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Worst Week Ever! #1

Worst Week Ever: Monday

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Have you ever had a bad week? Justin Chase sure has, and this is it!

His mum has just married a vampire. His dad is driving a giant toilet on wheels. His cat has probably been abducted by aliens. A psychotic bully is making his first day at a new school miserable. And right now, he's hanging off the edge of a ten-metre-high diving tower in front of his entire class, wearing nothing but rapidly disappearing crocheted swimmers.

And it's only Monday!

182 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2021

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About the author

Eva Amores

15 books5 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Mehsi.
14.1k reviews429 followers
December 20, 2022
Op punten best OK en dat je je steeds zit af te vragen of het nog erger kon (en ja dat kon). Van toiletexplosies tot zwembadproblemen tot kleding die te krap is tot een vader die ook loodgieter etc. is tot een pestkop en zo is er nog veel meer. Maandagen zijn al niet de leukste dagen maar voor Joris is het echt een hel. Vooral omdat het zijn eerste schooldag is. Arme knul. Ik had echt zo'n medelijden met hem maar ik moest ook af en toe wel even lachen want hoe komt hij toch in deze situaties.
Ook leuk vond ik het format van het boek, een beetje ala Wimpy Kid en Dork Diaries. Veel leuke illustraties en meer.
Maar ga ik de rest lezen? Tja, ik moet eerlijk zeggen Maandag was meer dan genoeg voor mij. Ik heb nog wat meer gedachtes, maar ik laat het erbij.
Profile Image for Schizanthus Nerd.
1,317 reviews283 followers
November 28, 2021
Justin Chase is about to have a really bad week, starting at 5am. Who wants to be awake that early on a Monday? Not Justin, that’s for sure. Yesterday was a big enough day; his mother did marry a vampire after all.

Today is shaping up to be even more hectic.

His mother and her new (possibly undead) husband are dropping Justin off at his father’s house on their way to their honeymoon. Justin’s father is on a new health kick (we’ll see how long that lasts) and is now only eating green things. That’s bad news for Justin, who can’t find any other colours in the fridge. His Nan lives with his father and you’re going to love her: she swears, crochets and drinks tea.

Justin’s cat, who is essentially a ball of furry attitude (cattitude?) is newly missing, presumably abducted by aliens.
That kind of far-fetched, OUTLANDISH thing only really happens in PREPOSTEROUS kids’ books.
You know, like this one.

And if that’s not enough, Justin’s being chauffeured to Day 1 of his brand new school in style. Sort of. His father drives an oversized toilet.
’What the actual WHAT?!’
Besides scoring detention on his first day and having to endure Maths Monday, Justin also meets his archnemesis and makes a name for himself at school.

Kids who aren’t particularly squeamish (those with emetophobia may want to avoid this one) will love this book. Naturally, because this series was written during lockdown, toilet paper plays a fairly significant role (roll?) in this book. There are cringeworthy embarrassing moments, toilet humour and the promise of even more terrible and terribly funny things to come. Justin will be here all week!

The writing is fun but it’s the illustrations that really bring the horror story that is Justin’s Monday to life.



I loved the pages that the censors decided were too graphic to be seen, especially the one featuring the guinea pigs.

Be on the lookout for The Pluminator.

I’m most looking forward to getting to know Justin’s next door neighbour, Mia, whose own illustrations are not to be missed. I’m ready to call my favourite character of the series: Nan. She hasn’t had much page time yet but she’s got so much potential.

I’m keen to continue this series. Tuesday is school photo day and plenty can go wrong there, the kind of wrong that could easily haunt Justin into his adult life. It’s also the day of the Super Science Spectacular so I’m expecting some impressive explosive moments.


