A decent story that I enjoyed but sometimes the characters were frustrating, especially the crazy TSTL moment that almost completely out me off the heA decent story that I enjoyed but sometimes the characters were frustrating, especially the crazy TSTL moment that almost completely out me off the heroine. It got better after that though. I enjoyed seeing some of the other characters from the earlier books. There were more typos and misspelled words than normal. ...more
Parts of this book were interesting and showed promise but some of the premise behind the world didn't make sense. So the world was flooded by these cParts of this book were interesting and showed promise but some of the premise behind the world didn't make sense. So the world was flooded by these crazy storms generations ago and civilization broke down and there doesn't seem to be any type of a normal government or much communication between different lands - yet supposedly all the "mainlanders" have rigid rules about sex and religion - this just didn't add up in any way for me. I think the author just wanted to contrast the free sex ways of the raiders with everyone else and made them all prudes that can't enjoy sex. I seriously doubt that if society broke down everyone everywhere would have similar beliefs.
Now onto my other big issues: the book focused way too much on the sex lives of the raiders. I swear we were told in detail more about other people having sex than the actual hero and heroine. The constant focus on telling us all about the crazy sex the raiders like to have got kind of boring actually.
Now onto the strange quest the heroine and her family were on for generations: to hook up power plants with her old tablet computer. Say what? Really? That is her quest? How can it seriously take her family generations to do a task? Why is that so important? It just wasn't explained well and didn't make sense.
There were some bright spots. Sometimes the story was interesting and I liked parts of the romance, it just felt very rushed at the end. The story premise was unique, the world just needs thought through a bit more. I may try the next book, I will wait to see what the reviews look like. ...more
I guess I will be the lone dissenting negative review for this book but I just did not like it. First off, I should state that I have hig**2.5 stars**
I guess I will be the lone dissenting negative review for this book but I just did not like it. First off, I should state that I have high expectations for paranormal romance. If you are going to create a world, do a good job with the world building. I felt like this book was a let down with the world building, the story and the characters. First, I felt the vampire world was not explained very well. We didn't find out enough about how everything works and how the different clans interact with themselves and humans. The story itself was frustrating, there were time jumps which left out crucial details about the lead couple developing a relationship. Then when the heroine is kidnapping she is attacked and starts the change, I hated that because I would rather see the hero doing it, it just felt wrong. I was willing to go with it though but then it happened again. There was too much description of the violence toward the heroine, I didn't want to see her go through that much. I also didn't like the ending, it was basically not an ending but I guess it doesn't matter because I will not be continuing with the series. I think the hero was a big disappointment. He is supposed to be this alpha King of vampires but he comes off as wimpy and beta. When the clans are after the heroine, he wants to run away instead of fighting them. He just seemed to let others make decisions too much and seemed powerless. Overall, the beginning of the story seemed promising but it went downhill by the end and I was disappointed. ...more
The other books I read by this author were just okay for me but this book was really good. The hero was not a good man but we see him change over the The other books I read by this author were just okay for me but this book was really good. The hero was not a good man but we see him change over the story to a person who is a better person. He is still not necessarily a good person but he is the right person for the heroine. The story really sucked me in, I liked both the leads. The heroine was a strong, likable person who started her own horse therapy business. The hero found a reason to live when he found the heroine and her way of life, it was really nice seeing him start to realize he could have more out of life than what he settled for before.
Overall, this was a well-written romance that really drew me in and kept me turning the pages. I am glad I gave this author another chance....more
Overall, I liked this biker romance featuring a blind heroine and a gruff tortured hero. The story was kind of fluffy and could have us** 3.5 stars **
Overall, I liked this biker romance featuring a blind heroine and a gruff tortured hero. The story was kind of fluffy and could have used more depth but it still entertained me. I also felt like we didn't see much of the hero's biker club family, I wish we would have seen more of that but I think we did in the first book (which I totally forgot the details of by now).
Now for my two bigger issues:
- Authors: please do not have a heroine in a biker romance reading biker romance (ever). And then using that as the reason she is okay with him being a biker and thinking he is "hot". Just no. It felt cheesy and hard to take her seriously. I do not think I know everything about a real one percenter biker club based on freaking romance books and a TV show.
- Can we agree to get rid of the term "book boyfriend"? Please? Both in books and on places like Goodreads, it sounds teeny bopperish and immature. I do not read romance so I can pretend the hero is my boyfriend....more