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Lost Library #2

Spirited Legacy

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Librarian's Note: This is an alternate cover edition of ASIN B00LKBMIEY.

Spooky events persist inside the newly discovered library of spelled books. What magical mischief is afoot?

Lizzie receives an offer she can't refuse—an internship at the Lost Library, home to hundreds of magical books. And to make the deal even sweeter, her prospective boss has offered to act as her magic mentor. What’s a girl to say, but yes? Except…there are the questions of her unresolved love affair, her recently acquired arch enemy, and a haunting past.

Click to find out how Lizzie makes the most of what life—and the afterlife—throw at her.

Book 2 in the Lost Library series, can be enjoyed as a stand alone book or as the second full length novel set in the Lost Library world.

286 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 5, 2014

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About the author

Kate Baray

68 books208 followers
Kate Baray writes page-turning urban fantasy with relatable characters.

When Kate's not tapping away at her keyboard or in deep contemplation of her next fanciful writing project, she's sweeping up hairy dust bunnies and watching British mysteries.

Kate is from Austin, Texas (where many of her stories take place) but has recently migrated north to Boise, Idaho, where soup season (her favorite time of year) lasts more than two weeks.

She's worked as an attorney, a dog trainer, and in various other positions, but writer is the hands-down winner. She's thankful readers keep reading, so she can keep writing!

Kate's series include Lost Library and Spirelli Paranormal Investigations. Under the pen name Cate Lawley, Kate (aka Cate!) writes Vegan Vamp Mysteries, Death Retired Mysteries, Fairmont Finds Canine Cozy Mysteries.

Find more information on her website: catelawley.com/kate-baray/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews
Profile Image for Kristen.
2,471 reviews83 followers
October 18, 2015
I am really enjoying this series. Lots of interesting paranormal stuff, a magical library, and hunky guys who change into other things, wolves, dragons, etc. What's not to like?

This second book in the trilogy held my attention just as much as the first did. There is more magic in this book than the first, as Lizzie starts to use her newly discovered magic. We also find out a bit more about the library, and the books it contains.

This book also adds some additional magical "people" into to the mix, and we learn about some other types of magic users from the past whose actions are affecting the present.

There is just as much action and suspense in this book, as Lizzie continues to get herself into dicey situations. This time around though, since she has magic, she's a bit better equipped to fight back, which made me like her more in this book than in the first, where she seemed a little weak and whiny. She's mostly gotten over that in this installment, and she came across as much more spunky and willing to fight for the things she believes in and wants.

The characters in this series are a great diverse mix of interesting personalities, and the various types of magic we learn about make this a really different take on paranormal fiction. Even the minor supporting characters are interesting and engaging, and I enjoyed meeting them.

There are several storylines intertwining in this book as compared to the first book which was mostly just about Lizzie and John getting connected, and her potential to become part of his pack. This book has very much expanded that to add in bigger things going on. Things that could affect not only Lizzie and John, but the entire magical world as well.

The evil Worth is still on the loose, so finding out what he's up to and keeping him from any more dastardly deeds will obviously become the next big battle for Lizzie and John to fight.

The one small gripe I have about the first two books in the series is that both of them ended with cliff-hangers. That wasn't as much of an irritation for me as it would normally be, because I bought all three books together for my eReader, so I didn't have to wait to go on to this book from the first, and I also have the third book which I can start immediately. But it isn't a plus for me when an author leaves you hanging off a cliff. I like a book that has an ending AND sets up the potential for the next book of the series. But that's a small complaint.

I am really enjoying this series. I find that the magical beings are a little different from the norm, and the world the author has created feels real. There is a fully developed plot with multiple sub-plots, and pretty much all the characters get involved so everybody gets to play a part in how the story plays out. I am looking forward to the third and final book, to find out how everyone comes out in the eventual resolution to the various storylines going on. This has been a thoroughly entertaining paranormal read.
Profile Image for Book Junky Girls.
840 reviews33 followers
July 11, 2014
Did someone just call her Mrs. Braxton? Yup that definitely happened, but she'd remember getting married right? Allot has happened in the last couple of weeks, but a wedding to her hunky Lycan is something she would remember doing. While the two of them try to sort out their relationship, an offer Lizzie can't refuse comes up and it could ruin their fragile relationship before it has a chance to really go anywhere.