Blog - https://schizanthusnerd.com
Profile Image for Odette Brethouwer.
1,726 reviews299 followers
November 28, 2022
Dit was echt heel grappig en staat bol van de smerige humor (plas, poep en kots). Ik denk zomaar dat dit de doelgroep wel aanspreekt! Jammer dat het zo lang duurt voor deel 2 ook in het Nederlands verschijnt..
Profile Image for Anu-vinkkari.
1,377 reviews28 followers
November 30, 2023
Alku oli ok, päähenkilö vaikutti sympaattiselta hiukan neropattihenkiseltä, hiukan naiivilta epäonnen soturilta, kuvitus oli kiva ja alienien sieppaama häijy lemmikkikissa herätti mielenkiinnon, mutta kun epäonni alkoi piereskelyllä ja jatkui loputtomana ripuli ja yrjömyrskynä, totesin, että ei kiitos.
Luin kirjan loppuun ja saatan selata myös "Tiistain", mutta jos taso on jatkossakin pelkkää eritettä, niin kirja saa minun puolestani etsiä lukijansa ihan itse.
Ellen sitten käänteisvinkkaa, eli tämä kirja on niin ällö, että en suosittele sitä kellekkään. Sekin myy yllättävän hyvin, eikä rehellisyydestä tarvitse tinkiä.

Kolmosesta kutoseen ripuliyrjöpieruhuumorin ystäville
Profile Image for Zauberpunsch.
27 reviews3 followers
February 1, 2025
Ich hab es mit meinem Kind zusammen gegessen und er liebt es. Es ist witzig, liest sich sehr fix und mit den ganzen Comic-Anteilen auch mega kurzweilig.
Profile Image for Hana (myjourneywithbooks).
472 reviews21 followers
May 5, 2023
Justin Chase is having a bad week and the events of just Monday can fill an entire book. His mum has just married a vampire (at least that's what Justin is convinced of), his dad drives a giant toilet on wheels and his first day at school couldn't have gone any worse, with a bully making life miserable and some very embarrassing toilet incidents.

The first in a hilarious new series, this book is sure to be a hit with it's target audience, especially given all the toilet related humour that kids seem to thoroughly enjoy 😅 The story is an entertaining one and you can't help but cringe for Justin as everything that can go wrong, does. I especially love the illustrations; they complement the story perfectly and add so much more to the humour.
Profile Image for Anschen Conradie.
1,313 reviews73 followers
July 29, 2023
#DieGoorsteWeekOoitMaandag – Eva Amores & Matt Cosgrove

So…… dink jy jou week is goor ?

Justin Chase s’n is erger.

1. Sy ma is pas weer getroud – met ‘n vampier.
2. Terwyl sy op haar wittebrood is, moet hy by sy pa bly. Hy eet slegs groen kos en sy motor is ‘n reuse toilet op wiele.
3. Hy moet na ‘n nuwe skool toe gaan met klere wat minstens twee nommers te klein is en duidelik genoeg met sy naam gemerk is dat die etikette van die maan af leesbaar is.
4. Sy maag is omgekrap.
5. Hy moet sy eerste swemles met ‘n gehekelde swembroek aandurf.
6. Sy kat is deur aliens ontvoer.
7. Sy oumagrootjie woon ook by sy pa. Hy vermoed sy is dieselfde jaar gebore wat die wiel uitgevind is en dat sy bes moontlik die eerste wiel gehekel het.
8. ‘n Psigopatiese boelie het sy visier op hom ingestel.
En dit was maar net Maandag. Dinsdag kom nog.

Die formaat en humor herinner sterk aan die style van David Walliams en Dav Pilkey en, soos hierdie gewilde skrywers se kinderboeke, is hierdie boek ook in ‘n strokiesprentstyl met spraakborrels en voetnotas saamgestel. Bonusmateriaal sluit in ‘n gids om Justin Chase self te teken en ‘n bladsy waarop die leser kan raai wat Dinsdag vir hom voorlê.

Die skrywers is ‘n egpaar en hulle het saam ‘aandetes, koeke, foute, ‘n gemors, herinneringe, swak modekeuses en twee mense’ gemaak. Foto’s van beide is agterin die boek gedruk ‘sodat jy ‘in die teenoorgestelde rigting kan padgee as jy hulle in die regte lewe raakloop.’

