Rusty Best never expected The One to be his total opposite: an older, inexperienced, shy geek with two left feet. Swoon.
Rusty: I’ve taught plenty of wedding parties to dance in my brothers’ family business, but this father of the bride stopped me in my tracks. He wants my help getting better at being gay, so he doesn’t embarrass his daughter. How can I say no?
From the moment I put my hands on him, our friendship is raring to turn into more. But can I get those shy eyes to see how I feel about him in time for the big night?
Tom: I want everything to go perfectly for my daughter this week, even if she is marrying the jerk of a Walker kid. After all, I spent two decades raising her before her mother and I split up. She and my ex-wife keep telling me to start my new life, but I felt like I missed my chance to fit into the gay world. Until I take one look at the dance instructor and find myself wanting to move in ways I’ve never tried before.
But I’m the wrong side of 40 for the outgoing, touchy-feely, redheaded man who sweeps me off my feet. How can I ever keep up with him—while keeping my eye on the jerk my daughter’s about to marry?
The Best Men, Inc. trilogy (Best Laid Plans, Best Foot Forward, and Best Served Hot) are low-angst, high-shenanigans stories about the craziest wedding of the summer! No cheating or love triangles, and everyone who deserves a happy ending will get one. Each book follows a different brother so they can all stand alone, or be read in any order. RSVP now to join the fun!
So um. This didn't work for me. I liked Rusty and Tom. They were great. I was rooting for them. I really wanted their HEA. And they got it. So that's good. Sure, the story was filled with every cliché you expect of a romance book. And sure there was some questionable cheesy scenes that even I thought was over the top. But they got their HEA. If that was all this would have been a three star read. Sadly it's not all.
The author loves her paragraphs.
New .
Okay I might be a bit overly dramatic, but almost. You get the picture.
Best Foot Forward continues The Best Men, Inc. trilogy with this second book in the series. I feel the books do work best read in order. In Best Laid Plans, we saw glimpse of Tom and Rusty, but the entire wedding plot is laid out in that book and I feel it works best to have all the background before starting here.
The books in this series are extremely high on the insta-love scale and this one may have been a little too much for me. Tom is new to the gay dating world. He married Beth’s mother when she became pregnant and they stayed together to raise Beth. Now, Tom is available to find the man of his dreams, but he has no idea how to do that. Tom is a good guy and has low self-esteem and came off as meek during the entire book. He’s in his early 40s and he’s so concerned about snide comments from Beth fiancé, Jason, and Jason’s friends that he’s afraid to date. One look at Rusty, though, has Tom having all kinds of thoughts.
While I liked this story well enough, there were a few things that didn’t work for me.
Rusty was too forgiving. Tom did something that left him in tears. He should have been forced to grovel a bit. He didn't deserve to be forgiven as quickly as he was.
Tom was determined to be the ‘cool, gay dad’ to Beth. Those exact words are used so many times. When it was said it was usually with a comment or two about Tom’s age.
Okay, Tom was 43, not 83. This entire book made it sound like 43 is ancient and it showed him as being a bit clueless about technology.
Tom was an IT specialist. I’m doubting very seriously that he would’ve been that clueless in the real world.
Now the winking. There’s an awful lot of winking happening in this book – as in, over 30 if I counted correctly. A wink here and there is okay. Over 30 times, not so much.
There’s also a lot of over the top stereotypical behavior. I get where the author was going with it but it had me rolling my eyes more often than not.
I did like seeing the wedding preparations happening from the father of the bride’s point of view. I was able to see more interactions with Tom and Jason, one of which I was seriously cheering Tom on for. The ending was nice enough, as was a quick epilogue that takes place 6 months or so down the road.
Like in the first book, this is total insta-love. Unlike in the first book with Dill and Griff, it didn't really work for me with Tom and Rusty.
I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was looking forward to reading this one. I really like the writing style. It's fun and had great flow, easy and enjoyable to read. This translated into a great story for Tom and Rusty. Tom is the father of the bride and Rusty is their dance teacher. Tom has a few struggles with being out around the obnoxious family of the groom being so new to the gay world. A sweet, fun insta love story
Best Foot Forward is the second book in this series, and it while it did take me longer to connect with this couple, the intense smut scenes and bedroom talk helped make up for it!
I like how this author is telling the story of the same week again, just with a focus on a different couple. It was interesting to see the same events from the viewpoints of other characters, and she wrote it in such a way as it still felt new!
