Leonardo’s answer to “When will Memoria will be released in Latinamerica?” > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Iara (new)

Iara Rodarte Don't forget México... we're not South America so~ But I'm so happy to hear that!!! I loved the first book :)

message 2: by Leonardo (new)

Leonardo Patrignani Of course, but I think that the South American release is the same of the Méxican one, that's why I guess it's going to be out in your country in the same period as Argentina and other countries...

message 3: by Iara (new)

Iara Rodarte <3 I hope so... <3 Thanks

message 4: by Alfred (new)

Alfred Hernandez i cant wait!! it has been so long!!!!!

message 5: by Leonardo (new)

Leonardo Patrignani Dear readers, MEMORIA is OUT in Spain ;)

message 6: by Ita (new)

Ita Sepúlveda Hi leonardo!! do you mean january 2015? or 2016? I didn't understand :(

message 7: by Leonardo (new)

Leonardo Patrignani Itta, this year :) Memoria is already out in Spain, look at my previous comment and you'll find a link. LP

message 8: by Adryanne (new)

Adryanne i need, really i need the second book <3

message 9: by Juan (new)

Juan Pablo Tomorrow i will buy it, I CAN´T WAIT :)

message 10: by Marcos (new)

Marcos Llemes I CAN'T wait!

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