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Paranormal Hunger #3

Forbidden Obsession

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Coyote shifter Rudy Winslow is adapting to life in a new city when he spots a man whose very presence steals his heart. The man is bewitching. Bewitching…and grumpy.

Samuel has no interest in the shifter who’s been following him around like a lovesick pup, even if he is adorable. Adorable…and persistent.

Born a vampire before the Great Wars, Samuel’s had plenty of time to make enemies. If he can’t best his latest foe, it’ll be Rudy who pays the price. Samuel doesn’t do relationships—and he won’t bend the rules for Rudy—but that doesn’t mean he wants the coyote hurt.

Stuck with Samuel as the vampire plots revenge, Rudy leaps at the chance to win over his reluctant mate. But can they harness the power of their fated bond, or will Samuel’s dark past overcome the future they’ve yet to claim?


Forbidden Obsession is a MM urban fantasy/paranormal romance and the third book in the Paranormal Hunger Series, but can be enjoyed as a standalone. This book was previously published as Forbidden Need by Lee Colgin. It’s been revised and re-edited though the love story remains unchanged.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 7, 2020

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Lee Colgin

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,411 reviews1,561 followers
September 1, 2020

Wow, I guess it really was my last read's fault that it took me *TWELVE DAYS* to finish, because I devoured this one in less than 24 hours!

Samuel, the Vampire Council's enforcer, wasn't very prominent in the first book, but as Dr. Ben's best friend in the second book, I loved his snarky-assed attitude right from the get go and really wanted him to get his own story.

So when I saw that ARC's for his book were available, I immediately snapped it up on NetGalley and was not in the least disappointed.

As this book began, Samuel was still the same rude and grumpy asshole that I'd previously seen, but for some unknown reason (*cough-fated-mates-cough*), the moment that upbeat, personable, coyote shifter Rudy saw Samuel in a bar, it was a done deal.

But Rudy was nothing if not persistent, even against the most cutting of Samuel's rebukes, and this was a romance, after all, so as expected, the relentless canine shifter wormed his way into the bitchy, little vampire's cold, previously-dead heart. And since I enjoy stories with a bit of a chase, it was awesome to see!

Although the humor wasn't completely ratcheted up enough to give full-on frequent belly laughs, the laughs were there with enough regularity to keep me chuckling quite a lot, like in the exchange below, where Samuel had FINALLY stopped running full-speed away from Rudy.
“You know you’re even prettier when you’re not angry with me.”

Samuel opened his eyes, took in that ridiculous smile, and laughed out loud. “You’re quite infuriating.”

“Have you met
you?” Rudy’s grin widened.

I really enjoyed finally getting the back story of Samuel's painful 180 year past, through a series of flashbacks, which also introduced us to the present day Big Bad in the book.

Let's just say that the young vampire had *very* shitty tastes in boyfriends, to the point that those choices had followed him for over a century and might've cost him his life.

Less enjoyable, though, were the parts of the book surrounding the loss of Rudy's younger sister. When all was said and done, I didn't feel as though that entire story line was needed at all, but that's just me.

I also really liked how, even though Rudy was written as a much less powerful, less capable fighter than Samuel, it was Rudy that kept stepping up to the plate when situations had gone completely off the rails.

The relationship angst here was always kept to manageable levels, along with the steam, but I found the feels to be much higher than I'd actually expected.

In regards to pacing, the book was very good at keeping me completely invested from the first page until the defeat of The Big Bad; however, the parts after that landed a tiny bit flat, if I'm being 100% honest.

Overall, I'd rate this book at around 4.25 stars for the excitement and sheer enjoyment and recommend it to anyone who has already read the first two books. : )


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the author through NetGalley in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.

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Profile Image for ~✡~Dαni(ela) ♥ ♂♂ love & semi-colons~✡~.
3,356 reviews938 followers
April 18, 2024
The flashbacks to Samuel's childhood/young adulthood were damn sad.

To add depth to Rudy's character, the author had Rudy lose his youngest sister in an auto accident. This seemed gratuitous at best. Rudy blamed himself for her death supposedly, but we don't see/feel his grief; even when he's reunited with his family toward the end, the sister is never mentioned.

