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One Night #2

One Night Denied

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The passion that burned between Livy and Miller in One Night: Promised may end up destroying them both in this new novel of overwhelming desire and shocking discoveries...

He's amazingly wealthy, sinfully gorgeous, and can bring her to heights of pleasure she's never before known. For Livy, there's no turning back. She's determined to be the light in Miller Hart's dark world. Yet this new life comes with a steep price...

Miller knows that the power he possesses hasn't come without sacrifices-but he won't let Livy be one of them. Though he wants nothing more than to have her in every way, his first duty is to protect her at all costs...from his sins, his enemies, and especially himself.

But as their insatiable affair intensifies, the two attract the attention of an obsessive-and dangerous-third party. Discovering new revelations about Miller that rock her to the core, Livy will have to decide whether he's ruined beyond repair. And he must face his fear that in order to save her, he may have to lose her after all...

432 pages, Paperback

First published October 21, 2014

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About the author

Jodi Ellen Malpas

56 books19.8k followers
“I write for myself. Not what I think people want to read.” ~ JEM

#1 New York Times & Sunday Times Bestselling Author Jodi Ellen Malpas was born and raised in England, where she lives with her husband, her boys, and Theo the Doberman.

Writing powerful love stories with fierce, memorable characters is her passion – a passion that has taken her on an amazing journey into the world of romantic fiction. Her work is now published in more than twenty-five languages across the world.

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Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews685 followers
November 11, 2014

"You've taken the only resilient part of me and annihilated it, Livy."

First up, HIGHLY unpopular opinion coming through. If you're a huge fan of this book/series, I suggest you steer clear of my review because 1) there will be spoilers and 2) I hope to God I will not offend anyone who loved this. And before I say my cents of worth, I'd like to state that I'm actually a huge fan of JEM's writings from her This Man trilogy and it absolutely PAINS ME that I'm rating this so lowly for one of my fav authors' books.

I really had high hopes after finishing One Night: Promised months ago and while it did not impressed me as much at that time, I still held onto this imaginary line that JEM will redeem this series in the 2nd one. This Man trilogy definitely started off the same way; a slow draggy start but later catapulted into a great one. After seeing hopeful early reviews, I thought there is a good chance that this series will excel after a slow start.

But holy hell, I was left so completely shell-shocked by this one. And I mean it in an entirely bad way because I swear, I SWEAR that I did not expect such level of writing from JEM. It was like someone else wrote this book entirely! I refused to believe this same woman gave me Jesse Ward and part of me wishes that either I got a really lousy copy of this book by mistake or this is a whole big fat nightmare.

Heroine: Terrible.
Hero : Terrible.
Unromantic quotes: Atrocious
Plotline: WTF this is going in circles.
Editing: SOMEONE SHOULD FIRE THAT PERSON (I'll get to that shortly)

Let me just break it down to you the writing in this one. I mean, it's usually a good thing when I highlight so many quotes because I love them. But in this scenario, I highlight so many of what nearly made me want to claw my eyes out.

"Olivia, I've not tasted anyone or let anyone taste me. Tell me you believe me."

^ Seriously, taste? Miller thinks people are like...food? So tell me Miller, how do you really feel?

"But nothing will ever come close to the pleasure I gain from worshipping you"

^ Case in point: Hero says this about 1000 times everytime they engage in sexual deeds. Last time I check, Livy the heroine is NOT a goddess nor a shrine that requires worshipping. Or even in the case of a golden vagina, the word "worship" was overused to the extent that it loses its "holy-ness".

"Give me my thing, Livy."

^ You must be thinking...what the fuck is "my thing" right here. You guys wanna know? Really? Here just click the spoiler tag

"Is my sweet girl exposing her sassy streak?"

^ SWEET BABY JEEBUS. This brings out all the pedo feels in me. I'm sorry but isn't there better pet endearing names than this?! Seriously, my sweet girl? How does that make my libido turn on at all?!

Have all of those quotes MULTIPLIED BY 20 TIMES in this entire book, I was eye-rolling to the point that I was so close to clawing them out. I could have live with small doses, but seriously, this was WAY TOO MUCH.

And let's get to the part where the editing was absolutely horribly done that I felt like personally messaging JEM and asking her if she really left out a chapter in the book or if her editing team did a huge mistake.

For anyone's curiosity, I'll just paste a quick excerpt between chapters to get my point across in spoiler tag.

So I literally did a double take and went HUH WTF?! How did those two ended up there? Are you telling me one can just simply walk into a hotel room? Not only did it jumped from an apartment scene to a hotel room scene, but the worst part was how Livy went all "No you've lost me, don't ever come near me again" to all "Okay I lose, you can totally bang the fuck outta me now".


And yes, they totally shagged in that hotel room. Point made: Livy is SO FULL of contradictions and a superbly forgiving heroine in a nano second.

I could probably go on and tell you more what made the book hell for me and made me wanted to DNF this more times than I count. But in short, for me the plot was going in absolute circles by witholding "the secret" from the readers and it was so dragged on with all the parts of Miller TASTING and WORSHIPPING Livy.

Everything absolutely failed for me in this one. It kills me to be in the minority and honestly, I won't be reading the last one in the trilogy. There is only so much I can put up once the characters fail, the plot fails and worst of all, the writing fails. It was disastrous to say the least :'(

I haven't been this let down since Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover and God forbid, I hope I'll not be having another one like this soon. Officially declaring myself to be in a book slump right now after coming out from 2 horrendous reads.

On a personal note, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my review. I'd just like to emphasize that this is a matter of my personal opinion. I believe everyone reads things differently, so I'm not here to tell you to not read or read a book. I have buddies who enjoyed this read (do check out their lovely reviews HERE and HERE) and I wished the same for everyone who picks up this book :)

One Night: Denied is the second instalment in the One Night trilogy and must be read in order.
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15.2k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★! Denied, book 2 of 3. The enigmatic Miller continues to keep his secrets close claiming to be protecting Livy, but why & against what?

“You are my habit, Olivia Taylor.”

Books in One Night Series should be read in order:
Book 1: Promised
Book 2: Denied
Book 3: Unveiled

In Promised (book 1) newly hired waitress, Olivia Taylor, Livy encountered the enigmatic “M” at the bistro where she worked. Though M, aka Miller Hart, did not care for her coffee he was set on One Night of unbridled sex or worshipping as he calls it. Livy, smitten by the handsome stranger caved in and so a rollercoaster of passion, border-line obsession, mind-blowing sex, mystery, secrets and jealousy, set against the backdrop of their 24 hours together, began.

Denied (book 2) picks up shortly after book 1’s shocking ending. Some of the mystery surrounding “M” has been revealed with more to come. Their attraction and passion is undeniable, but so much stand in their way. Miller who knows he should let her go cannot seem to stay away. With the excuse of still being owed time Miler pursues Livy relentlessly.

At first glance it’s the truth that stands between them as well as unspoken secrets plus just about everyone around them set on breaking them apart. It’s a fight, both figuratively and literary, against their feelings, inner demons, their pasts, friends and foes.

But soon we learn that there are even darker forces in the sidelines and that Miller and Livy are merely pieces in a bigger puzzle. Can Livy get to the truth and can Miller protect what is his?

“You have underestimated my determination to fix us.”

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The glimpses I got into the enigma that is Miller Hart, “M” made me want more. I hope he opens up in book 3. Eight words to describe Miller: Aloof, temperamental, demanding, commanding, unreasonable, enigmatic, tender and secretive.

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Olivia Taylor, Livy is getting stronger, but she still needs to stand up for herself and the truth! Seven words to describe Livy: Naïve, loyal, impressionable, immature, sweet, insecure and broken.

Denied is rollercoaster; When Miller and Livy are together they are all that is sane in an insane world, but the next second they are self-destructing. Story was at times too long-winded, but with unfolding of the last 20% there weren’t enough pages in my Kindle, hehe. Needless to say the story ended with a stunning, yet anticipated and very welcomed cliffy! Book 3, Unveiled will be the conclusion of their story!

The enigmatic Miler kept me on my toes! The suspense of the mystery and how I all might tie together kept me reading!

“But nothing will ever come close to the pleasure I gain from worshipping you.”

