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Deviations #1


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Tobias is a skilled Dom, able to bring even the most hesitant submissive around. Noah is a man in need of just that. He wants to sub badly, but has yet to find someone he believes can take him where he needs to go. Through a series of encounters in the world of bondage and discipline, Noah reveals why he has trouble trusting, why he needs such a firm, steady hand. Tobias may allow himself to dominate, but he has trouble letting himself love. Still, Tobias can't resist Noah's charms, and the two of them set about making a scene for themselves, one that works for them and their unique set of problems. They learn to love, but can they stay together while they explore each others' secrets, in a world where all is laid bare and emotions run high?

From authors Chris Owen, writer of the popular "Bareback", and Jodi Payne, writer of "String of Pearls" comes a romance on the deviant side, where love is all tied up with the need to submit, the need to dominate, and the need to share a life of exploration and care.

These two skilled authors create a world that's hard to resist, and a book that's even harder to put down.

244 pages, Paperback

First published February 14, 2006

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About the author

Chris Owen

92 books899 followers
I live and write in eastern Canada. I went to a bunch of schools, learned a lot of things, and now make stuff up because not to do so is unthinkable. I'm fond of fountain pens, Levenger's Circa system, and Steampunk fashions.
I'm inspired by the day to day minutia of life, and find beauty in the way words go together. I like texture and richness of experience. I'm not shy. I'm happy, I'm learning, I'm living.

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88 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews
Profile Image for Beth.
140 reviews17 followers
November 24, 2011
This is one of the most boring erotic novels I've ever read, primarily because neither of the characters is more then a cardboard cutout. I didn't care about either of them or have any insight into their thought processes or motivations, so it was like reading about objects moving around a board. This is basically how the book goes:

1. Let's talk about what we're about to do.
2. Let's have some really boring sex (clinical, but not pervy-hot clinical - it's more like "I am looking to get this reaction from you or press this boundary in this way so I will do X. Let's see if your reaction is Y or Z. I'll take notes!").
3. Let's talk about our boring sex.
4. Let's talk about our expectations in this relationship.
5. Let's almost break up over your attachment to your annoying ex. I will then go to "talk it out" with your ex over Indian food while wearing a turtleneck sweater. Your ex will give me tips about pleasing you sexually and I will be so grateful for the hints.
6. Let's talk about how I feel so much better after talking to your ex. Then we can bone and I can journal about it after as I continue my trite journey of self-discovery and exploration by making you dinner.

All I could think was, if my boyfriend wanted to talk this much, I would dump his ass. I don't really enjoy obsessively deconstructing everything. If the above gets you hot, download this immediately. If not, I'd advise you skip it.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,055 followers
January 6, 2017
Second read after a 6 year break. Bumping up to 5 stars. So damn good! Hot as fuck. Perfect BDSM book for those that like passion with their pain.

Re-reading book two right away!
Profile Image for Moony Eliver.
401 reviews218 followers
January 3, 2024
Oh jesus, you guys. I’m going to have to start book 2 soon so I can’t talk long. My new series obsession, Deviations, is a hot + sweet picture of a nascent d/s relationship, and it’s been driving me to distraction the last couple of days. Seriously, I’ve had to geographically separate myself from my kindle so that I could meet deadlines.

This book is from the POV of Tobias... Hellooooo sexy veterinarian dom. I got utterly addicted to his inner voice, a swoon-worthy and funny portrayal of him striving to maintain his “control” over the interactions even as he melts and falls in love.

Tobias and Noah’s story really nails elements of BDSM that I find compelling (heavy on the d/s, much lighter on the s/m, no humiliation), but moreover — the needs of these two men feel very equally weighted in the relationship, a dynamic that’s elusive in kinky books.

Something to note — the proportion of sex is high. Real talk, I have gotten bored before by too much sex in books that had HALF as many scenes as this one has. But it works here, for a couple of reasons: 1) The sex is creative, fun, and not repetitive. There are so many elements that the authors interjected to keep it lively, including a couple of role-playing scenes filled with personality, and 2) This is a specific kind of d/s relationship, one that builds differently than a traditional romance. The sexual connection, and meeting that precise need, comes first. They get to know each other as they build that foundation.

I wasn’t sure about the book for the first several chapters; the beginning doesn’t do it any favors. Tobias was painted quite differently than he’s revealed as the book progresses. There was some "oooh look how important and beloved he is" shit going on that made me roll my eyes, but that passed quickly.

Bear in mind that the character development seems to be a looong game here. If this were a standalone, my rating would be half a star lower because of that, but it has given me enough... and it’s still building. Maybe the idea is that I’m getting to know Noah and Tobias at a similar rate as they're getting to know each other? But there is fun to be had in the meantime. Yes indeed.

