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A love worth fighting for. A dream worth dying for. An ending worth waiting for.

It’s been two months since the Fates were freed from a deck of cards, two months since Legend claimed the throne for his own, and two months since Tella discovered the boy she fell in love with doesn’t really exist.

With lives, empires, and hearts hanging in the balance, Tella must decide if she’s going to trust Legend or a former enemy. After uncovering a secret that upends her life, Scarlett will need to do the impossible. And Legend has a choice to make that will forever change and define him.

Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun. There are no spectators this time—only those who will win, and those who will lose everything.

Welcome, welcome to Finale . . . all games must come to an end.

478 pages, Hardcover

First published May 7, 2019

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Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by this page. I’m only on this site occasionally, so if you’d like to send me a message, please use the contact form on my website: http://stephaniegarberauthor.com.

I can also be found on Instagram, and I love connecting with readers. If you're looking for more information about my books, the most up to date news can be found on Instagram, but I also try to update my website on a regular basis.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39,219 reviews
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.5k followers
April 23, 2019
"Every story has four parts: the beginning, the middle, the almost-ending, and the true ending. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a true ending. Most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, when the situation feels hopeless, but that is where hope is needed the most. Only those who persevere can find their true ending."

This is definitely a review I never thought I'd be writing. I've been fangirling over the Caraval series since an arc landed in my lap in 2016, and I had no reason to believe that Finale would be any less enjoyable for me than Caraval (5 stars from me) and Legendary (4 stars from me). Unfortunately, this one just didn't work for me the way that the other two did, and instead of bashing this book, I'd like to take a few minutes to detail below WHY this book didn't work for me, so that as a reader you can decide for yourself what to think. I do encourage you, if you're a fan of the series, to pick this up for yourself and come to your own conclusion, as my opinion is likely unpopular and in the minority. Caution for minor spoilers below for the previous two books in the series.

Finale picks up in the wake of where Legendary left off. Tella is still pining after Legend, yet playing coy as he visits her in her dreams, and Jacks is still in play, so we have a bonafide love triangle up until the very end of this novel. Unfortunately, this was a big part of my problem with the book. Donatella is such a strong female in the previous novels, and I felt she was reduced to a simple love interest in this final installment. Sure, she does one big thing at the end of the book, but for 99.9% of the novel, there's a slow, repetitive narrative of inner monologue and whiny dialogue that grated on me. I'll admit that this could be because I'm an adult, and this is YA fiction, but I also think other readers will pick up on this and have a hard time processing that this is the same adventurous heroine we came to love in the first two books.

At the same time, Scarlett is mad at Julian because he has abandoned her for 6 weeks, and in the meantime she has been exchanging letters with the real count, her former fiance, and their correspondence has resulted in Scarlet deciding to pit the two men against each other in, yes, another competitive love triangle! Hooray for all of the love triangles! Thankfully this one doesn't last as long as the one listed above, and honestly felt like filler to make the book have a padded page count. Scarlett does play an arguably more important role in this installment, and I do applaud Garber for attempting to give this girl a strong character arc, but it felt a bit forced and politically correct. I want strong female leads as much as the next person, but a total personality change in the final book of a trilogy felt a little off for me.

I think my favorite part of this book though is that we finally get a deeper look into The Fates, and while it wasn't as much as I'd hoped for, I found myself fully engaged in these sections. I loved the "history" and folklore surrounding how they were created and what role they have played, past and present, in the shaping of their fantastical world. I can't say too much about this, but Finale does hinge it's plot on one of the fates, and how this particular one ties Scarlett, Tella, and Paloma to the story.

Unfortunately, I found the ending to be rushed, skimmed over, and tidy beyond all reason, which really works for some readers, but is tough for me. I'm a masochistic reader, and I want my characters to be cost something, so when everyone shows up flawlessly alright with all their dreams come true, I shake my old lady fist at the sky and wonder why I bothered reading this if no one had to survive any form of loss? Maybe I was supposed to find this in Paloma/Paradise (who, let it be known, ALSO HAD A LOVE TRIANGLE YES WE'RE UP TO THREE NOW), but her portion is so slim that I didn't really get a chance to know her.

I know it sounds like I didn't like any portion of this book, but I truly did love the concept and still remain a huge fan of the series/author. Overall I found this particular installment just didn't flow with how the first two were written. This could be because this is the first book that didn't have the suspenseful backing of the mystery of Legend's identity or a game of Caraval to keep the pace racing, or maybe it's the fact that I'm not a huge fan of love triangles, slow burning, repetitive descriptions, and endings that so neat and tidy that they are beyond happily ever after. I'm definitely interested to see where the author chooses to take us next, and I sincerely wish her all the best and success in her future endeavors! <3

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy via NetGalley.
Profile Image for • Lindsey Dahling •.
389 reviews780 followers
June 21, 2020
This thing is a disaster. It’s so poorly written and paced that I couldn’t ever decide if Stephanie Garber had too many ideas or not enough for this book.

Look, I’m perfectly willing to admit that I find Caraval to be barely tolerable and Legendary to be fine while everyone else in the world is bananas for them, so I’m probably the weird one.

Let me give you an example of what every page of Finale felt like to me:

Scarlett/Tella walk into the room and immediately notice and then describe to me the colors of the walls, ceiling, floor, lamps, picture frames, spider in the corner, tissue box, 12 specks of dust, random old shoe, human skeleton, liver, fava beans, Hannibal Lector’s eyes, and anything else you can possibly think of that’s completely irrelevant to the plot.


And these lists of colors are always, ALWAYS followed up with comparisons of the colors to something abstract (typically in simile form, but Garber did pass 6th grade ELA, so she shows you she can use a metaphor, too) in a way that MAKES NO SENSE. So, the moldy old shoe is green and smells like heartbreak and rollercoaster wind.


Once Scarlett/Tella has finished with this annoying AF narration, they will then spend 4 seconds on the conflict they’ve discovered is currently happening in the room. (For this non-spoilery review, we’re going to say they walked into a room full of poisonous snakes.) “Uh oh! Snakes!” And so, Scarlett/Tella spend the next two whole sentences rounding up the snakes and tossing them out the window into the garden—where the snakes happily slither away off into the sunset. Action over. Conflict over. Back to generic YA pining and terrible similes.


No buildup to anything. No lasting conflict. Things just happen randomly and then they’re over. Some obstacles come up just for the sake of wasting time, as Garber never mentions them again (and there’s a GIANT one that she just never tied up—I’m only bitter about it because it was literally the only part of the book that got dangerously close to interesting).

The ending was anticlimactic. It was another thing that was entirely too rushed for no apparent reason, for it’s not like she was tying up loose ends (STILL BITTER).

I don’t know. Just about everyone else in the world loves these books. And then there’s loser me—desperately trying for two books to understand the “cool” crowd and now just giving up entirely because a) bitter and b) this book put me in a 3 week reading slump, which makes me even more bitter. Rude.
Profile Image for Stephanie Garber.
Author 15 books69.7k followers
March 18, 2019

Tour Update: Bustle has just revealed all the stops for the Finale tour, along with the first chapter of the book! https://www.bustle.com/p/see-where-fi...

Update: My US publisher has just announced their preorder gift for Finale. They've created 1,500 Decks of Destiny and if you're a US resident you can get one. For more information check out their site: https://read.macmillan.com/promo/fina...

