Katie Long's Reviews > The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule by Amanda Craig
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did not like it

Gosh, this was bad. The plot is preposterous and the main character comes off as a FoxNews created caricature of liberalism.
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March 17, 2021 – Started Reading
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March 22, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Sorry this was so bad — but thanks for the review, now I definitely won’t bother with it!

Katie Long Sarah wrote: "Sorry this was so bad — but thanks for the review, now I definitely won’t bother with it!"

Glad I could take one for the team! You have saved me from plenty of duds over the years, so I definitely owed you one.

message 3: by Trudie (new)

Trudie Crikey ! Ok, that’s a no on this one then.

Susie So bad Katie! The only reason I didn't also give it a one is because I managed to finish it. I have no idea why it is on the Women's Prize longlist. The bit that pissed me off the most was the little 'not all men' interlude somewhere along the way. Ugh.

Susie Oh, and what about the 'see all the books that I have read' scattered throughout.

message 6: by Katie (last edited Mar 23, 2021 08:56AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Katie Long Susie wrote: "Oh, and what about the 'see all the books that I have read' scattered throughout."

I'm so glad we have each other to commiserate with! I spent most of this reading experience thinking, "come off it lady, you are not nearly as smart as you think you are." Hannah's complex and enlightened political opinions basically boiled down to "EU Good. Men Bad. Rich People Bad."

So many things drove me nuts, but I nearly threw the Kindle at the wall when (view spoiler)

Anne Terrible! Awful heroine, whining and bitter, hating others who “have” then snatching unearned gain with both hands when she got the chance. “I don’t need to be rescued by the patriarchy”. 🤣

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