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Witch Eyes #2

Demon Eyes

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Demons don't die without a fight...

After destroying the demon Lucien, Braden—son of Belle Dam’s most powerful warlock, Jason Thorpe—doesn’t need the power of his witch eyes to see that everything in his life is turning against him: friends, family, and even his visions. When disturbing nightmares of Lucien’s return haunt him, Braden discovers that the simmering feud between the city’s two witch dynasties is fast approaching its explosive boiling point.

While struggling to come to terms with his attraction to Trey, Catherine Lansing’s son who should be his mortal enemy, a diabolical plan starts to unveil before Braden’s eyes. Young women are disappearing from Belle Dam, and as he investigates, Braden is forced to explore the dangerous unknown power within himself. But when the truth about his family is revealed, Braden must pay a terrible price.

395 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2012

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About the author

Scott Tracey

19 books461 followers
Scott wrote his autobiography at age six, and its all been downhill since then. He traveled the country on a Greyhound for a month, devoted a semester of school to starting a series of urban legends, and spent five years perfecting how to say "would you like fries with that" for a short story. Or so he claims.

If you would like to get in touch with me, please go here to my website. I cannot guarantee a response to any mail sent through Goodreads.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews
Profile Image for Micah.
91 reviews18 followers
June 11, 2013

This book was absolutely breathtaking and near perfection. I was literally enthralled all the way through. I am pissed that I have to wait till October for the final book.

1. Plot & Writing

Witch Eyes was the first book in the series and it was a solid 4. For the most part, the book was near perfection. It did sort of go a little too fast and i felt like at first it didn't pace itself but the writing leveled out and became more balanced.

In Demon Eyes(Book 2), the stakes are higher...and Scott's writing has evolved. Within a year's time it was like a stronger author. The character's were more fleshed out and the plot was paced evenly throughout the book. It wasn't too fast....and it didn't drag.

This book is much darker than the first one and it deals with a lot of things....both in the present and the past with Braden struggling to make sense of it all and his guilt eating away at him. Honestly, I wished some of the epicness from Book 2 existed in the first book because Book one was great but it felt like an introduction and i kind of hate having to wait till book two for the action to really start. It's like watching a good tv show that you can tell is going to be good but it takes them 5 episodes to finally see just how good it can be.

His writing is Superb...the descriptions...the voices...the world he creates is just amazing and a solid A+

2. Characters
In Book 1, I liked most characters....except Trey slightly. I think all the characters were great. Braden is an excellent Main Character in Book one and i immediately latched onto him. He is probably my favorite 1st person MC and I of course grew to like Drew as another Favorite.

In this Book(Book 2), the characters reach new levels of epicness...We get to see vulnerability, we get to see Strength, Compassion and we begin to see walls being broken down by those who were thought to be enemies.

The only problem this time around was...Trey. In a book such as Witch Eyes and it's sequel Demon Eyes, Trey is probably the worst part of this book. Honestly, his naivety and his back & forth just sort of bugged the hell out of me. In theory, he makes the perfect character.....Someone who is caught between his mind and his heart. What he was taught to believe and what he feels. However, his execution is just poor. He is annoying....He half the time makes situations worse and his need to protect Braden just felt...empty to the point where he almost started bringing Braden down with him.
I will say that Trey did improve SLIGHTLY towards the end of the book when he started at least using some common sense but Trey and Braden are not something i really can get behind. I just....am meh towards it. Thankfully, the romance doesn't really take up much of the story.

The only thing that bugged me slightly worse than Trey was Jason and Catherine...for these two to be the supposed bad-asses they are claimed to be, in Book one we briefly see Jason do something and Catheirne resorts to manipulations but nothing Scary. Jason once again did next to nothing in this book and Catherine FINALLY showed what she was capable of. It was hard to take them so seriously but they aren't the main focus of the book but it bugs me that so much fear is supposedly given to these two and yet it took 2 books for us to FINALLY see what Catherine is capable of and even then it was like...okay.

The secondary characters(minus trey) were evolved and I loved Drew in this book. We got a lot more drew and he is a sexy beast(pun intended). Jade and Riley were here and I loved Riley's plotline in this book and I love the fact that these teens are evolving in their way of thinking and acting.


This is the near perfect sequel to an alright great book. Demon Eyes, raises the stakes.....the action scenes are exhilarating and breath-taking and the emotional scenes really get your heartstrings caught up. I teared up a bit here and there.

Unlike some books, this book not only matches it predecessor it exceeds it....But it's biggest weakness is Trey. Trey is a one-dimensional character and it speaks wonders that I care more about minor characters like Greg the traitor than I do Trey who is meant to be the love interest and the one caught between love & family.

I pray that in Book 3, we FINALLY get to see Trey have a bad-ass moment. Maybe now that he is thinking for himself, he'll finally have a chance to become better. I don't hold out much hope for him but i do know that Scott Tracey will bring this series to an exhilarating close.

My Review......5 Stars(even if i think Trey is the weakest part)
Profile Image for Daphne.
1,204 reviews47 followers
May 14, 2015
Demon Eyes was even better than Witch Eyes, the first book felt more like an introduction and the action really got going in this one.

I loved Braden's struggle with the events of the first book and that killing someone (even a demon) had a big effect on him. I also really liked how the side character were more developed this book, especially Drew. I wish I could get more excited about Braden/Trey though because I love that the main pairing in this book is a gay couple but it's still hard for me to get really invested, I think Trey needs to grow more and accept that his mother isn't always right

There were a few times where I felt the plot got a little complicated but overall I really enjoyed it, the end of the book had a few really cool twists that make me very excited to read the third one.
Profile Image for Julesmarie.
2,506 reviews87 followers
February 23, 2018
This was better than #1, mostly in that it was more coherent and there were fewer distractions, fewer collapses, and fewer villains. I still can't rate it more than "okay," though.

It desperately needed an editor/proofreader. There were missing words, wrong words. Enough to be offputting.

Some Favorite Quotes:
Books like these share our experiences with others, and normalize what shouldn't be feared.

"This obsession with the mundane is silly and wasteful."
Profile Image for Dennis.
33 reviews46 followers
June 28, 2017
Can't wait for my new kindle to arrive tomorrow, so I can start the next one
Profile Image for O.R..
186 reviews63 followers
June 24, 2014
What a nice surprise!

