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Pining for the Pr...
Jennie is currently reading
by Rebecca Cohen (Goodreads Author)
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Bound & Boarded
Jennie is currently reading
by Victoria Vallo (Goodreads Author)
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Seized & Seduced
Jennie is currently reading
by Victoria Vallo (Goodreads Author)
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20149 M/M Romance — 35777 members — last activity 0 minutes ago
The #1 resource on the Internet for M/M Romance fans, this group has something for everyone. * Book and Series Discussions * Daily Updates on New Rel ...more
996010 Super Gay Blanket Fort — 250 members — last activity Aug 02, 2020 09:09PM
Group for anyone who reads, writes, or otherwise enjoys gay romance. Created and moderated by Kate Hawthorne, EM Denning, and JR Gray.
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