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Dirty #5

Dirty Like Jude

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A second chance, enemies-to-lovers romance, featuring a badass, strong-and-silent hero, and the wild-hearted heroine who brings him to his knees.

He was the one that got away.
She was the one he never got over.

There’s always been a spark between Jude Grayson and Roni “Wild Card” Webber.
Unfortunately, whenever it ignites… it explodes.

And they both get burned.

As head of security for Dirty—his best friend’s rock band—and a member of the West Coast Kings motorcycle club, Jude had a choice to make, long ago.
Loyalty or love.
Brotherhood or her

But now the woman he left behind is suddenly everywhere he turns. 

Problem is, Roni’s still got a wild side—and another biker for a boyfriend.
And Jude’s got a fire for her that just won’t die.

Jude and Roni are about to play a dangerous game.
A game they’ve never known how to win,
and their hearts can’t afford to lose.

Unknown Binding

First published September 27, 2018

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About the author

Jaine Diamond

27 books2,188 followers
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Jaine Diamond is a Top 50 Amazon US and a Top 5 international bestselling author. She writes contemporary romance featuring badass, swoon-worthy heroes endowed with massive hearts, strong heroines armed with sweetness and sass, and explosive, page-turning chemistry.

She lives on the beautiful west coast of Canada with her real-life romantic hero and daughter, where she reads, writes and makes extensive playlists for her books while binge drinking tea.

Her books have been translated into French, German and Hebrew.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 222 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
2,003 reviews34.8k followers
February 23, 2024
3.5 Stars

I liked this one a lot more than Brody's book (which is the last one I read...I skipped a couple as I had no interest in them). I thought Jude and Roni had really great chemistry and I really liked their history and connection. Jude was also my favorite kind of asshole.

I did feel like the author did a bit of a bit and switch with the ending...and completely changed the main point of contention between Jude/Roni at the last minute. And it felt a little bit like a cop out.

Otherwise, I enjoyed this and could see myself re-reading it again.
Profile Image for AussieMum.
1,390 reviews55 followers
September 21, 2023
This one took me forever to get through. I’m suffering Dirty-Burnout. Won’t be reading the next one for a while. If ever.
Profile Image for Batool Zainab Suleman.
136 reviews31 followers
February 19, 2022


Since reading Dirty Wedding Night, I was very excited for these two.






So I probably shouldn't have read this on my period, and maybe I'm on a book high right now, but Goddammit, I freaking LOVED this book.

The spice wasn't as descriptive as some of the other books, but it wasn't bad by any means.
Profile Image for Doris.
3,186 reviews124 followers
September 23, 2018
I Absolutely Loved Jude

Fantastic yet again!! Jude’s story was much like the rest of the Dirty series because it gave you so much baddassery, angst, steam and a romance that will have you swooning. Jude was not only best friends and grew up with the guys from Dirty he was their head of security and everything that needed “handleling”. Oh, you would think that’s enough but you would be wrong because Jude as also a nomad member of the Kings Mc which his brother was now VP of.

Roni was lifelong best friends with Jessa who happened to be lead guitarist, Jesse’s, twin sister. Every chance Roni had she would sit in and listen to Dirty and watched them over the years climb to rock star status. She had a rough life and was a sex kitten with balls. Lol She thought she knew what she wanted but over time she had been hurt many times always with Jude in the background never being able to give her what she really needed.

This is one kick*ss read that will have you turning pages continually because you can’t wait to see if they actually get their HEA. If you have not checked out this series yet, do so because you won’t be let down. Now I’m patiently waiting for Zane’s story!
Profile Image for Marty.
526 reviews7 followers
December 2, 2022
Roni 'Wild Card' Webber, has earned the nickname by being a bit promiscuous and sleeping with multiple men. She rarely hooks up with the same guy a second time and has a 'sexual' bucket list. When she was a teen she chased after Piper Grayson who was rising up with the MC group 'The Kings'. Jude Grayson however was the only guy who really saw her and the one that kept her attention. They flirted and became friends when the band 'Dirty' was on the rise. After the first 'Dirty' tour they slept together and both were excited for it to become more but after discovering Roni slept with his brother before at a party Jude decides he has to stay the hell away from her. Over the next decade they barely see each other but when they do neither can fight the attraction. When he re-enters her life again the final time they sleep together at Jesse and Katie's wedding but she still suffering from being hurt by him in the past keeps seeing a rival MC member Taze. A few months after that though Jude and Roni still can't stop thinking about each other and become fuck buddies but it is complicated because of past feelings and the feelings now growing between them.
I didn't really like Roni all that much in Jessa's book 'Dirty like Brody' but in 'Dirty Wedding' and this book she really grew on me and I understood her character so much more. I love all the 'Dirty' characters because they are not perfect they all have definite flaws. Roni and Jude had a long journey to their happily ever after but I was really glad that they got one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica Logan.
6 reviews
July 26, 2022
Save your time and skip this one

