A wicked incubus. A curvy, delectable human female. One night of passion that changes everything.
Willow Crowley’s world comes crashing down when she discovers her boyfriend has been seeing another woman. The dream she’d held of a life with him is shattered in an instant, leaving her alone with nothing except heartache.
She vows to never open herself to that hurt again…
Until a seductive, otherworldly stranger with white hair, piercings, and icy blue eyes promises her a single night of pleasure. No strings attached.
But that night isn’t enough for him. He wants more, more than she’s ready to give. How can she trust him not to break her heart when he isn’t even human?
Kian has lived promiscuously for four hundred years, feeding on the desire of the humans he and the fae considered prey. But when he locks eyes with a purple-haired female, something inside him shifts irrevocably.
No one else can sate his hunger.
He wants her. Needs her. Yearns for her.
Yet she refuses to submit to the carnal delights he promises. She wants more. She wants…love. Can he mend her broken heart? Can he love a mortal woman? ----- Content warnings can be found on the author's website.
Tiffany Roberts is the pseudonym for Tiffany and Robert Freund, a husband and wife writing duo. Tiffany was born and bred in Idaho, and Robert was a native of New York City before moving across the country to be with her. The two have always shared a passion for reading and writing, and it was their dream to combine their mighty powers to create the sorts of books they want to read. They write character driven sci-fi and fantasy romance, creating happily-ever-afters for the alien and unknown.
I'm pretty sure Tiffany Roberts could write a romance between a pile of flaming hot sewer garbage and a plucky twenty-something heroine and somehow make it sexy
if i would've known this writer was actually a husband x wife duo it would've been removed from the tbr EXPEDITIOUSLY because this book was so horrid 😭 of course a man had a hand in writing it. it's gotta be why the male love interest sucked so bad. we failed at our main mission in romance: men written by women :/
obviously i read this for the plus size readathon because hello gorgeous thick girl on the cover. but the main summary i have of what went wrong in this book was that fiction is supposed to be an escape from the real world, especially when involving a male love interest that's literally from another world, and yet this uses SO many toxic and gross themes like coercion and other gross alpha guy "you know you want me" kind of language that i hated it!!!!
i like the plot of an incubus who's spent the last 300 years literally fucking around and finding out finally wanting to settle down because he's found a soulmate. furthermore i do like that the fmc is not in the mood for a relationship, so he has to court her and earn her love. but this book was so infuriating because instead o learning how to woo humans, he basically just whines and buys her love and doesn't get to know her at all past some trauma dumping.
this book is really not worth a 3 page long review on how much it sucked but boy did it suck. this guy was so annoying and only thought about sex (which could have been realistically done but this was just gross??? especially knowing now it was written by a man 🤢) also i had to skim read the last 30% of this because it was SO longwinded and unnecessarily drawn out.
boooooo. big boooooooo. will be skipping these authors' books in the future because this was absolutely not for me. this dude having both iridescent fairy wings and a pierced dick really just did not sell him to me as sexy 😭
is it rape attempt if an incubus use his magic on a woman to create false desire 🤨 idk but it was already boring since the heroine always pushing the hero
I'm here to read any and all fat girl romances, but this could've been 100 pgs shorter and without the dubcon/ questionable character motives. Not worth it. 0/10 recommend
2.5 Quería hacer una reseña más larga y trabajada, pero al final se queda en una reseña resumida.
Esta novela está bien escrita. Hay que admitirlo, los autores saben escribir y mantenerte en vilo. Sin embargo, este libro tiene cositas que me han hecho tener escalofríos: me refiero al nivel de toxicidad, las llamadas “red flag” del personaje masculino que luego se desarrolla su personaje (también lo digo, no mucho, pero algo). También un poco la hipocresía de la protagonista, esto último era lo que más me molestaba, pero bueno es mi opinión.
No le pongo 2 porque me entretuve leyéndolo. (Que le voy a hacer).
I really enjoyed the tension between the MCs in this book and the SPICE was over the top and so much fun. The FMC was a good mix of confident and insecure, like most human beings. Kian had an interesting redemption and growth arc. They were adorable together.