Now in Prague and getting a chance to study the amazing library more craziness comes up before she really get time time to learn what secrets the lost library holds. As Lizzie learns more about the magical world and comes into the powers she recently uncovered she will have to figure out what problems to solve first as everything around her gets more complicated than ever.

Lizzle is a bundle emotions and with everything that's happened to her she definitely deserves a few spaz episodes....right? Between her alpha Lycan, powers she can barely figure out, a library full of mystery, and ghosts she's got allot on her plate, but then add on the madman who keeps kidnapping her and new creatures she learns of at every turn she's got a whole lot going on and not enough time to figure it all out.

John shows more of himself in this one and you see just how commited to Lizzie he is and it makes you love him even more, even if he's a bit of a smart ass sometimes. Or maybe because of it. He knows how to handle Lizzie and show how much he cares at the same time.

The story goes from one thing to another and sometimes it's hard to keep up, but in the end the growth to the storyline draws you in once again. Making you want to try and figure out all the secrets within the book and hope the characters figure it all out in time. Definitely excited to see even more from this series!
Profile Image for Marsha.
3,047 reviews55 followers
November 19, 2015
After reading the first book in the Lost Library series and finding it moderately entertaining, "Spirited Legacy's" lack luster installment made it hard to want to finish it. So what went wrong? There is little to no action, the characters are mediocre, the relationship between the two main characters has no sizzle or passion and this book in a word was 'boring.'

I was truly hoping that the author would put a little sizzle in this second book, instead the 'newly' form love affair between John and Lizzie is like watching paint dry. Ugh! I really hate it when a book has remarkable potential but doesn't live up to it because the author just won't takes the necessary risks to make it really good. Despite the fact that I have a three book set, I will not be going on with the series.The lack luster performance of this second book has sealed the deal for me!
97 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2018
Difficult to get into.

Never able to get into any type of plot. I don't know what the story is about other than a 38 year old woman acting like she is 15. What the heck, it's great to have friends to depend on that you can tell your most intimate secrets to. Yet can't they be adult secrets? Not 15 year old love struck teenager baloney. 6 chapters and nothing. Quite boring. Really a ware wolf in charge of the "Pack".
Profile Image for Leiah Cooper.
751 reviews94 followers
July 8, 2014
The library, with its Daedalian labyrinth, mysterious hush, and faintly ominous aroma of knowledge . . . – P. J. O’Rourke

I understood right from the start that every set of library doors were the sort of magic portals that lead to other lands. My God, right within reach there were dinosaurs and planets and presidents and girl detectives! – Deb Caletti

When I first met Lizzy in Lost Library, the first in Kate Baray’s wonderful Urban Fantasy Romance series, I was, in a word, charmed. As I said in my review, Lizzy is much like me – She works at home, rarely sees even her own clients, and has a terrific best friend, Kenna. She just never sees herself as anyone who is brave or anyone who could be spectacular in any way.

Of course, in the manner of all things, Lizzy’s comfortable little world blows up in her face when a seemingly ancient book shows up on her doorstep. Well, she supposes it could be a book. If it weren’t blank, that is. And when a hotty McHotterson of a werewolf shows up on her front porch looking for the book, well, all thoughts of safe, calm comfortable Lizzy are blasted right out of the metaphorical water.

Now, in Kate’s second book, Spirited Legacy, both Lizzy and her Alpha werewolf (Boyfriend? Mate? Pack Member? Maybe?) John are back in Prague, ensconced in the Library, drawn there once again by Harrington, Director of the Inter-Pack Policing Cooperative, or IPPC. Just as friendly as ever, if you find controlling stuffed-shirts to be amenable, Harrington has called Lizzy back to the Library to continue her work on translations of the magical books found within. But to a much more serious purpose than simple research. For at the end of LL Sarah, Lizzy’s co-kidnapped from the first book, was injured, severely, saving Lizzy’s life. And the only way to save Sarah’s life may be to find a cure within the Library itself. And the fact that Harrington, a top caster, has offered to mentor Lizzy, is yet another encouragement.

