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In Death #15

Purity in Death

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Louie Cogburn had spent three days holed up in his apartment, staring at his computer screen. His pounding headache was unbearable - it felt like spikes drilling into his brain. And it was getting worse. Finally, when someone knocked at his door, Louie picked up a baseball bat, opened up the door, and started swinging....

The first cop on the scene fired his stunner twice. Louie died instantly. Detective Eve Dallas has taken over the investigation, but there's nothing to explain the man's sudden rage or death. The only clue is a bizarre message left on his computer screen: ABSOLUTE PURITY ACHIEVED
And when a second man dies under near-identical circumstances, Eve starts racking her brain for answers and the courage to face the impossible...that this might be a computer virus able to spread from machine to man....

355 pages, Paperback

First published August 27, 2002

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About the author

J.D. Robb

217 books34.6k followers
J.D. Robb is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling In Death series and the pseudonym for #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. The futuristic suspense series stars Eve Dallas, a New York City police lieutenant with a dark past. Initially conceived as a trilogy, readers clamored for more of Eve and the mysterious Roarke. Forgotten in Death (St. Martin's Press, September 2021) is the 53rd entry in the series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,091 reviews
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,801 reviews2,562 followers
May 10, 2017
I really had forgotten just how good these older books in the series were! This one has some of the most quotable quotes and the best repartee especially between Peabody and Eve. My family became irritated by how many bits I insisted on reading out loud.
As with all of the books there was much to enjoy as all of our favourite characters came out to play, some with only minor roles, but there nevertheless. Mavis popped up only briefly but had significant news. Jamie came back to visit and provided a lot of the humour. Summerset showed his softer side to Eve. And Galahad lay on his back and snored.
I loved it all just as much as I did on my first reading many years ago.
Profile Image for Karla.
1,292 reviews340 followers
February 2, 2022
Re read February 2022

4.5 stars**

Loving this series so hard even after 15 books! And I swear there hasn’t been one that hasn’t made me shed tears. For Eve, Roarke and this one for Ian. I was so scare for him. I really like the concept for this installment, a virus that literally kills you when you use your computer. It definitely had me thinking about justice or what we perceive as what is justice. How there’s a thin line between seeking justice and being self righteousness. Of course Eve and Roarke strong as ever love their banter how they handle each other perfectly. ❤️
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,554 followers
August 1, 2016
Ooh, a computer virus that actually infects the user and make them die a horribly painful death, and in this case it is sent to a bunch of child predators? Can we get a copy of that? Cuz, we could totally use something like that.

wow, this newspaper must come from the future! Also, just in case you were wondering, we find out Bigfoot is real in the future and has an alien baby.

But, darn! This virus is also causing some of these dying assholes to take some innocent people out with them before they die. I swear! It's so hard to find a new app that doesn't have bugs. Are you listening to me Pokemon Go people! Get it sorted!

So, Eve is trying to find a vigilante group that is putting out this computer virus. Not a lot of people are too upset over scumbags being killed until one of the cops on the case gets infected. And, then McNab is severely injured. NOOOOOOOOOO! Not, McNab! Not that beautiful, colorful man!

Don't you die on me, McNab! Don't you dare!

This book was really exciting. There were a lot of suspects, a lot of time with our favorite characters together, and a pretty good little switch-up/twist at the end. This series has really become like chocolate to me. That's really one of the highest compliments I can pay anything.
Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,365 followers
December 18, 2018
Suspense 4.5 stars / Romance 4.5 stars

It was one hell of a ride; extremely interesting and wicked suspense. A computer virus, which affected human brain and killed a person in a very cruel and painful way.

Justice sidesteps the law. I was conflicted.

They killed pedophile and other scam, who raped kids, who sold drugs to kids, who sold kids. All these inhumans deserved to be killed. The only and fatal mistake of the ‘jury’ was not to disable those, who was voted to be killed. If the virus made them incapable of physical harm, the justice would have been perfect. One good policeman died and a young girl was killed. This was unacceptable. But as to the 4 ‘victims’ – they should rot in hell!

I understood why Eve wanted to take this secret organization down, and she did it brilliantly. But I wasn’t opposite to their justice. When they destroy pedophile (even avoiding the law), I’m not the one to judge them.