The beginning was sweet with a couple humorous moments. Samuel was just so grumpy, and Rudy was every hopeful.

The second half of the story was convoluted, with Samuel almost dying and Rudy coming to his rescue more than once.

I noticed that Lee Colgin has a bad habit of introducing complicated plots only to leave them completely unresolved once the MCs beat the antagonist.

In the first book of this series, humans find out about supernaturals and bomb a supernatural convention. Sinclair is kidnapped. We never find out who set the bomb and why. Was it the government? A rogue faction? What did the kidnappers hope to achieve and how did they organize themselves so quickly? Sinclair suggested the ransom, not the kidnappers, so what was the point besides Mitchel and Sinclair's family coming to the rescue?

In the second book, Samuel got intel that the villain wasn't working alone and that the villain's father, as the mastermind, had a group of humans and vampires ready to murder Ben. The villain says that she's working alone, so apparently there is no group and Samuel was wrong? What about the vampire who was burned - did the villain manage to kill him or not? It's hinted at that money was the motive, but this didn't add up, because the villain had no say as to whom the next "trial subject" would be.

In this final book, Samuel's abuser comes for him and is working with another evil vampire who happens to be a scientist. There's a whole group of rogue vampires, including one who sits on the council, but nothing is ever explained. What was the purpose of the group working together? Was it just about killing Samuel or was it about manufacturing the poison bullets? If the latter, WHY? And how/why was the council member involved? Again, we get NOTHING. The badies get their comeuppance, and all is good.

I found this infuriating. If you're going to create complex plots, you need to see them through. A romance doesn't need a mystery/suspense/danger component, but if that's your thing, do it justice. It's like mixing a cake and not baking it.

That's my rant of the day, folks. Carry on.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,720 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2020
Yes, yes, yes. Shifters, vampires, undeniably pull, fated mates, a persistent shifter, and a reluctant grumpy vampire. My favorite!!

“I’m not interested! Fuck off”

Rudy is a coyote shifter and when he sees the beautiful vampire with his amazing smell he knows for sure 'mate'. Only the furious doesn’t want anything to do with him. 
After told rudely several times he’s unwanted Rudy finally turns away.
But Samuel is anxious about Rudy's welfare with danger from Samuel's enemies.

Alternating between past and present from both Rudy and Samuel we get to know some shocking facts. Devastating and heartbreaking. Danger from the past influencing the present, danger, guilty, horrible feelings.
Fated mates with friends and dangerous enemies.
It was a great story at times quite suspenseful, with determined mates, heartbreaking at times, and thank goodness it ended all well.
I loved this excellently written story hard!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
550 reviews27 followers
April 18, 2023
Loved it!

This was everything I had hoped for

Samual is a grumpy vampire that’s been hurt in the past and we have Rudy, a coyote shifter that’s a ball of sunshine. I love the grumpy/sunshine dynamic and I love watching the grumpy one soften towards the sunshine.

Like the other 2 books there is danger that must be solved but this works with the plot unlike in the last book. I am happy I read book 2 because we do interact with Nathan and Benjamin but that’s the only reason I’m glad I read it.

I love this universe and I am off to figure out what the next book chronologically is
Profile Image for Mary Kirkland.
691 reviews34 followers
September 9, 2020
This is the third book in the They Bite series and since I read the first two books and liked them, I figured I would read this one as well and I'm glad I did.

In the last book Samuel really had me intrigued because he's a lethal vampire. He's called on when uncomfortable things need to be done. He's a loner but has a couple of long time friends that he's close with but even they don't know all of his secrets.

Rudy is new to town but soon spots Samuel in a bar he tries to ask him out but is flatly turned down. But that doesn't stop Rudy for long because he's persistent. But Samuel doesn't date and when we see into his past, it's all too obvious why he never gave dating a second chance.

