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400 pages, Kindle Edition
First published March 6, 2020
She had intended to bury herself in Persuasion but instead found herself in quite a different story, a vulgar and brutal thriller of the kind she avoided when she had any time to read at all.
She had expected her life to belong to one kind of genre, but instead it had twisted into another, something darker, nastier and less predictable. Yet whose life stayed on one track, from birth to death, ever? The comfort of reading was that it persuaded you that everything would conform to a particular patter, that there would be tropes and coincidences and characters obeying certain rule, and even though it was clearly labelled Fiction, you still expected it to be telling the truth, not just about life, but about yourself.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” — Luke 6:31
Stan’s words came back to her: “Everybody is capable of murder, given the right circumstances. The real mystery is why more of us don’t do it.”
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them…” — Matthew 7:12