The vicious side of Alex!

Romance. Roarke became a permanent part of Eve’s team. Their love is beautiful. I still have some issues with him, but overall he wins me slowly.
McNab was hurt. I pitied him, but I still hold a grudge how he treated Peabody, so… I didn’t cry for him.
Mavis is pregnant, sweet!
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,579 reviews716 followers
December 18, 2017
Another excellent instalment in this series! I really enjoy the interesting new plot ideas that Robb keeps thinking up. In this episode strange deaths are occurring. People are experiencing huge headaches and violent rage gradually building up to a giant meltdown and death, sometimes taking others with them who get in the way. It looks as if people are being specifically targetted and Eve and her team must figure out how and why before too many more deaths occur.
All the main characters are back - Eve and Roarke are still very much in love and enjoying each other, Peabody and MacNab are an item again but MacNab is badly injured during the investigation, Summerset and Galahad are themselves and Mavis breezes in with some amazing news for Eve. It was good to meet Jamie again, doing well and working here as an assistant to Roarke. So happy I still have 31 books to read in this series!
Profile Image for Katerina.
542 reviews62 followers
May 24, 2023
Another great addition to the In Death series!

Since the stories in each book are taking place weeks apart, it's quite delight to witness how the characters are developing! The most important one in this instalment is Eve's realisation that she has formed a family around her with persons she chose to have in her life! A very touching moment!
Her relationship with Roarke also evolves, but not radically, and it's only normal since they are together a little time but have taken huge steps from the time they met!
I love how protective they are of each other and the comfort they find in each other!

Now about the case...
It's a tricky one!
What happens if the system and justice fail you repeatedly? Taking the law in your own hands makes you a hero or a monster like the ones you claim you want to stop?

All the familiar characters we know and love are back, including Jamie, a young boy who wants to be a policeman and is a kinda genius with electronics and we met in a previous murder investigation lead by Eve!

Intrigue, murder, humour, love, passion, and friendship are some of the ingredients that make this series sooooooo good!!!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,395 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2017
Another one over and done with. Getting old? Not a bit. If anything, I am getting more interested in their relationship ... Love them. I probably love Eve more than I love Roarke!!

Another grisly case. Plenty of bodies turning up. Plenty of blood and gore.

"Who does all the work out here, anyway?"
"Elves of course." he laughed and drew her into an arbored tunnel where hundreds of roses climbed and dripped onto green, shady ground.
"Imported from Ireland?"

Some of the stuff was a bit technical. But McNab, Feeney and the EDD deal with it. Love all the secondary characters, Whitney, Peabody, Nadine ... there wasn't much of Mira in this one.

He knew she'd faced death countless times. Had faced it with her. they'd had each other's blood on their hands before.
He'd held her through dreams more violent and vicious than any human soul should have to bear. He'd walked with her through the nightmare of her past.

Roarke. What would Eve do without him? Or him without her?

"Do you try to irritate people, Dallas, or is it just an innate skill?"
"I guess it's the second because it comes real easy ..."

Profile Image for Carol.
1,368 reviews257 followers
December 23, 2022
4.5 stars.⭐⭐⭐⭐

I simply adore Eve Dallas.....such a great book and my final read of this entirely dreadful 2020 year.
It had a wonderful storyline.... and was much less of a "cat and mouse" tale than I usually expect from this series.....I also really enjoyed the more "Law and Order" vibe I got from this story about vigilante justice seekers.
Eve and Roarke were fabulous together (swoon).....I don't see them getting knocked off their pedestal anytime soon as my favorite book couple....but the sweetest moments to be had here.. were between Peabody and Ian .
Profile Image for Corina.
831 reviews2,509 followers
March 19, 2024
I've been reading JD.Robb books for more than 20 years now.
I found the series when I visited a Borders Bookstore (long time ago) and came upon the series as paperbacks on one of the tables. I bought the first 5 and within a couple days went back and bought the rest.
And ever since the two new releases each year are a highlight of my reading year.
This year, I decided to re-read them all. I'm currently on book #20 and there is no stopping me. :D
Profile Image for Ann Lou.
564 reviews87 followers
July 8, 2017
When I started this series I told myself to take it in little doses because the number of books is overwhelming and daunting. After reading 15 books straight I found myself wanting more. In other words, I am hooked. I am addicted. I love the characters so much. Eve can be a bitch sometimes but she's one hell of a cop. She wears her weapon the way another woman might a string of good pearls. My kind of woman. And Roarke, man, did I say he's perfect? Just perfect. He can do no wrong in my eyes. I might be blinded by my love for him. *grins*

