il controllo delle situazioni senza condividere le scelte con lei, pensando in questo modo di sollevarla da incombenze noiose, nonché desideroso di viziarla e coccolarla sperperando a piacimento il denaro.
Shay, però, ha sempre fatto tutto da sola, è una donna indipendente e, per quanto si fidi di Alexei e sia consapevole dei pericoli che corre, fatica a rinunciare a prendere decisioni in autonomia e a ricordarsi di chiedere il consenso per agire. Ma la sua inesperienza e ingenuità la spingono a muoversi in un ambiente troppo pericoloso, che va a pestare i piedi a diversi gruppi mafiosi, facendola piombare nel bel mezzo di un conflitto fra gang (nell’ambientazione già costruita nei precedenti volumi). Si ritrova a incrinare il precario equilibrio di potere tra le fazioni mafiose sul territorio, grana che richiederà l’intervento di Nikolai e il cui peso ricadrà sullo stesso Alexei.
Non solo, quindi, avrà bisogno di maggiore protezione, ma la faccenda complicata in cui era stata cacciata dalla sorella finisce per intrigarsi ancora di più, mettendo Alexei in una posizione piuttosto scomoda che andrà ad animare la lettura e a incalzare il ritmo.
― Sai che non sono mai stato amico di una donna tanto a lungo quanto lo sono stato con te? Siamo quasi a dodici mesi, Shay. ― Mi guardò incuriosito. ― Per tutto questo tempo mi hai tenuto in pugno e non ti ho ancora baciato come si deve. Mi afferrò la testa e chinò lentamente il viso scrutando i miei occhi, come a voler cercare il permesso nel mio sguardo. Appena prima che le sue labbra toccassero le mie, sussurrò: ― Per te va bene? Afferrai il bavero dalla sua giacca per sollevarmi sulla punta dei piedi e incontrare la sua bocca. — Sì.
Quella fra Shay e Alexei, nonostante i timori e le ambiguità che alimentano la trama, è una relazione affettiva che nasce dall’amicizia e da una connessione sincera. Lui si rende conto presto che non potrebbe mai fare meno di lei, che il suo senso protettivo gli impedisce di trattarla come fosse meno che una regina, quindi il legame evolve molto velocemente, raggiungendo dei picchi di tenerezza e di devozione tipica anche degli altri russi che abbiamo precedentemente esplorato.
Shay quickly won me over in this one. She was such a fish out of water and rolled with the punches pretty good for the most part. Where I started to get annoyed was when Alexei would take over. Yes, what he did he was doing with good intentions, but the way that he did it ended up hurting Shay. It was a good thing that Shay listened accepted the remarks.
I didn't care for Stas. He seemed to highlight all that was bad within the lifestyle these people lived in. I so wanted Shay or Alexei to bitch slap him for some of the things that he said.
While I liked this book I didn't love it. Why? Not because of Alexei. I loved Alexei and wished he had someone who really cared about him as much as he deserved. Shay is what stopped me from loving this book. Her blind devotion to her greedy, drugged out, "ride or die for her man" sister was so unappealing, I wanted to smack her most of the book. Alexei put himself out there so many times for Shay it was scary stupid. And she undermined everything he did to help her and keep her safe. She is right on the bottom of the TSTL list with Ivan's selfish and delusional wife IMO.