Come, come, time calls our close complots to action.
Go, Proximus, with winged speed flie hence,
Hye thee to Wales: salute great Vortiger
With these our letters; bid the king to arms,
tell him we have new friends, more forces landed
In Norfolk and Northumberland; bid him
Make haste to meet us; if he keep his word,
Wee’l part the realm between us. – Ostorius, The Birth of Merlin, or, the Childe Hath Found His Father, ACT III SCENE V – Ascribed to William Rowley, and occasionally (most likely spuriously) to William Shakespeare

Of course, life isn’t getting any easier for Lizzy than it has been since the happenings in LL. Even the resident ghost is throwing rocks at Lizzy’s head – literally!

I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I *do*! The Cowardly Lion, The Wizard of Oz, 1939

After injuring the evil Zach Worth, soul sucker extraordinaire, at the end of the last book, Lizzy and her compatriots don’t know if he is still even alive – but all bets are on that he is – and that he has something even more evil up his sleeve than anyone ever imagined. What is a poor Caster to do? Is it not bad enough that John slipped in a, “Oh, BTW, you are my mate now and Female Alpha of my Pack and also BTW, my Pack hates you, even though they have never met you?” smack upside her head? Oy.

The previous cast of characters are all present-and-accounted-for, and we get to meet some awesome new characters, like Harry, Sarah’s healer (Yes, yes, “Harry the Healer.” Well, at least he thinks it is funny.) Oh, and did I mention the dragons?!

Kate’s writing remains crisp, her character development spot-on, and the intensity in this book keeps the reader enthralled from first page to last. There is a bit more relationship building between Lizzy and John, her Alpha boyfriend who is trying to pull his pack out of the Dark Ages in terms of their view of the world. John is one of the more interesting Alpha characters on the scene today. Much like Kate Daniels’ Curran, John comes off at first as all macho-macho man, and yet, if you look closer, there is a great deal of compassion and understanding underneath all that drool-worthy body and drive to protect. Independent Lizzy is having a heck of a time managing the transition from Totally Independent Lizzy to part of a couple, and John is having a hard time learning that sometimes being the full-time protector isn’t the right way to go. But they are getting there, and again, this is one of the more interesting couples that I have read in Urban Fantasy recently.

I highly recommend both books in the series, and would suggest that you grab a copy of Lost Library and read it now. And don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway to win a copy of Spirited Legacy. If you can wait that long, that is. Once I ended LL, I couldn’t wait to start SL!!

I received an ARC of Spirited Legacy from the author, Kate Baray. This fact does not influence my reviews of either book.
Profile Image for Giovana (laBOOK'S Blog).
153 reviews4 followers
July 10, 2014
This review was originally posted at Corazones Literarios... I recived this book from the author in exchange for a honest review...

This was an excited read. I just could control my emotions reading it. Was wonderful, funny, and trapped since the beginning.

Spirited Legacy is the second book of the Lost Library Series, continuous the story of Lizzie and John. Lizzie finally awakes her magic and is trying to work with it; John, after his absent from the pack territory, is trying to set the thing down in it. But an impromptus call put their world upside down again. Lizzie is offering to work in the newly discovered Lost Library, but the fact that the job is in Prague, and that she has to leave John behind, put a dark cloud above her head. Now she has to figuring out if her magic is more important than love and if she is willing the risk to lose her true love for it.

Lizzie never had bothered me too much. At the previous book I thought I didn’t would like her but then she owns me. She was kind, lovely and such a good person always helping people. In this second book is amazing how we can see the developing of her character and how much she has grown up from the first book. She’s a complete new persona, still kind and charming but with courage and definitely, more strong.

But she never left her sense of humor and her crazy thoughts. I laugh out loud so much with her occurrence; she was funny, lightly and, as I always had said, positives. She doesn’t let that circumstance bring her down, doesn’t matter how badly it is. Always fighting for something good. That’s something remarkable.

John, well, I love John. We starting this novel with John in not good move with Lizzie, but even at then, he’s still concern about her and try his very best to not upset her more. Always make me laugh, when he said: “What did I do?” He’d spend most of the novel try to be understanding to her. But I also felt really sorry for him with all he had to spend through just to be with her. And you know, he said it himself: he’s an Alfa male, he can’t help himself. So, when he pumps up all the overpossessive manners, I was not really angry about it.