Rudy knows that Samuel is his mate but Samuel refuses to accept it or even acknowledge Rudy most of the time. But Rudy isn't about to give up that easy and goes about being in the same places that Samuel frequents. Rudy even gets some help from one of Samuel's friends. Samuel is a very closed off vampire and he has every right to be but when Rudy runs into some trouble, Samuel can't stop the alpha male in him from coming out and coming to his rescue.

Just when these two are finding each other, a terrible vampire from Samuel's past finds him and puts both their lives in danger. Now they have to find a way to stay safe and stop the villain from winning.

This was such a good story but I really liked the first two stories in this series as well so I'm not surprised. I will gladly keep reading this series since the books are so good.

Disclosure: I was given an ARC of this book via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for K.J. Sweeney.
Author 1 book45 followers
August 26, 2020
This is the third book in the 'they bite' series and like the previous books, it features a relationship between a vampire and a shifter. In this case, we have Samuel a vampire over a hundred years old and Rudy, a Coyote shifter in his thirties.
As vampires go, Samuel is a particularly grumpy one. Even so, there is something that is almost innocent about him when it comes to relationships. He has had a number of bad experiences over his long life and although it has led him to become the hardened warrior that he is, when he meets Rudy a softer and more vulnerable side to him comes out. Some of the story is told via flashbacks to both Rudy and Samuels youth and we find out more about what has shaped both of their characters.
I enjoyed seeing the unfolding relationship between them. From the start, Rudy is convinced that Samuel is his, but it takes Samuel much longer to come around. After all that he has been through, he's not convinced that he deserves the kind of relationship and happiness that Rudy is offering him.
This third book is another great read and one that I really enjoyed.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,902 reviews106 followers
March 9, 2023
4,5 stars for my favourite book in this series so far.

I was intrigued by Samuel since reading the first book and was really looking forward to his story.

Rudy was, at first, not what I expected dor him bit after reading some of his history, I think Rudy was perfect.

I read one review, which was very vehement about the perceived lack of consent from Rudys' side and let me tell you ... consent is really, REALLY important here. And Rudy is very cautious with Samuel.

There are one or two instances where the story was made to fit the plot, but that is ok.

We even get to know three interesting characters whose stories I would love to read: Crowler, Andrew, and Lucas ... so maybe the next one will be one of those.

All in all, it was a very satisfying book which I totally enjoyed
Profile Image for Demetra Roussakis.
1,273 reviews12 followers
March 5, 2023
When I read that Benjamin’s friend Samuel was getting his own book, I was beyond thrilled. Rudy was in a new city meeting friends at a club, when he spots someone at the bar. He was enthralled by him and was moving towards him to introduce himself. After talking to him, he realized the gentleman was his mate. He learned later his name was Samuel. To say that Samuel was prickly is an understatement. After months of trying to talk to him, they finally connected and their story started from there. It was nice to have a backstory of Samuel and what he has been through. Great action, high heat and some angst between the couple leads to a happy ever after. Here is hoping there is more books in the series.
Profile Image for Adaline.
319 reviews1 follower
March 5, 2023
MC1 feels MC2 is his mate.
MC2 rejects him (many many times) with very non ambiguous no.
Then MC1 proceeds to stalk him, not accept no for an answer, and even the friends of MC2 disrespect that no too. Acting like his owed MC2 dick

Couldn’t get over it, how it was treated as such normal behavior and how shitty are your friends that they will tell your stalker where you are, cause he doesn’t look dangerous. Lovely.

Not for me.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
806 reviews54 followers
August 27, 2020
This is book three in the "They bite" series. Full disclosure – I loved the supporting character, Samuel in the last book so I was delighted when I discovered he was one of the main characters in Forbidden Need. When I first encountered Samuel I described him as  "all sharp edges and pointy bits." I'm happy to say he is still the same in this third book of such a great series.

Colgin's world is one that I quite enjoy. Vampires can be born or sired. There has been some political strife between shifters and vampires that has resulted in some hard feelings and some violence. There can be interspecies "mates" but the idea of fated mates is one that is more fully explored in this book.

When young Coyote shifter Rudy sees Samuel he knows there's something special about him. It doesn't take Rudy long to work out that Samuel could be his mate. He doesn't know much about fated mates, but his heart is open and loving and he just wants to be near Samuel.