So apparently I had more to say than I thought. But I really do have to run now. Book 2 is calling my name and I must obey.
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,655 followers
December 19, 2019
I love this book :)


Just finished re-reading this book..

Tobias and Noah are like the cutest and most adorable couple ever :')
I love them, their story, this book and the rest of the characters.. this is totally my favorite MM series!!!


They are like asdfghjkl!! I want to smooch both their faces off! They are like prefect together!! :D
Profile Image for jay.
960 reviews5,514 followers
January 8, 2022

(and also my reading challenge lmao)

did i want to read something more profound for my first book of the year? yes. am i in an insanely bad reading slump since last year and this is literally the only thing that held my attention for longer than one page? also yes.

here have thoughts!!!!!!!!!

🧐 i actually kinda enjoyed this in the beginning; i think Tobias is hot - sue me. and i liked his 'loving and understanding but strict' dom thing

🧐 i think this book is way too long though, half of this would have been enough. it just gets repetitive very fast, there's only so many ways you can describe a spanking, i think we get it after like two.

🧐 also how is this a series????? i am already so done with these two and they have four more books?????????? like i said, there's only so many ways you can describe a spanking and i think we have already far exceeded that number in book one

🧐 i agree with my fellow reviewer somewhere down below: those two talk too much!!!! i love me my communicative partnership but those two just won't shut up!!!!! it's like they took fifteen classes on healthy communication each; just shut up for a second. get into a real fight for once!! god even miscommunicate please, what is this. like i can kinda get behind Tobias being very soft and well spoken but also Noah?? being able to immediately put each of his thoughts and feelings into words?? unrealistic. you can't be both securely attached, i don't believe it.
they would just have whole paragraphs of dialogue. do we really have to discuss everything, let's be real here folks

🧐 why the fuck did Tobias constantly say whelp out loud. is he an animal crossing character.

🧐 they did two role play scenes and i am just not about that life. i cringed so hard, especially during the second. they're both way too into it and way too much in character. please fuck like normal people, i can't live like this.

🧐 i would quote their thief/duke role play but it's too long and I'm already cringing too hard again

🧐 i loved Phan: "Tell Sir I said hi and I'll still lick his boots if he'll let me."
what a legend.
the synopsis suggests that they end up in a throuple in the fifth book and i really want to know how the fuck that happens but I can't be bothered to read it so whatever

🧐 TL;DR: role play 👎, Tobias 🔥, book ⭐⭐⭐, my reading slump 🔪🔪🔪, also here have a tiger emoji because i want to 🐅
May 25, 2011
As a sub-genre of erotica/erotic romance, BDSM-themed novels are all the rage these days. One doesn't have to look too hard to find salacious covers with leather-clad hunks and corset-cinched goddesses holding whips and handcuffs. Like all popular genres of fiction, it's become pretty damn near difficult to find the gems, the books written by people who either know the scene firsthand or who care enough to thoroughly research the lovestyle in order to present it as another form of healthy sexual expression. Sadly, a large portion of BDSM-themed books read more like the JT's Stockroom catalog with some emotionally messed-up characters tossed in for dramatic effect.

I was pleasantly surprised by Submission, the first book in the Deviations series. I'm not a huge fan of BDSM club-based stories since everyone seems to be doing it and all the club scenes are pretty much written the same way, featuring lots of loud techno music, scantily-clad women and leather-bedecked men. However, the understated club in Submission works well. The dining scene gave me a chance to get to know Tobias, the elegant and cultured Dom, and Noah the strong-willed but wary sub who very much wants what Tobias is offering. Granted, if you're looking for hot sex right off the bat, this foreplay will probably bore you. For those of us who understand the dance, the subtle give and take, this scene is sexy as hell.

And yes, I loved Phan. I can't wait to read more about him.

The bondage/domination scenes were incredibly hot and very inventive, but it was the moments between the sex scenes that made this a keeper. Tobias isn't the all-knowing, all-seeing top. He has moments where he's completely unsure about where to take Noah next. He's a Dom who understands his role, but is also not restrained by it. He's stern when necessary and always loving (I could easily sub for a person like that, LOL). Noah isn't just some weak submissive. He has his issues and the lines he doesn't quite know if he's ready to cross. I really loved his response as to why he needs the freedom of BDSM. As a cop, he says that he just needs to feel. That he doesn't want to become the kind of officer who can remain cold while telling a family that someone's been killed. Reading his words was so profound for me and really makes sense. I loved the connection between them--the love and the respect and even the moments of humor.

It was also cute that Noah learned how to cook for Tobias and I loved how they created hot roleplay scenes together. Tobias' play-barn makes all those silly club scenes look totally lame.

