Librarian Note: Alternate Cover Edition for B00II3YH8W.
"there's sex everywhere in the club. The Sons f*ck who, when, and where they want. They don't care who knows or who sees. Can you handle that?"
Max Fisher is going to have to get up close and personal with a whole new scene in her very first undercover case for the FBI. She's smart, focused, and ready to put the Savage Sons Motorcycle Club in prison. The only problem? She has to work with a partner.
Moses Hall, muscled, tattooed alpha male wants out of the Savage Sons MC, and he's agreed to work with the FBI for a chance at a new life, free of the drugs and destructive forces of the MC. But can he learn to trust Max with his life?
LEATHER, HARLEYS, AND HOOKERS Max and Moses grow closer, and the sexual attraction between them is undeniable. They start building their case.....until they learn that all isn't as it seems, and there could be deadly consequences.
So this was a freebie...MC club...bad boy themed...SCORE I yelled! Well, then I started reading...I was slowly getting in the game. Bad Boy Moses Hall wants out of the MC...huh? why...who ever does that?! OK, I'm still buying...enter lady FBI agent, case you wandered she is tall...not petite (I know because it was emphasized so damn much!) Anyway...she goes in undercover as Moses's Old prepared, do you gets rough in the is dangerous... Really???? When? This was a pretty tame attempt at depicting a MC club gone bad. Drugs, hookers, lots of booze and sex mentioned frequently...but not really experienced. Also, what bad boy MC one percenter paints, sips wine, has a self built house and cooks pasta with scallops??? Overall, I did not find this son troubled. I didn't find the story very captivating. I Didn't really appreciate the story. I totally Did not at get the connection between Max and Moses...kinda more icky versus hot! I think the author can definitely write...but there are a ton of amazing MC type reads out there that have corrupted my dreams!
Did this book really end this way??? This can't be how it appears and if so, I hate it!!! Honestly, I think it is what it is and the reason for such a low rating.
Spoilers ahead...
I also found the twist to be unbelievable in the aspect, that it just seemed to easy for Max and Moses to figure out. Not to mention, who would really try to find the truth by mentioning it to the person in question?!?!?!
And there are unanswered questions!! How does the MC think he passed away?? Why mention how the recording devices were made, then not address if he was still wearing his. Wouldn't what went down been recorded since it had an eight hour recording span? And why tell us that??? I have a VERY slight hope, that he wasn't dead and somehow snuck into witness protection, maybe in a coma?? And he will eventually come for her?? I'm grasping for straws here!! I just can't believe it would end like this!
Not too mention the ending happened so quickly!!! It was rushed then, book over
Wow this was a bit different to your normal biker books. A slow building romance between an FBI agent posing as an old lady and a prominent member of the Sons of Savage MC.
The writing pulled me in from the start and I look forward to more from this author.
WTF?! This was a 3 star up until the last chapter and epilogue.
As a note, I reveal the outcome of the story in the spoiler below (so only check that out if you decide not to read this book or if you don't care if you know what happens), but I think it is important for anyone thinking of reading this book to know that it does NOT have an HEA. Also, it goes from 0-60 on the romance aspect and then the ending is super rushed, seemingly out of the blue, inconsistent with the rest of the story in the way that the h handled the stressful situation, and just plain WTF-ish.
Maxwell Fisher is a relatively new FBI agent who is being thrown into a high stakes, high pressure undercover situation (which would never happen bc you have to work up to UC assignments, especially one that dangerous, but I was willing to let that go). Her mission is to work with an ATF agent that recently had a prominent member of a notorious biker gang seek him out because he wants to end his association with the criminal enterprise. The man looking to make a change is Moses Hall - a man born into the MC but who has grown weary of the lifestyle, especially as the criminal aspect (drug running; prostitution) has expanded in a direction he no longer can control. Max's assignment is to pretend to be Moses's "old lady" and help him dig up enough dirt on the MC to be able to put them out of business, after which Moses will have to disappear. As they work together and attempt to convince the club that their most elusive member has finally settled down, the feelings of attraction overpower them, and they give into their desires. But what will happen when things go down and Moses has to start a new life far away from Max and everything he has ever known? Will the inherent danger in infiltrating a dangerous criminal enterprise be too much to overcome? And is there any chance they can have a life together as an FBI agent and former criminal?