This book also relies on insta-love, and I mean, deep soulmate love within five days of meeting, but I just tell my jaded heart to be quiet and enjoy the over the top cheesy, but still engaging story.
This is a quick, cheesy romance, enjoyed with a bubble bath and glass of wine.
Thank you Gay Romance Reviews for this ebook arc in exchange for an honest review.
Best Foot Forward is the second installment in the Best Men Inc. trilogy, named after the Best Men, Inc. business owned by the Best brothers. The focus of this story is Rusty Best, who is a dance instructor with the family biz, and his relationship with Tom, the Father-of-the-Bride who, in his devotion to his daughter and dedication to have everything about her wedding be perfect, has signed up to take dance lessons from Rusty. Let’s just say that's not the only thing Rusty ends up teaching him.
This is a May/December age-gap romance without the “Daddy” element, but it’s role-reversed in that Tom, the 40+ sexy FOTB who was married for 20 years and then divorced, is a “gay virgin” in every respect and needs to learn and trust in himself as a gay man and in a M/M relationship. The younger 20+ year old Rusty is the teacher here, the one with the experience and the confidence and who drives the relationship. It’s a refreshing switch-up within the usual gay awakening trope.
This book is an interconnected stand-alone; you don’t have to read the first book to read this one (I read this one first), although the experience will be richer if you read them in sequence. What I really enjoyed was the concurrent timelines. The storyline here takes place at the same time as the story from Book 1, but it focuses on a different couple so you see the same events from new vantage points.
I did find that the relationship developed more rapidly than I expected, likely because I wasn’t expecting insta-love, especially with an older, gay virgin as ½ of the couple. If you enjoy insta-love stories, then you’ll like this; but if you don’t, you may struggle with the whole suspension of disbelief thing. The MCs are very likeable, and the romance is fun, low-angst, and just really sweet, and there are some interesting twists and turns in the storyline that keep you engaged (pun intended). Definitely a great quick read if you are looking for something fluffy and “feel-good”.
Slow-burn M/M romance: nerdy Tom, a gay virgin and Rusty, former twink on the prowl This was a touching story of two entirely different men who find one another at just the right time. Tom had been happily married to his ex-wife for their daughter’s sake for two decades. They divorced to allow each of them to have a real life. Chrissy his ex-wife remarried and Tom gets along splendidly with both. But Tom has never really dipped his toe in the gay scene. He’s self-conscious because he’s a gay virgin at 43yo. Beth, Tom’s beloved daughter is getting married to someone Tom dislikes but for her, he’ll forgive the groom’s transgressions. For the wedding, Tom is taking dance lessons so he won’t show off his natural clumsy side. Boy! When he lays eyes on the red-headed dancer in his short-shorts and tight T…well, something else gets tight ;-) Rusty is at the point in his 27 years to want a real relationship, not those he found on a dim dance floor. Whether gay or straight, beautiful quote: Rusty is thinking, “Until I’d touched him, I’d never realized how powerful it was to know that the other half of you lived in someone else.” This is typical of Ms. Dawn’s writing in this book. The characters are wonderfully unique, the plot uniquely wonderful and the ending…Whoa! For a slow-burn romance it steams up considerably at the end. WHAT AN ENDING…chapters 16 to the end. There will be huge surprises, lots of steam with lots of dancing. Now that this couple have gotten their HEA, I’ll need to read the other two books, characters having been mentioned in this book already. I volunteered to review an ARC of this book through Gay Romance Reviews and it comes highly recommended. I give it 4.5 slow-burn but flaming stars. Note: to my followers, I have more LGBTQ reviews lately b/c the plots are more diverse and unique than most straight romance. Just saying…
From the start, Best Foot Forward screams fun! The second book in Zoe Dawn's Best Men Inc series, it is fabulous. It is easily read as a standalone, but it's even more delightful if you've read Best Laid Plans first. Although, from the author's notes, there will be a third book and they can all be read in any order. Basically - just read them all. You won't regret it.
I love this book. The tone, the characters, the flirting. Everything about it is fantastic. There's dancing, wedding prep, and an intriguing age gap. Tom and Rusty are complete opposites, not only in different stages in their lives, but also with their experience, interests and attitude.
I adore that Rusty immediately feels like taking the older Tom under his wing. He feels protective and jealous, creating an exciting start to their sweet relationship. These two men ooze sexiness and want. And there are first times that are awesome.
