Al duizenden jaren zijn mensen in de ban van het mysterieuze, eigenwijze en geweldige karakter van de kat. Jij ook? Wel, dit boek verandert alles wat je ooit dacht te weten over je kat. Als katteneigenaar zal je het verslinden en nooit meer hetzelfde naar je kat kijken.
Anneleen Bru van Felinova neemt je mee op een heerlijke pragmatische, maar nuchtere reis doorheen de intieme wereld van de huiskat in onze woonkamer, met al zijn natuurlijke instincten en mysterieuze gedragingen. Dit boek biedt inzichten in gedragingen en eveneens vaak voorkomende misverstanden, en staat vol tips en tricks om van je geliefde huisdier een gelukkige kat te maken. Die schat aan informatie kan je onmiddellijk toepassen in de omgeving van je kat, je eigen gedrag, jullie communicatie onderling en de manier waarop je elkaar benadert.
Anneleen Bru (°1985) studeerde af als Master in Animal Behaviour (Universiteit van Southampton, UK), specialiseerde zich jarenlang in huiskatten en bundelde nu eindelijk al haar ‘gouden’ tips voor een gelukkige kat in een heerlijk nuchter en praktisch boek. Het boek is een fijn helder samenspel van grondige en wetenschappelijk onderbouwde uitleg over kattengedrag, foto’s, illustraties en quotes. De relatie met je kat zal nooit meer hetzelfde zijn. Geniet ervan!
As a cat Mom for decades, I HAD to read this fab book by a feline behavioral specialist who’s done hundreds of consultations with pet owners. So glad I did because I learned tons about my kitty Gracie, my only furry companion to ever bite me.
FELINE 411 What I found, per the author, is that Grace is “confident but unsocialized.” I also learned through helpful text and adorable art and photos, how to better understand and meet her needs for safety, attention and contentment.
RICH WITH TIPS Areas addressed include behavior, communication, environment, and play — all with useful tips I want to try with Grace. As I paged through the charmingly designed book, I excitedly shared idea after idea with my husband.
TWO PAWS UP We both agreed I LOVE HAPPY CATS is meow-velous and highly recommend it! 5/5
Pub Date 28 Sep 2019.
Thanks to Anneleen Bru, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.
ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was a fun read and since I'm a huge cat lover myself I faund this book quite informative. The author got a lot of things right, like their instincts and their body language but some explanations about why the cat does what she does were a miss for me. I've always owned multiple cats since my childhood and by now I know that sometimes the approach shown in this book is not the best way to go at the problem. Sometimes you just have to let the cats do their own thing and sometimes you have to make them see your way. I now own five cats and I have trained them pretty well by now, so I think I must be doing something right. That being said, I did love how this book was designed, with the cute phrases and cat pictures. Those were really a treat during the read. All in all, this is a nice and quick read that many, especially cat lovers will enjoy.
Zeer leerrijk boek om katten beter te begrijpen. Ik heb zelf een aantal tips toegepast op mijn kat en ze werken echt heel goed. Meerdere voeder plaatsen/drink plaatsen zijn zo'n waardevolle tips. Ik begrijp haar nu ook meer. Dit is met andere woorden het ideale boek om je kat beter te begrijpen!
I received an ARC copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was a very informative book on how to make life less stressful for your cat that is written by a feline behavioral specialist.
It talks about how to set up the litter box and other things. It also introduces a rule that you can use for the number of cats in your home plus the number of items that you should have.
I like that the book was very informative about the behaviors that cats have. My family and I have three cats of our own and they seem to be doing fine without the tips.