On male subs: it seems to me that it's far easier and perhaps more acceptable to write about a male sub in a gay relationship rather than male sub in a straight one. Romancelandia loves its alphas and just can't wrap its brain around a strong man who loves the stronger hand of a woman. Oh well, their loss. Submission shows them how it should be done.

Profile Image for Xia and the Giant TBR.
Author 5 books197 followers
November 8, 2018
The first three books are absolutely beautiful, the last two book are enjoyable, even if not as much page turners as the first 3. The writing is very good and the main characters are just amazing. I loved the development of the relationship between Tobias and Noah . They were the cool couple next door you want to invite for a glass of wine and listen to them share stories about their kinky relationship. I also liked the side characters. Up until book 4 when I started to really really hate him, Phan was a favorite of mine. His past, his struggles, his pain. I also had a bit of a crush on Bradford the club owner. I wished for Luca to be more developed as a side character because he seemed really interesting.
So from book 1 to 3 I give 5 stars all around.
For book 4 and 5.... *sighs*... only 3.8 stars
If you are a fan of male X male love and BDSM this is the best series ever written (that I know of so far).
Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
658 reviews535 followers
August 21, 2021
💗 4 UNEXPECTED Stars for a wholesome, raunchy, realistic and fucking sweet as fuck BDSM romance. 💗✨

"I have several," he said, laying his fork across his empty plate and picking up his water glass. "Some are more pressing than others, at the moment. Tonight I require the use of your body-mine to pose, to tie, to manipulate. I need to control your reactions, which means that all you really need to do is feel and be honest. If I want you to scream, it's up to me to make it happen. That's what I hunger for. I want your submission and your honesty."
Noah nodded. "Thank you, sir,"

Oh what I would give to be Noah on his knees for Tobias 😭🙈

AND THIS!!! THE ACCURACY of a Submissive And Dominant relationship while also being acknowledgeable, charming, witty and so bone deep heart warming.

"I'm open to whatever you need," Noah answered. "At home, at the club, or out."
"Are you sure?" Tobias said softly. "If I were to tell you that every Friday I will send a car for you and you will leave the city, would you do that? If I asked you to kiss my feet and lick my cock, like Phan did, would you do that? If I needed it, like breath?"
"If you needed it like breath?" Noah looked into his eyes again. "Of course. That is my responsibility to you as your sub-to see your needs are met, to put your needs before mine. I'll admit I'm not thrilled about the idea of licking your boots, but if you asked it of me? If I knew you needed it? Yes.
Yes, I would."

I adore BDSM romance. It's quite enlightening. But I always fail to like them in books because
a. The accuracy and representation is trash
b. The plotline is not only a sign of disrespect and false belief to this kind of kink, it just fails to execute how I want a story of BDSM to be.

"Noah?" Tobias asked softly, making his voice as much of a caress as he could.
"How may I please you, sir?" Noah responded in a similarly soothing tone.

This was just HONEY TO MY SOUL

And while one would say otherwise, I think this book teaches you a lot, not what is a "Natural" submissive but what is a "True and Honest submissive" and it truly highlights who they are and their aspirations in this relationship and it signifies the bond, the partnership formed between the Dom and Sub, an equally respected relationship.

"What does submission mean to you?" Tobias asked, rejecting the pat answers. They were what he expected but not what he wanted; the truth wouldn't be found on the surface, and he suspected it would take weeks to get where he needed to be.
"What does it mean to me," Noah repeated, and then considered his answer silently for a moment. "It means that I give over control to you and in return I hope to be rewarded with a kind of freedom I couldn't experience otherwise. I hope to find joy in pleasing you. I hope to leave mundane worries to you so they don't weigh me down." He sighed, apparently searching for words. "It's not just me on my knees to you, it's a partnership where we both get our needs fulfilled.

"Tell me what you picture in your head as perfect submission. What is the ultimate goal for you personally?"
"I think it's different for different people. But for me,"
Noah sighed, now completely relaxed again, "I crave a relationship that feels natural, as natural as breathing, where I don't worry about trust because there is no reason not to trust." Noah spoke slowly and deliberately. "I'd like to get to know my Dom on a different level too, a more personal one, so that knowing what my Dom needs becomes intuitive. The kind of partnership that has infinite room for growth, you know? I think that's the ideal. I have no idea if it's even possible."
Tobias smiled to himself. "And you're prepared to work toward that?"
"I want to." Noah nodded.

Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
943 reviews15 followers
September 6, 2016
Second time around. Still enjoyed it. :-)

2016.01.15 - In the light of resent reads on the same genre I have not only developed a greater appreciation for Chris Owen’s writing but also decided to re-read this series as well as up my rating. I think he nailed quite a few things in this series that I, Deviations being my first read in the genre, could not fully appreciate at the time. The series I read was good, but it made me notice how GOOD this series is. Master Tobias deserves respect.


So this was my first venture into the world of m/m D/S.

I’ve been a little reluctant to dip my toes into it as I am an undisputed fan of all things Alpha. Hence the “no –female’ish” request when I asked for recommendations regarding the genre. And in my mind, it’s going to be a bit of a challenge to get a guy who is alpha into a submissive role?

It took me a while to get into the headspace of what I started reading. I found the thing about this is to keep a really open mind and not to expect the guys to go at each other all challenging, the way I usually like. Because a sub can’t really challenge his Dom in that way now can he? But somehow, it’s working for me...

Noah, although the submissive in this relationship, walks the fine line very well. He is not your typical alpha, yet he is a cop. (Which I think is a pretty nice touch bay the way) Noah is assertive and sure in his job, or at least that is the picture you get because there is really no direct mention or scenario about him being there or doing what he does. But it helped my headspace shift a whole bunch. LOL Let’s face it, a hot guy in a uniform doesn’t make you think “fem”. So thumbs up for me.

Tobias is an interesting character. I would like to get to know what makes him tick. Why he needs what he needs and if he can reach deeper feelings for Noah than that currently between them. Because he doesn’t show his feelings the conventional way it’s drawing me to find out all these little tells about both of them. You can’t read it the way you would read a “normal” relationship.

I’m finding this to be somewhat of a journey, because you have to read deeper than the surface. You have to actually understand this thing they have going, and why both of them need what they do? It’s actually kind of insightful and beautiful in its own way. It highlights how complicated the human mind and emotions can be I think? I don’t think what they do is all about pain/control. It runs a lot deeper than that and that is what makes this read more than I thought it originally to be.

I’m most definitely going to finish the series, looking forward to the rest.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,800 reviews3,941 followers
January 10, 2013
I'll admit I was a tad skeptical through the first few chapters of this what with all the Tobias hero worship. But, I pushed on read through another couple conversations, a scene & it wavered, a couple more conversations & a scene or two & it was gone. I drank the Kool Aid. Tobias walks on water.

"I’ll always speak to you if you need it. I’ll always speak the truth. When I’m silent it’s for you to learn from, not a punishment."

Tobias embodies what most would want in a dominant. He's honest, highly verbal, compassionate, affectionate, reliable, passionate, perceptive, intuitive, demanding, stern, stable & loyal. He's loyal to everyone in his life & as a consequence it's reciprocated from his circle of friends who are fiercely protective.

Noah embarks on this journey with many universal reservations & concerns foremost being that he will lose himself or fail. He's probably harder on himself than Tobias is but as this story is told almost exclusively from Tobias' perspective it's difficult to tell. Noah does express himself very well & Tobias possesses highly attuned observational skills. Those in combination gets the reader at least in the neighborhood of Noah's thoughts.

The writing is genuine & relatable casting the reader as a voyeur into this relationship. The dialogue is honest without being derivative. There's no angst, no car chases, no plot twists, or great mysteries to uncover. While I enjoy some good escapist reading sometimes it's nice to read something that doesn't feel like every emotion is fabricated &/or melodramatic & is without perpetual sobbing or screaming or scowling, for that matter. This is a simple story of a BDSM relationship's genesis between two people who have been knocked around a bit in life & are searching for fulfillment, hoping to find it in one another-no horrid abuse histories to be found here.

It's a tad lacking in back story but then again it's a series so I'm sure those holes will be filled in as their story progresses.

One parting note: I want in that playroom! Can't even imagine what the price tag is on that thing.
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews543 followers
December 9, 2013
This was okay, I think.

You see, I read it last week and I can't remember the characters names or the basic plot line. So uhm, it couldn't have been entirely memorable then. I'm not being facetious at all, I really can't recall this one. Sorry about that :/

Oh wait, there's a vet and a policeman - it's coming back to me now. But nothing really angsty happens, its just a formulaic BDSM thing. Not terribly exciting.

Easy reading.