I read a Lot (100+ this year) of these types of book and this is my first 1 star review. Actually first review less than 4 stars. I was already considering skipping this one but then saw some good reviews and wanted to maintain the continuum. Well I read it and finished it. Begrudgingly. It was disappointing to say the least. To sum it up, Jude did not deserve Roni or she deserved a hell of a lot better than him. He treated her absolutely horribly for the first 70% of the book. Their first 3 years (flashbacks) he was the biggest a$$hole to her over problems he made in his own head or caused himself. Then in their “present” timeline, he only ever struggled to “resist” her in wanting her sexually. He never alluded to difficulty with his emotional connection to her or wanting a relationship with her and never gave a single reason for why that was. She never did anything wrong or gave him any reason to doubt her. I saw a lot of reviews mention his “protectiveness” but that felt weak at best. Especially considering how badly he hurt her emotionally over the course of a decade. Skip Jude’s Book. He Kind Of Sucks. A Lot.
Profile Image for Dawn.
530 reviews
December 13, 2018
Not my cup of tea

This book was a lot of not for me. I think Jude is ok, flawed bad boy and all that. But the female lead is a total head case and will literally sleep with anyone. I’m sorry about the slut shaming, but it’s just a lot. She’s had a thing for the guy for years and her way of handling it is to sleep with his brother, two of his friends, and let herself get tag teamed by other bikers. On top of the many many other guys she screws over the 10 years they know each other. It passes the point of “healthy sex drive” and goes strait into gross territory. I guess this review is more of a warning that this story isn’t exactly what you think you are getting with a rock group/ star themed read.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,862 reviews1,526 followers
September 21, 2018
Whoa. I just finished my ARC of Dirty Like Jude. I’ve been dying to read Jude and Roni’s story since their past . . . err . . . relationship was revealed. I don’t know whether to categorize their romance as a second-chance or an enemies-to-lovers . . . I think I’m just as confused by their love as they are! And that’s not a bad thing!

Honestly there’s not a damn thing bad here. I loved the flashbacks of their stories. Jude’s glimpses of the band as they hit the big time were so fun. And those run ins with Roni *fans self* back when they were all young and stupid, really set things up for them to come back together—well, sometimes I wondered if they’d actually get their acts together and really communicate what was going on in their heads and their hearts.

I loved Roni’s inner strength—her truth to her self, even when the doubts crept in. She never really doubted her feelings for Jude, but she definitely kept them to herself. And Jude. God, the man lives and breathes to protect—to protect his friends and family, and definitely protects his heart. And he’ll pretty much do anything to protect Roni.

Roni and Jude are such a fantastic couple—once they finally figured it all out for real. Their path to their happily ever after was not smooth or straight, but it was so much fun to see them make their way through. Dirty Like Jude is a fantastic addition to this excellent Dirty series! Can’t wait for Maggie and Zane next! ~ Missy, 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Shari.
871 reviews77 followers
September 21, 2019

The Delight
Getting closer to the end of the series, this one gave me fits. Roni was likable, lovable and very good a job she takes on. But unfortunately I ended up not liking her. Jude also does a few things that tick me off. So while I wanted these two to come together, they just did things that left me wanting to smack them Gibbs style.

