Dana Ilie
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Dana Ilie

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  (page 476 of 1125)
"I'm beginning to lose my respect for George R R Martin...... he has no respect for us, the readers." Nov 15, 2018 01:12PM

Cassandra Clare
“People were made up of all sorts of different bits, Dru thought. Funny bits and romantic bits and selfish bits and brave bits. Sometimes you saw only a few of them. Maybe it was when you saw them all that you realised you knew someone really well.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Kenzaburō Ōe
“Bird’s mother-in-law sat quite still, the world’s most forlorn ventriloquist.”
Kenzaburō Ōe, A Personal Matter

Chuck Palahniuk
“Human beings don't cultivate ideas. On the contrary…Ideas cultivate us.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club 2 #6

Kenzaburō Ōe
“They gave the impression of unnaturally halted motion, like film caught in a projector.”
Kenzaburō Ōe, A Personal Matter

Bachtyar Ali
“خدا انسان را فرشته نیافریده
اما از او می‌خواهد که فرشته باشد!؟”
Bachtyar Ali, غەزەلنوس و باغەکانی خەیاڵ ‌ ‌

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