There's a lot of good stuff here, especially about cat body language and how to best communicate with your cat, and how the way humans often want to communicate is not received the same way by cats. There's also quite a bit that's not new at all if you have followed Jackson Galaxy, so didn't interest me much, but might be great for readers that are looking for cat behavior 101. Lastly, there is some information in here that contradicted what I've heard from other experts, or didn't make a lot of sense. She wants me to free feed my cats dry food? Um, no. And she doesn't like cat trees but instead wants me to clear off every high surface I'm currently using for myself to see if my cat likes it? Hmmm. I also found that some of her advice seemed to assume that most cats go outside (the author is European and I think that's more common there?), and those parts were not applicable to me. Those contradictions probably illustrate why it's a good idea to search out multiple experts, knowing that none of them are infallible, and figure out what works for you. Overall, this wasn't groundbreaking for me, but I enjoyed a lot of the info and reminders on cat behavior and communication.
*I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was a solid cat care book, with some interesting ideas, some of which we used with our cats, as the cats tended to fight and we were trying to find ways to mitigate the stress in the house for them.
I think implementation of some of the ideas worked, but it didn't end the fighting as we had hoped. I don't agree with all of what the author is saying, mostly the bits about cats not really having personalities, etc., though the ideas on the resources the cats use (food, water, litter boxes) and the play seemed to be very solid.
3, this has some good ideas and is worth a read, stars.
My thanks to NetGalley and Schiffer Publishing Ltd. for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
A cute book with some interesting hints and tips, unfortunately not always practical for a normal house or flat owner and people who work full time and can’t devote their every waking thought to their cat, yes I love mine but some points are highly unrealistic. Lovely pictures but it’s not a book I’d recommended really.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion
Ik heb n.a.v. dit boek het luikje uit mijn kattenbak gehaald. Maar veel meer haalde ik niet uit dit boek.
Anneleen Bru valt geregeld in herhaling. Het boek is m.i. niet altijd even goed geschreven en soms kinderachtig. Bovendien spreekt Bru zichzelf af en toe tegen.
Bij vragen of problemen blijf ik me wenden tot Jackson Galaxy.
This book is obviously about cats. If you have owned cats or own cats there is not much new in this book other than the author's very over to top recommendations on how to make your cat a happy cat. Basically, you will need to quit your job and devote yourself totally to your cat. The one redeeming virtue to this book is that it is very short and a quick read.
While I cannot personally recommend this book to anyone who owns or is thinking of owning a cat, some may find it of interest.
I received a free Kindle copy of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher with the understanding that I would post a review on Net Galley, Goodreads, Amazon and my fiction book review blog. I also posted it to my Facebook page.
Voor een beginner zoals ik die voor het eerst een kat in huis haalt, is dit zeker een interessant boek, waarbij je voldoende bijleert over hoe een kat denkt en hoe je signalen kan interpreteren. Al is dit vooral een boek dat erg "fancy" moet zijn: een bladspiegel waarbij de tekst (in groot lettertype) slechts de helft van het blad vult, nuttige tips in moeilijk leesbare kleurtjes, pagina's met 1 nietszeggende spreuk op, en verder is er geen groot schrijftalent aan Anneleen Bru verloren gegaan. Maar zoals gezegd: content dat ik dit boek gelezen heb, ons nieuw gezinslid kan er maar wel bij varen.
I requested this book from NetGalley as I fancied a change from fiction books. Anyone that knows me knows how much I love cats and that they are my world. I help out on holiday in Cyprus every year with a cat sanctuary over there and have two princesses and a prince of my own. They are my everything, and so I thought this would make an interesting read to make sure I am doing everything correctly and that my cats are as happy as they possibly can be. It would break my heart to think they weren’t happy. This book, though, was not a comfortable read. It was not enjoyable, and I felt like I was being chastised for everything I do, even though I am doing everything right according to her, I still felt ‘told-off’. It was written in a very condescending tone, and all of her ‘advice’ was so rigid and strict. It felt like she was the only person in the world that knew how to look after cats, and the rest of us are damaging our cats beyond repair. All cats must be unhappy, and all owners must be doing everything wrong, or so it came across as her point of view. The book was disjointed and jumped from point to point. I’m not sure if this was a formatting issue that might be fixed in the final proof, but I just kept thinking where did this advice come from it’s not linked to what she was just talking about. There were many times where she would say you ‘must do this if your cat is unhappy’ but gave you no advice on how to tell if your cat is unhappy. My house is completely overrun with cat ‘stuff’, the cats have the run of the entire place, and in every room we have something to make their world that little bit better, but after reading this book I have been made to feel like I should get rid of all human effects and it just be a house for the cats. I mean I am so selfish for having things in my cupboards and wardrobe as according to Anneleen Bru I should clear them out for the cats to use! I mean I am sat in my office right now looking around, and ok the cats can’t get on top of the bookshelf as there are things there. However, they have three cat beds, two radiator beds, two large scratching post thingys, one standard plain scratching post, three interactive toys, a bowl of food, a bowl of water and an interactive food thing and that is all just in the office. However, I feel like I should clear out the desks and cupboards and put a scratching post in the middle of the room because God forbid it’s against a wall, and then I should spend six weeks doing nothing but making sure the cats use this post and if they don’t get rid of it. This is her advice, get things and then if they don’t use them you can then put them away or get rid! What?!? Ah, to say I was frustrated reading this book is an understatement and I don’t recommend it to anyone, not even those who don’t have a cat and are thinking about the things they need to do. This book would put any would-be adopter off for life!
