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I never expected to meet someone like Molly. I don't do relationships, and she is very much a relationship kind of woman. She's a good girl, better than I deserve. She's also hot as sin, sweet as honey, and probably way too smart to fall for the likes of me. Do you know what else she is? She's mine, and I'm not letting her go without a fight.

I was just trying to do a good deed and save a hot biker from getting a parking ticket. Do you know what I got for my trouble? A crash course in the biker lifestyle that left me reeling, since I'm a kindergarten teacher who doesn't normally walk on the wild side. Do you know what else I got? Sexy times in the back room of his bar a few hours after we met, and a dirty-talking, possessive biker who calls me Angel and tells me that I'm his. It's too bad I can't claim him in return, but it seems he's already taken.

Author's The 5th Circle Guardians aren't a hard-core, 1% club, but they do have their own code of conduct that they live by. They live hard, love harder, and know that rules, laws, and hearts are bound to be broken along the way.

This is the first book in the series, with each book following a different couple in the club. Although there are some common threads that weave all the books together, this is a standalone with an HEA and no cliffhanger. There is no cheating between our hero and heroine. It is intended for mature audiences due to foul language, explicit scenes, and some violence. Please note there are brief mentions of off-page abuse and neglect of a child, drug abuse, and infidelity.

379 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 9, 2023

243 people are currently reading
109 people want to read

About the author

E.K. Hart

5 books52 followers
I've been an avid reader since I was a little girl. When I was nine years old, I cried buckets after reading Bridge to Terabithia, which led to an intense love of books that rip my heart out before putting me back together again.

I can vividly remember 12-year-old me discovering my grandmother's Harlequin Romances, which I snuck out of her room to read. I also vividly remember getting caught by my mother, who had already told 12-year-old me that I was too young to read those books. I was grounded for a month, but my love of romance books was born.

Since then, I've gone on to devour books from many genres but I always come back to romances. Whether they are sweet and funny, or dark and angsty, I love them all.

Born and raised in the Midwestern US, I've been married for over thirty years, and am the mother of two incredible people. When I'm not reading or writing, you can most likely find me browsing through antique stores or eating chocolate.

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Hang out with me in my Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/60493...

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Happy reading!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,661 reviews626 followers
December 21, 2023
Very sweet MC-lite.

MC guy falls head over boots for curvy heroine. A minor mess up, MINOR, engages her spine and she gives him a very cold shoulder. MC guy has to grovel like mad.

His twin is up next in what sounds like a major mess up.

P.S. I've always loved the name Molly.
Profile Image for Brandi-Lynn Weiser.
1,877 reviews67 followers
April 11, 2024
I read Rome & Abby’s story first & loved it. It was emotional as hell, but very very good, so I was anxious to go back & read Cole & Molly’s story. And it was definitely just as good- minus the emotional angst! I loved Jagger/Cole. He was totally smitten w/Molly & I loved how he was never tempted by the clubw*ores. Him & Molly were perfect together, & holy hotness did they heat things up! I really enjoyed how the guys in club were so welcoming to Molly. Right off the bat they welcomed her in & considered her family. There were several times I was laughing at the guys, but my favorite was when Brad had Lily tell Molly about how her dad lays w/horses! lol.
This was definitely an excellent read & I can’t wait for book 3, King’s story!
Profile Image for Joanne.
1,020 reviews23 followers
June 22, 2024
This is an MC novel I can get behind. Jagger mets the woman for him and he does his best not to stuff it up.
Profile Image for A❤️.
69 reviews
December 22, 2023
I have a lot of love for EK Hart. I discovered her when she was writing on wattpad and was thrilled to see she made the jump from wattpad to publishing her amazing books.

Jagger has been a highly anticipated read for me since she announced she was diving into the MC world. This genre is one of my favorites.

Jagger meets Molly and its lust at first sight when Molly informs him, he is about to get a parking ticket. There is an early misunderstanding that later on I found quite comical (From the standpoint of being a twin mom) which is quickly resolved.

Jagger falls fast and hard for molly and is so gone for her so fast. I loved it. I think my favorite thing he did was taking photos of all of her toiletries, so she has them at his house when she stays over. Molly is a very strong take no crap heroine and has no issue putting Jagger in his place when needed.