Forgettable reading.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,348 reviews123 followers
February 12, 2023
Again, I warn that the subject matter in this series is not for everyone. I don't understand the "whys" of the lifestyle, but I will fight to defend anyone's right to live it if they wish to. That being said...Tobias and Noah need one another like they need air. They meet in the club on the night of Tobias's birthday. The club owner, a personal friend of Tobias's, sets them up knowing that Noah needs someone like Tobias. There's an immediate almost electric connection between the two & Tobias, not wanting to put undue pressure on the sub, reluctantly gives Noah a way to contact him if he so chooses. The rest, as they say, "is history". Tobias had just ended a relationship with another sub, Phantom (Phan), who he still has feelings for. He gave him up because he knew that the young sub needed someone with more time to devote to him than Tobias had. Phan reappears throughout the remainder of the books in the series, so we haven't given up on him. Noah's courage was admirable when he entered a contract with Tobias after such a short period of time and watching him grow was simply beautiful. You could feel Tobias' pride when Noah achieved a task or overcame an obstacle. You really came to understand the depth of Noah's feelings as he grows closer to Tobias and Tobias to him. They are a really fun couple that really love one another. I'm glad I bought the entire series so I can continue on with them.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,343 reviews90 followers
February 9, 2018
Feb 2018 Audio Review:
I was lucky enough to be provided a complimentary audio code. I originally read the ebooks in 2016 (see below) and enjoyed most of the books, particularly the earlier ones. For those curious about the narration, I really enjoyed it. I thought Maxx Power's voice was perfect for these characters and thought that he was able to handle the intenseness and seriousness of the book very well. It must be hard to keep a straight "face" while reading aloud some serious sex scenes, and I am sure there are some outtakes somewhere, but the final version is flawless. I have no complaints about how this was narrated. If you like audios, serious BDSM books, you will like this audio. Highly Recommend. Narration 5 stars; Story 4.

May 2016 Review:
So far so good. I am interested to see where the series goes. I've read the reviews and blurbs from the other books, and I am little leery about how the characters will progress based on that. Only time will tell. I really enjoyed THIS book, and it ended with a Happy For Now, which is a really good way to end a book. I hate books that end with real cliffhangers. This one didn't; it ended on a high note, literally. ;)

Off to find book 2.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,562 reviews85 followers
September 7, 2019
I have to say this felt more educational than emotional, but in a good way. In a very good way, indeed.

Not that there aren't any feelings involved here, on the contrary. But they aren't so much between Tobias, a seasoned Dom, and Noah, a submissive who has to find himself, rather than what each man experiences as they get to know and learn each other within the realm of BDSM. While Tobias is reluctant to take on a new 'complex' sub, Noah is desperately seeking someone he can trust again.

This is certainly not a romance in the conventional sense, even though we can clearly see that the two guys start really enjoying each other as they explore their D/s relationship, and I felt that there might very well be more eventually. (Saying that, I think, Noah's pretty much there already)

What does it mean to be submissive? What does it involve?
Well, what I learned here, is that it's way more than enjoying a flogger or calling someone 'sir'.
And often it isn't even anything sexual, but more of a frame of mind within a defined set of power dynamics.

I really loved how the authors show us with Tobias and Noah how a well rounded BDSM relationship can look like. And that laughter, friendship and teasing are not foreign to it.
I think what I liked best is how thoughtful, respectful and caring both men are towards is each other. Noah and Tobias are incredibly likeable.

I can certainly understand why this is considered a classic in the m/m BDSM genre!

Thanks, Katerina! :)
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews514 followers
March 28, 2016
The first half of this I just didn't get the draw that everyone talks about with the series. I thought it was kind of cold and clinical. I didn't see any of the emotion and it seemed very flat. Sort of like watching a show about surgeon's that's a documentary vs. watching a drama about surgeons. Although the documentary is interesting it wouldn't normally make me overly connective with the characters. The second half of the book redeemed it greatly - I got much more connected and invested in the characters and the woodeness that I found in the beginning went absent. I loved the Phan and Noah conversation and I enjoyed when Tobias got all turned on by men in uniform. Fun! So I settled on 4 stars (2 for the beginning half and 5 for the latter half).
Profile Image for T.J..
Author 86 books55.8k followers
July 7, 2012
After reading Chaos Magic, my absolute hands down fave BDSM book, this was kind of a let down. I absolutely adored Noah. The Dom, Tobias, came across as a little bit... I dunno. A little bit not the Dom (Hector. Oh, Hector) from Chaos Magic. And don't even get me STARTED on Phan. I already have been told where this series is headed, and the reading masochist that I am will most likely finish it. Sometimes even a reader likes to get spanked a bit, even if it's not the way he'd hoped.
Profile Image for LauraSt.
1,542 reviews48 followers
March 25, 2014

Tobias watched Noah's skin break suddenly into goose bumps, followed by a warm blush. Anticipation was a lovely, if brief, moment.

I never, never thought I was going to enjoy this so much. Now, I'm completely obsessed with Tobias and Noah.

Tobias is a Dom renown in the community, Noah is a man that needs someone just like Tobias, a Dom able to bring even the most hesitant sub around, he wants to give himself completely but has yet to find someone that can take him where he needs to go. When the two of them decide to sign a contract and start a Dom/sub relationship they start exploring, Tobias can't resists Noah's charms, and Noah adores Tobias.

