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Brides of the Frostwolf Clan #1

Stolen by the Orc Commander

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A human girl set on revenge…

Orcs and humans have been at war with each other for as long as Snow can remember. Orphaned as a child, she has spent her years as a tracker, known only as the ‘Hooded Bandit’ by the king’s men. Stealing anything she can in order to survive the harsh human lands of Everdean. The only thing keeping her going is the determination to make those responsible for her family’s death suffer.

When a routine carriage robbery goes south, Snow finds herself face to face with the notorious orc commander himself. Taken as his captive and returned to Orc Mountain, Snow has a new goal: escape from the mountain no matter the cost.

An orc commander determined to end the war…

Azogg the Destroyer is a skilled fighter. As leader of the orc army, he despises humans more than most. The war has destroyed their homelands, leaving them all to suffer in the mountains. As commander, he knows that he must find a way to end this conflict once and for all.

With no other choice, Azogg finds himself tracking a royal advisor…only to have his plans upended by a sickly human female. One he quickly discovers is not what she seems. Azogg is resistant to trusting a human, but her extensive knowledge of the royal trade routes makes her the ultimate find.

Could this human be the key to ending the war?

Tempers and passion flare as both Snow and Azogg realize the only way forward is for them to work together. Will this unlikely pair be able to put aside decades of hate and distrust? Or will factors beyond their control drive them apart before they get the chance?

Welcome to Orc Mountain.

188 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 24, 2023

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About the author

K.L. Wyatt

8 books166 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 445 reviews
Profile Image for Amanda.
399 reviews51 followers
January 26, 2023
DNF at 76%

I really wanted to like this one.

Tiktok authors. You have got to start using editors and people who aren't your besties to proof read your books. The amount of typos, grammatical errors and punctuation errors in this book was insane. The plot had promise. It really did. But the writing is so bad and so juvenile.
Profile Image for Megan.
108 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2023
The premise is so good but the execution is SO bad.

This book desperately needs an editor. Even a simple reread of the rough draft should have fixed a lot of these errors. Tons of typos, omitted words, incorrect grammar, misplaced quotation marks and punctuation. There really is no excuse for the amount of glaring errors that were in this book.

Also, this feels like a very cheap knockoff of Ice Planet Barbarians. Fated mates, communal living space with caves and furs, immediate honeymoon period, dual-POV series with a new couple for each book. I don’t know, a few things were different but you can tell the author was influenced by IPB.

It was only 179 pages and I could barely get through it due to the writing style and errors. Again, the premise is good and has a lot of potential, but we need an editor and stronger writing skills.
Profile Image for Hannah Boyd.
634 reviews26 followers
January 25, 2023
It was okay? Sometimes it was just juvenile the way things were written or how Snow acted just was dumb.

Steam- 2.5/5 breeding kink
Profile Image for Alex (HEABookNerd).
2,234 reviews
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
January 27, 2023
DNF @ 15%

First off the cover for STOLEN BY THE ORC COMMANDER is absolutely gorgeous and everything about this plot and it's tropes should have worked for me but the writing was so distracting. Everything felt so stilted and odd with strange word choices and awkward sentence structure. It just made reading this so unenjoyable that I couldn't keep going.

Content Warning up to 15%: threats of rape
Profile Image for Christy.
852 reviews39 followers
February 24, 2023
The execution of this book was pretty bad and the payoff of smut just didn't redeem it. Snows capture was also just unbearably simple. Her ambush...is ambushed... I guess while she was hiding in the bushes she didn't notice the other guys a few trees over.

This cover art is gorgeous though. 2 stars for the amazing artist.
Profile Image for J.A. Hoyt.
Author 4 books38 followers
January 25, 2023
I’m sorry, but this really needs more editing. The premise is fantastic, but the quality of the work does not match.
Profile Image for gibbyreadsbooks.
287 reviews32 followers
March 11, 2023

This was an amazing >200 pages smutty fantasy book.

Do you like the concept of mates?
Do you like possessive assholes?
Do you like when he hates everyone but her?
Do you like fierce badass female main characters?
Do you like orcs 🫣?