Die boek is oorspronklik in Engels gepubliseer as ‘Worst Week Ever! Monday’ en is in Afrikaans vertaal deur Kobus Geldenhuys. Dit word aanbeveel vir lesers van 9-12 jaar en is by uitstek geskik vir trae en sukkelende jong lesers.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #Uitdieperdsebek
Profile Image for Ms. Yingling.
3,211 reviews561 followers
October 10, 2023
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Justin Chase is having a very busy morning. His mother has just gotten married (to a man Justin suspects is a vampire!), and the next morning at 5:00 a.m., she is waking him up to go live with his father. Since she's a nurse and has to work nights, and his father has just bought a big house where he lives with Justin's Nan, it seems like a good idea. It does mean starting a new school, and when Justin gets to his dad's house and starts getting ready, the disasters start to pile up. His father has decorated the room with his favorite television character... when he was five! His school uniform is also very small, and since he lacks a bathing suit for swim class, his Nan crochets him one. His father, who is a plumber, insists on driving him to school in his truck, which looks like a giant toilet. He meets helpful and friendly neighbor Mia, but also the stuck up and snarky Marvin King, who is assigned to guide him around. Justin shares a name with a popular film star, and since his father has put name tags on all his clothes, this causes him some consternation, but the worst part of the day is the extreme intestinal distress that a breakfast of green smoothie and wedding cake frosting have inflicted upon him. He has quite a bout in the bathroom, only to find there is no toilet paper. He substitutes his crocheted socks. When swim class approaches, he hopes to redeem himself, but gets stuck on the high dive, has his swim suit start to unravel, AND has a horrible Code Brown in the pool. Things just go from bad to worse, and this is only the FIRST day of his week. More adventures promise to come.
Strengths: This is a pell mell adventure in every day life. I loved that Justin got dropped off an dhad to go right to school. His Nan and dad are nicely quirky without being over the top (well, okay, maybe the toilet truck is), and even though Justin has a horrible day, he stays in decent spirits. While there are uniforms, and Nan drinks a lot of tea, it's not overly British, not that I mind multiple mentions of biscuits at all. The illustrations are quite nice, and the text is fairly minimal. It will be easy to sell this to childre intent on rereading Wimpy Kid for the hundreth time. I am interested to see the direction that subsequent books take, and look forward especially to seeing how the relationships with Mia and Marvin play out.
Weaknesses: Too many poop and fart jokes. Way, way too many. Not nuanced at all. And yes, it is possible to have nuanced fart jokes. This was just... gross.
What I really think: Like Pichon's Tom Gates, Clover's Rory Branagan, and Berger's The Pudding Problem, this is a quirky, British version of Wimpy Kid that I like a WHOLE lot more. (Come on. Greg Hefley is NOT nice.) If this series becomes available in a prebind, I will definitely purchase it. Tom Gates has been super popular in my library; I wish all of the UK titles were available in the US.
Profile Image for Niina.
1,286 reviews58 followers
November 5, 2023
Eva Amoresin kirjoittama ja Matt Cosgroven runsaasti kuvittama Karsein viikko ikinä alkaa rytinällä, sillä kukapa nyt pitäisi maanantaista. Etenkään maanantaista, jolloin on koko päivä pelkkää matikkaa lukujärjestyksessä...

"Maanantai ei etene ihan toiveiden mukaan." (s. 148)

Justin Chasen maanantai tosin saattaa olla vieläkin epäonnisempi kuin sinulla tai minulla. Yhden vuorokauden aikana ehtii tapahtua niin kakkatulva kuin laattaa täynnä oleva bussi ja siinä vasta kaksi epäonnista tapahtumaketjun osaa.

"Mikään ei sujunut niin kuin piti. Kuinka se menin niin väärin?" (s. 132)

Sunnuntaiyönä on juhlittu Justinin äidin häitä. Justin on aivan varma, että uusi isäpuoli Vlad on vampyyri. Justin muuttaa isänsä luokse. Ammatiltaan tämä on putkimies ja ajaa autolla, joka on jättimäisen vessanpytyn muotoinen. Isä harrastaa myös dieettejä ja salaliittoteorioita (kulmakarvani tosin nousee aina hiusrajaan asti, kun näitä mainitaan lastenkirjoissa). Justinin kissa Kapteeni Nöpöpörrö katoaa ja hän on varma, että se joutuu avaruuden muukalaisten kaappaamaksi.