As for the wedding, once again, I love it all. It's entertaining, despite being on the super crazy side. I adore the fact that the two books both discuss the same wedding, but from different points of view.
The writing style is exactly my taste. Written in alternating first person pov, the characters fully come to life and worm their way into the reader's heart. And of course there are plenty of secondary characters to enjoy, as they fall in love, and fall into the craziness around them.
Best Foot Forward is an absolute re-read for me. This Zoe Dawn book made me smile, laugh, and swoon. It's sweet and will leave you satisfied throughout. I can't wait for the next book in this Best Men Inc series.
If you read the first book in this series, you will have already met Tom and Rusty. In the first book we were given a glimpse of their romance, and I am so pleased that they got their own full fledged story. Tom and Rusty are total opposites in terms of age and interests. Tom is a 40 something divorced father who is finally able to live life as a gay man. Whereas Rusty, who is in his late 20’s, is a out and proud gay man. Tom is in IT. Rusty is a dancer. Tom’s daughter Beth is getting married and Rusty is the choreographer in charge of the teaching them their father and daughter dance.
Neither of them were expecting this pull of attraction upon meeting each other, but it’s not something they can deny. They may different in some regards, but they both want more than just a casual relationship. Rusty intends on being Tom’s “gay fairy godmother” and introduce him to the ways of what it means to be comfortably who he is. Yet, through all that teaching and dancing, the two men fall in love.
Yes, it’s almost definitely insta love, but it’s done in a way that I can fully appreciate their relationship. It makes sense that they fall so hard for each other in relatively short period of time. It simply makes sense. Because of Rusty, Tom learns that he doesn’t have to be afraid or worried about fitting in or ruining his daughter’s big day by openly showing his love for Rusty, and Rusty learns to trust Tom.
I enjoyed Tom and Rusty’s story, and I think you will too.
I love that all of the books in this series take place during the same week of the same wedding but from different perspectives. It's really interesting to see how so many different things can happen to the people involved with others not being aware of it. Tom is so adorable in his innocence, just wanting to be the best dad he can for Beth and not embarrass her in front of her future in-laws. He never imagined meeting and falling for a younger man such as Rusty. It's sweet how both men dream of having a relationship and future with The One regardless of their age gap and experience differences. Rusty has a great impact on Tom as they initially connect through dance, bringing them together firstly to help Tom and Beth learn their father daughter dance and then later on in the club. Self confidence is boosted and a whole other side to Tom is able to emerge as their feelings quickly develop into so much more but he has to be strong enough to stand up and be himself in front of everyone, not just those he knows and loves. This is a lovely second book in the Best Men Inc series, full of love, fun, family and learning about yourself. Overall I did prefer book one but I still really enjoyed getting to read Tom and Rusty get their HEA that was teased in book one. Loved getting to read more of the Best family as well, so supportive of each other with a lot of love to go round. I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.
Blend ingredients together. BEST served on the dance floor. (Recipe can be made without the groom, if you prefer a sweeter dish) *************************************
Oh man, the week leading up to the wedding was just as fun from Rusty and Tom’s POV as it was Griff and Dill’s! I really enjoy how this series is playing out. By now, we know the events, but it’s still different from another perspective. I adored Tom and Rusty. Their relationship was instalove, emotionally, but a bit of a slow burn, physically. Truth be told, I kind of liked that about it. It gave it a more realistic vibe, and a fresh approach. I appreciate how Zoe Dawn decided to order these books. Even though, they could have been written in any order, it just makes sense to have Dill go first. He is the ringleader. In some aspects, you could probably read these in any order, but there are some scenes, regarding Beth and Jason, that are more detailed in book one than they were in this book. That aside, they overlap. I can’t wait to see how Zoe has written Blaze’s story in book 3!
***I voluntarily accepted an ARC from Gay Romance Reviews. My review reflects my own thoughts and opinions***
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book 2 in the Best Men Inc series, and runs a parallel timeline to book one, so you don't NEED to have read book one, Best Laid Plans, but I would advise you to. I really enjoyed that book.
This one, not so much.
What I liked in book one, doesn't work for me here, and I have no idea why.
Taking place over the same time period, the relationship between Rusty and Tom moves at speed, FAR too fast for my liking, especially as Tom is a newly outed older man, who has had no sexual contact with a man before. Emotions are bandied about FAR too soon, as well.