This is book of exploration, of finding limits and creating boundaries, of building trust and solid relationships. It was sweet, harsh and extremely SEXY HOT SMOKING!

He let go of Noah's face slowly, tracing his lower lip with one finger. "Suck me," he whispered. "Slow and long. Please me, and you earn a kiss."


"Beg me," he said, biting on Noah's shoulder. "Beg me to fuck you and I'll show you how good my pleasure can be."


Tobias is 41 years old and big animals Vet, he's thoughtful and inventive, sexy and strong, caring and just all around sexy!

Tobias pulled away, his fingers tugging at Noah's hair. "Cute, boy," he said with a grin. "But I still get to come-you don't." He rolled, pushing Noah to the bed and straddling one thigh.

Noah is simply a natural submissive, he's sweet and eager to please and learn, he's simply lovely and I've come to adore him, plus, he's also sassy and sexy, which makes him pretty much perfect. Did I mention he's also a cop?

He tugged at Noah's hair and grinned. "I'm more a deviant than pervert. I just seduce young men and lead them astray."

The whole club/playroom scene is amazing, I was hooked and seriously turned on, I wanted more and more and I couldn't get enough, freaking HOT, the dynamics at play were also very enjoyable and explained perfectly, so I'm sure even people who haven't read BDSM books before will like this.

Noah eyed the harness. He tilted his head to one side and then the other as if puzzling it out and then his eyes went wide. "Oh. That's quite a contraption, sir," he observed uncertainly.
"It is indeed. You'll love it. When I take it off, anyway."

Great secondary characters! Bradford the club owner and dear friend of Tobias was great, he really cares about everyone at the club and I'll always adore him for arranging the meeting for Tobias and Noah. Phan was just a hyperactive blast, I hope we get a book for him too. And Mrs. M is all around AWESOME!

I liked how Tobias and Noah didn't just solve all their problems at once and lived happily ever after. They still have a lot to do, lots of ground to cover and issues to work through. So I can't wait to start reading book 2!

"So beautiful, baby," he murmured. "Red and raw and all mine-so sexy in pain. Does it hurt, angel? Does it make you want more? Deeper and harder? Does it make you ache in your bones?"
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
November 7, 2013
I have read a number of BDSM books at this point and have loved them all in varying degrees. And while all of them were about two (or three hehe) men finding love ultimately, this one was different for me. This book delved deeper into the need these men have to live in this lifestyle. My first impressions as I read this book was how “business like” it felt between Noah (the sub) and Tobias (the dom). In fact I was starting to wonder when “love” was going to make it’s way into this story. But, then a wonderful friend of mine (yes Tina girl i mean you), pointed out this was a story about two men coming together to fulfill a need they each had and love would come later.

I loved a number of things about this book, the sex was hot of course and the “fantasy scenes” were titillating. Tobias is a fascinating character, he is a large animal vet and Noah is a cop. Noah is a character you just want to hug and hope he tries to arrest you one day! hehehe.

There was the other character Phan, he was Tobias’ previous sub for many years. I gotta tell you I was not a fan of that boy in this book. He appeared to want to come between Tobias and Noah and I was really wary. But, on the advice of my two good friends I am keeping an open mind about Phan. There are hints of a abusive past for Phan and I will wait and see. What I didn’t care for was the abrupt ending of this book. I was reading along and bam it ended!! I was like WTF?!?!? But this is a series centered around these two men so I was not really upset about it. I had to send Macky a text verifying that was indeed the ending???

Nice start to the series and i look forward to reading them all.
Profile Image for Jason Bradley.
972 reviews310 followers
September 19, 2009
This book would have received a far higher rating if it had been merely compared to others within its genre. Although the conversations felt stilted and the characters seemed to have a limited range of emotional reactions, I became invested in both the characters' lives and the eroticism. I'm impressed with the authenticity on the subject matter.

I admit this is my first m/m erotica novel so I may be judging it far too harshly.

I will be reading the second book in this series and find myself looking forward to it. :)
Profile Image for Trio.
3,444 reviews196 followers
September 27, 2019
This book was amazing, I really enjoyed it. I loved the insight into the Dom/sub relationship, great character development. I've already got the next in the series on my to read shelf.
Profile Image for Jenni.
255 reviews41 followers
July 31, 2013
Submission is the story of Tobias, a Dom, and Noah, his would-be sub. Tobias has been without a sub for a while, and Noah can't seem to find the right Dom to fit his needs. The two men meet at a BDSM club and so begins their relationship.