"Sellainen väkinäinen, merkillinen käänne, joita oikeasti tapahtuu vain järjenvastaisissa lastenkirjoissa." (s. 38)

En suosittele kirjaa, jos olet herkkävatsainen tai emetofoobikko, sillä tässä on paljon kohtauksia, joissa karkaa pieru, kuvataan aika graafisesti ripulointia ja oksentamista. Mutta olen varma, että moni alakoululainen viihtyy mainiosti tämän sarjan parissa, etenkin jos Max Brallierin ja Douglas Holgaten Maailman viimeiset tyypit, Elise Gravelin Olga ja haiseva olio ulkoavaruudesta ja Andy Griffithsin Maailman paras puumaja ovat tuttuja.

"Aukaisen tulvaportit ja päästän ryöpyn silkkaa pahuutta vapaaksi takapuoleastani." (s. 88)
Profile Image for Sini Helminen.
Author 11 books134 followers
December 8, 2023
Pieru- ja kakkahuumori ei ole lastenkirjallisuudessa mitenkään tavatonta, kuten jo Mestarietsivä Peppusen suursuosio kertoo. Monesti aihepiiri on kuitenkin suunnattu alle kouluikäisille ja koululaishuumorissa vessahuumori on vain yhtenä osasena. Eva Amoresin ja Matt Grooven Karsein viikko ikinä -sarjan aloituksessa ei kuitenkaan säästellä paukkuja, vaan otetaan ilo irti siitä itsestään. Neropatin päiväkirjaa muistuttava sarjakuvakuvitus tekee kirjasta nopealukuisen lukuhaluttomillekin ja räävitön meno auttaa pitämään etenkin 2-5 -luokkalaiset liimaantuneena kirjaan; ei ole myöskään kumma, jos kirjan äärestä kuuluu hihitystä.

Sarjan idea on yksinkertainen mutta toimiva: se kertoo Justin Chasen mahdollisimman katastofintäyteisestä viikosta ja jokainen kirja kertoo yhdestä päivästä. Justin Chasen äiti on lähtenyt uuden (Justinin vampyyriksi epäilemän) miehen kanssa häämatkalle ja Justin päätyy putkimiesisän luokse ja aloittamaan uudessa koulussa. Heti aamusta alkaen kaikki menee kuitenkin pieleen: koulupuku on liian pieni, uikkarit ovat jääneet väärään laukkuun, isä ajaa Justinin kouluun vessanpöntöltä näyttävällä nololla työautollaan ja vessassa on paperi loppu. Alkuun arkisilta vaikuttavat vastoinkäymiset alkavat kasvaa pyöristyttäviin mittasuhteisiin, niin että aikuista lukijaa alkaa jo kakkavitsikimara hirvittää. Ja tämä oli vasta maanantai…