Hero rating: 4 stars
Heroine rating: 3 stars
Sexual tension rating: 3.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Plot rating: 4 stars
Dialogue rating: 4 stars
Storytelling rating: 4.5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 stars

Would I re-read this series: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

ARC provided to me by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Eda**.
721 reviews438 followers
November 12, 2014

** 2,5-3 "I see interferers" STARS **


Let me start my rant review with explaining why I gave 3 stars to a book that I wanted to DNF at least 10 times while reading:

I am quite generous when it comes to giving stars to books, as you might have noticed already. Well, after finishing One Night: Denied, I looked up some of my earlier reads and I saw lots of books worse than this one that had snatched up 3 stars from me. I wanted to be fair, so yeah, I decided on 2,5 stars with this little disaster right here.

I won't be summarizing the book, because it's mostly "Stay away from me! I will never forgive you!", "You're mine Olivia!", SEX, SEX, SEX, "I love you, Miller Hart.", "Never leave me again, Livy.", SEX, SEX, SEX, "We can't be together, Livy, get out.", "No, I won't give up on you Miller!", SEX, SEX, SEX, BIG CLIFFHANGER.


Now to the most fun part...

The list of things that irritated the f*ck out of Eda while reading OND:

1) Let's see some of Miller Hart's finest "romantic" quotes, shall we?

“You’re my habit, Olivia Taylor. You belong to me.”

“I’ve never f*cked you, Livy. I’ve only ever worshipped you. I only ever made love to you.”

“Let me taste you again, Olivia. I beg you.”


Because the words "HABIT", "WORSHIP" and "TASTE" were used at least 50 times in this book!


At first, I was just rolling my eyes every time I came across one of them. But after awhile, it became TORTURE! I wanted to pull all my hair out when I saw those words at some point!

2) And don't even get me started on Miller's "THING"...!

Don't get your knickers all wet ladies, IT'S JUST CUDDLING!

All the "Give me my thing, Livy...I need my thing, Livy...I love our thing, Livy" bullsh*t drove me crazy.

I mean, it was a bit cute in Book#1, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

“How can cuddling be your thing?”

“It’s only a thing with you. (...) Just want to squeeze you to death.”


3) The constant reminder of how sassy Olivia is.


4) The volatile and indecisive nature of Olivia.

One minute, she wants nothing to do with Miller.

The next, she is fumbling with his belt, trying to get his pants off.

5) Everything about Gregory.

The HUGE MISTAKE that Olivia almost made with him...I have no words for that.

Oh and the rather funny struggle between Miller and him, all throughout the book was RIDICULOUS.

Just pointless angst.

They’re two wolves in a staring standoff, heaving and gnashing jaws, each one getting ready to attack.

6) The unhealthy, unstable and creepy behavior of everyone's beloved Miller Hart.

Example #1: Breaking into Olivia's house in the middle of the night to strip her and have his "thing" with her. (UGGGH!)

Example #2: Agreeing to meet Olivia at a restaurant to have dinner and talk with her, but claiming “she never specified that the eating and talking should happen where they meet”, therefore taking her to his apartment. (HOW CONVENIENT.)

Example #3: (AND THIS ONE IS A BIGGIE...) Knowingly having unprotected sex with Livy, and not telling her until she realizes what the hell has happened.

“You knew, didn’t you? The whole time you were aware!”

“It felt too good to stop. Besides, we can ask the doctor to prescribe you the pill while we’re there.”

And what does Livy do?

She smiles and says OK like the obedient little kitten that she is.

There were parts that I liked too, of course, it wasn't all bad. But the bad coated up all the good, so it became hard to remember them, leaving a bad taste in my mouth once I was on the last page.

Will I be reading One Night: Unveiled (Book#3)?

Yes, I will, because I never abandon ship in the middle of a series and leave it unfinished.

Am I excited about it though?

Nope. Sadly, not at all.

Anyways, let's finish this with a few beautiful quotes from the book, to lighten the mood, LOL:

“I beg you to love me forever.”

“You don’t need to beg me. There’s nothing more natural to me than loving you, Miller Hart.”

“If my twenty-nine year tale of misery has led me to you, then that makes every unbearable part of it worthwhile. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat, Olivia Taylor. Accept me as I am, because it’s so much better than what I was.”

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,859 followers
October 26, 2017
Livy and Miller are back at it again...and again...and again. I love Livy and Miller. They are fantastic multidimensional characters. After finishing the first book, I couldn't wait to start this one. However, as much as I love Livy and Miller, their relationship is beginning to read like a broken record.

They love each other. They hate each other. Tempers flare. Somebody overreacts. They call it off. They are miserable. Commence dramatic reunion with promises and apologies. Repeat. You get the gist of it. There should be a limit on the number of times a couple can split during a series. After awhile, it gets exhausting, no matter how much you love the characters.

More focused on Miller, this book delves into his past and present situations. This was a welcome change, as so little was shared about Miller in book 1 until the big revelation at the end. It is clear that his past has traumatized him in many ways and sculpted him into the man he is now. Despite the tidbits of Miller's background that are provided, he remains an enigma.

As Livy and Miller try to work through their problems, it becomes evident that Miller cannot simply walk away from this lifestyle. Miller's clients, friends and the people tat "own" him aren't willing to just let him go and they'll go to any length to keep him and Livy apart. It is apparent that he is mixed up with some dangerous people, but his usual tight-lipped demeanor leaves this facet of his life shrouded in mystery.

Although this book wasn't as captivating as the first, in my opinion, the ending really shakes it up. There is a drastic change on the horizon for Livy and Miller. I cannot wait to see where the two end up.

Check out more of my reviews at www.bookaddicthaven.com
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
November 20, 2014
{BR with Mel, Sharon, and Dee}

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Crazy, obsessive, passionate, out of control LOVE!!!!
I eat stories of this kind of all consuming love up!! Jodi Ellen Malpas truly has a gift for creating stories and characters that grab a hold of your heart and lifts it up so high, you feel you're floating on cloud nine, and then the next second she pulls the rug out from under you, leaving you in utter despair.

I rated this one a five because I'm crazy in love with this story and I went through so many "feels" while reading it. I'm obsessed with Miller Hart and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I don't care that he is the highest priced male escort in all of London and that he has some serious anger management issues!

We pick up two weeks after that devastating episode at the hotel. Livy demanded and paid for the services of London's highest priced gigolo and she got her money's worth but she also experienced the cold and rather cruel side of Miller that left her heart a shattered mess. While she is trying to mend her heart and is avoiding Miller at all costs, he is desperately trying to reach out to her and make amends for his behavior. There's an awful lot of this push and pull going on between them for about the first 30% of the story. Livy was putting her converse to good use with the amount of running away she was doing. I kept thinking how this was similar to Jesse and Ava, and it didn't bother me at all. I CRAVE angsty stories of this nature.

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Miller is able to get through to Livy, because even though she knows that this is definitely not the best relationship to be in, she can't help that he's already stolen her heart. She knows deep in her bones that no man will ever make her feel half of what she does for Miller. AND so the sexy times commence!! I loved every HOT & STEAMY moment and now I have yet another sexy time scene that has left me baffled and I'm trying to figure out the logistics of it all. This was like the rowing machine scene between Jesse and Ava. The scene in question here, involves a rock climbing wall!! Miller spends quite a bit of time worshiping Livy's body and I spent a lot of time getting overheated and fantasizing I was in her place!

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As promised, we learn more about Miller in this book. He's definitely got an out of control temper. Once an interferer gets in his path, LOOK OUT, he goes into an out of control rage!! As Dee said, he turns into "The Incredible Hulk"!! Livy is trying to help him and she's also able to get him to open up about his childhood and how he came to be a male escort. It makes you want to hold on to him and shower him with all the love he missed growing up. I loved the tenderness he was only able to show Livy.

"I'm madly fascinated by you, Olivia Taylor. You fill my dark world with light and my hollow heart with feelings. I've persistently informed you that I'll never go down easily."

Miller is desperate to have a life with Livy and the only way to do this is to get out of the business. But there are people who will do ANYTHING & EVERYTHING to make sure this does not happen. At times even Livy wonders how their love will be able to survive. Knowing Jodi's style of writing, you have to be prepared for some gut wrenching angst to ensue, and BOY DID IT EVER!! I was almost in tears and my stomach was twisting in knots. I felt all the pain and desperation that Livy was going through, and knew that it had to be the same for Miller. I was so afraid that the last 20% of the story was going to leave me an utter mess!!

I don't regret worshiping you or indulging in you. I regret the impossibility of my life and my inability to give you forever.

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Livy definitely lost her mind there for a bit but I understood how she could lose total control over her emotions. This man is EVERYTHING to her and she gave herself over completely to him.

This man has tested my resilience to the absolute maximum. He's tossed me from crippling despair to crippling pleasure. He's made me reckless, stupid, blind...and he's made me brave.