I really enjoyed the second book. I read Witch Eyes a very long time ago but I remember that it slightly bored me sometimes, which this book did not do at all.
It probably would do me good to re-read Witch Eyes because I think I just read it at the wrong moment.

What you need to know is that Demon Eyes is original and has a few interesting characters who are realistic. Let me jump straight to Braden and Trey relationship because I want to talk about how well it was done;

Mr Tracey does not try to pretend like the idea for their relationship did not come straight from Romeo and Juliet because there is even a scene where it is mentioned. However, let me set things straight - if you think Braden and Trey are full of angst and make everything about themselves and each other, not caring about the whole world then you are SO wrong.
Their relationship is basically what would happen if Romeo and Juliet used their brains and would not be so self centered.

So basically, Trey is loyal to his family, and I loved it. Yes, we know Catherine is not an angel, but she is his mother and the fact that he did not turn his back on his family because he likes a guy made me really happy. I am sick of the guy having no interest in anything but the main character in today's novels. Trey has his priorities sorted, staying away from Braden is safer for them both, and he is not sure what actually is happening and who he should trust so he basically does not really pick a side and stays with people who he knows for longer and are his family but not really completely abandons Braden. This is how it should be.
Of course he loves Braden therefore he can't just forget about him. No, don't worry, Trey does not turn into a creepy stalker, haha.
What I found to be a really big plus was Braden's attitude too. He wants to be with Tray, he is not happy that he pushed him away, however he does not turn into his creepy stalker either. He pursues him at first however when Trey tells him to go away, he does. What's even better, when he noticed that Trey continues on giving him mixed signals, pushing him away and pulling 5 seconds later, he got angry and told him to finally decide what does he want instead of playing him all the time. Bravo.
Even though their situation is pretty sad, when you look at it, there is absolutely no forced angst there. They have other things on their minds too and they focus on that instead of whining about their relationship. This book could easily turn into another no-plot but relationship drama story but it did not.

Trey really cares about his family and so does Braden, I don't want to spoil it, but I found his decision at the end interesting. I like how realistic his reaction was, because it is what I expected from him after what happened. He did not play Trey, he told him straight away what he is planning to do, did what he had to, and now things got even more interesting because I really wonder how it all will turn out. I really learned to appreciate both boys and the fact that the author made them realistic, caring about more than just their crush. Also the character development was very well done.

The ending was very interesting and I really wonder what's going to happen next.

I really, really recommend it. I was really hooked up since the beginning and the story plus characters are really great.

+ Bonus: I really liked Braden/Drew friendship too, Drew grew on me a lot and I found his way of trying to annoy Trey kind of cute (as well as Trey's jealousness), lol.
Profile Image for Rogier.
233 reviews95 followers
April 10, 2013

My thoughts

Expectations : my expectations aren’t mile high. Maybe that’s a good thing. I hope it will be better and here’s hoping there’s more history on the founding of Belle Dam.

Cover : The sequel has another floating head but a grey one this time and the lighthouse from book one is shown. I like it less than its predecessor.

Book : Living in Belle Dam has become more welcoming and the drama at the end of book 1 has settled a bit. He has made some close friends and a relationship with the person he has strong feelings for. But the ugly heads of literal and figuratively demons begin to rear their heads again in Belle Dam and in his life. Local girls have been disappearing and a silver smooth haired being has appeared. Town secrets and history are exposed, how the feud came to be is further clarified and doubt creeps in his life and relationship. The headaches are still a major pain. Will Braden ever have peace of mind?

I will address the dislikes and likes of the sequel the same as I did in the review of Witch eyes.

The positives: I longed for more town secrets and history in Belle Dam and my wish came true. Finding out how a lot was connected with each other including: the founders of Belle Dam, the kidnappings and the visions that motivated his traveling to Belle Dam, was fun.

2nd. I went with no real attachments towards the romantic interest starting book two but he has grown on me. I don’t know him like a character on his own and he’s still just the boyfriend of a paranormal creature,but. You start feeling compassion towards him after the ending of book two and learning of the effects the feud has had on him.

3th. Demon eyes should have been the first book in a trilogy. It started with a bang and closed with firecrackers though I have to admit the middle felt like it was fizzling out but still far better than the first. Kidnappings are often used and it was cool how to see how Mr. Tracey handled it. It is sad that he didn’t write that way in the first book. I’m not an editor or a language expert but I could notice his progress as an author. If the last book in the trilogy is even better, it improves my desire to read the last book in the trilogy.

The negatives has somewhat stayed the same.

Braden has kind of improved. He was a lot darker and was becoming a master of lies and that resulted in thinking that people he cared about were going to turn on him and Braden redeemed himself a little bit more than in Witch eyes. But the whining stayed and still not getting attached to him is the reason why he’s still a negative.

2nd. My feelings towards the towns people and the romance has stayed the same. The romance has developed slightly that’s a plus but it still feels forced.

My reading experience was a better than witch eyes but sadly there were still some parts that were annoying. It does not deserve a 4 out 5, hence I’m giving it a 3.5. Give it a try if you read the first.
Profile Image for Lukas Anthony.
334 reviews358 followers
August 20, 2013
If Romeo and Juliet were gay....and witches.

This was a much better sequel to the original 'Witch Eyes'. My problems with that novel were that it showed potential and promise, yet never really capitalised on it. The lore felt interesting, but underdeveloped, the characters were interesting, but not interesting enough to stand out etc. Everything was very 'meh', and it left me wondering whether I should read the sequel.

After finishing the sequel though, I can say that I'm glad I stuck with it. It still has it's issues and it will never be one of the 'great' series, but overall this was a much more thought out and developed effort. A bigger novel than the first and the fact that it's already established the world leads this entry into being more or less one magical fight scene romp after another. The fight scenes themselves have also improved, with a bit more suspense thrown in, and more detail about Braden's actual powers, at least I wasn't confused as much this time around. The romance between Braden and Trey continues to be interesting, and non-sappy which is appreciated, especially considering the Romeo and Juliet theme the book is based upon.

