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The Antiheroes #1

The Antiheroes

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The world needed heroes...It got them instead.

A swordsman past his prime who has vowed to never wield a blade again.

A mage who’d rather throw fists than fireballs and thinks magic is for sissies.

An assassin who grows sick at the sight of blood.

And a man with a pet squirrel he believes to be an ancient god from long ago.

An evil has risen in the land, one that, if not dealt with, threatens to start a war which would include the god themselves. To counter it, the realm must call on its greatest heroes, its most courageous adventurers. Unfortunately, those great heroes, those brave adventurers, are all busy—being dead mostly.

So it is left to Dannen Ateran, known in his youth as the Bloody Butcher but, more recently as the passed-out drunk at the table in the corner, to lead his companions against an army of the dead.

They are not heroes.

But perhaps they just might do.

The Antiheroes is the first book in a new epic fantasy series by bestselling author Jacob Peppers. It is a tale of fast-paced action, swordfights, magic, and humor. Think you can't laugh at undead armies and battles of life and death? Come find out.

340 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 19, 2020

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About the author

Jacob Peppers

40 books350 followers

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13 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Barefoot Gypsy Jimerson.
689 reviews49 followers
December 8, 2020
You got to read this!!!!

His back!!!! Jacob Peppers has wrote another outstanding read. Filled with alot of adventure an laughs. Now we have 4 out of place Antiheroes that have there own crazy problems, are on a mission from God to stop the dead from rising.
That's the jest if it, cause I'm not giving anything else away you have to read the book. Damn fine job Jacob. This was alot of fun to read.
Profile Image for ShannaBanana✨.
546 reviews38 followers
February 12, 2023
Holy crap! This was so different than most books I’ve read and it’s great. The humor and sarcasm is right at the forefront but we also get the seriousness, fear and insecurities each of the characters have as well. I really hope that the others stop calling Tesler names after us, the readers learned of his past and that it really does hurt and affect him. Other than that, I’m ready to start the next and hopefully finally see the God, Pan again.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for LJ.
429 reviews38 followers
November 30, 2020
Enjoyed this clever, well written story about Antiheroes...

Jacob Peppers writes a thoroughly convincing book one about a mismatched group of people that I absolutely want to learn more about. There is some much needed sage advice given, hard lessons learned, and some strong character development contained with vivid world building in this, book one of a promising series. I look forward to reading book two and more asap. Thank you Jacob Peppers, well done.
Profile Image for Michelle.
260 reviews42 followers
June 29, 2021
A group of misfits with questionable abilities trying to save the world was a unique concept for me.
The elaborate world-building, bits of humor, and non-stop adventures were well-written. Some of the characters had backstories that helped understand their behavior and personalities.
Even the secondary characters had important roles to play rather than merely existing.

The book was fast-paced and action-packed. The only thing that bothered me was the initial part of their encounter with Welves. It was disgusting and I had to skim through those parts lest I start throwing up. But the second half of that encounter was great, and I was actually hoping people would look past the physical ugliness of the welves and accept them.

The reason I'm only giving it 3 stars is that though there were a lot of good things in the book, I found it difficult to get sucked into it completely. Usually, when I read a book, I imagine myself in the place of my favorite female character, but with only two women in the book who weren't around most of the time, it became a little difficult to connect to it.

The book ended on a cliffhanger, but it was still great. I'm hoping the next book pulls me in and the adventures get even better.
Profile Image for J.D. Evans.
Author 5 books771 followers
July 3, 2021
This one took me a little while to get into, a bit of a slow start, but around the 20-25% mark I was really engaged. It's very funny, lots of great digs at Fantasy tropes and highlighting what it would be like to be past the prime of being a "hero". Aching back and fatalistic attitude and all. The Welves were my favorite part.
By the time I got to the end I was pretty convinced this was either a story inspired by a DnD crew, or would make The Best DnD cast of characters ever.
Profile Image for ian duggan.
34 reviews
January 24, 2021
Good start to a new series. Loved the previous series so had high hopes for this one.

Took the time to set up and explain the main character very well and didn’t rush the story at all.

Can’t wait for the next instalment.