Update: Finale finally has an official summary! The one that's been up is from an early draft--and no longer accurate--so I'm really excited to share this new summary with all of you:

A love worth fighting for.
A dream worth dying for.
An ending worth waiting for.

It’s been two months since the Fates were freed from a deck of cards, two months since Legend claimed the throne for his own, and two months since Tella discovered the boy she fell in love with doesn’t really exist.

With lives, empires, and hearts hanging in the balance, Tella must decide if she’s going to trust Legend—or a former enemy. After uncovering a secret that upends her life, Scarlett will need to do the impossible. And Legend has a choice to make that will forever change and define him.

Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun. There are no spectators this time: only those who will win, and those who will lose everything.

Welcome, welcome to Finale. All games must come to an end…

More good news: Finale has a cover and I am in love with it! Entertainment Weekly has just revealed it, they also let me share a few thoughts about the book and ending the series, if you're curious: https://ew.com/books/2018/10/19/steph...

Good news update: The pub date for Finale has just been moved up. It is now releasing on May 7, 2019!

For everyone who's been wondering what is going to happen in this book, there is now a description for it up on Amazon and I am so excited! (https://www.amazon.com/Finale-Caraval...)

Just be warned, this summary contains spoilers for Legendary. xo
Profile Image for brooke (hiatus).
106 reviews10.8k followers
June 13, 2023
tella is stronger than me frfr. if i was jacks only weakness, obsession, one true love and also called me “my love” i would’ve folded and forgotten abt dante so quick
Profile Image for Ali Goodwin.
296 reviews40.3k followers
November 1, 2023
4.5 stars! So sad this series is over 😭 but so happy I read it!!! This was my least favorite in the trilogy just cause I miss them actually attending Caraval BUT this one was still SO good. The ending had me on the edge of my seat and was so cool getting to learn way more about the fates.

I literally love every main character in this series so much. And finishing this series is making me so excited to get back to finishing the once upon a broken heart series.
Profile Image for Ayman.
282 reviews115k followers
October 10, 2023
i understand why stephanie garber continued this series in a spin off because wtf was all this unnecessary drama for?!

3.5 ⭐️
Profile Image for Angelica.
871 reviews1,220 followers
May 23, 2020
I am conflicted.

This book had so many flaws. But also, I kinda loved it? But also, maybe I didn't. Honestly, I have no idea wtf is going on.

With a title like Finale, I half expected this to be the greatest ending to a series ever written. It also didn't help my overinflated expectations that I had recently read Legendary for the first time and loved it. In the end, it was all a pretty anticlimactic end.

First of all, let it be known I am mostly here for these characters. The plot is nice and all but gosh darn it, these characters stress me and I love it! Also, let it be known that by 'characters' I mostly mean Tella and Legend. I am nothing if not here for that ship. I think that's one of the main reasons I liked Legendary so much. That and the fact that Tella is clearly the more interesting sister, at least she is to me.

Scarlett is, well... Scarlett. I didn't like her in Caraval and I didn't love her now. She was a more likable, less annoying character here than in Caraval so there is that. She still made some questionable choices though, but that's to be expected.

Overall, though, I loved how each sister had their own missions and their own storylines where they could each shine and be the heroes of their own fates. I always like seeing positive family relationships in YA, especially between sisters.

A thing that I didn't much like in Caraval absolutely loved here and in Legendary was Garber's writing. It was so beautiful. So magical. So enchanting. The way Garber phrases things makes everything seem otherworldly and fairytalelike. 

My one problem with the writing is that she likes to repeat things and its actually kind of annoying. Characters would keep repeating things that happened only a few sentences ago as if the author was afraid we'd miss the connection or forget! But maybe that was just me, and I'm just a hater.

I loved everything else about the writing and the dialogue and everything about Tella and everything about Legend and basically everything of what we'd gotten in Legendary. It was some of the new things that I had a problem with.

Now, let's talk about why I didn't absolutely love this book, no matter how much I wanted to.

First of all, this plot felt weaker than in the last two. I think it was because unlike the previous books, this one didn't focus on the mystery of Caraval and Legend. Those things were interesting. Those kept me engaged. This new story with the fates was both interesting... and weak.

The concept of the fates was introduced in Legendary. In this book, the Fates are front and center with so much of the plot revolving around them. This felt especially strange since the main villain is a fate that we see for the first time in this book. It's never right to introduce your main villain, the big bad, in the final third of your series, especially if we're supposed to be so terrified of him.

This book was also a  bit anticlimactic. Big dramatic things happened without warning or build up and had very little impact other than being shocking for the moment and padding the 'runtime' of the story. 

Even the end sort of just happened, without warning and without us seeing the true consequences of all that had occurred. Instead, everything gets rushed at the end and is nicely wrapped up in a convenient bow and all inconvenient things get ignored.

It also felt like there was a lot of worldbuilding, and yet, there was actually no world building at all. I loved the myths and the folklore of the fates. But also I feel like we're never really given true context and explanation of how they work.  It felt like the world was never given a reason for being the way it was. But, I suppose that's just the way of magic and we're not supposed to question it.

Overall, I liked it. It was a decent book. I think I just expected so much more. I expected a grand finale and I feel like I didn't get it. 

I absolutely love Tella and Legend, Scarlett and Julian were also good, but I'm biased and Tella and Legend will forever be number one. The writing is beautiful. The world is magical. Despite my disappointment, I still completely recommend this series.

Also, I'm gonna call it and say that there's probably going to be a spinoff series or something. Garber definitely left enough space to expand this world, especially with that scene at the market. If you've read it you'll know what I'm talking about. Also, I'd be totally down for a new story about The Fates.

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Profile Image for Lilyya ♡.
513 reviews3,222 followers
September 3, 2024
*sigh* it’s always the uninteresting, reckless woman who gets a horde of immortel men fighting for her love..
Profile Image for jessica.
2,620 reviews46.1k followers
May 16, 2019
‘a love worth fighting for. a dream worth dying for. an ending worth waiting for.’

i mean, i dont think i can describe this book any more perfectly than that - the blurb from the inside cover jacket. in essence, this is exactly what this story is. and i think many caraval fans will be pleased with this finale and find it worth the wait, as i do.

this isnt my favourite installment in the series, as it takes on a different pace and direction than the previous books, but its still unbelievably good. where the first two stories focus on games, mystery, magic, and illusion, this book focuses on personal relationships, futures, and what makes a life worth living and dying for. as i said, its a different tone, but still just as valuable to the series, the characters, and overall story.

i thought everything was wrapped up neatly and satisfyingly in this conclusion. there werent really any moments the shocked or thrilled me, but i feel very content with how everything turned out. and, if anything, i really hope jacks gets a spin-off series, because i am craving more of his messy and tricky ways. he truly deserves his own finale.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Zainab.
393 reviews620 followers
December 26, 2019
Man, I should not have kept my expectations this high :/
I was wayyy too excited for this to come out. You know how hard it is to wait a whole year for a book- only for it to turn out to be garbage?
I refuse to believe this is related to the Caraval series. There was so much in the previous books and this one didn't have anything except for a LOT of cringey- very cringey- romance.
I think the author got wayy too carried away with her fans' request for more Legend and Tella. Sure I was one of those people but I didn't ask for this much.
If you're a fan of romance then you'd undoubtedly love this- just keep your expectations low.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,840 reviews56.1k followers
June 25, 2022
Five fantastic, riveting, Crimson and Legendary stars!
I had a marvelous time as I was enjoying my hours by turning the pages and capturing my mind inside Caraval series’ colorful, perfectly designed and depicted world which is Wonderland meets many fairytales! It’s a great combination of tragedies, urban legends, magic and lullabies!