Arvio löytyy myös blogista Siniset helmet: https://sinisethelmet.wordpress.com/2...
56 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2023
„Worst Week Ever – Montag“ ist ein grandios geschriebenes und illustriertes Kinderbuch. Im Stil von „Gregs Tagebuch“ erschaffen Eva Amores und Matt Cossgrove eine wunderbare Comicreihe, die uns hoffentlich durch die ganze Woche begleiten wird. „Worst Week Ever – Dienstag“ ist ebenfalls schon bei Fischer Kinder und Jugendbuch erschienen.
Beim Lesen des Comics habe ich mich wirklich prächtig amüsiert. Justin hat die wohl schlechteste Woche seines Lebens und muss sich mit viel Zeug rumschlagen. Als Erwachsene kann man wirklich gut drüber schmunzeln, aber als Kind kann das Lesen dieses Comics einem evtl. aufzeigen, dass das was man selbst gerade so erlebt vill doch nicht so schlimm ist. Kindern wird es leicht fallen sich mit dem Prota Justin zu identifizieren. Themen wie Schulwechsel, Trennung der Eltern, erneute Hochzeit etc. werden aufgegriffen und auf humorvolle Art verarbeitet.
Die Sketchnotes und der Zeichenstil haben mich voll und ganz angeholt. Der Schreibstil ist frech und kindgerecht. Die Story ist gespickt mit Ironie und Sarkasmus, sodass man auch als Erwachsene auf seine Kosten kommt. Die Illustrationen, Skizzen und Bilder sind gut aufeinander abgestimmt, wodruch es zu keiner Verwirrung kommen kann und der Lesefluss nicht gestört wird.
Eine wirklich toller Auftakt einer Comicreihe, die Lust auf die weiteren Bände macht. Auch wenn ich nicht weiß wie der Dienstag noch schlimmer werden soll, als der Montag.
26 reviews
February 21, 2023
I liked the book because it included lots of different emotions. I liked the part where his dad drove the toilet. It was relatable because of how embarrassing my dad is too! LM
It's full of comedy and I like how some scenes are 'censored'. MF
I liked the book. It was really funny. I felt like I was the character and the experience was happening to me. LS
I liked how he used socks as toilet paper. It made me feel silly, reading this book. JO
The things that happened to the boy made me feel happy and good about myself. WS
The book made feel cheerful. I was excited to read it, especially when his swimming trunks fell off and his dad drives a toilet to school. HH
The book is very funny. It's a good idea to give the main boy the same name as a pop star. RP
I liked the part when he goes to the pool, it made me feel excited. JA
I liked the part where the school flooded because of a pair of socks. The book was so funny. SO
Profile Image for NordicWrites.
36 reviews
June 16, 2023
Hyvä tarina, ontuva käännös.
Itse tarina on aika hauska. Justin Chasen päivä menee huonosta pahempaan vaikka hän yrittää mitä. Kömmällykset ovat kuitenkin aika huvittavia ja kyllä loppujen lopuksi päivästä hyvääkin koituu. Kuvituksia on paljon, joka joskus saa kirjan tuntumaan hieman sarjakuvamaiselta (ihan hyvällä tavalla).
Olisi muuten ollut 5-tähteä, mutta totta puhuen käännös on joskus aika ontuva. Esim. "cool" on käännetty "kolea", jota en ole tainnut itse ikinä kuulla ja ystävä vuosikymmeniä sitten - miksi "magea", "hieno" ja "siisti" eivät kelvanneet? Joskus käännös on vain suoranaisesti väärin: "steak and chips" on käännetty "pihvi ja sipsit" vaikka "chips" on tässä brittiläistä englantia ja tarkoitta "ranskalaisia".

Suosittelisin, että jos vain kielitaito sen sallii, niin tämä kannattaa lukea alkuperäisenä enkunkielisenä. Kirja on kyllä lukemisen arvoinen.
Profile Image for Judy Wollin.
648 reviews4 followers
June 20, 2022
Life is complicated for Justin Chase. First, he has the same name as the celebrity Justin Chase. His mum is getting married, and he’s going to live with his dad. That means a change of schools.
Mum likes rules, and Justin wishes his dad would follow some. At least one – don’t embarrass your kid. No such luck. Dad takes his plumbing business very seriously and drives around on a huge toilet-shaped truck.
Day one at the new school gets off to a rough start with Justin’s uniform being too small and Dad driving him to school in the toilet truck.
Justin is a good swimmer and day one is the swimming carnival. What could go wrong with his togs – the ones grandma croqueted for him? The rest of the day nose-dives too. What happens?
I enjoyed the humour of the story. The illustrations added richness too.
Recommended for Middle-Grade readers.
Profile Image for Lilana Vassileff.
270 reviews38 followers
December 13, 2022
Написана под формата на комикс-дневник, тази история е изпълнена с много смях, приключения, забавления, перипетии и… тоалетен хумор. И нищо чудно! Все пак е книгата е писана по време на изолация, а всички знаем, че именно в този момент от човешката история тоалетната хартия беше на особена почит. Стилът на писане е забавен и увличащ, но според мен илюстрациите са това, което вдъхва живот на книжката и прави четенето ѝ още по-забавно и приятно. Особено смешно ми беше, когато има цензурирани сцени и Джъстин предлага на читателите да се насладят на сладки снимки на различни животни.