Gruff and sharp Samuel is true to form in this book. He's built up walls that allow him to maintain an emotional distance from the people around him. His best friend is probably Benjamin who is the main character in book two. In fact, it's Samuel who encourages Ben to take on his werewolf partner, Nathan. If only Samuel would easily apply that same advice to himself.

Through brief flashbacks of the past, Colgin reveals what has happened to Samuel since he was born. Soon, the reader finds out that Samuel has fought hard to be the person he is. There is a lot of trauma and violence in his past, and he has learned to protect himself by shutting himself off from relationships. Samuel is a lovely and complex character. Despite his thorny outside, I already liked him because of his brief presence in the second book of the series. The flashbacks combined with his reluctant interest in Rudy made me like him even more.

Rudy is the more loveable of the two characters. The shifters in Colgin's books tend more toward being free-spirited and a bit less bound by tradition than they are their hearts. I like that as it makes sense to me. It's clear that the author has put a lot of thought into the world and the characters because it's very consistent throughout the series.

This is probably my favorite book so far in this series!
Profile Image for AL♡.
631 reviews
March 12, 2023
Although Forbidden Obsession is the 3rd book in the series, it can be read as a standalone.
It is a well written book (and series)... a great way to end Paranormal Hunger.

There's unrequited love. There's a grumpy vampire who's not interested in settling down with a tenacious shifter. I enjoyed watching Rudy work for his relationship with Samuel. When they do finally come together, their coupling is hot and smexy.

✅ fated mates
✅ grumpy/sunshine
✅ slow burn
✅ shifter & vampire pairing
Profile Image for SophiaH.
584 reviews8 followers
October 14, 2022
This was different. Much darker than the previous books I have read of this author so far.

Rudy was a treasure, so loyal, friendly, happy and sweet but also easy to take advantage of. Samuel was... well he was rough. His personality at the beginning till about the middle of the book was rude, sometimes nasty and dismissive. I agree with Samuel's assumption that Rudy must be telling the truth about them being mates because no one sane would keep on pursuing him being treated that way. The fighting scenes were interesting and the general plot as well. I also noticed that although the big bad vampire was the more experienced fighter Rudy was the one who saved the day on more than one significant occasion. What I credit Samuel highly is his immediate response to someone hurting Rudy. Even though he still was in denial, there was no thought, no hesitation, he wouldn't stand for anyone laying a hand on his mate.


What was with all those flashbacks of times past? I guess the intention was to humanize Samuel on the one hand as most were placed in the first half where Samuel acted like a jerk, so you understood and wouldn't hate him too much. And Rudy to get to know him somehow? I will mark the following thoughts on that subject as spoiler, so here we go ...

And, so, am I to understand that Samuel and Rudy are the ONLY true mated pair? Nathan and Ben, Sinclair and Mitchel, Sinclairs parents they all just bonded and never thought to find their own true mate? I would think, that I wouldn't be tooooooo hasty being claimed by someone I fell in love with, had a rocky beginning to start with, knowing that, although rare, there might be a fated mate out there for me. I think I would at least wait a year or three...

Just on a side note... As I am a woman I'm asking this of men, just throwing this out there...
Profile Image for Joyffree.
3,303 reviews61 followers
October 6, 2020
This was easily a standalone but it is part of a series?
Now I'm going to have to read the first two - inquiring mind and all 😊
Let me start with how much I absolutely adore Rudy! He was like that annoying best friend's little brother who followed you everywhere and just never got the hint! I don't care how many times Samuel hissed at him - told him to bugger off - practically tossed him into the streets -
He was never deterred!
You have to admire that kind of dedication

And Samuel, at first I really didn't like him.
I get you are old Sam, but you don't need to be so crotchety to the pup.
As the story progressed though? I felt pretty bad for my quick and incorrect assessment.
Samuel has lived through one nightmare after another. I don't want to give spoilers but my heart broke as his past was revealed. Watching him come back to life with Rudy was magical