First of all, as I mentioned, the FBI would absolutely not put an agent with no training or experience in UC work in any way into a situation like this one, but I was willing to let that go for the sake of enjoying the story without over-analyzing it, but it got a little ridiculous pretty fast in that aspect with the things she did (ex, she went in before she was supposed to without really talking through how things would go down; didn't mic up; etc.). Beyond that, their relationship went from sideways glances and internal dialogue discussions about how they wanted to jump each other to literally jumping each other with nothing in between. No real concerns from the h about her extreme lack of professionalism, and all of a sudden the H that has never stayed with a woman longer than a quick bang session is smitten. Let's go with unlikely on that score.
But then the what's really going on/mystery aspect took a VERY sudden turn towards the end that the H/h just rolled with and didn't come up with much of a plan to handle the potentially extremely dangerous situation and went in half cocked.
So, yeah, unless you are cool with ridiculous "plot twist" endings that come out of nowhere, entirely unprofessional FBI agent behavior, and a sh!tty ending, I would recommend avoiding this one.
Plot --- 1/5 Main Characters --- 2/5 Supporting Cast --- 2/5 Steam Level* --- 4/5 Violence --- some but not graphic Language --- yes POV ---Dual
*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all
Before I start my review I have to say that a HEA is a requirement for me now I knew going in I wasn't going to get one and I think this is probably the first time I've ever read a book where I've known in advance I wouldn't like the ending. So why did I read it? A friend on Goodreads read and absolutely loved it and after reading her review I knew I just had to read this book and I'm so glad I did. Max Fisher gained her law degree but knows she doesn't want to spend her life helping the scum return to the streets so she joins the FBI and soon finds herself facing her first undercover job, taking down the Savage Sons MC. Moses grew up in the Sons it's all he's ever known but he wants more, he doesn't like the direction the club is heading but it's to not the kind of life you can just walk away from, he knows the only chance he's got is to turn on his club. This I struggled with a bit, I know his reasons are given but still... Anyway for a chance at a new life Moses goes to the FBI and gives them everything he can but in order for the case to stick it needs to be airtight and that means getting an agent inside. Max is to play Moses' old lady and collect the evidence that along with her testimony as a federal agent should be enough. It's a dangerous assignment and it's not just the Savage Sons, Moses is smoking hot and she's no idea how she's going to keep her distance, especially since they'll be living together. This is a fabulous read I loved both Max and Moses and I have to say that while nearly every book I read contains sex this was different, yes it was hot but it was the attraction and build-up which made it someone special. This is the first book I've read by this author so I've no idea if the lack HEA is common for her but it made me think twice about continuing on with this series because while I can't deny I loved this book I wouldn't want to read another without my required HEA. While 'Prodigal Son' sounds good it doesn't seem to have an ending as such and is carried on to 'Freedom's Son' but since this whole series is on KU I'd just about made up my mind to continue on until I read the reviews and blurb for the forth and final book 'Sinner's Son' which have made up my mind and it's a definite NO I'm quitting now.
I bought this book right away because I love MC romances and it was at an unbelievable price of 99 cents! I was beyond angry that someone posted the ending on one of the first looks like it is gone now, but even knowing how this ended I bought it anyway. What a pleasant surprise! It was a well written, interesting compelling read, filled with drama, suspense and hot hot hot romance between FBI agent Max and Moses, the sexy as hell biker partner-in-crime she goes undercover with to bring down his MC. It was different from other biker books I have read...similar characters and club life was the usual, but Moses was a different kind of man...balancing his good side with the outlaw in him, always wanting to be a better man than he is. Max of course, falls in love with the true artist he is, and you just know things will end badly...there's always a calm before the storm! I am really curious to find out what direction book 2 goes in...but I highly recommend this book for romance lovers everywhere...especially if you like a little danger with your love story.