I did enjoy the differences between Rusty and Dill, his brother in book one. Again, the family are very acceptng of Tom, even though he is older than Rusty.
Its a good book, but not one that I enjoyed as much as book one.
I do look forward to the final book in the series, though.
Rusty helps the family business through his dance studio. Whenever there is a need for dance lessons in the party planning that his brother does, he provides it. He is happy with his life but at 27 years old, he wants a serious relationship, but hadn’t found one man willing to commit.
At 43 years old, Tom can now openly live his life as a gay man. But he doesn’t really know how. His ex-wife and daughter urges him to go out and date, but he thinks it is a bit late already. He has put his life on hold so that he could raise his daughter with his wife then.
Meeting each other through his daughter’s upcoming wedding and him needing lessons for their father-daughter dance was momentuous for Tom. Mutual attraction sparks. It started with dance lessons which develops into friendship and so much more! A love story with age gap, family love and support, and really sweet, sexy dance moves. Loving it!
I loved Tom and Rusty's story. You first meet these two in book one Best Laid Plans, which focused on Dill and Griff. Seeing Tom struggle to figure out who is as a person and also the father of the bride was a beautiful story. Rusty really shines as the dance instructor who decides he wants to be with Tom and help him figure out "how to be the cool gay dad." Turns out, he just had to relax and embrace himself. It doesn't hurt that he gets to put that future groom in his place. A wonderful book. I can't wait to see the next duo involved in this story. It was very interesting to see the same story but from a different point of view. I don't think I have ever read a set of books that was written that way. It was an interesting surprise. I recommend it. I did read an ARC of this book.
4 ½ stars Best Foot Forward is a good continuation of the Best Men, Inc. series. As in the first book, the secondary characters are well placed and supportive of the storyline. The unlikable characters are just as easy to hate from this perspective as they instigate angst and unrest with their evil plotting. This romance is fast, as in the first book, but I am still satisfied with the believability the author infuses into the pages. Sometimes a couple knows what is there. The age gap is handled without too much fanfare, and I like that. These characters complement each other, and numbers are, therefore, unimportant to me. Tom and Rusty are a lovely couple who navigate this new situation with humor, passion, and hope. Their romance is believable and HEA pleasing. I look forward to more from this author.
This is such a sweet, low angst, medium heat age gap romance. There is 16 years between Rusty, the dance instructor and Tom, the father of the bride. Both of these characters are so very likeable. Rusty is the proverbial ray of sunshine and Tom is a shy, insecure, cute and sometimes oblivious nerd. I loved watching his transformation into the cool gay Dad that he always wanted to be. The instant chemistry between them is kept to a slow burn so don’t expect fortuitous steamy scenes but there is lots of dancing! Another enjoyable read in this series and I’m looking forward to the next instalment.
Book two in this series and it is just as good! Centered around the same time frame, a wedding, as the first book, but we see it from other characters perspective. The author tries make it readable as a stand alone but it really does go tons better if you read book one first. This is a fantastic series so far and I have my pre-order for the third and final book, can't wait. This is a lovely setting, brothers working together in a wedding planning company, but dealing with the family from hell, which shows up more so in book one, I really urge you to read that one first, you won't be disappointed. Cheers to this author, great writing.
This really is one of the craziest weddings and I have loved reading every minute of it so far. It's quite a fun experience reading about the same overarching storyline but from different perspectives. Definitely not boring at all! Like the first, this instalment is full of fun shenanigans, humour, and family drama, and also comes with an adorable, low-angst, opposites-attract romance. Although Rusty and Tom are total opposites, they quickly become totally smitten with each other. Rusty is a younger, out and proud dancer, and Tom is a shy, older IT geek. Both characters are impossible not to like, and they'll have you rooting for their HEA right from the beginning.
I didn't think it was possible to like this one more than the first one but Tom melted my heart. I loved his quirky shyness and watching him become confident in himself was heartwarming. I loved Tom and Rusty together because Rusty was perfect for drawing out Tom's true self. I loved how the bedroom scenes grew steadily hotter as Tom grew more confident. I liked being able to see another side of this wedding from hell and it was refreshing to see more of Beth at her strongest. I can't wait to sink my teeth into the next one and see this wedding from Blaze's side. I definitely recommend this one.
