Sarah’s answer to “hi i think your one of the best authors in the world. i really love your books!!!!! i just read th…” > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Rose (new)

Rose I cannot WAIT for Hunting Lila to be turned into a movie. Will you be co-directing the movie, Sarah?

message 2: by Biblia (new)

Biblia Oh my god!! Best news ever :D I totally agree with you Rose - i cant wait either for Hunting Lila :D :D Yay!

message 3: by Lexi (new)

Lexi "The sound" was amazing! I hope it gets turned into a TV show because I would totally watch it! I plan on reading "Hunting Lila" once I buy it. I would definitely watch the movie.

message 4: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Alderson No I will not be directing! We have a fantastic Oscar / Bafta winner directing but I've worked very closely with him on the script and with the producers on the casting. : )

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