First off, this was FREE and I did really enjoy it. Moses was hot to say the least and I loved his two sided personality. He was definitely troubled or shall we say in a hell of a lot of trouble... yeah being a part of the Savage Sons MC let alone his uncle in charge how the hell do you get away?
Bring in a very intelligent, tall, and sexy FBI agent Max, who (IMO) was a cool as hell female to help obtain some info in the club. To my surprise she was as "dirty" in bed as Moses and it was great.
Although I have read many MC books in my lifetime, this wasn't a favorite. I won't be rude and mention my all time favorite to date and I believe always will be. However it did have several things that make me happy when reading books... it did not mention if it was a HEA! (I HATE THAT... AUTHORS NEED TO USE SPOILER BRACKETS WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT AND IF YOU WANT TO KNOW, THEN CHECK OUT THE SPOILER. WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN VICES AND PEEVES.) Don't get me wrong, I love those HEA's too but hell I get enough info between those 3 letters and the syp. Why is it those authors can't have surprises with HEA's? Sometimes bad things happen but are followed by an event that eases the pain? And can be considered a HEA! My love is this...
I always need dirty and Moses did it well. I had to wait too long for my liking to get some.
I got my alpha, towards her but it was too long of a wait and not exactly enough for me.
And of course the ending.
Yep, that's why I loved it... never would have thought I can't bring myself to read the Prequel... I only saw two people in my eyes and it was Max and Moses. You Jayna made me very happy with that surprise ending... do I agree... no but hey, it's exactly what I crave. Thank you.
There is nothing I HATE more than books that are deemed romance, in which the main character dies. Like really dies. Not fake dies and then shows up later, like "surprise I'm in witness protection or has a new identity." But for real dies. That IS NOT very romantic.
The book was entertaining, and intriguing and has you really interested in what will become of the lives of these two people who fall in love (very quickly I might add) and then... he's dead. Totally ruined this book for me. Romance novels have HEAs...that's the main point.
I continued to read the series hoping he would come back later in the series, but nope...he's dead. The whole series was a slow tease and left you high and dry in the love department. I want the hours of my life back I wasted on this series....if you can't tell...I'm super annoyed.
I can-not believe this book ended this way. Although the title of the second book sounds like Moses might still be around 'prodical son' sounds like a return to me.
Kept me captivated though, can't wait til next month for the release of the second.
We've seen a plethora of MC books flood the markets as KA's Motorcycle Man/Chaos and MS's Undeniable series swept through readers of all ages. Some were just okay, some knock-offs, some just didn't come close, but I have to say that J.D. King has taken the MC twist to an entirely different level and by the ending, I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Troubled Son is the first in a series of the Savage Sons MC. But the twist in this story? Moses, the hot tattooed MC guy, wants out. He wants out of what his club is in because it's gotten too dirty in the drugs and sex business. Born and raised in the Savage Sons with his father and grandfather, it's all Moses has ever known. And the guilt is weighing him down. How does he make the choice to betray his brothers? But his sense of right and wrong have overtaken his ties to the MC and he makes a choice: he goes to the Feds and lets them know he wants out and he'll help them take down the Sons. < img src=
Max is a relatively new girl to the Fed scene. She's spunky, feisty and doesn't spook easily. When she's offered the chance by her higher ups to go undercover as Moses's old lady, she jumps on it. She meets with Trombley, her FBI contact who sets her up with the scenario. When she meets Moses in person, she's ready to just about jump on him! [image error]
Moses makes it rough for Max at first, testing to see if she can handle it. He buys her trashy tramp clothes; she gets a makeover into a recovering meth addict who is still 5'10' of sexy swagger; and takes her to his club to "get her face out there" as his old lady. Her first night she witnesses two women going at it on a pool table sort of as a pay-per-view show.
One of the things that moves this story in a different direction is that where MC books focused on the life, the brothers, and the family of the Club, Troubled Son focuses on the man who is Moses and his struggle to remove himself from this life in order to start over.