There are still some faults however, the cast of characters could do with a bit of a culling. Riley's connection to the storyline for instance seemed stupid, and as if the author needed a hostage for later in the novel (or it could just be that I find her rather annoying).

Overall though, a decent follow up to a so-so debut, but this series has definitely avoided middle book-itus and is leaving me looking forward to Phantom Eyes. If you're looking for a gay themed YA novel, you could do far worse, trust me.
Profile Image for Casia Pickering.
Author 19 books61 followers
July 5, 2013
The first book, WITCH EYES, was a good debut book, but the sequel, DEMON EYES surpassed it. I thought WITCH EYES had a semi-predictable plot, but the characters were amazing and relatable. Not only are the characters BETTER in this book, but the twists and turns kept me going.

Scott Tracey made sure to keep the reader guessing what was happening next, what the motives were to the characters, and just who is the villain. Braden is more proactive, which keeps the story moving in ways I wasn't expecting. I love characters and now I love where the series is going. I can't help, but worry that the last book will end with complete turmoil. I have no idea how Braden is going to survive or if he and Trey will ever be together for good.

This isn't your typical paranormal romance. It is darker and the couple are two homosexual males. But, that's what makes this a great read. It doesn't follow any of the norms and yet breathes new life to an already cookie cutter genre. This is definitely a series to look for!
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 2 books716 followers
October 21, 2012
Belle Dam is defined by its feud. It’s shaped by the secrets it keeps and the lies it tells. It’s beleaguered by its history. It’s driven by vengeance and the quest for power.

And it’s safe for no one.

Not for the humans who have no idea about its dark past. About the widow who waits in the shadows. About the witches and warlocks who battle for control. About the hellhounds who are summoned to exact revenge. And about the demons who see the citizens of Belle Dam as mere pawns in a game to be manipulated. A game that they control.

Not for Braden Michaels who only came to try and save his Uncle from a vision that foresaw his death. Who only wanted to be rid of the burden of his witch eyes. Who only wanted to be normal.

But who fell in love with his enemy. Who killed to be a savior. And who made himself a target of his enemies and a pawn in their game.


Demon Eyes is the thrilling, action-packed and electrifying must read second book in author Scott Tracey’s Witch Eyes trilogy. Filled with page after page of twists and turns, secrets and lies, and underhanded plots and schemes that will keep readers guessing and suspense that will keep them on edge, this story will grab from the very first line.

The author’s sophomore effort is a stunning follow-up to a story that is incredibly original, beautifully-written and immensely entertaining. Picking up just shortly after the events in its predecessor, Demon Eyes returns readers to Belle Dam, Washington, a town divided by feud and home to witches and warlocks, ghosts, demons and shifters.

Braden Michaels is still attempting to come to grips with his actions. Actions that saved someone’s life and took another’s. Actions that have far more consequences than just the guilt he feels. To start with there are the nightmares that seem too real. Then there are the visions forcing him to bear witness to events that are out of his control to change. And then there is the voice.

A voice that seems to be coming from within. A voice that offers support. A voice that urges him to act. A voice he’s not entirely sure is his own.

As Braden tries to separate dream from reality, fiction from fact, another tragedy has befallen the city of Belle Dam. A girl has gone missing. And if Braden’s visions are real, he might be the only person who can solve the mystery of who is behind her disappearance and find her before it’s too late.

Hindered by his witch eyes and by a city filled with adversaries looking for any opportunity to take him down, he’ll have to rely on Drew Armstrong, the boy who seems to want to be his protector and Trey, the boy he loves. A boy who should be his sworn enemy.

Author Scott Tracey has delivered a fast-paced, riveting and even more exciting installment in this series. With heartbreaking losses, shocking reveals, horrifying new creatures, bigger battles and a jaw-dropping ending, Demon Eyes takes this series to the next level.

And with that same easy flow and beautiful writing that the author brought to his first novel in the series, this second book really sets itself apart, making Demon Eyes an absolute must.

[On the blog I gave this my 6 star off-the-menu rating]

On a personal note:

I knew before I even picked up DEMON EYES that I would love it. I was already madly in love with the characters. I was already intrigued by the world. I was already captivated by the love story. I had already chosen sides in the feud. And I knew that the writing would be amazing.

And yet it was even more. More than I expected it to be. More than I imagined it could be. More action-packed. More nerve-wracking. More surprising. More heartbreaking. More devastating....

Way more devastating.

I got chills when I read that first line that quoted a dead man. It instantly set me on edge. It made me anxious about what was to come. It made me question just what exactly happened at the end of WITCH EYES. As if my memory of the events that left me hanging was somehow incorrect. And it made me want to devour the story as quickly as possible so I would no longer be in suspense.

I really didn’t think I could love DEMON EYES that much more than the first book in the series, because the love I had for that book was all-encompassing. But I was so, so wrong.

My love for WITCH EYES pales in comparison to just how much I loved this book. Because it had everything that book had - the intensity, the originality, the magic and the mystery. But it was darker. The tension levels were ratcheted up even higher. The love story was even more complicated. And trying to figure out who the players in the game were, what their part to play was, what their motivations were and what their endgame was, kept me on edge. For the entire read.

And then there was the mystery behind what was going on with Braden. Which at first the author only hinted at, then teased, then teased some more. For the entire book. Which nearly killed me. Because I had no idea. While I had my suspicions, I just couldn’t be sure. Not until the very end.

Through author Scott Tracey’s words I was once again easily transported into this dark and dangerous world of powerful magic, secret alliances and deadly threats and betrayals. His writing was every bit as beautiful in this sequel as it was in the first book, with its moments of humor and wit and biting sarcasm added to the mix.

The story dives deeper into the secrets of Belle Dam, explores more about the feud between the Lansings and the Thorpes, reveals more about the city’s history, unleashes more unsavory beings on Braden, his friends and his family and introduces an entirely new mystery for readers and characters to solve.

And it does all this in a way that feels like a natural progression for the story. At no point did I think things went in a direction that felt unbelievable. While shocking, jaw-dropping and nail-biting as they often were, they were realistic, if unexpected, turns of events.

Braden was the same boy he was in that first book, if slightly altered by what had happened to him and what he’d done. He was just as sarcastic as I expected him to be, if a bit more guarded than he had been. And given what he’d gone through - and what he was put through in this book - he became a much more sympathetic character.