Thanks for reading! If you want to see more of my reviews visit
Na dit boek heb ik een hele nieuwe kijk op katten gekregen: in plaats van speelse, vaak luie, schattige, immer relaxte, zachte huisknuffels blijken het uiterst gestreste dieren te zijn, vooral dan door onze misinterpretatie van hun signalen. Misschien is dit wat kort door de bocht en geef ik het boek hiermee te weinig krediet, maar ik ben alleszins heel teleurgesteld, zeker na het lezen van een aantal lovende kritieken. Ik heb en ken meerdere katten en een aantal zaken zijn wel degelijk herkenbaar, andere minder voor de hand liggend en wil ik graag nog aannemen, nog andere totaal onherkenbaar en wat mij betreft helemaal niet geloofwaardig (op basis van levenslange ervaring met veel katten, bijvoorbeeld de theorie in verband met het aaien). Het boek is niet echt wetenschappelijk onderbouwd, herhaalt zich voortdurend en spreekt zichzelf af en toe tegen. Bovendien is de schrijfstijl vaak nogal gebrekkig en behandelt Anneleen de lezer als kleuter. Er staan wel een aantal nuttige weetjes en tips in het boek (sommige tot vervelens toe herhaald), maar of ik alles geloof ... nee, of ik moet heel atypische of abnormale katten hebben, dat kan natuurlijk ook 😁 Bovendien zijn vele aangehaalde zaken gewoon onrealistisch ... Bijvoorbeeld het training/wenprogramma voor nieuwe katjes - als je al kat(ten) hebt - is totaal practisch onhaalbaar ... In die mate zelfs dat dit stukje (naast andere) ongewild grappig is ... maar daarvoor heb ik dit boek niet opgepikt. Bizar dat net dit boek me werd aangeraden door een dierenarts, maar mogelijk had ze het zelf niet gelezen? Als je echt iets van katten wil leren kun je beter bij pakweg Midas Dekkers of Desmond Morris terecht!
Kan er trouwens iemand de cover aanpassen/toevoegen :) ? Mij lukt het niet en mijn brein kan dit niet aan. Help.
Een ideaal boek voor personen die er over nadenken om een kat in huis te halen (of meerdere), of reeds katten hebben. Een heel mooi vormgegeven, informatief boek waar ik zeker een aantal zaken heb uitgehaald. Ik las dit boek trouwens via 'Cloudlibrary' dus mocht je interesse hebben; hij is daar beschikbaar. Ook het e-book werd mooi vormgegeven!
Het boek zit vol mooie foto's en handige tips en tricks voor het gelukkig maken van je kat(ten). Een aantal hoofdstukken heb ik diagonaal gelezen, het is maar wat je interessevlak op dat moment is en interessant is voor je eigen kat(ten).