I feel so sad the trilogy ended. Because I invested on the characters, mostly I enjoyed both of the love stories. As a heroine I loved Scarlett more. As a hero, Legend stole the show from Julian.
But I think because of the beginning of the story, I felt for Scarlett and Julian and loved them even they acted so immature and too stubborn but their love stood still against all the obstacles and they found each other.

Stephanie Garber created entertaining, vivid, dreamy world and did amazing job. I consumed the book so fast, especially I read the last pages so excitedly and curiously .

It was catch 22, I wanted to read so badly but in the meantime i never wanted to finish it. Too bad, now it is over. So I’m looking forward to read more books of this talented writer sooner. I never forget this amazing journey!
Profile Image for shei ღ (very busy).
249 reviews1,021 followers
June 7, 2024
—— 4.25 ✰ stars.
“I think love is another type of magic. “It makes everything brighter, it makes people who have it stronger, it breaks rules that aren’t supposed to exist, it is infinitely valuable.”

・❥・ Mood of the book:
: ̗̀➛ Twisted by MISSIO
: ̗̀➛ Forever by Labrinth
: ̗̀➛ Legendary by Welshly Arms
: ̗̀➛ Centuries by Fall Out Boy

Okay, I really don't know how to start this review. I'm still not one hundred percent sure of my rating, but last night, reviewing my tabs and all the moments I've highlighted, I think I definitely liked this book more than the previous ones, but, for me there was a lack of spark at the end, I feel like Stephanie Garber was cooking a delicious dish for hours and then screwed it up when she added the sauce, I don't know if Im making any sense.

The book begins two months after the events of Legendary, and this time we follow a double point of view, Scarlett's and Donatella's, everything that has been happening in the first two books reaches its climax here.

I know that many people don't like Tella, and although I understand why, I did like reading her, she is different from Scarlett. Scarlett is still my favorite, but Tella has earned a piece of my heart, with her bravery and love for her sister.

If I had to say what this trilogy is about, I would say love, and how it can be more powerful than magic. Any kind of love.

'There is nothing quite as precious as the love of a sister'

•┈••✦ 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ✦••┈•:

'Loves is messy. It's not easily controlled. But that's what makes it so powerful. It's unbridled passion. It’s caring about someone else’s life more than you care about your own.'

'You might possess magic, but love like that is the real power'

'For most of my life, I've romanticized death. I used to love the idea of ​​something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. But I was wrong. I think the most magnificent things are worth living for'

'Fear was poison to love. And love was poison to fear.'

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ To my girl giuls: I can't find the words to thank you for reading this entire trilogy with me, I had the time of my life, I loved sharing theories with you and being mutually clowned and confused. This wouldn't have been the same without you, I love you lots, amo.

It is really impossible to do this review without spoilers, therefore, if you have come this far, thank you so so much, but from this moment on I will include spoilers when talking about the characters and the moments that I liked, I highly recommend this trilogy, it is worth reading before reaching Once Upon a Broken Heart.

•┈••✦ 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅 ✦••┈•:

AAAA UNCONTROLABLE SCREAMS AND SOBS. I can't believe I finished this trilogy so quickly, everyone says that compared to OUABH, Caraval is boring, so I really want to get to OUABH and continue screaming and barking for Jacks.

In Finale, all the plots that have been brewing for two books come together, with Scarlett, her past and initially meeting her ex-fiancé, and with Tella, a small love triangle between her, Legend and Jacks, at the same time, her mother's past and all the chaos with The Fates.

I liked the ending, but not how it was executed, it seems like tradition that Stephanie Garber's endings always feel super rushed, we spent 400 pages trying to discover a way to defeat The Fallen Star, so that in the last 20 the way be discovered and Tella kills him in the simplest way possible. I WANT TO THROW HANDS. I hope this is different on OUABH.

I don't think at this point it's necessary for me to comment on each character separately, so I'll simply comment on my favorite scenes and my favorite quotes.

✶ 𝓣𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮✶:

'This is my choice, and I choose you, Donatella. I don't need immortality. You are my forever.'

It is true that their relationship is somewhat stormy, and it takes a long time for Dante to wake up and get some common sense in his head, but I ship them so bad.

'Tonight he was smiling, like a wicked prince, escaped from the stars, ready to spirit her up into the heavens. He was still the most beautiful liar she'd ever seen'
↳ The way he visited her on her dreams, I was swooning every time.

'I told you, Tella, I'm not the hero in your story'

'If it looks bad, why do you keep staring?' -- 'Just because I don't like you doesn't mean you're not pretty' -- 'If you really hated me, you wouldn't find me attractive at all' -- 'I never said I had a good taste'

‘Ready to move on sweetheart?’ Tella narrowed her eyes. Legend gave her an amazed smile. 'What about dear heart or angel?'
↳ I REALLY loved their banter and their push and pull.

'Just thinking the name Dante still hurts a little. Yet the name always prickled her as a thorn, reminding her how she'd fallen in love with an illusion'

'You are beautiful'
↳ Such a simple quote but it made my heart swoon so much.

✶𝓣𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼✶:

'I don't know if you are my true love, Donatella. All I know is that I want you to be. I'm the villain in my own story. But you were supposed to play a different role.’ Misery filled his eyes. 'You were supposed to be my true love. You were supposed to want me, not him.'

'Tell me what you want Donatella. Say it and I'll give it to you'

Listen, I hands down loved all their interactions, but, since we know Jacks has another trilogy with Evangeline, my brain couldn't ship them at all. But I'm obsessed with their scenes and with Jacks, he is such a complex character, he is definitely not the hero, but he is not as much of a villain as he thinks, and I think he really cared about Donatella in his own twisted way.

'Quiet, my love'
↳ The way we all screamed at this it's embarrassing, he literally said three words.

'Look at me' Jacks hissed through his teeth. Tella opened her eyes. Jacks’s forehead was damp with sweat and his chest moved unevenly as his ragged breathing matched hers. He wasn't just removing her pain; he was taking it. Bloody tears streaked his cheeks and agony turned his eyes pale. Tella clutched his hands tighter and pressed her forehead to his. ‘Is this transaction too intense for you,’ Jacks panted, ‘or are you actually worried about me’? ‘Don’t flatter yourself.’ ‘Don’t lie to me – I feel everything you’re feeling right now’ […] ‘I promise it won’t hurt this time’
↳This scene. I was fascinated while reading it. Their scenes were so intense.

“For the rest of her life, whenever she thought about heartbreak, she would see the way he looked at her. His face was twisted in pain. “Blood-red tears leaked from his eyes.”

“He was a mess of gold hair, sea-salt blue eyes and bitten lips, beautiful in a way only broken things could be.”

✶𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓙𝓾𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓷✶

'Now you're mine as well' He pulled back just enough to give her a wicked grin. 'I've always been yours, Crimson.'