Dirty Like Jude is a rougher story than what I have read in this series. Yes, Dylan's story was rough, but not for Dylan as much as Ash. But Ash does get his story which I will review soon. Jude is in a motorcycle club and you don't really know just how deep he is, or how much he wants in or out. He also provides security to Dirty and its band members. Part of the original group of friends, he still comes off as the most mysterious of them all with little glimpses in other books in the series.

Roni Webber is also a little mysterious in the fact she likes sex a lot, has not problem with people knowing it, but seems to have a deeper side we haven't really seen yet. She is best friends with Jessa from Dirty Like Brody which is were we meet her....at a wedding. In fact she gets her own short story in the Dirty Wedding group of shorts. We know she wants revenge on Jude, but is also so attracted to him she can't seem to stay focused to that fact.

Through the story we have flashbacks to how these two know each other, how Roni had a crush on Jude's brother, how Jude and Roni grew close, but misunderstandings set a course of self-destruction in both of them in different ways. Now years in the future, Roni makes no bones about doing what she wants with whomever she wants. Jude secretly has her watched and deals with problems that come her way. But now she's done with this shit of half foot in half foot out.

I like Roni for her honesty of who she was. She wasn't someone who pretended to be something she wasn't just to make everyone happy. Smart, hard-working, she shows she can do something she loves and take on responsibility. We peel away the layers of Jude. Joining the club was in his family, but his other family was music. He was a nomad. Someone who manages the shit that is the darker side of the world. But he always had a thing for Roni and felt betrayed by her when in fact she didn't betray him...but instead drove her away.

Neither of them are perfect. I am ok with that. I just never felt I got to crack Jude's shell. He was a hard man, who wasn't a concrete wall, but I never really felt I got to know him or accept that he wants Roni for herself.

This series is one I adore, and I love these characters, warts and all. It's just not my favorite romance story out of the series. Sometime I am going to force myself to read Dirty Like Zane. I just don't want the series to end.

Challenges Met

Review Writing Challenge #47
Bad Boys of Romance #17
Never Ending Challenge #7
Literary Pickers #34 - Turn-style record player/stereo
Books 'N Tunes #29 - I Wanna Get Lost With You by Stereophonics




Profile Image for Rombookfanlove.
209 reviews10 followers
August 9, 2024
I started reading this series maybe even close to a year ago and then kind of got off track reading other stuff and just now am back to it, remembering why I like it and Jaine Diamond’s writing. Good stuff!

This is a heavy romance, the Roni and Jude aren’t neatly put together people and there’s a lot of struggle in this sort-of second chance, sort-of enemies-to-lovers story.

A couple random notes:

Chapter 11 was a thing of beauty the description of deep longing and emotions and awakenings was just great. There’s a lot of that throughout since Roni and Jude have a long, passionate history.

The flashback scene of their first time together was one of the hottest I’ve read in a while! 🥵

This is also the strongest dual POV book I’ve read in a while, especially with the MMC - Jude really comes through as Jude, he has a clear character voice.

I love the cat-and-mouse power play, the game of chicken they play with each other throughout the book which causes so much tension. I could see people possibly being frustrated or calling this miscommunication, or a lack of communication, but I absolutely love it. It’s two people with issues and a fear of being vulnerable that’s keeping them from being honest and thus fully being with each other - it’s real and gritty to me.

That said, Jude is a real a-hole in some parts. There’s a scene or two where I’m like “oh no buddy, what are you doing?” And definitely as I was hitting the 70% mark or so I wasn’t sure if I could bounce back from some things we find out around then and his thinking.

But I think, again, it worked just based on how they are both portrayed - kind of trapped in these sort of dysfunctional bubbles that then sometimes tap together and burst, not always in a good way.

So, I kept rooting for them to get it together, to own their feelings for each other, to apologise to each other, and that kept me reading. It’s not a pretty story, but I like the rawness of it and the beauty within that.

Definitely recommend this series and this book if you like sort of rough characters who have a sort of rough story but get their HEA in a satisfying way.
Profile Image for BOOKLOVER_81.
2,085 reviews67 followers
November 7, 2023
“When you’re with the right man, you’ll want to give him all the freedom in the world. And he’ll want to give you all his loyalty in return. You don’t have to live in fear that he’s going to cheat. The right guy would probably rather have his balls cut off than hurt you like that.”