But it was Drew Armstrong who I fell head over heels for in this second book in the series. He was confident. He was seriously kick-a**. He loved to torment Trey - and flirting with Braden seemed the best way to accomplish that. And he put Braden’s brand of sarcasm to shame. Yeah, he was awesome.

Every moment of this read kept me riveted. And with each read - yes there was more than one - I discovered something new to love about it. Some new piece to the puzzle I hadn’t seen before would reveal itself. An offhand comment I hadn’t taken notice of would open my eyes or just make me grin. And an action that may have seemed inconsequential on first read was often just the opposite.

Where WITCH EYES stole my heart and broke it, DEMON EYES decimated it. Heartbroken doesn’t even begin to cover it. Because there is no coming back from what happened.

I knew things would be darker. I knew that pit that I had in my stomach when reading book one would only get bigger when reading this book. I knew that I’d have my heart broken. I just didn’t think it would be broken as completely as it was. Or for the reasons it was.

Which has made me me very, very nervous about how this series will wrap up in PHANTOM EYES.
5,870 reviews142 followers
June 21, 2020
Demon Eyes is the second and penultimate book in the Witch Eyes series written by Scott Tracey. It centers on Braden Michaels, a home-schooled teenager with the powers of Witch Eyes, which could pierce the veil that separates the magical and physical worlds – a powerful abilities that the feuding witch families in Belle Dam, who would love to possess.

Braden's powerful witch eyes are more curse than strength, as the strain he put them through battling Lucien Fallon has left them so unstable that using them is potentially life-threatening. This displeases his father – though to the rest of Belle Dam, Braden is merely Jason Thorpe's ward. He is the latest pawn in Thorpe's feud with witch Catherine Lansing and if she knew Braden's true identity, he would be put in danger.

The feud and lies mean Braden has to sneak around to see his best friend, Jade Lansing, and can’t see love interest Trey Lansing at all. Braden and Trey, in equal measures drawn to each other and pushing each other away, are not arbitrarily star-crossed – their romantic tension is earned through their dance among mistrust, obligations and genuine affection.

The feud heats up though, with Jason and Catherine both becoming more aggressive, and girls start vanishing in disappearances that reek of the supernatural. To top things off, Braden is tormented by visions that Lucien is still alive and in Belle Dam. The mysteries all seem to converge on Braden, putting all those near him at great risk.

Demon Eyes is written rather well. The narrative is well-paced and it is a thrilling, action-packed, and electrifying follow-up. Filled with twists and turns, secrets and lies, and underhanded plots and schemes the narrative would keep readers guessing. With heartbreaking losses, shocking reveals, horrifying new creatures, bigger battles, and a jaw-dropping ending this installment a worthy successor to its predecessor.

All in all, Demon Eyes is written rather well and is a wonderful continuation to what would hopefully be a wonderful series, which I plan to continue in the very near future.
Profile Image for Gina (My Precious Blog).
475 reviews25 followers
October 15, 2012

Certainly better than book one. Probably could even be read as a stand alone without reading the first book. The problem I had was with the story/plot. I just found it difficult to really care about it. I struggled to fully understand it all. What I did grasp I'm sorry to say I just didn't find that compelling. I just couldn't get into this one. There were also too many complex fight/magical spell scenes. The ending came and I was left with almost more questions tan answers. The characters were just ok. I think my favorite one was Jade.

Full review to come: My Precious Blog www.thecallawayfam.blogspot.com


From Goodreads.com:

"After destroying the demon Lucien, Braden—son of Belle Dam’s most powerful warlock, Jason Thorpe—doesn’t need the power of his witch eyes to see that everything in his life is turning against him: friends, family, and even his visions. When disturbing nightmares of Lucien’s return haunt him, Braden discovers that the simmering feud between the city’s two witch dynasties is fast approaching its explosive boiling point.
While struggling to come to terms with his attraction to Trey, Catherine Lansing’s son who should be his mortal enemy, a diabolical plan starts to unveil before Braden’s eyes. Young women are disappearing from Belle Dam, and as he investigates, Braden is forced to explore the dangerous unknown power within himself. But when the truth about his family is revealed, Braden must pay a terrible price."


From Amazon.com:

"Scott Tracey lived on a Greyhound bus for a month, wrote his illustrated autobiography at the age of six, and barely survived Catholic school. His gifts can be used for good or evil, but instead of picking a side, he strives for both for his own amusement. His first novel, WITCH EYES, was listed as a YALSA Popular Paperback for 2011, and an Amazon Best of 2011 book in the LGBT category. DEMON EYES is his latest release " and was published October 9th 2012.


The setting of book two remains the same, Belle Dam, Washington a small town on the Olympic Peninsula. This story takes right off. Its fast paced with lots of action and paranormal battle scenes. Its a long book nearly 400 pages and it felt like it. Writing style changed for the better. The author peeled away from lengthy dialogues to fill the reader in on background and instead was able to integrate this information into the story line. Again, this one is told in first person through the male character Braden Thorpe.


In this installment Braden grows stronger in both his paranormal abilities and character. Trey seems to slip backwards, almost becoming more of a mama's boy, until the last bit of the book where he finally comes to his senses. Drew plays a more important role in the story line an the reader is privy to more background information about his character. Jade's character remains consistent throughout this story. Some of the other characters, like Riley become more complex. Overall, I appreciated the character development of most of the main characters, but some of the secondary ones I would have like to still know quite a bit more about.


This is a story I think guys may appreciate a lot more than gals. It involves a complex plot line with plenty of paranormal battle scenes. Interested in mystery, action and paranormal creatures, then this book would be a great fit for you. I recommend this book to people who would like to start reading LBGT type literature. Its a great starting point.


This book was so much better than the first installment. I almost feel like the reader could skip book one and begin with book two because the author provided just enough backstory for the reader to be able to pick up where the last book left off. The author matured in this book and came into a writing style all his own. The background information no longer came in the form of dialogues, but actually was part of the story. I appreciated this book far better than book one and thought the author did a fantastic job with creating some really unique and different paranormal creatures and elements.