I'm happy to report that the painful angst doesn't last for too long and the story ends on a cliffy but not one that leaves your heart shredded.

There's something we all kind of figured out early on in the story and at the end this is confirmed. I also think there is more to William than has been revealed to us so far.

I have so much love for this story and Miller Hart right now. He's definitely a TOP TEN CONTENDER of a book boyfriend for me. I can't wait for One Night Unveiled!! Feb 10th can't get here soon enough for me!!!
Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
November 14, 2014
I hate writing this review but I have to be honest. I did not enjoy ON:D at all nothing happened I even skimmed the last 20% to get to the end. I can't believe this was written by JEM after she gave us the This Man trilogy and Jesse Ward.

Olivia Taylor annoyed me more than any female character I have EVER read.

1. She cries for no reason at all which made me angry and her mood swings gave me whiplash.
2. She love's Miller / she hate's Miller, make your mind up woman.
3. She thinks more about Miller's OCD than he does.
4. She's tired or wipeout out but she has not done anything to feel this way.

Miller Hart annoyed me as well I found nothing sexy about him.

1. I hate the way he take's Olivia by her nape and leads her EVERYWHERE.
2. The way he flies into a temper for stupid reasons.
3. Annoying phrases that get on my nerves "give me my thing", "my habit" and "you fascinate me" to mention a few.

Another thing that really annoyed me during this book is that everyone say's that Olivia is too thin and needs fattening up but she can go all day without eating or drinking she may sit down to eat but something happens and food is forgotten or she take's a few bites and then something else happens.

Sorry for my ranting but this is my opinion.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,184 followers
November 11, 2014
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We pick up directly after the big reveal at the end of One Night Promised which I’m not going to give away so that this can be considered a spoiler free review for both books.

I’m in love with a man I can’t have. He made me feel alive when I’d spent too long just existing, but he took away that invigorating feeling, replacing it with desolation. My spirit is more lifeless now than it ever was before my encounters with that man.

Stunning, dramatic and wholly absorbing, One Night Denied begins as the second book in every great erotic romance trilogy should, with the central couple cast asunder, totally bereft without one another and thrown into the depths of despair.  Their misery is palpable, their anguish absolutely all-consuming.  Miller is not about to let Livvy go without a fight.  She is everything to him – his light in the darkness and he can’t envision a life without her.  Livvy is reeling from the shock revelation at the end of book one and it brings back ugly demons from her past.

I do so adore Miller Hart.  He may be a seriously fucked-up and intense part-time gentlemen but there’s just something about him that truly floats my boat.  He’s reminiscent of a frozen lake – all serene calm and icy perfection on the surface but a mass of swirling, conflicting currents and dark, murky depths beneath. He’s so conflicted – torn between the life he feels he is chained to and cannot escape but so desperate to leave it all behind and forge a new future with Livvy.  Now that he’s tasted her and held her, he finds he just cannot let her go, despite the danger that may be placing her in, and he sets out to get her back once and for all.

Livvy does resist but she’s hopelessly in love with Miller and is despondent without him and finds it nigh on impossible to stay away from him, despite her better judgement.  Livvy is a great heroine – sometimes so full of sass and snark, really quite a handful and then, at other times, she’s seems hopelessly naive, a little girl lost in a big, unforgiving city.  For me, she’s a great character to identify with – she’s far from perfect and definitely has her flaws and I found her very believable and real.

It seems everyone and everything in London has an agenda to keep these two apart.  There are so many good, strong reasons why they shouldn’t be together and their only supporter appears to be the unflappable, relentless Nan – an absolute tour de force of character development and Livvy an Miller themselves.  Miller pretty much had me welling up when he’s asked to justify their relationship and describe his feelings for her.

“She’s the blood in my veins.” He speaks clearly and softly. “She’s the air in my lungs. She’s the bright, hopeful light in my tortured darkness.”

Le Sigh!

I so lost myself in this book!  Miller is just desperate to hold on to Livvy.  As more is revealed of his past, it’s plain to see how little love he has experienced and lost he really is without her. His gentlemanly persona is a professional act and the real Miller Hart is so very rarely revealed – that it until he met Livvy and realised he can’t live without her.

“I beg you to love me forever.”

My face falls into his neck and nuzzles. “You don’t need to beg me,” I murmur. “There’s nothing more natural to me than loving you, Miller Hart.”

Jodi is a fabulous author – a rare and talented star in the erotic romance genre.  Not many authors manage to transfer two dimensional emotions from the written word on a page to real and tangible emotions experienced by the reader but she is able to do that for me every single time.  I adore her brand of damaged, intense heroes and her sassy, feisty heroines.  It makes for incredibly compelling reading and I can never put her books down.  I often find myself reading to oh dark hundred hours when I have one of her books in my hand and I should be sleeping! 

A fantastic, intense chapter in Livvy and Miller’s story, very high on the angst factor littered with highly erotic sex scenes and beautiful and heart-stopping emotions.  A great middle book in the trilogy and, word of warning, it ends on a mother of a cliffhanger.

The One Night trilogy concludes with

One Night Unveiled

due for release January 29 in the UK and February 10th 2015 in the USA.  I can’t bloody wait.

Bring. It. On.

Profile Image for Dana Ilie.
405 reviews383 followers
April 25, 2018
Denied is filled with so many things. So many emotions. So much heartbreaking heartache. It explains so much of Miller. His past. Why he is the way he is. How he came to be…..”The Special One.”

You got such a better understanding of things. And the reasons why Livy will stand by her man no matter what the cost is. Livy is one strong sassy lady and I love her!! I have been a JEM fan for a few years now, and I just have to say that her writing, just totally sucks you in.
November 18, 2014
4 - 4.5 ★'s

For all you Miller lovers out there....


and believe you me, Miller is cold and hot, crazy and sweet, and tough and gentle. You can have about any flavor Miller you want and then some.


But this book has to come with a


This is an angst lover's crack! Wowza...I'm not kidding at the crazy amount of angst this book has. And if you know me at all, you know how much I love angst but this was even pushing it for me!

But the good news is that we get to finally know more about Miller and how he came to this point in his life. It's not pretty but it explains so much.

Why he finally gets this ...


Why he needs his thing ...


And why he needs his destressing ...


My favorite thing was casual Miller. When Livy could get him to relax and just be.


But that doesn't mean there weren't some issues because there were. The angst that I may have mentioned, the secrets still, and it's not so much the lies as it is just not telling Livy what's going on. And Livy is no saint either...she definitely gets as crazy as Miller and then some.

But the wonderful thing about JEM's writing is that she does this extreme angst so well. I do have to say that the This Man series is better but that's because there was no question of Jesse's love for Ava. This relationship is a bit more blurred...at the moment.

On the other hand, this story has more of a mystery about it. Ava's parents were wonderful, Livy's not so much and...do we all think we know who her father is? Yea, I think so. Jesse was The Boss and didn't have to answer to anyone, Miller, well...things are much more complicated. But seriously, still in debt after ten years? And now we have people chasing them and they're on the run...it is crazy!

So, this book is not for everyone but for you angst lovers out there, you may enjoy it as much as I did. I just love how broken he is and how Livy is able to fix him. And Miller is just such an enigma, I have to know more!

Lastly, let's talk about that ending, shall we? Holy


But we all know who it is!! Cannot wait till February 2015 to know for sure!

Favorite quotes:

♥ "Forget the world outside and be with me for ever."

♥ "You’ve underestimated my determination to fix us."

♥ "The second I looked at you, I saw light through my constant darkness."

♥ "I’ve never made love to a woman in my life." I barely hear his words. "Only you."

♥ "I’m your someone. Everyone has a someone, and I’m yours, like you are mine."

♥ "You fit me just right," he groans, slowly closing his eyes. "The only thing in my life that has ever been truly perfect is you."

♦ BR w/Melissa, Patty and Dee!!

(Posted prior to review):

"I know I look out of place as I stand near the gym entrance, clearly hesitant, and looking a little overwhelmed. All the machines look like spaceships, hundreds of buttons or levers on each one, and I haven’t the first idea how to operate them. My one-hour induction last week did a great job of distracting me, but the information and instructions fell straight from my memory the second I left the exclusive fitness center. I scan the area, fiddling with my ring, seeing masses of men and women pounding the treadmills, going hell for leather on the bikes and pumping weights on huge lifting devices. They all look like they know exactly what they’re doing.

