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The Perfect Roommate

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She's my roommate.

I know how she takes her tea, how she organizes her closet.

I know when she goes to bed each night, what she eats for breakfast, the passcode on her phone.

I know she calls her mother on Mondays, takes barre on Thursdays, and meets her friends for drinks on Fridays.

But more important than any of that ... I know what she did.

258 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 19, 2018

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Minka Kent

17 books4,243 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 785 reviews
Profile Image for Sunflowerbooklover.
670 reviews778 followers
August 24, 2019
"All I needed was a cheap room to rent. I didn't plan this, I swear."

My friends you are in for a WILD ride!!

Over the last 2-3 weeks, I have been having a serious dud of reads and was getting into a book slump. I was thinking about how I wasn't enjoying reading as much due to the disappointing reads I have come across lately. BUT, I should have known Minka would deliver a spicy, epic, and thrilling ride. So, thank you to Minka. ;)

The Perfect Roommate is fast paced addicting read that grabs you by your feet on the first page. I COULD not put this down... literally I drove to Chik-Fil-A to get my man a sandwich and I had my kindle app open on my phone to continue reading (okkk... but I was safe... haha). THIS is the kind of addicting reads that I devour....

I have to say that some authors just have such talent and Minka is definitely one of them. Her writing style is beautiful and the words are delivered effortlessly across the pages.

Characterization is another strong aspect of this novel. Actually on point to a tee... let's be honest. So many twists and turns that will leave your jaw on the floor. You may need some tissues to help alleviate the pain with your jaw open ;).

And... I should have known.... Minka delivers that epic of an ending. Where you're thinking... wait a second.... I thought I had it figured it. NOPE.... BRILLIANTTTT (singing........ )

I can't thank Minka Kent enough for giving me an advanced arc in exchange for my honest review.
4.5 brilliant stars.
Seriously get on this wagon of ahhhhhmazzingnesss... you will not be disappointed!

Publication date: 1/19/18.
Profile Image for Dan.
2,656 reviews494 followers
July 25, 2023
This is engrossing, quick, and relatable—especially to anyone who’s ever been on the outside, trying to fit in.

There is a pattern to Ms. Kent’s writing. The female protagonist envies the other female characters for their hair, manicures, clothes, and money. And she glorifies and idealizes the male characters as handsome good guys. Then the aforementioned characters are exposed as liars, cheaters, murderers, or some combination of those three.

This novel does not break this pattern, but it executes said pattern much better than her previous material.

The author writes Meadow’s anxiety in an extremely accurate manner.

The college girls are also depicted all too realistically.

This book really ratchets up the tension. It’s the fourth I’ve read from this writer, and this is by far the best.

The twists are actually woven in extremely well, though they do seem to come fairly quickly, one after the other.

I was waiting for a “crazy shoe” to drop, as is the case in her other works. But nothing comes that is too outlandish to render this one unbelievable. The loose ends get tied up and I very much enjoyed the ending.

“…Do we ever truly know anyone or are we only seeing what they want us to see?”
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,202 reviews798 followers
March 9, 2018
3.5-3.75 Stars

"I think people who seem perfect are the ones with the most flaws. They just do a better job at hiding them."

The Perfect Roommate is a fast-paced Mystery/Thriller and the writing was good enough to hold my interest and keep reading it. It was unpredictable and I was wrong about the plot! I mean, I first thought that girl (Meadow) was jealous, but then thought she is obsessed, and then thought nope she’s just crazy! But I was so wrong! The story was totally in another direction!! Just know there isn’t anything such as a perfect life! Creepy, right!?

Told in single POV (Meadow), 1st person. It’s well-written and a quick read but still something was missing! It’s a stand-alone novel. It was my first read by this author but definitely won’t be my last (I really like the writing). Overall, I had a good time with this one and hope you like it as well!
Profile Image for Helga.
1,231 reviews337 followers
May 22, 2018
"...Do we ever truly know anyone or are we only seeing what they want us to see?"