I absolutely loved this book and cannot wait for Romes story! (less)
Profile Image for Emily.
5,654 reviews530 followers
November 17, 2024
Jagger is a loyal member of the 5th Circle Guardians, he lives his life and has fun along the way. The minute he sees Molly though he is hooked, he has never been so head over heels for someone and she is completely opposite of any woman he has known. He wants her, he plans to claim her and never let her go.

Molly has had her share of bad relationships and with Jagger everything feels natural, she is hooked and eager to see where the relationship goes. Life is good but her job as a teacher has a bit of a rocky path lately and when an incident escalates she has to put all her trust in Jagger and his MC, can she?

I had not read these in order, which I would suggest just because there is content that crosses over. Wonderful story, really enjoyed how Jagger is trying to navigate having a relationship and is a bit unsure of himself, was really endearing. Loving this series thus far.
Profile Image for VoraciousReader.
1,727 reviews
December 12, 2023
1. Brad was furious with Jagger after he lashed out and hurt Molly so badly. He knew that Molly had blocked Jagger and didn't want to see or hear from him and he agreed with her decision so I don’t believe that he would have let Jagger into Molly’s apartment building.
2. Jagger insisted that they hold off on having sex for a while after their fight because he wanted to prove to Molly that he wanted “the real thing” and not “just a hookup”. This made no sense because that didn't have anything to do with their fight.
3. Another H who is a total hypocrite. He got murderously jealous of Molly’s best friend and former roommate and lashed out at her but she is supposed to be ok constantly being surrounded by all the women in the club that he’s slept with.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
286 reviews
December 19, 2023
Good read

This is my first book via this author and I enjoyed and will read their future books

Jagger meets mollie on a chance encounter when his bike about to be ticketed and then invites him self to eat from there their relationship progress not without trouble some of their own making some that is simply doing the right thing we are introduced to the mc most of them good and great guys but maybe a bad egg or 2 and the club women if you read any mc books you know it's never good so settle down and have a read
Profile Image for Smiler The Avid Reader.
398 reviews10 followers
March 9, 2024
A great start to the series!

I loved reading Cole and Molly’s story. The way their relationship developed felt natural and authentic. I was completely invested in their journey and I was rooting for them. There was some drama from intertwining characters which added some suspense to the story. I would call this a safe book to read with lower angst, which was a nice change. I know this won’t be the same for book two in the series so as soon as I finish this review I’m off to download lol!! Love me a bit of angst!
34 reviews
March 19, 2024
Jagged and Molly😍

This is the first time reading this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well written, flowed easily, and the characters crew you into the story. The one thing in it really made it for me was when Molly was in danger and needed to be kept safe, she had the common sense to listen and took their advice. I don't know how many books I've read where the MFC is in danger and does the most stupid thing by sneaking out of her safe place and straight into danger. Love the book and love the author. Now onto book 2.
Profile Image for Stefanie.
675 reviews
August 8, 2024
Jagger and his Angel

This was recommended in a Facebook reading group and I'm so happy I read it. I really liked that once Jagger or Cole met Molly and he knew she was it for him.
There are some misunderstandings and some OW drama with some club bunnies. That needed clearing up then there was some drama with a student that is heavy topic.
Over all a fun read that's quick and has lots of fun naughty steamy parts that you'll love!
And then the epilogue that was shocking!! I absolutely loved it but I need more!!
Profile Image for B Thomas.
351 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2024
It was beautiful watching Jagger and Molly fall deeper and deeper for each other. Their chemistry was explosive and while they had a rocky start, it led to really healthy and positive communication between them. Molly has such a tender heart and it showed how painful that can be when teaching traumatized students. I appreciated this nuanced conversation, as a former teacher myself, but urge you to check content warnings as some of these topics may be triggering.