In an attempt to blend in, I make my way over to the water machine and gulp down a cup of ice water. I’m wasting time being hesitant when I could be releasing some stress and anger. I spot a punching bag hanging in the far corner with no one within ten meters of it, so I decide to give it a try. There are no buttons or levers on that.

I help myself to the boxing gloves hanging on the wall nearby. After securing the Velcro, I give the bag a little poke. I’m surprised at how heavy it is. I inject some power into my weak arm and throw some effort into my next hit. I grunt too, and the bag shifts significantly this time, moving away from me and seeming to pause in midair before it’s on its way back toward me. Fast. I panic and quickly pull back my fist, then extend my arm to prevent being knocked to the ground. Shockwaves fly up my arm when my glove connects with the bag, but it’s moving away from me again. I smile and spread my legs a little, bracing myself for its return, then smack it hard again, sending it sailing away from me.

My arm is aching already and I suddenly realize I have two gloved hands so I pummel it with my left this time, smiling wider, the impact of the bag on my fists feeling good. I’m breaking out in a sweat, my feet are beginning to shift and my arms getting into a rhythm. My shouts of satisfaction spur me on and the bag morphs into more than a bag. I’m beating the shit out of it and loving every moment.

I don’t know how long I’m there, but when I finally let up and take a moment to think, I’m drenched, my knuckles are sore and my breathing erratic. I catch the bag and let it settle, then take a cautious glance around the gym. No one is staring. I’ve gone totally unnoticed, everyone focused on their own workout. I smile to myself and collect a cup of water and a towel from the nearby shelf, wiping my brow as I make my way from the huge room. For the first time in weeks, I feel prepared to take the day on.

I head toward the changing rooms, feeling like a lifetime of stress and woes have just been knocked out of me. The urge to go back in and pound for another hour is hard to resist, but I’m already at risk of being late for work so I push on, thinking this could get addictive. I’ll be back

tomorrow morning, maybe even after work today, and I’ll thrash that bag until there are no more traces of Miller Hart and the pain he’s caused me.

I pass door after door, all with glass panes, and peek into each class that’s in session—yoga, spinning, kickboxing. I might try one or two. Or I could give them all a go.

As I’m passing the final door before the women’s changing rooms, something catches my eye. It’s a punching bag swinging from the ceiling hook, but no one’s in sight. I step closer to the door, then gasp and jump back as someone comes into view, bare chested and barefoot. I feel dizzy.

He has those shorts on, the ones he wore when he was trying to make me comfortable. I’m shaking, but my shock doesn’t stop me from peering back through the glass, just to check I wasn’t hallucinating. I wasn’t. He’s here, his ripped physique mesmerizing. He looks violent as he attacks the hanging bag like it’s a threat to his life, punishing it with powerful punches and even more powerful kicks. His body weaves and dodges the bag when it comes back at him. He looks like a pro. He looks like a fighter.

I’m frozen on the spot as I watch Miller move around the hanging bag with ease, his fists wrapped in some kind of bandages, his limbs delivering controlled, punishing blows time and time again. Who does he see before him?

My mind spins, questions mounting, as I quietly observe the refined, well-mannered, part-time gentleman become a man possessed, that temper he has warned me about clear and present. But then I retreat a pace when he suddenly grabs the bag with both hands and rests his forehead on the leather, his body falling into the now subtle sway of the punching bag. His back is dripping and heaving, and I see his solid shoulders rise suddenly. Then he begins to turn toward the door. It happens in slow motion. I’m rooted in place as his chest, slicked with a sheen of sweat, comes into view and my eyes slowly crawl up his torso until I see his side profile. He knows he’s being watched."
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,305 followers
October 31, 2014
4.5 "To The Bones" stars!

Title:One Night Denied
Series:One Night #2
Author:Jodi Ellen Malpas
Release date: November 11, 2014
Rating:4.5 stars

I've been a fan of Jodi Ellen Malpas ever since she introduced us to beautiful, psychotic, over the top Jesse Ward. But it wasn't just her hero that kept me coming back for more. She has a way of pulling me in until I am completely immersed in her stories all wrapped up in her characters like a warm blanket. It's pure escapism in the most thrilling way. I was delighted to find that in M and Livy's first book, I got completely different characters, but that same exciting feel as I had in the past. As in most trilogy series, in book one, you get an introduction to the characters and then, inevitably, you're left hanging.

Now the second book, that's where the real "meat" of the trio is typically, and boy, did she deliver a strong story. This book was all about revelations, passion and intensity, and a WHOLE LOT of crazy. In fact, this is where the book veered off path for me some. The crazy train was running full speed ahead, so fast I almost got whiplash. I really debated whether to knock off a full star or not, but in the end, decided on half a star because of the truly gripping page turner that was delivered. I went through an almost 450 page book tense, on the edge, and I was pretty much a human flytrap with my perpetually dropped jaw.

For all of you Jesse fans who felt like M was too civilized and tame?

Let's just say M's wolf came out to play and that wasn't all that was revealed. Livy's mother's story, how it ties into her own seemingly doomed love affair, and the mystery of Miller were the main focus of One Night Denied. Livy struggles through the entire book, feeling despair at her disillusionment over Miller yet caught up in a web that she's unable to extract herself from.

I felt her pain and heartbreak. She was defenseless against M and his desperation for her. For their desperation for each other. I couldn't set this book down until I found out how this couple was going to make it back to each other.

"Let me put right what I've broken."
"That's me," I choke. "You've broken me."
"I can fix you, Olivia. And I need you to fix me, too."

But I was kind of enjoying the angsty, push and pull struggle they had going on. Miller was irresistible in his passion for her. She had become a part of him. So necessary to survival that when they were separated, he wasn't able to function anymore. She is his everything.

Miller is a dark soul and that really came out to play more here. I'm not going to say more than that, but some light is finally shed on his past, his OCD habits and phobias, and how he fell into his current situation.

I'm caught up in his confounding, dark world, and I have no faith that anything can free me from it, not even William, no matter how hard he tries.

Was I satisfied with this next installment to the series? That's an unequivocal yes. Despite the considerable length, it was fast paced and completely enthralling. I love the intensity you get from a JEM read. I felt like my heart never stopped pounding and there was a whole lot more depth than I was anticipating in both of their backstories. My one complaint was that the craziness steamrolled out of control in the last 20% or so. So much, my eyes bugged out over some of Livy's actions. When you step on this ride, be prepared for some bumps. Your hair's about to be blown back.

I'm giving this book a theme song. Every word of it reminds me of M and Livy. Remember this one? This is about as much of a spoiler for the plot I can give you. But it's perfect.

M and Livy's song

All the song mentions in the book:

Portishead's 'Glory Box'
Ellie Goulding's 'Explosions'
Florence and the Machine's 'Rabbit Head'
Kid Mac's 'Pursuit of Happiness'
Stone Roses' 'Waterfall'
Faithless's 'Insomnia'
Imagine Dragons' 'Demons'


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Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews844 followers
November 2, 2014

Title: One Night: Denied
Series: One Night, #2
Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas
Release Date: 11th November, 2014
Rating: 4 "Bendy Arse" Stars
Cliffhanger: Yes

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I'm incredibly lucky enough to have been able to read an Advanced copy of the second instalment to Jodi Ellen Malpas' One Night Series. So far in the story we've met Olivia Taylor, a seemingly ordinary girl with a painful, unconventional past. Who on an ordinary day, meets a less than ordinary Man; Miller Hart. Since the start it's been an passionate, intense and high-angst affair. Admittedly I didn't fully connect with Miller in the first book but with an explosive ending, I knew I'd be back for more.

Denied commences two weeks later and we see Livy trying, unsuccessfully to pick herself up and dust herself off. Such is the force of their attraction, that after much soul searching on Livy's part, it couldn't be denied.

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‘I beg you to love me for ever.’ My face falls into his neck and nuzzles. ‘You don’t need to beg me,’ I murmur. ‘There’s nothing more natural to me than loving you, Miller Hart.’

Everything between them is perfect without outside influences, Olivia and Miller are the embodiment of "When we're good, we're great!" But when they're not, the fallout is spectacular. Jodi is able to immerse the reader in their relationship and also make it feel as though you are in the eye of the storm. It's interesting because what I loved about them as a couple, also drove me crazy and I found that a peculiar position to be in.

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‘Never stop loving me, Olivia Taylor.’ His plea requires no thought. ‘Never.’

I loved the development into Miller's past, at times we see a more relaxed and enjoyable Miller; but never lurking far from the surface is the intense, brooding man never afraid to protect what's his should he feel threatened. I connected far more with Miller in this book. Does that mean I understood or agreed with all of his actions? No. But I did understand the reason behind it.