"Do you try to irritate people, Dallas, or is it just an innate skill?" "I guess it's the second, because it comes really easy.

So here, we have a different kind of crime. Technology was the instrument. They have targets who they think should be in cages. They consider themselves the judge, jury and executioner. The victims suffer from a neurological disorder that affects his behavior, judgment and actions. It was one hell of an installment. I was clapping my hands near the end when the baddie had a confrontation with Eve. Did not see that one coming. Lousy me 😅
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews464 followers
July 3, 2017

Even for a seasoned homicide cop, the sight of that pulpy mass of grey matter on a sterile scale was a little off-putting.
“Definitely expanded her mind,” Morris said, “But it doesn’t appear she managed it by reading the great works of literature or exploring other cultures.”

right, no?

This is shining example why I love these books!!!

There’s always a very interesting crime/mystery, interspaced with hilarious, clever, fanny dialogue!!!

Here the mystery is really mysterious! We have a vigilante group killing some very bad guys…

… but they’re the bad buys… I know, it’s a little bit confusing. Even Eve and Roarke do not agree!!! And they have a very hot argument!!

We have to see our lover-boy Ian getting hit by a madman!!! OMG!!!

But, don’t worry, he gets well at the end!! A little limping, but well!!!

Many thing happen, a lot of suspects, a lot of dead for Eve to avenge put to rest.

Another wonderful!!! On to the next!!!
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,472 reviews159 followers
November 3, 2018
Purity in Death
4 Stars

Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her team are called in to investigate a seemingly routine case of heat induced rage, but soon discover that the perpetrator might have been the intended victim. When another man dies under similar circumstances, Eve begins to suspect that, although impossible, the men were infected by a computer virus. Can Eve find the culprit and stop their nefarious agenda before the contagion spreads?

With so many books in the series (#45 will be published in 2017), it is inevitable that certain plot elements will be repeated. Thus, Eve is once again investigating a cyber related crime (similar to Rapture in Death and one that involves a vigilante (as in Judgement in Death). Nevertheless, Robb manages to put new twists on these tropes to keep the reader engaged and the pages turning.

Unlike the previous installment, the character development takes a back seat to the mystery and the intriguing discussion on the moral ambiguity of vigilantism. That said, there are several heart-warming scenes between Peabody and McNab, and a wonderful moment in which Eve realizes that they, along with Feeney, Baxter, Trueheart and even Webster and Summerset, are all part of the family she never thought she would have.

Overall, another satisfying addition to the series and it was good to get an update on Jamie Lindstrom. Hopefully, we will be seeing more of him in the future.
Profile Image for Obsidian.
3,094 reviews1,091 followers
July 5, 2022
"Purity in Death" (3.5 stars)-Sorry, this one was convoluted as anything. Once again I say that anytime Robb dabbles in "medicine" or "science fiction" type stuff in this series it does not make any sense. Heck even Feeney calls it science fiction crap in the book and it was. What was hard in this one though is that someone close to everyone gets hurt and there's a real concern they may die. But what baffles me is that the person in question seems to be dandy after like 3 days. Science I guess. Also we have the return of Jamie in this one and no I still don't like him. I really wish that he stop popping up in this series. 
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,670 reviews3,282 followers
January 14, 2020
5 Knowing Right In Your Gut Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
An interesting perspective can be had when reading books years after they have been published. It takes strong crafting to not date a story. Even when there is a science fiction element. The fantasy part could be so far fetched it would not be possible or considered as years go by. One of the draws for me with this In Death series by Robb is my ability to buy into all of the projected science fiction...as she was so on point with what she envisioned as possible.

