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Stalking Jack the Ripper #3.5

Becoming the Dark Prince

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In this irresistibly-priced short story, catch a glimpse of the inner struggles and triumphs that drive Stalking Jack the Ripper's endearing but troubled hero.

Enigmatic, brooding, and darkly handsome, Thomas Cresswell has always been the one mystery Audrey Rose has never been able to fully solve. As brilliant partners in crime investigation, they understand each other perfectly...but as young lovers, their passionate natures have led to both euphoria and heartbreak throughout the Stalking Jack the Ripper series.

This novella features a collection of scenes that takes place during and after the pair's horrifying Atlantic voyage in Escaping From Houdini. Experience new and familiar scenes from Thomas's unique point of view, including an intensely personal look into his plea for Audrey Rose's hand in marriage.

With a romance for the ages, Audrey Rose and Thomas reach the conclusion to their epic, irresistible partnership in their final adventure, Capturing the Devil.

64 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 15, 2019

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About the author

Kerri Maniscalco

28 books33.6k followers
I'm mostly on instagram--where I'm always ready to talk fictional crushes and nerd out over books. (Okay, okay. And I've also been known to share snippets and teasers from my upcoming novels, if you're into that sort of thing...) Please feel free to chat with me there @KerriManiscalco. I love talking with fellow readers!

Kerri Maniscalco grew up in a semi-haunted house outside NYC where her fascination with gothic settings began. In her spare time she reads everything she can get her hands on, cooks all kinds of food with her family and friends, and drinks entirely too much tea while discussing life’s finer points with her cats.

She is the #1 NYT and USA Today bestselling author of the STALKING JACK THE RIPPER quartet, the KINGDOM OF THE WICKED trilogy, and her forthcoming adult debut, THRONE OF THE FALLEN, set within the KINGDOM OF THE WICKED universe. Two other un-named titles will also be set within the KOTW world and will follow two different princes.

For more information, visit Kerri online:

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,226 reviews
Profile Image for ♛ may.
823 reviews4,370 followers
July 16, 2019
this short novella did the greatest thing and confirmed that thomas cresswell is in fact, a tall boi (6'1 / 186cm), and now i can live a happy life
Profile Image for Kerri.
Author 28 books33.6k followers
June 6, 2019
cover reveal, exact publishing date and synopsis will all be happening in the next week or two! hope you enjoy this look into Thomas's POV!
Profile Image for diana.
135 reviews466 followers
March 17, 2023
god created men and then kerri maniscalco created thomas cresswell as an apology
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
738 reviews1,201 followers
August 8, 2019
I simply adore this series!!! I loved this novella,we got to see what happened when Audrey rose was stabbed and got insight into Thomas's thoughts,fears and his deep feelings for Audrey rose. Thomas has always had a fire,but he has always tried to keep his emotions in check,but we see that his feelings for Audrey are intense. Theirs is a true love match and seeing them both finally letting their guards down with each other was fabulous. Can't wait for the next book in this series!!! Until next time luv's 💖💋
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,168 reviews3,304 followers
August 13, 2024
4.5 stars

Can we get too much of Thomas? The only acceptable answer is : NO.
Ok, I admit that I am very biased when it comes to Thomas Cresswell, but he’s such a sweetheart. I want to marry him. 💙

“You stay here with me, Wadsworth.” I clutched her hand. “I will follow you beyond death and drag you back if I must.”

This short novella shows us what happens in Thomas’ head at the end of Escaping Houdini, when Audrey-Rose gets stabbed, and at the beginning of Capturing the Devil, when they are spending time at Audrey-Rose’s grandmother’s house to let her recover. It was nice to have a Thomas’ POV (at last!), and while there was no new information or big revelation in this novella, I ADORED it.

I sighed and held a hand out. “Give me the wig. I’ll show you both how it’s done.”
Audrey Rose straightened, eyes narrowing. “You sing? Since when?”
Since never. But I was willing to give it a go if it would make her laugh so freely again. I shrugged. “I am a man of many talents and mysteries, Wadsworth. Please try to not look so surprised. It’s rather detrimental to my fragile ego.”
Fifteen minutes later, Liza had me sitting on a piano bench, clad in the powdered wig with pink bows and fake birds, crimson lips, and a painted mole on my left cheek. I hadn’t even had an opportunity to dazzle Wadsworth with my singing ability before she collapsed in a fit of laughter.

I missed Thomas’ humor and sweet side, and I laughed out loud a few times thanks to him. He’s the sweetest (actually, he manages to be sexy and a sweetheart at the same time), I wanted to hug him when he decided to put on a wig and sing to make Audrey-Rose laugh, or when he was trying to write to her father to formally ask him if he could court his daughter.