Sigh. My babies, they got me tearing up with their interactions. They are the main couple for sure, their love is so pure, Julian gave up on everything for her, and the scene where Scarlett had to try to take out his love broke me into million pieces. They deserved this happy ending.

'Hello, Crimson'

'I won't ever move on, Crimson'. He took her hand and brought it to his heart. 'I've made a lot of mistakes. […] So I'm in this carriage with you now, ready to go wherever you're going, even if it means watching you with another man'

'I don't need to prove anything. I'm not trying to win her hand. I'm offering her mine, and everything that comes whit it, hoping she'll take it and decide she wants to keep it'
↳Where I can find Julian.

‘I love you, Julian’ […] Julian kissed her again and he whispered words against her lips. ‘I have loved you since that night you showed up on the beach back on Trisda, thinking you could bribe me to run away without you.’ ‘And then you kidnapped me.’ His grin turned wolfish. 'That was your sister. But I have been trying to steal you ever since'.

'She's the love of my life' Scarlett's heart broke and burst all at once'

Thank you so much if you really reached here, this review was a mess, but so were my feelings about this book.

Caraval series:
╰┈➤Caraval , 3.75✰ stars.
╰┈➤Legendary , 4.25✰ stars.

Once Upon a Broken Heart series:
╰┈➤ Once Upon A Broken Heart, 4.✰ stars.
╰┈➤ The Ballad of Never After , 4.25✰ stars.
╰┈➤ A Curse For True Love , 3.✰ stars.

pre review: I’m still deciding on a 4.25/4.5!! rtc 🖤

nov 8: finally reading finale so we can get our asses to Once Upon a Broken Heart ✋🏻 buddy reading this again with my Italian soulmate giuls. I love you amo❤️
Profile Image for SK.
488 reviews9,599 followers
June 10, 2023
"And Scarlett cried. She cried for the horrors he had been, and she cried for the wonders that he could have been instead." And I cried too. I cried for the horrors Scarlett's chapters put me through, and for the wonders that I could have read instead.

This series really was a huge disappointment for me. I thought that since I liked Legendary, chances are things might get better but boy oh boy, how wrong was I. This one was so much worse than Caraval. I kept yawning, was so utterly bored.

This book was easily carried by Jacks and Tella. Legend was okay-ish, tho I guess anyone would seem average compared to Jacks. Scarlett and Julian? I feel so sorry for Julian. He had so much potential and all gone to waste, honestly my guy seemed like a side chick. We don't talk about Crimson on this account.

I skimmed through most chapters in the second half. So don't ask me any specific questions- I won't know 😂🙈 I also did not care for the ending. I was done.

I still want to read Once Upon a Broken Heart which was the main aim of reading this series but I need a bit of a gap in between, I don't want to hate on it, especially Jacks.


Finally made it to the Finale
Profile Image for Antje ❦.
163 reviews13 followers
August 14, 2023
The way Jacks's back must hurt from CARRYING the plot of a 500 page book!!!🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️

Finale wasn't finalING like it could've (and should've) finalED. If you're here reading this, I'm guessing you've either read this series od read my reviews for Caraval and Legendary, or both! I loved both Caraval and Legendary so much (rated them 5 stars), but basically, everything that those books were THIS ONE WASN'T. And if it weren't for my love of this series, its characters and this fantasy world, I would've rated it even lower. After me going insane on the timeline with my love for these books, hating the last installment wasn't really on my bingo card, but it is what it is, I guess. To be frank, after finishing Legendary, I was wondering what would the third book be about, since there WEREN'T MANY LOOSE ENDS (TellaLegend situation, Paloma (can't think of anything else)).

I thought to myself, 2 extra chapters in Legendary could answer my questions. And, I'm sorry to say this, but i was right.

Finale was just about Scarlett and Donatella running around and describing places. The plot was non-existant, or that little that existed felt so forced. The whole Gavriel drama was so unnecessary. And mind you, THIS IS THE LONGEST BOOK IN THE SERIES. It started out pretty good and I was ready to keep my 5 star streak (very rarely do I rate all books in the series 5 stars), but then it went donwhill. The pace only picked up towards the very end. The middle of this book was insufferable, literally nothing happened. I feel like 50 pages of Caraval had more action than this whole book. Also, since the plot of this book doesn't really take place during Caraval season, FAIRYTALE VIBES WERE COMPLETELY MISSING, which makes me so sad. I know that they didn't really have an excuse for another Caraval, THE AESTHETIC was a huge reason why I loved the first two books, so I'll be honest, that did lower the rating for me. That whole situation with Scarlett, Nicolas and Julian was so promising, and then Garber decided to abandon that part totally. Also, we had an interesting plot twist towards the end, it was basically the best (let me not say the only) good thing about this book. I LOVE THE WAY THINGS ENDED, we got a sweet conclusion to both Donatella's and Scarlett's storylines which we don't often get. It wasn't a 30+ page epilogue, something sweet and short.

Finale had dual POV, so let's analize separately!

SCARLETT's story was pretty much wrapped up before Finale and even though we find out interesting facts about her, her chapters bored me to death! The pacing was painfully slow, every sigle decision she made had me rolling my eyes. What happened to my girl? If you've read this you'll know what I'm talking about (and maybe want to discuss it with me), but wasn't the whole arrangement Scarlett had with the Assassin Fate so out of character for her? It was maybe there to show some character development, but I wouldn't really call THAT a DEVELOPMENT, LMAO. I digress. Scenes with Julian were cute, i LOVE THEM TOGETHER, but again, even the romance part was boring in this one one when it comes to Crimson (obv i'm just jealous of their love).

DONATELLA's chapters saved this from a 1 star rating (and you from me hating any further). At least my girl did SOMETHING, even if it was just choosing between Legend and Jacks. I mean, I can't blame her, she was PUT TO A TASK. Both of them are such good love interests, I would fold like a piece of fabric from Scarlett's over-the-top dress for both of them or whatever.

1. Caraval
2. Legendary
3. spoilery review of Finale
(Pretend that you're in the movie "In Time", save those minutes (days))💅💅
Profile Image for cherie ^_-★.
143 reviews959 followers
September 5, 2024
3.75 stars ⭐️
⤷ spoilers ahead!! ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪

”Welcome, welcome to Caraval… all games must come to an end.”

if i had to sum up this book in 1 word, it’d be ‘chaotic‘.

i actually enjoyed it at first, but it became long-winded and dragged on towards the end. there was too much going on, and there were many moments when i felt like banging my head against the table.

ᡣ𐭩.ᐟ donatella & legend 🦋🎩
first of all, can we talk about how tella spent all of legendary trying to get her mother back, only to lose her again just 19% into this book? LIKE HUH???!! you’re telling me tella went through all that in legendary just for her mother to come back and DIE?!! i get that her death was important to the plot, but STILL??

next, both legend and jacks were messing with her feelings like it was a game throughout the book!! it was so frustrating to see her constantly trying to figure out whether legend loved her or not and fighting her own feelings for him. one moment she thinks he loves her, the next she’s convinced he doesn’t. one moment she thinks she loves him, the next she tells herself she doesn’t.

and don’t even get me started on legend. one moment he’s telling tella he wants to make her immortal because he doesn’t want to lose her, the next he’s saying he can’t because she deserves someone better. LIKE?!!?? MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

also, he said he had never loved anyone before, but didn’t he love tella’s grandmother in the past? or am i remembering that wrong? 🤨

anyway, i’m just happy they got their happy ending.