Slowly (yeah, slowly) Max and Moses allow this sexual attraction to build - little touches, winks, sexy looks, brushing up against one another until finally around 60% there is absolutely one of the sexiest first time scenes for a couple I've ever read. It's hot, it's sensual, it's sexy, and Moses just knows what he's doing and Max let's him do it!! And Max's love for sexy underwear really is a turn on!! She works it and Moses literally eats it up!
I just don't know how to explain the difference. There is no cheating, no talking down to Max; he explains what she'll face and what she'll see and prepares her as best he can. And by God she pulls it off.
Moses' talk to her about his life and why he wants out was really touching. And as Max witnesses the other Moses, a man who cooks, pours wine, has a gorgeous home overlooking the Rockies, she realizes he is so much more than a MC guy. She also knows that he's going to disappear once this op is over and she'll never see him again.
There are some hints sprinkled throughout the book that something might not seem as it is and I was half right but still didn't see it coming.
The ending is NOT what I expected, although I knew it was a cliffhanger, and I won't say any more than that. Is there a HEA at this point? No. Do I think there will be one eventually? Without a doubt. But be ready. This one ends with the reader going right over that cliff with Max.
I will say this: There are some grammatical errors and hopefully the next one will address this issue. There is also quite a bit of internal dialogue at the beginning and I was ready for some "action." But it's dual POV and does pick up. Neither hindered enough to ruin the story for me!
🏴☠️spoilers🏴☠️ Another “romance-that’s-not-romance”, what with the H being DEAD ‘n all at the end of the book Or is he???? Cos APPARENTLY he’s very much alive and kicking in the last book of this series Or is he???? 🤔🙄🤢 Do I even wanna know…
If it wasn’t classified as romance I wouldn’t have cared that the hero is killed off at the end And that the h is pregnant at the end And that he’s still/again/maybe/maybe not alive in a future book I wouldn’t even have read it if it wasn’t classified as romance so none of the above would’ve mattered But it IS classified as romance🤬🤯😳 Sales: #338 in New Adult & College Romance (Kindle Store) is #521 in Romantic Suspense (Kindle Store) #1,271 in Contemporary Romance (Kindle Store)
“Romance”, my foot Damn lies Wonder if a freebie is refundable….
I was only going to give this book a 4 star rating, until I got to the last few chapters. Those chapters put it up to a 5 star read for me. I am a sucker for a good MC book. And this is a great one. I know a lot of people hate the ending. Trust me, I don't like what happened, but I loved the story and it was completely unexpected. I never expect that to happen in a book, especially to a main character (not posting what happened, I hate posting spoilers, sorry). Max is a fresh FBI agent, that is working undercover with the DEA to bring down the Savage Sons MC. Moses is the Savage Son that will be helping from the inside, so to speak. They end up having a connection and some amazing sex. They both knew that it wouldn't last and they would have to part ways for the rest of their lives after the case was done. Throw in some rival MCs and dirty agents and you have a great book. Can't wait for the next one
I really enjoyed this meeting of Moses Hall, the Savage Sons biker, with Max Fisher, the undercover FBI agent.
Moses wants out of the club, having been brought up in the drug and sex fuelled environment. He approaches the FBI for help in bringing the club down, and forms part of the plan alongside "virgin undercover" Max.
When they propose for her to become his "old lady", did the sparks fly between them?
The story was original, and I enjoyed their journey, albeit too short. Look forward to the series continuation.
I really liked this book. The story was really different and not what I expected. It was a great book, hot biker guy, hot fbi chick, drama. The only down fall was the ending, it left me really sad and empty. I wish it could have ended happier, but still worth the read.