Spice: 5/5
Triggers: SA, violence, brief torture, discussion of childhood neglect, cheating (not MC)
This was a bit of a flop for me, a lot of sex but I didn’t really feel any other chemistry outside of those scenes - the relationship development was kinda weak so by about 60% I was really over it and sped read it just to get it over with it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I wish most authors put trigger warnings before the book starts. I subscribe to Tiffany Roberts emails, and when I got the announcement email for the release I read the description for the book on the email. I LOVED IT! Clicked the Amazon link and downloaded it on Kindle. It wasn’t until I finished the book and looked at other reviews before I realized oh hey, they do have content warnings. In the Goodreads description for the book at the very end, “Content warnings can be found on the author's website.” Yeah, I didn't get to see that because I had already read the book's description on the email, which didn’t have that little fact. If I did, it would have definitely changed my experience reading this book. Normally, I read reviews before starting a book or series for the first time. But since this was a new release I went into it with the information I had available to me.
Onto the review
Yearning For Her
HERO /HEROINE Willow is a great character. She is kind, creative, smart, and empathetic. She has a good head on her shoulders. Even though she had a rough start at life, she worked hard for what she has. She’s loved and lost. She’s been hurt. And now, when she gets the opportunity for love again, she gives him a chance.
Kian may live among humans, but he’s never understood humans. They are simply his prey. He walks among them and carelessly feeds, he entertains himself with their bodies and indulges in their fantasies. But that’s never meant anything to him before. When he meets Willow he realizes he has been living without a purpose.
REPRESENTATION plus size heroine
OVERALL THOUGHTS There was a lot that I loved!
Girl Power (Marissa, Jamie) That first chapter, boy, did i fist pump the air when Marissa, the other woman, gave Eli a piece of her mind. I love seeing that. And Jamie, Willow’s best friend, had a small role in the story but she gave great advice to her friend and was overall supportive!
Character growth in Kian was satisfying to read.. He went from feeding casually and humorously to realizing his mistakes, his weaknesses. Kian realizes that even though he lives among humans and is surrounded by them, he is still absent in humanity. He had been feeding for hundreds of years and understood on a deeper level that maybe this entire time, he has been feeding wrong. Maybe all this time there was a better way. Or at least a better way to view humans as more than prey. He never would have thought twice about it if it wasn’t for his fate being tied with Willow. I’m glad that her presence in his life made him start questioning his world, his existence and his actions. He started this journey for Willow, but he continued to better himself because he wanted to be better for him too.
I love that we had a plus size character and her body wasn’t used as a plot point in the story, or a form of insult to her character. Willow was just a normal beautiful woman, who was talented, smart, and kind. Her size was only mentioned as a description and not something that defined her personality. As someone who is plus size, I love seeing this in books and it always warms me up inside.
WHAT I DIDN’T LIKE A couple of things. This overall, was too angsty for my taste. I try to stay away from OW/OM, SA storylines, but there wasn’t really a warning coming into this book. Our main character, Willow, was sexually assaulted frequently through this book. Once, even by the love interest, through the story we know he was starving and was not in his right mind, but he scared her enough for her to slap him across the face and scream for help and NO numerous times before he backed off. Her ex boyfriend Eli, forced himself into her home and then sexually assaulted her, she fought back hard as hell and won that time. Another character, our villain Lachlan, assaulted her twice! The first time, he manipulated her with his powers and the second time, he wasn’t able to use his powers so he used his force instead. Our girl couldn’t catch a break. I wish I was aware of that before I started reading. It would have made a difference for me. I only started reading books again during the pandemic and I didn’t really put much into reviews and only focused on what I liked, but this year I promised myself I would do better with articulating my thoughts and feelings when it came to books, because it turns out I feel a lot when I read.
Another thing, which is smaller in comparison, I would have loved to see Jamie and Kian meet! I think it would have been a fun and cute scene, maybe a fun high five moment or a thumbs up/wink between Willow and Jamie while Kians back is turned, something silly.
There are quite a few typos, oddly worded phrases, repeated words. Would do well with another round of editing.
FAVORITE QUOTES:“I want love. The kind of love that doesn’t die. That keeps burning, on and on, and is so much bigger and brighter than any flame. The kind of love that only happens when two souls see each other and know they can’t exist without one another.”
AGE: Willow is 27 and Kian is over 400 years old. “I’m only twenty-seven. That’s a blip compared to your lifetime. How does that even work? It’s like…you’re robbing the cradle.” That was hilarious!