Jude and Roni is one of my favorite couple. The angst ... the chemistry... the longing.. the slow burn..

"Because of all the things that had changed in all these years, my feelings for her never had." HIM

“I know I’ve walked away from you, more than once,” he said. “And that cut you. I meant it to cut you. But like I said, I grew up. I’m here, but you’ve gotta meet me in the fuckin’ middle, V. You’ve gotta step into it. You can’t lie to me. You can’t stand there and act like you don’t need me. Like I’m not the one for you, if that’s what I am. Like you’re never gonna give me a chance to win back your trust.” Him

“I want to be with you,” he said. ���I want you. I’ve always wanted you. Like you have no idea how fuckin’ much. But I gotta tell you, I would never take anything less than all of you, V.” Him 😍😍😍

Audible purchase!
Profile Image for Caitlin.
191 reviews1 follower
November 30, 2023
I love Jude and Roni but their lack of communication made me wanna rip my eyes out.
Jude was realistically such a nob because despite his feelings for her, he continued to tell her that it was only about sex.
In the flashbacks he was so rude to her-
“You… Veronica Webber… are not the kind of girl a guy marries.” “You’re the kind of girl some guys fuck on a kitchen counter and forget” umm excuse me✋Like I get that he struggled to trust her since she’d slept with the whole population but give her a break😭
Roni wasn’t much better either; she never told him how she felt and then was confused as to why he never let it get serious.
Overall, the book wasn’t bad and I still like the characters but it stressed me out😅
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dana ~ The Dirty Smut'atter.
871 reviews155 followers
September 29, 2018
I have been waiting for the story behind Jude for quite awhile and was so happy to finally have my hands on his story. We have gotten a few teasers centered around these 2 (Roni and Jude) in previous books. I was hoping that their actually story would be smoking hot. That said the part I struggled with the most was that these 2 had some much backstory that they hid from one another it just pissed me off. I really just wanted to kick some sense into them for all the time they both wasted. The biggest challenge is can these 2 get past all the unshared feelings and find their better half.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kari.
112 reviews
September 30, 2018
I have been wanting to know more about Jude and Roni's past since it was mentioned and especially since their little interlude in A Dirty Wedding.
I enjoyed this book and felt that it gave us a much more rounded picture of Jude and Roni as they struggle with their past history, hurts and protective shells.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes angst, heartbreak, protective Alpha males and women who don't put up with their crap.
Profile Image for Kami Dodson-Perry.
717 reviews23 followers
April 15, 2019
Roni "Wild Card" Webber has a reputation for being the EASY GIRL. She does not understand why it is crime to LIKE sex. Roni's main problem is she would have stopped at Jude had he told her she was the one for him. Once Jude had sex with Roni it was over for her. Her heart belonged to Jude and Jude knew how to destroy it.

Roni stirred clear of Jude but still really liked the bad boys. Over the years she dated another King within the MC. She managed not too get to close as to run into Jude. Problem is all their friends are intermingled so it was bound to happen.

Now Roni is seeing a Sinner a Rival MC to the Kings. This does not sit well with Jude and he wants it over. Jude is well aware of the guys Roni has been in relationships with over the time they have not been together but a Sinner is a low.

Jude knows he loves Roni. Jude has not been able to shake this girl. He can live without her but he is not sure he wants to anymore. After just one quick encounter about 10 months ago right before Roni started seeing the Sinner they had a moment. Jude and Roni can't stop thinking about it but Roni also can't stop thinking about Jude breaking her heart time and time again.

I'm not a fan of MC books because of the violence, illegal activity, and lack of respect for the female population. As far as that part is concerned it was not a MC books. This did fit the DIRTY series and tied into the gang. Roni being Jessa's best friend and Jude being Jesse's best friend it all came together. The relationship was sweet & hot at the end but the middle was bumpy. There were some things for Jude to overcome in order for him to really BE with Roni. Roni had to trust that Jude would not break her heart and give him all of herself without the walls. This was hard for both parties to do but at the end we get a HEA for the couple and hope to see what is in store for the next book of the series.
Profile Image for Natalie Brooks.
1,334 reviews21 followers
October 30, 2018

I made it through the whole book but it was like wading through molasses. There were so many flashbacks that it seemed we spent more time going backwards in the story than going forward.