Rudy eventually gets himself into a predicament. Fine, he may have, sort of, slightly pushed Samuel a touch too far? Which resulted in a bit of blood loss, a small bar scrimmage, and an excursion through the forest which dropped them into a confrontation with a dark being from Samuels past (🙄 no not all at once)
Soon enough Samuel realizes the pup is his - 100% - and nothing or no one is going to harm him

I enjoyed the steady pace of the storyline and the colorful cast not only the main characters but the supporting as well - all were well crafted and easily drew me in and kept me entertained
Profile Image for R.
2,023 reviews
August 27, 2020
Samuel is an almost two-hundred year old vampire. His life has been full of pain and betrayal.
When he meets a very strong-willed shifter named Rudy, he’s able to ignore him for a while, but Rudy is tenacious and he knows Sam is his mate. He just has to do some convincing.

Lots of backstory for Sam, not so much for Rudy, but I felt like he was kind of an open book anyway. The author did a nice job making both men equal as the relationship advanced. Rudy was definitely bouncy and Sam was pretty glum but once he realized they were indeed mates, he opened up at a snails pace which allowed them time to adjust to each other.

There really wasn’t anything to dislike about this book. Nice writing, good characters with a sweetly determined coyote claiming his reluctance vampire.

This book was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design in exchange for an honest review. Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.

Profile Image for Dee.
200 reviews1 follower
August 23, 2020
This had me hooked from the start. Rudy was lovable and his tenacity was endearing. Samuel was mean and hard and not overly likeable but once you started to read his history you understood why he was like he was and he grows on you. Although there was some pretty dark topics included it was lightened by Rudy’s personality even though he had some tragedy in his life too. The unlikely pairing of these two made it more interesting and the acceptance from their friends and family made it heartwarming.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Joscelyn Smith.
2,145 reviews15 followers
September 30, 2020
Wonderfully well-written characters whose story I was drawn into from the beginning. It can be read as a standalone but reading the previous books will help to flesh-out to overall series arc. All in all an enjoyable addition to the series.

*I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley*
Profile Image for Ashley Martinez (ilovebooksandstuffblog).
2,859 reviews81 followers
August 19, 2020
Sweet, stubborn and suspenseful! This was another fangtastic addition to the series which can also be read as a stand-alone.

A reluctant vampire and a stubborn mate! I loved how well they complimented each other and how their relationship evolved over the course of the story.
835 reviews8 followers
March 2, 2023
I have been waiting for Samuel's story; we, as readers, have seen glimpses of him in the previous two books, especially in Benjamin's book. Ben is Samuel's best friend so we got to know Sam's character a bit more in Ben's story, and I've needed to know more about Sam ever since... We finally got Sam's story y'all!!

I'm so excited, if you can't tell. Okay so... This book is unfortunately the final installment in this incredible series, that I'm not so excited about... But! What a way to end the series. (Minor spoiler) Everyone got a happy ending and things were wrapped up with a sweet bow.

It was nice to see Sam get his own happily ever after, he deserved it after all the horrific things he was subjected to. And yes, his job was one where he had to be ruthless and brutal, but that didn't necessarily make him a bad person. Even though he doesn't believe he deserves to be happy, or that he could make anyone happy, Rudy shows him differently.

Rudy... Sweet, sweet, Rudy. I loved his character! He was such a great contrast to Sam's character in all the right ways. Sunshine to Sam's grumpy, caring to Sam's aloofness. I really enjoyed how Lee made Rudy work for his relationship with Sam. It was not an easy feat to win over the grumpy vampire but Rudy did it slowly, and cautiously. Not to mention Rudy listened and respected Sam's boundaries... Most of them anyway.

This book, like the others, was very well written. It was like you could not only picture the events as they were happening but you could also picture Rudy's coyote because of the attention to detail. When authors take their time to really flesh out a story, and to make sure everything fits and works well, you can tell they put that work in. And you can definitely tell Lee did that with this story.

Even though Sam's character was a bit harsh at time he eventually developed a soft spot for Rudy, and let Rudy into his life. Even though it terrified him. As sad as I am to see this series come to an end, I'm really glad it ended with Sam.