“She wanted everything about him. She’d always wanted everything about him. Even before she’d known him, she’d fall in love with the boy who had the passion to make his one wish come true and the audacity to call himself Legend. Then she’d fallen in love with him again when she’d met him. She’d love him as Dante, but she loved him even more as Legend. Dante had helped her forget, but Legend had taught her how to dream again, and she loved all the dazzling dreams they shared and the exquisite lies he told with his illusions. But she loved the imperfect truth of him just as much. She loved how protective he was, and how playful he could be. She loved the boy who’d called her an angel and a devil in the same conversation. She loved the way he teased her, and she didn’t want him to even stop. She wanted to hear the rest of his stories—and to become a part of those stories. But more than any of those things, she wanted to forever be by his side, whether he was with her as she was fighting a nightmare or chasing a dream, or if it was the other way around.”

“I can’t say that I understand love, or that I’m very good at it, because I’ve never loved anyone before. But I love everything about you, Donatella Dragna. Everything. I love the secrets you haven’t told me, and the lies you’ve tried to get away with. I love your stubbornness and your persistence. I love the way you always pretend not to care when I visit you in dreams. I love that you never stop fighting for what you want or the people you love, even when they don’t deserve it. I love you, and I don’t intend to stop loving you, and I hope that somewhere deep inside, you still love me, too.”

“Good, because I don’t want to fight you. I just want to love you. This is my choice, and I choose you, Donatella. I don’t need immortality. You’re my forever.”

ᡣ𐭩.ᐟ scarlett & julian ❤️🩹
i’m sorry, but scar was being a real bitch at the start when she set up the competition between nicolas and julian, which, by the way, never even happened because so much shit happened!! poor nicolas didn’t even get the chance to shine before he was fried 😭 RIP 🪦 it took her long enough to realize how much julian loved her 🙄

“I love you, Julian. I choose you, Julian, and I promise I will always choose you, and I will always love you. I will love you with every bone in my body, so that even after my heart stops beating, a part of me will remain to forever love you.”

the idea of her dressing up as her pregnant mother to deceive the fallen star and kill him was ridiculous. and when he actually gave up after she stopped pretending to be her mother and delivered a “touching” speech… 😐 UMMMMMM… HOORAY I GUESS?? 😐😐😐

i also felt the book could’ve delved deeper into her powers or something 🤷🏻‍♀️

the only character who didn’t get on my nerves in this book was julian. my boy julian loved scar so much, he even got a crimson star tattooed on his arm as a reminder of her 😭😭😭 he’s so precious and i adore him so much.

“I’ve loved you since that night you showed up on the beach back in Trisda, thinking you could bribe me to run away without you.”

and the part where he was looking out for tella and telling legend to get his shit together (urging him to sort out his feelings for her) 🥹😭😭

Legend laughed, but it sounded so far from humorous that it made Tella sad, not just for Legend but for all of them. ”When did you become such an idealist?”
“When I met a girl who loved her sister so much she was able to wish her back to life. You might possess magic, but love like that is real power.”

ᡣ𐭩.ᐟ jacks 🍎
honestly, i wasn’t a fan of jacks in this series 🫢 he was a little cray cray and obsessive, and he complicated things between tella and legend 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

with all of that being said, i genuinely enjoyed this series overall, and i’m glad we got a happy ending 🥳🥳🥳 hopefully i’ll come to like jacks more in the once upon a broken heart series ❤️‍🩹


i’m so excited to finish this series aaaahh!! let’s hope it ends on a good note 🤞🏻💛
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,212 reviews102k followers
February 2, 2023
1.) Caraval ★★★★
2.) Legendary ★★★★

“I used to love the idea of something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. But I was wrong. I think the most magnificent things are worth living for.”

I read book one in 2016 and book two in 2017, so it has been a while since i have been immersed into this world! But i very much wanted to finish out this series (in 2023) so i could pick up once upon a broken heart! Sadly, I didn't love this one. I still saw that magical shine of the world in glimpses throughout this book (like the midnight market!), but I just found most of the characters so insufferable. Like, Julian was the only character I cared about and was empathetic towards. The rest? Questionable choice after questionable choice. And the alternating perspectives of the sisters making those questionable choices did not do this story any favors, sadly. I also just really hate the trope at the end with how things got mended! But i can't wait to see how i will feel with the new series and i hope it brings back the magic of caraval for me!

trigger + content warnings: blood depiction, getting blood for magic, loss of a loved one/loss of a parent, grief depiction, abusive parent, kidnapping, captivity, murder, possession, heart attacks, torture, gore, and spiders!

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Profile Image for Victoria Resco.
Author 6 books29k followers
September 21, 2021
Me siento tan vacía por dentro después de terminar esta saga que no sé si me alcanza la vida para recuperarme
Profile Image for lydia ‧ ia.
246 reviews605 followers
July 4, 2024
5☆ | 2nd read

I will always love you. I will love you with every bone in my body, so that even after my heart stops beating, a part of me will remain to forever love you.

♫ ~ my boy only breaks his favorite toys
there was danger in the heat of my touch,
he saw forever so he smashed it up

first of all, this was a buddy read with the most gorgeous girl ellie! bb this was so much fun and you made the experience so magical! I couldn’t think of a better person to read this book with. I love you endlessly (that first quote at the top is from me to you btw <3) and I can’t wait to do this again soon! 😚🎀
╰› ellie's stunning review!

buddy read aside, to focus on the book itself: wow. what an ending to this series. I’m not sure why, but I remembered the least from this book out of all three before I started my reread– making me think the book was simply a little forgettable. So going into it, I guess I was expecting something equivalent to acftl; still good, but not quite as good as the rest of the series.

Well. consider me chastised. Finale was amazing and magical in every aspect. Stephanie Garber really perfected every nook and cranny, so to speak, of her writing, and in doing so made what seemed like it couldn’t get any better, better. By the climax, I was floored.

The action, the dialogue, Jacks, the relationships, Jacks, the love confessions, Jacks were all part of what made this book the way it is. Which is, in the words of the book itself, radiantly beautiful.

My having forgotten so much from my first read only worked in my favor– it truly felt like I was reading this for the first time again (if I had just gotten spoiled on a good bit of the plot twists). Oh to be tella dragna and have two hot immortals fighting over you. Or scarlett dragna and have the sweetest, hottest, cinnamon roll who’s hopelessly obsessed with you as your boyfriend. Oh, at the very least, to be one of Jacks’ apples 😞

My insatiable desire to live inside the world of caraval and ouabh only grows with every reread. This is getting a bit concerning… I guess I’ll just have to wait for spectacular’s release to spend more time with these perfectly imperfect characters.

happiest of reading as always! ily all <3

₊⊹⁀➴ favorite quotes:

love is another type of magic. It makes everything brighter, it makes people who have it stronger, it breaks rules that aren’t supposed to exist, it’s infinitely valuable. I can’t imagine my life without it.

I’m the villain, even in my own story.

I used to love the idea of something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. But I was wrong. I think the most magnificent things are worth living for.