If you said yes to all the above then you will love this book.
Profile Image for Lydia Schriel.
158 reviews28 followers
May 21, 2023
Where to begin…

1. Once you finish writing your draft instead of just publishing it you should read first what you wrote yourself. (Note to author)
2. So many spelling mistakes or misplaced words in sentences. Where eventually I had to guess what a certain word was supposed to be.
3. Snow introduced herself twice to Naz but since the second time is on a different page the author probably forgot she already did that. So it’s like reading Dory from finding nemo.
4. No world building, the development of the relationship makes no sense you hate him but all of a sudden realization happens and you love him? right…
5. Snow was annoying and stupid. You are supposed to kill Elron you stood over him with a dagger to his throat but no you had to take him out of there and make an execution of it and then later on when the true queen and snow talk about it she says it’s his fault that the execution didn’t go as plan? No Snow it’s your fault but again that could be a misconception of the words. Since the author doesn’t read what she has written herself.

Overall do not recommend until the author reads her own work before publishing.
Profile Image for Poppy || Monster Lover.
1,513 reviews350 followers
May 30, 2024
2.5 rounded up

This story had potential, but the writing was awkward and stilted. I felt like the main characters barely knew each other by the end of the book but they still insisted they were in love.
Profile Image for 🌸 Tana 🌸.
526 reviews93 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
February 25, 2023

DNF around 30%

I couldn't handle the amount of grammatical errors, punctuation errors, typo's and just frankly weird sentences that were in this. The book really should have been edited before being published by someone who actually knew what they were doing. With that cover I had high hopes, but the writing was horrible.
Profile Image for Buktoktong.
26 reviews53 followers
January 18, 2024
Well written! If this story had been written in a longer format I think it’d be even better!
Profile Image for Mary.
159 reviews6 followers
April 24, 2023
Ole, ole, la mierda estrella que se lleva semejante horror.

No sé ni por dónde empezar.

Me lo vendieron por tiktok, un súper enemies to lovers, mates (y a mí me encantan los mates), una guerra, un buen secuestro... Digo, uy, esto pa mí, esto me va a gustar... MADRE MÍA, CUÁNTA MENTIRA.

Mira, empieza la cosa con una escena violenta y un buen secuestro y digo bien, vamos bien. Y hasta ahí. Lo que sigue es todo una chapuza. Que no coge la muchacha (Snow se llama) y se pone a quejarse como una niñata adolescente o más bien como un niño con un berrinche??? Me ha parecido muy pick me y yo con eso no puedo. Cuando decía algo dipo "who the fuck do you think you are?" o "Do you know who the fuck I am?" (como si esta tía fuera alguien) mi neurona moría un poco más. La vergüenza ajena que me ha hecho pasar que me la paguen. Os juro que si no dice "fuck" o "fucking" cada media frase, no dice nada. Tengo que decir que a mí los insultos en sí no me molestan (si no se utilizan demasiado, claro), lo que me molesta es la mala adaptación del lenguaje a la historia. Es decir, nos encontramos en una fantasía medio medieval, con espadas y magos y fae y orcos, pero el lenguaje que se utiliza es como el que usaríamos hoy en día Y NO SABÉIS LO QUE ME SACA ESO DE LA HISTORIA. Es que en realidad parece una parodia. Lamentable.

Bueno, seguimos que me lío. Toda la historia pasa en medio segundo. No hay ni media descripción. En un párrafo se odian y en el siguiente se quieren y no hay ningún tipo de explicación. Que sí, que son mates, pero eso siempre lleva un desarrollo, un conflicto y el hecho de que ella sea humana parece ser irrelevante. A la mínima ya admite que le quiere cuando tres líneas atrás no lo soportaba. No ha habido un tira y afloja, un te odio, pero te deseo, un nada. Me ha dado la sensación que la autora tenía una lista de clichés y los ha ido marcando uno detrás de otro. Y ha quedado como ha quedado: mal . Y a parte del "romance", el conflicto entre los humanos y los orcos, tan grande que lo ponían, en un párrafo se resuelve todo y yo ahí, con cara de tonta esperando una guerra :/ Si es que no sé por qué me fío de tiktok.