Jammer dat de vormgeving dit boek minder serieus laat ogen want de inhoud is serieus waardevol. Anneleen Bru is kattengedragstherapeut en deelt in dit boek inzichten die een stuk verder gaan dan het soort “kijk naar de staart en de oren” tips die je online kunt vinden. Ik heb oprecht veel aan dit boek gehad. Tip!
Amazing book and a must-read for catlovers!! It helped me understand my cats better and gave me inspiration to do my best to improve my cats’ mental and physical health. Definitely recommend this to people owning cats or people that often come in contact with cats.
For the most part, this is a fun and informative book with a lot of tips and insights into feline behavior. Some seemed to miss the mark, but as anyone owned by a cat knows, they thrive by not playing by the rules. As long as you go into it knowing not every thing will apply to every cat, I recommend it!
This unbiased review is based on a complimentary copy provided by the publisher.
I have had cats all my life and I love cats so I was happy to receive this for review. Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the review copy. My opinion is my own.
I enjoyed the aspects of feline behavior , play and health. There is a lot here for a new cat owner to learn from and even some for those of us that have always owned cats. The tone is a bit condescending as to "do this or you don't love your cat! ( Not true! ) And that would scare off many new cat owners which concerns me. "The information on rearranging your house was not feasible for most of us. I have large cat trees against windows, scratching post and toys in appropriate places and my cats love them all and use them frequently and I arrange them in order for my cats and I to live together and both have what we require.. The author suggest getting rid of my furniture to put all that in the middle of the room is not possible for those of us that live with our cats. My cats are perfectly happy with their own arrangement and I do not feel telling people they must get rid of their possessions to own a cat is at all accurate. I have never had to do that. That information was more helpful for a shelter situation. This could scare off potential cat owners. The information on drinking water was good but again many cats will not drink out of fountains and some of us do not have room for one. I have a scared rescue cat with PTSD and a fountain scares her. So you take each suggestion here with a grain of "what works for me and my cat" ! Remember when reading this only you know your cat and what they prefer. Only you can do what is best for your cats and you know their likes and dislikes. So much here for a new cat owner to learn from and some helpful tips but take it as one person's opinion and not necessarily what is going to work for you and your cats. The great trait of our cat's i they tell us what they want and they show you by the behavior what makes them happiest.
Zeer interessant, zeker voor een echte ‘katten-leek’ als ikzelf die compleet onverwacht samen met de wederhelft 4 katjes onder haar hoede kreeg (bovenop onze 2 Border collies van 9 jaar).
De eindredactie van dit boek had beter gekund, maar het is de inhoud die hier primeert.
Anneleen Bru is nóg inspirerender als je haar tijdens een lezing kan bezig zien en horen!
The quality of the book itself from the way it is bound to the placekeeper is beautiful. The pages are filled to the brim with information that is completely useful and I can come back to it often which is great. I am all about cats and learning as much as I can about them. To be able to understand more and make my pets happy is a huge plus.
I was curious to see what this book had to offer, Personally I have 4 cats and my mum's rescue cat has been living with myself and my cats for just under a year since her last stay in hospital and I went on holiday. My brother looks after my cats while I am away and I only had a few days to decide to move my mum's cat, who weighed in at a hefty 9 kg's in with mine as I didn't think he would do two houses! The move didn't go too bad nor did the introduction except for my eldest female who hated him on sight and still does to a degree but then he is white and deaf, she hisses and swears but he doesn't move much to her disapproval! She is now working ways to get around that but I didn't have time to do the introduction as mentioned in the book nor the space as I live in a flat. The only bit of advice I have found helpful is about the tail movement. My eldest male I adopted from a neighbour that was moving and she didn't want to take him with her. When I got him, aged 2, she said he uses these bowls and this food. No he didn't, wouldn't touch them. Didn't want to stay in and didn't like being touched. Saying that, she would leave him outside for days at a time especially if he had been naughty indoors in her eyes then she would put him outside. This I tried to change. I had him on the same cat food as mine were on then and I stroked him at every possible opportunity. I got scratched and bitten but it was power for the course and I can get some lovely cuddles out of him but now I am his property and he does like to try what I eat. He likes to smell where I have been and as he was feed on the worktop by his previous owner that is where he is fed now. Could not break that habit. I have taken into account the tail swinging and been using that to gauge his mood when stroking him and it seems to work that it settles down when I stroke him less. If if means a calmer life for him it will be better. Some of the other stuff didn't make sense at all. Mine have toys all over the place but don't touch them even if they have catnip in them. They let me know what they when they want it. They are happy and they are loved. I would have liked more pictures in the book and was disappointed there wasn't many. Mine love where their scratch post is, right in front of a window so they can lay on it and look out. Just always make sure it is safe. I don't feel like I am a bad cat mum just got different ideas to the lady who wrote the book. And the large 9 kg is now 7 kg, still mum's cat and loving every bit of being a cat family and cat cuddles. The vets are very happy with him. Also, my cats don't seem to mind if their food is near the water bowl or not and seem to prefer a water fountain as I seem to see more of them drinking the water.