SEXUAL HISTORY: Neither are virgins. Kian has been with thousands of women though and that is a minor problem for Willow, sometimes it’s mentioned or she doesn't think too much of it to spare her heart but there does come a point where she mentions it outloud to him.
CONDOMS: The first time and it breaks. But he is fae and can’t pass diseases or get a human woman accidently pregnant.
HEAT LEVEL: 5/5 this was spicy as hell. Explicit Sex Scene, Masturbation, Blowjob, Oral, Anal, Toys, Vagina Penetration.
PUSH/PULL: Willow is almost a constant push/pull internally and through dialogue. It’s angsty. Kian never has the reader guessing though, he is all in.
CHEATING: Yes, but not with the main love interest.
OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes, OW Second time Yes, OM Second time Third time Fourth
SEX SCENE WITH OW/OM: Yes, dry humping. Normally that would really turn me off to the love interest but by then the reader is aware that this is how he feeds and he doesn’t yet know how important Willow is to his life yet.
ABUSE: Mind Manipulation for Sex Assault (villain did this to main character) Past child abuse from parent and childhood sexual assault. Emotional abuse from an ex partner.
POSSIBLE PET PEEVES/TRIGGERS sexual assault by villain with mind control. sexual assault, cheating on an ex, past child neglect and brief reference to sexual assaults as a child, emotional relationship abuse from ex, physical OW scenes.
I adored Kian and for the first hero I've ever read from this writing duo, color me impressed! He was absolutely swoon-worthy. As an incubus, he'd slept with hundreds of people and he didn't really seem to discriminate. He fed off of their pleasure so I guess he didn't have to be choosy. But there was something different about Willow. After their one night stand, he quickly realized that he couldn't feed from anyone else. She satisfied him in ways he'd never experienced before. And while she might be reluctant to give into him, recently getting over a bad break up and not trusting in what Kian has to offer, he wasn't about to let her go.
There was a lot to love about this story, from Kian's absurd methods of wooing Willow, his refusal to take no for an answer, his obsessive and possessive thoughts and feelings when it came to her, and pretty much everything Kian did. My only issue was how long and hard Willow had him working for it. I got that she had trust issues and I didn't blame her. But she did and said some hurtful things that irked me. So while I could understand her motives, I didn't have to like them.
I also wanted a bit more from the ending. There was this whole underlying plot with a nefarious and villainous incubus and with all the lead up it was resolved quickly. I was hoping to see if there was any fallout. And of all the incubi that Kian knew, why didn't we hear from or meet them? I can only hope there will be another book about another incubus and Kian makes a special guest appearance.
I'm still digesting this book but here is my first pass
Pros Characters were fun, Willow was a strong FMC. Loved the premise and the immediate revenge after the breakup with her boyfriend.
Kian was all in, once he figured out what was going on, the character growth was good.
Cons This could have been about 100 pages shorter and still conveyed exactly the same feel and plot
The sex was repetitive and not that steamy after the 12th or 30th time time
Climax of the story was great after a very slow middle but didn't really match the tone of the rest of the book. The violent non-con and battle between MC that included the graphic slow death of the bad guy and torture of the FC would have worked well in something that wasn't a fluffy fairy porn book for 90 % of the novel.
Willow is such a relatable character, how she feels about herself, and how she has been treated by men throughout her life. I love how her character develops in this books. Kian is HOT! But I love how he grows in the book and learns how to love. How he treats Willow is just swoon worthy! Also the spice in the book is top notch! Highly recommend
TROPES -Touch her and you die - Paranormal mmc/ normal fmc - plus size fmc - He falls first - insta love - Past trauma - Mates -strangers to lovers
SPICE 🌶 4/5 (Lots of 🍋 after the second half of the book)
Im general, I think this book is really good! I loved both main characters and the chemistry between them. I love the attitude of the fmc throughout all the hardships she faces in the beginning of the story. I would say that her insecurities drag a little bit too long for my taste. There are SO many signs that show the moment the attraction between both characters goes beyond physical/sexual attraction, but the FMC past insecurities keep getting in the way of her finding happiness. It gets to the point where you feel frustrated towards the FMC. Overall, the book is good ^^
I wanted to love this book but I think it was dragging in the middle for me that made me skim alot of the book.