I loved this book unconditionally! It will go on the list of about 6-8 that I pull out when I need a feel good re-read. The characters of Tom and Rusty were just perfect. Tom has finally come out, but not really entered the gay dating/social scene in any way. Rusty is out and proud and has to try to figure out how to get Tom out of his shell. The secondary characters were great and I was delighted to see that Tom's ex-wife was not set up as the villain or bitter as can often be the case. The plot with Tom's future son-in-law gave extra vinegar to the story. I loved the characters, I loved the pacing and I adored the HEA as set up.
Three and a half stars for this first time gay story. This is a may/december read, which is sweet and romantic. I enjoyed both Rusty and Tom together, although Tom did annoy me near the end of the story. I just wanted to smack him on the upside of his head !
Still, another nice romance from this series, I enjoyed seeing Tom coming into his own, helped by Rusty who was a delightful character. Tom did redeem himself, so I forgave him his misdemeanour, 😉, and I have to say I did enjoy the ending. Nicely written, lovely story to cheer you up in these miserable times.
Zoe Dawn did it again. This is the second book in the Best Men Inc series, and she did an amazing job of telling Tom & Rusty's story. All the events take place during the same time frame as book 1, so the secondary characters and general idea of it being the week before a wedding are the same for each book. Zoe did a great job of letting us see a little of the other books without giving anything away. I feel as if it doesn't really make a difference which order you read them in. I can't wait for book 3!
I received an advanced copy and voluntarily gave my honest review.
Rusty is the dance instructor that teaches the wedding party. He teaches Tom and his daughter to dance the daddy/daughter dance for her upcoming wedding. As soon as he puts his hands-on Tom, he knows he wants him. Tom is the bride’s father. Tom is shy, recently divorced and newly out. But he thinks he is too old for Rusty. They start spending time together and realize age really isn’t an issue. Loved it!!! I am voluntarily leaving a review form an ARC that I received. My reviews are solely based on my thoughts and opinions.
This was a really unique book...lots of plot twists, great humor, and a May/December romance. Along with a novice learning how to be gay. He had a great teacher though, just in time for his daughter's wedding. And it certainly is a memorable one!
There are moment when you want to loan a little of your back bone to several in the story, but in the end they find their own and make everyone around them proud...well most of them anyway.
The Best family is great so enjoy the series. I certainly am.
Cue the flirty, fun dance teacher and the awkward father-of-the-bride. Their entire "courting" was nothing but fun and sweet giggling for me. I just wanted to hold Tom and love him. He was so shy and unsure of himself, his perception of himself was so far off of how Rusty viewed him.
Rusty was not only the sweetest, but he tried so hard to make Tom feel like he mattered.
Seriously, their entire story was full of swoon.
A great read and I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.
Tom never saw himself. He saw an over the hill forty something, gay virgin, geek. He couldnt see what a younger man would want with him.
Rusty was done with hook ups, and wanted love and to settle down. He saw his future in Tom, a man whose family could walk on water as far a he was concerned. He put his family first, exactly like the best family.
There were numerous times I could have shaken Tom. But it was a sweet read
This was a sweet story between outgoing Rusty, and Tom, who is learning his way in the world tentatively. Rusty is the man who is going to teach Tom how to dance for his daughter's upcoming wedding. The spark between the two men runs deeper than surface attraction and as the two men spend time together, Rusty helps bring out Tom's assertive side. I enjoyed getting to know both men, but I loved Tom's character arc. A great read!!
This is the second book in a trilogy where three brothers all find love in the same week of an insane wedding. Tom is the shy father of the bride, Rusty is the extrovert dance instructor, that show opposites most definitely attract. I found this to be a book about courage, while being light hearted, an escape which was a delight to read. Really enjoyable, now waiting to read the final book.
This takes place during the same week that Best Laid Plans did, but focused on Tom and Rusty's story. We got a glimpse of them in that book, but I liked seeing their story unfold. It was fun to see the characters I already knew from a different perspective. As for Tom and Rusty, there was little angst with insta-love, and it was great to see Tom come into his own. The secondary characters in Tom's life were great.
I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC provided by Gay Romance Reviews
This story was totally cute. Rusty was such a sassy little thing. I loved how confident he was. I was really happy he didn't let the crazy wedding party get to him. Tom was an absolute adorable man! I love reading about nerdy guys that are so sweet. Tom made me swoon with how sweet and clumsy he was. This book happens at the same time as the first, so you don't really need to read book 1 first. If you like ready about sweet, shy, clumsy nerdy types finding love, then this is a book for you