The Perfect Roommate was no The Memory Watcher. Not even close! But had so many similarities to the latter that sometimes I felt it is the same character speaking.
The beginning was good and intriguing, albeit a bit whine-y, in a “I am poor, she is rich; so I’m good, she is a bitch” kind of way. I didn’t know if someone can’t afford to buy a 2200$ handbag she is considered poor. Or if someone doesn’t like Sushi, she is socially inadequate. Personally I don’t give a rat’s ass for neither.
The narrator mentions several times she doesn’t like liars and thieves, whereas lies and steals more often than not, while making excuses for each incident.
The story-line was poorly done and implausible and changed direction halfway through and dragged on and on.
Profile Image for Shannon.
166 reviews348 followers
August 10, 2019
The Perfect Roommate by Minka Kent is a faced past mystery/thriller. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! If you have read The Memory Watcher then you know why I had to get my hands on this!

Meadow is an awkward college student. She’s poor and she is almost forced to live in her until she sees an add for a roommate. Lauren, who posted the ad, is total opposite of Meadow. She’s pretty, rich and has friends. They meet and Lauren decides to rent the room to Meadow and befriends her. Meadow meets all of Lauren’s friends and she’s not so sure who to trust. She tries to ignore the drink prices when they go out.

When Meadow goes to school she sees Lauren doing something she should NOT be doing. Now that meadow knows her secret she is not happy. She is hurt and wondering how Lauren could do what she’s doing! Does she really know her roommate?

Just when you have certain thoughts about characters there’s a huge twist you don’t see coming!

I’d like to thank Minka for an ARC. I recommend 4.5 Stars!
Profile Image for Amy.
2,339 reviews1,959 followers
August 13, 2019

Last year I devoured Kent’s debut, The Memory Watcher and was totally blown away. The Perfect Roommate had all the same elements that I loved and once again I read this in one holding my breath sitting.

This opens with Meadow heading to check out a new place and meeting her potential new roommate, Lauren. Lauren is everything that Meadow isn’t, she’s wealthy, stylish and sophisticated and Meadow is in awe. The sense of uneasiness is palpable right from the beginning, you just know that this won’t end well but at no point did I have things figured out. It’s a twisty, entertaining and fast paced ride that I highly recommend for fans of this genre.

Kent has a writing style that is so smooth and consistent in its intensity, you can’t keep yourself from flying through it desperate to know what in the world is going on! By the time I reached the end I was once again blown away and amazed by Kent’s plotting, bravo!

The Perfect Roommate in three words: Entertaining, Compulsive and Disquieting.

Profile Image for Danielle (The Blonde Likes Books).
653 reviews414 followers
August 23, 2019
After being evicted from her apartment, college student Meadow answers an online ad for a room for rent. She meets Lauren, who is looking for a roommate in order to save some money, and they instantly click - Meadow moves in right away. 

As the girls develop a friendship, Meadow can't help but feel like she's finally found a true friend - that is, until she sees Lauren doing something she shouldn't be doing, and her entire opinion of Lauren changes, and Meadow can't help but feel uneasy...

The Perfect Roommate is engaging right from the beginning, and had me hooked from the first page where we are thrown into Meadow's story. Something immediately feels a little off about Meadow and Lauren, but we aren't sure why. This sense of uneasiness continues as Meadow and Lauren's friendship develops, until something happens that changes Meadow's entire opinion of Lauren, and she starts to actively dislike her. 
I don't want to say too much about the book or the plot, because I think it's better to go in without knowing too much. What I will say is that even though I had figured out parts of the ending, there were pieces that I hadn't quite put together, so I loved the ending of the book! This book is quick and easy to read, and is perfect for snuggling up with on a weekend, because you'll want to binge the entire thing! 

Overall, I loved The Perfect Roommate and would definitely recommend this one to fans of the domestic thriller genre. I rated this one 4/5 stars! I'd like to thank Minka Kent and Ardent PRose for an advanced copy of the book. It was my pleasure to provide an honest review! 
Profile Image for Lisa B..
518 reviews585 followers
February 3, 2018
I only have one word to describe my thoughts for this book....NOPE!
Profile Image for Kate.
118 reviews15 followers
March 14, 2018
Don't really have too much feedback on this one. I found it to be predictable and was not impressed with Minka Kent's writing. I felt like it kind of had the vibe of a bad lifetime original movie, if that makes sense. I felt like by page 10 I had it figured out and my predictions were for the most part accurate.

