• Lindsey Dahling •'s Reviews > Finale

Finale by Stephanie Garber
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did not like it

This thing is a disaster. It’s so poorly written and paced that I couldn’t ever decide if Stephanie Garber had too many ideas or not enough for this book.

Look, I’m perfectly willing to admit that I find Caraval to be barely tolerable and Legendary to be fine while everyone else in the world is bananas for them, so I’m probably the weird one.

Let me give you an example of what every page of Finale felt like to me:

Scarlett/Tella walk into the room and immediately notice and then describe to me the colors of the walls, ceiling, floor, lamps, picture frames, spider in the corner, tissue box, 12 specks of dust, random old shoe, human skeleton, liver, fava beans, Hannibal Lector’s eyes, and anything else you can possibly think of that’s completely irrelevant to the plot.


And these lists of colors are always, ALWAYS followed up with comparisons of the colors to something abstract (typically in simile form, but Garber did pass 6th grade ELA, so she shows you she can use a metaphor, too) in a way that MAKES NO SENSE. So, the moldy old shoe is green and smells like heartbreak and rollercoaster wind.


Once Scarlett/Tella has finished with this annoying AF narration, they will then spend 4 seconds on the conflict they’ve discovered is currently happening in the room. (For this non-spoilery review, we’re going to say they walked into a room full of poisonous snakes.) “Uh oh! Snakes!” And so, Scarlett/Tella spend the next two whole sentences rounding up the snakes and tossing them out the window into the garden—where the snakes happily slither away off into the sunset. Action over. Conflict over. Back to generic YA pining and terrible similes.


No buildup to anything. No lasting conflict. Things just happen randomly and then they’re over. Some obstacles come up just for the sake of wasting time, as Garber never mentions them again (and there’s a GIANT one that she just never tied up—I’m only bitter about it because it was literally the only part of the book that got dangerously close to interesting).

The ending was anticlimactic. It was another thing that was entirely too rushed for no apparent reason, for it’s not like she was tying up loose ends (STILL BITTER).

I don’t know. Just about everyone else in the world loves these books. And then there’s loser me—desperately trying for two books to understand the “cool” crowd and now just giving up entirely because a) bitter and b) this book put me in a 3 week reading slump, which makes me even more bitter. Rude.
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August 21, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 214 (214 new)

message 1: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Props for reading book three— I couldn’t make it much past the first few chapters of book two!

message 2: by Federico (last edited Aug 21, 2019 07:21PM) (new)

Federico DN Three books three epic fails. My oh my. I admire your persistence.

message 3: by Brittany (new)

Brittany I couldn’t finish book one of this series for similar reasons. Impressed you finished three!

• Lindsey Dahling • Heidi wrote: "Props for reading book three— I couldn’t make it much past the first few chapters of book two!"

This is so validating to hear! I kept reading everyone’s rave reviews and could not figure out what I was doing wrong. You were smart to quit!

• Lindsey Dahling • Federico wrote: "Three books three epic fails. My oh my. I admire your persistence."

Thank you, thank you. I’m annoyingly stubborn about the dumbest things and just HAD to see this one through because there was one whole storyline I cared about in it. I’m a moron.

• Lindsey Dahling • Brittany wrote: "I couldn’t finish book one of this series for similar reasons. Impressed you finished three!"

Totally get it! Book one was SO EFFING WEIRD. But, it was just mysterious enough to keep me reading. Should’ve trusted my gut and abandoned ship with you!

• Lindsey Dahling • Mads wrote: "Omfg thank you, I honestly didn't think anything could be worse than Caraval but Finale was straight trash."

COMPLETE AND TOTAL GARBAGE. It’s as if her writing skills regressed to a toddler’s ability level. She Benjamin Buttoned.

• Lindsey Dahling • Mads wrote: "• Lindsey Dahling • wrote: "Mads wrote: "Omfg thank you, I honestly didn't think anything could be worse than Caraval but Finale was straight trash."

COMPLETE AND TOTAL GARBAGE. It’s as if her wri..."

SAME! My eyes just kept rolling every other sentence became omg the cringe.

John Yes....
I was one that enjoyed Caraval but Finale was not good and annoying.

☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚ aaah I thought i was the only one! I loved the series but when I got the last book I read one third of it and just threw it :(( very disappointing

message 11: by Federico (new)

Federico DN Thank you, thank you. I’m annoyingly stubborn about the dumbest things and just HAD to see this one through because there was one whole storyline I cared about in it. I’m a moron. ."

We all have our little quirks dear. I have never dnf a book. Not even the ones I didn't care about the storyline. I'm the idiot persistent non-quitter. Still trying to understand why.

• Lindsey Dahling • John wrote: "Yes....
I was one that enjoyed Caraval but Finale was not good and annoying."

SO. ANNOYING. She had somewhat of a good thing...and just threw it right out the window.

• Lindsey Dahling • ☽¸¸.I am¸¸.•*¨ wrote: "aaah I thought i was the only one! I loved the series but when I got the last book I read one third of it and just threw it :(( very disappointing"

It's the absolute worst when they ruin it in the end. :(

• Lindsey Dahling • Federico wrote: "Thank you, thank you. I’m annoyingly stubborn about the dumbest things and just HAD to see this one through because there was one whole storyline I cared about in it. I’m a moron. ."

We all have o..."

ahahaha Maybe we both need to be psychoanalyzed. Or given awards for being illogically persistent.

BernLuvsBooks Oh no!!! How disappointing 😔

• Lindsey Dahling • BernLuvsBooks (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas) wrote: "Oh no!!! How disappointing 😔"

It was. 😭

message 17: by Erika (new) - added it

Erika Sarutobi The very reason I didn't bother reading beyond the first book! I was thinking hunger games where people hunt for clues but in the end, Scarlett was the only one who found everything and the only one who could! I hated that so much, I dropped the series.

• Lindsey Dahling • I don’t know why I’m just now seeing your comment, but YES! Everyone made it sound like the first one was going to be a thrill a minute, but it ended up being eh. You made the right choice. Never question it.

message 19: by Erika (new) - added it

Erika Sarutobi I wasn't a big fan of the writing style either so yep, not gonna bother. If I ever wanted to know what happened, I'll just go watch a spoiler review in YouTube. The only good thing I got out of the first book is that the cover is pretty 😂

• Lindsey Dahling • 😂 You’re right—the cover IS pretty! Probably the best part of the series.

message 21: by Allison (new) - added it

Allison This review cracked me up 🤣🤣🤣

• Lindsey Dahling • Thank you! 😂 A very dramatic time in my life.

message 23: by TMR (new) - added it

TMR 😂😂😂 this review cracked me up, bad. But at least you finished the series, that should be a consolation, even if not on a high note.

• Lindsey Dahling • I admire your optimism! 😂 I need to be more like you.

Kelley Dykes This cracked me up because this is exactly how I felt about all of the books. I’m reading Finale now. Tolerated Caraval, actually really liked Legendary. Your descriptions of her telling about the details is spot on 😂

• Lindsey Dahling • Her writing MAKES NO SENSE! I feel personally attacked by its ridiculousness. 😂 Thank you for reading my rant! I hope you enjoy Finale a lot more than I did!

message 27: by Laura (new) - rated it 1 star

Laura Thank you!

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm one of the few who didn't even like the first one

• Lindsey Dahling • @Laura—My pleasure!

• Lindsey Dahling • @stabsasawarning—I didn’t care for it either! I’m positive I’ve been influenced by [self-inflicted] peer pressure. 😂

• Lindsey Dahling • A real dumpster fire.

message 32: by Mari (new)

Mari I despise the writing style. But you have to admit this type of writing is catching faster then the Wuhan virus. Seems like half the YA books out there only think up a plot so they can describe furniture, baroque dresses, femmy boys, and whatever else. Personally I could give a damn if a dress is pink like happiness, or if a cat id black like mystery or....What happened to elegant and concise?

• Lindsey Dahling • YES! That is the million dollar question! Leave the colors and scenery to Fitzgerald. Everyone else just focus on plot and slow burns.

The Canadian Book Worm See I found Finale the most tolerable of the 3. I wish they had scrapped the "game" idea and just gone with the gods from book one.

• Lindsey Dahling • UGH. That could have been okay, as long as it wasn’t rushed AF. Disaster.

• Lindsey Dahling • You know....that’s an excellent question. It’s been so long since I’ve read it that I’ve almost successfully completely wiped it from my memory.