Dear Lord Wadsworth, esteemed Baron of Somerset,

I write to you under great duress. I cannot seem to properly ask to formally court your daughter and ought to be put out of my misery at once. Please send a vicious brood of vampire bats to dispatch me at your earliest convenience. It would clearly be an improvement over this letter…

Your daughter’s hopeful yet stupid suitor, Thomas

Keep in mind that I am very biased though before you start this novella. 😅

1. Stalking Jack the Ripper ⭐⭐⭐⭐
1.5 Meeting Thomas Cresswell ⭐⭐⭐⭐
2. Hunting Prince Dracula ⭐⭐⭐.5
3. Escaping from Houdini ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

Artwork by Gabriella Bujdoso, because she makes the best and most gorgeous Thomas and Audrey-Rose pieces.

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Profile Image for toointofiction.
289 reviews393 followers
December 29, 2023
If she asked me to, I’d unleash every one of my desires, pleasuring her in a way that would let her know precisely how much I cherished her.

Not that anyone isn't aware of this already, but Thomas Cresswell is the most wonderful fictional human being in existence. No one deserves him, even Audrey Rose, and he should be worshiped like the Dark God he is. This novella repaired a lot of the damage the last book caused. I am wholly back on team AudreyxThomas (I don't know their ship name) and I almost forgive her for what she's done.

Other than that, I loved Thomas's point of view during and after Escaping from Houdini. There's something so special about rereading (parts of) the story from the love interest's narrative and I will never get tired of it. Besides, the setup for the next book is impeccable.

Thomas Cresswell supremacy
Profile Image for Cassie.
377 reviews69 followers
September 12, 2019
Just a PSA, but I will die for Thomas. He is the sweetest, most respectful, kind hearted, selfless, gentleman I have ever had the pleasure of reading about.

Everyone, take notes and be more like Mr. Thomas Cresswell.
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.5k followers
August 31, 2019
Meh. This felt unnecessary and like a way to earn an extra $.99 from readers, but this could be due to the fact that I read this directly after finishing Escaping from Houdini, which added a super repetitive element to the mix. But Thomas Cresswell is life, so 3 STARS it is.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,643 reviews440 followers
October 16, 2021

Este es un pequeño regalo para todas las enamoradas de este inteligente, coqueto, oscuro y apuesto hombre.

Este relato no aporta nada nuevo a la historia de hecho no tiene una trama como tal solo complementa y despeja dudas sobre algunas cosas del tercer libro.
Porque está narrado por él, porque conocemos más a profundidad sus sentimientos de celos, venganza, toda esa oscuridad que el trata de que no salga, sus inseguridades, la manera en que no se siente digno pero sobre todo la intensidad con la que ama a Audrey Rose QUE NO SE LO MERECE, él es demasiado bueno para ella.

Tiene escenas muy tiernas en la pareja y otras acaloradas poquito steamy, aunque son solo besos pero que BESOS y uno que otro toque por aquí y por allá.

Aunque es un libro innecesario para la trama, más no para mi alma LO NECESITABA.
Profile Image for Ashley.
847 reviews597 followers
October 25, 2020
Star Rating: —> 5 Stars !

I really, REALLY loved this. It was just a super fun read. I had been missing Mr. Cresswell & Audrey Rose.

This glimpse into his point of view is wonderful. You see all of the passion he hides, and it is... nothing short of amazing to be able to experience that.
Any Stalking Jack the Ripper series fans- READ! ❤️
Profile Image for Alana.
773 reviews1,432 followers
July 17, 2019
"The price of love doesn't come cheaply. But the cost is worth it."

Rating: 2.5/5 stars

Welp, add this to the list of all the novellas that have let me down. I pretty much knew going into this that I wasn't going to walk away feeling anything other than....nothing. Because that's just it, novellas literally do nothing for me. I don't really care about reading the same part of a prior book from a different characters point of view, even if it is Thomas Cresswell. And even though this did have a few events that will bridge the gap from book three to book four, I just don't care.

Let's start off with the inevitable of why I wouldn't like this. In my opinion, Escaping From Houdini has been the weakest book in the series so far. If you're curious as to my thoughts on that you can check it out HERE. I was less than thrilled to know that I was going to have to return to this hellish book and relive Audrey Rose being a complete trash bag. To read it from Thomas' POV made it hurt even more, but it still really didn't hold my attention because of how weak book three was.

Now, we know that Thomas is the wittiest boy on the block and we know that he wants Audrey to love him for him and doesn't want to pressure her into anything. He wants to worship her mind, her soul, and then her body. Blah, blah, blah. We get it, but this book repeats it a thousand times. I will admit that I am probably the least romantic person you will ever meet, so this could be a pretty unpopular opinion, however, Thomas' monologues about how much he loves Audrey Rose just weren't working for me. And some of the things he said out loud made me cringe so hard I could barely stand it.

For example:

Thomas: "I want our passion to ignite the world around us, making even the stars jealous."

