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The Dracol #1

Rylin's Fire

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** Previously published in the Bound By Heat anthology **

Rylin thought he’d lost everything when his mate left him to bond with another. Then in a surprising twist of fate he inherited the mantle of leadership. Now Rylin rules the Black Dracol but it’s a lonely life.

With hopes of finding another mate, he attends a mating party and finds the fates aren’t done with him yet. An Earth woman captures his heart with one flash of her endearing smile and the open ability to laugh at herself.

Not one single Dracol man had approached Dara Fletcher and the few she made eye contact with rushed away. About to count her time a total lost, Dara stumbles into a handsome Dracol who sweeps her off her feet. Literally.

134 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 17, 2015

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About the author

Michelle Howard

66 books517 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 37 reviews
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews464 followers
June 6, 2018
Here th page count is over 300 pages, but on my reader it was 130 (without uthor's note 124)... so for me this was actually a novella.

Yes, it's short and I felt a little rushed too, so we have again a bad case of insta-love/lust (here more love than lust!), but it's explained that it is how the lira (=mate) stuff works on this planet.

We have dragon shifters population, where only the males can shift. There's four clans, each one identified by colour and specific set of "powers" and each one ruled by a King who embraces the "mantle" upon the death of the previous king. The mantle is kind of collector of the clans mental energy and can be manipulated by the kind for the benefit of the whole clan.

Actually the lore, culture and world building is much more inetersting than the actual love story.
Not to say that was bad, but, apart the frequent sexy times, it wasn't fleshed enough.

The heroine, Dara was cute, but I didn't see anything that made her so appealing to Rylin. It must be said that it's their Godess who decide these things, so maybe their insta-love is fated but divine forces... It could be a way to explain it! :-)

Having strated the second book, I can state that this is NOT a standalone, since this books ends abruptly and without explaining many things that are left hanging. Actually when I turned the page 123 I was expecting the next chapter and not the author's note!!!

Still, I'm a sucker for dragons and this was not bad at all! It was simply too short!
Profile Image for Adaiah.
183 reviews15 followers
November 21, 2017
I love Dragons/Dracols!

I enjoyed this different version of the Dragon lore. Nice plot twist in discovering who was killing the Dragon mates. I guessed wrong. 😀
Profile Image for Sia McKye.
91 reviews22 followers
March 21, 2016
Very entertaining book that made me laugh and I enjoyed the well put together world and characters. Loved the sense of humor and the mystery--who is murdering mates (liras) and why? Tension is well done and made me think. The clue that made me suspect the villain wasn't obvious and that I liked that.

My only complaint? It ended sooner than I wanted it to. :-)

I've read other stories from Michelle Howard and I'm looking forward to reading the next.
Profile Image for Minerva.
156 reviews
December 18, 2016
I really enjoyed this book, both characters and I was never bored. But I did feel at the end of the book we missed somethings, things were left unexplained and wanted more. I hope there is another book and we get to find out about those loose ends.

Profile Image for Machian5.
240 reviews9 followers
February 18, 2020
non proprio piene perchè troppo corto.
bella l'idea peccato per la brevità del racconto. con qualche pagina in più la lettura sarebbe stata più soddisfacente.
Profile Image for Icu2qtpi .
410 reviews6 followers
February 25, 2017
Unlucky Liras

Who is killing the Dracol "lira's" (mated females)? That is the million dollar question presented in Dylan's Fire. Dylan is a Dracol, a Dragon-like raptor species, and King of the Black Dracol, one of four clans on the planet that Data, our human female, picks as the planet to find her alien mate. After a month with no nibble's, she decides it's time to head back to Earth and give up on the idea of marriage and children. Then she meets Ry, and things look up for both of them. Except for the fact the planet has a serial killer on the loose who is targeting Lira's. There are ups and downs in their courtship, but they persevere until the unthinkable befall them. Loved this story and our spicy female lead.
Profile Image for Erëza Zogu.
8 reviews
October 3, 2018
I loved this book and it was well written. But the reason for the two missing stars is that the story was a bit hasty and a lot of things were left unanswered. Like why the villain did what he did and how he was able to break the connection between mates. Also in the final act he says he hurt the heroine but it doesn't explain the damage he did to her.
All in all I loved it and I will definitely continue the series ❤️
500 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2019
I really didn’t know what to expect. Which is ridiculous because I really love this author. This was very suspenseful. I had many suspects. Really enjoyed watching Rylin and Dara fall in love. Really enjoyed the story, the world and the characters. Some unanswered questions, whichel I hope are answered in the next book. Dara is a strong female character. Not a TSTL female. I really enjoyed her. Rylin had a ton of love for her and his people. Highly recommend.
218 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2021
Interesting story