I’m over his finicky nature. It’ll always fascinate me but, more significant than that, I’m irrevocably head over heels, painfully and utterly in love with him – no matter who he was, what he did, and how damn obsessive he is.

Although a lot of my focus was on Miller for this read, it should be noted that Olivia has a lot of unresolved issues. She makes some questionable decisions and as we have learned previously, searches for answers in all the wrong places. The story again ends on another gasp and one thing is for sure, Jodi Ellen Malpas does good cliffhanger.

~ARC kindly provided by publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.~


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Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,240 followers
January 1, 2015
4 Conflicted Stars.

This book starts (almost) immediately after the end of the previous installment and after Olivia found out about Miller’s “secret” and wanting to try it herself.
Miller is now decided to win her back… and truth be said she isn’t offering much resistance. But their growing feelings and relationship is deeply frowned upon in Miller’s “world”. That together with Miller’s ghosts makes an explosive cocktail that or will end perfectly… or will destroy them both.

This book gave me headaches. The back and forth was literally maddening!!! I felt myself confused and wanting to slap both of them. It is very easy to resume this book: Sex / We can’t be together / I can’t lose you/ Sex & Repeat circle indeterminately.
However, the story started to unravel and I’m finding myself absolutely curious about how this story will be finally unknotted. That and the steamy/romantic factor are the only reasons for my 4 starts rating. But I do hope the last book won’t be written in circles like this one. I became too old for emotional carousels when I was about 16 and my hormonal rages stopped.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: In this book, Olivia was definitely the resilient one. She was fierce and strong for both of them and I liked how she stood her ground. I liked her way more in this one than in the first. Miller, despite being his sexy and mysterious self, shown us a bit more of his broken side and it was nice to finally see some of his demons unraveled, in order to understand better his actions. I can’t wait to see how he’s going to sort everything in the last book.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews603 followers
November 14, 2014
****4 Fierce Stars****

(BR with Mel, Patty and Sharon)

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Oh Wow! Where to begin? My heart was beating so loud and hard while reading this book, that I might need early treatment for heart medication. I know there's a lot of mix reviews of this book, but one thing we can all agree on, is that whatever feeling this story might cause you, you will feel to the max, so be ready...

This book picks up a few weeks later after the hotel scene in One Night, Miller is trying desperately to talk to Olivia and explain, but she is feeling deceived and heart broken. The chase begins and the game of cat and mouse takes place for about 30% of the first part of the book. Another man, William, is making trouble for Olivia, and just when she finally agrees to give her relationship with Miller another try, it feels like the entire world is against them, even Miller at one point. There is all kinds of wrong with Miller Hart but you can't help but to love him, specially after we learn his life story, my heart truly broke for him. Miller is desperate for Olivia, she has become his habit, she's the air inside his lungs and the blood that runs through his veins, and he is ready to destroy anybody who tries to take her away from him. That kind of fierce love is ultimate what I loved most about this story. In the end the secrets and the obstacles will make it really hard for both Olivia and Miller to survive their love, but they won't quit without a fight and just when we think they are about to escape safe and make it to the other side, the biggest secret of all is waiting to be revealed...

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There were a few things I didn't like or necessarily agree with in the story, but I won't point what they are because after discussing them with the friends that I read this book with, I realized that these issues had to do with my own personal preferences when it comes to the characters and their choices and a lot of times just reading a few negative points about a book in a review could really affect someone's interpretations of a story, and I truly believe this book deserves a fair chance, because no matter what anybody says, Jodi Ellen Malpas can really write a beautiful and passionate story, unique with her own signature of intensity. Be bold and read this book that yeah, it might slightly remind you of another Alpha hero from another book, but don't we all want more of those things we love??? I do...

My Denied: One Night #2 Playlist:
*If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys
*Sorry by Buckcherry
* XO by John Mayer
*Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

Profile Image for London.
725 reviews
November 12, 2014
Title: One Night: Denied
Series: Yes
Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas
Rating: 2.5 Stars
POV: First person heroine
Heat/Steam 3/5
Cliffhanger: . Yes.
Intolerable Heroine .Sometimes.
Über Douchebagery .No.
Taboo Subject Matter .No.
Love Triangle

I was reluctant to continue with the series because I was worried we would be getting another incident similar to what Jesse did during his break from Eva in This Man. I’m happy to be able to state that that was not the case.

The book picks up two weeks after the event that took place at the hotel. We also finally get a look into the mysterious prologue from book one and the infamous William. Who is he? What is he to her?

Olivia is trying to push Miller out of her mind because she knows he’s no good for her. After everything she has been through with her mother the last thing she needs is another reminder of the thing that almost ruined her life. Did he cheat? Did he not? These questions are answered in this book but we’re still left with unanswered questions and even more to add.

Unfortunately I have mixed feelings about Miller. He demanded exclusivity from her and would get into jealous fits when he’d see her with other men, yet continued with his job. He was a hypocrite and I couldn’t accept the fact that his feelings were genuine. You don’t do that to someone you love or care for. He cared more about what he wanted rather than how it would affect Olivia if she were to find out.

The fact that he took a trip to Spain rubbed me the wrong way too. I don’t care if he The lies, deceit, and betrayal ultimately led me to hold a grudge against Miller for a good portion of the book. I was expecting a lot of groveling but we didn’t really get that. Which brings me to when Olivia does finally decide to give in to Miller.

I was incredibly confused by the scene where Olivia finally gets to ask all the questions she has for Miller. Don’t continue reading if you don’t want spoilers.**

So Miller basically tricks Olivia into having dinner with him at his house while she asks him any questions that she has. She asks a few questions (leaving out the most important, if he going to continue with the dates?) and then comes to the firm decision that she’s 100% done. She doesn’t want to do this anymore and he’s lost her for good. She then proceeds to run out of his apartment. End of Chapter.

THE VERY NEXT PAGE she’s standing in the hotel room where all the shit went down at the end of book 1 and in walks Miller and their having sex. No joke.
She was standing there a minute ago asking herself if she came back to the scene of the crime to permanently cement her decision into her brain!
He just says, “I can’t lose” and she’s been won over. They proceed to have sex and then go back to his place and have sex some more. While this is happening and she’s decided she can’t be without him SHE NEVER ASKS HIM WHETHER HE IS GOING TO was so confused. It just made no sense! One second she’s 100% done and then the next he does absolutely NOTHING and she’s 100% determined to be with him? Did no one else get completely confused by this?!


Things I really didn’t like
1. How fast she forgives him
2. All the past conquests
3. Nan constantly meddling (seriously how can you force your grandchild into being around a man that she tells you she doesn’t want to be around?)
4. Too many similarities to This Man
5. Miller insisting on keeping their relationship quiet
6. “I’m fascinated by you” ….Bullocks!

Similarities between This man & One Night

1. Hero keeps shady job a secret
2. Hero has a jealous and catty business partner who is constantly causing drama
3. The “thing” and nape holding are similar to Jesse’s trademark carrying about town behavior
4. Past sexual conquests all over town and constantly being flaunted about in the heroines face
5. Nan’s behavior and her pushing Olivia and Miller together (even when she saw how depressed and hurt she was after his lies) is very similar to Kate’s meddling ways in This Man
6. Harrods shopping scene
7. Olivia’s personality, dialogue, and thoughts are very similar to Eva’s in this book
8. Miller’s demanding of her not to “hide her face” from him is similar to Jesse’s “Eyes!” demands
9. Both Jesse and Miller are terrified of outside sources taking the heroine away from them due to events that took place in their past
10. Eva & Olivia seem to just stop going to work after awhile
11. Miller’s threats to kill “interferers” is similar to Jesse’s “trampling”
12. Miller but miraculously just stopped the moment he met the heroine, which is similar to Jesse
Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
November 17, 2014
I don't know how to begin. I'm so sad this book was a big fail for me. There are good parts but there are lots of annoying parts where I wanted to through my Ipad out of the way.


My review might contain spoilers. I'll try to hide them as much as possible but be warned just in case.

The story picks up where we left off. Livy realizes that she loves a man she can't have. She even admits to herself that Miller is the equivalent of her mother. And this hard truth is pretty harsh to accept for her.
As for Miller, he's not ready to let Livy alone. He does everything he can to see her and at some point she finally accept to talk to him and he accept to answer her questions.