Цялото ревю е тук: https://booksguidebg.wordpress.com/20...
Profile Image for Hwee Goh.
Author 17 books24 followers
March 18, 2023
This is toilet humour at its best 😂 and quite literally something you shouldn’t read before lunch 🤢 (though I suspect our young readers will have a lot of fun with this!)

Justin Chase is not having the best day. Last night, his mother got married again…to a vampire (why would he be wearing black, and staying in the shade all the time?) The wedding cake was fruit cake (also, why would somebody put fruit in a cake?)

Justin is off to stay with his Dad while his Mum is on her honeymoon. All hell breaks loose when he arrives, between Nickers the dog (who’s a good dog but “basically a raging kleptomaniac…Because she NICKS everything!) and Captain Fluffykin the cat.

Justin chases the cat who chases the dog, and the cat ends up sprawled on the rooftop. And the cat gets abducted by aliens. Uh huh. It can’t have happened.

(“That kind of far-fetched, OUTLANDISH thing only really happens in PREPOSTEROUS kids’ books.”)

That’s not all. Dad is on a green food diet, and Justin gets a green, green smoothie for breakfast before he gets driven to school. And did you know Dad the plumber drives a giant toilet on wheels? (ALL CISTERNS GO!)

Justin gets to school. The jokes are plenty, and the illustrations are hilarious but be warned: strong stomachs recommended 😂

Thank you @definitelybookskids for sending me this! I think primary schoolers will enjoy this — page after page of illustrated humour. Reluctant readers will also find this manageable with high interest text broken up with art.
Author 24 books20 followers
October 27, 2024
This is a fast and furious, very pacey story with great design - the layout and pictures tell the story and get you right into it. Justin Chase - the boy not the famous musician - is having a terrible day.

Kids will really get into it and laugh as Justin shows how his day gets worse and worse. The comedy is slapstick - can get a little too much of that at times. Fart and poo. But as one person told me, if you don't know why farts are funny, you haven't been a 9 year old.

This isn't sophisticated or educational stuff. It's just fun and fast but something I'm pretty sure kids will get into. The design is very creative such as how the font gets smaller when Justin is zoning out when his Mum is getting repetitive.
Profile Image for Shadow Steve.
129 reviews4 followers
December 27, 2021
Oh Mondays are every kid’s worst nightmare - 1st day of schools 1st days of work 1st days of nightmares

Things gets worst a lot about Mondays & most peeps like myself just wish Mondays & Fridays are a part of the weekend

It follows Justin Chase around as he gets to school on a Monday after his mum got married to his stepdad & had to move to his dad’s house while his mum & stepdad are off to their honeymoon. Things gets a lot worst for Justin during his 1st day at his new school

While it reminds me of how things got worst during my school days it’s filled with embarrassing sense of humour with hilarious illustrations & I believe it’s a must read
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,359 reviews191 followers
November 21, 2022
Днес е понеделник. Но ако си мислите, че ВИЕ си имате причини да мразите първия работен/учебен ден от седмицата, то само почакайте да видите какво ще сполети този нещастен карък Джъстин Чейс! Него го очаква не просто кофти ден, а „Най-лошата седмица евър! ПОНЕДЕЛНИК“. Хумористичната детска книга на Ева Аморес и Мат Косгроув е най-новото предложение на изд. „Прозорец“ за почитателите на илюстрованите романи-дневници. Прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле“: https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Tracie.
1,650 reviews39 followers
June 6, 2024
Have you ever had a bad week? 12-year-old Justin Chase sure has and THIS is it! His mom just married a vampire. His dad drives a giant toilet on wheels. His cat has probably been abducted by aliens. A bully is making his first day at a new school miserable. A mean case of food poisoning is making it really hard to make a good first impression. And right now, he's hanging off the edge of a 30-foot-tall diving board in front of his entire class wearing nothing but rapidly disappearing crocheted swim trunks! And it's only...MONDAY!