Willow poor girl she always had the butt of everything in relationship never finding her HEA. She thought she finally found the one and turns out douche was cheating on her and wanting her to be okay in a 3some. Glad girl had some backbone and dumped his ass to the curb. This is where she meets Kian and is feeling all these emotions and what's one night with a stranger. Best sex for both Willow tries to move on she's done with dating, all the mess but Kian isn't he can't feed like he use to. Being a Fea and a Incubus he doesn't have the desire to feed. He tried (that's another reason I lowered my rating) but he wants more nights with Willow.
We get them trying to date, which was push and pull from Willow takes awhile for them to date and Kian showing her he isn't human. Beside that we get drama from past feeding ppls, past ex bf and more drama from a Fea King.
It was just alot of drama for me.
Low angst, Om drama, drama, sexy times, no virgins
Recommend-maybe Cover-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Heat level-🌶🌶🌶
Slowinsta Age gap Slight push away from H Mentions of fat shamming Safe sex/no condom Manipulation Sorta mind control Hea Epilogue
4.5 stars. This was fiery. So damn hot. Kian is an incubus, and it showed. For real. The sex in this book was hot as all hell.
Then there was the growth that happened between the both of these characters. In different ways, but both of them learned to live and love in this book, and it was really sweet.
I will say…all of this duos’ books have a very similar villain type in them…well ok. No. Let me rephrase that. This book has a very similar villain type to the ✨spiders-but make them sexy✨ books. 😂 Not that that really matters. But whatever. I just noticed it and since that trilogy is alluded to in this book a couple times it was on the brain. 🤷🏻♀️
I had a really fantastic time reading this book. I love these characters for each other. They’re so well matched it’s honestly precious. Plus, the spice was really laid out in this one, and I am always here for all the spice, all the time.
..now I just have to wait for that next ✨weirdly attractive spider✨ book to come out..
Wanted to read monster romances for spooky season and started off with this one.
IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT!🔥🔥🔥🔥🫠🫠🫠🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Lots of spice and great banter/chemistry between the MMC and MFC
LOVE the plus size rep🥰 curvy girls just have more to love 😉
Basically, Kian (an incubus) living in the modern world ends up having a one night stand with Willow(our lavender haired curvy MFC) who just got her heartbroken by her @sshole ex.
She agrees to one night of passion with Kian. However Kian realizes one night is not enough and he has to have her again. But Willow wants love, not just sex.
Kian learns that sex is not all that someone can offer an incubus. That there is MORE 💗💗💗.
Ugh I loved this so much!
Tiffany Roberts has written the best monster romances I’ve read so far and I can’t wait to dive into more of their books 🖤😁
DNF 30% I usually love this author team and consistently rate the books I've read to date from them quite high. I will also still continue to read them in the future but unfortunately for the first time and to my disappointment this one just wasn't my cup of tea, It happens. For me it just didn't have the heart that I've come to expect and it did feel much more pure smut than the sexy romance I was anticipating.
Maybe it's because of the fast pace and speed of them hooking up but I just wasn't feeling the connection between Willow and Kian. it all just felt purely physical and not that fleshed out beyond that. I found myself heavily skimming and I was also slightly bored. I made it to 30% so a fair chunk before deciding to throw in the towel.
I did love that Kian was an immortal incabus Fae with wings and also that Willow was a plus size woman who was confident in her own body that was refreshing. But there just wasn't enough substance here to keep my attention. The writing was as usual good this one just wasn't my bag.
Well honestly I don’t know 😩….I mean, it was actually really well written and I loved the hot incubus (well he got me with his hit as fuck piercings and tattoos lol). The spice scenes had a good amount of hotness but overall I found the story just boring. I‘m not even really sure why I finished reading this book… The relationship developed wasn’t really here for me, it was kind weak. I also didn’t feel any good chemistry between those MCs, besides in the spicy scenes .
There's always something magical in a book from Tiffany Roberts. I was so excited to dive into this one and it did deliver a sexy good time. It may be the hottest book I've read of their to date!
It was so fun to see Kian so out of his depths and seeing him learn to appreciate and please a woman for more than just sex was truly a good time.