So, I was like frustrating with all Lizzie’s mood swings about their relationship. It was like I want to scream: girl he’s there for you! Control yourself, for Goddes sake! And particularly about this back and forward emotions, I think that Ms. Baray purposely made us think that maybe she could be pregnant. Because there are few things Lizzie said but if you’re not paying much attention, you’re going to miss it. And you’ll be like: Really? When? What? But, I’m not going to say if she is or not, you need to read this book.

About the plot, I like very much the mind of Kate in this book. Seriously, she brings lot of emotion through her pages; you never get bored because every word keeps you guessing what’s going to happen next. I like very much how she mixed all the magic’s elements into her book; she is creating a wonderful new world of paranormal alliance. But almost as I love Europe, I would like to see more about American magic community. So I just can’t wait for read about the Texas Pack and all it secrets at the upcoming books.

However, as for the Pack Book, I wasn’t concern because I was totally caught by Lizzie’s story so that wasn’t very important at the moment. But absolutely I would love to know more about the Lycan’s world and their rules.

Overall, this book was like seen a movie. Funny as hell, catching since the first page. If you like kick ass hero, a strong, taken risk heroine, lot of magic and book spells, grey and black wolf and an intriguing mystery, I can’t recommend this book enough. Worth every time you’ll spend with it.
Profile Image for My Secret Book Spot.
662 reviews23 followers
January 9, 2017
“Spirited Legacy (Lost Library #2)” by Kate Baray
5 out of 5 stars

Lizzie, John, and company are back in action in this second installment of the Lost Library series. So many changes are happening in Lizzie’s life a little too quickly for her liking. In an effort to slow things down she takes a temporary internship at the newly discovered Lost Library. Unfortunately, trouble seems to follow her wherever she goes and this adventure is no exception. Will she find the strength to defeat her enemies before she loses everything she has come to love?

I have to start with the pacing of this book. It is perfect. I felt like I was on a thrill ride, a roller coaster that was moving along at just the right speed. Even though the story moves quickly I never felt like I couldn’t keep up, nor did I want to put the book down to get off the ride. Baray’s plot gets more in depth with this second outing and she has excelled at never overwhelming you or losing you in the process of adding new information. I was really impressed at the balance she found between the pacing and the plot development.

Lizzie continues to endear herself to me. Throughout the process of discovering her magic and testing her limits, she maintains her fighting spirit and never lets her frustrations hold her back. She’s a risk taker but only when it comes to others safety and isn’t afraid to look her enemies in the eye. I have a huge amount of respect for her character and the author who continues to mold and shape her.

John is patience personified. He truly is the perfect match for Lizzie in every way. I love how he seems to be able to anticipate her every move and isn’t afraid to let her be who she is. He’s not emasculated by her strength; rather he seems to appreciate the beauty in it. He’s not pushy, letting her reach her own conclusions. Their chemistry and their bond continue to grow by leaps and bounds. I love that Baray is focusing on the emotional side of their relationship instead of the physical. It’s much harder to write a love story that doesn’t rely on constant sex and I applaud her for doing just that.

The addition of more characters continues to grow the world that Baray has created. Each one is well thought out and adds something to the story. I enjoyed seeing ones from the first book return as well as getting to know all the new ones. I can’t wait to read the next chapter in this epic journey and I’m putting Baray on my author watch list. You won’t be disappointed with this one!!

*I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Shannon, My Secret Book Spot
Profile Image for Reads & Reviews.
678 reviews15 followers
July 18, 2014
This review can also be read at www.readsandreviews.com

Kate Baray knocks it out of the park once again with Spirited Legacy, book two of the Lost Library series. Our heroine, Lizzie Smith, is back, unwittingly mated to her boyfriend—and Lycan Alpha—John Braxton. She’s been offered a dream job: cataloging the magical Lost Library. Despite just recently being held prisoner there and barely defeating her enemy, Zach Worth, Lizzie is anxious to return, pushing her fear of facing him again to the back of her mind.