Great read.
Profile Image for Gareth Otton.
Author 6 books118 followers
March 6, 2022
This book just scrapes its way into getting 4 stars, mainly because I can't bring myself to give it anything less. For the most part it is well written, the characters felt real, the world building was interesting, and the pacing was quite good. However, there was one thing that is just holding me back from loving this; a lack of investment.

The main cause of this problem is a lack of character motivation. That's not to say that the character motivation isn't there, but rather that it isn't as engaging as it needs to be to keep me hooked in the story. As the protagonist and his allies are assembling in order to go on an impossible mission, I was left wondering why why they were doing so beyond what was on the surface level.

There are hints at deeper character motivations that somewhat reminds me of the characters in the novels of David Gemmell. Aging heroes pass their time who are pulled into events that they should probably leave to younger adventurers, and the younger adventurers with promise but who are naive to the ways of the world. These are the kind of things the great characters are made of, but unlike David Gemmell who was a master at writing characters, there's something about the character work here that just stops those traits from fully blooming to where they need to be.

This results in characters that are not quite finished baking and aren't ready to be served to the reader. Without that vital element, this story about anti-heroes who don't really have a reason to be invested in this mission fails to invest me in that mission as well.

Maybe the protagonist could be trying to make up for a lifetime of dark deeds and wants to leave the world knowing he did at least one good thing. Maybe his giant friend who had been little more than slave to his immediate desires all his life realises that he has squandered his best years without anything to show for it and he is fighting for that one last chance at meaning. Maybe the young assassin is looking to prove herself to the people who wrote her off in the past because of her inability to do her job thanks to a quirk of nature. Maybe the young druid is trying to prove the world that he is not as mad as everyone thinks he is, and maybe he can finally connect with other people and end a lonely existence.

These are traits that the writer in me wants to project on these characters as I believe the foundation has been laid. However, other than some small hints at that character direction, there's no real commitment and therefore the story felt a little flat.

I'm hoping the next book gives me more of those character moments because I think that will elevate this story to the next level and will truly get me hooked in the series.

** UPDATE **

After reading the next book in this series, I can confirm the author does deliver on developing these characters to become people I cared far more strongly about, and the story was much more rewarding as a result. Therefore I am no longer hesitant in offering a recommendation for this series as I think it's well worth a read.
Profile Image for Alyssia Cooke.
1,287 reviews37 followers
August 27, 2021
An entertaining and witty tale about a bunch of misfits on a mission to save the world... except that random things keep coming between them and their goal at every twist and turn. You can't think of a bunch of individuals less likely to save the world than a swordsman who refuses to wield a sword, a mage who thinks magic is for sissies, an assassin who can't stand the sight of blood and a madman who talks to his pet Goddess squirrel... but that's what the world is left with.

This book kept me smiling from beginning to end and whilst it took me a long time to read it, that was down to personal circumstances rather than any fault of the novel itself. I thought the characterisations and relationship building on display here was particularly brilliant; for all (or perhaps because of) the characters flaws and faults (and believe me, they have a few!), they absolutely leap off the page at you. But it doesn't fall into the trap of being funny at the expense of feeling real; whilst there are many, many moments to make you giggle here, the characters also felt completely real. Each of these characters has a tale to tell and a unique history that really adds to the character building.

Having picked this up as a comedy fantasy read, I was at least half expecting that the world building wouldn't really be up to scratch, taking second fiddle to the humour element of the novel. I was impressed to discover that this wasn't the case at all. There's a fascinating world to discover here, full of both the typical fantasy fare and some more unique elements that I haven't seen before. I really enjoyed the glances at different areas politics and issues that came with the novel... and how our gang of misfits find themselves dealing with said complications.