Overall a really great story, with characters that at first glance shouldn't go together, but end up being what each other needs. And those action scenes?? It was like a movie!

*I received an early copy of this book and this is my honest review.*
Profile Image for Kendra Patterson.
859 reviews9 followers
March 8, 2023
ARC received from GRR for an honest review.

Rudy is a coyote shifter who's recently moved to Stonesburg. After a tragic accident he doesn't feel welcome in his hometown so he has moved and started over. Lucky for him he does IT work remotely. While out on the town with his new friends, he sees something he really likes. When he approaches Samuel he's immediately brushed off. This doesn't stop him though. He keeps up his pursuit of Samuel to the point of stalking him. Will he wear Samuel down or will he finally give up?

Samuel is a 180 year old vampire. He's seen a lot in his life and most of it wasn't good. He's had a lot of horrible things happen to him and at some point decided to exist instead of live. When Rudy approaches him in his favorite bar, he can't deny he's attracted but he isn't about to give him a chance to hurt him, as the others have. How many times does he have to come across Rudy "accidentally" before he gives in or will he finally blow him off?

During Samuel and Rudy's odd tango of "not dating" danger comes in the form of an old foe of Samuel's. Their past relationship is choked full of pain and suffering for Samuel and he wants to brings it to a final stop. When this foe targets Rudy, Samuel gets downright possessive and has to finally admit there's something to this "mate" thing.

Rudy is a delightful, outgoing guy and his attraction to Samuel; although, instant, is actually felt and believable. Samuel is a curmudgeon at first but Rudy soon has him believing in the good life can bring and he starts becoming a better person. Their chemistry is good. They have tragedy in common and they were able to help each other deal with it. As much tragedy as Samuel went through I'm really surprised he didn't walk into the sun but he's a very strong person inside. This story is told in the present, with past flashbacks, that help us see what made these two who they are. I'm not usually a fan of this type of storytelling but in this case it worked for me. The story itself was compelling and kept my attention. I enjoyed seeing the characters from book two show up. A great ending to this trilogy. I recommend this to those that like MM romance, with paranormal and mystery added in.
Profile Image for Nicole.
368 reviews13 followers
March 1, 2023
A shifter obsessed with his mate and the vampire that denies him.
Third in series (Paranormal Hunger), but can be read as a standalone. Paranormal. Fated mates. Hurt/comfort. Grumpy/sunshine. Slow burn. Dual POV. Coyote shifter Rudy is new to town but when he sees a beautiful vampire at the local bar he immediately recognizes him as his mate. Unfortunately, Samuel has no interest in getting to know Rudy, Samuel has overcome a traumatic past and has lived decades without any kind of intimate relationship and only a few people he can call his friends. Luckily Rudy is persistent and Samuel cannot explain his need to protect the young shifter, unless they really are fated mates. Descriptive backgrounds explain Rudy and Samuel’s personal motivations, especially Samuel’s reluctance to be in a relationship. Some action, some steam, and some sweetness from a smitten Rudy who slowly breaks down Samuel’s barriers to allow them to comfort and care for each other. I wish there was more getting-to-know-you communication, but I really enjoyed all the interactions between Rudy and Samuel as they accepted their mate. Both characters had their own strengths and complemented each other with different types of support and acceptance. This whole series was fun and entertaining. 4.5 rounded up
Profile Image for Anne Barwell.
Author 23 books108 followers
March 7, 2023
I love this series, and was intrigued by Samuel in the last book. I enjoyed his and Rudy’s story, and seeing previous MCs from different perspective. I liked the glimpses into both their pasts and how it’s impacted them.

Samuel and Rudy are perfect together, although their journey to get that far takes a while, but that’s realistic given Samuel’s history. I liked how Rudy didn’t give up on Samuel and how they both have their own strengths and are able to help each other. I loved how Samuel slowly thawed around Rudy and realised they are mates.