It's from there that things began to go wrong for me. During her meeting with Miller, she has the opportunity to ask him so many questions about him and what he does... And no, she asks NOTHING interesting, or she barely scratches the surface!


She asks about his elevator phobia, she states that he has OCD tendencies and asks nothing more about it. They barely talked about him ... and it goes from bad to worse. She says she's curious but never dare to ask the right questions. She says she's not afraid of him but she acts cowardly each time he has a darker/menacing look.

I would have preferred in those moments to be in Miller's head or have a dual pov. Because Miller's character is interesting, but not enough deepens and sometimes I wanted to throw it all away and stop reading!
I also feel that the book could have been shorter. Between the end of the first one and the end of this book, what's happening? It's only in the last 20% that finally there's some action, but once again we won't know the details because it's a huge introduction to the third and last book.

Another problem for me was the repetitive words JEM uses in her story. If I had to re-read this story (which I WON'T) I would count the number of times she writes the words taste , worship and I beg to differ ... and you can add I concur which was often said in the first book.
My mother tongue is French and not English but still I'm sure there's another polite way to say that you don't agree!!


I gave two stars mostly because there are parts where I simply loved Miller. You see him struggle with how he is and sometimes it breaks my heart. We don't know all his background but it's not a happy life he lived as a child. And he also says so many beautiful things to Livy:

"We're broken if we don't have each other. Let me put us back together again. I need you, Olivia. Desperately. You are making my world light"

" I have a request" he murmurs..." Never stop loving me, Olivia Taylor""

"You fill my dark world with light and my hollow heart with feelings"

I would have loved he surrender a little more, that Livy pushed him more. Yes we learn a little about him, his childhood but so little that I can only be disappointed.

I'm certainly a glutton for punishment because yes, I'll read the third book. I won't give up now after two books. I want to know what will happen with the two of them! How they will go through all the obstacles that stand in their way? But I hope to god that Livy stops being so naive, so stupid and please give her a brain!


Fav' quotes:
"When you love someone, you love them because of who they are and how they came to be that person"

Life's too short to hang around waiting for answers that can only be found by getting off your skinny arse and finding them


Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews673 followers
May 29, 2015

♥♥♥ 3.75 STARS ♥♥♥

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“We’re more broken if we don’t have each other. Let me put us back together again. I need you, Olivia. Desperately. You’re making my world light.”

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This book picks up a few weeks after the first book ended. If you've read the first book you know about the big reveal that to be honest, I did not see coming. Livy made a choice and now she is trying to get over M, a.k.a. Miller Hart. But it seems that no matter what she does, she can't stop thinking about him. However, that doesn't stop her from trying her hardest to move on. Miller knows he needs to let her go, it would be better for the both of them. The attraction and love between them is consuming them, it's not something they can just push away. As a result, Miller relentlessly tries to get Livy back. He won't give up until she forgives him and allows him to love her again.

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"I’m your someone. Everyone has a someone, and I’m yours, like you are mine."

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This book was really good and interesting. I loved that we finally learned more about the mysterious Miller. His history was quite heartbreaking and it helped me understand why he is the way he is, but I wasn't always happy with his decisions. There is still so much more to learn, though. I am waiting for him to fully express himself on what he feels for Livy. I know he cares deeply by his actions and sweet words, but I want more. That didn't mean I didn't fall for him less. This man is a moody jerk at times, but totally melted my heart as well. It was very entertaining watching Livy try to get him to relax and not be so uptight.

Livy in this book, got a bit on my nerves. Livy and Miller are both quite stubborn so it definitely clashes at times. I just didn't like how she came off in this book. She would at times act too immature and needy. I kind of wanted her to stand for herself during certain circumstances without the need of making a big scene. I also didn't care for some of the decisions she made as well. I did, however, love that she didn't let Miller slip through her fingers and kept fighting for him. And like I mentioned before, it was fun watching her try to make Miller loosen up.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

“We were made to fit together. We fit perfectly together. You must feel it, Olivia.”

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And then there was the angst, and a lot of it. I actually don't mind angst, I love it in the books I read, but this was frustrating. I didn't expect things to keep going back and forth between them. I thought things would be more solid between them, but that was not the case. Because of this, some parts of the book seemed to drag on a tad bit. I also thought some words and phrases were repeated way too much. Around the last third of the book, thing became interesting again. Even though I didn't like some things, I did very much enjoy the rest of the book. I couldn't put it down wanting to know what would happen. Of course it led to another unexpected cliffhanger that made me want to jump right into the next one. Overall, it was a good read. The steam was really hot, just like the first book. There is still so much more to learn about the secrets that are kept hidden. I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,434 reviews1,488 followers
November 17, 2014
4.5 Eternally Yours Stars!
(BR with Sharon, Patty & Dee)

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This book picks up 2 weeks after Miller broke Olivia's heart at the hotel. She is in love with a man she can't have, and regrets ever trusting and confiding in him. She gave all of herself to him, and doesn't know how to live without him. She tries so hard to stay away from him, but Miller won't give up on her. He knows he is beyond help, and lives in a dark, dangerous world, but she is his addiction. The connection & need they share is so powerful they are absolutely consumed by one another. Miller fights hard for Livy, and will do anything to make her his. She finally surrenders and realizes she can't function without him in her world. He touches her heart & soul like no other. She is worried she can't fix him, and he just might break her, but he's worth the risk.

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Being with Livy, Miller finally feels wanted. She is his light, & becomes the center of his world. They bring each other back to life, and we see a more loving, attentive, thoughtful, vulnerable side of Miller. He feels helpless at times, but she gives him hope. He's more broken than she is, but when he's with Livy he feels happy, relaxed, content, & deeply loved & cherished. He finds himself smiling & laughing, and doesn't feel as damaged. They accept each other,& when together they feel like everything bad fades away.

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They wish they could just be together and shut themselves away from the world, but Miller is chained to a past that he can't escape. He doesn't want Livy caught up in his dark world, but he also can't live without her. People from their past continue to interfere and try to drive a wedge between them.

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As outsiders try to threaten their relationship, Miller is terrified Livy will doubt him & eventually leave him. We see Miller lose his temper, and act a bit crazy with rage with anyone trying to take away his Livy.
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At the same time Livy is constantly having to face women from Miller's past. She is also willing to do whatever it takes to hold on to her man.
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We get some drama, but this couple always finds their way back to each other. They don't know what's in store for their future, but they will fight to the end to stay together. They are home to each other. Without Livy, Miller is just a ruined shell of himself. I loved seeing how desperate & tormented he was without her, & how hard he fought for her. The intimacy & love between them was so beautiful & intense. I couldn't get enough of his cuddling & worshipping. :D I truly adore Miller Hart & can't wait for the next book!

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-We kiss for an age, slowly, delicately, lovingly. I can feel our broken pieces shifting and coming together, the rightness of us fused everywhere cancelling out all of the wrongness.

-I need his comfort, his thing, his words. I need it all. Nothing has ever made me feel so protected but at the same time so utterly vulnerable.

-This feeling of his lips isn't something I'm prepared to surrender. This sense of belonging isn't going to be given up. This is where I'm supposed to be. I'm not prepared to fight against this anymore.

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-"God paid extra special attention when crafting you."

-Beneath that external beauty, he's even more beautiful. It goes deep, and the deeper I look, that beauty only strengthens. I'm the only person who sees it, and that's because I'm the only person who Miller has allowed to see it. Just me. He's mine. All of him. Every beautiful piece.

-He's a massive mess of complications and challenges, yet I crave him and all of the obstacles that accompany him.

-"Everything you get from me is natural instinct, Olivia Taylor. I've never been fascinated before. I've never given all of me before. You get all of me. Every fucked-up little piece. And I pray every second of every day that you'll never give up on me, even if I do."

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-"I'll always be grateful for you."

-"I'll always be thankful for you, Olivia Taylor."


-"I want to treasure every moment I get to spend with you."

-"The only pain I feel is when we're apart."

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-"I want to be with you," he whispers."

-"Every minute of every day, I want to be with you."

-"The only thing in my life that has ever been truly perfect is you."

Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,918 reviews54 followers
November 9, 2014
2.5 absolutely choked (at how poor this second book was) stars.

Half way to heaven, but really more like half way to hell for me.
I'm not gonna lie it's like someone else wrote parts of it - quite badly. (I'm sure they didn't but gave bad advice perhaps?)

I adored the This Man series it's in my top 5 series EVER.
And I loved One Night Promised but I almost had to DNF this one multiple times. I'm in shock, like proper shock. It was a drop everything read for me.