Quick read which had a lot of history set in place for the characters. More needed on the conclusion because it leaves you with a wandering a lot of how, what's and when.
1,093 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2022

So does the Purple King get Breya back???? Is Van okay? Dara never gives up. She stands up for what she wants and needs. She did not let Rylin push her around. Rylin is a good male. He protects the peace for his people. He loves Dara fiercely. I need more details about Ranald and Breya.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,510 reviews263 followers
April 8, 2018
Instalust, instalove and not much sense.
Profile Image for Leah.
16 reviews
September 18, 2019
This is my reread!! Can’t get enough about this book!!
47 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2023
Rylan's Fire is a must read.

If you love Aliens, if you love Dragons this is your book. I can't wait to read the next book. Wow.
171 reviews
February 17, 2024
Fun and Quick read.

To fill in some time this is a good short read and fun. A little but if steamy sex, fantasy,likable characters all in this package. I love dragons.
69 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2024
It only shows 137.pages but it way more than that not my favorite book. But it was ok
Profile Image for mēloniee.
597 reviews22 followers
March 11, 2024
Ça se passe sur 3 jours, le « héros » initie un rapport pendant le sommeil de sa compagne (aka un viol) et la fin est, me semble-t-il, un bon gros plaidoyer contre l’IVG.
Profile Image for Sabrina (Soter) Sally.
2,013 reviews66 followers
January 14, 2021
3 e 1/2

"Per quanto fosse raro avere una connessione istantanea, Ry sapeva che Dara era destinata a essere la sua lira. [...] Quello era il vero tesoro. Il cuore di lei. Lui fece un sorrisetto. Prima lei l’aveva accusato di possedere un tesoro. Dara era il miglior tesoro che avesse mai aggiunto a quello che già possedeva.
Ry allentò la presa sulla sua essenza, permettendo alla sua parte umana di retrocedere e al rapace di farsi avanti. Un afflusso inebriante si riversò in lui. «Sei mia.»"

Il maggiore limite di questa novella è appunto la sua brevità, che lascia andare superficialmente quelle piccole informazioni che aiutano ad addentrarsi nella storia e a spiegare alcuni comportamenti dei personaggi, sopratutto quando siamo davanti alla costruzione di un world building fantasy. L'inizio è emozionante e d'impatto, con l'investitura a sovrano del Dracol Nero di Rylin e al contempo l'introduzione della sua fallimentare storia d'amore con una donna della sua specie che l'ha abbandonato per crearsi una famiglia con uno dei suoi guerrieri (oltre al danno la beffa insomma XD). Si passa poi al gran ballo... cioè... alla scelta della sposa XD E qui sorgono altre domande: perché Dana è partita dalla Terra per cercare un marito alieno? cosa è successo nel nostro pianeta? Possibile che alla madre vada bene non rivedere mai più la figlia solo per trovare un uomo? Mistero. La brevità della storia fa anche velocizzare al massimo i rapporti tra Dana e Ry, che si fanno subito bollenti (diciamo che la conoscenza, limitata dal poco tempo rimasto tra il mistero dell'assassino e l'incombente guerra tra le razze, viene dopo XD). Tutto ciò viene però bilanciato da una trama di fondo accattivante, da personaggi di supporto affascinanti (i draghi si fanno riconoscere!) e come detto dal mistero delle donne assassinate che portano i rapporti tra i vari draghi sull'orlo della rottura, quando le varie fazioni cominciano ad accusarsi a vicenda... il colpo di scena finale è decisamente ben riuscito! Sono davvero curiosa di vedere le varie coppie che già sono state introdotte, e magari ricevere qualche info in più sul mondo dei Dracol (e vedere qualche uovo schiudersi XD)!
Profile Image for Jonella Moore.
119 reviews17 followers
March 17, 2016
Excellent book!