In spite of commitments to his pack, John chooses to accompany Lizzie on her trip to Prague. He leaves behind a disgruntled group of Lycan who are questioning his choice of mate (who they’ve yet to meet) and choices that do not seem in the best interest of the pack. While concerned, John has no doubt that Lizzie will always be his first priority. On the other hand, Lizzie is confused by her newfound status as Alpha Mate despite her love for John and afraid of losing her independence.
Once the couple arrives in Prague it doesn’t take long for Lizzie to find herself face to face with danger and adventure. Unbeknownst to her, a ghost (Matylda) is occupying the Library and this spirit is ready to share important information with Lizzie, both magical, and to Lizzie’s surprise, ancestral. Matylda reveals secrets that kick-starts Spirited Legacy, as Lizzie learns how powerful she really is and what those powers mean.

Just as with Lost Library, Baray introduces what could be an overwhelming amount of information. Instead, she takes a page from J.K. Rowling, allowing us to experience all the wonders of this new world with Lizzie, learning as she does rather than being told by the author. This personalizes the story, making the reader a part of it and not an outsider looking in.

Spirited Legacy is teeming with magical creatures and adventure. Baray continues to wave her wand, cleverly putting into place the pieces of her supernatural world. We’re introduced to dragons and ghosts, the revelation of new magical powers, the increased authority of the IPPC, the Inter-Pack Policing Cooperative, and delightful new characters overflowing in depth and personality. As this group of people with their individual talents grow, we see a team developing, where each plays a role leading to the defeat of the enemy. Yet, in spite of all the adventure and hijinks, original characters and new danger, Lizzie and John remain at the heart of Spirited Legacy. This book is a journey for them as they define their relationship and what each is willing to sacrifice in order to make it work.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for JC82.
161 reviews5 followers
July 7, 2014
Book 2 in the Spirited Legacy saga takes place right after the traumatic experience that Lizzie has gone through. Suddenly full of seeping uncontrollable magic and the mate to a werewolf Alpha, Lizzie’s life has gone from your average run of the mill normal to downright unbelievable. With the politics of her new mate’s pack Lizzie has no idea what she has gotten herself into and soon before she can even figure it out she gets the opportunity of her “new” life. A chance to intern with one of the best Spellcasters in Europe and unlimited access once again to the Kovar Library; infamous for its collection of magic books. Without hesitation Lizzie is on a plane to learn all she can to control and use her magic, with a worrisome and ridiculous hot Alpha wolf right behind her. As she gets closer to figuring out the power she holds inside, she faces more dangers, and unlocks more of mysteries that surround the evil just waiting to consume her.

Kate Baray once again takes us on this journey that is Lizzie’s development, in this book we see Lizzie gain even more strength and self-confidence. We see her relationship with John become that of an equal and the limit of her power stretch beyond what we thought was even possible. I love how Baray adds more lore and legend to this book. We meet a new cast of magical characters and are introduced to familiar legends with a new dark twist. Nothing is what it seems in the Lost Library. What you thought you knew about the supernatural and mythical will take on new form in this book and leave you with a whole new perspective. I love how the characters in this series interact with each other. I immediately fell in love with Harry, a new healer added to this mixed group of magical fighters. His wit and sarcasm kept me on my toes and I enjoyed every minute of it.

This series so far gets better with each book, I love the combination of old and new supernatural creatures; the combination of players that make up this team of magical awesomeness and how there are several storylines taking place within the series all woven together in a neat package for the reader to enjoy without being confused. I love Lizzie and how she is not remotely portrayed as a helpless damsel who needs saving. She is equal in every way to her counterparts and can hold her own the same or sometimes better. I’m looking forward to seeing more in this series and I hope Baray continues to write about the trials and adventures of Lizzie, John and the rest of the Spirited Legacy cast.
Profile Image for Kylie Harrison (The Reading Cow).
194 reviews49 followers
September 26, 2014
In all honesty, I was in a ‘book funk’ when I started my ARC of Spirited Legacy. No matter what book I picked up and started, I just couldn’t concentrate on it. Due to my book mood, I started this book at a slow pace – it was holding my attention, and I was invested in reading it, but I was reading small amounts at a time. A chapter here and there. It doesn’t help when ‘real life’ gets in the way either. Once I hit around the 35% mark, my book funk was completely gone! I was totally engrossed in yet another Lizzie adventure.

In Spirited Legacy, the second installment of the Lost Library series, Lizzy finds herself returning to Prague after accepting an internship at the Library from Harrington. John, being the protective alpha male that he is, goes with Lizzy to fulfill a Library security role while they are there.

