"Ethan Andrews never saw Justin Halstead coming. A broody jock with a propensity for studying. A hot-mess conundrum who, for some reason, continues to show up at Ethan’s dorm room door.
Something is happening between them, but one particular sport stands in the way. Ethan never imagined falling for an overbearing, overprotective athlete with a Hall of Fame future and a secret heart of gold.
Taking the giant leap out of the closet nearly killed Ethan, and no one seems to understand his desire to close that door and stay inside his safe place. Strangely, Ethan finds he’s not alone, and it’s with the last person he ever expected to be his biggest supporter…
Future NFL Quarterback—Justin F**king Halstead. (A trope-bending love story)"
Meet my new book boyfriend, Justin fucking Halstead!! I love him so much and of course Ethan too. This was a romantic love story, very slow burn. So if you want smut galore, this is not the book for you.
If you’re like me who don’t like to read TW coz I feel they are spoilers and also I’m not easily triggered, then okay but if you’re not then you have to read the content warning before jumping in.
Ms Gigi put me on a roller coaster of emotions and it was quite the ride.
This book is un-f**king-believably good. It’s a masterclass in romantic writing. I don’t even know where to start. Ever read a book that was SO good you don’t know how to review it without raving, dementedly about it? Me neither, until now. I have never smiled so much while reading a book of any genre. It was a wonderful experience and it’s gone straight onto my “reread” list. The author is new to me, but I have to say, she is incredibly talented. The usual shape, formula and annoying tricks of the standard romance novel are wholly absent because she, like me, recognises that not only are they not necessary, if you plan the narrative right, you don’t need them. So there are no stupid, overused misunderstandings and there’s no manufactured crisis at 80%. It’s just a story of two people beautifully written. There is nothing irritating in this writing whatsoever. I loved every minute of this book. It’s a very long time since I came across a new-to-me author with so much promise. If you love mm this is probably going to be your best read of the year.
At first glance and for the first chapter or so, I thought that it had Steamroller vibes, and I was expecting to just OK this read, but a couple of chapters more in, when more was revealed such as Ethan's horrifying sexual abuse, as well as letting the characters kind of decant for a bit, the comparison totally just got left behind. In fact, I prefer this more than Steamroller, in that the characters were more well developed, and made more sense separately and together.
I f**king love Justin, for the way he was and the way he loved. It felt grandiose and yet simple, sweeping yet embracing. He was a very well thought out and yet simplistic character, and his layers were revealed slowly yet timely. As for Ethan, we were made to feel for, but not overly sympathize with him. Yes his abuse was horrific, but his strength was revealed and it was heartening to see him eventually thrive as a survivor. Together, they were perfect, like Yin and Yang. Their personalities bounce off and balance out each other wonderfully. I particularly like that the hurt-comfort aspect was done ever so sublimely and not in an over the top kind of way.
The writing was good, the story and chapters just flows along like a gentle stream and carries you along until you never realize when the story is over. It has a very mundane, slice-of-life feel to the story, not overarching or ostentatious. It's like being given a glimpse into a friend's daily life. I liked that I was made to feel that there is potential there. Potential for more, potential that the story going forth is open for interpretation. It's unwritten, and that is the point, because it is like life itself.
I will be looking forward to more books by this author.
Wow this book was BAD! No, not bad, BORING! There was no plot at all. The characters were bland and one dimensional. I get writing a story that’s less about the fabricated drama that seems to be the basis of most romance stories but ffs, something should happen! The one hurdle or obstacle that the characters faced was basically non-existent because every time something seemed to happen, it was easily fixed or looked over.
I also detest the “I was never gay, until I saw you and I’m only gay for you!” trope that seems to plague mlm romance novels. I have NEVER met a person who became gay for just this one special precious person. I’ve met bisexual people who didn’t really explore their bisexuality until later in life. I’ve met repressed gay people who lived a straight life until they couldn’t repress it anymore. But it seems like in a lot of these books, there’s always some not so masculine but masculine enough guy who can turn a straight man gay but just for him.
I’m an audiobook listener and I wanted to shove my AirPods through my ears if I had to listen to another chapter describing football practice or football games or buying furniture. Anyone can write any character but I feel like a lot of the female authors I’ve read who write mlm characters write gay men as sterile and maybe I don’t know… their ideal of what they would like a man to be?