I have loved Michelle Howard's books since her first book was published and this is just another great story! The book starts as a young woman from Earth signs up to travel to another planet to find love and hopefully a husband. Seemingly disappointed after not finding anyone interested in getting to know her, she's contemplating returning to Earth when she meets a gorgeous man at a party. He just happens to be the king of the Black Dracol, a dragon shifting race. They rapidly fall in lust and love, but there is a danger on this planet with someone killing the female mates, or lira as they are called. The king fears for his mate, afraid she will be the next target. The ending is special and a HEA. I recommend this standalone book for anyone who likes fantasy or SciFi romances!
Profile Image for Hayley.
140 reviews2 followers
March 12, 2024
I liked this well enough. There were a couple of loose ends that weren't tied up - makes me wonder if there are further books planned?

The ending is also shockingly abrupt. It goes from him announcing she's to be his Lira to 'weeks later . . .' and it's the day after they've joined (married- whatever!). I would have liked to see more how Dara assimilated to these people and what her role is as Lira of the King, does this make her Queen? It's never mentioned. She's also not particularly fleshed out - no clue what kind of person she is or what she used to do on earth.

The mystery side is also unsatisfying - the villain isn't really explained, no clue why he did what he did, really. As I write this review, considering only giving it 2 stars, but inspite of the things mentioned that bugged me, I really did enjoy the story for the most part . . .
Profile Image for Linda Estes.
190 reviews1 follower
May 22, 2016
How another great book by Michelle Howard!!!!! Rylin is a black dracol who lost his mate then when the ruler was dying, he gave the mantle up and Rylin took it up... He decided that he wanted another mate and went to a mating party and found a earth girl with SP who was looking for a husband and children.
Dara wanted a family and knew she wouldn't find it on Earth so she join the SP to travel to another world to find a husband. She alway loved dragon stories so that is we're she went. E had just about to give up hope when her friend talked her into going to a mating party. Where she meets Rylin and falls for him.
Can they over come their differences? What a great story and I recommend it to all!!!!!
76 reviews10 followers
May 19, 2016
You say Dragon. It's Dracol

I like this author as a rule. The story is well written, and enjoyable. But, I couldn't come to terms with how Dara went from being quite a strong female to, someone so needy. The Dracol/dragons to mere humans are a dominating species, but have let themselves become prejudiced against humans due to (how many)? 'fanciful' women. Liras/mates are being killed and no-one knows why. Rylin king of the Blacks and Dara meet at a singles night. The story opens up from there.
It ended abruptly and, there are a lot of unanswered questions that hopefully will be resolved in later books. I'll buy the next one in hopes of this.
Profile Image for Ceeri Jay.
513 reviews51 followers
March 16, 2018
Rylin is a great hero with just enough alien- dragon but not too much to make him unbelievable.

Really good humour and great worldbuilding without taking too much time away from the story.

The introduction of the coronation is a big scene builder and reinforces that this is a bit like Earth... but then again not.

Great ending and resolution.
Stoked to see more of the Dracol series and others Dracol on Rylins world
Profile Image for Rebecca.
148 reviews
March 22, 2016
Nice short

Very good, although too short , story. As usual Howard weaves tight characters and intricate world in just a short time. I am already looking for the next installment of this series . The ending seems a tiny bit rushed and about, but still allows the reader to have closure for the story. Looking forward to reading about the world of dragons in between the world's beyond books.
Profile Image for Dee.
251 reviews
April 15, 2016
I really enjoyed this short read. I liked how this is a continuation of the Singles Program in that is in place. I enjoy reading about all these women traveling to different planets looking for husbands. I am already looking for the next installment of this series . Looking forward to reading about the world of dragons in between the world's beyond books, which are still my favorite. But his is close. Good start to a new series.
Profile Image for Jana LaPelle.
Author 8 books41 followers
April 16, 2016
Not really a full book?

I really enjoyed the storyline until it became rushed trying to tie up all the loose ends. This is a short story, there is no way that this book is over 300 pages as described. Just beware that the page count should be somewhere around 100 pages or so. That being said the story was good but I really wanted more depth.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 37 reviews

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