"Why was it he only ever felt any sense of inadequacy or inability when it came to Lizzy? Protecting and caring for her was a full-time job. In the short time he’s known her, she’d been a walking magnet for magical mayhem."

In the true Lizzy style that I came to love in Lost Library, trouble always seems to find her. Things never go smoothly when Lizzy is involved, and this is the case in Spirited Legacy.

All the main characters from the first book return in this installment, plus we get to meet a few new ones. ‘Harry the Healer’ (Harrington’s nephew), Matylda the ghost and the dragons!

"“Dragon Clan?” She was like a puppy with a butterfly, except her shiny, fluttery distraction had green scales and played with fire. Maybe. No, she wasn’t skimping on that mental image. Definitely flames. And horns. Definitely horns. Okay, the green scales were negotiable. Ooooh. Purple dragon."

I enjoyed seeing Lizzy’s character grow and mature even more throughout the course of this book. She is extremely open minded when it comes to learning about her magic and what she has the capability to achieve with it.

Once again, Kate Baray’s writing style is extremely captivating. With Lizzy’s humorous and occasionally indecisive inner thoughts, Spirited Legacy was another enjoyable read from this author. I can’t wait for the next installment of the Lost Library series. I’m eager to find out what is in store for the characters that I have grown to love.

I received an ARC as part of the blog tour in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Eye Candy Bookstore.
571 reviews123 followers
September 17, 2014
Upon receiving a offer she can't refuse Lizzie is granted a internship at the Lost Library. Its a home to hundreds of magical books. Lizzie always had a love for books. The person that runs the library makes the deal even more endearing by offering to help as her mentor of magic. What is she to do but say yes. But there are unanswered questions about her affair with her new boss and her haunting past..Not to mention her arch enemy.

Can she take on the new job and learn the ropes of spell casting and save her her with her new love all the while she is trying to get away from her enemy. She's about to find out.

Join her as she forges through magical adventure after another with her friend.

This book was a very enjoyable read....

Reviewed by: Eye Candy Bookstore

Profile Image for Laurie.
616 reviews132 followers
July 25, 2014
After devouring the first book in this series, I dived right into this one. For me, this one surpassed its predecessor with even more thrills and chills. John Braxton has almost won Lizzie’s heart, but she is angry with him for leaving out and glossing over a few pertinent points about their relationship. Accepting an internship overseas for a few weeks gives her a chance to sort out her turbulent thoughts – or so she believes. John tries to give Lizzie a little space but is also determined to protect her at any cost. Soon the pair is embroiled in more adventures; trying to help their comatose friend while evading the clutches of her persistent arch-enemy.

This book was given to me in exchange for my honest review.

Reviewed by Laurie-J
9 reviews2 followers
July 12, 2014
Fun, great plot/pace, Lovable characters

I had such an enjoyable time with this book. Honestly I couldn't put it down but didn't want it to end. The plot is easy to follow and engaging. The pace was just right to give me details without any slow or boring parts. It also feels very believable, even though the magic and fantasy are the focus. As a normally non-fantasy reader, I am enjoying this series much more than expected. Kate does a remarkable job of bringing the characters to life, and I'm still thinking about them well beyond the end of the book. I sure hope the next book will be released soon...I can't wait to find out what will happen to Lizzie next!!
Profile Image for Heather Webb.
5 reviews
August 17, 2014
Spirited Legacy covers all the paranormal romance bases. Seriously, pretty much every basic mythical group is covered. I enjoyed the first book in the series, Lost Library, but I really could see the writer has gained experience and maybe a little confidence, and not only did I enjoy the plot more, I felt the book flowed better. The conversation and characters seemed more natural than the first book, which is saying a lot, with the characters and subject matter. ;)
I'm still thinking of all the secrets Lizzy discovered and patiently waiting for the next installment.

** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for liirogue.
588 reviews4 followers
July 22, 2015
A unique plot and interesting characters make this for a quick, enjoyable read. I particularly enjoyed the conflict between the main characters - I thought it was realistic. The heroine is a modern woman, used to making her own decisions. The hero is a werewolf accustomed to getting his way. I like how the author went beyond the usual romance trope. It's hard for these two characters to find middle ground on their expectations and they don't lose their personalities in the process. All too often authors turn their "strong female lead" into a simpering twit that suddenly enjoys doing exactly as she's told, and Baray does an excellent job avoiding this.
Profile Image for Debbie.
133 reviews14 followers
April 21, 2015
Thankfully I was able to get into this book even though I didn't read book 1. I accidentally downloaded the sample instead of the book:( I love the mix of personalities and characters. The story is fun and entertaining and I can't wait to start reading book 3 and 4. The main character, Lizzie, seems to be a magnet for trouble while trying to get use to applying magic and being the mate to a Lycan. I love the Dragons!! Looking forward to reading more about them- there seems to be a love story brewing there. This is my kind of book with magic, Lycans, Dragons, and a ghost.
Profile Image for Andy.
164 reviews7 followers
August 2, 2014
Okay, better than the first book. I might continue reading the rest of the series when it comes out. It peaks my curiosity, even as I find Lizzie becoming too whiny and immature (what is with a 36 year old, independent, self employed woman wanting to stamp her foot in frustration like a sulky child?) and the plot too predictable (seriously, how many times can the same character get kidnapped in two books?).
Profile Image for Ehlane.
23 reviews
October 20, 2014
A great follow up to book one, Spirited Legacy delves into the magical world that Lizzie is just discovering. I loved learning more about the mythology of this world and its characters and watching Lizzie and John's relationship start to develop. Lots of action and magic makes for a very entertaining read!
Profile Image for S.R..
Author 9 books16 followers
November 5, 2014
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a really solid, entertaining follow-up to the first book. These books are a quick and engaging read, the characters are fun, and I love all of the creative world-building.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
319 reviews59 followers
May 10, 2015
I read this in a bit less than 2 hours, after immediately buying it for my kindle after finishing the 1st book. I am hooked and couldn't wait or be rational or anything similar. So I devoured this in less than 2 hours and loved it!
2,098 reviews28 followers
November 12, 2020
This dropped a star compared to book 1. It's kinda a mix of some 4 star plot points (still) but some 2 star pacing and 1+ star heroine antics. I'm splitting the difference at 3 stars.

Still very interesting world-building, with some unique takes on some SPN/PN standards. I really like how Baray reinterpreted the ghosts and the Vampyr legends here. The pacing struggled as a result, because there was lots of dissertation to explain what was going on magically, and the steps of spell casting were repeated a lot. Less action, more research and extra explanations - it doesn't make for thrilling reading at times. Makes it much more a "middle book" feeling - 1st book introduces everything, 2nd develops them, 3rd or 4th bring things to a climax. This was very much 2nd book. But overall, it's interesting and I'm curious to see where she's going with things. Yes, I want to continue the series.

So where did things go wrong?

Lizzie. Oh Lord, Lizzie. She wasn't bad in book 1 (other than a serious penchant for getting kidnapped), but the other characters which had been fun to watch in book 1 (Kenna, John and his friends) became side notes or nonexistent here. It was really all about Lizzie, and that wasn't a good thing. She's whiny and immature and sulky and passive aggressive, and peaks in some serious TSTL action. Yes, things have been chaotically rearranged in her life and the world as she knows it, but her reaction is ridiculous. She's 36, not 13!! I was seriously about to scream at her at times. Show a little sense and/or maturity - at this point, I'd take either!

And she drags down other plot points. I like her and John - don't get me wrong. But when she's refusing to talk to him about any/everything going on (which, yes, they had some legitimate points to address) and just pouts instead, it's passive aggressive and doesn't do much either for her perceived maturity or the plot/romance. She's hypocritical about who's making decisions about what. She's taking all her insecurity about the massive changes in her life over the past few weeks out on John (who BTW is being super patient), even though he wasn't responsible for any of them. Basically she was mad at him through the whole book, before finally realizing that 'he's worth talking to, to sort things out between them.' *facepalm*

Plus, how many times can the same person be kidnapped? In, like, a month?? It goes back to the TSTL moments.

Some errors to catch. A few minor continuity things, some typos and grammar mistakes. Not so bad it pulls you out of the book, but still there.