También me ha molestado que todo el mundo orco súper ok con que hubiera una humana en la montaña (orcos y humanos no se soportan, que para algo están en guerra). La señora hace amigas en cero coma y todos se fían de ella y el consejo de guerra se cree todo lo que dice y ella sabe de todo y tiene súper buenas ideas Y YO NO ME CREO NADA. Es que vamos a ver, una landronzuela de tres al cuarto qué va a saber de guerra, que alguien me lo explique. Pero, bueno, todo sale fantásticamente bien, porque ¿qué más da un poco más de surrealismo? Por no hablar de que pilla uno de esos lobos salvajes que ni los propios orcos pueden domar, venga, otra tontería más...

Os juro que me daba todo rabia. Sobre todo la protagonista, madre del amor hermoso, qué personaje más pedante, insufrible y lerdo. Su actitud prepotente y su manera de expresarse tipo niñata que ha descubierto los tacos y ahora no deja de decirlos me ha matado. Qué agonía. Si fuera una persona en la vida real, me liaría a hostias, sin miedo. Y es que encima se la planteaba como una súper bandida, inteligente y espabilada y personaje más inútil no ha existido en la vida.

Ah, y una cosa que se me olvidaba: yo no sé qué ha pasado con este libro, pero ¿alguien me puede explicar por qué en cada párrafo se usaba un tiempo verbal distinto? Quiero decir, en un párrafo está hablando en presente y dos líneas más abajo cambia al pasado y luego vuelve al presente y yo ????? ELIGE UNO, COÑO. Muchísimas faltas de ortografía (y eso que estaba en inglés) y ¡¡¡¡la coma del vocativo!!!!! ¡¿QUÉ LE PASA A LA GENTE CON LA COMA DEL VOCATIVO?!

Un despropósito de libro.

Y bueno, el smut, otra mierda, aquí te pillo aquí te mato y aquí la muchacha tiene una fuente en las bragas. O sea, inverosímil. Me habían prometido una persecución y tal y, sí, lo hace y en medio párrafo cada uno a su casa. Qué horror de descripciones (si es que se les puede llamar así), de verdad.

El peor libro de lo que va de año.
Profile Image for Nat ✨️.
29 reviews
February 2, 2023
2.8/5 stars, but rounded up to 3.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I like the world. I like the characters. I love the whole concept. I just don't think it's executed well.
It reads like a first draft. Nothing is really fully developed and the transitions from one thing to the next are abrubt and not smooth. Honestly reminds me of that one very specific fanfic brand of writing(Iykyk). Sometimes the characters think or say phrases that just feel off or too modern for the world they live in. And there's a lot of typos. Listen, I'm not a huge stickler on indie books needing to be perfect. I have rated a lot of books with typos 4 or 5 stars, but the amount in this book was just distracting at times.

I really wish more was fleshed out in the writing itself. For example instead of saying "He grabbed my neck" and then just moving onto the next thing add onto how. Like how did it feel? How did she feel about that(physically and emotionally)? Was the movement quick or slow? Things like that. No thoughts or actions are fully developed or fleshed out. Things just happen. The spicy scenes suffer from this problem as well.
This has so much potential, I just wish more time was given to polishing things. I think the author has great ideas, just needs a little more practice.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a short fun time and don't care about the things I mentioned, then you'll have fun with this. Go for it! But if you're looking for something that has spicy scenes AND well developed characters, relationships, and writing, then you might need to look elsewhere.
Profile Image for Bethany.
10 reviews5 followers
February 8, 2023

If you would like to read an Orc enemies to lovers I suggest you go to fanfiction or AO3 because Ive read better edited and far better stories in general on those sites than this ‘book’ - if you could call it that. The author doesn’t seem to know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’, and just flat out doesn’t know basic grammar/punctuation which completely takes you out of the story and makes you wonder if they ever passed a 5th grade education.