This book was so unbelievable and the characters were not real people. But there was some cute banter at times, especially towards the beginning of the book, but by god was it not enough.
Great story, great writing, great heroes! A warm love story with a heartbreaking backstory balanced by character growth and loving support structures from family and friends. Football plays an impressive part in the story with a lovely emphasis on relationship development rather than just frenetic sex. If you enjoy a slow burn and satisfying romance, this is for you.
This is one of those unusual times where I don’t realize I like the book until it’s over. Then I stop and look back on it and change my rating. I really felt the first part was slow. I think a lot of the issue was that I wanted there to be more angst. I didn’t feel the emotions you would expect when a character has been sexually assaulted. It was more hinted at or briefly discussed but I couldn’t feel that emotion. The second half really delved deeper into Ethan’s personal growth. I do wish there had been more interaction with Ethan and Justin as they figured out how to overcome intimacy or personal issues. It was touched on so briefly and only gave vague information. There was so much potential to add drama within the story but it fizzled out. It just wasn’t dramatic enough. There were a lot of missed opportunities. I do think despite all that, the ending was good. They had a very easy love. I just really wanted an epilogue years later when Justin came out. But the love story overall was very sweet.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Ethan and Justin’s journey is an evolving love story that, at the start, catches both men off guard. Justin has a dream of playing in the NFL, but he also has back up plans. His plans never included Ethan, but the more time he spends with Ethan, the more Justin realizes that Ethan is everything to him.
Ethan and Justin are relationship goals. They put each other first and they will do anything and everything to protect their relationship.
This story contains a backstory of SA which is not depicted in the book, which is dealt with sensitivity and realism. The ongoing counselling, medication, family protectiveness and social shyness is really well done, but it doesn't overshadow the story to any detriment. In fact, the acceptance by both families and the way they support the two young men reminds me of Schitt's creek. Homophobia is also not depicted in the book, nor do either characters have to deal with any overt displays of that.
Justin is a golden retriever, through and through, and the fact that he falls first through the written word is gorgeous. His protectiveness just keeps ramping up. He and Ethan find each other, there's attraction, and they both want to make it work. I mean c'mon ... *SWOON*
Ethan blooms once he's in a healthy relationship, we're all capable of that when we feel seen and respected, and it's wonderful to explore that as it unfolds. Meanwhile the football team is totally clueless, and the coaches & parents are great mentors, helping them chart a course that sets them up for happiness AND keeping their star player. There were many points where this story could have followed the usual tropes and tipped into melodrama, but Gigi isn't that sort of writer, for which I'm thankful.
Also, points to Dan Levy, who has done an excellent narration job on this book. It made for a great listening experience.
When I read the synopsis of this book, I was intrigued. Ok, to be honest, it was the title. Come on. Doesn't it just pull you in? And then I read the book...wow. I've actually read it twice because I loved it so much. The characters, the story, development...everything about this book had me turning page after page. The first read, I almost gave it 4.5 stars, but because it called to me and begged me to read it a second time right after I finished it the first time, I bumped it up to 5 stars. I loved everything, but I wish there was more. I wasn't done with their story. I need more. Pick up this one today and read it for yourself.
This book was totally wholesome and, unfortunately, this made it super-boring for me. I've been waiting for something to go wrong, some drama, but Justing fucking Halstead was just perfect and nothing could be wrong when it comes to him 🤷🏻♀️
I'm a little torn by this book. The pieces of Justin and Ethan I could understand were fascinating and I truly loved them and the parts of their story I could glean. Where I struggled was the actual writing. The pacing and writing felt so choppy, as if I were being jerked from one event to the next rather than going on a comfortable and smooth journey. I often found that I was going back a few pages to ask myself if I missed something because of my confusion at how the current scene was unfolding. This was true even in the first 5 chapters where I got so confused and looked to see if I accidentally started mid-series because it felt like I was missing so much information and things weren't making sense. Overall, it was hard to follow because of the choppy flow and the odd pacing, but I stuck it out because Justin and Ethan were interesting. The latter half got better, but there was a preponderance of telling rather than showing until quite late in the book. I made it through the book because I was genuinely curious about Ethan and Justin, but I won't lie, it was hard to get through the first half. Even the second half felt weighed down by seemingly inconsequential details. However, I honestly feel like pacing and flow can be learned more easily than character creation, and I look forward to what this author can do in the future.