I did like that I learned a bit about MC culture, even though it gave the book a darkness that was not my cup of tea. I will avoid MC books in the future.

I read two other books in the series and enjoyed them much more. I want to read Zane and Maggie’s story and hope one day that Ash’s story comes out, to make up for how he was treated at the end of the other book.
Profile Image for Laura.
146 reviews2 followers
May 10, 2019
I loved this story a lot more then the last book of this series. I wouldve given it the 5th star if there had been no mention of Dylan and Amber. They are dead to me! I dont like that the characters seem to think Ash is the problem as far as I'm concerned hes the most wronged character in this series besides Seth. Otherwise Jude and Roni are good for each other. Jude was an ass at times especially when they were younger but atleast he got a chance for redemption and happiness (which is more then you did for Ash!) Sorry to anyone reading the review I'm still really bitter from the previous book. Its taking the love from the series for me. Jude was mysterious and a little dark. He had depth which was nice. He wasnt flat as a character. Roni was spunky and free. I liked that about her. She was good for Jude and they came back together to make a beautiful story. Still I'm pissed about the last book...😡
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bethany.
1,215 reviews35 followers
December 7, 2020
More of a 2.5.

This is definitely my least favorite book of the series. I liked Jude and Roni, but I did not really like these two together. There's also a bit of slut shaming in this which made me really uncomfortable. Roni sleeps with Jude's brother as a one time hook up, and doesn't tell Jude. And Jude is jealous and pissed at her for 10 years for it. And Jude's brother is not much better with the slut shaming. And literally no one mentions how many women Jude has slept with. It's kind of...gross. Roni could sleep with whoever she wanted, as long as Roni actually told Jude how she felt about him. Which she didn't. And Jude didn't either, causing unnecessary drama. Blah.

The series is still sexy, but I thought Jude and Roni's story deserved better. I'm glad to finally move onto Zane and Maggie.
37 reviews
September 16, 2021
Jude deserved better

The book was fine. But Roni sucks. Jude is great. I’m glad we got to see more into his mysterious MC life, but it was pretty tame. The author alluded to some sort of messy business involving the MC but we never got to hear anymore about it. I kept waiting for it. Anyway, not happy Jude ended up with Roni. I didn’t like their story and I don’t like her. I’m def not slut shaming. I just don’t like her. She seemed easy to put with him bc she’s already basically in the group and dates all the bad boys in town. But I never felt anything but bothered by her. I couldn’t even muster up any sympathy for her when learning about her rough childhood. This one just didn’t do it for me.
Profile Image for Katie Moore.
438 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2020
I wasn’t sure about this story. I didn’t love Ronnie as a character in Jessa’s book and had a hard time wanting her to be the one for Jude. The author does an amazing job interweaving the past and present so we have a better understanding of all they have been through. This was less angsty than the last few and I loved the story line of how they were brought back together. Sexy as heck! Did not disappoint!!!
Profile Image for Suzie.
47 reviews
November 14, 2024
As this is the story of Jude and Roni there was understandably an absence in the progression of the Dirty rock band world and more of an introduction to the motorcycle club world, which was quite intriguing and to be real carried this story.

Overall, the book was good, it was just a lot less spicy than I had expected. Jude and Roni’s snippet from “A Dirty Wedding Night” was seriously heated, so that was a little disappointing.

Profile Image for Karen.
5,384 reviews71 followers
September 28, 2018
Written a little screwy with dates and times back and forth made it difficult to get a handle on these two characters but eventually you do because finally Jude gets his stuff figured out and they both have grown up. I like Jude but his insecurities drove Veronica and me crazy.

I think cover model is Jude!!
Profile Image for Elisa Glendenning.
537 reviews47 followers
April 4, 2019
Better than expected

Out of all the characters in this series, I didn’t think I would be invested quite as much. However, I was hooked from the get go. Can’t wait for Dirty Like Zane!!!
Profile Image for B. C. Booklover.
760 reviews51 followers
September 29, 2018
Hey Jude!