As someone who doesn't usually read a lot of science fiction or fantasy...this series allows me to relate easily with all of the surrounding elements. It could be we are now 2020 and with all of the electronic inventions and progress of computers since 2002, Robb's ideas of the future 2059 were not so far fetched. No matter what the reasons, I have been living this series now for a couple of weeks and don't see me stepping away anytime soon.

In Purity in Death #15, the horror of a vigilantly terrorist group has invented a computer virus that enters the computer operator's brain and kills.
Why should it matter if all of the targeted victims are child molesters, drug dealers, traffickers or blackmailers...Well, when a group of people decides to take the law into their own hands...That Matters.

Eve catches this case and it is complicated. The main victim is a dirty guy. Unfortunately, due to the way this virus attacks the brain, the man turned on a neighbor, his woman and then a cop before he was struck down. The second person hit by this virus was not a target and pulls in all of the political big guns.

And we all know how much Eve loves it when politics comes into play. She battles back, has the support of her commander and chief but the clock is ticking because this group has started its own pr scheme. It has touched on the hate and fear of the public for those who have skirted the law and gotten away with their deeds.

This tale has so many layers that added to the emotions and concerns. They were handled with care and a serious eye of what is right and what is wrong. Roarke is fully involved and his desire to protect Eve is tested. Their strength as a couple is increased and their core of solid loving holds them together when they have some conflict.

All of the team is involved; Peabody, McNab, Feeney, Baxter, Webster, Trueheart and even Jamie almost all grown up. I can honestly say I feel as if this family of characters is alive somewhere and I am lucky enough to have a window to see what they are up to periodically. Thanks J.D. Robb.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
Let's See... This was published in 2002...
Everyone was using computers now...
Look what Ms. Robb has come up with...
An Everyday NightMare...
We can all be scared about...

It is now 2020
And that NightMare...
It is even More Frightening!

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Profile Image for ⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm.
2,341 reviews17 followers
March 8, 2025
This installment was an interesting twist for me. I recognized that this was the start of Where It All Went Downhill for me the first time I read the series. That being said, I didn't feel that the events of this book warranted that kind of reaction as much. This one was a bit of a repeat of book 5, Ceremony in Death, and even book 11 Judgement in Death, which is what sparked the initial reaction in the first place. It even went so far as to bring one of the characters met in book 5's story into this one. It was interesting to see the changes that book 5 had wrought on the character of Jamie. I also liked how it gave me some things to think about as well, like how the relationships become central to what makes a good romantic suspense. All in all, it was an interesting read!
Profile Image for Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW).
522 reviews820 followers
September 29, 2022
4.5 Sooo much Roarke & Evvve + The whole gang STARS
He laid a hand on her arm. It took everything inside him not to yank her clear of the room. Get her away. "I know what he means to you. Remember what you mean to me."

Seriously don't know why I just skipped over this book in the series..It was so good *chefs kiss* Loved indulging in R&E chemistry after sooo long (In fact I went back and binge read few of my favs in this series after this) Literally everyone made it in the book (including short appearances from WEBSTER & MAVIS and it was lovely to see them work together as a team.
Profile Image for Emma James.
Author 30 books1,497 followers
June 13, 2019

I do love diving back into the In Death series. Roarke and Eve as a long series couple, always surprise me with their different level of emotion towards each other and in general with every new book I read in the series.

Lots alway going on in each book and I adore all the sub characters.

I do love a good twist just when you think you've predicted the villain...

This series would be so colorful as a TV series.

But who would be our Roarke?
Profile Image for Alex Cantone.
Author 3 books43 followers
March 18, 2018
Eve didn’t frequent the Blue Squirrel as often as she once had. It was a joint with no redeeming qualities, including the food and service. During the day, it catered to a handful of surly regulars and the occasional lost soul who was foolish enough to think he might scout a cheap meal and a little action...

2059. Across New York a number of horrific killings. The victims: the underbelly feeding off society - a drug pusher targeting schools, a paedophile, a pimp / blackmailer, all appear to suffer a “brain explosion”, and driven by madness kill anyone in their path before taking their own life. In each case there is a PC screen with the chilling message “Absolute Purity Achieved”.