I do feel like there was unnecessary SA put into this book. And not even the stuff with Kian in their second encounter. I feel like the story explains his behavior and he never takes it too far. However I was thrown off by the ex showing back up and by the villian in the end as well. Just felt... off to me.
But even though this isn't my favorite TR novel, it was worth the read and I am eagerly awaiting the return of the Vrix later this year!!
3.5 stars 4.5 on my spice scale
CW: SA, violence and coercion via magic
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This was such a delightful read which I came to expect from Tiffany Roberts books. I have a wonderful time with Kian and Willow.
Kian was existing but not living until Willow. Meeting Willow made him realize that he was alone among so many humans and that what he really yearned for was to be living and feel whole. Willow was made just for him and to teach him what life had to offer. Willow never lucked out in her love life and Eli was her latest disappointment. Good Riddance my guy! I really loved her personality. Willow is such a vibrant soul full of love to give but also with wants. She was a kind and sincere person but she also had her fears. I loved these two together and how fully Kian devoted himself to his Violet and how much he loved her in every single thing he did either in sexy times or just day to day gestures. One of the beautiful moments was when they finally mated. The whole flying thing and mating? Yes please! I want more of these scenes in books.
I knew Lachlan would come back to bite them in the a**. I’m glad he is done and Kian finished him for good. Loved the gory details too. He deserved it. Oh also Ketahn’s expertise during sexy times came up one time. Loved that sneaky nod to him.
I finished this book with a smile on my face and that’s what a good book does.
I really wanted to like this but it’s just so fast moving, unbelievably so. Girl goes out to date thinking she’s getting engaged, surprise I want a poly relationship actually. She leaves. One night stand, amazing sex. Weeks pass, creeper guy finds her and reveals he’s an incubus and she’s just like “okay.” Then quickly falls madly in love with him because they are mates. No relationship building and not even a little bit of pushback on the whole fae thing. I skimmed the last 15%.
This was cute although it was different than I thought it would be. I assumed by the description that the mmc was essentially going to fall in love with the fmc and thts not really what happened. He literally needed her in order to survive. I get that it’s because they’re mates or whatever but idk, I just personally prefer the lust/want version of this kinda thing vs the need kind, if that makes sense. Other than that, the characters were enjoyable and so was the spice. Not much else to say!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
It's not that I've loved every single thing this wife/husband duo has written, but I've consistently found a decent level of enjoyment from their stories.
The hero in this book could fall under the beautiful and elegant category. But unlike Arc (Shielded Heart) it didn't land well? He was too arrogant yet pushy in a whinny sort of way...
I don't know, it just wasn't working for me.
The heroine is realistically plus size without it being thrown in my face (yay for that) but I still don't like her either.
Sad to say I'm DNFing these authors for the first time.
This book starts out with Willow dumping her awful boyfriend. After the breakup, she meets Kian, a stunning man who wants to show her a good time. They have the best night together and Willoe sneaks out before he wakes the next morning. What Willow doesn't know is Kian is in an incubus, and Kian is left reeling from their night together. In his 400 years of life, there has never been a human that left Kian wanting more. He wants more from Willow. But there's a little complication. He has no idea how to contact her and he quickly realizes that after that night he's not able to feed anyone else.
Kian!!! I love how OBSESSED he was with Willow. He tells her he knows nothing about love, but he wants to try with her. Ugh, he is just everything. I loved the paranormal aspects of this book, it was so cool! It was just a tad too long for me, but that's just a personal preference for me. Also, I could have done without the "villains" of this book. I didn't think they were necessary.
MEMORABLE QUOTES: "I could spend a hundred thousand years walking every realm and never find another soul as beautiful as yours.” "You will never cease to be the most important thing in my universe. Even after the last spark of my soul fizzles out and there’s nothing left of me, you will be my everything.”
REP: plus size
TW: attempted SA on page (not from the hero)
TROPES: fated mates, has a mouth on him, hero falls first, KU, monsters, no 3rd act breakup, one night to more, paranormal, photographer (Willow), piercings (Kian), touch her and die, worshipping hero
This was mostly cute! I enjoyed both Kian and Willow, and I thought they had great chemistry. The middle dragged a bit, and the insta-love was a little much, but it was still sweet. Content warning for some dubcon in the beginning of the book that does not involve sex.