It's taken me days longer to read than it should have and just about everything from a poor story line to the fucking over use of the lines 'let me taste you' or similar, 'give me my thing' or similar and 'my sweet girl' or similar just about finished me. I barely got through it.

It felt to me like amongst the nothingness that was the story, (and I don't say that lightly or to be cruel, honestly, almost nothing happens for the whole book) there was this mish-mash of scenes from stuff I've read before (I want to stress not copies of, or plagiarism of any kind - just like they were thoughts in JEMs head and she wrote history) Like there's a few Pretty Woman bits - the picnic in the park scene is just one that stood out as similar. There's a gym scene that's familiar too and even (dare I say) a bit of a This Man feel in parts. But it didn't work with Miller.

There seems to be a chapter missing but I was incredibly lucky to receive an arc via Sizzling Pages/netgalley so that may well be an arc issue? One minute she leaves in distress. The chapter ends. The next one starts and they're together and happy?? WTF?... But like I said, could be the ARC?

I have to mention that there's a scene between Gregory and Livy that I found very, VERY strange and unnecessary... I mean really?? Why for fuck sake?

I'll finish by saying that I hold JEM to a higher standard than many authors, (it's her own fault for writing such an amazing first series!) so I admit I expected perfection again and perhaps that's not fair on her? But this was shockingly poor reading for me, it hurts to say that but I'll be back for her third series without a doubt and like the many 5 star reviews that this book has I really do hope (if you read it) you'll join them and not me.



rdj thumbs up gif
Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
494 reviews267 followers
November 18, 2014

" Give me my thing"

That's how you know Miller is back! This book took in surprise at few corners and there were few draggy parts where I wanted to kick Olivia, lucky the ending picked up the pace. A steamy, little darkish and mixed feelings read.

What was it about? The story continues where from One Night Promised where Olivia runs out of Miller and bumps into William. What continues these two? Is Olivia's past catching up with her? Or does Miller get himself out of this escort world? Pick up One Night Denied. Thou, there will questions to be answered in the next book.

Hero HAWT as always, but I defo questioned his mental state at times

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Heroine This time, Olivia came out as needy and little annoying but I did feel sorry for her a tad bit

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Steam OOOO YEAH!!!! JEM writes flawless steamy scene <3

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Writing Style EPIC

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Overall, this book was fun read and has promises for an amazing epilogue.

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For JEM's fans, please do pick it up!

Happy reading

D xx

Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,093 reviews940 followers
November 12, 2014

G&J : ✯✯✯1/2 Stars

“You’re my habit. You belong to me.”

So, it was the much anticipated ‘Miller Time’ again and to say we were excited is an understatement! We fell head over heels for Miller in Promised so were giddy to satisfy our curiosity and crush on this possessive beautiful and vulnerable man. Well he did not disappoint; he was as intriguing and addictive as in book one, which we loved. We switched between swooning over him and wanting to give him his ‘thing’. Miller still has so many secrets; a few were exposed and we have to admit to having tears at times as we found out about his childhood and the why’s of some of his fears and quirks.

“I love your bones Miller Hart.”

Olivia went through a change in Denied; from sweet and vulnerable to feisty and aggressive. At times she came over a tad too dramatic and we questioned her friendship with Gregory which in book one was one of the highlights for us. Gregory was her clutch, he calmed her, was her safe place bringing humour and a much needed counterbalance to the intensity and ferocity of Miller and Livy’s relationship. In Denied Gregory went through almost a complete personality change and his sexuality somewhat contradicted that of book one. Their friendship went through a change we found unnecessary and unbelievable. We ended up having a lot of questions at the end. Sadly for us this became an issue we just didn’t feel right with and is one of the reasons we didn’t enjoy Denied as much as we wanted to.

“We’re more broken if we don’t don’t have each other. Let me put us back together again. I need you, Olivia. Desperately. You’re making my world light."

We also found that the middle part of Denied felt quite repetitive with the back and forth which made it into that dreaded territory of the filler book in a trilogy. This; added to an odd choppy chapter change meant our hearts sank as we began to loose our excited momentum. We started to get really worried and heartbroken that we just weren’t enjoying this second instalment as much as we desperately wanted to. After all we loved Promised which was a complete winner for us. Then, Jodi Ellen Malpas did what she does best; she pulled us right back in the latter part of Denied when we finally unravelled a little more of the mystery that is Miller Hart and we felt we were moving forward again. These moments where Miller bared his soul were quite simply breath taking and so incredibly beautiful we had tears. Also; toward the end of the book Livy finally showed us once more what we loved about her in Promise. She showed strength; resilience; compassion and honest love. Livy is a beautiful and funny girl and she finally shone for us again. The cliff-hanger was brilliant and genius; we are definitely excited to read the final instalment now; can’t wait. We are desperate for more revelations in Unveiled.

“What’s the most resilient part of you?”
“My heart, Livy. My heart is the most resilient part of me.”

Denied had passion; mystery and some absolutely explosive moments. Most importantly of all is that it had some stunning moments of beauty and perfection that touched our hearts. Whilst it’s sadly not our favourite book by this Author it did have moments that showcased her brilliant and evocative writing and her ability to inject humour in the darkest of moments.

“We just painted perfect, sweet girl.”

´♥ ´♥ ´♥


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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
March 1, 2015
Book two resumes with these two miserable and separated. But Miller isn’t ready to let go of Olivia just yet. With the revelation of just who Miller is, he has a lot to explain – but Olivia is willing to hear him out.

As these two find their way back together one thing becomes clear, there are a lot of people ready to interfere. But something larger is in play, walking away isn’t easy and Miller is struggling not only the ties that bind him to his career choice, but the darkness that taints his past.

Olivia has to decide if she’ll walk away from the man knowing she’ll always love him or if her love is strong enough to fight for him, even when he can’t.

I admit that was a tad bit disappointed with book one and was hoping that book two would blow me away. I was not blown away, but I felt more connected to the story. I think had I not read the This Man series, my take away would be much more because that series is one of my all-time favorites and it was so flippin’ good. I know I shouldn’t compare the two, but I can’t help it. The characteristics of Jesse and Miller also are very similar, which makes me do a mental tally in my head while reading. I think had Jesse been unknown, Miller would have caught my attention much more.

In the end I found myself more stuck to parts of the story although I skimmed a few times through certain scenes. I did find myself really loving the softer moments between these two. I think as we learn more about Miller, we appreciate his behavior with Olivia much more. Without knowing more about him though, he seems a bit bi-polar and dangerous.

I think where the first rated somewhere around a 3, part two certainly jumped to a 4 star read. I am hoping this momentum keeps and that book three continues to grab my attention. The set up for what will come is certainly there.
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,907 reviews320 followers
November 11, 2014
Denied (The One Night Trilogy #2) by Jodi Ellen Malpas
3.5 stars!!

“I love your bones, Miller Hart.”

I am afraid that my thoughts from book one, Promised, have not changed. While I felt that this was mildly better what then let it down was the awful editing. I am a huge JEM fan, but sadly this series just does not do it for me. Once again, this book took a long time to read. I can normally read a book a day but this one took four days.

These two do seem to be going round in circles; it just seemed to be a permanent game of tug of war for the majority of the book. The tooing and froing became a tad boring after a while and I think that is what led me to disconnect from the characters somewhat and also disengage from the plot itself.

I will say though that it really picked up in the last 30% and once again I am left with that, I really want to know what happens going forward. It was the same format as Promised, like a three course meal, the starter was great, the main meal was a bit bland but the dessert is the best bit that we all look forward to.

I will say I love Miller Hart; he really grew on me in this book, if you were a bit unsure about him in Promised I am sure your opinion will change in Denied. We learn a lot about his background in this book and that goes some ways into explaining why he is the man he is today.

“Because when I look into those bottomless sparkling sapphires, I see freedom.”

Slowly but surely I do feel that these two are becoming a stronger unit, the trouble is that now they have kind of got themselves on track they now have to deal with “the interferers.” Miller’s life is extremely complicated, we always knew he had secrets and these do come to the forefront in this book. For once in his life though, he is trying to put himself first, together with Livy. He is in one tangled web though and I just feel that he may just be the fly caught in the middle and the spiders are there on the outskirts waiting to scramble in and eat their prey.

“Keep me in this beautiful light place with you…Don’t let me fall back into the darkness, I beg you.”

The majority of this book was cohesive and understandable but there were parts where it just seemed to jump around and this is where I blame the editing. Normally I do not mention the odd mistake here or there but there were quite a few and they have to be mentioned. JEM’s signature writing was present and at times I was fully engaged in the story but the flow was off and if it was any other author I probably would have DNF’d but this is JEM so wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt.