Also, quibbly side note again. While I like the look of these covers, that's not Lizzie - where's the curly hair?? If that's "curly" according to the cover designer, I've got some Crazy Morning Hair to show them.

3rd person narration is mostly from Lizzie this time - much less from John or other characters. Still no cheating, OW/OM drama, or love triangles. Very patient H and erratic, immature h - not a good balance. The romance is "clean-ish" - the characters are having lots of very active sex (when she isn't in a snit) but it's all off camera. Cliffhangers on several points here - like I said, very much a "mid-series" book feel to it.
Profile Image for Jennifer Hill.
514 reviews
October 1, 2018
Enjoyable quick read, really interesting seeing Lizzie learning more about her magic and as her position as John's mate. I really liked the interactions between the two of them, felt pretty realistic. I was slightly annoyed by what I feel is an inconsistent timeline...it's only been a few weeks since she met John (from what I can tell), and in the first book she said it had been 2 months since she received the book before she met him.; but at one point she says she had the book for years. So I'm just a little confused on the timeline of everything-but not enough that I would stop reading. I'm still interested in how everything will turn out.
Profile Image for Sheila Walker.
431 reviews1 follower
February 24, 2019
Not just magic but special clever magic

I really enjoyed this continuing story however Lizzy does annoy me she’s a dither gets bored too quickly and is not sensible she committed to John then held back she give herself up to rescue her friend who as inexperienced as her would do that any way that’s the down side of this book. John is loyal over and beyond but he’s ignoring his pack not good for an Alpha Harrington I feel is taking advantage, it was great the introduction of dead member of her long lost family who is teaching her more about her magic than anyone else up to now, I recommend this book as a continuum from the first and I am looking forward to book 3
Profile Image for Carole.
1,461 reviews17 followers
January 2, 2018
This book was hard for me to rate - some parts were 4 star as story was at times engaging with clever dialogue and there was an exploration of interesting gifts of several people and an introduction of fun new characters. However too many TSTL actions on Lizzie's part was frustrating and I really, really did not like how pissy she was with her partner John for most of the book. She was very immature projecting blame on him around her life feeling out of control - he showed unbelievable patience with her hypocrisy around unilateral decision-making in their relationship. It drove me crazy as she became more unlikeable for me in this second volume. Overall rating 2.5 Stars

Note: Red Flag warning again for physical violence against heroine and yup she gets kidnapped again!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bernadette Hutton.
415 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2018
More of

Really enjoyed this book. She us still as head strong, not thinking her actions through and reminds me of a petulant teenager at times. Hes the male alpha and boy does it show. Wanting to take charge and control. Both begin to learn to work together. A continuation from the first book. Lots of new characters and interest to read about.
Although looking at the bio for the next book it looks like everyone is magic but does not know.
Profile Image for Diana Gagliardi Gagliardi.
597 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2019
A Ghost of a chance

Inherited magic? Who knew, not Lizzie for sure. It all started with a magical book, led to meeting a lycan, working for a magical peacekeeping organization, being mated, kidnapped three times....what's a girl to do? When she is tutored by a ghost, Lizzie decides to go with th flow, but the flow turns into a flood. Life is changing for Lizzie so hop onboard for a ride.
644 reviews
February 27, 2023
I was anxious to read this book since I gave the previous book (Lost Library) 4 stars. Unfortunately, this book did not live up to my expectations. It started out extremely slow and boring (so much so that I was tempted to stop reading) but I continued on since the previous book was so good. It did improve marginally, enough so that I finished reading. Again, much more telling than showing, and Lizzie was too much of a ditz.
Profile Image for Kitty.
889 reviews19 followers
June 17, 2017
This one didn't quite live up to my expectations. It was still a good book... just not as good as the first one. In the first book, Lizzie is just learning about who (or what) she is, so you expect her to be a little undecided about things. In this second installment, I think I was just ready for her to be a bit more settled. I do want to read the next one, though.
458 reviews3 followers
December 17, 2018
2nd in the series has magic user Lizzie and lycan John in Prague. This time we add dragons and a ghost to the mix! And the evil spell caster reappears. Lizzie and John have no time of their on as they try to find a cure for a magical coma, stop the bad guy and try to figure out magical books. Lizzie is still very new to the magical world and her relationship with John.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews

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