ByB C Bookloveron September 29, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition

* I was happy & fortunate to have received an ARC for another book in the Dirty series in exchange for my honest & heartfelt review which follows.

Jaine Diamond is a master at creating a delicious world where the members of the band Dirty and friends, who are actually like family, become so real to you that you will become addicted instantly as you sit reading all their stories until your eyes are burning!!!. I'm really not kidding here! I have been waiting to hear Jude's story since he was 1st introduced in Dirty Like Me. He's got a lifelong history with the Kings MC, is the meticulous head of security for Dirty and has been friends with Jesse, Brody
and Zane his whole life. He was the 'dark horse' that you might want to ride all nite long! You know it's TRUE! He is mysterious, controlled, brooding & sexy. But, he also has an almost sweet side, hidden away beneath his outer armour. He protects those he loves with everything he's got...what's not to love about this guy? You just want to peel him back until you see every layer back to his core.

Roni, nicknamed Wild Card in past books, friend of the band thru Jessa, Jesse's baby sister, Brody's true love and soul mate, has been a curiosity as well. At 1st, I wasn't sure I liked her, she seemed too tough, too self contained and not one to feel much. Boy was I wrong!

Jude and Roni have a love, hate, lust relationship that has spanned many years, more than I thought actually, intertwined thru their separate and connected friendships with Dirty. Sometimes years go by between them seeing each other but does time heal all wounds, dull the feelings, erase the longing? Nope, it does not. If you've read Dirty Wedding Night, you will get a steamy look at that first hand...Kindles melting all over the world!

This book takes you back and forth thru time, showing us everything we wanted more of, the history and mystery of both of these very complex people.

I could not put this one down..soooooo damn good. This is a standalone story of just 2 characters in the world of Dirty, but the whole series is amazing and extremely well written so, just start at the beginning and end here with Jude and Roni!
You'll have plenty of time to finish them before the next istallment of one of my favorite series, Dirty Like....!!! How I adore Jaine Diamond, you will too.

Profile Image for Debbie.
181 reviews2 followers
April 12, 2023

Let me preface this by saying I did like Jude in this story-very much so. He's head of security for Dirty, Jessie's best friend, and also a member of a motorcycle gang (of which his older brother Piper is VP). He's a hot, bada** , protective alpha male, very good at his job. He's had a thing for Roni since he was nineteen yrs old, and was going to make a move on her, until he overheard her telling Jessa about a stupid "bucket list" she had set for herself that included seducing his brother Piper. Sickened, he backed away. Fast forward to another night when he found Roni sitting alone during a party in tears on the porch steps of his brothers house. He leaned in to kiss Roni, not knowing she had just made a play for his brother, and then gotten dumped right afterward. Out of guilt, Roni pushed him away, but realized what a mistake she'd made going after Piper, because Jude was really the man her heart wanted. Later, Jude finds out Roni slept with his brother, and Piper tell Jude it would be stupid to be with Roni because she was an easy lay and would never be faithful. Jude is crushed-and furious with Roni. That's why he told her they would "never go down that road". Roni truly broke Jude's heart first, even though through most of the books she's always making Jude out to be the bad guy, never owning up to her own mistakes, failures, and just generally selfish behavior. She takes pride in being the Party Girl, she uses her sexuality as a weapon (at least I see it that way), and she's very self absorbed. I really had a hard time working up sympathy for her character, because she brought so much of her problems on herself. She never had a decent conversation with Jude about anything meaningful, because she was too worried about gaining all of the "power" of their relationship using sex. Not taking responsibility for anything going wrong between them (except in the end) really bothered me about her character. Jude's POV is what kept me reading the story, 'cause I truly do love that man.
Profile Image for Jennifer Hines.
Author 5 books79 followers
October 3, 2018
*I received an ARC of this book free from the author.*

There's always been tension between Jude and Roni wove throughout the other Dirty books, there's even been intense moments of heat, but in Dirty Like Jude you get their entire back story. Both of them wanting more, but obstacles kept keeping them apart. Until now.

Roni "Wild Card" had a sexual bucket list when she was younger and in her naïve mind there was nothing wrong with it...until it cost her the one guy she would have given it up for.