The world building is great. I loved the take on fated mates and everything that comes with it. The bad guy is a nasty piece of work. I liked that he’s a formidable opponent. Their encounters with him are tense and have consequences. I loved the way that part of the storyline concluded.

I enjoyed seeing Benjamin and Nathan again, and their part in the story. And Luther from a different perspective. I liked the important role friendship and family—both good and bad—play in the story.

Their HEA is sweet and I’m sad to see the last of this series.

618 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2023
This book has everything in it that I could possibly want: a vampire with a tragic past, lots of action, some super steamy moments but also tons of sweet bits, a bit of angst and one determined coyote shifter! Sam and Rudy were absolutely perfect together and how their relationship developed definitely felt true to who they were as characters. Rudy was just an absolute sweetheart, so understanding and loving. I really enjoyed the flashbacks as it helped to understand both of their personalities and motivations better. From start to finish I was hooked and I thought this one had a great ending too. Definitely worth the wait to see Samuel get his own HEA and it was good to see a few familiar faces dotted about too.

Overall, this is a brilliant MM romance that I'd definitely recommend. I really hope that there are more books that will be set in this world as it's still got so much potential - my fingers are certainly crossed! For me, it has to be 5 stars as it's the perfect end to the trilogy.

I received an ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Alix Gray.
150 reviews4 followers
March 7, 2023
Un grand merci à l’auteure pour cet ARC et sa confiance.

Dernier tome!!!!
J’attendais tellement l’histoire de Samuel, et je n’ai pas été déçue.

On s’en doutait, Samuel a un lourd passé derrière lui et a du mal à faire confiance et à s’attacher à qui que ce soit. Alors quand il rencontre un coyote garou qui lui parle de compagnon et d’amour, son premier instinct est de tout rejeter en bloc. Et bon sang, il sait se montrer grossier et désagréable.😆

Heureusement Rudy a de quoi y croire et s’investir pour deux. C’est un homme charmant, persévérant et qui a du caractère auquel Samuel donne du fil à retordre. Rudy fait preuve d’une patience infinie pour atteindre le cœur plus verrouillé qu’un coffre fort de ce vampire à la solide réputation de croque-mitaine.

Mais l’attente rend les choses encore meilleures, j’apprécie énormément les slow-burns dans lesquels l’un des personnages se fait "désirer" et où l’autre prend le temps de le connaître, lui fait la cour, le séduit *tousseàl’usuretousse* avec le temps.

J’ai aimé avoir des bribes de la vie de Samuel avant d’être transformé et qu’il ne devienne l’exécuteur froid et dur forgé par la vie. Même si c’était pour avoir les tripes serrées la plupart du temps.🥺

Et avec une vie aussi longue et jonchée de cadavres que la sienne, il est assez difficile de déterminé qui en a après Samuel et le traque toutes les nuits.
En plus de Rudy, je veux dire.😆

Et bien sûr on retrouve les cameos tant attendus des personnages des tomes précédents.🥰 Ce qui a rendu encore plus difficile de dire au revoir à la série.😭
407 reviews
March 7, 2023
So, yes, there is a bit of stalker-y behavior from Rudy, but nothing menacing. Rudy is determined to prove to Samuel that they are indeed mates. Once Samuel comes to terms with that, the progression of the story is fantastic. Rudy is an insanely sweet guy who just wants his mate to acknowledge him, much less actually love him. Samuel, who has so much tragedy in his life, takes his sweet time coming to the conclusion that he and Rudy are meant to be togther. The "bad guy" who finally gets Rudy and Samuel in line with each other is a constant threat, but his part of the storyline is well-written and brings that bit of suspense that really makes the book great. I'm sad that the series is ending, because I really enjoyed the books. Hopefully there will be more, or at least connected books in the same world where we have a chance of revisiting some of these guys.
Profile Image for Maitana C.
258 reviews2 followers
March 10, 2023
I’m going to start with a big, “This series is so good!!” Because it really is. I’ve enjoyed all of the books this far!

Rudy and Sam…. Checked all of the right boxes. Past trauma, hurt/comfort, danger, grumpy/sunshine, fated mates, denial etc. and going into this I thought I would get through it too quickly because I loved the plot so much.