My only complaint of the novel is that it felt a little bit like a series of side quests in a video game. The group of supposed heroes find themselves dealing with one complication after another and didn't really get very far on their actual quest. It's like me playing a large RPG game when I get distracted by the shiny side quests and interesting back stories and find myself at level 40 before I've actually started on the main narrative. The novel is entertaining as hell though, so this wasn't a huge complaint rather than a minor niggle.
18 reviews
February 12, 2022
I'm sorry but I was promised a funny adventure, but I found it predictable and a rehash of ideas already in print, as for laugh out loud funny, nope, nary a chuckle or a grin.
Profile Image for Leigh W.
203 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2024
Dannen Ateran's day just keeps getting stranger. After he wakes up in an alley from a drunken bar fight that he can't remember and running from the local authorities, Dannen finally meets someone - well something - that he has never met before, a god. His first reaction is to laugh, he is a washed up hero with too many ghosts following him, what god would want to task him with a quest? Well, turns out he isn't the first choice let alone the 5th or 6th one, closer to being around their 100th. But he figures Death is catching up with him anyway, may as well go out in one last blaze of doing the right thing. The quest comes with conditions though, he has to find some specific people to join him on this adventure. The names and skills seem okay at first but when he sees a certain mage's name he has second thoughts. Cause if anyone can create a bigger mess than The Bloody Butcher it's Fedder Firemaker. Fedder is a talented mage that thinks magic is for sissies and rather use his fists in a fight. They also need to find an assassin with a unique quirk and a druid who apparently can also speak with animals. Dannen can already feel his headache starting.

I love a good found family trope and love some good quirky humor. This has a great set up with all those things. However, for me this just didn't quite hit the humor mark I was wanting. It felt more heavy on the regret and seeing Dannen move through some of his darker self-reflections and learning some growth. Which I am all for but I was expecting more humor mixed in. I was also let down on another aspect that would be a spoiler so I won't go too much into that here. Fedder's blunt and directness was fun and created some interesting comic relief in stressful situations. I enjoyed the character of Tesler and wished he got a bit more time, maybe in the next books.
14 reviews
April 28, 2022
This was abyssmal, I don't even know why I continued to the end.
Writing is terrible.
Loong winded metaphors, which the protagonist is even able to contemplate while stumbling.
Every situation is *the worst ever* for the protagonist even though he's an somewhat elderly barbarian (at least he has the ability to beserk, but apparently only if mocked while being drunk and not in lifethreatening situations)
A scene where a "world class" assassin fails to notice an elderly wizard taking a nightly p*ss close by.
Our protagonist sleeping through a man getting his face punched in mere yards away and then in the next chapter being a "light sleeper" who awakens at someone being knocked unconcious in another room.
Contradicting the story: Looking at a monsters huge claws. Then having it rear and ... reveal its claws.
A tribe not understanding our (anti)heroes language until a point has to be made, and everyone listens i rapt attention.
A person seeming to be in mortal danger of falling 10 feet into (admittedly shitty) water and just crawling up out of it, because there is no longer a 10 feet drop?!
... and it goes on and on and on...
The plot itself is like a DnD campaign for imbeciles - If you haven't read ALL other books in the Fantasy section, do yourself a favour and look somewhere else.
Profile Image for Terri Jones.
2,637 reviews53 followers
August 10, 2021
This could have been an above-average part one of a series, but, alas, there was a glaring failure to edit out repetition and overly-wordy scenes in the second half. That ended my interest in continuing the story. I have a very low tolerance for excess verbiage. But it's even lower when the excess tells me something over and over and over. And over. Dannen gets very repetitious, having been failed by his author and editor.

I like the idea of this story, and most of the execution of it in the first half of the book. But then a character gets an entire and VERY wordy scene, literally for no reason other than a small character note about Fedder that never comes up again, and should have, and, come to think of it, makes keeping that scene a major flaw considering what happens later. Another character's point is repeated, at length, within the same scene. (That's when I started skimming.) A boring travel is dwelt upon for no good reason, and it's a wonder I finished this rather than abandoning it.

Maybe it gets better. I'll never know.
Profile Image for J.P. Burnison.
Author 5 books34 followers
July 30, 2022
Jacob Peppers did a phenomenal job mixing in humor into fantasy. I love flawed characters, and those character flaws really shine throughout the story. Especially Fedder - The Fire Mage who thinks magic is for sissies, chef's kiss! There were so many moments that the book had me chuckling or in full blown laughter.

My only two complaints are personal. The first is that the book is 360ish pages on my phone in kindle, and those pages are broken into 11 chapters. This kept me from finding good break points where I felt comfortable putting the book down, even when I had too and they drug on for it. The second issue I had was that when we got a POV from one of the other characters that wasn't Dannen, it was at the end of the book. I get why for the vast majority, but I would have preferred either getting more POVs earlier, or just sticking with Dannen.

