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109 pages, Paperback
First published October 19, 2004
قلت لها: يبدو أنني بدأت أشيخ. تنهدت هي: نحن شخنا بالفعل. لكن الأمر إن الواحد منا لا يشعر بالشيخوخة من الداخل و لكن من الخارج كل العالم يراها.و لأنه أنفق حياته في الملذات بالطول و العرض و لم يع أن وجود شريكة لحياته من الأمور المهمة إلا في الفراش فقد كانت الحقيقة الكاشفة أن الروح لا تصدأ أبدا و أن الجسد يبلى و القلب ما زال أخضرا على عوده
منذ ذلك الوقت بدأت أقيس الحياة ليس بالسنوات و لكن بالعقود. عقد الخمسينات من عمري كان حاسما لأنني انتبهت إلى أن كل الناس تقريبا أصغر مني سنا. و الستينيات كانت الأكثر توترا لاشتباهي في أنه لم يبق لدي وقت حتى أخطئ. و السبعينيات كان مخيفا لاشتباهي في أنه ربما يكون العقد الأخير من عمري. و بالتالي عندما استيقظت حيا و سعيدا في أول يوم من أعوامي التسعين في سرير دلجادينا اخترقتني الفكرة السعيدة بأن الحياة ليست شيئا يجري كنهر هيراكليتو العكر بل هي فرصة وحيدة للتقلب على النار و مواصلة شواء النفس من الجانب الأخر خلال تسعين سنة أخرى.
"My symptoms at dawn were perfect for not feeling happy: my bones had been aching since the small hours, my asshole burned, and thunder threatened a storm after three months of drought."He settles down to write the day's column for the local newspaper and decides that the subject should indeed be his 90th birthday. He starts to think about his life and what it means to be old.
"The truth is that the first changes are so slow they pass almost unnoticed, and you go on seeing yourself as you always were, from the inside, but others observe you from the outside."
"I stopped making the list when my body no longer allowed me to have so many and I could keep track of them without paper."He had the tool of a galley slave and he slept in the red-light district two or three times a week. His claim to fame is that he'd been with such a variety of companions that he was twice crowned client of the year! *rolling my eyes*
"I sat down to contemplate her from the edge of the bed, my five senses under a spell. A warm current travelled up my veins, and my slow, retired animal woke from its long sleep."But strangely, nothing happens.
"This was something new for me. I was ignorant of the arts of seduction and had always chosen my brides for a night at random, more for their price than their charms, and we made love without love, half-dressed most of the time and always in the dark so we could imagine ourselves as better than we were. That night I discovered the improbable pleasure of contemplating the body of a sleeping woman without the urgencies of desire or the obstacles of modesty."For a period of time the old man and the young girl meet. He calls her Delgadina, a girl in a song, and he brings her small gifts. Each time they meet they sleep side by side, with him mostly looking at and smelling her. Occasionally he kisses and caresses her tired young body as she snoozes. She doesn't speak with him; their intimacy is silent, tranquil.
"Sex is the consolation you have when you can't have love."