He was a mess of gold hair, sea-salt blue eyes, and bitten lips, beautiful in a way only broken things could be.
Profile Image for High Lady of The Night Court.
135 reviews5,349 followers
July 7, 2019
“Occasionally, there are minutes that get extra seconds. Moments so precious the universe stretches to make additional room for them, and this was one of them. People don’t get pauses like these very often. Some people never receive them at all.”

The plot gets thicker and clearer in this finale. The Fates might not be what they seem. The characters may have to turn into their enemies to beat the odds stacked against them. This time the stakes are higher, the sacrifices greater, and game is no longer just a game. Loyalties will be tested and you can never know who might betray you. This book is a fight for a throne, a fight for love, and a fight for freedom. The board is set and the players will not play fair.

I think Finale was the perfect ending to this trilogy. Each book in this trilogy has been different from the other. Caraval had the uncertainty factor where neither the characters nor the readers knew what was real and what was fake. Legendary revealed how Caraval, the game works, thereby revealing the secret behind the magic and then introduced a complicated plot of immortals, Fates, and old magic. Finale carries the plot forward and leads it to the conclusion while giving both sisters equal importance. While Caraval was centered around Scarlett and Legendary around Tella, Finale gives them equal importance and has them both contribute to the storyline in very different ways.

We see a lot of growth in both relationships- Tella and Legend, and Scarlett and Julian. Both relationships were left with rocky ends in the last book. Legend walked away from Tella after Caraval and Scarlett told Julian that she wanted to meet her former fiance. I can’t tell you much about whether they grow closer or farther apart because that would be very mean wouldn’t it.

The storyline itself is truly marvelous. The story of the Fates was pretty vague in the last book, but in this one the characters come face to face with them and a lot of information is revealed about the past, the present, and in the future. Paradise or Paloma, Scarlett and Tella’s mother, has been a very mysterious character in so far without even being present in the story much. Her history is revealed in this book and many new facts about the characters are revealed.

The writing is fabulous as always. The author is very descriptive of everything that happens and it is always magical. The writing leads you to visualise everything that happens in the book and will leave you mesmerised. The chapters are divided in between Scarlett and Tella’s perspectives and the story wouldn’t have worked out if it was any other way. As I have mentioned, Scarlett and Tella will work together but in different ways to win this game, which means that they are not in the same situation for the majority of the book. Scarlett discovers new things about herself while Tella finds out more about the two immortals she is being pulled in between. Jacks and Legend while being two very different people are both very possessive about Tella and she must make her choice between them, but the choice is not easy and it may not be in her hands either.

This entire journey had been truly amazing. Stephanie Garber has created a beautiful world and the plot and the characters have grown to become magical. This book may be more centered in the reality of the world rather than in the magic of Caraval but that doesn’t make it any less magical in itself. May more facets of the Fated world are revealed and the characters must learn a lot more about themselves and about the Fates to survive.

Choices are made, paths are taken, and the future is decided in this game of hearts. To lose and to win may not be so far apart. And love conquers all.
Profile Image for lulu ☆.
80 reviews709 followers
October 7, 2024
જ⁀➴ 5 stars -`🎠´-

"If you really hated me, you wouldn't find me attractive at all."
"I never said I had good taste”


Thank you eleanor for buddy reading this series with me!! i’m so glad we read this together 💌
i cant wait for ouabh 🤭🤭

Profile Image for chloé ✿.
193 reviews3,871 followers
October 29, 2023
dnf @ page 139 🫢

i fell asleep FOUR (!!) times today while trying to read this & that should tell you enough. i just don’t care anymore (or maybe i never did)

i’ve had enough purple prose for a lifetime.
Profile Image for ellie જ⁀➴.
147 reviews498 followers
July 8, 2024
➳ 4.5 ☆! spoiler free!!

“most of my life, i’ve romanticized death. i used to love the idea of something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. but i was wrong. i think the most magnificent things are worth living for." ✮⋆˙

🎧 - eternal sunshine + new romantics
ᯓᡣ𐭩 cause baby, i could build a castle
out of all the bricks they threw at me
and every day is like a battle
but every night with us is like a dream

➳ a finale indeed. get it? anyway, just wow. it was refreshing to be back in the world of caraval. you wouldn't be at the last & finak book of the series if you didn't love these characters, so here i am. because i love em 🫶 i was captivated, entranced. and some of the love confessions?! the quotes?? obsessed. the whole experience was even better because i got to buddyread with bff lyds!! thank you for being there because i nedded someone to rant & scream my thoughts to, i had a MARVELOUS time! ilysm 💌💐
lydia's GORGEOUS review!!

➳ i love that you never stop fighting for what you want or the people you love, even when they don’t deserve it. i love you, i don’t intend to stop loving you, and i hope that somewhere deep inside, you still love me, too.”🪩

꒰➳plot: imo, i had a fun time with the plot! espc with some of the plot twist we got which were super juicy. (ifykyk) i will say, the climax at the end was a bit off, but nevertheless i like how it ended! everything was tied up great. and it was a great setup for jacks' story in once upon a broken heart! a story to remember!

꒰➳overall experience: very enjoyable, im so glad i was finally able to finish this series! it was emotional, bittersweet, scandalous, + more! obviously, this series may not be for everyone but i think you should still try it! especially if you plan on trying ONCE UPON A BROKEN HEART. and oh!! this was so close to being a 5 stars 😭 im still searching but 4.5 is still amazing <3 and can i just say that i admire these characters sm? and stephanie's writing ATE in this one 💗 overall i'll miss this world (but watch me reread this in a year or 2 tehe)

꒰character under-study꒱

ೃ⁀➷scarlett + julian my little loves!! the way i love them so much. their dynamic, their RELATIONSHIP. UGH!! this was their book <3 every moment we got with them was SO precious & the way they LOVE eachother is even more wholesome i could cry happy tears!! if i could meet these characters i would! they've gone thru so much & im very proud of them 🫂🫂 i love scar's wit + bravery. and i love julian's charm & undying loyalty! my cuties forever !!
➳ "his hand was the hand that she wanted to hold. his voice was the sound she wanted to heart, and his smile wasn't just something she wanted to see; she wanted to be the reason for it."

ೃ⁀➷donatella + legend wow. the rollercoaster we go thru in this book because of them 😭 i still loved it tho! they BROUGHT the daram in the best was possible. and i hope they finally get their happy ending! but oh, the tension & longing they had was so good! i like tella and the sisterly bond she has with scar, i find that so precious and real. tella has gone thru sm and i hope shes doing alright, i like legend too, some of the thing he said has me SWOON. had me annotating the book like crazy haha
➳ “He didn't kiss her as if he'd simply just come back to life. He kissed her as if he'd died, been buried, and clawed his way out of the grave and through the dirt just to get to her.”

ೃ⁀➷jacks i liked how he was in here, we got more backstory on him! and AW the way he's the villain even in his own story, i wanna give him a hug! i hope people realize that jacks is such a complex character, like there is so much more to him and you learn that in his story, so i'll see you then!! 🍎🍎

꒰mini playlist꒱
★ cinnamon girl
★ everybody want to rule the world
★ but daddy i love him
★ please, please, please
★ fortnight
★ new romantics

🎧 - illicit affairs
ᯓᡣ𐭩you showed me colors you know i can see with anyone else,
and you know damn well,
for you i would ruin myself,
a million little times
[this is SO scarlett coded]

➳ |“You were supposed to be my true love. You were supposed to want me, not him. You were supposed to be as obsessed with me as I am with you.”

bottom line YALL GO CHECK OUT LYDIAS BEAUTIFUL REVIEW + go try this series! it was an enjoyable experience and see what you think. BUT OH HOW ILL MISS THESE CHARACTERS!!! i cant wait to see what stephanie garber comes out with next year, but for now ill be waiting for 'spectacular'! this review was longer than most of my other ones but i had a lot to express, so thanks for sticking around! much love, elliee!!