Jude found himself looking out for Roni and then actually liking hanging out with her. He even started falling for her, but then she went and did something stupid like sleep with his brother and that ended it for him. He chose to walk away and kept her at a distance throughout the years, no matter how much it hurt to do so.

Sometimes you can't judge a book by its cover just like everyone automatically did Roni. She had a lot going on in her life to make her the person she was, and deep down Jude knew that. He just chose to use it as an excuse to keep away from her.

"Does my lack of bra offend you"
"Long as you don't mind me staring, darlin', I don't mind your clothes comin' off."

A wedding changed that.

No matter how much he shouldn't, he still wanted her, and even if it was just for sex he was going to have her. Only one thing they both didn't think about...when you secretly are in love with someone sex isn't going to make that go away. It's going to make it stronger.

"Sweetheart," he whispered against my lips, "I go down on that sweet pussy you've got and I'm gonna come in my pants."

Dirty Like Jude is another fantastic book in the Dirty series. It has a little biker drama, an ex who is driven from the picture, a mother who shouldn't be aloud anywhere near bikers or rock stars, two fully stubborn people, and a whole lot of fiery passion.

Oh and Dirty Like Zane is next...about damn time! We got a small taste in Dirty Like Us, but I cannot wait for more!
35 reviews
September 27, 2018
When I read a book I wish for it all! The parts that make your heart beat a little faster or the parts that make a tear fall either from happiness or sadness. I like the ones that make me angry at a character and wish that they would pull their head out of their you know what!! The ones where I laugh at a joke or the ones that make you feel the deepest sadness like you feel empty like the character. This book had it all for me!

I truly loved getting to know Roni and Jude throughout this book. The flashbacks that helped evoke some of those feelings mentioned above helped me fill in some blanks from other stories as well as strengthening the feelings that were built up and tore down over the years between Jude and Roni! I just loved their story!!!!

I just kept thinking through the entire book, will they or won’t they be together?! It just kept me guessing! Just when you thought they would come together, then they did not! Nothing like making your heart stop and then becoming overwhelmed with sadness for both of them!

I have adored every Book in the dirty series and once again this one is a top notch five star book for me! It is not often that I find a book that can make me feel all kinds of strong feelings throughout a book but this one did. This is why I love this series, this book and this author! Jaine Diamond is a truly gifted writer and I will continue to read every one of her books because she never, ever has disappointed me!! Thanks for letting me into your dirty world! Lol

I can hardly wait to read the next dirty book “Dirty Like Zane”!! Woo hoo!
Profile Image for Hopelessly seeking Happily Ever Afters.
715 reviews16 followers
May 31, 2023

Jude and Roni

*****Spoiler Alert*****

Audible review. Dual POV (epilogue is Maggie's POV & a sneak peek of 'Dirty Like Zane'). Book 7 of 8 in the Dirty series. Both narrators did a great job. Trigger warnings: drugs, alcohol, and family drama between brothers.

Jude Grayson (30) is a patched nomad of the West Coast Kings MC, measures every moment of his day by the clock but Roni makes time stop when she's near him. Veronica Webber (27; aka Wild Card/Roni/V) is Jessa's best friend (Dirty Like Brody). Jesse (Dirty Like Me) is Jessa's older brother, in a rock band, and Jude's best friend. Jude manages the security for Dirty, Jesse's band, and all of the bandmate's personal security. Jude has liked Roni for over a decade but put his interest in her aside because Roni's goal was to sleep with Jeremy (aka Piper), Jude's older brother. Jude doesn't want to be anyone's second choice and doesn't want to be with one of the MC's club bunnies. Unfortunately Jude and Roni have a tangled past and they constantly hurt each other. Roni has slept with guys in Jude's world [Piper then Ben (aka Blazer; another WCK) then Zane (the lead singer for Dirty)] and Jude retaliates by getting in the guy's faces and saying mean things to Roni. After the Dirty series and carrying over into the Player series Jude and Roni are committed to each other but aren't married or even engaged.

This book includes Jessa proposing to Brody. JP

1st read 12-19-19
1st listen 02-07-21
2nd listen 05-29-23
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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