I *think* it was the part where Tella and Legend go to that place with the fortune teller lady. I thought/hoped that was going to be more relevant. WHAT A SURPRISE—IT WASN’T.

Or maybe it was the Tella/Jacks revelation. Who knows. IT WAS ALL SO ANNOYING AND POINTLESS.


Yes. It was definitely this. If we weren’t sleeping, we were enraged. If we weren’t enraged, we were sleeping. Ughhhhh. Glad you made it all the way through! You deserve an award.

(I don’t understand why GR never notified me you commented. Rude.)

Emily F. Yes! You put how I felt about this book perfectly! Way too much irrelevant description to skim through to get to the two sentences of actual story.

• Lindsey Dahling • SO MUCH IRRELEVANT DETAIL! Idgaf what color every single object in the world is. Go hang out with Legend or Jacks and stfu with the narration! 😤 So glad I’m not alone!

Hannah I think it’s super easy to forget how hard authors work to create their books and the immense pressure they must be under and it’s not fair of us to just trash their work when a lot of us couldn’t even come close to their standards! I personally loved the caraval and legendary and have ordered finale and I understand you might not like it but it’s really disrespectful to dismiss their work as rubbish!

• Lindsey Dahling • Hannah wrote: "I think it’s super easy to forget how hard authors work to create their books and the immense pressure they must be under and it’s not fair of us to just trash their work when a lot of us couldn’t ..."

The thing is, I can always appreciate the effort someone put into something. However, that doesn’t automatically mean the final product is good. I can spend 10,000 hours painting a portrait of Adele, but it will still be nowhere close to high quality, as I’m just not very good at painting. Effort does not equate with quality.

Also, even if you put out a masterpiece, it does not mean everyone will like it. That’s the beauty of the arts—differing opinions.

message 42: by Mwanamali (new)

Mwanamali Paaaahahahahahaha heartbreak and roller-coaster wind. *wipes tear*. And to think i almost bought Caraval because I loved the night circus so much. I told a friend who then showed me the deserved slander against Caraval. So glad I dodged that bullet. Great review Lindsay.

• Lindsey Dahling • mwana wrote: "Paaaahahahahahaha heartbreak and roller-coaster wind. *wipes tear*. And to think i almost bought Caraval because I loved the night circus so much. I told a friend who then showed me the deserved sl..."

😂 IT JUST MAKES NO SENSE. I will never be over it. Thank goodness your friend saved you! This one has a lot of hype, so I’m definitely in the minority on this viewpoint. Thanks so much for reading!

message 44: by Onda (new)

Onda Knutson Thank you for your review! I needed a like mind. I just finished these books after a friend’s truly misguided recommendation. Thankfully I checked them out digitally vs. purchasing them because...if you paid for them it would be a crime. Now I’m much older than the target audience, so perhaps I’m missing a lot of the draw here. A few petty details I want to piggyback onto your review; the endless descriptions of dresses! I felt like we were playing virtual Barbies. And I kept thinking these hero’s, who were probably centuries old, were pedophiles for hitting on these adolescents. Yikes.

• Lindsey Dahling • Yikes indeed! What is so interesting about Scarlett to make Julian go bananas for her? NOTHING. Creeeeepy!

You’re so right about the dresses! Did we need to know every single dress they wore? NOPE. Especially since my brain is going to dress the characters how I want anyway. Pointless! Thank goodness for the digital library. You were saved from a terrible fate.

Nicolette Mortensen I ended up skimming most of this book because of long descriptions and the long inner monologues saying the same thing over and over. You were spot on about the two minutes of action then back to boring descriptions. Curious, what was the thing that didn’t get tied up that you’re upset about. I’m drawing a blank, but as I mentioned I skimmed the last half of the book so I might have missed it.

• Lindsey Dahling • UGH. Wasn’t it the worst? THE WOOOOORST. It was so rushed! And I *think* what I’m talking about is that thing the fortune teller lady told Tella and Legend. Something about trading a baby or something. You probably forgot because they literally NEVER MENTIONED IT AGAIN. IT WAS POINTLESS. 😤


message 49: by Sri (new)



• Lindsey Dahling • GRRRRRR! 😤

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