💌-to lydia, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BUDDYREADING THIS WITH MY SWEET GIRL 🤧🫂 you being able to reread this and me with the first time was such a cool concept and made the read so much more magical and fun!! i hope you enjoyed it, tho i know you did!! i cant wait to buddyread with you in the future, i love you sm angel!! <3


✨| POST-READ ⋆. ᡣ𐭩 .
this book. wow 4.5! im so torn between the rating but very enjoyable <3 truly such a unique world and i adore the found family and other characters! i cannot WAIT for spectacular. and can we talk about some of the quotes in this?! on the floor crying at the love confessions. and the whole experience was better because i got read with bff lyds <3 rtc later! HAPPY JULY

🪻| preview! ⋆. ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔
look, you would't be here if you didn't enjoy the series, that's why I am now reading the last and final book for this trilogy! i cant lie, its a bit bittersweet, and I did genuinely enjoy the other books, so here we are 🥹 AND to make the experience even better, I get to buddy read with none other than my lovely girl, lydia!! I am SO excited to br with you omg, this is a reread for you, but I hope you still enjoy, ily SO MUCH angel!! MWA 🫶🫶
Profile Image for maelyn ୨୧.
92 reviews57 followers
March 2, 2024
FIRST READ FEB 23 - 27 2022
I don’t usually rate books 5 stars, but I loved this book! the first and second books were okay, but this one was outstanding! I love that we get dual POV and introduce more characters, I especially love scarlett and julian’s relationship throughout this story.

REREAD FEB 26 - MAR 1 2024

I FINISHED!! the ending got me a bit emotional. anyways, IM SO GLAD WE GOT MORE SCARLETT & JULIAN SCENES!! julian is the standard guys.

the only thing i don’t like about this book is the ratio between tella & scarlett’s chapters. I feel like stephanie tried to incorporate scarlett more in finale, but the book just seems like tella’s the main center. hopefully she fixes that in the novella coming out soon.
Profile Image for Camila Ochoa.
156 reviews7,039 followers
June 15, 2021
Profile Image for jolie &#x1f490;.
134 reviews403 followers
December 24, 2024
4.5 stars

"Before Legend, Tella had wanted nothing to do with love. She’d believed she was destined to only experience unrequited love. Then she’d fallen in love with him, and it had been like drinking magic—indescribable, all-consuming, and fantastically addictive.”

“I choose you, Julian, and I promise I will always choose you, and I will always love you. I will love you with every bone in my body, so that even after my heart stops beating, a part of me will remain to forever love you.”

i never expected to like this trilogy as much as i did. i am never getting over these characters and the world stephanie garber has built. this book absolutely delivered! it was a beautiful ending and it felt so painful to get through the book as it continued. i can definitely see how the writing has improved since the first book, caraval.

the beginning was so intriguing. the problem i had with legendary was the fact that it was hard to get through the beginning but i liked the start of this one!! it had a bit of suspense added to it and I loved how it jumped right in. this book was everything from the execution to the plot!! it felt as though i wasn’t as bored with this book which i loved. this book made up for what the other books lacked (for the most part) from the mystery to the romance aspect! i think this book definitely helped balance out both of these factors while making it simultaneously interesting

the ratio between scarlett and tella chapters were so off. it was unfair how my girl scarlett didn’t get as many chapters as tella and they were so short!! i think that tella’s pov was more tolerable in this book than the others. however the ending did serve scarlett justice & i love her with my entire heart. she deserved so much more in this book after everything she went through. i think that she truly had character development towards the end. the beginning with scarlett was something that i wasn’t a big fan of simply bc of the way she changed and how they treated julian’s love as if it did not have real meaning.

spoiler mentioned!

in the beginning, every scene with the count i absolutely hated. he felt like an unneeded factor in the story between julian & scarlett. it was so sad to see how scarlett pretended to not love him anymore. i’m all for improvement but this felt like a step backwards for scarlett. i am so glad the count died when he did bc he gave me scarlettjulian back!! one thing i am in disbelief that they held off mentioning previously was the fact that julian wears glasses?!!? i literally fainted the moment i read that bc it made me love him more.

more quotes to showcase my love for scarlett & julian <3

“He smelled like dirt and tears and perfection. And she decided then that she was never, ever letting go of him. She wished there was a way to tether her heart to his, so that even when they were apart they would still be attached. There were things in this world to be truly afraid of, but loving Julian was not one of them.” 💞

“I don’t need to prove anything,” said julian. “I’m not trying to win her hand. I’m offering her mine, and everything that comes with it, hoping she’ll take it and decides she wants to keep it.”

“I’ve always been yours, crimson.”

scarlettjulian’s reunion was my absolute favorite in this book. HE GOT A FREAKING TATTOO THE COLOR CRIMSON!! i was sobbing when i read this scene bc they hold such a special place in my heart it’s surreal. I couldn’t even see straight as i read bc of the tears streaming my cheeks at how much i loved them. i can go on and on abt how much i love them

“She couldn’t bring herself to say the word mother. It hurt too much to cry out the way she had as a child and to hear no response. She’d vowed never to do it again.”

spoiler for this quote!!

“This had to be a mistake. She already had one murderous, power-hungry father. She didn’t deserve another one”

the pain in this book was everything. it captured the characters emotions beautifully and i feel like it portrayed the thoughts and feelings so accurately from the grief they experienced to the way they described it!! i found myself crying multiple times throughout this book which is a rare occurrence. this book practically ruined me as i read it but i don’t regret it one bit. tella didn’t get on my nerves as much within this book and i think it’s true character development on her part.

“His steady gaze held hers as if he had no intention of ever looking away—as if maybe he’d been telling the truth when he’d said that he wanted to keep her here forever.”

“Julian might not have been perfect, but he was perfect for her sister”

I ate up EVERY scene between all the characters. the romance within this book was absolutely impeccable!! it brought not only pain but it also brought sadness along with it. it felt like an emotional roller coaster throughout! one thing i found to be weird was how both legend AND jacks wanted to possess her? it felt as though she was an object rather than a human which was kinda sad to think about.

spoiler alert from this point on

okay so this book talked abt how the fates were hated but they were literally amazing?! it felt as if they were one friend group when they joined together to help save scarlett which i absolutely loved. the assassin was a dark character but he was lowkey funny?? not to mention the maiden death deserved so much better as a character. i swear every fate i read abt was amazing!! I was honestly sad to find out anissa betrayed scarlett but ultimately i still liked her as a character. PLUS the poison was such a good fate. despite him turning humans into stones, he was so charming from the beginning!!

there’s something about grand death scenes within this book that i loved. stephanie did every single one of these characters justice!! they were written so amazingly, including the fallen star’s. it was so beautiful to see that scarlett didn’t need to be anyone but herself in order to convince him to turn human. not to mention the scene where tella stabbed jacks to break their bond ☹️ the writing was so meaningful and everything with each of these scenes.