This book is super funny and packed with cartoony illustrations, just right for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries.
Profile Image for Laura MacAulay.
10 reviews
August 28, 2024
Oh, great, thought I, rolling my eyes. Yet another middle-grade graphic novel about poop and farts and stinks. That's all very fine and well for little kids, but a story about someone called Toilet Boy doesn't appeal to a sophisticated grown-up like me.

That is, until I cracked open the cover of this book. I couldn't help it: I kept snickering! Outright chortling! Full-on giggle attacks! By the end of the book I was crying with laughter and miraculously cured of the grumps.

Yes, this book contains all manner of stinky stuff that comes out both ends. But don't let that stop you, readers who turn up their noses at toilet humor. Worst Week Ever: Monday is pure comic gold.
Profile Image for Brittney.
219 reviews30 followers
October 16, 2024
Worst Week Ever: Monday was full of complete silliness. The things that happen to Justin Chase on just one day are completely unbelievable, but comical enough for you to suspend belief. My boys, ages 8 and 10, burned through this book quickly. We had a fun "book club" discussion about all the craziness that Justin faces.
Just a warning, there is a fair amount of potty humor. But I was glad that that was not the only source of humor. I've already ordered "Tuesday" and "Wednesday" for my boys to read.
Profile Image for Edgaras Šakuras.
209 reviews4 followers
March 4, 2024
Kažkaip skeptiškai buvau nusiteikęs šios knygos atžvilgiu, bet po keliolikos puslapių to skepticizmo neliko nė kvapo, nes knyga išties prajuokina, kartais net iki ašarų. Tačiau po visais juokais, tarsi tarp kitko pateikiamos ir įvairios socialinės problemos - patyčios, tėvų skyrybų niuansai, vaikų-suaugusiųjų santykiai bei t.t. O neapsisprendėliams dėl pačio skaitymo apskritai, tai būtų ir gera reklama - UŽ.

P.S. Ačiū R.K. už rekomendaciją :)
Profile Image for C.D. Storiz.
Author 8 books15 followers
March 4, 2024
I'm lucky that I get to read ARC of books soon to be released due to my job. My colleague recommended this one because I was having a bad day with weird and demanding customers. It took me awhile to get around to it and I'm glad I did. I laughed out loud and wished I was back to teaching because this would be the perfect book for my students. I could definitely see kids relating to Justin's situation. Hopefully, not as bad as his week but it'd make for great discussions in the classroom.
9 reviews
February 8, 2025

A very fast read and funny too but a bit gross in some parts. This definitely isn’t for my age but I would have loved this in primary school. Might read more of this series if/when I find these at the library.


Nopeeta ja ihan hauskaakin luettavaa, mutta jotkut kohdat olivat kyllä aika ällöttäviä. Tää ei oo selvästikään tarkoitettu mun ikäsille, mutta oisin kyllä tykännyt tosi paljon alakoulussa. Saatan lukea lisää tätä sarjaa jos ja kun löydän niitä kirjastosta.
Profile Image for Margaret McCulloch-Keeble.
850 reviews9 followers
January 14, 2023
Considering this is a children's book, oh my, I laughed out loud all my way through this it. it is rammed full of toilet humour which is always funny for anyone with an inner chid like me. The description of his first toilet emergency is delightful. The kids at school will absolutely eat this up and I'm sure they'll be asking me to buy the entire series as they are published.
Profile Image for Steven Kolber.
381 reviews4 followers
June 16, 2023
A fun little book, leans into the poo joke a lot here in this first one, but it sets up a lot of characters and threads to continue through - so that it can go beyond the ‘bad stuff happening’ trope that it sets up.
Profile Image for Nora.
67 reviews5 followers
October 2, 2023
Eigentlich ganz lustig aber wieso immer so viel Fäkal-Humor...
Kinder finden's sicher super witzig... aber naja ich glaub es gibt interessanteres.

Tag-line mit Vampir und Aliens ist (bis her (Teil 1 & 2) ?) nicht wirklich relevant.
1 review
April 2, 2022
this is my best book in the hole entire wold can't wait to Tuesday comes out
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Savi.
46 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2022
This book was pretty good and I kind of liked it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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