One of the things I aim to do when reviewing is to always try to find a positive no matter how disappointed I may be in the book. That being said, I liked the plot twist at the end of this and found it to be a quick an easy read. I can't say I have any overwhelming desire to dive into any of Minka Kent's other books. I was kind of bummed because typically I love the picks for "Suspenseful Clues and Thrilling Reviews" club and this one just did not live up to the others!
Profile Image for Chandra Claypool (WhereTheReaderGrows).
1,720 reviews351 followers
December 27, 2018
A fun romp into why you should always vet the person you potentially could live with. And if it seems too perfect, it probably is!

An introvert rooms with an extrovert and brings her into her world.. changing the way she dresses, her hair and even (potentially unintentionally) her character. She's blown away at this new world and just wants to fit in. Can't go home - her mom and her many boyfriends are terrible. What's wrong with being a part of a social group for once and getting out there? Too bad there are certain moral boundaries she won't cost and those that do... well, they need to get what's coming to them.

As someone who reads this genre a lot, I wasn't surprised by anything that happened or by the twist. Saw that coming a mile away. HOWEVER, I do enjoy Kent's writing style. Crazy attracts crazy and crazy books attract me.


This is an absolute binge read and puts you through the paces throughout the chapters. Now someone hand me my string of pearls.
Profile Image for Smay.
263 reviews25 followers
February 27, 2018
I had high hopes for this book, but I don’t think I enjoyed it. Meadow was confusing to understand and it frustrated me how much she “talked” about being an individual and not being like anyone else, yet morphing into both of her flat mates like it was no big deal. I didn’t find myself warming to any of the characters and I feel like the ending all happened way too fast and was a bit of a “movie” ending
Profile Image for Bill Kupersmith.
Author 1 book235 followers
February 22, 2018
Meadow is so crude vulgar and materialistic that I can scarcely believe she’s an English major - never reads a book. Dying of class envy. Loved the ‘Louis clutch’ (not a car part) and the sexy English prof with the ‘signature messenger bag’ too. May not be the worst written selection ever seen, but well down there.
Profile Image for Nikki Joyce.
226 reviews95 followers
December 29, 2018
3.75 rounded up to 4 stars!

The Perfect Roommate is an interesting psychological thriller, that might make you rethink living with a roommate! This is a quick, fast-paced novel that I enjoyed. I really like the author's writing style.. very descriptive and spot-on to today's fads/behaviors/etc. The personalities of the characters are perfectly captured. The suspense and movement of this novel are well done also.

Overall, an enjoyable read. My rating would have been higher, but I did feel that some parts felt fairly predictable. Also, this was my second novel by Minka Kent. I previously read The Memory Watcher, which I thought was excellent, so I think I set the bar a bit high going into this one. Nonetheless, The Perfect Roommate is definitely worth reading, and I will absolutely continue to read more of Kent's work!
Profile Image for Amber.
540 reviews110 followers
May 12, 2018
Unfortunately this read like a midday tv movie . Annoying characters and quite a silly ending .
Profile Image for J.A. Schneider.
Author 17 books574 followers
July 26, 2019
What a terrific psychological thriller!! Read this right after I read The Memory Watcher, and Minka Kent is now one of my favorite authors. What tricks she plays! Meadow, the narrator of this story, can't believe her luck when she answers an ad for a roommate. Turns out, the person who placed the ad was Lauren, a pretty and popular gal who Meadow recognized from one of her college classes. Meadow, by contrast, is socially awkward and has gone through life pretty much invisible.

Suddenly Meadow is sharing a home with Lauren, who befriends her, gives her beautiful clothes from her closet, and makeup tips, and takes her to her hairstylist for a do-over. For the first time in her life, Meadow has a glamorous friend and is part of the popular crowd. She is thrilled. But all that changes when Meadow discovers something she shouldn't...

I loved this book! It is well written, full of twists, and leaves you truly surprised at the end. Well done – five stars!
Profile Image for Lora.
167 reviews15 followers
May 30, 2018
This was a fun and quick paced read! It was written so well and really held my interest. There were some twists and turns but then...that. last. sentence. (or I guess 2 sentences lol) Oh my!!! Loved it.
Profile Image for donna backshall.
791 reviews211 followers
May 2, 2021
What an odd little book we have in The Perfect Roommate.