The gay romance presented in this book continues to remain very mild. It is not the main focus of the story and I consider it to be very tame. Again, the most that ever happens is hugs and kisses, between the two boys, nothing more elaborate. I found it totally tolerable to read and not at all offensive.

For me some of the pitfalls were still present in this installment that were plaguing me in book one. It was difficult for me to connect to the characters. I had a constant struggle with the plot line, I wasn't sure where the story was going. For me, it just wasn't compelling mainly because of the complicated presentation of the backstory and mystery surrounding the town of Belle Dam. I still never really grasped the reasons behind the feud. I think that was a key element to make this story work which was sad because I just never really understood it. It may be what's holding me back from really enjoying this series.

Another problem I had was picturing in my head the complex battle scenes. I always seem to struggle with this aspect of in many similar stories, so this is probably more an issue with myself and not necessarily the book. Braden did seem to get much stronger in this book. I was relieved he much spent less time battling sickness or being physically ill in this story than the last one.

When the story finally wrapped up, I still was left with numerous unanswered questions. What ended up happening to Uncle John? Where did the magic store owner run off to and why? Will Trey and Braden now be able to be together without it causing problems? What exactly happens to Riley? Who's side is she really on? Who was the little ghostly girl and why did she try and kill Braden in the first book? I don't know, I feel like I could go on and on. But I'll stop now because there is a book three called Phantom Eyes and it will be released sometime in 2013.


Definitely a big improvement over book one. I'm deducting two Rings for this one for confusing plot line, with complex battle scenes I couldn't picture in my mind and for lots of unanswered questions when the story wrapped up.

3 out of 5 Rings

Profile Image for Frog Lee.
114 reviews
February 6, 2025
4/5 stars. Second book: My impression improved significantly (+0.5 stars) after Trey finally shed his mother's apron strings and Braden stopped demeaning himself in the relationship.

The first-person, single POV narration naturally gives it a bonus star for me. However, even with that, this is offset by its Twilight/ Vampire Diaries style, which I'm not a fan of.

Because my feelings about the series are positive overall despite a rocky start, I've decided to read the third book.

Also, the cover of the revised omnibus edition is truly awful—another failed re-cover attempt.

Profile Image for Pamela Cunningham.
723 reviews
August 31, 2018
This book is about a young male witch with and extraordinary gift

I have to say that I enjoyed your second book in this series better than the first although Braden worked on my nerves at times I could understand him wanting to have a normal life and just be a advantage teenager . Personally I like Drew better than trey but we'll Trey kind of like tree on me and Riley I hope that you explain her part in this and who are those other witches can't wait to see what happens next .
Profile Image for Sma.
12 reviews
July 23, 2019
And the second one of this Triology done. Some parts - again! -didn't make me happy while reading, but were really annoying instead.Especially the highschool scenes (for real I could live so wonderfully without them...) and also the characterization of most of the characters was really erratic... Also even as a non native speaker I spotted a lot of mistakes in te text, this book probably should really have been edited...
But the ending was alright, I guess - so I'm gonna read the last part too... xD"
Profile Image for Jordan Hancock.
45 reviews1 follower
January 12, 2019
A good sophomore novel in this series. I cared more for the characters and had a deeper story than the first. It gripped me and pulled on my emotions, even with this being a story we all know and love, it still felt fresh. Can't wait to read book 3.
Profile Image for Alisha.
476 reviews
April 1, 2022
I really enjoyed this read. The progression of the characters, the magical powers, the plot. I really enjoyed it. I never saw the twists and turns coming. I look forward to see what book 3 has in store for me as a reader. I'm ready to see how this ends.
Profile Image for Wesley Thomas.
Author 19 books50 followers
August 11, 2018
Excellent sequel! The story gets darker and pushes characters to their limits. Suspenseful. Edgy. Fast-paced. Well written. I cannot wait to read the final third book in the series.
Profile Image for Gregory.
33 reviews
August 1, 2019
Great adventure and believable gay teen romance

I really enjoyed this
! The first took a bit to take off but I devoured this in 24 hours on a workday! Sorry boss, lol
Profile Image for Dark Faerie Tales.
2,274 reviews561 followers
May 11, 2013
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.

Quick & Dirty: An engaging sequel, filled with intense mystery and a diabolical demon enemy.

Opening Sentence: “Power is a problem,” a dead man said to me.

The Review:

Demon Eyes is the stunning sequel by Scott Tracey. Where Witch Eyes introduced us to a fascinating world, Demon Eyes allows us to appreciate it. Filled with unmistakable characters, Demon Eyes immediately brings you back to the mystery and secrets of Belle Dam. I really enjoyed this sequel and I found it to be very engaging. Demon Eyes was filled with an intense mystery and a diabolical demon enemy.

Braden is living with the tormenting consequences of destroying Lucien. As the son of one of Belle Dam’s powerful witch families, Braden’s life is spiraling out of control. His friends have abandoned him, choosing loyalty of family over love and friendship. His family has kept Braden at arm’s length, isolating him even more than before. And now his visions are betraying him, haunting him in and out of dreams.The feud between the two witch families are heating up, and its destroying much more than his friendships. Braden uncovers a plan so diabolical, it can only be the work of Lucien. But how can Braden prove this, and how can he stop it before Lucien destroys more than he already has?

Braden was once so much more confident than he is now. His visions seem to be playing tricks on him, giving another life to Lucien. Braden loses so much after the end of Witch Eyes. His love, his friends, and in a sense, his family. I couldn’t help but feel for him, and at the same time I wanted him to snap out of it. It isn’t until later in the book where he gains his strength back, that I appreciate the character development of Tracey. Little clues should have filled me in with what was happening with Braden, but I was so caught up in the world that I missed it.

I had a love and hate relationship with the supporting cast. What made me love them in Witch Eyes made me hate them (at times) in Demon Eyes. The love story was frustrating. And it was mostly frustrating because Tracey made it realistic and believable. I couldn’t fault the characters with their decisions, and there lies my dilemma. I still had questions, about many things, and I think it was clever of Tracey to only reveal things a bit at a time. It made me want more, and there is never anything wrong with that.