For Lieutenant Eve Dallas it becomes personal when her protégé, Trueheart, off-duty, responds to cries for help and saves a women’s life. The killer’s PC is confiscated by EDD, where the young officer assigned to check it out is “infected” and in his rage McNab, Peabody’s squeeze, is partially paralysed by a stunner.

With the PC quarantined in Roarke’s lab there is a race against time as Roarke, Feeney and young hacker Jamie attempt to isolate and decode the virus transmitted from machine to human, while Eve tracks down the shadowy vigilante group responsible, aided or thwarted by political spin from the Mayor’s office and on-line reporter for Channel 75, Nadine Furst (doesn’t she have a life???).

I enjoyed this for its no-holds-barred approach and futuristic glimpses of electronics and the dives and sleazy bars. There is the usual sexual athletics between Roarke and Eve, and input by bystanders Chief Tibble and Commander Whitney, Somerset the butler and Galahad the cat; Mavis the songstress puts in a cameo. 2 down, 44 titles to go.
Profile Image for Christa.
898 reviews81 followers
July 22, 2021
The one where a cyber terrorist creates a computer virus that overstimulates the brain, causing aggression and death. The purity comes from the fact they only target horrible people. Also McNab gets seriously injured after a cop investigating gets infected and goes homicidal.

“His heart stopped. During the transpo. They had to zap him. It was only a few seconds, but I thought: What’ll I do? What’ll I do? He’s such an asshole,” Peabody said and burst into tears.

On a personal note Mavis is pregnant.

Cautious, Eve slid her hand away, tucked it behind her back. Logically she knew pregnancy wasn’t contagious, but all the same.

Eve’s maternal instincts are hilarious. I read in an interview Nora Roberts said she wouldn’t write Eve and Roarke having a kid, but it would be comedic gold.

And here’s a Roarke and Eve quote for the road.

“What’re you doing?”
“Logging the entry. I better not see any of that green stuff or those baubles go into your pockets, Ace.”
“Now I’m offended.” He straightened, brushed at his shirt. “If I nipped anything, you can bet your ass you wouldn’t see me do it.”
Profile Image for Sandra Hoover.
1,386 reviews231 followers
May 1, 2017
Finished another reread of Purity In Death. As always, I love the character & relationship development. There's a bit of a strain put on some relationships in this one - some rising from different core beliefs and others instigated by outside actions. It's always fascinating as well as heart-touching to watch these scenarios play out. The case & police procedural is, as always, excellent. Roarke joins the investigative team as the delivery of the crime is in his area of expertise, and he brings young Jamie in as his expert consultant to also work the case. Some key side characters are hurt as this story plays out, raising the emotional & stress level to a new high. Another Must Read in the In Death series!
Profile Image for ❆ Crystal ❆.
1,200 reviews60 followers
March 22, 2016
Eve, Peabody, Roarke and the gang all come together once again to nab some terrorist that bring a whole new meaning to "Computer Virus." It was great and very well done. A super nice twist at the end and I hope to hear more about Mavis in the next book. Awesome - 4 stars.
Profile Image for The Girl with the Sagittarius Tattoo.
2,708 reviews367 followers
July 17, 2022
Back in Rapture in Death, Eve and Roark dealt with a technologically embedded subliminal message that caused brains to short-circuit. J.D. Robb goes back to the same well, this time with a cabal of vigilantes who email a deadly code that causes its readers' - adults who hurt children - brains to explode. Basically.

On the surface, I think this sounds like a good thing. Let's get all the sickos off the streets! Roark and a lot of others are with me in this sentiment, but Dallas staunchly reminds us that once we go down that slippery slope, the line in the sand can and will move. How long until those in control decide people who wear purple should be eliminated, just because? We've all heard this classroom ethics discussion before, but a refresher on it is always welcome.

In other news, this is the one where McNabb says the "L" word to Peabody after he has a near-death experience resulting in a type of paralysis, and Mavis announces she's preggers.

I'm a little disappointed that in a series of nearly 60 novels, Robb is already recycling ideas in #15. On the other hand, this one had a better plot than Rapture. I guess if you're gonna rehash something, the least you can do is improve your effort!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,091 reviews

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