The first 70% of this book I read in one sitting. I was so hooked and ready to find out how they would get to HEA, and also the danger they were in gave it a nice semblance of suspense. However, after that it didn’t hold my attention the way I was expecting it to. Which could totally just be me.

Overall I enjoyed it. I know I will be trying it again to see if a different headspace helps me connect with the last 30% of the story. I can’t wait to continue with this series! 3/5 ✨
Profile Image for Diane Dannenfeldt.
3,922 reviews76 followers
March 2, 2023
loved this series

Even though this is book 3 in the series, I think you could read it without reading the first two books and not be lost. I'm just not sure why you would want to because they were really good as well. I loved Samuel & his snarkiness. What he went through even before he was turned was heartbreaking. Even though Samuel came off as a rude & down right nasty person, you could see that underneath it all was someone that just wanted to be loved but was afraid to give his heart to someone again. Rudy we met briefly in book 2 & I didn't like him. I didn't like his attitude, but then again he didn't play a huge role in that book so I didn't really get to know him. Boy was I wrong about him. He was so sweet and when he sees Samuel & gets a whiff of him, he knows that Samuel is his mate & there is nothing he won't do to get him. Samuel is being stalked and he doesn't want anything to happen to Rudy so he does everything he can to push him away. But when push come to shove, Rudy stepped up and showed he was a force to be reckoned with. I really loved watching these two get to know each other & finally claim each other
Profile Image for Antonella.
101 reviews
March 7, 2023
The story between Rudy, a coyote shifter, and Samuel, a vampire, doesn’t start in an easy way. In fact, while Rudy is attracted from the vampire from the first moment they met, Simon tries everything to keep the coyote shifter at distance. Anyway, Rudy is convinced they are meant to be together, and despite Samuel’s efforts to keep him away, he manages to reach his heart.
I loved the patience Rudy had in gaining Samuel’s heart, as well as the fact that Samuel, behind his cold appearance, is actually really protective towards his lover, or better “mate”.
Samuel has a dark past that’s hunting him and doesn’t want Rudy to get involved or injured because of that. But Rudy is there to help, and in the end they manage to find their happily ever after.
Profile Image for Ida Umphers.
4,931 reviews38 followers
March 9, 2023
This has been a great series and I've enjoyed seeing the vampires and shifters find their fated mates although in this case, Samuel accepts the inevitable with initial reluctance. I'm a fan of age gap romances and when you're talking vampires its a huge age and experience gap as well as a grumpy/sunshine pairing here. Samuel knows what has to be done and that there is a formidable enemy lurking about so he ends up thinking he's going to have to protect Rudy. In some ways, that's true but as the story progresses, we see that Rudy has his own strengths and these two form a bond that goes beyond just the mate bond. There's suspense, evil to battle and a great romance in this one.
31 reviews
March 9, 2023
I get it...

I love Rudy & Sam's story. Initially I was put off by Sam's indifference and annoyed with Rudy's  insistence. I was hoping there was a valid reason for his demeanor and not just someone in need of a personality transplant... I was not disappointed & ended up relating to Sam in his reasoning on why he was the way he was. It was a joy to see these 2 grow closer, well at least on one end.

I like how their story was woven together. There was adequate suspense, character building, a solid plot, and cohesiveness. I am definitely proud of myself for not skipping over parts due to my impatience. This is the 3rd book I've read from this author and am l looking forward to more. 
Profile Image for James Hill.
570 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2023
I really enjoyed reading this book. It is an awesome conclusion to a spectacular series. Rudy a coyote shifter meets Samuel, a vampire enforcer. Rudy knows from the moment he sees Samuel that they are mates. But Samuel wants nothing to do with him. Samuel is very mean to Rudy yet Rudy is persistent. Both men have some emotional issues from their past to address. While the two men struggle to determine what is going on between them there is a malicious entity stalking Samuel. To keep Rudy safe, Samuel tries to drive him away, but he and Rudy are still drawn to each other. The two men must work together to survive because this stalker is evil.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews

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