48 books
57 voters
Gothic Romance
Oh, Jack," she whispered, leaning longingly against the gravestone. "I know how you feel."
Suddenly there was a shift beneath her--- the gravestone crumbling under her added weight. She cried out in surprise, trying to move, but only managed to lose her balance in the process. She was flung from her hiding spot, tumbling forward into a wide-open space.
And when she managed to look up again?
She found herself staring straight into the eyes of Jack Skellington.
― Sally's Lament
― Sally's Lament
She says it is a school for bluestockings which, according to her, is really only a fashionable way of saying it is a school for ugly girls who cannot find suitable husbands. To tease her, for I believe it is one of his greatest pleasures in this life, my father bought a pair of blue silk stockings for me the day we received my letter of acceptance. That evening and the next, father and I dined alone.
― The BlueStocking Girl
― The BlueStocking Girl
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