Besides the awful editing, there’s a heaping helping of gross rapey vibes that Azogg gives off. He literally saves Snow from being raped by someone only to later threaten her by chasing her down and ‘shoving his cock inside her’ if she ever tries to run away. But she likes it because he’s hot and the other guy was ugly. Not romantic. Just gross.

This feels like the author played Skyrim once and decided to write smut about it, but you’d probably find something better for free no less on any fanfiction site. This author couldnt even bother to have a decent beta reader to make sure their ‘i’s were capitalized when referring to the self. It’s embarrassing. I’d be embarrassed to have this published let alone plastering it all over tiktok.

Please don’t waste your money on this book. This author is more concerned with tiktok likes and follows than acutally publishing something that is remotely readable.
Profile Image for Anna.
288 reviews61 followers
December 1, 2023
DNF @ 11%

Y'all, I tried. The amount of grammatical errors is so distracting, and the writing needs work. Maybe this story could have benefited from additional rounds of editing.

I was also super bored (probably because of the writing style), and felt no emotional investment in the characters.
Profile Image for Laiba.
133 reviews44 followers
October 16, 2023

no doubt im lightyears behind on this whole monster-fucking romance genre so give ya girl a break she’s still learning.

secondly: how did a book this bad receive a cover as beautiful as that?

⭐ 1.5 stars ⭐ review to come.
Profile Image for spicykatzreads.
219 reviews242 followers
June 12, 2023
writing def needs work some parts feel really out of place with the rest of the story but overall plot is really fun and a lot of the tropes I enjoy are in this book so excited to see how the story continues!
Profile Image for Sadie Forsythe.
Author 1 book282 followers
October 6, 2023
Note: Spoilery rant incoming. 

I wanted so badly to love this. The cover is awesome. I'm all about the orc romances, any monsters, really. I had high hopes. But I hated this. The editing is a hit or miss, and the plotting leaves a lot to be desired, but the mechanical writing is perfectly readable. I just hated the story.

I spent too much time like, What? Just because we see his internal monologue and that he's torn up about things (that's sarcasm because we actually see very little of it), I'm supposed to miss the fact that he treats her like complete shit in every single interaction? There is absolutely nothing for a reader to connect with in this romance. Not even sex, because we don't get a sex scene until around page 130 (in a 178-page book). So, it doesn't even have being porn-with-plot as an excuse for its lack of anything to connect to.

There is just a male who avoids the woman we are supposed to believe he falls in love with, then shows up to treat her like garbage, and then avoids her some more before showing up to mistreat her again, over and over and over again. And a female main character who suddenly loses her heart literally like a day into the whole ordeal (not counting the unconscious one). Again, I was just like, What? Why? WTF?

It was so bad that by the time we finally did get the sex scenes, I was just pissed off that she accepted him. I was flat-out mad. The breaking point for me was when he crushed her by cruelly telling her she was worthless and should leave, and she was still there when he got back. Fair enough, you need a few days to get supplies and make preparations. But that wasn't it. She chose to stay for him. At that moment, I was done. I finished the book just to finish it.

But, Nah, there was nothing for me here. I was flat-out pissed off for her. Fuck that guy, and not in a good way. And fuck her for being willing to let that man consistently treat her like he did and mysteriously fall in love with him. There was no romance in this romance. And, for the record, it's not dark romance. I can't even console myself that the darkness is the point. It's not. It's trying to be a romance and just completely failing.

I see what the author was going for, but it apparently takes a defter hand than she has. What she was going for requires push and pull, and there is no pull here. So, the relationship progression made no sense in context. Not even the fated mate aspect could rescue it for me.

The dude basically abandoned her in Orc Mountain, and she makes a whole life for herself—friends, accomplishments, she even gets a god damned pet—and he isn't part of any of it. He's nowhere to be found. Well, he pops up to be a dick every now and again. What am I, as a reader, supposed to find appealing in that? There are no scenes that make you go "aww," no hot sex scenes to divert your attention, no challenge overcome together, no deep conversations (hardly any conversations at all), there is nothing prior to the sudden and unexplainable love that explains it or engages the reader.