“He was an immortal who couldn’t die but who could never fully live, because the things he wanted to consume were devouring him instead.”

i’m honestly so sad abt how tella and jacks’s story ended. the way i would’ve immediately chosen jacks over legend given the opportunity.. i thought they had amazing chemistry from the very beginning and even though i do love tella and legend, I feel like they ruined jacks’ character towards the end with each betrayal on top of another. my favorite scene between them was when he helped take her pain away bc it felt as though the tension was palpable. it was so well written!! i wish we got to know more abt the ending to tella & jacks’s story. still upset she chose someone who was so bland from the very beginning

“She’d loved him as Dante, but she loved him even more as Legend. Dante had helped her forget, but Legend had taught her how to dream again, and she loved all the dazzling dreams they shared and the exquisite lies he told with his illusions. But she loved the imperfect truth of him just as much.”

“He didn’t kiss her as if he’d simply just come back to life. He kissed her as if he’d died, been buried, and clawed his way out of the grave and through the dirt just to get to her.”

“This is my choice, and I choose you, Donatella. I don’t need immortality. You’re my forever.”

anyways, i still did like tella and legend together. it felt as though every scene they shared had so much more meaning than with tella and jacks. i am content with the ending but i truly wish we got more of them together. she was everything i wanted to be within this book. she was brave, and she had the ability to be selfless within this book. legend’s confession had me bawling bc i loved them so much after everything they’ve been through. it was honestly my favorite scene between them out of all the other ones within this book! towards the end, i was laughing through my tears when i read abt the letter she wrote to legend.

the miscommunication with tella and legend felt repetitive. with every contemporary book i’ve witnessed, they all had repetition and miscommunication to drag on with the story. for this book, it was justified but it kinda felt annoying to be constantly reminded that legend didn’t love her. this was where i didn’t like their story as much bc they were also both stubborn.

moving on to the flaws:

okay so number 1 - the debt she owed to the vanished market? it was practically scraped, an incomplete idea with no ending. i found for there to be no purpose bc it was never mentioned after they interacted basically. number 2 - they brushed over legend’s identity? last book, they talked about scarlett having no idea who legend was and in this book they don’t even have this grand reveal. they played down his identity and it just gets ignored that he is legend. this book was just a little confusing with these factors added in. i honestly expected these things to be addressed but i was kinda disappointed they weren’t ??

series review! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹✩
Profile Image for beril ❦.
61 reviews310 followers
September 2, 2024
˚₊‧꒰ა 4.25 stars ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

༉‧₊˚. « This is my choice, and I choose you, Donatella. I don’t need immortality. You’re my forever. » ・₊✧

˗ˏˋ !! spoilers ahead !! ˎˊ˗

➼ the plot:

This book is from both sisters’ points of views, which made the story more interesting for me. I was thankful that the author gave us both perspectives because I missed my girl, Scar, and I finally had the chance to read from her point of view here 🫶🏻

I’m not going to put a summary here but I’ll explain its plot briefly: After the Fates being released from the Deck of Destiny, it is mainly about the characters trying to keep Fates from coming into full power and prevent Fallen Star from being the emperor of Valenda.

Tella has to decide who to trust, Legend or the Prince of Hearts. On the other hand, Scarlett has to find a way to defeat Fallen Star with his weakness.

➼ characters:

Scarlett Dragna, she will always be precious for me. I relate to her on so many levels, it hurts. Her character development was truly beautiful. Her with Julian made me MELT the whole time 🫠 She’s my baby and I’ll protect her at all costs 🫂

Donatella Dragna, she was such a badass it was great reading about her. Her eagerness and bold demeanor made the story exciting. I didn’t like some of her actions or decisions throughout the series but that didn’t stop me from loving her.

Julian Santos, I don’t have enough words for him because I fell in love with him from book 1. His charm and also his endless love for Scarlett made me feel so many emotions. He might one of the main reasons I loved the series 🤭

Legend, I’m going to be honest, I actually don’t know how to explain my opinion on him. I LOVED him in the second book. He protected, he showed that he cared… In this book, it was push and pull between Tella and Legend. I know we need conflicts in the book but it’s just that it was dragging the book at some point. It was getting repetitive and boring for his character. At the end though, I loved him again. He was so in love with her 😩

Jacks, wow, so you guys might’ve heard this… from my updates. I love him with my whole heart. I haven’t even read OUABH and I’m too obsessed 😭 I want to know even more about his character and thankfully I can read about him 🤭

I was really surprised about the bond he created between him and Tella. A voice inside me said something was weird. He was so confident about her finding him again and all. Also, her getting furious about their marriage bond made me laugh I’m not going to lie lmao. I loved that scene. I also felt bad for him at that part because of Tella but anyways, we got OUABH now 😽

Lastly, I think that Paradise the Lost and Gavriel really added to the book well. I liked reading about Paradise’s past and Gavriel’s character.

➼ playlist:

જ⁀➴ 🎵 carousel - melanie martinez
જ⁀➴ 🎵 dynasty - MIIA
જ⁀➴ 🎵 control - halsey
જ⁀➴ 🎵 gasoline - halsey
જ⁀➴ 🎵 war of hearts - ruelle
જ⁀➴ 🎵 the prophecy- taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 say don’t go - taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 afterglow - taylor swift
જ⁀➴ 🎵 circus - britney spears
જ⁀➴ 🎵 rewrite the stars - zac efron, zendaya

༉‧₊˚. 💌 side note: this is actually my first time doing a playlist for a series, so i hope you like it :)

➼ quotes:


« He didn't kiss her as if he'd simply just come back to life. He kissed her as if he'd died, been buried, and clawed his way out of the grave and through the dirt just to get to her. »

« I'm the villain, even in my own story. »

« Love was such a fundamental part of what drove her, she didn't even know who she'd be without love. »

« Love is messy. It’s not easily controlled. But that’s what makes it so powerful. It’s unbridled passion. It’s caring about someone else’s life more than you care about your own. »


➼ my opinion:

࿐ Ahhh WHERE CAN I EVEN BEGIN? This series will probably hold a special place in my heart. When I first started reading the series, I knew it would be magical but I didn’t expect it to be this tremendous.

࿐ The Fates in the book were intriguing to read. Their stories were well-written. I wish we could learn more about them. Maybe we’ll learn more about them in OUABH? We’ll see!!

࿐ Scarlett meeting her mom towards the end of the book made me sob. That was beautiful. I’m truly thankful to the author for adding a chapter like that.

࿐ Scarlett and Julian carried this book I fear. Tella did really important things in the book but these two lovebirds ate and left no crumbs.

࿐ I need to add this: Why was the ending not longer? The ending was amazing and beautiful but before I read a few pages the book was finished and I was just looking at the acknowledgments page like 🧍🏻‍♀️

ೃ⁀➷ All in all, thank you for bearing with me on my updates and I’m SO glad I read this series. I might return to reread these someday 🙈

༉‧₊˚. « Most of my life, I’ve romanticized death. I used to love the idea of something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. But I was wrong. I think the most magnificent things are worth living for. » ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧

caraval - 5 stars
legendary - 5 stars
finale - 4.25 stars
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