It's been a few days since I burned through this book & I'm still pretty racked at how it ended. It's so rare that a book pulls the rug out from under you and the HEA you usually can count on is ripped from you. It makes the book more of a reality & less than mindless entertainment...more than a "hard to believe ending cause this HEA kind of shit only works out in books or movies"....but it didn't happen here did it? So the author did her job I think, because I keep remembering their slow burn towards each other & the big pay off when they connected. I remember the pages of their last few hours together and then how in a nano second it was over & I was actually breathless in a 'WTF just happened' kind of way. I re-read those pages over a few times, hoping one of those times the Titanic wouldn't sink lol. So just like in reality, when this type of crap're like "NO fuckin' WAY, I just saw them or talked to them yesterday", and your left sad & remembering & in shocked disbelief. I read a lot of bad reviews of this book & her writing style, but I don't get why. She showed you another side of this type of man, other than the one society has planted in our minds. How many bikers do you REALLY know anyway, so what exactly are you basing your slams on? Lol ...he gave a very reasonable explanation as to why he was changing into the man he wanted to be, AND her writing him in this way, made it hurt all the more when it played out the way it did. Any book that can stay on my mind days after I read it, and as fast & as many as I'm reading? For that ending to still be bugging me in a sad way is pretty cool. I sort of like that she took my escape from reality & jabbed me with a dose of HELLO lol I don't have any interest in reading the prequel though. Not because I don't like her style, but because I'm content with just knowing him & Max. Plus knowing more about him will only add more of a sting to how it all played out. I appreciated this style, story & author. Good job & thanks for giving us Max & Moses!
I spotted this on amazon and it was free! Fabulous the first in a new MC series and yes it features an intelligent heroine so I was most definitely interested. I won't reprise the synopsis with lots of details but its basically a guy Moses, who really wants a new life but as a one percenter that's most definitely not on the cards! I will admit from the blurb I expected a lot more dirty scenes than we got but I'm sure many will enjoy the slow burn that the author delivers as Max an undercover FBI agent gets to know Moses much much better. I really liked that the author made him more than just a Neanderthal type and Moses clearly had a brain (hurrah) but the ending? I can see why Ms King went that way but it's not one that made me happy . It's well written and happily has seen an editor so easy to sink into and in fact I stayed up until I'd finished it last night . Will I read more by her? I'm not sure but as it's my first book by this author and as a freebie I cannot complain too much but I'm a hopeless romantic so for me not a keeper.
Hmmm… a little different biker/MC book that I'm used to just because of how Moses lived - it was a little "unbelievable" to me. Like, how did he build his home in a cave/side of the mountain? Just stuff like that - wine drinking, fancy cooking - it was hard for me to see him as a biker or a part of a really bad MC. He had too much "freedom" with no brothers asking or wondering what he was doing when he wasn't at the club. I dunno... I can overlook those details though and appreciate this story. It read kind of like a prequel to me and I guess in some ways it is. The ending was abrubt for me and shocked me but I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series.
Props for a decent start and knowing how to make the law enforcement side of things sound believable but this story jumped the shark on the law enforcement angle pretty quickly with too many trips to the club or around club members with no surveillance equipment. If the whole point is to get it on tape, why do they NEVER wear the recording devices?
Also, this book does not have a happy ending. I get that they don't always have a happy ending but this particular ending felt rushed and left me feeling cheated. If I had actually paid money for this it would have only gotten a single star but considering I picked this up as a freebie, it gets two.
I have no idea what to rate this book. I'm mad right now. I don't blame reviewers if they give spoilers, that's my fault for reading reviews. But I do get angry at authors who write spoilers in their book blurbs. The next book in the series, Prodigal Son, completely spoiled this book for me. She gave away the ending in the description of the next book. Because I knew the ending, I didn't give this book enough attention, skimming parts. I don't know if I should blame the writing or was it because I was just trying to get though it for the next book. Ugh. So disappointed.
Really enjoyed this because it was different than a typical MC book and even though the ending wasn't a perfect happily ever after, it still had a good ending. I think it all ended so fast.
To the author though, please have a better editor. There were several typos and silly errors.
I have edited for a few authors and I would have been embarrassed if this was my work. Just saying!
But good story and interested in seeing where the next book will go.
This was one of those books I just happened upon and really enjoyed. It had a different story line with a strong female role mixed in with a hot biker boy but a new twist on it, which made it very enjoyable. I really liked the dual POV as well as all the sexy scenes. Can't believe the ending and hoping I will get more in the second book.