I loved the quirks and the insight of the awkwardly snarky main character, Meadow. I enjoyed seeing the world through her introverted and jaded eyes. I loved how I was able to envision the apartment, the parents' houses, the campus, all of it. Everything was so vivid and insightful.

But the story and the mysteries it contained seemed so very rushed. When the twists came, I hardly had time to finish the transitioning sentence before the changes were done, wrapped up, accepted and we'd already moved on. It was unsettling and unsatisfying. I wanted more time to savor the drama and give the revelations a chance to take root.

I kept thinking to myself, "Don't blink!"

Minka Kent is a great writer, and I will definitely read anything she writes, but in this one, I wish she'd written MORE. More, so we'd have time to catch up with what was going on, instead of constantly wondering "how'd we already jump to this conclusion?"
Profile Image for Donna.
302 reviews204 followers
May 19, 2020
The synopsis of "The Perfect Roommate" sounds like it has the potential to be a fun thriller, especially with the lies already starting in the first chapter, but this one should have been a hard pass for me. The first two thirds of the book was filled with an overabundance of basic college issues: finding a roommate, making friends and trying to fit in, relationships and perhaps an illicit affair with a professor for a little spice. The problem was that the thriller aspect didn't really come into play until the last third of the book at which point everything seemed rushed and abbreviated in an already short book.

"Do we ever truly know anyone or are we only seeing what they want us to see?"

This quote from the book perfectly sums up another issue but from the perspective of the author and what she wants the reader to see. The twists and turns mostly seemed to come out of left field in the final section of the book, instead of building throughout, and I felt disappointed with how the red herrings presented earlier were resolved.

All things considered, I am still a fan of the author but would recommend "The Stillwater Girls" instead, my favorite of her work that I've read.
Profile Image for Bren fall in love with the sea..
1,820 reviews395 followers
March 5, 2020
“If I were a super hero , social awkwardness would be my power".

The Perfect Roommate by Minka Kent

Another great read from Minka Kent. This lady knows how to write! I enjoyed every minute of this wild ride.

I should say I was hesitant to read this. Why? Because it is a thriller about roommates. I was afraid it would be like "Single White Female" which I LOATHED and which has the dubious honor of being on my "worst books ever list".

I need not have worried. This was a gripping and fast paced psychological thriller that was as unpredictable any I have read. You will not be able to put it down.

I love how Minka's books always have the ability to surprise. And her characters are so fleshed out. I could not put this one down.

This book also has a modern day Noir component that really makes it stand out from your every day thriller. I am sure I will be reading this one again.

I am adding this author to my "look for more" list of writers as I have now read two books by her and loved both of them.

This is a book that any fan of psychological thrillers really do not want to miss.
Profile Image for Jen Brodehl.
490 reviews53 followers
December 22, 2024
4 Stars- I raced through this book and couldn’t put it down. The characters were so fun to read about. It didn’t get 5 stars because the ending fell a little flat and felt rushed. I’m going to continue with my Minka Kent binge because her writing is so engaging and entertaining!
Profile Image for Bev.
3,178 reviews95 followers
January 28, 2018
Meadow and Lauren are room mates. At first I wasn't sure what to make of these two. They are so opposite, but then they start to become friends and that's when things start going wrong. Meadow starts to change, and not really for the better. This is a wonderfully written story about how people can change and you never see what is happening before you. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book from Hidden Gems.
Profile Image for Tammie.
1,532 reviews167 followers
March 19, 2020
She's my roommate.

I know how she takes her tea, how she organizes her closet.

I know when she goes to bed each night, what she eats for breakfast, the passcode on her phone.

I know she calls her mother on Mondays, takes barre on Thursdays, and meets her friends for drinks on Fridays.

But more important than any of that ... I know what she did.

3.5 stars

This is the second book I've read by Minka Kent, and I wanted to like this as much as I liked When I was You, but this one was not as intriguing. Don't get me wrong, there were quite a few twists and turns, but they just weren't what I was expecting. I think some of my wild theories would have been more interesting.

This ended up being a little too predictable, but I do really like how readable this author's books are, and how relatable her characters are. I get sucked right into them from the beginning. I'm definitely not done with her books yet.