This book started off great! The MCs are likable, and we get enough of their backstory and interaction between them and other characters to connect with them.

The BDSM factor is very light in this book, although the men do "play." I thought it was one of the more realistic portrayals of what it's like to actually live the BDSM lifestyle, at least in terms of how the D/s interact with each other on a daily basis. But I think that’s where this story fell down for me: there was just too much day-to-day stuff and not a lot of plot. The sex was certainly hot, and there were chapters/scenes that were great, but I would have to either walk away from the book for a bit or skim to get through other parts.

Very little angst, HFN ending. Each MC is dealing with some personal issues in the book, but those are never fully explained/resolved. This is the first book in this series, so prepare yourself from an abrupt ending. I'll definitely read the next installment, just not right away.

3.5 stars overall
Profile Image for Macky.
1,980 reviews230 followers
November 29, 2013
Profile Image for Becky Condit.
2,377 reviews67 followers
June 27, 2017
First review, July 29, 2011:
This book is as much a psychological study as it is an erotic novel. Gentlemanly Master Tobias has as many insecurities and worries about his role as a Dom as does sweet Noah about his continuing role as a sub. Tobias is a highly skilled Dom but has been without a sub for a while. The breakup with his previous slave Phantom, while affectionate, was very painful for both Tobias and Phantom. Noah has suffered at the hands of a Dom who failed to protect him and another Dom who abused him. They are brought together by a mutual friend and see something in each other worth tentatively pursuing.
This is an excellent book. I highly recommend it!

Second review, February 12, 2017 after rereading the book:
On his 41st birthday. Dr. Tobias Vincent, a wealthy large animal vet, makes an appointment for dinner at the BDSM club he used to visit regularly. His best friend Bradford owns the club and is happy to see Tobias. The rest of the club is full of gossip about why Tobias is there and where he has been for the past year or so.
Tobias is a very toppy Dom, confident, well trained, and demanding. He has played with many subs over the years but had a long-term D/s relationship with a sub named Phantom. In fact, at one point Phan was Tobias’ slave, a bond that suited both men very well until…well, until it didn’t. The breaking of their contract, while mutually agreed upon was painful for both men and Tobias has been without a regular sub since then.
Noah is a police officer and a sub. His friends and coworkers know he is gay but do not know about his submissive nature, and he prefers to keep it that way. He is a cop, after all. Noah is lost in his quest for true submission, which to Noah means a peaceful stillness in his mind and body, caused by giving someone he trusts complete control of everything outside of his career. He has been abandoned by one Dom and abused by another, making trust a difficult goal. Noah has begun to doubt that he will ever find the right Dom. Bradford thinks the two men would make a good pairing and introduces them. When Tobias finds out Noah refuses to use safewords he realizes Noah has a huge problem that will make submission impossible and will cause Noah to “break” before he finds his headspace in submission. Tobias believes he is the right Dom to take Noah on this journey, but is he? Will Tobias have to change, too?
Together, at first very tentatively, Tobias and Noah embark on a journey that will take Noah to his submissive boundaries and beyond, and will take Tobias back in time to see if he needed to take a different path to Domination, especially with Phantom, and now with Noah. As we watch both men grow and change, their reasons for actions and reactions are usually well thought out and at least explained to the reader. Then things go wrong, painful truths are revealed and solutions tested.
This review is written after my second read of the book, six years after the first. An amazing book, beautifully written and read with great pleasure. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to explore a mm romance based on a BDSM lifestyle.
Additional review after listening to the audiobook: The narrator did a great job. I have to admit the voices he used for the characters did not match how I imagined them, but that's common when listening to a book you've already read. Still a favorite BDSM romance.
Profile Image for Line.
1,082 reviews169 followers
August 29, 2016
I think I am finally figuring out why I keep returning to BDSM, but often walk away disappointed and keep promising myself, that THIS book will be the last BDSM-themed one...
I have a thing for brats and I have a thing for DD-relationships, but I have a hard time swallowing the cooking/cleaning/waiting on hand and foot, some subs are expected to do in their D/s relationships.
*snort* Apparently I'm practicing feminism in my own head on behalf of the subs...

Right, so Tobias is this skilled Dom. He misses a sub after the last D/s relationship he had, did not work out, due to HUGE differences in wants and needs.
Tobias is a vet living in an apartment in the city, and he has a farm, with a converted stable for all of his Dom-needs.

Noah is a sub with issues. and now he has quite a few problems with letting go and surrendering. But he wants to, man does he want to.
Tobias and Noah have a session in the club they both frequent and after that decide that they want to give it a go.

