bree | breesbookmark ♡

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Pounded by Produce
bree | breesbookmark ♡ is currently reading
by G.M. Fairy (Goodreads Author)
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"look curiosity gets the best of everyone every now and then" Feb 23, 2025 03:02PM

Kiss Me, Maybe
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bree | breesbookmark ♡ bree | breesbookmark ♡ said: " sapphic romance with heavy ace spectrum representation?? this was written for ME! "

21 hours, 3 min ago

Sabaa Tahir
“Laia is curled in a ball on the other, one hand on her armlet, fast asleep.
"You are my temple", I murmur as I knee beside her. "You are my priest. You are my prayer. You are my release."- Elias”
Sabaa Tahir, A Torch Against the Night

Alison Cochrun
“He's like a terrified baby bird. Like a two-hundred -twenty-pound baby bird with crippling anxiety and a fairly intense germ phobia who can't navigate his way through a complete sentence.”
Alison Cochrun, The Charm Offensive

Alison Cochrun
“How are the pancakes?"
Somehow both burned and raw in the middle. "Delicious."
"Be honest, Charlie."
"I think I already have food poisoning.”
Alison Cochrun, The Charm Offensive

Alison Cochrun
“I don't think happily ever after is something that happens to you, Dev. I think it's something you choose to do for yourself.”
Alison Cochrun, The Charm Offensive

Sabaa Tahir
“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don't lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.”
Sabaa Tahir, A Torch Against the Night

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