Those two complaints are solely mine. Others might not see the issues there, but there you have it. Overall, though, a *VERY* enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,344 reviews324 followers
October 30, 2024
**writing this as an overall series review**

You can't not love this!

If you've read Jacob Peppers before, you know you can't have a bad book with him. It's usually either an amazing series or a decent one.

This goes in the first category, at least for me.

I love underdogs and characters who seem to have no chance. I adore character growth and evolution, especially when done so well.

This was a fun, fast-paced, funny adventure between people who don't really seem to fit but end up being an amazing team. You see them going through so many adventures together and so many problems and they always come out on the other side, well... If not better, at least having learned something.

This series made me laugh out loud and cry my ugly cry. It made me fall in love with the characters and the plot and find out, once again, why I love this author.

It's definitely a series that's worth a chance.
270 reviews5 followers
July 7, 2021

Having read all of Jacob Peppers books, this one definitely has a different flavour to it. A team of four on a mission given to Dannen by the messenger of the Gods, Perandius. Dannen sets out to find his new companions, and the obstacles that are in their way are plenty. A ragged bunch of misfits picked after many others have failed. Many laugh out loud moments. Love the characters. Dannen aka Butcher a retired swordsman that no longer wields a sword is sarcastic and hilarious. Fetter aka Firemaker, funny, huge, quick-tempered. Marana assassin, young doesn't think before she speaks or does she? Apparently, is learning to scowl like a pro. Tesler a man that seems to be crazy according to Dannen. And a squirrel that chats to Tesler. Eagerly looking forward to the next book.
81 reviews2 followers
December 9, 2020
As always a great book!

The story line is unique and fun. A very different view of heroes who are well, anti heroes. Jacob if your reading this, I gotta tell you I saved done quotes that I thought insightful.

Quote 1
If there is any skill at which men excel, he thought, it is in telling ourselves the world is how we want it to be. But the world is and can only be the way it is.

Quote 2
He was too busy thinking of Clare, and of all the wrong a man could do without ever meaning it. He always set out to do good—or at least to do nothing at all—but it seemed he always ended up doing bad anyway.

Any plans for audible? I tend to read too fast.
Profile Image for Helen Garraway.
Author 15 books292 followers
June 13, 2021
A fun read, at times laugh out loud as Dannen's thoughts are as ribald as they are true. A well written book, with plenty of descriptive world building and mystical peoples that live within it. A couple of squeamish moments that made me go eugh, but trouble and action follow wherever Dannen goes.

This is the first book in an epic fantasy series, so don't expect the story to be all wrapped up neatly because it won't be! And don't be fooled by there only being twelve chapters, they are loooong chapters! Overall an enjoyable read, and I will be looking out for next installment when it arrives.
Profile Image for Darcy.
1,995 reviews22 followers
July 21, 2021
What A Fabulous Story!!!!!!

While normally this is a story I would pick up, it sounded very intriguing. Who doesn’t love a good laugh with a lot of action? Well, the story was slow for me starting out. But, it did pick up for me about halfway through. The beginning felt like we were learning about Dannen and what made him tick. I absolutely love Fedder as he absolutely made me laugh with his antics. Dannen started to grow on me as well as he has a strong sense of honor. The story was well written and has me very intrigued as to what is going to happen next as it ended in such a great cliffhanger. It is definitely a great story to read.
1,086 reviews2 followers
July 24, 2021
Dannon a man who avoids trouble can't seem to avoid it. The trip from tavern to meeting with the god Perandius who exits from a closet in a brothel and on to the land of the gods where Dannon is given his mission is hilarious. This mission is to gather three people to go on a quest save the northern kingdom from the most powerful necromancer ever, a warrior without equal, the living dead and to break a curse has many very humorous spots.There is also wisdom buried in this story in which he must find three others to accompany him on this quest which leads to book two, 'Don't Feed the Trolls' .
I totally enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Vancil C. Thomas.
64 reviews
June 27, 2021
#1Review The Antiheroes by Jacob Peppers
330 pages ( June Group Read )
7 points