I love cats. I want to make my cats happy. I jumped on occasion to read this publication about cats, as I've already read so many on this subject (thanks to Schiffer Publishing and Netgalley for giving me this chance!). One might ask why read again something that was already said somewhere else? I say never say never to another advice and another idea, especially those concerning the care for your pets.
I like the design of the book, it is easy on eyes and quite elegant and tasteful. It is also easy to navigate through its contents. As for contents themselves, it is a mixing bag of everything. Some advice were too general for beginners, some were too detailed (well, maybe not too much, with cat-obsessives one can never go into too much detail). I had a feeling the authoress didn't want to go into much detail about things that are assumed to be well-known. If this book intends to cater to beginners as well to pros, it may be better to give more information rather than less. For an example, it is not quite wise to ask of reader to google about maintaining a healthy weight and body condition of a cat. One wouldn't read this book if they wanted to google information about this, especially as it is so a difficult topic for many cat carers.
In short, I wouldn't recommend this book for beginners, but I would for those who want to know more, as this book still offers some pretty good advice on caring about cats.
Princess Fuzzypants here: This is an interesting book on how our human minions can help make us felines happy. I cannot say I agreed 100% but there was a lot of good solid science and some great observations. Part of its value is helping humans understand we are not little humans in cat suits. We are independent and noble and still retain many of the characteristics that come from our origins on the savannas of Africa. It talks about the basic needs that we have and the basic instincts that will determine to a large extent how we perceive things. It describes how we might look at different things that our humans may think inconsequential in a vastly different way. While our humans may try to interpret our actions one way, it is very likely they have it wrong. *Sighs*. They are only human. As a single kitty, I have never experienced other cats infringing on my territory. I am also an indoor cat so I have not had to fight my way through the big bad world. However, I cannot imagine many cat parents going through the rather long and elaborate “introduction” process recommended in this book. I think there would be far more single cat households. One thing to which I can concur without hesitation is the observation that all cats are different and between nature and nurture, it is foolish to expect we will react the same all the time. Check the Cat Manual. It is page 2567. Still, I give it high marks for its insights with four purrs and two paws up.
This book is set up in chapters to give information about cats’ sight, hearing, and various parts of their body that are more sensitive than others. For instance, their whiskers serve as antenna to detect movement of their prey. Whether they are pulled back to their head or pushed to the front of their face indicates if they are frightened or related.
It goes into the very important part of socialization of a new cat to the family. This can set the stage for whether you end up with a shy or confident cat.
There are many cat behavior motivators such as food, safety, reproduction, obtaining nice things, avoiding bad things, and emotions.
There is much discussion on the number of litter boxes you should have for each cat spread throughout your house. While that sounds ideal, realistically, it’s difficult to achieve. Our homes are just so big and sometimes our kitties will just have to make do.