Overall, I recommend this found family in the 5th Circle Guardians and urge you to give this series a try.
1,397 reviews26 followers
December 11, 2023

An excellent read. I absolutely loved Jagger and Molly’s story ❤️❤️❤️ such a great, heartwarming love story. Jagger had it bad for Molly after meeting her and when she doesn’t show for their first date he’s bewildered and hurt. I won’t tell you why she didn’t show but it’s a funny story. Molly gets caught up in a bit of drama but Jagger protects her, staying by her side. 100% recommend this book to everyone ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ you will not be disappointed 😎 bring on book 2
Profile Image for Heather Stoops.
186 reviews1 follower
August 13, 2024
This was the first book I’ve read by E.K. Hart and I really enjoyed Jagger and Molly’s story. If you are new to MC romance, this is a great book to dip your toes into the genre. It focuses more on the romance than MC politics but the club element is still there. I can tell from everything I’ve heard about Romeo and Abby’s book that it’s going to put me through the wringer and I cannot wait to start it.
7 reviews
September 1, 2024
Great Story!

This may be my favorite MC book out of MANY that I’ve read. I love that it wasn’t the usual storyline of a brute trying to change his woman and still live his life and forcing her to accept the crazy. This was perfect and the vulnerability of BOTH main characters was a breath of fresh air. Even the climax was different and made for a great story and added to the storyline.
27 reviews
October 15, 2024
Genuinely enjoyed this one

I actually really enjoyed this book and I’m hopeful that as she continues to write, she will keep getting better. I’m spoiled when it comes to MC romances. I’ve been reading Cee Bowerman and Kristen Ashley for a few years now and they are phenomenal. This author has the potential to give them a run for their money and I look forward to seeing more of her work.
Profile Image for Hannah.
567 reviews4 followers
March 10, 2024
A new favourite

I was so excited to discover a new mc world to dive into! Jagger and Molly were so wonderful together. Molly is such a character. I adored how Molly’s work as a kindergarten teacher was described. This is a great intro - not just to a new club, but to mc books as a whole, providing a great primer on the world. I’m looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Kim  Brewing.
3,487 reviews34 followers
April 2, 2024
I was introduced to this book when the author did a takeover in a Facebook group. I really want to read the second book but felt I should start at the beginning. I'm glad I did as all the characters are introduced. I found this book really sweet even though it does have some hot scenes. Overall I enjoyed it.
520 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2024
Jagger: 5th Circle guardian MC, book 1

I enjoyed reading about Jagger and Molly interesting and challenging relationship. Jagger is part of the Guardian MC and Molly is a kindergarten teacher. I am waiting for this next series that continues with his twin brother(Roma).
Profile Image for Karen.
26 reviews16 followers
March 11, 2024
As a kindergarten teacher, I can say she was spot on with the way she portrayed the teacher aspect of the story. (Except I have to stay with my kids during lunch.) I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the next one in the series.
47 reviews
January 29, 2025
fantastic story

This one had tough subject matter but the suspense made it move along. Well written and great development of the characters. Couldn’t stop reading. Going to next book now.
122 reviews2 followers
December 13, 2023
Great book

It made me cry and laugh. Its a great book and I can't wait for the next one. I'm glad how it came together and how at the end it gives you a glimpse of what's ahead.
235 reviews7 followers
December 14, 2023
great start to a new mc series

Loved this story. It’s instalove with a few wobbles. The angst is mostly external on the FMC s side. I look forward to the next story in the series.
43 reviews
December 18, 2023
Good story

This story was on the lite side of MC romance books but was a very good read.Good character development and good secondary characters.
Profile Image for Shelley.
648 reviews20 followers
Want to read
December 19, 2023
Struggled to get into this one. Will give it another go at a later date 36%
141 reviews
March 10, 2024
Sweet read!! 5+ stars for Jagger’s story

Loved it from their first meeting to the end. So sweet and sexy with bunny drama as well as life and death drama!!
81 reviews
March 11, 2024
Great Story!!

I really enjoyed this story....it was the first I've read by this author and I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Kelly.
585 reviews1 follower
March 18, 2024
Loved this book... The ending sounded familiar... But they all do these days... I'm on the fence about reading Rome's story
Profile Image for Molls R.
65 reviews3 followers
August 18, 2024
It was okay. Easy enough read but hit a lull pretty early into the story so wasn't super exciting afterwards. Still wasn't a bad read, just nothing super memorable as far as my fave MC books.
Profile Image for Patricia Lord.
556 reviews
September 1, 2024
Great book

This is a new author for me, let me just say I will be reading more of her books.
This book has insta attraction, action, mild chaos, drama and love.m
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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