Demon Eyes has this plot that becomes more intense than Witch Eyes. Considerably. I had to slow down my reading pace, because there were so many things to consider. My mind would constantly try to solve puzzles, trained by the way Tracey wrote Witch Eyes. Each secret revealed only uncovered another secret, and I loved that about Demon Eyes.

Demon Eyes brings this element of surprise around every corner. Tracey’s world is unlike any other. His details in the background, the scenes, the characters all play this integral part of the mystery. Paranormal elements mixed perfectly with a substantial plot. A steady story progression matched with strong characters.

I highly enjoyed Demon Eyes, and I definitely think you will also.

Notable Scene:


My hands were cupped around the sides of my sunglasses, instinct to block as much light as they could — to keep me from slipping.

But the visions weren’t sneaking around corners and edges and slipping under the sides. They were coming from straight ahead. Straight through the plastic that had always shielded me.

They slammed into me like a wayward train, throwing me back.

I was swallowed up in the frost.

FTC Advisory: Flux provided me with a copy of Demon Eyes. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
838 reviews60 followers
May 7, 2013
Review posted on Dark Faerie Tales.

Demon Eyes is the stunning sequel by Scott Tracey. Where Witch Eyes introduced us to a fascinating world, Demon Eyes allows us to appreciate it. Filled with unmistakable characters, Demon Eyes immediately brings you back to the mystery and secrets of Belle Dam. I really enjoyed this sequel and I found it to be very engaging. Demon eyes was filled with an intense mystery and a diabolical demon enemy.

Braden is living with the tormenting consequences of destroying Lucien. As the son of one of Belle Dam’s powerful witch families, Braden’s life is spiraling out of control. His friends have abandoned him, choosing loyalty of family over love and friendship. His family has kept Braden at arm’s length, isolating him even more than before. And now his visions are betraying him, haunting him in and out of dreams.The feud between the two witch families are heating up, and its destroying much more than his friendships. Braden uncovers a plan so diabolical, it can only be the work of Lucien. But how can Braden prove this, and how can he stop it before Lucien destroys more than he already has?

Braden was once so much more confident than he is now. His visions seem to be playing tricks on him, giving another life to Lucien. Braden loses so much after the end of Witch Eyes. His love, his friends, and in a sense, his family. I couldn’t help but feel for him, and at the same time I wanted him to snap out of it. It isn’t until later in the book where he gains his strength back, that I appreciate the character development of Tracey. Little clues should have filled me in with what was happening with Braden, but I was so caught up in the world that I missed it.

I had a love and hate relationship with the supporting cast. What made me love them in Witch Eyes made me hate them (at times) in Demon Eyes. The love story was frustrating. And it was mostly frustrating because Tracey made it realistic and believable. I couldn’t fault the characters with their decisions, and there lies my dilemma. I still had questions, about many things, and I think it was clever of Tracey to only reveal things a bit at a time. It made me want more, and there is never anything wrong with that.

Demon Eyes has this plot that becomes more intense than Witch Eyes. Considerably. I had to slow down my reading pace, because there were so many things to consider. My mind would constantly try to solve puzzles, trained by the way Tracey wrote Witch Eyes. Each secret revealed only uncovered another secret, and I loved that about Demon Eyes.

Demon Eyes brings this element of surprise around every corner. Tracey’s world is unlike any other. His details in the background, the scenes, the characters all play this integral part of the mystery. Paranormal elements mixed perfectly with a substantial plot. A steady story progression matched with strong characters.

I highly enjoyed Demon Eyes, and I definitely think you will also.
Profile Image for Cait.
250 reviews16 followers
October 24, 2012
Originally posted at Escape Through the Pages with a 3.5 rating.

DEMON EYES by Scott Tracey, the second book in the Witch Eyes series, thrusts readers right back into Braden’s story with immediate creepy happenings, mystery and intrigue.

While Braden is still recovering from the happenings in WITCH EYES, new developments are arising in Belle Dam that aren’t looking so good for our main characters. Girls are disappearing and there are hints that the demon Lucien may not be as dead as we’d all hoped. Over the course of the book Braden showcases the beginnings of a personality change, but who wouldn’t start to think and act differently when dealing with things that can kill you and a debilitating power – also the uncertainty that is his relationship with Trey (at one point, in amongst them not being together, they end up making out in a closet. I’m sure I found it more hilarious than it was meant to be). And Jason, Braden’s father? I can understand why Braden gets so frustrated and annoyed at him sometimes – he is quite aggravating at times, though I can’t help thinking there’s more to the feud between the Lansings and the Thorpes than Braden is being told. Also, I’m curious how Drew plays into everything. He has to have some more backstory than what has been revealed so far.

I thought I would spend most of this second book still being a bit confused about the witches and the town (do Trey and Jade have powers? People in the town seem to know about the feud, but do they know about witches?), but questions are definitely answered in DEMON EYES that start to clear up some questions for both Braden and the reader! But despite all the answers revealed, more questions just keep coming, things get more mysterious than ever before and honestly, you can’t trust anyone in this town. I’m surprised everyone’s not paranoid about everything and everyone else – I would be. There is a good pace set throughout the book, not too much investigating or too much constant action. The best action is the ending, and there are some great revelations about Grace (the witch who had the Witch Eyes before Braden and large part of the town’s history and founding).

While I found a few plot threads to be a bit hard to follow since there is quite a lot going on and not all the information we need has been presented yet, that’s also a bit of a good thing? There are still lots of loose ends to tie up in the third book, and a cliffhangery ending to lead right into it. DEMON EYES by Scott Tracey is a solid second book in the series. It shows Braden becoming more aggressive in his search for what’s been happening with the feud, in Belle Dam and what’s going on with his Witch Eyes, steps up the plot twists and turns and even has some angsty romance going on. I’m curious to see where the third book takes us.
Profile Image for Bibliojunkies.
579 reviews9 followers
October 14, 2012
* * * * 1//2

When I reviewed Witch Eyes, I listed what I loved and didn’t love about the story. But Demon Eyes? I honestly can’t think of a single thing I didn’t like. Scott Tracey really outdid himself this time. Braden’s story continues with more action and strengthened characters which in turn gave me a story that I couldn’t put down.