This is where my personal issues with the D/s relationships step into play. It reads so... Static/put-on that they can enter into a sort of relationship after a contract negotiation.
In my head it feels archaic and it's sort of an arranged marriage, where one hopes that they can learn to live with each other, though there is an out in D/s.
Seriously, I never pegged myself as a raging feminist, but when I read what's expected of Noah, my hackles rise and I'm sitting there shouting: Why can't you make your own breakfast/lunch/dinner Tobias? And why does he have to get up before you? And that's so nice of you Tobias, to let Noah draw you a bath, and then he HAS to return to the stable, in the dark, to clean up after a scene!!
Man I need to calm down once in a while!

So all feminist ideas aside, this book is well-written, and I really didn't hate it! But my pea-brain prefers the brat and DD relationships a la Wacky Wednesday to these more subtle/hardcore/"slave"-like relationships.
I think that Tobias and Noah have a giving relationship in regards to their needs and wants, and the work that they do and the rules they set (the safe-space was pretty awesome) works really well. I'm pretty sure I will read the second book (I just can't help myself), but it's become clear that the issues I have can be traced to the hidden feminist in me.
Profile Image for ElaineY.
2,376 reviews68 followers
August 15, 2008
I bought all three of the Deviations series but after reading (not finished), the other two went to the bottom of my ebooks TBR list. While I like the writing, it wasn't my type of story. The BDSM scene doesn't interest me first of all and Deviations is entirely focused on the Lifestyle and the people involved in it.

I prefer a romance that's not just character-driven but plot as well and the the BDSM Lifestyle shouldn't be the main feature, which it is in these books.

If you like BDSM themes then this series should satisfy but for me, the first book was much too slow though I don't rule out my mood swings were romance reading is concerned could very well lead me back to give this book another go and like it enough to finish it and read the other two.

I have Owen's Bareback so I'll bump that up my list and see how he fares in a different type of story.
Profile Image for Dreamer.
1,813 reviews132 followers
June 4, 2016
Hurrah, finished this, quite pleased it ended 63% through on my kindle, it was getting on my nerves. Tobias keeps calling his sub: pet, boy, baby and sweetheart, Noah is a cop for god's sake!

Also Noah's subservience reminded me of Paul Whitehouse's catchphrase from 'The Fast Show' (called 'Brilliant' in the US): 'suits you, sir'..

"So hot, sir!... Hard to breathe, need to, need it, sir, please, please!"

Profile Image for La*La.
1,912 reviews43 followers
October 8, 2014
DNF at 20%.

This book wasn't particularly bad, but I just couldn't bother with it anymore. The narration is really dry. The heroes were talking and behaving like by a script - all the reactions seemed very clinical. No genuine joy, lust, anger - I didn't feel anything from those two. It was like reading about two BDSM robots.

Can't believe a BDSM erotica book could be this boring.
Profile Image for Em.
648 reviews137 followers
September 4, 2012
I loved this book and am looking forward to getting started on the next one. Really enjoyed the growing relationship between Noah and Tobias and can't wait to see what they get up to next.
Profile Image for Star.
57 reviews
April 21, 2012
Decent book, okay for anyone who is new to this genre. If I was just finding my way and stumbled upon this book and it was my first experience I may would've enjoyed it more. I read all 345 pages of my version and I was waiting for something to happen. Some plot, conflict, growth, or character development. Around page 300 the jealous towards a past lover I thought was going to introduce some drama, but no.

Nothing really happens in this book.

A Dom who everyone knows and seems to want, tho we have no idea why because it is never explained shows up and everyone goes wild and gets gossipy. This could be intriguing if I had any idea if the back story. He is introduced to a sub and they decide to play. This isn't a spoiler this is the first chapter or two. That should be a great start but the story stands still at that point. No more development, no new secrets. Literally after the first two chapters Sub Noah and Tobias the popular Dom stay in those exact roles.

The scene were well described but again this book has next to no world building or character development. Lots of clinical sex but not enough steam to be fluffy. Perhaps that occurs later in the series? Not sure. I was just a bit surprised that a book on so many of my friends shelves left me wanting more.
Profile Image for Nichole (DirrtyH).
822 reviews126 followers
April 21, 2010
This was my April m/m group pick-it-for-me selection.

I had actually started this ages ago and it didn't ever grab me, but I was willing to give it another chance for the challenge.
I ended up liking it and I will probably read the rest of the series, but I didn't really love it. Partly because I like my BDSM to be a little (a LOT) edgier than this. This just didn't pack the punch that I'm normally looking for from this type of book.
I was also a little frustrated/irritated with all the talking. Everyone's a flippin psychology expert and everything must be talked through to death. And everyone is perfectly polite all the time. Not really my style.

So.... yeah. 3 stars from me. Not bad, not great. I'm hoping for a little more bite from future installments.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews

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