Sure, he groveled a bit. But it was far too little, far too late. By that point, the fact that she was there to hear him out at all, let alone willing to hear him out, made no sense to me and pissed me off.

The ending was also just ridiculously predictable but somehow unnecessary. She had to sneak in somewhere through a convenient secret tunnel (because, of course, she did), and then he was immediately sent in after her. So, why did she specifically need to sneak in in the first place? Obviously, so that the plot could contort so he can save her. But I'd have rathered she be the hero if I had to sit through such predictability. The book felt about a million pages long.

I appreciated the full-figured heroine and the LGBTQ rep. But I just didn't enjoy the characters at all, and that meant I couldn't enjoy the story. This was a big ol' flop for me, and it was 100% because of choices the author made in plotting.
Profile Image for Emily Jeanine.
57 reviews
May 13, 2024
Back in my ✨monster romance era✨

This book was fun but definitely needs some editing. Love to support a local author though 🫶🏻
Profile Image for Hannah | Groovy Girl Reads.
251 reviews
January 25, 2023
this five star is for ✨the vibes✨i love kayla’s content and was so hyped for her debut release and she did not disappoint! the characters, the smut, the energy was just *chef kiss*🫶🏼✨🫶🏼✨🫶🏼 were there some hiccups like typos, funky writing, etc? for sure! is that also totally valid af for a debut indie self published book? also for sure! did not detract from the story at all & cannot wait to see kayla’s writing career continue to grow!
Profile Image for burnie.
415 reviews39 followers
January 31, 2023
This very much could have been a DNF if I hadn't forced myself through it.

I really wanted to love this. I follow the author on TikTok and I was super psyched to see she had written a monster romance (which is one of the genres I've been inhaling recently). But in the end, this feels really unpolished.

The idea and the tropes are all things that I typically enjoy but the writing really dulled any of the enjoyment that I did get from said tropes/plot.

One thing that was really common was the confusion of past and present tense. Within the same sentence, words/verbs in the past tense will then be followed by words/verbs in the present tense and vice versa.

"As my initial shock DISSIPATES, I start to KICKING and HITTING as hard as I can."

There were massive amounts of conjoined sentences where the first half didn't match the rest.

" Grinding my teeth together, I really don't like this orc."

There were tons of just straight typos and grammatical errors. There were words where the apostrophe was in the wrong place or the wrong word was used.

"The fire light only travels so far so here"

"Snow is now longer nestled in my body"

"... firelight eliminating the chamber halls..."

All in all, this book could have really benefited from a pretty quick proof read or an additional editor who would have picked up on these mistakes pretty easily.

Without these grammatical errors and such, this would be an easy 3 stars. There is nothing wrong with the characters or the romance (if you don't mind a healthy portion of insta-love/lust).

I'm really hoping that the author doesn't take this criticism in the wrong way and takes it into account and maybe gets someone to do a quick edit before re-releasing? I don't know the logistics but it would really do the story a service for the way it's conveyed to just be a wee bit polished.
Profile Image for Samantha Holz.
368 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2023
Poorly written and disappointing

The increments by which this book devolves can be measured using the Fibonacci sequence. How it managed to start so strong, only to stumble and then repeatedly trip and fall like a newborn deer, until it tumbled headlong into a flaming ravine, is beyond me. Someone's review of this stated that tiktok authors need to.start hiring editors and I couldn't agree more. The story had some good bones but it quickly became a hot mess, repeating phrases, misspelt words and even some words completely missing! With a few hours and a couple hundred bucks, I could have fixed this book right up. I just want orcs that aren't obsessed with impregnating their mates, and where we aren't constantly beat over the head with the fact they just ejaculate by the bucket load. I know it's not too much to ask because I've seen it done. Do better, please.