The cast of characters really won me over this time around. If you have ever read a review of mine you will know that characters, more than anything, are what really draw me into a book. Braden reminded me a lot of Sam Winchester from the show Supernatural. If you have ever watched it you will understand how I can say Braden is quite angsty, a bit of a martyr and yet, at the same time, so stinkin’ loveable. Everything he does (even when it seems misguided) is done to protect him and those that he loves. Yeah, Braden is a keeper and is quickly working his way to the Forever Boy list.

Braden’s friends (a relative term in some cases) provide a lot to this story. My favorite this time around was Drew. We met Drew in Witch Eyes but he plays a bigger role now that he is the only person that will openly be friends with Braden. He is an unlikeable jerk (his usual MO) but his snark perfectly balances out the angst.

I complained about two things when I reviewed Witch Eyes. The first was the adults – Catherine and Jason. I was frustrated that even at the end of Witch Eyes I knew so little about them. But by the end of Demon Eyes I had an understanding of what made Catherine tick and what her role is in the story. Jason was somewhat non-existent in this installment but I think we are going find out a lot more about him in Phantom eyes and I am looking forward to it. Just goes to show me that I need to be patient. It’s not like I can get all the answers at once, right?

The 2nd thing I didn’t like in Witch Eyes was Braden’s love interest, Trey. He came across as a controlling jerk and I didn’t feel like he was good enough for the very gentle Braden. I want to give a huge thank you to Mr. Tracey for making me like Trey this go around. He is still kind of a jerk…in the beginning. But through the story you see Trey struggle with where his loyalties lie. By the end of the book I was actually hoping that Trey and Braden would get their happily ever after. Did they? Yeah, like I am going to tell. I will tell you this. Scott Tracey yet again proves his ability to write a page-smoldering kiss.

I enjoyed Witch Eyes. But Demon Eyes? I LOVED Demon Eyes. It’s an angry sort of love, though. Because I now have to wait another year before reading the conclusion of Braden’s story in Phantom Eyes. Damn you, Flux! Couldn’t you put it out earlier?
Profile Image for Andrew.
901 reviews144 followers
May 6, 2013
Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Demon Eyes is the second book in the series, about a war on two witch families and Braden is caught in the middle of it. And while the war is on a tenderhook ceasefire, Braden is trying to get to grips over the events of the last book. Braden thought he destroyed a powerful demon. So why does Braden keep seeing him? Why does he keep seeing visions of him? Why is he hearing a cold winter voice inside his head? And when girls begin to disappear, Braden realise that the war between the two families is going to get suddenly worse, and only him and his powerful Witch Eyes can stop it from happening... but his Witch Eyes are dangerous. And he could be used as a weapon if he isn't careful...

Now, where to begin? I like this series. A lot. So my views on this is going to be a tad biased, but it is very much a continuation. You need to have read the first book, Witch Eyes, before you can read this as there's no real "This is what happened before". You have to no catch up. You're thrown into the story.

It's very magic driven. There was a lot of twist on magic, the feud and its history, and you have to be on the ball while reading this. It's going away from the normal world and the romantic element of the first story (which was fine with me as Trey, Braden's love interest, never gripped me and I got quite angry with him...), so if you were a fan of these sides of the story, you might feel a bit underwhelmed by it. But I like that it went away from it, though by the end, I was wondering if it was going too far away from it and was focusing solely on magic...

And character development with characters. That was good. Braden and Trey's character development was very good. We saw Braden go very dark and Trey no longer, to me, felt like a mindless robot-soldier. He asked questions and didn't always believe what his mother told him. This is a HUGE step as this was one of the flaws I had with Trey - he never questioned ANYTHING! And in Demon Eyes, he did! At last!

The plot - right, this is where I'm going to get a little unstuck. While the plot was good and we had magic and twists and moments where Scott Tracey pulled the rug from under you, there were times that I felt like this book was written to set up book 3, Phantom Eyes. Questions were asked, but answers... no where to be seen.

But saying that, I really enjoy this series and so, bring Phantom Eyes on! Only have to wait till next year. I can wait till then... though that ending... Not sure if I can get over that twist just yet. And I want answers! I need answers!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,528 reviews100 followers
December 31, 2015
The Witch Eye series is definitely one that is original and different from your typical story with magic, romance and violence. It wasn’t what I had expected but that being said, it didn’t exactly disappoint either.

The one main thing that I enjoyed about this book was how the main character, Braden, is gay and is in love with Trey, the son of his father’s rival and long time enemy, Catherine. To be perfectly honest, it threw me off guard when I first found out about his sexual orientation mainly because I just simply did not expect it. Most LGBT books out there are set to be realistic and in the modern world and are certainly not in the fantasy genre. So this fact alone surprised me a lot and I really liked that – I feel like there aren’t enough books like this being written out there and that needs to be changed. Anyways this was something I highly applaud the author for thinking of and incorporating it in the series.

The storyline, otherwise, was a mix of cliché and originality. Cliché in the sense that there are always two sides – good vs bad, light vs dark, family vs family, Capulet vs Montague, etc. and the Witch Eye series was no exception to this. In fact, it incorporated a lot of those I just listed. There was a family feud between Braden’s family and Trey’s family. There was a light side versus the dark side with humans on the light and demons on the dark. However, it was also pretty original. There were elements that were surprising such as the Widow and her powers, the Witch Eyes itself, the history of Belle Dam, etc. So while I found this book to be intriguing enough to complete, it didn’t suck me in as much as I would have wanted.

Another thing I didn’t enjoy so much was the writing style. For some reason, it just didn’t sit right with me. There were many times when I couldn’t completely follow with the author’s train of thought because there were simply so many variables to consider. It was not a book where I could read it lightly – it was a book where I had to actually concentrate. And that made things difficult for me because if I wanted to read a book that I had to focus a lot on, I would’ve picked something more in depth than a fantasy book with magic and witches. It was not something I had signed up for so it wasn’t expected nor was it wanted, to be perfectly honestly.