As a kitty mom to three delightful cats, I can say that while I found a lot of the information in this book to be interesting, I didn’t fully agree with a lot of it. Our cats are loved and pampered and are very happy. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
So, if you are interested in some good facts about cats and their behavior, do give this book a read. I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Full disclosure-I won a copy of this lovely book and received it very quickly from the publisher. It was very well packaged and the book itself is well illustrated with lovely drawings and pictures.Would gladly read other books from this publisher ( Schiffer). I have been in cat rescue for 40+ years and was not expecting to find any new information but I always keep an open mind and know I can and will continue to learn. This book did surprise me and I did find new information and some good ideas for making my current 6 feline companions happier. I agree with other reviewers that there may be some unrealistic expectations on the amount of time and focus most people can put towards their cats emotional growth. Most people while they mean well are struggling just to provide for physical needs of themselves and their pets. I also believe that timing is everything and sometimes we get very damaged, very feral or already too old cats to make too many positive changes but I do keep trying to make mine as happy and safe as I can. This book is lovely and would make a good gift for a cat lover, especially one that may be newer to the process of sharing their home with cats.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of I love Happy Cats. I have a cat her name is Gabriella, and I've had two other cats Princess, and Czar, both of them have passed away after a long life of 19 years. This book is truly a godsend for any cat owner. It's easy to follow, easy to understand, and a must have reference tool for every cat parent. I thought I knew everything about cats until I read this book, I was surprised by the multiple new concepts of how to make your cat happy. The author also provides valuable suggestions for people with multiple cats. The pictures with quotes are beautiful and adds an aesthetic quality to the written words. The book is divided up into important aspects for you to learn with your cat, with separate sentences colored for you to identify the main point. Beautiful book, I plan on buying and sharing with my beloved soulmate Gabriella. I also, enjoyed learning about the author at the end of the book and what her experience pertained to living with the amazing animal.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of I love Happy Cats. I have a cat her name is Gabriella, and I've had two other cats Princess, and Czar, both of them have passed away after a long life of 19 years. This book is truly a godsend for any cat owner. It's easy to follow, easy to understand, and a must have reference tool for every cat parent. I thought I knew everything about cats until I read this book, I was surprised by the multiple new concepts of how to make your cat happy. The author also provides valuable suggestions for people with multiple cats. The pictures with quotes are beautiful and adds an aesthetic quality to the written words. The book is divided up into important aspects for you to learn with your cat, with separate sentences colored for you to identify the main point. Beautiful book, I plan on buying and sharing with my beloved soulmate Gabriella. I also, enjoyed learning about the author at the end of the book and what her experience pertained to living with the amazing animal.
Toen ik een aantal maanden geleden samen met mijn vriend een katje uit het asiel adopteerde, wist ik al dat ik dit boek wilde lezen. Helaas was de eerste druk op dat moment overal uitverkocht, dus moest ik even wachten op de herziene editie. Het is een boek vol praktische tips als je thuis een kleine panter of tijger hebt rondlopen. Sommige tips zijn niet altijd van toepassing, dus die heb ik voorlopig nog even overgeslagen (twee katten aan elkaar laten wennen, bijvoorbeeld, aangezien we er maar eentje hebben.) Ook zul je veel dingen al weten als je kijkt naar programma's van Jackson Galaxy of zo. Het beste is om de praktische tips vooral eens uit te proberen en te kijken hoe je skattebol (ja dat heb ik echt zelf bedacht) erop reageert. Het kan sowieso geen kwaad om je aandacht eens te verplaatsen naar hoe jouw kat erover denkt en stil te staan bij bepaalde dingen die voor ons mensen geen verschil maken, maar voor katten wel. En achteraf heb je een handig naslagwerk voor als je ooit in een bepaalde situatie komt waarbij je wat meer hulp nodig hebt. ;)
The aim of the book is to better understand cat behavior by explaining the theory behind their behavior. And provide practical tips to improve the relationship between you and your cat based on scientific information and experience.
I thought the author did a good job explaining characteristics and provided me some insights into cats.
I found it a little lacking on depth. I would have liked more in detail on many topics. I'm not sure I buy into her formulas for multiple resources. Seems a little excessive. I do agree that cats need options and need to feel safe.
Thanks to Netgalley and the author for allowing me to read this book. I am not required to leave a positive review.