I will be reading book 3 as I do want to see where this story is going, I have never given up on a series and I do not intend to do so now. I just hope that Promised and Denied are the slow burn leading up to a climactic finale. If anyone can pull it out of the bag JEM can.

“And I’m deeply fascinated by you, Olivia Taylor.”

Profile Image for Laura.
786 reviews30 followers
November 8, 2014
I had sore eyes reading this due to the fact I was constantly rolling my eyes at the irritating overuse of phrases. She's got 'sass' and she's 'sassy'. Miller wants his 'thing', they've got their 'thing' but the one that irritated me the most and nearly had me throwing my Kindle across the room is the amount of times he refers to her as Olivia Taylor and she refers to him as Miller Hart. Who does that? I certainly don't constantly refer to my husband by his full name everytime I speak to him. It was winding me up so much.

Her gay best friend calling her 'baby girl' was also annoying as was the fact that at the beginning when she is trying to get over Miller and the gay friend (who is apparently 20% bisexual) has had trouble with his lover they end up making out on her bed until he says something that reminds her of Miller so she stops their make out session but I found this scene ridiculous.

I don't like that Olivia lives with her Nan. It makes me think of her as a teenager. It was off putting. I don't find Nan amusing. The story plods on rather boringly towards it's next cliffhanger which was hardly a 'wow' moment. As I said with the first book there is no need for this to have been a trilogy. It could all have been told in one book. It's very boring to read and repeats itself over and over and is similar to This Man at how frustrating it is that it takes so long to find out Miller's secrets. Also the sex scenes never got any better in this book. Very mediocre and I feel the author has lost her British voice in her writing. Either that or it's too heavily edited.
Profile Image for Brooke — brooklynnnnereads.
1,224 reviews267 followers
October 31, 2017
I’m giving this installment of the “One Night” series a generous 4 out of stars but I did contemplate giving it a 3 or 3.5 star rating. However, I stuck with the 4 star rating because I did enjoy it and did feel like I couldn’t put it down. Admittedly, I preferred the first novel in the trilogy.

It felt like the majority of this novel was a struggle between Olivia and Miller being together. That strategy (or story) is not new within this genre and it often is still enjoyable. However, in this novel their fighting was almost extreme. It got frustrating and annoying (not in a pleasant way). Do not get me wrong, there were still many pleasant moments but both of the main characters irritated me more than I expected.

The ending also felt kind of rushed and left at a cliffhanger. I don’t have a problem with the fact that it was left at a cliffhanger but I do have a problem with the way it was all thrown together. The way it ended was so sudden and unexpected that it left me with a lot of confusion and questions. I’m sure all of these questions will be answered in the final book of the trilogy.

Overall, I have to say that I did expect more from this novel but at the same time it was still entertaining, anticipatory, and enjoyable. I hope the final book in the trilogy makes up for this one but it was still a good read.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,907 reviews2,060 followers
November 12, 2014

G&J : 3 1/2 Stars

“You’re my habit. You belong to me.”

So, it was the much anticipated ‘Miller Time’ again and to say we were excited is an understatement! We fell head over heels for Miller in Promised so were giddy to satisfy our curiosity and crush on this possessive beautiful and vulnerable man. Well he did not disappoint; he was as intriguing and addictive as in book one, which we loved. We switched between swooning over him and wanting to give him his ‘thing’. Miller still has so many secrets; a few were exposed and we have to admit to having tears at times as we found out about his childhood and the why’s of some of his fears and quirks.

“I love your bones Miller Hart.”

Olivia went through a change in Denied; from sweet and vulnerable to feisty and aggressive. At times she came over a tad too dramatic and we questioned her friendship with Gregory which in book one was one of the highlights for us. Gregory was her clutch, he calmed her, was her safe place bringing humour and a much needed counterbalance to the intensity and ferocity of Miller and Livy’s relationship. In Denied Gregory went through almost a complete personality change and his sexuality somewhat contradicted that of book one. Their friendship went through a change we found unnecessary and unbelievable. We ended up having a lot of questions at the end. Sadly for us this became an issue we just didn’t feel right with and is one of the reasons we didn’t enjoy Denied as much as we wanted to.

“We’re more broken if we don’t don’t have each other. Let me put us back together again. I need you, Olivia. Desperately. You’re making my world light."

We also found that the middle part of Denied felt quite repetitive with the back and forth which made it into that dreaded territory of the filler book in a trilogy. This; added to an odd choppy chapter change meant our hearts sank as we began to loose our excited momentum. We started to get really worried and heartbroken that we just weren’t enjoying this second instalment as much as we desperately wanted to. After all we loved Promised which was a complete winner for us. Then, Jodi Ellen Malpas did what she does best; she pulled us right back in the latter part of Denied when we finally unravelled a little more of the mystery that is Miller Hart and we felt we were moving forward again. These moments where Miller bared his soul were quite simply breath taking and so incredibly beautiful we had tears. Also; toward the end of the book Livy finally showed us once more what we loved about her in Promise. She showed strength; resilience; compassion and honest love. Livy is a beautiful and funny girl and she finally shone for us again. The cliff-hanger was brilliant and genius; we are definitely excited to read the final instalment now; can’t wait. We are desperate for more revelations in Unveiled.

“What’s the most resilient part of you?”
“My heart, Livy. My heart is the most resilient part of me.”

Denied had passion; mystery and some absolutely explosive moments. Most importantly of all is that it had some stunning moments of beauty and perfection that touched our hearts. Whilst it’s sadly not our favourite book by this Author it did have moments that showcased her brilliant and evocative writing and her ability to inject humour in the darkest of moments.

“We just painted perfect, sweet girl.”

´♥ ´♥ ´♥

Link to our review for One Night: Promised


✦✦✦ TB Blog :TotallybookedBlog
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Profile Image for Michelle.
1,601 reviews167 followers
November 11, 2014
I was sooooo lookin 4ward 2 this book but I have 2 say I was a lil disappointed it ws still good but it dragged out in part an it just seemed that Miller an Olivia were goin around in circles in some parts I was like really again
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But then u found there was great parts that had me dyin 2 read quicker so I could c what was goin happen next I just want 2 know more an then when u thought u were goin 2 find out it didn't happen I was screaming noooooooo in my head but I know there's another book but I just wanted 2 know now I still think the story is really good an I have 2 say I did enjoy it how could u not readin about a hot sexy mad man in a suit hmmmmm
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I m dyin 2 know how this series goes the last 25% was great I wish the whole book was like that but the way it ended I was a shocker did not c that comin at al but I luvd it it just opens up loads more stuff I can't 2 c how it all plans out xxx
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i had it at 4 stars but after thinkin about it had 2 change it xxx
Profile Image for Chris- Bookaddict.
777 reviews253 followers
February 25, 2016
I forgot how damn good this series is!!!

The passion that burned between Livy and Miller in One Night: Promised may end up destroying them both in this new novel of overwhelming desire and shocking discoveries...

He's amazingly wealthy, sinfully gorgeous, and can bring her to heights of pleasure she's never before known. For Livy, there's no turning back. She's determined to be the light in Miller Hart's dark world. Yet this new life comes with a steep price...

Miller knows that the power he possesses hasn't come without sacrifices-but he won't let Livy be one of them. Though he wants nothing more than to have her in every way, his first duty is to protect her at all costs...from his sins, his enemies, and especially himself.

But as their insatiable affair intensifies, the two attract the attention of an obsessive-and dangerous-third party. Discovering new revelations about Miller that rock her to the core, Livy will have to decide whether he's ruined beyond repair. And he must face his fear that in order to save her, he may have to lose her after all...

Available wherever books are sold on November 11, 2014.

Read an Excerpt HERE: https://www.facebook.com/JodiEllenMal...

I want this NOW DAMN IT !!!!!!

Profile Image for Christine B.
536 reviews97 followers
September 28, 2020
Miller Hart the sexy, wealthy over-powering, pleasure invoking man of my dreams, that has a shocking amount of secrets. But for Livy there is no other for her and she is determined to be the light in his darkness, to continue giving him "His Thing". Miller has never owned anything and that is why he treats his possession with his quirky OCD tendencies, that includes Livy and why he worship her, he will protect Livy even through his bad temper and especially for those who interfere with their relationship. So what else will Miller & Livy have to sacrifice in order to have their happily ever after. I also love love Livy grandmother Nan...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,467 reviews

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