Overall, it was an okay book. I think the last book was definitely the best but overall, it was just meh to me. I didn’t dislike it nor did I particularly enjoy it. I think I just liked the fact that Braden was gay.
Profile Image for Unabridged Bookshelf.
249 reviews10 followers
November 26, 2012
**This review will contain spoilers from the first book, Witch Eyes, but I try to avoid them for the most part**
Scott Tracey delivers another deliciously dangerous story with Demon Eyes. Haunted by his actions in Witch Eyes, Braden begins to shut out the people who care about him most. While his paternal relationship with Jason is still a secret from most of Belle Dam, including Catherine Lansing, living in Jason’s house has made him a few enemies. To top it off, if Braden uses his witch eyes again, he could be risking his life. With everything turned upside down, Braden does not know where he stands, or whom he should trust.

Braden is weaker in Demon Eyes, because he is still trying to recover from the fight with Lucien. He has also been informed that he could die the next time he tries to use his witch eyes. That does not stop Braden from trying to save Belle Dam as young women are disappearing, and Braden knows that it is up to him to stop the person behind it. As the story continues, Braden grows and changes as a character, becoming emotionally colder. Relationships are changing, and Braden is changing with them.

All Braden's relationships with people in Belle Dam have shifted or changed due to the events at the end of Witch Eyes. Trey discovering who Braden really is has shifted their relationship to somewhere in between barely and none existent. While both Trey and Braden still have feelings for each other, Trey does not want to compromise his loyalty to his family. Jade on the other hand remains friends with Braden, and does not care about the feud. She just does not want their friendship in the public to keep up appearances. Braden’s friendship with Riley has disappeared as she is angry for being lied too, and wants nothing to do with Braden. The newest relationship development is Braden’s friendship with the shape shifter Drew. I have to say that Drew and Braden’s sarcastic remark filled friendship was one of my favorite parts of the book.

Demon Eyes is even better than Witch Eyes, which I did not think could happen. Demon Eyes was an emotional, suspenseful read that took my breath away. Scott Tracey has truly out done himself, and I cannot wait to see where he takes the story in Phantom Eyes.

**Unabridged Bookshelf received this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Francis.
231 reviews5 followers
February 20, 2013

Ever feel that yours eyes can be special or used for something, for Braden living with his eyes has never really been a walk in the park. He's been training to prevent his eyes from taking over but sometimes things get in the way, and getting headaches is the least of his worries. Witch Eyes gave us an intro to the town of Belle Dam and since Lucian's defeat Braden has been living it day by day. But with the tests his father orders, and the stress of not knowing what the eyes are doing, Braden has to realize that the town will find out who he is. All small towns do end up knowing all kinds of secrets, even those hidden very well and for Braden people finding out who he is will change everything.

Falling for Trey just happened and even though he has been repeatedly told to stay away from him, Braden can not help but find his way to him. Just when things to be looking kinda up Braden has others after his power and being haunted by the person you killed can put even more stress. Its up to those around Braden to help solve who the threat is and to trust those who are closer to the truth than they are. When you have others disappearing who else is there to investigate and try to picture the pieces together, with Trey's help Braden tries to find a peace of mind even when his world seems to be crashing down all around him.

For me following the mysteries of Belle Dam was awesome because the town through Braden was easy enough to follow and even though it scared me when he saw Lucian appear again, he knew it had to be related to his eyes. To have his eyes would be cool for a day but the repercussions of it all wouldn't be easy to handle. Scott had me at every corner of this and even had me gasping for breath when danger was happening, this was a wonderful story. So looking forward to Phantom Eyes out in 2013, so counting until i see Trey and Braden together.

read it here: http://silenttbookblog.blogspot.com/2...
Profile Image for Barb.
773 reviews18 followers
March 8, 2015
Sequel to the terrific YA novel "Witch Eyes," this is another great read from Scott Tracey. This is the story of a teenage boy, raised and home-schooled in isolation in Montana, who must now face powerful witches and demons in his family's home in Belle Dam, not to mention survive high school.

Braden is a tremendously powerful witch, but has no idea as to the limits of his gift or how to use it to best effect without blinding, or even killing, himself. He starts having nightmares about the demon he helped kill, dreams that seem far too real. Is Lucien really dead? Can you kill a demon?

Braden, along with his only friend in town, a shape-shifter with a bad-boy image, must find the source of the weirdness in town. Braden is also training with his father, a witch locked in a multi-generation feud with another witch family, to try to learn to use his frightening powers without killing himself, as well as everyone else in town.

Add an angst-ridden love interest on the wrong side of the feud and a school full of teens who either hate or fear him (or both), and Braden has his work cut out for him.

The plot moved fast, with lots of action and terrifying encounters with hell spawn, keeping me engaged all the way through. Braden is a very sympathetic character, a kid thrown not just into the adult world, but a world of limitless power and greed. The only thing that threw me off in this book was the ending, which was totally unexpected and quite abrupt. The book basically just stopped right after the climactic duel scene, leaving me champing at the bit for more.

I will definitely be picking up book 3 as I must know how Braden deals with the consequences of his actions in this novel. I suggest readers pick up all 3 as they'll want to keep reading once they start on this series.
Profile Image for Adriana C.
594 reviews168 followers
October 9, 2012
4.5 stars
In Demon Eyes, Braden is tormented by the fact that he killed Lucien, no matter that he was evil and a demon (literally), merely knowing that he was capable of murder brings very real nightmares that will not let him sleep and even imagines that he can see him even awake. Besides is the fact that Trey, the guy Braden likes is not speaking to him (because they are mortal enemies, because their parents are mortal enemies), also her best friends Jade and Riley keep their distance from him, the only one still around of him is Drew, he helps him with his investigation about the girls that are disappearing and they could have some link with him.

My favorite character in this book is Drew! He's sarcastic, strong and likes to rile Trey so he flirts with Braden only in front of Trey. Braden's character was further developed in this book and he´s suffering for all that is happening with Trey, Riley, Jade, his father Jason who wants to "fix" him, and his uncle John, so he changed a bit and had an interesting twist in the story. Meanwhile Trey (I still don´t like him) finally begins to question his mother.

I really loved Demon Eyes, is a novel from that hooked me from beginning to end, the story flows and has a good pacing, has suspense, some predictable plot twists and some not so predictable, a sad part (that I wasn´t expecting), many paranormal elements and minor cliffhanger (sad and left me with more questions) and little bit darker, I will definitely read the next book in the trilogy - Phantom Eyes.

I highly recommended this book if you like paranormal thrillers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews

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