As the title suggests, the characters brought forth through the story really do not want to be heroes, but…. And this is where I would need to give a spoiler alert IF I were to continue with details concerning the plots in the story! Let’s leave it this - the story, and the afore mentioned characters, build up to several climatic points, and then we begin to learn ‘why’ the characters feel they are inadequate as ‘heroes’. But…. And this is where I implore you to read this fantastic fantasy to learn the rest of the story!
Profile Image for Brandon Hawkins.
26 reviews2 followers
August 24, 2021
3 1/2 stars

This book was entertaining, but irritating.
The main storyline was very intriguing, so imagine my frustration when the story took a turn into a side storyline, causing the main one to abruptly end, causing me to have to read book 2 to find out what happens.
Not going to spoil anything, I just want you to know what you’re getting into before reading this book.
Side note: I will be reading book 2 because I really like these characters and I like where the main story is going. I’m just not exactly a fan of how it’s getting there.
Profile Image for Hanneke.
142 reviews1 follower
September 21, 2021
What a read! This summerchallenge is hitting it of 😃 You know there is a problem when you are not the first hero trying to solve it. Actualy, Dannen isn’t into the hero type of thing anymore. Vowed to not touch a sword in his livetime, he focus his time on touching beer in any tavern that still lets him.

But the life of Dannen was not ment to go that way. So together with his band of missfits they go of to save the world! I had to many laughs reading this book, the humor hit all right spots. Great story, great characters (my money is on the squirrel) and great humor.
24 reviews
January 13, 2024
Loved the story! Just a goofy group trying to survive everything, and I mean everything, the universe throws their way. Some good gems for quotes and the characters are lovable. I enjoyed the different points of view that started about 85% of the way into the book. The only thing I struggled with in the book was the way the sentences ran on. There were commas and hyphens galore to finish several of the sentences. It sounds finicky, but it made it so the book didn't read as smoothly in my mind. However, the story was light and easy to get through. I will be continuing the series!
Profile Image for Jasmine Langdon.
Author 1 book1 follower
October 2, 2024
I read this as part of a book club. I actually did the audiobook version for a change on Spotify. Honestly, it’s not my style. I did enjoy it but not as much as I was hoping. Not a big fan of the comic book genre.

It just felt like the same kind of scenarios over and over again. It took me ages to read it and I struggled to get back into it but I managed to finish it.

So I can’t recommend it, but if you’d like that superhero genre and a bit tongue in cheek British humour then you might enjoy it.
Profile Image for Ken Robson.
323 reviews2 followers
November 21, 2020
When the gods run out of hero's who do they get?
This is a man who used to be famous but life and drink have gotten the better of him, he has also sworn never to wield a sword again. Can he (and his small group of misfits) save the day?

Follow him as he recruits his team and gets into trouble on his way to the main action (which is coming in a later book). With an equal amount of action and humour this book is a great start to a new series.

I received an arc copy of this book
Profile Image for Julie Drucker.
84 reviews4 followers
January 17, 2021
Fun read

A fun book to read! I enjoyed getting to know all the antithesis and all the trouble that seems to find them at every turn, most of their own making! It was a bit wordy at times, but if read in chunks is very readable and enjoyable. Sometimes you just need to take a break and soak in what you have read. This is an excellent book for the young adult fantasy fan of even one just looking for an adventurous read!
Profile Image for Alan Behan.
727 reviews19 followers
July 1, 2021
Absolutely brilliant, Dannen is a bastard, and a sarcastic bastards at that, He's so dry humoured and will have you in stitches, Dannen a retired swordsman wants to put his feet up and just get drunk, but trouble has a way of always finding him or he finding it, set a task by a God, He and his companions must save the North from a Necromancer, his twin an evil Warrior and a hoard of zombies, amazing characters and story, quite hilarious, can't wait for the second book, highly recommended...😁
36 reviews
August 1, 2021
IM really glad Jacob is trying something completely different from his normal style. While the grungy hodgepodge dnd style comedy series isnt quite me style, its quite entertaining for what it is. I especially like how these characters line more up with John Constantine and jason todd (because I have to) style anti heroes, than the more popular (Dark hero) type, such as Punisher that these stories usually lean into.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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