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686 pages, Kindle Edition
First published December 6, 2022
"I keep the Old Beliefs."
"And that's why you live like a savage."
Damien snorted.
"You think your stinking cities are progress? You've probably never tasted air so clear."
the smocks the Cossack women wore were thin as a moth's wing, and they often dressed in men's clothes when they went out riding. Anastasia had taken to wearing her hair loose like they did
Cossack women weren't like Rusyan women. They were fierce and independent, strong as men from lifting, chopping, and hauling all day. They weren't modest like Rusyan women, either. When they worked, they tied up their skirts, or used them as baskets for carrying, baring their scratched and tanned legs. They often took lovers, especially the unwed girls, but sometimes the married ones, too, if their husbands annoyed them or stayed away too long.
I was essentially writing about a dictator princess.
I asked myself, why are we so obsessed with Anastasia?
It’s because of our dream of what we wish she could have been. What we wish Russia could have been.
I’d never been able to pass the portrait of Anna Petrovna without shivering. Her dark eyes seemed to follow wherever I moved, the edges of her mouth curved up in a cruel smile.
Anna Petrovna loved to humiliate her enemies. She forced Prince Mikhail Alekseevich to serve as her jester, then married him to her ugliest maid. She built them a bridal suite carved from solid ice, with frozen beds, tables, chairs, and even a fireplace filled with logs of ice.
The truth is a blade that only cuts a liar.
And the most dangerous lies are the ones you tell yourself.
“You're my little firework, Stassie. You go out with a bang, but you light up the sky.”
“It hurts because we love him. That's the balance of life, hard as it is to accept. A heart open to joy is a heart vulnerable to sorrow. There's no family without loss, no love without pain.”
Time was a river, ever-changing eroding even its own banks.
“How come the swan had to die in the end?” she asked Anna.
“Because,” Anna said, bending herself in half like a paperclip with no apparent discomfort, “the most beautiful things are fragile and can't last. That's what makes them precious when we have them.”
“I've never been partial to wild animals.” He frowned. “Anastasia should add him to her collection.”
“Do you hate us still?”
Those blue eyes were water on fire. They put me out in an instant.
I sighed. “I don't hate you. Sometimes I want to... but I just can't seem to do it.”
The rest of them, perhaps. Anastasia was something different. She'd woven her way deep into my fibers. To cut her out would hurt me, too.
Sometimes I missed Damien desperately, and sometimes I wished we'd never met. It was too painful and too impossible. We could never be more than we were, and I couldn't bear to be less.
“The ones we love aren't lost to us forever. Love endures past anything else. It's the strongest energy in the universe. It changes and flows, but can never be destroyed.”
“You could never drain me. You make me burn like a star.”
All the brightest memories in my mind were Anastasia.