And for my last gripe with this one and a minor spoiler coming your way if you haven't read book three... the whole "dark prince" just wasn't working for me. I mean I would hope if you saw the one you loved almost get murdered in front of you you would feel some type of way and want to hurt whoever or whatever hurt said loved one. So Thomas' "bloodlust" he felt after watching Audrey Rose almost die from a knife wound seems like a pretty normal reaction. I mean, I know if I would have witnessed that I probably wouldn't writing this because I'd be in jail. Just sayin'.

All I can say at this point is I seriously hope book four doesn't let me down.

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Profile Image for Stacee.
2,930 reviews748 followers
July 15, 2019
82 pages is not nearly enough Thomas POV, but I loved the scenes we got. Especially with what happens in Houdini — getting his side of things definitely made me a bit happier.

I could read these two forever and I can’t wait to binge reread the entire series.
Profile Image for Lara.
169 reviews55 followers
March 23, 2020
kjdashkjdhaskjda I just love Thomas Creswell so much and his love for Audrey Rose is adorable. This novella is exactly what I needed in the anticipation of the upcoming fourth book :)
Profile Image for gabrielle .
187 reviews147 followers
March 26, 2023
I love Thomas Cresswell, and that’s a fact. I enjoyed seeing him grapple with his past and work against the insecurities that have manifested from them. I even liked seeing how he viewed Audrey, even if I don’t like her anymore. But he deserved so much more than this shit novella.

This felt like a story solely comprised to make up for the pointless drama drummed up in Escaping from Houdini. I loathed the way it attempted to cover up the whole love triangle mess. Audrey’s feelings for Mephistopheles weren’t real because he was manipulating her, but then she turns around to claim that she was aware Mephisto was playing games but went along with them to work the case which completely negates the previous excuse, so I just don’t understand.

Then it’s claimed that Audrey’s cheating strengthened their relationship because it means she chose Thomas rather than settled for him. Good lord. Thomas, dear, Audrey should not have to traipse around with another man to know that she truly loves you. You deserve better.

My reviews for:

Stalking Jack the Ripper Series
Book 1: Stalking Jack the Ripper – ★★★☆☆
Book 2: Hunting Prince Dracula – ★★★★☆
Book 3: Escaping from Houdini – ★☆☆☆☆
Book 3.5: Becoming the Dark Prince – ★★☆☆☆
Profile Image for Aida-Bianca Groza.
382 reviews186 followers
November 14, 2021
Nu sunt fană a nuvelelor, dar aceasta a fost extrem de drăguță și de utilă, având în vedere acțiunile…tumultoase…din volumul 3.🤣
Spre deosebire de nuvela 1.5, acesteia chiar i-am găsit utilitatea.❤️
Perspectiva lui Thomas a fost perfectă, încă o dovadă că e un scumpiceeeel.🥰
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,932 reviews6,122 followers
October 29, 2023
#1: Stalking Jack the Ripper ★★★★★
#2: Hunting Prince Dracula ★★★★★
#3: Escaping From Houdini ★★★★★
#3.5: Becoming the Dark Prince ★★★★★
#4: Capturing the Devil ★★★★★

I write to you under great duress. I cannot seem to properly ask to formally court your daughter and ought to be put out of my misery at once. Please send a vicious brood of vampire bats to dispatch me at your earliest convenience. It would clearly be an improvement over this letter…

I love Thomas so much. ♥

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Profile Image for sam.
411 reviews745 followers
July 31, 2019
all it took was this one novella and now I can’t wait to get back into reading. honestly this almost made me cry. almost. I love you Thomas Cresswell 🖤
Profile Image for Morgan.
135 reviews161 followers
July 16, 2019
Thomas Cresswell is by far one of the best characters out there. He deserves the whole series to himself, Audrey Rose who?
Profile Image for kashel.
186 reviews231 followers
January 22, 2022
Now where can I get myself a Thomas fucking Cresswell
Profile Image for Lori (on hiatus, life is crazy busy)).
443 reviews149 followers
December 28, 2021
I love this series ❤
This was a short novella that gives the reader an insight to Thomas's thought, feelings and internal struggles. It also tells us what happened to Audrey after she was stabbed. A must read before you read the final book in this series.
Profile Image for Mindy (Book Snitch).
725 reviews225 followers
July 28, 2019

Great short story to get us by until the next book. I normally dont like reading the same story from a different point of view, but this was done really well and didnt feel like a repeat.


Plus... its Thomas Cresswell. ❤️ Enough said!

Oh and one last thing... If you haven't read this series yet, what the heck are you waiting for? SOO GOOD!
Profile Image for Deepika.
136 reviews183 followers
June 2, 2020
3.5 stars*

Thomas James Dorin Cresswell gives me some serious heart eyes.
But also, this was just 64 pages of Thomas being insecure about his relationship with Audrey.
So that is that.
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