Review also posted at Writings of a Reader
Profile Image for Book Club Mom.
338 reviews88 followers
February 10, 2018
Is there such a thing as a perfect college roommate? Lauren Wiedenfeld and Meadow Cupples are about to find out. Lauren’s been looking for someone to help with the rent and Meadow is desperate for a place to live. But the college seniors couldn’t be more different. Lauren is rich and beautiful and knows the ins and outs of the Meyer State College party scene. Meadow spends most of her time studying and working for the Sparkle Shine Cleaning Company. They could be good for each other, right?

But this isn’t a story about college friendships because something more sinister is going on. Should Meadow turn down Lauren’s invitations and resist her new friend’s efforts to make her over? For a girl with an unhappy past and no money, it’s too hard to say no. Soon Meadow is completely in the mix, with new clothes, new hair, new friends and lots of drama. Lauren seems to fight with her boyfriend Thayer, a lot. And their friend Tessa likes a guy who pays more attention to Meadow. A side story involving the pregnant wife of the hot English professor may help round out the story, or muddle it up.

Readers may sympathize at first with Meadow, the story’s narrator and underdog, but her motives become more ambiguous and her actions more reckless as the plot develops. A shocking campus murder brings everything to a head as the reader wonders who can be trusted.

The only way to know is to keep on reading this fast-paced and entertaining psychological drama. Plenty of twists and time-released developments guarantee surprises to the finish. It’s a quick, surface-read, and a fun way to spend part of your weekend. A few typos take a bit of the polish away, but the reader will quickly forgive at the next turn.

I recommend The Perfect Roommate to readers who enjoy fast-moving thrillers with two-sided characters and motives.
Profile Image for Jessica Berry.
593 reviews18 followers
March 7, 2018
Not a page turner, but it would make a good movie

I wanted to love this book. I wanted this to be a stay-up-all night read that I couldn't put down. Sadly, although I didn't hate this book, I can't say I loved it. I did like the main character's descriptions of herself, both her past and her present. I was able to picture her experiences perfectly, and I related to her in multiple ways. I also loved how she described her changes after moving in with Lauren. I also liked her descriptions of Lauren. I've met many girls that seemed just as perfect as Lauren and I totally related to her perception of Lauren. I really didn't find this book very thrilling or mysterious, although I commend the author for branching out from the typical single white female scenario. The book did go in an unexpected direction. Unfortunately, for me, the ending was too tidy and too outlandish considering the characters involved. That's the most I'll say without releasing a spoiler. I would read more from this author but I wouldn't call this book a must-read.
Profile Image for Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read.
3,440 reviews112 followers
January 19, 2018
The Perfect Roommate is well-written and the author has a writing style that pulls a reader in and keeps them turning pages. There is an interesting twist at the end, some I saw coming and some I didn't, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a psychological thriller. The story is a bit reminiscent of Mean Girls with Meadow, the loner who just goes along to be included, and the social butterflies who take her under their wing. Meadow is an intriguing, if not exactly likable, character. She's manipulative and comes across like she's smarter than those around her. As her plans unfold, it wasn't hard to see where things were going for her, at least in part. In the end, even though this wasn't the edge of your seat, psychological thriller that I expected, it was an engaging read that held my interest.
Profile Image for Donna Mallery.
722 reviews64 followers
August 31, 2023
I love Minka Kent’s books. They are all easy reads, and this one was no different. I read it in a few short hours. The theme was different than I expected. I really enjoyed it! It’s not about a crazy roommate. In fact, she’s really sweet and helpful to the protagonist. She takes her under her wing and even gives her a bunch of clothes. So, is there any drama? You bet!! And you will have to read it to find out, lol! I would recommend any of her books! You will soon start reading them one by one and fill your day with happy reading!
Profile Image for Virginia .
20 reviews11 followers
February 12, 2018
2.5 Stars for me, this was a very quick read just over 200 pages and actually when I finished it I was left thinking that was it? It left me wanting more and with the twist ending I just didn't buy it. This book seemed tailored to a more younger audience but I did complete it and I finished quickly which is why I gave it 2.5 Stars.
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,404 reviews3,724 followers
August 24, 2019
Whomp Whomp! The author definitely has a writing style that draws me in and keeps me awake reading, late into the night. But, just like with The Memory Watcher, I found the ending to be both “hard to buy into” and rushed leaving me less than satisfied in the end. 🤔😕
Displaying 1 - 30 of 785 reviews

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