Edit to add: As I was going through my notes, I was reminded of the impromptu introduction of concepts that seemed apropos of nothing, causing a momentary conflict, which would be subsequently resolved within a matter of a few sentences. It felt as though the writer had envisioned scenes they wanted to take place but had no sense of where to place them in the narrative so that they would fit. The result was awkward. In these moments, I would remind any writer that, if you can't organically include something, then, darling, Kill Your Darlings...before they kill your story.

There were also a lot of very awkward sentences that would start with intensifying adjectives, or sentences that would set up and then not resolve. The frequency of these mistakes suggests the writer, perhaps, needs to review their knowledge of grammar and sentence structure. It may sound harsh to say so to an "author", but, by the same token, I shouldn't feel the need to say it. It's the kind of thing I expect to receive from a 15 year old asking for pointers. I would return it to them, albeit with a lot of notes, excited for the finished product (although perhaps not thrilled to see explicit sex stories written by a 15 year old?) Because this is not a finished product. It's a mess.
Profile Image for bree | breesbookmark ♡.
283 reviews81 followers
January 25, 2023
Thank you to the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review <3

Alright, so here's the thing: I really, really love the premise of this book. If you've read Finley Fenn's series, this is definitely one to check out—similar vibes, similar orc, but definitely different enough to feel like you've been dropped in a different realm.

That being said, I'm not sure this one was for me. I didn't feel like the transition to enemies to lovers felt believable to me. There was some pretty immediate lust that didn't make sense until later in the book, but even then, I wish there would have been a clearer moment where feelings shifted.

I enjoyed the world-building, the side character, and the dialogue, but there were grammatical errors that made it difficult to feel fully immersed at times. (Note: the author has stated that the errors will be fixed in time for full printing).

Despite my mixed feelings, I will likely follow up with the next book in the series!

Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Spice Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for mars.
114 reviews15 followers
December 22, 2024
[★★★★ ½]
first finished book of the year! i read this book in like 3 hours i was so obsessed. my dear friend kayla worked incredibly hard on this and it did not disappoint. very fast paced and had a nice plot. it maintained elements of past monster romances i’ve read while still building a world of its own. i loved the incorporation of overlapping stories and parallels amongst the characters and of course the steamy scenes. as well as the magical element and focus on differing species (elves, mages, orcs, humans, etc.) i’m so curious to see how the underlying story progresses (even though these are stand-alones that can be read separately). overall i can’t wait to read the next one and hope to see the appearance of past couples!
Profile Image for Veronica.
464 reviews46 followers
February 10, 2023
I was so excited for this book and it just fell so short. The writing leaning towards being very juvenile and the amount of typos and grammatical errors made it really hard to even get through the book, let alone enjoy it.
Profile Image for chocopótamo .
34 reviews
April 27, 2023
Girl get a good decent editor asap, this was so poorly written I couldn't bring myself to go on. There are just so many typos and definitely not enough commas.

Also it's giving 2012 wattpad, but in a way that it ain't giving what it needs to be given.

(suuuuuper gorgeous cover tho 💛)
Profile Image for Alyssa.
79 reviews10 followers
January 27, 2023
I loved this story! I’m so happy I came across this book on tiktok. It was a very fast paced book but I still loved how the characters developed. So excited for the next one!
Profile Image for Em.
15 reviews
June 24, 2023
Ooft ☹️
Profile Image for Trisha.
333 reviews52 followers
July 5, 2023
This was simply a fun read! Was it a literary work of art, no. Don’t come looking for those from me. I’m here for a good time and reading about an Orc railing a women is just what I was looking for.
That aside the story line was good and I loved the relationship between our two MC’s.
The political intrigue was perfect to keep me interested in the story as well.
Recommend it to my fun reading lovers ♥️
Profile Image for Ellen.
95 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2023
DNF @ 80%. As many of the comments have said, this book is in desperate, desperate need of editing from an independent source, and not just buddy readers. It is loaded with typos, grammatical errors, punctuation errors and is also unnecessarily repetitive at times.

It’s a shame, because it had promise. I love a good orc/monster romance, but the issues mentioned were so frequent that it became impossible to read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 445 reviews

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